Results for 'Risto Erasaari'

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  1.  48
    The problem of welfare: Is there a welfare civilization?Risto Erasaari - 1990 - World Futures 28 (1):75-92.
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    Weakness of will in Renaissance and Reformation thought.Risto Saarinen - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In addition to considering the work of a broad range of Renaissance authors (including Petrarch, Donato Acciaiuoli, John Mair, and Francesco Piccolomini), Risto ...
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  3. X*—Authors and Artifacts.Risto Hilpinen - 1993 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 93 (1):155-178.
    Risto Hilpinen; X*—Authors and Artifacts, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 93, Issue 1, 1 June 1993, Pages 155–178,
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    Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen.Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä (eds.) - 1993 - Turku: Turun yliopisto.
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  5. New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics.Risto Hilpinen (ed.) - 1981 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The present volume is a sequel to Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings : its purpose is to offer a view of some of the main directions of research in contemporary deontic logic. Most of the articles included in Introductory and Systematic Readings represent what may be called the standard modal approach to deontic logic, in which de on tic logic is treated as a branch of modal logic, and the normative concepts of obligation, permission and prohibition are regarded as (...)
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  6. The role of attention in auditory information processing as revealed by event-related potentials and other brain measures of cognitive function.Risto Näätänen - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):201-233.
  7. Artifact.Risto Hilpinen - 1999 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Knowing that one knows and the classical definition of knowledge.Risto Hilpinen - 1970 - Synthese 21 (2):109 - 132.
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    Deontic logic: introductory and systematic readings.Risto Hilpinen (ed.) - 1970 - Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston.
  10. On C. S. Peirce’s Theory of the Proposition.Risto Hilpinen - 1982 - The Monist 65 (2):182 - 188.
    Peirce discusses the nature and structure of propositions in several manuscripts written in the 1890’s and during the first decade of this century. In this paper I shall outline the main features of Peirce’s theory of the proposition, especially his account of what may be called indeterminate indices in propositions.
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    Recognition and Religion: A Historical and Systematic Study.Risto Saarinen - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Recognition and Religion: A Historical and Systematic Study outlines the first intellectual history of religious recognition, stretching from the New Testament to present day. Risto Saarinen connects the history of religion with philosophical approaches, arguing that philosophers owe a considerable historical and conceptual debt to the religious processes of recognition. At the same time, religious recognition has a distinctive profile that differs from philosophy in some important respects. Saarinen undertakes a systematic elaboration of the insights provided by the tradition (...)
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  12. Editorial Note.Risto Hilpinen - 1971 - Synthese 23 (2/3):347.
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    Norms, Normative Utterances, and Normative Propositions.Risto Hilperin - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (2):229-241.
    It is argued that the distinction between the normative and the descriptive interpretation of norm sentences can be regarded as a distinction between two kinds of utterances. A norm or a directive has as its content a normative proposition. A normative utterance of a normative proposition in appropriate circumstances makes the proposition true, and an assertive utterance has as its truth-maker the norm system to which it refers. This account of norms, norm-contents, and utterances of norm sentences solves Jørgensen's problem: (...)
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    How many faces can be processed during a single eye fixation?Risto Näsänen & Helena Ojanpää - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co.
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  15. The resemblance view of pictorial representation.Risto Pitkänen - 1976 - British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (4):313-323.
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    Content Identity.Risto Pitkānen - 1976 - Mind 85 (338):262 - 268.
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    Reclaiming the sentences: A linguistic loci approach to doctrine.Risto Saarinen - 2012 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 54 (1):1-22.
  18.  26
    Weakness of will: the plurality of medieval explanations.Risto Saarinen - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri, Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 85--97.
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    Luther and the gift.Risto Saarinen - 2017 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    Dust jacket, back cover: In this book, Risto Saarinen studies Martin Luther's understanding of the gift and related issues such as favours and benefits, faith and justification, virtues and merits, ethics and doctrine, law and Christ. He shows that Luther both continues and criticizes the classical discusssions regarding the differences and parallels between gifts and sales.
