Results for 'Rita Maldonado-Bear'

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  1. Larry Alan Bear and Rita Maldonado-Bear, Free Markets, Finance, Ethics, and Law.B. Shaw - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14:948-948.
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    Cultivating Respectful Relations: A Response to Leroy Little Bear.Rita Wong - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (4):528-536.
    This response to Professor Little Bear's lecture considers the role of language in acknowledging our interdependency with other living beings, and explores the possibilities offered by Indigenous humanities with regard to a deep valuing of the watery commons otherwise known as the planet earth. Questions of reciprocity, historical responsibility, decolonization, solidarity, and care for future generations are raised.
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    Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World.Rita M. Gross - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):15-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic WorldRita M. GrossIn our final sessions after twenty years of working together, we have been asked to reflect in some way on identity and openness in a pluralistic world. Specifically, the question is, "How do I understand my own identity as a religious Buddhist or Christian in light of the fact that I am open to the validity of the beliefs held (...)
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    Writing our Lives to Live Them: The Cognitive Forms of a Narrative Medicine.Rita Charon - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):15-34.
    Abstract:Life-writing combines, collates, or colludes many lives into one text. No work of fiction, biography, poetry, drama, memoir, journaling, blogging, or autobiography—all of them life-writing—does not do this, either blatantly or surreptitiously. I am interested in forms in which authors do not own up to writing about themselves under the cover of writing about another. This essay will focus on the implications of this generic collusion in writing in health care. Health care professionals are given space within their professional journals (...)
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    Rita Caccamo. Back to Middletown: Three Generations of Sociological Reflections. xxvi + 149 pp., bibl., index. Originally published in 1992 in Italian. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. $45. [REVIEW]William Graebner - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):334-335.
    Having lived in Rita Caccamo's Rome and other Italian cities for long periods, I was intrigued by Arthur J. Vidich's foreword, which notes the sociologist Caccamo's Roman background and hence her ability to see Middletown as an anthropologist might, from “the perspective of an ‘other’”—a position, he explains, very different from that of Robert S. and Helen M. Lynd, who made Muncie, Indiana, famous in their 1929 and 1937 studies. There are hints of that perspective in these pages. In (...)
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  6. The Impact of Board Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation.Stephen Bear, Noushi Rahman & Corinne Post - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):207 - 221.
    This article explores how the diversity of board resources and the number of women on boards affect firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings, and how, in turn, CSR influences corporate reputation. In addition, this article examines whether CSR ratings mediate the relationships among board resource diversity, gender composition, and corporate reputation. The OLS regression results using lagged data for independent and control variables were statistically significant for the gender composition hypotheses, but not for the resource diversitybased hypotheses. CSR ratings had (...)
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    Preface: “Be a Mystery”: (The Infinity of) Black Feminist Thought.Treva Lindsey & Alexis Pauline Gumbs - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface Sometimes, even those of us who have organized our entire lives around the transformative possibilities of Black feminist thought can sit back in wonder at the expansiveness of this intergenerational transnational practice.Thisspecialissuetakesamomenttoimbibewhere we have been, where we are, and where we have yet to journey. The contributors to this special issue on, or more precisely, of Black feminist thought find Black feminist thinking in a wide range of (...)
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    A developmental model for the evolution of language and intelligence in early hominids.Sue Taylor Parker & Kathleen Rita Gibson - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):367-381.
  9. Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito.Kristofer M. Helgen, C. Miguel Pinto, Roland Kays, Lauren E. Helgen, Mirian T. N. Tsuchiya, Aleta Quinn, Don E. WIlson & Jesús E. Maldonado - 2013 - Zookeys 1 (324):1-83.
    We present the first comprehensive taxonomic revision and review the biology of the olingos, the endemic Neotropical procyonid genus Bassaricyon, based on most specimens available in museums, and with data derived from anatomy, morphometrics, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, field observations, and geographic range modeling. Species of Bassaricyon are primarily forest-living, arboreal, nocturnal, frugivorous, and solitary, and have one young at a time. We demonstrate that four olingo species can be recognized, including a Central American species (Bassaricyon gabbii), lowland species with (...)
