Results for 'Renald Legendre'

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  1.  6
    God in the mirror: a study of the institution of images: Lessons III.Pierre Legendre - 2019 - [New York]: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    God in the Mirror reconsiders the place of law in the existing bodies of knowledge. Navigating the texts of Ovid, Augustine, Roman jurists, medieval canon lawyers, Freud, Lacan, the notebooks of Leonardo de Vinci, and the paintings of Rene Magritte, this is a crucial landmark within Legendre's reconsideration of a 'revolution of interpretation'.
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    Dogma: instituer l'animal humain: chemins réitérés de questionnement.Pierre Legendre - 2017 - [Paris]: Fayard.
    Ces Lecons X abordent le phenomene humain hors de la conception toute faite repandue par les doctrines de la transparence. Ici, il s'agit de considerer chaque civilisation et ses facades sociales a l'instar d'un Texte, comme montage langagier, et de reconnaitre la condition theatrale de l'espece douee de parole. Dans cette perspective se revelent les structures dogmatiques du sujet et de la societe qui, du fait du langage, s'entre-appartiennent. La rehabilitation d'une tradition de pensee portee par le terme antique de (...)
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  3. Hb, l10. 95/$15.95 pb.Pierre Legendre & Michael G. Levine - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (4):641-646.
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  4. Inny wymiar prawa.Pierre Legendre - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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  5. Protocol of the Love Letter.Pierre Legendre - 1997 - In Peter Goodrich (ed.), Law and the unconscious: a Legendre reader. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 72--94.
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  6. The other dimension of law.Pierre Legendre - 1998 - In Peter Goodrich & David Carlson (eds.), Law and the postmodern mind: essays on psychoanalysis and jurisprudence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  7. The history of the formation of the Russian Diaspora in the Baltic States.Renald Simonyan - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    The article discusses the genesis of the Russian Diaspora in the Baltic countries and the main stages of its formation. The stereotype in the mass consciousness of this monolithic ethnic group, its social and cultural homogeneity is disproved. The selection criteria of the eight heterogeneous groups formed in the Russian Diaspora of the Baltic countries at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union are justified. The Russian Diaspora in the Baltic countries is mainly formed in the late-Soviet period; (...)
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    Improving Movement Efficiency through Qualitative Slowness: A Discussion between Bergson’s Philosophy and Asian Martial Arts’ Pedagogy.Alexandre Legendre & Gilles Dietrich - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (2):237-250.
    Bergson’s philosophy marked a turning point in Western understanding of time by differentiating quantitative time—apprehended by intelligence—from qualitative time—duration, embedded in consciousne...
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  9. Space, Light, and Sun: Figures of Flight.Hélène Legendre-de Koninck - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (160):21-43.
    The longing for aerial flight has been one of mankind's most consuming preoccupations. A burning desire for lightness, verticality, and flight is opposed to the fatality of universal gravity. Jules Michelet, in his study of the subject, entitled L'Oiseau (The Bird), which he wrote toward the end of his life, deems this aspiration for upward motion to be characteristic of all nature. He writes: “It is the cry of all the earth, of the world and of all life… : ‘Wings! (...)
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    (1 other version)Magistri Legis. Eine Studie zur dogmatischen Funktion im industriellen System.Pierre Legendre - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2):69-112.
    "Der Beitrag reevaluiert die «dogmatische Funktion», eine soziale Funktion, die mit biologischer und kultureller Reproduktion und folglich der Reproduktion des industriellen Systems zusammenhängt. Indem sie sich auf der Grenze zwischen Anthropologie und Rechtsgeschichte des Westens situiert, nimmt die Studie die psychoanalytische Frage nach der Rolle des Rechts im Verhalten des modernen Menschen erneut in den Blick. This article reappraises the dogmatic function, a social function related to biological and cultural reproduction and consequently to the reproduction of the industrial system itself. (...)
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  11. The Harmonie Mind. From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar.Paul Smolensky & Géraldine Legendre - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):141-147.
  12.  37
    Early Child Grammars: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Morphosyntactic Production.Géraldine Legendre - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):803-835.
