Results for 'Remo Danovi'

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  1.  6
    Essais sur la déontologie.Remo Danovi - 2002 - Bruxelles: Nemesis.
    C'est un truisme de constater que la déontologie professionnelle des avocats est, depuis une vingtaine d'années environ, en pleine évolution. Il importe de préciser celles des règles qui peuvent légitimement s'adapter aux conceptions du monde moderne et réaffirmer celles qui sont irréductibles car elles constituent la base même de la profession. Me Remo Danovi analyse les diverses facettes de ces changements en mettant bien en lumière ce qui doit demeurer, à travers tout, " la loi d'Antigone ".
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    Was the Commentary on Vergil by Aelius Donatus Extant in the Ninth Century? A Reappraisal.Vittorio Remo Danovi - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):156-171.
    That the Vergilian commentary by Aelius Donatus – one of the most influential late-antique commentaries that have not survived – was extant in the ninth century and available to some Carolingian scholars is still a widespread belief. The evidence in support of this thesis is said to have been provided by the Harvard Servianist J. J. H. Savage in three articles published between 1925 and 1931. In these articles, Savage claimed that a few marginal notes in one of the ninth-century (...)
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    Una possibile eco antimachea in Nevio.Vittorio Remo Danovi - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):351-353.
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    A Carolingian Emendation of Tiberius Claudius Donatus, ad Aen. 3.118.Vittorio Remo Danovi - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):257.
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    Processo al buio: lezioni di etica in venti film.Remo Danovi - 2010 - [Milan, Italy]: Rizzoli.
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    Realization for justification logics via nested sequents: Modularity through embedding.Remo Goetschi & Roman Kuznets - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (9):1271-1298.
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    La persistenza dell'istinto. Pulsioni vitali dell'esistenza (con prefazione di Remo Bodei).Riccardo Roni & Remo Bodei - 2007 - Pisa PI, Italia: Edizioni ETS.
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  8. The roots of Hegel's "master-slave relationship".Remo Bodei - 2007 - Critical Horizons 8 (1):33-46.
    Hegel continues to be credited with the discovery of a "master-slave dialectic". Critics, however, have established that there was no "master-slave dialectic" but rather a Knecht, that is, servant or footman, with the latter a member of an abstract relationship of Herrschaft-Knechtschaft, which is central to Hegel's idea of the journey from dependence to independence. This "primitive scene" sets up a cycle for the whole paradigm, which is a reformulation of the victory over animal life and its appetites, and a (...)
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    A neurocognitive mechanism for folk biology?Remo Job & Luca Surian - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):577-578.
    Atran's putative module for folk biology is evaluated with respect to evidence from patients showing category-specific impairments for living kinds. Existing neuropsychological evidence provides no support for the primacy of categorization at the generic species level. We outline reasons for this and emphasize that such claims should be tested using inductive reasoning tasks.
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    I Sistemi di segni e lo strutturalismo sovietico.Remo Faccani - 1969 - Milano,: V. Bompiani. Edited by Umberto Eco.
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    Information-driven network analysis: evolving the “complex networks” paradigm.Remo Pareschi & Francesca Arcelli Fontana - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):155-167.
    Network analysis views complex systems as networks with well-defined structural properties that account for their complexity. These characteristics, which include scale-free behavior, small worlds and communities, are not to be found in networks such as random graphs and lattices that do not correspond to complex systems. They provide therefore a robust ground for claiming the existence of “complex networks” as a non-trivial subset of networks. The theory of complex networks has thus been successful in making systematically explicit relevant marks of (...)
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    La radicalità della ricerca nella iormazione del pensiero di Agostino.Remo Piccolomini - 1994 - Augustinus 39 (152-155):373-387.
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    Oblique semiotics: the semiotics of the mirror and specular reflections in Lotman and Eco.Remo Gramigna - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):55-75.
    Novelty, the creation of new information, has been the hallmark of Juri M. Lotman’s thought. This issue resurfaces in the discussion of his now famous article “On the semiosphere,” in which Lotman, drawing on Vernadsky, identifies the principles of symmetry, asymmetry, and enantiomorphism as pivotal aspects of the semiotic mechanism of the semiosphere. Specular phenomena and mirror reflections have not only found a prominent place in contemporary semiotic theories of different scholarly traditions – from general semiotics (Eco, Volli) to cognitive (...)