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  10. Encoding, storage, and retrieval of item information.B. B. Murdock Jr & Rita E. Anderson - 1975 - In Robert L. Solso (ed.), Information Processing and Cognition: The Loyola Symposium. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  11. Advance Health Care Documents In Multicultural Perspectives.Hans-Martin Sass, Frederick Bonkovsky, Akira Akabayashi, Rita Kielstein & Robert Olick - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    In der modernen Medizin kommt es zunehmend zu Entscheidungskonflikten zwischen Intervention und Interventionsverzicht dort, wo nicht die medizinisch-technischen Möglichkeiten handlungsleitend sein sollen, sondern die am individuellen Patientenwohl sich orientierende bioethische Prognose entsprechend den klassischen arztethischen Prinzipien des primum nil nocere und des salus aegroti suprema lex. Schadensverbot und Heilauftrag sollen nicht heteronom und uniform vorgegeben werden, sondern sich am Willen des Patienten orientieren. Nicht selten macht jedoch die Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens große Schwierigkeiten, vor allem bei Demenz, Koma, schwerem Trauma (...)
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    Effect of Teachers’ Happiness on Teachers’ Health. The Mediating Role of Happiness at Work.Paula Benevene, Simona De Stasio, Caterina Fiorilli, Ilaria Buonomo, Benedetta Ragni, Juan José Maldonado Briegas & Daniela Barni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/Aids.Prisla Ücker Calvetti, Grazielly Rita Marques Giovelli, Clarissa Trevisan da Rosa, Gabriel José Chittó Gauer & João Feliz Moraes - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:25-38.
    O trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/AIDS, em destaque as relações sociais e a sexualidade. Foram analisados também aspectos sociodemográficos e situação clínica (marcadores biológicos CD4+ e carga viral) de 63 mulheres entre 18 e 65 anos em uso ..
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    Religion as the Third Rail of Ethics Education.Albert D. Spalding Jr & Rita A. Franks - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:395-410.
  15.  57
    Can you perceive ensembles without perceiving individuals?: The role of statistical perception in determining whether awareness overflows access.Emily J. Ward, Adam Bear & Brian J. Scholl - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):78-86.
    Do we see more than we can report? Psychologists and philosophers have been hotly debating this question, in part because both possibilities are supported by suggestive evidence. On one hand, phenomena such as inattentional blindness and change blindness suggest that visual awareness is especially sparse. On the other hand, experiments relating to iconic memory suggest that our in-the-moment awareness of the world is much richer than can be reported. Recent research has attempted to resolve this debate by showing that observers (...)
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  16.  9
    The Enlightenment Idea of Human Rights in Philosophy and Education and Postmodern Criticism.Christoph Lüth, Dieter Jedan, Thomas Altfelix & Rita E. Guare (eds.) - 2002 - Winkler.
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    Frantz Fanon, Fifty Years On.Lewis R. Gordon, George Ciccariello-Maher & Nelson Maldonado-Torres - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (1):307-324.
    Originally delivered to mark the fiftieth anniversary of both Frantz Fanon’s death and the publication of his seminal discourse on decolonization, The Wretched of the Earth, these remarks seek to offer a preliminary outline of Fanon’s continuing relevance to the present. Conceptually spanning such touchstone elements of Fanon’s thought as sociogeny, race, violence, the human, and the relation between decolonial ethics and decolonial politics, the authors turn our attention to diagnosing the neoliberal face of contemporary coloniality/modernity and contributing to movements (...)
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    Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms.Lewis Holloway, Christopher Bear & Katy Wilkinson - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):185-199.
    Robotic or automatic milking systems are novel technologies that take over the labor of dairy farming and reduce the need for human–animal interactions. Because robotic milking involves the replacement of ‘conventional’ twice-a-day milking managed by people with a system that supposedly allows cows the freedom to be milked automatically whenever they choose, some claim robotic milking has health and welfare benefits for cows, increases productivity, and has lifestyle advantages for dairy farmers. This paper examines how established ethical relations on dairy (...)
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    Pupillary Response to Negative Emotional Stimuli Is Differentially Affected in Meditation Practitioners.Alejandra Vasquez-Rosati, Enzo P. Brunetti, Carmen Cordero & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  20. Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas.Câmpus de Rio Claro, Maria Rita Caetano Chang, Conselho do Programa, Marcelo de Carvalho Borba, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Claudemir Murari, Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki, Heloísa da Silva Representante Discente, Antonio Vicente Marafioti Garnica & Rosa Lucia Sverzut Baroni - 1913 - Tópicos 18 (19).
