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  1. Posthumanist manifesto: a pluralistic approach.Roberto Marchesini - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Posthumanism is the key to interpreting the twenty-first century and represents an international research program on the relationship with technology and the biosphere and new forms of citizenship and identity. This book clarifies the common denominators that differentiate posthumanism from other proposals.
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    Nonhuman alterities.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):161-172.
    Nonhuman animals are the most prominent alterity with which humans have engaged in interaction and in comparative self-definition. The reference point of nonhuman alterity is central both to the development of humanism and of posthumanism. In the complex and nonlinear interfaces with nonhumans, humans are extensively hybridized in a process that defines their very humanity. Understanding humans as open and interactive animals rather than as closed and autarchic entities is indispensable to the dismantling of humanism and the development of posthuman (...)
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    Against Anthropocentrism. Non-human Otherness and the Post-human Project.Roberto Marchesini - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):75-84.
    Technoscientific progress brings into question both anthropocentric epistemology and anthropocentric/humanistic ontology, which considers the human being as a self-constructing and self-sufficient entity. Even though, Darwinism recomposes the humanistic disjunction between reality and representation: by defining the human being as the result of an adaptive reflection, it reveals the idealistic character of post-Cartesian thought, which is the backbone of philosophical anthropocentrism. The non-human can be a dialogic entity if and only if it is considered not as “animal-by” but “animal-with”, that is, (...)
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    Posthuman antispeciesism.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):217-233.
    Speciesism is a concept that was derived to name forms of discrimination and oppression against nonhuman animals that could be compared to racism and sexism. The concept was formulated in strong terms by Richard Ryder, Peter Singer, and Tom Regan that made it a powerful tool for social and political movements. The discourse on speciesism has been amplified and changed by a set of newer writings in the last few decades that take a more ethological, critical theory, and deconstructive bent. (...)
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    Postmodern chimeras.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):95-109.
    The figure of the chimera animates both mythology and the biotechnological imagination. The mythological construction of animals from the sections or attributes of different species parallels the surgical and genetic manipulations of animals in modern transformations. Chimerization also represents a hybridization that relationally links different species. Both the mythological imagination and biotechnical practice bear heavily on the definition and identity of the human animal. In mythology the chimera links the animal, the human, and the divine. In biotechnology like xenotransplantation and (...)
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    Rediscovering the threshold.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):55-73.
    The concept of the threshold is a central one for thinking about relations between nonhuman and human animals. It refers to hosting and being hosted, the host and the guest, the inside and the outside of the domestic space. It also invokes values of mutual respect and attentiveness. This paper draws on ethological and philosophical sources to argue for the importance of the threshold in understanding human–animal interactions. Violence, sociality, technology and altruism are bound up in the threshold. As such, (...)
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    Over the Human: Post-humanism and the Concept of Animal Epiphany.Roberto Marchesini - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents a new way to understand human-animal interactions. Offering a profound discussion of topics such as human identity, our relationship with animals and the environment, and our culture, the author channels the vibrant Italian traditions of humanism, materialism, and speculative philosophy. The research presents a dialogue between the humanities and the natural sciences. It challenges the separation and oppression of animals with a post-humanism steeped in the traditions of the Italian Renaissance. Readers discover a vision of the human (...)
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    ZOOMIMESIS: animal inspiration.Jeffrey Bussolini & Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):175-197.
    The meticulous observation and imitation of animals lies deeply within human culture and identity. Zoomimesis refers to this performative animal mimicry and to how animal references and interaction are woven into the conception of the human. Zoomimesis has an anthropodecentering effect that places animal–human interactions in horizontal rather than hierarchical relation. Music, dance, and clothing show influence from animal behaviors. Many types of body art and body modification are inspired by animals. Animal movements and behaviors become an extension of the (...)
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    Animals of the city.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):79-91.
    Although long treated as the human space par excellence, the city is in fact a vibrant ecosystem that is home to many more nonhuman animals than human ones. Nonetheless, the longstanding emphasis on the city as human built environment and human center of culture has occluded extensive study of it as a thriving ecosystem in its own right. Ethology offers valuable tools for conducting a serious study of the zoological dimensions of urban areas. Companion and domestic animals such as dogs (...)
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    Philosophical ethology and animal subjectivity.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):237-252.
    Philosophical ethology draws heavily upon the methods and findings of ethological traditions but must be a properly philosophical undertaking that reframes them in terms of critical and speculative questions about animal mind and animal subjectivity. Both traditional ethology and later cognitive ethology failed to call into question the dualistic Cartesian ontological paradigm that introduced and justified an unbridgeable divide between human and nonhuman animals. Following the implications of Darwinian evolution and immanentist ontological philosophy, philosophical ethology presents a model of animal (...)