    This article reports on a series of 5 analyses of spontaneous production of verbal inflection (tense and person–number agreement) by 2‐year‐olds acquiring French as a native language. A formal analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results is developed using the unique resources of Optimality Theory (OT; Prince & Smolensky, 2004). It is argued that acquisition of morphosyntax proceeds via overlapping grammars (rather than through abrupt changes), which OT formalizes in terms of partial rather than total constraint rankings. Initially, economy of (...)
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    Le visage de la main.Pierre Legendre - 2019 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
  14. Zbrodnia kaprala Lortie.Pierre Legendre - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (12).
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    Learning biases predict a word order universal.Jennifer Culbertson, Paul Smolensky & Géraldine Legendre - 2012 - Cognition 122 (3):306-329.
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    Droit, communication et politique - Entretien.Pierre Legendre - 1989 - Hermes 5:21.
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    La Francophonie des parlementaires - Entretien avec Dominique Wolton.Jacques Legendre - 2004 - Hermes 40:271.
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  18. Antropologia dogmatyczna. Definicja pojęcia.Pierre Legendre - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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    Understanding Consumers’ Ethical Justifications: A Scale for Appraising Consumers’ Reasons for Not Behaving Ethically.Alain D’Astous & Amélie Legendre - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):255-268.
    This article reports the results of research aimed at developing and validating a multi-item scale to measure consumers' agreement with three main justifications for not engaging in socially responsible consumption behaviours, namely the 'economic rationalist argument' founded on the idea that the costs of SRC are greater than its benefits, the 'economic development reality argument' based on the idea that ethical and moral aspirations are less important than the economic development of countries, and the 'government dependency argument' grounded in the (...)
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  20. Science, culture and (eco-) ethics.Louis Legendre - 2004 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13:23.
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    La notion de progres devant la science actuelle.Rene Legendre - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:240.
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    Science, culture and eco-ethics.L. Legendre - 2004 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 4:13-23.
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    Syntactic Creativity Errors in Children's Wh‐Questions.C. Jane Lutken, Géraldine Legendre & Akira Omaki - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12849.
    Previous work has reported that children creatively make syntactic errors that are ungrammatical in their target language, but are grammatical in another language. One of the most well‐known examples is medial wh‐question errors in English‐speaking children's wh‐questions (e.g., What do you think who the cat chased? from Thornton, 1990). The evidence for this non‐target‐like structure in both production and comprehension has been taken to support the existence of innate, syntactic parameters that define all possible grammatical variation, which serve as a (...)
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  24.  59
    On the Asymmetrical Difficulty of Acquiring Person Reference in French: Production Versus Comprehension. [REVIEW]Géraldine Legendre & Paul Smolensky - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (1):7-30.
    Young French children freely produce subject pronouns by the age of 2. However, by age 2 and a half they fail to interpret 3rd person pronouns in an experimental setting designed to select a referent among three participants (speaker, hearer, and other). No such problems are found with 1st and 2nd person pronouns. We formalize our analysis of these empirical results in terms of direction-sensitive optimizations, showing that uni-directionality of optimization, when combined with non-adult-like constraint rankings, explains the general acquisition (...)
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    (1 other version)Se lancer dans la vie active? Pas tout de suite!Catherine De Geynst, Sandra Legendre & Isabelle Duret - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 204 (2):25.
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    Cosa può un taglio?: filosofia, psicoanalisi e altre circoncisioni.Gianluca Solla, Pierre Legendre & Serge Margel (eds.) - 2016 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Kinship terminology: polysemy or categorization?Lotte Hogeweg, Géraldine Legendre & Paul Smolensky - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (5):386-387.
    The target article offers an analysis of the categorization of kin types and empirical evidence that cross-cultural universals may be amenable to OT explanation. Since the analysis concerns the structuring of conceptual categories rather than the use of words, it differs from previous OT analyses in lexical semantics in what is considered to be the input and output of optimization.
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    Démocratie inc. : quand les citoyens reprennent leur pouvoir. Avec les contributions de Gwendoline Etheve et Julien Bechereau.Marie-Christine Aubin-Côté, Virgil Dupras, Jonathan Durand-Folco, Olivier Legendre & Pascale-Marie Milan - 2012 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale (vol. 14, n° 1).