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    Conjugalidade em contexto de depressão da esposa no final do primeiro ano de vida do bebê.Giana Bitencourt Frizzo, Ivani Brys, Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes & Cesar Augusto Piccinini - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:66-81.
    O presente estudo investigou o relacionamento conjugal no contexto da depressão materna, no final do primeiro ano de vida do bebê. Participaram do estudo 22 casais, divididos em dois grupos, um em que a esposa apresentava indicadores de depressão (10), e outro em que não os apresentava (12), segundo..
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    Crescere/svilupparsi: teorie e rappresentazioni fra mondo antico e scienze della vita contemporanee.Franco Giorgianni, Pietro Li Causi, Maria Cristina Maggio & Rosa Rita Marchese (eds.) - 2020 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Repensando lo público: Estado, políticas públicas y gobernanza.David Gómez Alvarez, Maldonado Trujillo, Claudia Vanessa & Luis F. Aguilar (eds.) - 2021 - Ciudad de México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Reduction in Hospitals’ Readmission Rates: Role of Hospital-Based Skilled Nursing Facilities.Shivani Gupta, Ferhat D. Zengul, Ganisher K. Davlyatov & Robert Weech-Maldonado - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801881799.
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    Paulo Freire em debate.Célia Maria Rodrigues da Costa Pereira, Marcelo Sabbatini & Rita Ribeiro Voss (eds.) - 2013 - Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
    Aspectos biográficos -- Aspectos epistemológicos e conceituais -- Diálogos com outros autores -- Aplicação da pedagogia freireana.
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  26.  48
    The role of mechanism and covariation information in causal belief updating.José C. Perales, Andrés Catena, Antonio Maldonado & Antonio Cándido - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):704-714.
  27.  28
    Finger Temperature: A Psychophysiological Assessment of the Attentional State.Rodrigo C. Vergara, Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz, Camila Ávalos, José Egaña & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Impartial Institutions, Pathogen Stress and the Expanding Social Network.Daniel Hruschka, Charles Efferson, Ting Jiang, Ashlan Falletta-Cowden, Sveinn Sigurdsson, Rita McNamara, Madeline Sands, Shirajum Munira, Edward Slingerland & Joseph Henrich - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):567-579.
    Anthropologists have documented substantial cross-society variation in people’s willingness to treat strangers with impartial, universal norms versus favoring members of their local community. Researchers have proposed several adaptive accounts for these differences. One variant of the pathogen stress hypothesis predicts that people will be more likely to favor local in-group members when they are under greater infectious disease threat. The material security hypothesis instead proposes that institutions that permit people to meet their basic needs through impartial interactions with strangers reinforce (...)
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    Institutional procedural discrimination, institutional racism, and other institutional discrimination: A nursing research example.Sungwon Lim, Doris M. Boutain, Eunjung Kim, Robin A. Evans-Agnew, Sanithia Parker & Rebekah Maldonado Nofziger - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1):e12474.
    Institutional discrimination matters. The purpose of this longitudinal community‐based participatory research study was to examine institutional procedural discrimination, institutional racism, and other institutional discrimination, and their relationships with participants' health during a maternal and child health program in a municipal initiative. Twenty participants from nine multilingual, multicultural community‐based organizations were included. Overall reported incidences of institutional procedural discrimination decreased from April 2019 (18.6%) to November 2019 (11.8%) although changes were not statistically significant and participants reporting incidences remained high (n = (...)
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    Experticia del ajedrecista desde una perspectiva microfenomenológica.Isidoro Astudillo Sandoval, Gerardo Maldonado Paz & Juan C. González González - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Diferentes investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno de cómo el jugador de ajedrez alcanza un nivel alto de experticia; sin embargo, la gran mayoría se han llevado a cabo desde una perspectiva en tercera persona, es decir, sin tomar en cuenta la experiencia subjetiva del ajedrecista. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos: 1) analizar la experticia de ajedrecistas de nivel proficiente desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, esto es, desde la experiencia subjetiva del jugador; 2) señalar los estados internos que parecen ser cognitivamente (...)
