Results for 'Ricarda Franzen'

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  1. Evaluative Discourse and Affective States of Mind.Nils Franzén - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1095-1126.
    It is widely held within contemporary metaethics that there is a lack of linguistic support for evaluative expressivism. On the contrary, it seems that the predictions that expressivists make about evaluative discourse are not borne out. An instance of this is the so-called problem of missing Moorean infelicity. Expressivists maintain that evaluative statements express non-cognitive states of mind in a similar manner to how ordinary descriptive language expresses beliefs. Conjoining an ordinary assertion that p with the denial of being in (...)
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  2. Argumentieren lernen. Aufgaben für den Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht.Henning Franzen, Anne Burkard & David Löwenstein (eds.) - 2023 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    Erarbeitet von Dominik Balg, Anne Burkard, Henning Franzen, Aenna Frottier, David Lanius, David Löwenstein, Hanna Lucks, Kirsten Meyer, Donata Romizi, Katharina Schulz, Stefanie Thiele und Annett Wienmeister. -/- Die Entwicklung argumentativer Fähigkeiten ist ein zentrales Ziel des Ethik- und Philosophieunterrichts, ja überhaupt ein zentrales Bildungsziel. Wie aber kann das gelingen? In vielen verfügbaren Unterrichtsmaterialien werden argumentative Fähigkeiten eher vorausgesetzt als systematisch gefördert. Auch curriculare Vorgaben bleiben zumeist sehr unspezifisch. Lehrpersonen werden so weitgehend allein gelassen mit der Aufgabe, Lernende beim (...)
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  3. Aesthetic Evaluation and First-Hand Experience.Nils Franzén - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (4):669-682.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative aesthetic discourse communicates that the speaker has had first-hand experience of what is talked about. If you call a book bewitching, it will be assumed that you have read the book. If you say that a building is beautiful, it will be assumed that you have had some visual experience with it. According to an influential view, this is because knowledge is a norm for assertion, and aesthetic knowledge requires first-hand experience. This paper criticizes this view and argues for (...)
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    School-Related and Individual Predictors of Subjective Well-Being and Academic Achievement.Ricarda Steinmayr, Anke Heyder, Christian Naumburg, Josi Michels & Linda Wirthwein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Recent research in the educational context has focused not only on academic achievement but also on subjective well-being (SWB) as both play a major role in students’ lives. Whereas the determinants of academic achievement have been extensively investigated, little research has been conducted on school-related determinants of SWB in comparison with other students’ characteristics. In the present cross-sectional study, we set out to investigate whether perceived school climate predicts school grades and SWB above and beyond other variables that are important (...)
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    Social appropriateness in HMI.Ricarda Wullenkord, Jacqueline Bellon, Bruno Gransche, Sebastian Nähr-Wagener & Friederike Eyssel - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (3):360-390.
    Social appropriateness is an important topic – both in the human-human interaction (HHI), and in the human-machine interaction (HMI) context. As sociosensitive and socioactive assistance systems advance, the question arises whether a machine’s behavior should include considerations regarding social appropriateness. However, the concept of social appropriateness is difficult to define, as it is determined by multiple aspects. Thus, to date, a unified perspective, encompassing and combining multidisciplinary findings, is missing. When translating results from HHI to HMI, it remains unclear whether (...)
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    Objects tell us what action we can expect: dissociating brain areas for retrieval and exploitation of action knowledge during action observation in fMRI.Ricarda I. Schubotz, Moritz F. Wurm, Marco K. Wittmann & D. Yves von Cramon - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:83326.
    Objects are reminiscent of actions often performed with them: knife and apple remind us on peeling the apple or cutting it. Mnemonic representations of object-related actions (action codes) evoked by the sight of an object may constrain and hence facilitate recognition of unrolling actions. The present fMRI study investigated if and how action codes influence brain activation during action observation. The average number of action codes (NAC) of 51 sets of objects was rated by a group of n = 24 (...)
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    An examination of task factors that influence the associative memory deficit in aging.Ricarda Endemann & Siri-Maria Kamp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Aging is accompanied by a decline in associative memory, whereas item memory remains relatively stable compared to young adults. This age-related associative deficit is well replicated, but its mechanisms and influencing factors during learning are still largely unclear. In the present study, we examined mediators of the age-related associative deficit, including encoding intentionality, strategy instructions, the timing of the memory test and the material being learned in a within-subject design. Older and younger adults performed seven encoding tasks on word pairs (...)
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    Subjective Well-Being, Test Anxiety, Academic Achievement: Testing for Reciprocal Effects.Ricarda Steinmayr, Julia Crede, Nele McElvany & Linda Wirthwein - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Importance of Students’ Motivation for Their Academic Achievement – Replicating and Extending Previous Findings.Ricarda Steinmayr, Anne F. Weidinger, Malte Schwinger & Birgit Spinath - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Transfinite Progressions: A Second Look At Completeness.Torkel Franzén - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):367-389.