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    Plural intelligences.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):143-158.
    Like perception, physical abilities, and digestion, cognition must be treated as a skill that is subject to evolutionary adaptation. There are many forms of animal cognition keyed to different contexts and to different physical skills and needs. From an evolutionary point of view it is not possible to establish a hierarchy or ranking of these types of cognition, which are manifestations of difference. I deem them “plural intelligences” that flow from the ethological characteristics and individual experiences of each animal. A (...)
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    The God pan.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):41-51.
    The figure of the chimera animates both mythology and the biotechnological imagination. The mythological construction of animals from the sections or attributes of different species parallels the surgical and genetic manipulations of animals in modern transformations. Chimerization also represents a hybridization that relationally links different species. Both the mythological imagination and biotechnical practice bear heavily on the definition and identity of the human animal. In mythology the chimera links the animal, the human, and the divine. In biotechnology like xenotransplantation and (...)
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    The theriosphere.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):113-135.
    The theriosphere refers to a site of exchange, interaction, and hybridization where the forms and behaviors of the θήρ, the wild animal or living creature, deeply form the being and becoming of the particular animal human. In a dynamic, vibrant, and multifaceted context of interactions and influences between different animals, humans as a primate with a prolonged period of care for their young are dependent on social engagement and open to the world in an ongoing way that makes them permanently (...)
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    The therioanthropic being as our neighbour.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (1):201-214.
    This chapter bears on the concepts of the animal epiphany and therioanthropy. The concrete, real animals in interaction interrupt humanism and human solipsism by showing animal protagonism in the world and by reflecting narcissistic human images back to them with a difference. This looking-glass-self or mirror with difference and continuity is a crucial dimension to the human relationship to nonhuman animals, which cannot be thought without an understanding of this co-belonging. Drawing on Portmann, who is also central to Merleau-Ponty’s account (...)
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    Epifania animale: uguali ma diversi: l'oltreuomo come rivelazione.Roberto Marchesini - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Pluriversi cognitivi: questioni di filosofia ed etologia.Marco Celentano & Roberto Marchesini (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  17. Animal Being Means Desiring: Subjectivity, Singularity, Diversity in Post-Human Life.Roberto Marchesini - 2018 - In Daniela Verducci, Jadwiga Smith & William Smith, Eco-Phenomenology: Life, Human Life, Post-Human Life in the Harmony of the Cosmos. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Alterità: l'identità come relazione.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Modena: STEM Mucchi editore.
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    Aristotele, san Tommaso d'Aquino e la psicologia clinica.Roberto Marchesini - 2015 - Crotone - Italy: D'Ettoris editori.
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    Beyond anthropocentrism: thoughts for a post-human philosophy.Roberto Marchesini - 2018 - [Milano, Italy]: Mimesis.
    Roberto Marchesini presents a timely proposal within post-human philosophy in order to overcome the centuries-long separation between human beings, non-human animals and technology. This book highlights the inspiring nature of the relationship with non-human beings - what Marchesini calls "Epiphany" - and how its enhancement can open new existential dimensions. Technology is also reinterpreted, no longer as a performative tool, but as a virus that infiltrates the human dimension and changes its predicates. Technopoietic events are not just the product of (...)
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  21.  15
    Critical Ethology and Post-Anthropocentric Ethics: Beyond the Separation Between Humanities and Life Sciences.Roberto Marchesini & Marco Celentano - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The primary purpose of this book is to contribute to an overcoming of the traditional separation between humanties and life sciences which, according to the authors, is required today both by the developments of these disciplines and by the social problems they have to face. The volume discusses the theoretical, epistemological and ethical repercussions of the main acquisitions obtained in the last decades from the behavioral sciences. Both the authors are inspired by the concept of a “critical ethology”, oriented to (...)
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    Emancipazione dell'animalità.Roberto Marchesini - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Etologia del desiderio: riscoprire la propria animalità.Roberto Marchesini - 2023 - Torino: Lindau.
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    Etologia filosofica: alla ricerca della soggettività animale.Roberto Marchesini - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Eco-ontolgia: l'essere come relazione.Roberto Marchesini - 2018 - Bologna: Apeiron.
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    Essere un corpo.Roberto Marchesini - 2020 - Modena: Mucchi editore.
  27.  30
    Logiche della complessità e sistemi biologici.Roberto Marchesini - 2004 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 17 (1):109-122.
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    L'amore per gli animali: come la relazione con le altre specie ci ha cambiato.Roberto Marchesini - 2022 - Torino: Lindau.
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    Post-human: verso nuovi modelli di esistenza.Roberto Marchesini - 2002 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Tecnosfera: proiezioni per un futuro postumano.Roberto Marchesini - 2017 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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