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    La trayectoria tecnológica del diseño y de la construcción del cabezal para intervenciones neuroquirúrgicas en Camagüey.Sergio Silva Adán, Sergio Vega Basulto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres & Rita Saavedra Roche - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
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    Cold-Blooded Attention: Finger Temperature Predicts Attentional Performance.Rodrigo C. Vergara, Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  33.  13
    Repeat Traffic Offenders Improve Their Performance in Risky Driving Situations and Have Fewer Accidents Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention.Sabina Baltruschat, Laura Mas-Cuesta, Antonio Cándido, Antonio Maldonado, Carmen Verdejo-Lucas, Elvira Catena-Verdejo & Andrés Catena - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Risky decision-making is highly influenced by emotions and can lead to fatal consequences. Attempts to reduce risk-taking include the use of mindfulness-based interventions, which have shown promising results for both emotion regulation and risk-taking. However, it is still unclear whether improved emotion regulation is the mechanism responsible for reduced risk-taking. In the present study, we explore the effect of a 5-week MBI on risky driving in a group of repeat traffic offenders by comparing them with non-repeat offenders and repeat offenders (...)
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    Response to Selected Commentaries on the AJOB Target Article “On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research”.Joseph C. Banis, John H. Barker, Michael Cunningham, Cedric G. Francois, Allen Furr, Federico Grossi, Moshe Kon, Claudio Maldonado, Serge Martinez, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Marieke Vossen & Osborne P. Wiggins - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W23-W31.
    Main Response Topics ? Introduction ? Open display and public evaluation ? Publicity versus patient privacy ? Facial tissue donation ? Validity of Louisville Instrument for Risk Acceptance ? Patients' understanding of risk ? Face versus hand transplantation ? Rejection rates/risks ? Patient compliance ? Exit strategy ? Functional recovery ? Societietal implications ? Psychological implications ? Conclusion: Uncertainty likely to persist.
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    Vertentes do imaginário: arte, sexo e religião.Danielle Perin Rocha Pitta, Rita Maria Costa Mello & Ciclo de Estudos Sobre O. Imaginâario (eds.) - 1995 - [Recife, Brazil]: Fundac~ao Joaquim Nabuco.
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    The Philosophy of Freedom: A Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.Rudolf Steiner, Joan M. Thompson & Rita Stebbing - 1988
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    Development and Preliminary Validation of the “Teacher of Physical Education Burnout Inventory” in Arabic Language: Insights for Sports and Occupational Psychology.Nasr Chalghaf, Noomen Guelmami, Maamer Slimani, Giovanni Del Puente, Tania Simona Re, Riccardo Zerbetto, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Ottavia Guglielmi, Sergio Garbarino, Fairouz Azaiez & Nicola Luigi Bragazzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Parents, Peers, and Musical Play: Integrated Parent-Child Music Class Program Supports Community Participation and Well-Being for Families of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.Miriam D. Lense, Sara Beck, Christina Liu, Rita Pfeiffer, Nicole Diaz, Megan Lynch, Nia Goodman, Adam Summers & Marisa H. Fisher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  39. Perceptual adaptive recalibration: tactile sensory substitution in blind subjects.J. C. Gonzalez & P. Bach-Y.-Rita - forthcoming - Behavior and Philosophy.
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    Neural processing of emotions in traumatized children treated with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy: a hdEEG study.Cristina Trentini, Marco Pagani, Piercarlo Fania, Anna Maria Speranza, Giampaolo Nicolais, Alessandra Sibilia, Lucio Inguscio, Anna Rita Verardo, Isabel Fernandez & Massimo Ammaniti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Formação do adolescente trabalhador: ampliando caminhos para a cidadania.Maria da Penha Zanotelli Felippe & Rita de Souza Leal - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):161-169.
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    La evaluación del impacto de los resultados científicos. Metodologías y niveles de análisis.Jorge Lozano Casanova, Rita María Saavedra Roche & Neyda Fernández Franch - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1):99-117.
