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Richard J. Harris [14]Richard Harris [8]Richard Jackson Harris [5]Richard L. Harris [2]
Richard M. Harris [2]Richard E. Harris [1]Richard B. Harris [1]Richard Deodatus Harris [1]

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  1.  14
    Rigor mortis: how sloppy science creates worthless cures, crushes hope, and wastes billions.Richard Harris - 2017 - New York: Basic Books.
    American taxpayers spend $30 billion annually funding biomedical research. By some estimates, half of the results from these studies can't be replicated elsewhere-the science is simply wrong. Often, research institutes and academia emphasize publishing results over getting the right answers, incentivizing poor experimental design, improper methods, and sloppy statistics. Bad science doesn't just hold back medical progress, it can sign the equivalent of a death sentence. How are those with breast cancer helped when the cell on which 900 papers are (...)
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  2.  30
    Comprehension of metaphors: A test of the two-stage processing model.Richard J. Harris - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (4):312-314.
  3.  29
    Neural Correlates of the Shamanic State of Consciousness.Emma R. Huels, Hyoungkyu Kim, UnCheol Lee, Tarik Bel-Bahar, Angelo V. Colmenero, Amanda Nelson, Stefanie Blain-Moraes, George A. Mashour & Richard E. Harris - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:610466.
    Psychedelics have been recognized as model interventions for studying altered states of consciousness. However, few empirical studies of the shamanic state of consciousness, which is anecdotally similar to the psychedelic state, exist. We investigated the neural correlates of shamanic trance using high-density electroencephalography (EEG) in 24 shamanic practitioners and 24 healthy controls during rest, shamanic drumming, and classical music listening, followed by an assessment of altered states of consciousness. EEG data were used to assess changes in absolute power, connectivity, signal (...)
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  4.  56
    Approaches to Conserving Vulnerable Wildlife in China: Does the Colour of Cat Matter - if it Catches Mice?Richard B. Harris - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (4):303-334.
    Global human population expansion is rooted in a remarkably successful evolutionary innovation. The neolithic transformation of the natural world gave rise to a symbiosis between humans and their domesticated plant and animal partners that will expand from a current 20 per cent to 60 percent of terrestrial biomass by the middle of the coming century. Such an increase must necessarily be accompanied by a concomitant decrease in wildlife biomass. We suggest that current trends in population growth are unlikely to abate (...)
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  5. Community, Virtue and the White British Poor.Michael Merry, David Manley & Richard Harris - 2016 - Dialogues in Human Geography 6 (1):50-68.
    Whilst media and political rhetoric in Britain is sceptical and often outright damning of the (presumed) morals and behaviours of the White marginalized poor, our aim is to explore the conditions under which successful communities are nevertheless built. Specifically, we examine the features of community and stress its importance both for belonging and bonding around shared norms and practices and for fostering the necessary bridging essential for interacting and cooperating with others. In considering what it means to foster a community (...)
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  6.  29
    The effect of divided attention on speech production.Jerwen Jou & Richard Jackson Harris - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (4):301-304.
  7.  28
    Variation in reports of covert rehearsal and in STM produced by differential payoff.William E. Montague, William A. Hillix, Harold O. Kiess & Richard Harris - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):249.
  8. Answering questions containing marked and unmarked adjectives and adverbs.Richard J. Harris - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):399.
  9. Under the Big Stick: Nicaragua and the United States since 1848.Karl Bermann, Carlos M. Vilas, Richard Harris & Carlos Vilas - 1988 - Science and Society 52 (3):353-357.
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  10.  28
    The effects of discourse force on the comprehension of fables, parables, and folktales.Tony M. Dubitsky, Richard J. Harris, Linda K. Sanders, Robert J. Betzen & Robin L. Bunton - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (3):127-130.
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  11.  28
    Conflict resolution styles and their relation to conflict type, individual differences, and formative influences.John Steven Grace & Richard Jackson Harris - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (2):144-146.
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  12.  13
    Anagram solution times as a function of individual differences in stored digram frequencies.Richard Harris & Henry Loess - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (3p1):508.
  13.  15
    Deterministic nature of probabilistic choices among identifiable stimuli.Richard J. Harris - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):552.
  14.  28
    Kharia: Phonology, Grammar, and Vocabulary.Richard M. Harris & H. S. Biligiri - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):345.
