Results for 'Robert J. Mclaughlin'

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  1. Socrates on Political Disobedience.Robert J. McLaughlin - 1976 - Phronesis 21 (3):185-197.
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    Nature in Art: Maritain Versus Gilson.Robert J. Mclaughlin - 1982 - Renascence 34 (4):303-312.
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    Three-concept Monte: Explanation, implementation, and systematicity.Robert J. Matthews - 1994 - Synthese 101 (3):347-63.
    Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988), Fodor and McLaughlin (1990) and McLaughlin (1993) challenge connectionists to explain systematicity without simply implementing a classical architecture. In this paper I argue that what makes the challenge difficult for connectionists to meet has less to do with what is to be explained than with what is to count as an explanation. Fodor et al. are prepared to admit as explanatory, accounts of a sort that only classical models can provide. If connectionists are to (...)
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    Book Review Section 5. [REVIEW]Thomas R. Giblin, N. J. Colletta, Robert N. Grunewald, Gerald W. McLaughlin, Ronald W. Sealey, Loyd D. Andrew, Fred A. Snyder, Otto F. Kraushaar, John B. Peper, Fred C. Rankine, Timothy Boggs & Albert S. Kahn - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (4):282-292.
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    Robert G. Miller, CSB 1912-1997.R. J. McLaughlin - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):152 - 153.
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    A. J. Baker: "Australian Realism - The Systematic Philosophy of John Anderson". [REVIEW]Robert Mclaughlin - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67:93.
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  7. The Romantic Conception of Life: Science and Philosophy in the Age of Goethe.Robert J. Richards - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):618-619.
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    4 Darwin on mind, morals and emotions.Robert J. Richards - 2003 - In Jonathan Hodge & Gregory Radick, The Cambridge Companion to Darwin. Cambridge University Press. pp. 92.
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    Kinship, sex, and fitness in a Caribbean community.Robert J. Quinlan & Mark V. Flinn - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (1):32-57.
    Patterns of human kinship commonly involve preferential treatment of relatives based on lineal descent (lineages) rather than degree of genetic relatedness (kindreds), presenting a challenge for inclusive fitness theory. Here, we examine effects of lineage and kindred characteristics on reproductive success (RS) and number of grandchildren for 130 men and 124 women in a horticultural community on Dominica. Kindreds had little effect on fitness independently of lineage characteristics. Fitness increased with the number of lineal relatives residing in the community but (...)
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  10. The God Dialogues: A Philosophical Journey.Torin Andrew Alter & Robert J. Howell - 2011 - Oup Usa. Edited by Robert J. Howell.
    The God Dialogues is an intriguing and extensive philosophical debate about the existence of God. Engaging and accessible, it covers all the main arguments for and against God's existence, from traditional philosophical "proofs" to arguments that involve the latest developments in biology and physics.
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    Dutch objections to evolutionary ethics.Robert J. Richards - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (3):331-343.
    While strolling the streets of Amsterdam, Sidney Smith, the renowned editor of the Edinburgh Review, called the attention of his companion to two Dutch housewives who were leaning out of their windows and arguing with one another across the narrow alley that separated their houses. Smith remarked to his companion that the two women would never agree. His friend thought the seasoned editor had in mind the stubborn Dutch character. No, said Smith. Rather it was because they were arguing from (...)
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    Instinct and intelligence in British natural theology: Some contributions to Darwin's theory of the evolution of behavior.Robert J. Richards - 1981 - Journal of the History of Biology 14 (2):193-230.
    In late September 1838, Darwin read Malthus's Essay on Population, which left him with “a theory by which to work.”115 Yet he waited some twenty years to publish his discovery in the Origin of Species. Those interested in the fine grain of Darwin's development have been curious about this delay. One recent explanation has his hand stayed by fear of reaction to the materialist implications of linking man with animals. “Darwin sensed,” according to Howard Gruber, “that some would object to (...)
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    Something common.Robert J. Richman - 1962 - Journal of Philosophy 59 (26):821-830.
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    Construct-Specific and Timing-Specific Aspects of the Home Environment for Children’s School Readiness.Yemimah A. King, Robert J. Duncan, German Posada & David J. Purpura - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Saint Augustine's Platonism.Robert J. O'Connell - 1981 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:1-29.
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    Pressure Sores: More Than Meets the Eye.John La Puma & Robert J. Moss - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (4):304-305.
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    Exploring the relationship between employees’ CSR perceptions and intention to emigrate: Evidence from a developing country.Sonja Grabner-Kräuter, Robert J. Breitenecker & Festim Tafolli - 2020 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):87-102.