    À la suite du printemps arabe, nombre de citoyens des démocraties occidentales se sont regroupés sur les places publiques pour afficher ouvertement leur indignation par rapport aux dérives du système démocratique affaibli par un pouvoir financier grandissant. Ce texte retrace le chemin qui a amené les auteurs à investir l’espace public. Pensée comme un espace inclusif où le citoyen peut se réapproprier son pouvoir par la discussion, l’écoute et l’autoéducation au vivre ensemble, l’occupation se définit d’abord par sa pratique. Ce (...)
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    Tracking irregular morphophonological dependencies in natural language: Evidence from the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in French.Thierry Nazzi, Isabelle Barrière, Louise Goyet, Sarah Kresh & Géraldine Legendre - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):119-135.
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    Microscopic Legendre Transform, Canonical Ensemble and Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Principle.Ramandeep S. Johal - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-13.
    Legendre transform between thermodynamic quantities such as the Helmholtz free energy and entropy plays a key role in the formulation of the canonical ensemble. In the standard treatment, the transform exchanges the independent variable from the system’s internal energy to its conjugate variable—the inverse temperature of the heat reservoir. In this article, we formulate a microscopic version of the transform between the free energy and Shannon entropy of the system, where the conjugate variables are the microstate probabilities and the (...)
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    Legendre Cooperative PSO Strategies for Trajectory Optimization.Lei Liu, Yongji Wang, Fuqiang Xie & Jiashi Gao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Pierre Legendre and the Possibility of Critique: Myth, Law and Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound".Adam Gearey - 1999 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 11 (2):135-159.
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  33. Pierre Legendre – kanonista, romanista, historyk administracji i...?Hubert Izdebski - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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    Legendre’s Revolution (1794): The Definition of Symmetry in Solid Geometry.Bernard R. Goldstein & Giora Hon - 2005 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (2):107-155.
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  35. Translating legendre, or the poetical sermon of a contemporary jurist.Peter Goodrich - 1998 - In Peter Goodrich & David Carlson (eds.), Law and the postmodern mind: essays on psychoanalysis and jurisprudence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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    De la glosa a la publicidad. Notas para una lectura de Pierre Legendre.José Bellido - 2008 - Isegoría 39:289-310.
    Señalando la experiencia singular del acto de leer, este trabajo presenta la obra de un filósofo del derecho y psicoanalista francés: Pierre Legendre. A pesar de que tal proyecto pudiera constituir una empresa tan imposible como irritante, el propósito principal es resaltar un elemento que no suele observarse con frecuencia en la teoría del derecho: un recorrido por los diversos matices del inconsciente jurídico. El trabajo comienza con algunas referencias a su concepción particular del amor y del espectáculo como (...)
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  37. Kant vs. Legendre on Symmetry: Mirror Images in Philosophy and Mathematics.Giora Hon - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (4):283-297.
    In 1768, Kant published a short essay in which he inquired into the possibility of determining the directionality of space. Kant's central argument invokes the strategy that if one were to demonstrate directionality, then the relational view of space that Leibniz propounded would be refuted. This paper has been considered a major turning point in Kant's philosophical development towards his critical philosophy of transcendental idealism. I demonstrate that in this study, Kant came very close to the modern concept of symmetry. (...)
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    Law and the unconscious: a Legendre reader.Peter Goodrich (ed.) - 1997 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Law and the Unconscious: A Legendre Reader is e first work of the French legal philosopher Pierre Legendre to appear in English. Trained as a lawyer, a historian and a psychoanalyst, the work of Pierre Legendre has consistently confronted law with the teaching and methods of psychoanalysis. The present collection of essays addresses a fascinating and diverse set of themes including the doctrinal regulation of tears, dance and law, the desire for the absolute, the war of the (...)
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    Des méthodes d’intégration par arcs de sections coniques aux échelles de modules. Legendre lecteur de Landen.Ivahn Smadja - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (4):343-395.
