Results for 'Roberto Chiesi'

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  1. The body's truth: Notes on Angelo Novi's still photography from Mamma Roma (1962) to.Roberto Chiesi - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  2. L’esistenza Non È Logica.Roberto Ciuni & Francesco Berto - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 45.
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  3. Gaspare Polizzi, Giacomo Leopardi. La concezione dell'umano, tra utopia e disincanto.Roberto Barzanti - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (4):857.
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  4. Epistolario de Gumersindo Laverde Ruiz y Julián Sanz del Río.Roberto Albares Albares & Joaquín Egozcue - 1994 - Ciudad de Dios 207 (2):419-494.
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    El problema en el conocimiento en Mariano Ares y Sanz (1840-1891).Roberto Albares Albares - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:539-555.
    El Krausismo ha sido considerado como uno de los movimientos más significativo e influyente en la historia del pensamiento español contemporáneo. Originado aparentemente en la elección arbitraria de Sanz del Río, en pocos años adquiere un importante desarrollo en los círculos intelectuales, adquiriendo una notable influencia entre el profesorado de Universidad y de Enseñanza Secundaria. Mariano Arés y Sanz fue el principal representante del movimiento en Salamanca en su dimensión más metafísica. Este artículo, tras reconstruir las líneas generales de su (...)
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    Tebe dalle cento porte: saggi su Arthur Schopenhauer.Roberto Garaventa (ed.) - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    I luoghi e la polvere: sulla bellezza dell'imperfezione.Roberto Peregalli - 2010 - [Milan, Italy]: Bompiani.
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  8. Verisimilitude, qualitative theories, and statistical inferences.Roberto Festa - 2007 - In Sami Pihlström, Panu Raatikainen & Matti Sintonen (eds.), Approaching truth: essays in honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto. London: College Publications. pp. 143--178.
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    Etologia del desiderio: riscoprire la propria animalità.Roberto Marchesini - 2023 - Torino: Lindau.
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    Divinizzazione dell'umano e pathos conoscitivo nelle lettere di Ficino.Roberto Melisi - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Al cinema con il filosofo: imparare ad amare i film.Roberto Mordacci - 2015 - Milano: Mondadori.
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  12. Formal Ontology.Roberto Poli & Peter Simons - 2000 - Studia Logica 64 (3):410-413.
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    Prima lezione di filosofia.Roberto Casati - 2011 - Roma: Laterza.
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    The dual role of human dignity in bioethics.Roberto Andorno - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):967-973.
    This paper argues that some of the misunderstandings surrounding the meaning and function of the concept of human dignity in bioethics arise from a lack of distinction between two different roles that this notion plays: one as an overarching policy principle, and the other as a moral standard of patient care. While the former is a very general concept which fulfils a foundational and a guiding role of the normative framework governing biomedical issues, the latter reflects a much more concrete (...)
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  15. Shadows, objects, and the lexicon : on some lexicalized and non-lexicalized concepts of shadow and light.Roberto Casati - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill (eds.), Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The mereological theory of odors.Roberto Casati & François Le Corre - unknown
    We propose the mereological theory of odors, according to which odors are proper parts of concrete objects. We distinguish between object solid core and gaseous periphery; the odor is the periphery and plays a role in olfactory perception similar to the role played by surfaces in visual and tactile perception. Some epistemological and metaphysical consequences of the theory are explored, in particular the fact that objects are larger than they visually appear, and that smell turns out to be more accurate (...)
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  17. Notes on Q6.32 : Gramsci and the Dalits.Roberto Dainotto - 2013 - In Cosimo Zene (ed.), The Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar: Itineraries of Dalits and Subalterns. New York: Routledge.
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    Oikeiosis: ricerche sul fondamento del pensiero stoico e sulla sua genesi.Roberto Radice - 2000 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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  19. Naturaleza y religión artística en John Ruskin.Roberto A. Cabrera - 1999 - Laguna 6:267-272.