    This study contributes to the burgeoning research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the individual level of analysis, in a hitherto largely neglected developing country context. Using survey information collected from 297 employees in public and private enterprises in Kosovo, this study examines how and to what extent employees’ perceptions of their employer's CSR activities are associated with their intention to emigrate. Applying a needs‐based framework, this research provides evidence that employees’ perceptions of CSR are positively related to the meaningfulness (...)
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    The other half of herbkohl's house.Robert S. Griffin & Robert J. Nash - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (2):194-200.
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  19. The Chomskyan Turn.Robert J. Matthews - 1991 - Blackwell.
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    Images of Conversion in St. Augustine's Confessions.Robert J. O'Connell - 1996 - Fordham Univ Press.
    Narrowing the focus of his Soundings in St. Augustine's Imagination (1994) O'Connell (philosophy, Fordham U.) analyzes three decisive conversions portrayed in the Confessions: the youthful reading of Cicero, that sparked by the platonist books, and the final capitulation in the Milanese garden. He also compares the conversion imagery with that in the Dialogues of Cassicciacum to shed light on the question of two Augustines. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  21. The Fogelin Panel.W. V. Quine, Robert J. Fogelin, Martin Davies, Paul Horwich & Rudolf Fara - 1994 - Philosophy International.
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    Birth, death, and resurrection of evolutionary ethics.Robert J. Richards - 1993 - In Matthew H. Nitecki & Doris V. Nitecki, Evolutionary Ethics. SUNY Press. pp. 113--131.
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  23. Darwin's metaphysics of mind.Robert J. Richards - 2005 - In Vittorio G. Hösle & Christian F. Illies, Darwin and Philosophy. Notre Dame University Press. pp. 166-80.
    Our image of Darwin is hardly that of a German metaphysician. By reason of his intellectual tradition—that of British empiricism—and psychological disposition, he was a man of apparently more stolid character, one who could be excited by beetles and earthworms but not, we assume, by abstruse philosophy. Yet Darwin constructed a theory of evolution whose conceptual grammar expresses and depends on a certain kind of metaphysics. During his youthful period as a romantic adventurer, he sailed to exotic lands and returned (...)
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    The Argument from Evil.Robert J. Richman - 1969 - Religious Studies 4 (2):203 - 211.
    First I employ bayes' theorem to give some precision to the atheologian's thesis that it is improbable that God exists given the amount of evil in the world (e). Two arguments result from this: (1) e disconfirms god's existence, And (2) e tends to disconfirm god's existence. Secondly, I evaluate these inductive arguments, Suggesting against (1) that the atheologian has abstracted from and hence failed to consider the total evidence, And against (2) that the atheologian's evidence adduced to support his (...)
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    Visual fatigue: The need for an integrated model.Frederick V. Malmstrom, Robert J. Randle, Miles R. Murphy, Lawrence E. Reed & Robert J. Weber - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (4):183-186.
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    Visual and tactile scanning: Moving scan versus moving medium.Nicholas C. Noll & Robert J. Weber - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (6):473-476.
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    Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates.Robert J. O’Connell - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3):366-368.
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    Isaiah's Mothering God in St. Augustine's Confessions.Robert J. O'Connell - 1983 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 58 (2):188-206.
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    Notes.Robert J. O'Connell - 1981 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:30-61.
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    Plato on the human paradox.Robert J. O'Connell - 1997 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Robert J. O'Connell.
    A great thinker once said that "all philosophy is merely footnotes to Plato."Through Plato, Father O'Connell provides us here with an introduction to all philosophy. Designed for beginning students in philosophy, Plato on the Human Paradox examines and confronts human nature and the eternal questions concerning human nature through the dialogues of Plato, focusing on the Apology, Phaedo, Books III-VI of the Republic, Meno, Symposium, and O'Connell presents us here with an introduction to Plato through the philosopher's quest to define (...)
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  31. Sēfer Tešuḅāh =.Moshe Lazar & Robert J. Dilligan (eds.) - 1993 - Culver City, CA: Labyrinthos.
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    Social Organization and the Applications of Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp.Stevan Harrell & Robert J. Smith - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):447.
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    Scent wars: the chemobiology of competitive signalling in mice.Jane L. Hurst & Robert J. Beynon - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (12):1288-1298.
    Many mammals use scent marks to advertise territory ownership, but only recently have we started to understand the complexity of these scent signals and the types of information that they convey. Whilst attention has generally focused on volatile odorants as the main information molecules in scents, studies of the house mouse have now defined a role for a family of proteins termed major urinary proteins (MUPs) which are, of course, involatile. MUPs bind male signalling volatiles and control their release from (...)