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    Do Computational Models of Reading Need a Bit of Semantics?Remo Job & Claudio Mulatti - 2007 - In L. Magnani & P. Li, Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine. Springer. pp. 511--525.
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    La sémiotique en 2022 : le bilan de l’année.Remo Gramigna & Mari-Liis Madisson - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):161-185.
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    Notes on the semiotics of face recognition.Remo Gramigna & Cristina Voto - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):338-360.
    Perceiving and recognizing others via their faces is of pivotal importance. The ability to perceive others in the environment – to discern between friends and foes, selves and others – as well as to detect and seek to predict their possible moves, plans, and intentions, is a set of skills that has proved to be essential in the evolutionary history of humankind. The aim of this study is to explore the subject of face recognition as a semiotic phenomenon. The scope (...)
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    Paesaggi sublimi: gli uomini davanti alla natura selvaggia.Remo Bodei - 2008 - [Milan, Italy]: Bompiani.
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  18. La traversée de la vie..Félix Remo - 1925 - Paris,: Éditions de la B. P. S..
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    Augustine on lying: A theoretical framework for the study of types of falsehood.Remo Gramigna - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (4):446-487.
    This paper presents a theoretical investigation of the issue of lying from a semiotic perspective and its specific aim is the analysis of the theory of the lie asconceived by Aurelius Augustinus, bishop of Hippo, also known as Augustine or St. Augustine. The latter devoted two short treatises to the issue oflying: De mendacio and Contra mendacium, written in ca. 395 DC and 420 DC, respectively. Th e paper will focus on duplicity and intention to deceive as fundamental and necessary (...)
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  20. On the Nature and Composition of Abstract Concepts: The X-Ception Theory and Methods for Its Assessment.Remo Job, Claudio Mulatti, Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2015 - In Woosuk Park, Ping Li & Lorenzo Magnani, Philosophy and Cognitive Science Ii: Western & Eastern Studies. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The ‘standard picture of meaning’ suggests that natural languages are composed of two different kinds of words: concrete words whose meaning rely on observable properties of external objects and abstract words which are essentially linguistic constructs. In this study, we challenge this picture and support a new view of the nature and composition of abstract concepts suggesting that they also rely to a greater or lesser degree on body-related information. Specifically, we support a version of this new view which we (...)
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  21. Farewell to the past: Historical memory, oblivion and collective identity.Remo Bodei - 1992 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 18 (3-4):251-265.
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    On the Logics of Delusion.Remo Bodei - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):37-48.
    Delusion is an exceptional test case for the principal categories of common sense and philosophical thought such as ‘reason’, ‘truth’ and ‘reality’. Via an engagement with the legacy of Freud and the most remarkable results of 20th-century psychiatry, the author’s aim is to analyse the paradoxical forms of delusion and to shed light on the logics that underlie and orient its specific modalities of temporalization, conceptualization and argumentation.
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    Preserving Anonymity: Deep-Fake as an Identity-Protection Device and as a Digital Camouflage.Remo Gramigna - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):729-751.
    This paper aims to explore an overlooked aspect of deep-fake technology, specifically its application as a protective tool for concealing the identities of targeted individuals or whistleblowers. Since its emergence in 2017, deep-fakes have been intertwined with various sociotechnical imaginaries. Traditionally, deep-fake technology has been portrayed as a potential threat to privacy and a weapon for disseminating false information, evident from its definitions which emphasize its deceptive nature and malicious use. Moreover, the origins of deepfakes, such as the creation and (...)
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  24. Historical memory and European identity.Remo Bodei - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (4):1-13.
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    Filosofia pratica e filosofia civile nel pensiero di Benedetto Croce, di Giuseppe Cacciatore.Remo Bodei, Salvatore Cingari & Michele Maggi - 2006 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 19 (2):397-408.
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    Pensar el futuro. Incertidumbre y complejidad.Remo Bodei - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:11-18.