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    La idea de la filosofía como liberación del pensamiento en la obra de José Gaos / The idea of philosophy as a liberation of thinking in the oeuvre of José Gaos.Roberto González - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 13:76-95.
    SPANISH: En el presente trabajo nos hemos propuesto la factura de una interpretación en torno a la idea de la filosofía, entendida como liberación del pensamiento, a partir justamente de la obra de José Gaos. Consideramos que esta posibilidad es viable en virtud de que en la obra de nuestro autor pueden localizarse por lo menos dos alusiones a este sentido de emancipación de la misma filosofía. La primera de éstas tiene que ver con el derrumbe del espíritu de sistema (...)
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    Aristotle’s Theory of perception.Roberto Grasso - 2012 - Dissertation,
    In this work I reconstruct the physical and mental descriptions of perception in Aristotle. I propose to consider the thesis that αἴσθησις is a μεσότης (DA II 11) as a description of the physiological aspect of perception, meaning that perceiving is a physical act by which the sensory apparatus homeostatically counterbalances, and thence measures, the incoming affection produced by external perceptible objects. The proposal is based on a revision of the semantics of the word mesotês in Plato, Aristotle and later (...)
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    Terza persona: politica della vita e filosofia dell'impersonale.Roberto Esposito - 2007 - Torino: Einaudi.
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    Fenomeno umano e ambiente divino: il problema del male in Teilhard de Chardin.Roberto Bagnulo - 2001 - Firenze: Clinamen.
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    Paradoxes of normativity: On carl schmitt's normative scepticism.Roberto Farneti - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (1):114-142.
    Psychological failure to legislate norms from a state of normative nil is the core sceptical case that German philosophy had left unsolved, and that after Kant was handed over to each new generation of philosophers, until it exploded with great force in debates that spanned the 1910s. This article seeks to provide a context for Carl Schmitt's statement that `nobody could ever describe a single person's intentions as a norm', and to link this kind of normative scepticism with Schmitt's later (...)
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    Suono e arte: la musica tra letteratura e arti visive.Roberto Favaro - 2017 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Lo poscolonial no es lo posmoderno: la estetización llevada al paroxismo.Roberto Follari - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (28):71-82.
    Post-colonial ist theory was produced by authors born in India, and who were living in the United States. After they produced their writings, a new line of thought appeared, which explored Latin America from the same perspective. The pretext is based on Derrida´s works, in which the purpose is to s..
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  27. Die Frage der Transzendenz bei Michel Henry und die Voraussetzungen der Kritik an der Philosophie Heideggers in "L'essence de la manifesation".Roberto Formisano - 2013 - In Stephan Grätzel & Frédéric Seyler (eds.), Sein, Existenz, Leben: Michel Henry und Martin Heidegger. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  28. Justicia dialógica en la ejecución de los derechos sociales. Algunos argumentos de partida.Roberto Gargarella - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola (eds.), La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    La potenza all'origine: Heidegger interprete di Aristotele.Roberto Giusti - 2000 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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    Pensiero istituente: tre paradigmi di ontologia politica.Roberto Esposito - 2020 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
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    Les règles de l'interaction: essais en philosophie sociologique.Roberto Miguelez - 2001 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage tente de poser les bases philosophiques de la sociologie au moyen de l'interprétation des écrits de certains des penseurs les plus importants de notre tradition philosophique. Le noyau de cette étude porte sur les formes du vivre ensemble que les règles de la socialité dégagées dans l'analyse de ces écrits permettent de repérer : règles de lutte (Machiavel), de coopération compétitive (Hobbes), stratégique (Leibniz), égalitaire (Rousseau), enfin règles morales (Kant). À la suite d'un examen des conditions de la (...)
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  32. Maurice Lagueux, Le marxisme des années soixant—Une saison dans l'histoire de la pensée critique Reviewed by.Roberto Miguelez - 1983 - Philosophy in Review 3 (2):72-77.