    RésuméDans cet article, nous analysons en détail les deux mémoires de Legendre, Sur les intégrations par arcs d’ellipse (1786a, 1786b), en comparant les deux démonstrations qu’il donne de la rectification de l’hyperbole au moyen de deux arcs d’ellipse. Entre le premier et le second mémoire, Legendre prend connaissance d’un théorème analogue de Landen, qu’il cherche à incorporer à son projet de constitution d’un calcul des arcs d’ellipse et dont il propose une interprétation originale en le déduisant de ses (...)
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    The Two Forms of Legal Time: Pierre Legendre’s “La Durée Poignardée”: Remarques sur la Structure et le Temps.Andreas Rahmatian - forthcoming - Law and Critique:1-17.
    In his Leçons VII (Le désir politique de dieu) Pierre Legendre applies the idea or expression of ‘instituting time’ (‘instituer le temps’), that is, working with time as a malleable material, but at the same time conceptualising time as dogmatic time, especially in the interpretation of law. As an example of this concept he refers to the English Common Law, a ‘style’ of ‘governing by solving cases’. This text will analyse the notion of two times of law—inaugural/mythological and historical—and (...)
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    Love of the Censor: Legendre, Censorship, and the Theater of the Basoche.Stephanie Lysyk - 1999 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 11 (2):113-133.
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  42. La esquizofrenia europea: La teoría de Pierre Legendre sobre Occidente.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):51-69.
    La reciente muerte de Pierre Legendre (1930-2023), tras una vida dedicada al estudio de la estructura jurídica de Occidente, permite una evaluación de su importante obra ya concluida. Este ensayo solo quiere identificar el núcleo de su teoría de Occidente en una específica esquizofrenia entre la mentalidad jurídica romana, de estructura patriarcal, y su cruce con la religión cristiana, de aspiración mundial y potencialmente anómica. El resultado ofrece ese especial desequilibrio permanente de Europa, su pulsión expansiva, su incapacidad para (...)
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  43.  66
    Paul Smolensky, Géraldine Legendre: The Harmonic Mind. From Neural Computation to Optimality-Theoretic Grammar. Vol. 1: Cognitive Architecture. Vol. 2: Linguistic and Philosophical Implications: A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, 2006, pp. 563 (Vol.1), 611 (Vol.2), ISBN 0-262-19528-3, 70,99 €. [REVIEW]Harald Maurer - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):141-147.
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    Introductions à l'œuvre de Pierre Legendre.Katrin Becker - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Manucius. Edited by Pierre Musso.
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    Die Zivilisation des Interpreten: Studien zum Werk Pierre Legendres.Georg Mein (ed.) - 2012 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  46. Sons of the writ, sons of wrath : Pierre Legendre's critique of rational law-giving.Anton Schütz - 1998 - In Peter Goodrich & David Carlson (eds.), Law and the postmodern mind: essays on psychoanalysis and jurisprudence. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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  47. Synowie pisma, synowie gniewu: Pierre'a Legendre'a krytyka racjonalnego prawodawstwa.Anton Schütz - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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    Nach dem Poststrukturalismus: französische Fragen der 1990er und 2000er Jahre: Essays zu Olivier Rolin, Gilles Châtelet, Maurice G. Dantec, Mara Goyet, Claude Lefort, Alain Supiot, Pierre Legendre.Clemens Pornschlegel - 2014 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant. Edited by Clemens Pornschlegel.
    Die Abwesenheit des Unbekannten bleibt unbemerkt -- Historische Einbildungen : zu Olivier Rolins "Tigre en papier" -- Leben und denken wie die Schweine : Kleine Dialektik des Poststrukturalismus (von Gilles Châtelet zu Michel Houellebecq) -- Das Verschwinden der leerlaufenden Gegenwart aus der Geschichte : zu Maurice Dantecs Trivialroman "La sirène rouge" -- Tartuffe desakralisiert : zur Krise des frazösischen Bildungssystems -- "Les princes sont des dieux" : zum Religionsbegriff des französischen Staates -- Die Demokratie gegen ihre Liebhaber verteidigt : zum (...)
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  49. In Pursuit of Conceptual Change: the Case of Legendre and Symmetry.Giora Hon & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (4):288-293.
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    Number Theory: An Approach through History, from Hammurapi to Legendre. Andre Weil.Ronald Calinger - 1986 - Isis 77 (1):153-154.
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