    §1. Iterated Gödelian extensions of theories. The idea of iterating ad infinitum the operation of extending a theory T by adding as a new axiom a Gödel sentence for T, or equivalently a formalization of “T is consistent”, thus obtaining an infinite sequence of theories, arose naturally when Godel's incompleteness theorem first appeared, and occurs today to many non-specialists when they ponder the theorem. In the logical literature this idea has been thoroughly explored through two main approaches. One is that (...)
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  11. Heroes and villains in E.T.A. Hoffmann‘s ‘Ritter Gluck’.Ricarda Schmidt - 2002 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 84 (3):49-66.
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    Review–CyberMedienWirklichkeit-Virtuelle Welterschließungen.Ricarda Drüeke - 2005 - International Review of Information Ethics 3 (6):62-64.
    This paper shall give a review of Goedart Palm: CyberMedienWirklichkeit. Virtuelle Welterschließungen. Mün-chen: Verlag Heinz Heise, 2004. 240 Seiten Broschur. 19,00 €.
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    Social Reactions to the Climate Debate in Germany and Switzerland.Axel Franzen & Dominikus Vogl - 2010 - Analyse & Kritik 32 (1):121-135.
    In this contribution we take a look at the development of environmental concern and mobility behavior of the population in Germany and Switzerland. The proportion of survey participants who express concern about the state of the natural environment is high in both countries. However, this proportion did not increase during the last two decades despite the ongoing public debate about environmental issues. At the same time the demand for private transportation did increase in Germany by almost 20% (in Switzerland by (...)
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    126. Der Sinn der Heiligen Schrift.Ricarda Huch - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 190-192.
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    Die Sammlung José Guadalupe Posada des Ibero‐Amerikanischen Instituts der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz – eine Fallstudie zur Digitalisierung und deren Auswirkungen auf die bibliothekarische Arbeit.Ricarda Musser & Anna Weymann - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (4):367-378.
    The José Guadalupe Posada Collection of the Ibero‐American Institute, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation – a Case Study on Digitization and its Impacts on the Work in Libraries. Digitization in a broader sense and digitization of printed cultural heritage especially have brought about many changes regarding the tasks and responsabilities of research librarians. New ways of thinking and acting are required as the objects and their mobile and connective qualities come into focus. These alterations stand in such contrast to the traditional (...)
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    Brains have emulators with brains: Emulation economized.Ricarda I. Schubotz & D. Yves von Cramon - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):414-415.
    This commentary addresses the neural implementation of emulation, mostly using findings from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Furthermore, both empirical and theoretical suggestions are discussed that render two aspects of emulation theory redundant: independent modal emulators and extra measurement of amodal emulation. This modified emulation theory can conceptually integrate simulation theory and also get rid of some problematic philosophical implications.
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    Long-Term Planning and Prediction: Visiting a Construction Site in the Human Brain.Ricarda I. Schubotz - 2011 - In Welsch Wolfgang, Singer Wolf & Wunder Andre (eds.), Interdisciplinary Anthropology. Springer. pp. 79--104.
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    Neural bases of rhythm prediction.Ricarda I. Schubotz - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.), Attention and Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 345.
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  19. The Presumption of Realism.Nils Franzén - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (5).
    Within contemporary metaethics, it is widely held that there is a “presumption of realism” in moral thought and discourse. Anti-realist views, like error theory and expressivism, may have certain theoretical considerations speaking in their favor, but our pretheoretical stance with respect to morality clearly favors objectivist metaethical views. This article argues against this widely held view. It does so by drawing from recent discussions about so-called “subjective attitude verbs” in linguistics and philosophy of language. Unlike pretheoretically objective predicates (e.g., “is (...)
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    Von der Existenzialontologie zur Seinsgeschichte: eine Untersuchung über d. Entwicklung d. Philosophie Martin Heideggers.Winfried Franzen - 1975 - Meisenheim (am Glan): Hain.
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  21. Die Sprache und das Denken. Kleine Bestandsaufnahme zum linguistischen Relativismus (Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese).Winfried Franzen - 1990 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 24 (62):3-31.
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  22. Is a semantic theory of truth really a theory of truth.W. Franzen - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (2):291-308.
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    27. Brief an Josef Viktor Widmann vom 23. 9. 1893.Ricarda Huch - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 91-91.
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  24. (1 other version)Urphänomene.Ricarda Huch - 1946 - Zürich,: Atlantis Verlag.
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  25. Chapter fifteen.Ricarda Scheiner & Joachim Erber - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard. pp. 335.
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    Introduction.Ricarda Schmidt - 2002 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 84 (3):5-8.