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  33. Moderno e modernità l'eredità cartesiana in hegel, nietzsche e heidegger.Roberto Morani - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (3):631-652.
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  34. Teoria dei giochi ed evoluzione delle norme morali.Roberto Festa - 2007 - Etica E Politica 9 (2):148-181.
    Mathematical game theory – developed starting from the publication of The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior , by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern – aims to outline an ideal model of behaviour of rational agents involved in some interaction with other rational agents. For this reason, game theory has immediately attracted the attention of philosophers dealing with practical rationality and, since the fifties, has been applied to the analysis of several issues concerning ethics and philosophy of politics. Here (...)
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  35. Circularidad, método y símbolo.Roberto Cruz - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (1):64-79.
    From a hermeneutical position, the article examines why tension is created between «method» on one hand and circularity on the other. The latter, being unity as well, is the foundation of natural hermeneutics of which it has been said that to be human is to interpret. With this purpose in view, the author has sought to restore to essential Greek terms their archaic meaning which centuries of vernacular usage have rendered blurry, finding that, in accordance with the Greek symbolon, man's (...)
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    La proliferación de los signos: la teoría social en tiempos de globalización.Roberto Follari, Nilda Bistué & Claudia Yarza (eds.) - 2004 - Rosario, Argentina: Homo Sapiens.
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    Presentación.Roberto Follari - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):7-10.
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  38. I Limiti Della Ragione Pubblica: una risposta pragmatista al problema del relativismo.Roberto Frega - 2007 - Discipline Filosofiche 17 (2).
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    Pragmatism and the Social Sciences: A Century of Influences and Interactions.Roberto Frega & Filipe Carreira da Silva (eds.) - 2011
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    What We Can Learn about Phenomenal Concepts from Wittgenstein’s Private Language.Roberto Sá Pereira - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):125-152.
    This paper is both systematic and historical in nature. From a historical viewpoint, I aim to show that to establish Wittgenstein’s claim that “an ‘inner process’ stands in need of outward criteria” there is an enthymeme in Wittgenstein’s private language argument overlooked in the literature, namely Wittgenstein’s suggestion that both perceptual and bodily experiences are _transparent_ in the relevant sense that one cannot point to a mental state and wonder “What is that?” From a systematic viewpoint, I aim to show (...)
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  41. La consideración interior de la Historia en la fenomenología trascendental.Roberto J. Walton - 1997 - Escritos de Filosofía 16 (31):135-156.
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    La lógica originaria y el lenguaje de las señas.Roberto J. Walton - 2014 - Studia Heideggeriana 3:267-298.
    El primer apartado del trabajo considera cómo el pensar es privado de su carácter primario cuando la lógica originaria y el lenguaje de las señas son sustituidos por la lógica del enunciado y el lenguaje de los signos. En segundo lugar, se muestra que la elucidación de las señas del Ser conduce a un examen del peligro que enfrenta el pensar en presencia de la filosofía. El tercer apartado se ocupa del ulterior peligro que surge cuando se intenta derivar el (...)
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  43. Lineamenti per una storia degli studi antiquari in Italia.Roberto Weiss - 1958 - Rinascimento 9:141-201.
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  44. The concepts of spiritus and Anima in the works of telesio, Bernardino.Roberto BondÌ - 1993 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13 (3):405-417.
  45. Il bicentenario Della nascita di David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874).Roberto Bordoli - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (1):177-187.
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  46. Regarding Spinoza's illuminism and origins of modernity.Roberto Bordoli - 2009 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (3):631-642.
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  47. Jérome Dokic, Lo spazio del suono.Roberto Casati - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (3).
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  48. The shadow knows: a primer on the informational structure of cast shadows.Roberto Casati - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 33--1.
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    Stato etico e manganello: Giovanni Gentile a sessant'anni dalla morte.Roberto Chiarini (ed.) - 2004 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    I saperi della liberazione: una mappa delle teorie critiche della società nel pensiero contemporaneo.Roberto Mancini (ed.) - 2015 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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