  15.  42
    Methodology.Richard J. Harris - unknown
    Despite publication of many well-argued critiques of null hypothesis testing (NHT), behavioral science researchers continue to rely heavily on this set of practices. Although we agree with most critics' catalogs of NHT's flaws, this article also takes the unusual stance of identifying virtues that may explain why NHT continues to be so extensively used. These virtues include providing results in the form of a dichotomous (yes/no) hypothesis evaluation and providing an index (p value) that has a justifiable mapping onto confidence (...)
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  16.  14
    Monolingual and Bilingual Memory for English and Spanish Metaphors and Similes.Richard Jackson Harris, Michael R. Tebbe, Gary E. Leka, Reina Coral Garcia & Raquel Erramouspe - 1999 - Metaphor and Symbol 14 (1):1-16.
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  17.  13
    Memory for literary metaphors.Richard J. Harris - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):246-249.
  18.  27
    Memory for presuppositions and implications: A case study of 12 verbs of motion and inception-termination.Richard J. Harris - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (3):594.
  19.  26
    Memory for pragmatic implications from courtroom testimony.Richard J. Harris, R. Ross Teske & Martha J. Ginns - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (5):494-496.
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  20.  10
    Note on "optimal policies for the Prisoner's Dilemma.".Richard J. Harris - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (4):363-375.
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  21.  22
    Remembering implied advertising claims as facts: Extensions to the “real world”.Richard J. Harris, Tony M. Dubitsky, Karen L. Perch, Cindy S. Ellerman & Mark W. Larson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):317-320.
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  22.  23
    Social cognition in the breadbasket: The effect of schematic information about farmers on farmers’ and nonfarmers’ memory for stories.Richard Jackson Harris, Mark A. Thompson & Stacie Stoltz - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):155-158.
  23.  31
    The effect of jury size and judge’s instructions on memory for pragmatic implications from courtroom testimony.Richard J. Harris - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):129-132.
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  24.  8
    The Impact of the Micro-Electronics Revolution on the Basic Structure of Modern Organizations.Richard L. Harris - 1986 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 11 (4):31-44.
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  25.  21
    The role of cultural knowledge in distorting recall for stories.Richard Jackson Harris, Farzaneh Sardarpoor-Bascom & Therese Meyer - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):9-10.
  26.  62
    “With friends like this...”: Three flaws in Chow's defense of significance testing.Richard J. Harris - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):202-203.
    Chow's book should be read only by those who already have a firm enough grasp of the logic of significance testing to separate the few valid, insightful points from the many incorrect statements and misrepresentations.
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  27.  60
    Quantitative Methods I:The world we have lost - or where we started from.Ron Johnston, Richard Harris, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley, Winnie Wang & Levi Wolf - forthcoming - Progress in Human Geography.
    Although pioneering studies using statistical methods in geographical data analysis were published in the 1930s, it was only in the 1960s that their increasing use in human geography led to a claim that a ‘quantitative revolution’ had taken place. The widespread use of quantitative methods from then on was associated with changes in both disciplinary philosophy and substantive focus. The first decades of the ‘revolution’ saw quantitative analyses focused on the search for spatial order of a geometric form within an, (...)
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  28.  41
    Quantitative methods I:The world we have lost – or where we started from.Ron Johnston, Richard J. Harris, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley, Wenfei Winnie Wang & Levi Wolf - 2019 - Progress in Human Geography 43 (6):1133- 1142.
    Although pioneering studies using statistical methods in geographical data analysis were published in the 1930s, it was only in the 1960s that their increasing use in human geography led to a claim that a ‘quantitative revolution’ had taken place. The widespread use of quantitative methods from then on was associated with changes in both disciplinary philosophy and substantive focus. The first decades of the ‘revolution’ saw quantitative analyses focused on the search for spatial order of a geometric form within an, (...)
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  29.  29
    Short-term memory for individual verbal items as a function of method of recall.Henry Loess & Richard Harris - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (1):64.
  30.  17
    The influence of narrative structure on memory.Gregory E. Monaco & Richard J. Harris - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):393-396.
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  31.  26
    A Basic Hindi Reader.Theodore Riccardi, Richard M. Harris & Rama Nath Sharma - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):158.
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  32. Book Review. [REVIEW]Richard Harris - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):345-347.
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  33.  12
    [Book review] marxism, socialism, and democracy in latin America. [REVIEW]Richard L. Harris - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (4):499-501.