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  27. Fictional Truth: In Defence of the Reality Principle.Nils Franzén - 2021 - In Emar Maier & Andreas Stokke (eds.), The Language of Fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    A well-known theory about under which circumstances a statement is true in a fiction is The Reality Principle, which originate in the work of David Lewis: (RP) Where p1... pn are the primary fictional truths of a fiction F , it is true in F that q iff the following holds: were p1 ... pn the case, q would have been the case (Walton 1990: 44). RP has been subjected to a number of counterexamples, up to a point where, in (...)
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    ‘In a completely different light’? The role of ‘being affected’ for the epistemic perspectives and moral attitudes of patients, relatives and lay people.Silke Schicktanz, Mark Schweda & Martina Franzen - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):57-72.
    In this paper, we explore and discuss the use of the concept of being affected in biomedical decision making processes in Germany. The corresponding German term ‘Betroffenheit’ characterizes on the one hand a relation between a state of affairs and a person and on the other an emotional reaction that involves feelings like concern and empathy with the suffering of others. An example for the increasing relevance of being affected is the postulation of the participation of people with disabilities and (...)
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  29. Die Bedeutung von 'wahr' und 'Wahrheit'.W. FRANZEN - 1982
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    Martin Heidegger.Winfried Franzen - 1976 - Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler.
  31. Zur Redundanztheorie der Wahrheit. Ein historischer und systematischer Uberblick (erster Teil).W. Franzen - 1978 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 12 (31):54-69.
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  32. A Sensibilist Explanation of Imaginative Resistance.Nils Franzén - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy (3):159-174.
    This article discusses why it is the case that we refuse to accept strange evaluative claims as being true in fictions, even though we are happy to go along with other types of absurdities in such contexts. For instance, we would refuse to accept the following statement as true, even in the con-text of a fiction: -/- (i) In killing her baby, Giselda did the right thing; after all, it was a girl. -/- This article offers a sensibilist diagnosis of (...)
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  33. The force of fictional discourse.Karl Bergman & Nils Franzen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    Consider the opening sentence of Tolkien’s The Hobbit: In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. By writing this sentence, Tolkien is making a fictional statement. There are two influential views of the nature of such statements. On the pretense view, fictional discourse amounts to pretend assertions. Since the author is not really asserting, but merely pretending, a statement such as Tolkien’s is devoid of illocutionary force altogether. By contrast, on the alternative make-believe view, fictional discourse prescribes that (...)
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  34. Advertising Science for High Impact Publication.Stefan Franzen & Keith T. Gagnon - 2010 - Open Ethics Journal 4:1-9.
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    Implicating fictional truth.Nils Franzén - unknown
    Some things that we take to be the case in a fictional work are never made explicit by the work itself. For instance, we assume that Sherlock Holmes does not have a third nostril, that he wears underpants and that he has never solved a case with a purple gnome, even though neither of these things is ever mentioned in the narration. This article argues that examples like these can be accounted for through the same content-enriching reasoning that we employ (...)
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    Body, Gender, Senses: Subversive Expressions in Early Modern Art and Literature.Carin Franzén & Johanna Vernqvist (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    The body, touch and its sensations are present, sometimes viewed in contradictory ways, both expressed, visualized, and rejected, in early modern art and literature. In seven essays moving from the 16th to the mid-18th century, and from Italy and Spain to France and Sweden, this volume explores strategies used by early modern women poets, philosophers, and artists in order to create subversive expressions of the body, gender and the senses. Showing how body and soul, the carnal and the divine, the (...)
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  37. Vernunft nach Menschenmass-Hilary Putnams neue Philosophie als mittlerer Weg zwischen Absolutheitsdenken und Relativismus.Wilfried Franzen - 1985 - Philosophische Rundschau 32 (3-4):191.
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  38. Non-factualism and Evaluative Supervenience.Nils Franzén - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (6):1969-1990.
    Supervenience in metaethics is the notion that there can be no moral dif-ference between two acts, persons or events without some non-moral difference underlying it. If St. Francis is a good man, there could not be a man exactly like St. Francis in non-evaluative respects that is not good. The phenomenon was first systematically discussed by R. M. Hare (1952), who argued that realists about evaluative properties struggle to account for it. As is well established, Hare, and following him, Simon (...)
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  39. Garden in Progress. Transformation of the garden of the Ludwig Forum for International Art in Aachen, Germany.Brigitte Franzen - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:92.
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  40. Grundbok i metaetik.Nils Franzén, Victor Moberger & Olle Risberg - 2021 - Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
    [This is an introductory metaethics textbook in Swedish.] Metaetiken behandlar filosofiska frågor om hur moraliska påståenden, moraliska uppfattningar, moraliska fakta och moralisk kunskap är beskaffade – liksom frågan om sådana fakta och sådan kunskap överhuvudtaget finns. I centrum för denna introduktionsbok står frågan om moralen är objektiv – hur ska denna fråga förstås och hur kan olika svar på den försvaras? I relation till denna fråga diskuteras en rad besläktade ämnen, bland annat gällande moralisk oenighet, förhållandet mellan moral och vetenskap (...)