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  27. Antonio Gramsci e la responsabilità della cultura.Remo Cantoni - forthcoming - Studi Filosofici.
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    Il senso del tragico e il piacere.Remo Cantoni - 1978 - Milano: Editoriale nuova.
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  29. Nel tempio dell'Io.Remo Fedi - 1941 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Multiversum: tempo e storia in Ernst Bloch: il confronto di Bloch con la tradizione filosofica da Platone a Heidegger.Remo Bodei - 1979 - [Napoli]: Bibliopolis.
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    The place of language among sign systems: Juri Lotman and Emile Benveniste.Remo Gramigna - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (2/3):339-354.
    This paper seeks to shed light on an unwritten chapter in the history of Tartu semiotics, that is, to draw a parallel between Juri Lotman and Emile Benvenisteon the status of natural language among other systems of signs. The tenet that language works as a ‘primary modelling system’ represents one of the trademarksof the Tartu-Moscow school. For Lotman, the primacy assigned to natural language in respect to other systems of signs lied in the fact that the former functions as a (...)
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    Invariance of perception: The boundary between illusion and ambiguity in olfaction.Gesualdo M. Zucco & Remo Job - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):589-592.
  33. Antropologia quotidiana.Remo Cantoni - 1975 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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  34. Il significato del tragico.Remo Cantoni - 1970 - Milano,: La goliardica.
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  35. (1 other version)La coscienza inquita: Sören Kierkegaard.Remo Cantoni - 1949 - Milano]: A. Mondadori.
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  36. Mito e storia.Remo Cantoni - 1953 - Milano]: Mondadori.
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  37. Storicismo e scienze dell'uomo.Remo Cantoni - 1967 - Milano,: La goliardica.
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    Tragico e senso comune.Remo Cantoni - 1963 - Cremona,: G. Mangiarotti; distribuzione Editrice "Padus".
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  39. Filosofia perenne.Remo Fedi - 1943 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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  40. Il bene e la libertà.Remo Fedi - 1944 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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  41. Psiche e cosmo.Remo Fedi - 1946 - Milano,: S. Giovene.
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    Educazione e libertà.Remo Fornaca - 1957 - Torino,: Gheroni.
  43. Scelte pedagogiche e istanze logiche.Remo Fornaca - 1974 - Roma: A. Armando.
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    5. Amor mortis.Remo Bodei - 2018 - In Geometry of the Passions: Fear, Hope, Happiness: Philosophy and Political Use. London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 81-94.
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    Economia politica e tempo della storia: scritti su Hegel.Remo Bodei - 2023 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici Press. Edited by Alfredo Ferrarin.
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    From secrecy to transparency: Reason of state and democracy.Remo Bodei - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (8):889-898.
    From Machiavelli and Guicciardini to Gracián and Richelieu, secrecy is a defining element in the politics of reasons of state, in the art of simulation and dissimulation. These techniques were considered instrumental in order to procure the very survival of the state in situations of permanent emergency. From politics as a secret art centered on the prince’s cabinet, we move gradually along an historical and theoretical path. From English liberalism that places the parliament at the center of politics and the (...)
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    1. Homo ideologicus.Remo Bodei - 2018 - In Geometry of the Passions: Fear, Hope, Happiness: Philosophy and Political Use. London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 403-430.
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    Memoria e costruzione della persona.Remo Bodei - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (2):339-350.
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    4. Medicine of the Passions.Remo Bodei - 2018 - In Geometry of the Passions: Fear, Hope, Happiness: Philosophy and Political Use. London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 267-274.
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    Politics and culture: From the twentieth century to the new millenniumb.Remo Bodei - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):157-166.
    In a period in Italy in which the fascist “Ethical State” gave way to a lesser god, the ethical party, culture was transformed into a sort of political pedagogy. Bobbio insisted on the fact that the “first task of intellectuals ought to be to prevent the monopoly of force from becoming the monopoly of truth.” Today the ethical parties have disappeared, along with political pedagogy. Bobbio was aware of the reasons that make participatory democracy difficult: In complex societies citizens are (...)
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