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    Rate of presentation in serial learning.Geoffrey Keppel & Robert J. Rehula - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (2):121.
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    God, Gods, and Moral Cosmos in Socrates’ Apology.Robert J. O’Connell - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):31-50.
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    The memory-coherence problem, configural associations, and the hippocampal system.Jerry W. Rudy & Robert J. Sutherland - 1994 - In D. Schacter & E. Tulving, Memory Systems. MIT Press. pp. 119--146.
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    Tojo and the Coming of the War.R. L. Backus & Robert J. C. Butow - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):151.
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    Effect of household structure on female reproductive strategies in a Caribbean village.Robert J. Quinlan - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (3):169-189.
    Household structure may have strong effects on reproduction. This study uses household demographic data for 59 women in a Caribbean village to test evolutionary hypotheses concerning variation in reproductive strategies. Father-absence during childhood, current household composition, and household economic status are predicted to influence age at first birth, number of mates, reproductive success, and pair-bond stability. Criterion variables did not associate in a manner indicative of r- and K-strategies. Father-absence in early childhood had little influence on subsequent reproduction. Household wealth (...)
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    Σχῆμα in Plato’s Definition of Imitation.Robert J. Rabel - 1996 - Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):365-375.
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    The Relation of Spencer's Evolutionary Theory to Darwin's.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    Our image of Herbert Spencer is that of a bald, dyspeptic bachelor, spending his days in rooming houses, and fussing about government interference with individual liberties. Beatrice Webb, who knew him as a girl and young woman recalls for us just this picture. In her diary for January 4, 1885, she writes: Royal Academy private view with Herbert Spencer. His criticisms on art dreary, all bound down by the “possible” if not probable. That poor old man would miss me on (...)
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    The analgesic potency of acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen in 2- and 15-month-old rats.Joseph J. Koman & Robert J. Hamm - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):166-168.
  42. Unqualified justice theories. From Nozick to Roemer and beyond.Robert J. Van Der Veen & Philippe Van Parijs - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):250-265.
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    Apollo in the Vulture Simile of the Oresteia.Robert J. Rabel - 1982 - Mnemosyne 35 (3-4):324-326.
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    The prenylation of proteins.Michael Sinensky & Robert J. Lutz - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (1):25-31.
    The prenylated proteins represent a newly discovered class of post‐translationally modified proteins. The known prenylated proteins include the oncogene product p21ras and other low molecular weight GTP‐binding proteins, the nuclear lamins, and the γ subunit of the heterotrimeric G proteins. The modification involves the covalent attachment of a 15‐carbon (farnesyl) or 20‐carbon (geranylgeranyl) isoprenoid moiety in a thioether linkage to a carboxyl terminal cysteine. The nature of the attached substituent is dependent on specific sequence information in the carboxyl terminus of (...)
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    Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and Logic: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Thomas M. Seebohm.Olav K. Wiegand, Robert J. Dostal, ‎Lester Embree, J. J. Kockelmans & J. N. Mohanty (eds.) - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This volume comprises systematic as well as historical essays, including contributions intended to give comprehensive overviews of such areas as genetic phenomenology, transcendental phenomenology, philosophy and history of logic and mathematics, Kant, hermeneutics, Hegel, and philosophy of language. The book is addressed to phenomenologists, particularly those who are interested in some or all of the areas mentioned. In his introduction Joseph J. Kockelmans indicates that these diverse areas enter into dialogue in the work of Thomas M. Seebohm, whom the editors (...)
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    Rhapsodies on a Cat-Piano, or Johann Christian Reil and the Foundations of Romantic Psychiatry.Robert J. Richards - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (3):700-736.
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    Attention to emotion and reliance on feelings in decision-making: Variations on a pleasure principle.Michael D. Robinson, Robert J. Klein, Roberta L. Irvin & Avianna Z. McGregor - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104904.
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    A Caution About Recent Trends in Ethics Compliance Programs.Robert J. Rafalko - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (1):115-126.
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    Did Peirce Answer Hume on Necessary Connection?Robert J. Roth - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (4):867 - 880.
    THERE is no trap that is easier to stumble into than that of trying to show whether one philosopher did or did not answer the problem of another philosopher. The trap consists in the tendency to think that both philosophers handled the problem in precisely the same way, even though they represent two quite different traditions. This is especially true of thinkers like David Hume and Charles Sanders Peirce. John Smith has shown quite convincingly that we cannot understand the American (...)
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    Verbal behavior.Jon S. Bailey & Robert J. Wallander - 1999 - In Bruce A. Thyer, The philosophical legacy of behaviorism. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 117--152.
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