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    Evaluation of medical ethics competencies in rheumatology: local experience during national accreditation process.Virginia Pascual-Ramos, Irazú Contreras-Yáñez, Cesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, Miguel Angel Saavedra Salinas, Mónica Vázquez del Mercado Del Mercado, Judith López Zepeda, Sandra Muñoz López, Janitzia Vázquez-Mellado, Luis Manuel Amezcua Guerra, Hilda Esther Fragoso Loyo, Miguel Angel Villarreal Alarcón, Mario Pérez Cristobal, Eugenia Nadina Rubio Pérez, Alfonso Ragnar Torres Jiménez, María del Rocio Maldonado & Everardo Álvarez-Hernández - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):839-842.
    IntroductionRheumatologists are the primary healthcare professionals responsible for patients with rheumatic diseases and should acquire medical ethical competencies, such as the informed consent process (ICP). The objective clinical structured examination is a valuable tool for assessing clinical competencies. We report the performance of 90 rheumatologist trainees participating in a station designed to evaluate the ICP during the 2018 and 2019 national accreditations.MethodsThe station was validated and represented a medical encounter in which the rheumatologist informed a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (...)
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    Educación y filosofía.Julián Pérez, María Antonieta, Humberto Maldonado Gómez, Candelario Degante Castañeda & Ramón Espinosa Contreras (eds.) - 2012 - México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
  45. A methodological approach for pattern recognition system using discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks.Anna Pérez-Méndez, Elizabeth Torres-Rivas, Francklin Rivas-Echeverría & Ronald Maldonado-Rodríguez - 2005 - Cognitive Science 13 (14):15.
    In this work it is presented a methodology for the development of a pattern recognition system using classification methods as discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks. In this methodology, the statistical analysis is contemplated, with the purpose of retaining the observations and the important characteristics that can produce an appropriate classification, and allows, as well, to detect outliers’ observations, multicolinearity between variables, among other things. Chlorophyll a fluorescence OJIP signals measured from Pisum sativum leaves belonging to different drought stress resistance (...)
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    Cognitive-constructivist Approach in Medical Settings: The Use of Personal Meaning Questionnaire for Neurological Patients’ Personality Investigation.Barbara Poletti, Laura Carelli, Annalisa Lafronza, Federica Solca, Andrea Faini, Andrea Ciammola, Monica Grobberio, Vanessa Raimondi, Rita Pezzati, Rita B. Ardito & Vincenzo Silani - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Genetic 'Risk Carriers' and Lifestyle 'Risk Takers'. Which Risks Deserve our Legal Protection in Insurance?Ine Van Hoyweghen, Klasien Horstman & Rita Schepers - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (3):179-193.
    Over the past years, one of the most contentious topics in policy debates on genetics has been the use of genetic testing in insurance. In the rush to confront concerns about potential abuses of genetic information, most countries throughout Europe and the US have enacted genetics-specific legislation for insurance. Drawing on current debates on the pros and cons of a genetics-specific legislative approach, this article offers empirical insight into how such legislation works out in insurance practice. To this end, ethnographic (...)
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    Trans-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the “Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale” in Arabic Language Among Sports and Physical Education Teachers (“Teacher of Physical Education Job Satisfaction Inventory”—TPEJSI): Insights for Sports, Educational, and Occupational Psychology.Nasr Chalghaf, Noomen Guelmami, Tania Simona Re, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Sergio Garbarino, Fairouz Azaiez & Nicola L. Bragazzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Job satisfaction is largely associated with organizational aspects, including improved working environments, worker’s well-being and more effective performance. There are many definitions regarding job satisfaction in the existing scholarly literature: it can be expressed as a positive emotional state, a positive impact of job-related experiences on individuals, and employees’ perceptions regarding their jobs. Aims: No reliable scales in Arabic language to assess job satisfaction in the sports and physical education field exist.This study aimed to trans-culturally adapt and validate the (...)
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    Trans-Cultural Validation of the “Academic Flow Scale” in Arabic Language: Insights for Occupational and Educational Psychology From an Exploratory Study.Nasr Chalghaf, Chiraz Azaiez, Hela Krakdiya, Noomen Guelmami, Tania Simona Re, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Riccardo Zerbetto, Giovanni Del Puente, Sergio Garbarino, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi & Fairouz Azaiez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    8 Long-Term Plasticity of Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in the Cerebral Cortex.Robert A. Crozier, Benjamin D. Philpot, Nathaniel B. Sawtell & Mark F. Bear - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
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