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  41. Thick Terms and Secondary Contents.Felka Katharina & Franzén Nils - 2024 - Festschrift for Matti Eklund.
    In recent literature many theorists, including Eklund (2011), endorse or express sympathy towards the view that the evaluative content of thick terms is not asserted with utterances of sentences containing them but rather part of their secondary content. In this article we discuss a number of features of thick terms which speak against this view. We further argue that these features are not shared by another, recently much-discussed, class of hybrid evaluative terms, so-called slurs, and that the evaluative contents of (...)
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    University Responsibility for the Adjudication of Research Misconduct: The Science Bubble.Stefan Franzen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a scientific whistleblower’s perspective on current implementation of federal research misconduct regulations. It provides a narrative of general interest that relates current cases of research ethics to philosophical, historical and sociological accounts of fraud in scientific research. The evidence presented suggests that the problems of falsification and fabrication remain as great as ever, but hidden because the current system puts universities in charge of investigations and permits them to use confidentiality regulations to hide the outcomes of investigations. (...)
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    Rezeptive Kunsttherapie: Das Künstlerische Bild Im Leidenszusammenhang des Patienten.Georg Franzen & Karl-Heinz Menzen (eds.) - 2022 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Especially where a patient's ability to communicate is limited, the receptive use of art visually offers an entry point into contemplation and insight. Here, receptive work with visual art can help to dissolve limitations in verbal communication. In receptive art therapy, an independent therapeutic resource is attributed to the artistic work and its symbolic pictorial content, which can initiate a healing process. A form of indirect communication is stimulated, in which not only a change on the symbolic but also on (...)
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  44. Theorie auf Reisen schicken : denken als ästhetische und geistige Erfahrung.Ricarda Biemüller - 2020 - In Carsten Bünger & Martina Lütke-Harmann (eds.), Unbedingte Bildung: Perspektiven kritischer Bildungstheorie. Wien: Löcker.
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    The power of death: contemporary reflections on death in western society.Maria-José Blanco & Ricarda Vidal (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Berghahn.
    The social and cultural changes of the last century have transformed death from an everyday fact to something hidden from view. Shifting between the practical and the theoretical, the professional and the intimate, the real and the fictitious, this collection of essays explores the continued power of death over our lives. It examines the idea and experience of death from an interdisciplinary perspective, including studies of changing burial customs throughout Europe; an account of a"dying party" in the Netherlands; examinations of (...)
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    Herausforderung Biomedizin: gesellschaftliche Deutung und soziale Praxis.Sascha Dickel, Martina Franzen & Christoph Kehl (eds.) - 2011 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Lietuvos energetinio saugumo politikos poveikis visuomenės socialinei sanglaudai.Dainius Genys & Ričardas Krikštolaitis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (4).
    Straipsnio tikslas – empiriškai ištirti energetinio saugumo politikos poveikį Lietuvos socialinei sanglaudai. Straipsnis paremtas J. Jenson (1998) ir P. Bernardo (1999) atliktais tyrimais bei pasiūlytomis analitinėmis kategorijomis. Konceptuali schema identifikuoja konkrečias – ekonominę, politinę ir sociokultūrinę – aktyvumo sritis, kurios analizuojamos tikrinant dichotomijas tarp visuomenės požiūrio bei visuomenės elgsenos. Šios dichotomijos leidžia išskirti empirines analizės dimensijas, kurių kiekybinės išraiškos leidžia aprašyti energetinio saugumo politikos poveikį Lietuvos socialinei sanglaudai.
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    Commonly Reported Problems and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Survey of Graduate and Professional Students.Akash R. Wasil, Rose E. Franzen, Sarah Gillespie, Joshua S. Steinberg, Tanvi Malhotra & Robert J. DeRubeis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe COVID-19 crisis has introduced a variety of stressors, while simultaneously decreasing the availability of strategies to cope with stress. In this context, it could be useful to understand issues that people find most concerning and ways in which they cope with stress. In this study, we explored these questions with a sample of graduate and professional students.MethodUsing open-ended assessments, we asked participants to identify their biggest challenge or concern, their most effective way of handling stress, and their most common (...)
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    "Die wahre und einzige Methode der Philosophie ist also die analytische...". Der junge Herder über die Philosophie und ihr Verhältnis zur Sprache. [REVIEW]Winfried Franzen - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 871-881.
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    Branding Catiline: Metaphorical Enslavement in the First Catilinarian Oration.Christina E. Franzen - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (3):355-364.
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