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    Natural Language Processing With Modular Pdp Networks and Distributed Lexicon.Risto Miikkulainen & Michael G. Dyer - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (3):343-399.
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  21.  35
    From Goffman to semiotic sociology.Risto Heiskala - 1999 - Semiotica 124 (3-4):211-234.
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  22.  19
    Ontology of Time as a Deconstruction of Space. An essay on the Philosophy of Byzantine music.Risto Solunchev - 2019 - Conatus 4 (1):109.
    In this paper the author examines the ontology of Byzantine music in its self, its aesthetical ground, the philosophical and cultural principles of creation, its episteme, the epistemological field that produced its forms from the 12th till the 14th century, and why that musical ontology hasn’t change through the centuries. The paper discusses in partucular Ernst Bloch’s view that the only evolutionary expression of the Absolute spirit as far as music is concerned, is Western classical music. The author claims that (...)
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  23.  42
    Automatic and attention-dependent processing of auditory stimulus information.Risto Näätänen - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):261-288.
  24. On artifacts and works of art.Risto Hilpinen - 1992 - Theoria 58 (1):58-82.
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    Review of Risto Hilpinen: Rationality in Science: Studies in the Foundations of Science and Ethics[REVIEW]Risto Hilpinen - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):191-192.
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    Subsymbolic Case‐Role Analysis of Sentences with Embedded Clauses.Risto Miikkulainen - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):47-73.
    A distributed neural network model called SPEC for processing sentences with recursive relative clauses is described. The model is based on separating the tasks of segmenting the input word sequence into clauses, forming the case‐role representations, and keeping track of the recursive embeddings into different modules. The system needs to be trained only with the basic sentence constructs, and it generalizes not only to new instances of familiar relative clause structures but to novel structures as well. SPEC exhibits plausible memory (...)
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  27. Knowledge and conditionals.Risto Hilpinen - 1988 - Philosophical Perspectives 2:157-182.
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  28.  75
    Weakness of the Will in Medieval Thought: From Augustine to Buridan : Academic Dissertation.Risto Saarinen - 1994 - New York: Brill.
    This volume examines the medieval understanding of Aristotle's "weakness of the will". The medieval views are outlined on the basis of five major commentaries on Aristotle's _Nicomachean Ethics_ between 1250 and 1350.
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  29. Rules of acceptance, indices of lawlikeness, and singular inductive inference: Reply to a critical discussion.Risto Hilpinen & Jaakko Hintikka - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (2):303-307.
  30. 2012 Presidential Address: Types and Tokens: On the Identity and Meaning of Names and Other Words.Risto Hilpinen - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (3):259-284.
    Charles S. Peirce introduces the distinction between a token and a type into semiotics and philosophy by using as an example two ways of individuating words:(P1) A common mode of estimating the amount of matter in a MS. or printed book is to count the number of words. There will ordinarily be about twenty the's on a page, and of course they count as twenty words. In another sense of the word "word," however, there is but one word "the" in (...)
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    Modernity and the articulation of the gender system: Order, conflict, and chaos.Risto Heiskala - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):215-231.
    Gender system can be understood as a cultural system rooted in biological differences. Semiotically speaking, it is a binary sign system (male/female) with some variation involved (transsexuals, homosexuals, etc.). In the process of modernity, the biological motivation of the gender system is being loosened by technological innovations such as contraception and mother's milk substitute. At the same time, the state has replaced family and kin as the organizing structure of society and the cultural ideal of equality has gained a strong (...)
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    Inquiry, argumentation and knowledge.Risto Hilpinen - 1991 - In Andre Fuhrmann & Michael Morreau, The Logic of Theory Change: Workshop, Konstanz, FRG, October 13-15, 1989, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 1--18.
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  33. La filosofía de Héctor-Neri Castañeda.Risto Hilpinen - 1987 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 13 (3):365.
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  34. On the Principle of Information Retention.Risto Hilpinen - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):435-443.
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  35.  21
    On the Sick Father, the Repentant Sinner, and Other Problems in Medieval Deontic Logic.Risto Hilpinen - 2019 - Theoria 85 (6):420-434.
    Many medieval philosophers and logicians regarded modal logic as a model for epistemic, normative and optative concepts on the basis of their apparent similarities to modal concepts. These interpretations of modal logic led to critical studies of the applicability of modal principles to deontic concepts. Some philosophers presented apparent counterexamples to the deontic interpretation of the Consequence Principle, according to which the consequences of what is obligatory (or permitted) are also obligatory (permitted). These examples are variants of Lennart Åqvist's paradox (...)
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  36. Peirce, Charles Sanders.Risto Hilpinen - 1995 - In Robert Audi, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 652.
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    Conflit moral, crise culturelle et ethique retrouvée =.Risto Maula (ed.) - 1977 - Helsinki: distributor, Akateeminen kirjakauppa.
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    Tyska utflykter i skandinavisk judaistik.Risto Nurmela - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (1):108-112.
    En recension av Figurationen des J¨üdischen. Spurensuchen in der skandinavischen Literatur, utg. Clemens Räthel och Stefanie von Schnurbein.
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    On the Analysis of Pictorial Representation.Risto Pitkänen - 1981
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    What is Western and What is Eastern in Finland?Alapuro Risto - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 77 (1):85-101.
    The character of Finnish political culture stems from the country’s specific position as a polity which emerged in the interface between Sweden and Russia. Western, or Scandinavian, by institutions and structures and Eastern by dependence on a multinational empire in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, this minority region in the Russian empire underwent a bloody civil war in 1918, in the wake of two revolutions in Russia in 1917. The resulting ambiguity between ‘national’ and ‘not national’, between (...)
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  41.  10
    Anerkennung in der Theologie.Risto Saarinen - 2018 - In Ludwig Siep, Heikki Ikaheimo & Michael Quante, Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer. pp. 413-418.
    Die lateinischen Verben agnoscere, recognoscere beleuchten die Theologie der Anerkennung. Seit der pseudoklementinischen Schrift Recognitiones werden sie für die Schilderung von religiösen Phänomenen wie Konversion, relationale Selbstbestimmung und existenziale Statusveränderung des Gegenstandes gebraucht. Das deutsche Wort „Anerkennung“ erhält programmatische theologische Bedeutung bei J. J. Spalding um 1797.
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  42. Arijadna bez konca.Risto Tubić - 2004 - Banja Luka: JU Književna zadruga.
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    Na obalama istorije savremenog sveta.Risto Tubić - 2011 - Beograd: Svet knjige.
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    Ogledi iz moralne i političke filozofije.Risto Tubić - 2003 - Banja Luka: Glas srpski.
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    U lavirintu stihije savremenog sveta: pitanja i čuđenja.Risto Tubić - 2016 - Beograd: Svet knjige.
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    Rezension: Geschichte der Logik des 19.Jahrhunderts. Eine kritische Einführung in die Anfänge der Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie von Frank-Peter Hansen.Risto Vilkko - 2002 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 25 (2):150-150.
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  47. Existence and Predication from Aristotle to Frege.Risto Vilkko & Jaakko Hintikka - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):359-377.
    One of the characteristic features of contemporary logic is that it incorporates the Frege‐Russell thesis according to which verbs for being are multiply ambiguous. This thesis was not accepted before the nineteenth century. In Aristotle existence could not serve alone as a predicate term. However, it could be a part of the force of the predicate term, depending on the context. For Kant existence could not even be a part of the force of the predicate term. Hence, after Kant, existence (...)
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  48.  62
    Relational hypotheses and inductive inference.Risto Hilpinen - 1971 - Synthese 23 (2-3):266 - 286.
    This paper discusses the probabilities of inductive generalizations in languages containing two-place predicates. The depth of the sentences considered here is restricted to two, that is, they contain at most two layers of quantifiers. The analysis of relational hypotheses presented below is based on the theory of distributive normal forms in first-order logic. The main purpose of this paper is not to present methods of calculating unique probability-values for various generalizations, but rather to clarify the general conceptual situation and concentrate (...)
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  49.  75
    Georg Henrik von Wright.Risto Vilkko - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (1):1-14.
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    Deontische Logik und Semantik.Risto Hilpinen - 1977
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