Results for 'Religious Form of Ideation'

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  1.  8
    Locke on Religious Enthusiasm as a Form of Madness.Diego Lucci - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 53 (3):241-252.
    In John Locke’s An Essay concerning Human Understanding, madness is described as “the association of ideas,” which consists in (mistakenly) associating ideas not inherently connected to each other. When criticizing religious enthusiasts for relying exclusively on “immediate inspiration,” Locke blamed them for engaging in the “association of ideas.” Thus, he considered enthusiasm as a sort of madness. This essay examines Locke’s analysis of madness against the backdrop of his “way of ideas,” thereby highlighting the specificity of his “ideational” account (...)
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    Вплив релігійної форми ідеації на формування суспільного ідеалу.Лідія Валеріївна Чорна - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 66:158-169.
    Nowadays the problem of Ideal is no less urgent to study than in previous centuries. Ideal interpretation is a hot topic for debate in contemporary philosophy, cultural studies, political science, public administration theory. The purpose of the article is to move from general vision of Social Ideal to its interpretation in the light of the understanding of religious form of ideation. The basic method of this research is the method of hermeneutics and cultural-anthropological analysis. The modern polysystemic (...)
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    (1 other version)Ideating African Indigenous Knowledge Systems for Africa’s Participation in the 4IR.A. A. Oyekunle - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica 10 (3):29-43.
    With its envisioned benefits of increased productivity, enhanced decision making with digital-based tools, qualitative and efficient processes, improved life expectancy rate, etc., the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a desideratum for contemporary society. The need to prioritize skills and knowledge needed for the participation of Africa in the 4IR thus becomes imperative. This paper argues for indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) as a possible approach to enhance African participation in the 4IR. Consequently, the paper examines the methodical perspectives that would be (...)
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    Contemplating Religious Forms of Life: Wittgenstein and D. Z. Phillips. By Mikel Burley.David Rozema - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (1):163-166.
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    Intolerance, polemics, and debate in antiquity: politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation.Geurt Hendrik van Kooten (ed.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    In Intolerance, Polemics, and Debate in Antiquity scholars reflect on politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation in the ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, Graeco-Roman, and early-Islamic world. They enquire into the boundaries between debate, polemics, and intolerance, and address their manifestations in both philosophy and religion. This cross-cultural and inclusive approach shows that debate and polemics are not so different as often assumed, since polemics may also indicate that ultimate values are at stake. Polemics can also have a (...)
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    Review: A Religious form of Scientific Life. [REVIEW]Antony Flew - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):183 - 186.
  7.  54
    Mikel Burley: Contemplating religious forms of life: Wittgenstein and D. Z. Phillips: New York: Continuum, 2012, xii \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$+$$\end{document} 200 pages, $27.95. [REVIEW]Christopher Hoyt - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (3):353-357.
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    Gendered Forms of Address in Religious Institutions: A Case Study.Lesley A. Northup - 1996 - Feminist Theology 4 (12):61-82.
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    The elementary forms of the religious life.Émile Durkheim - 1926 - New York,: The Macmillan company. Edited by Joseph Ward Swain.
  10.  24
    What if there were a religious "form of life"?James R. Hamilton - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (3):1-17.
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  11. The Priority of Public Reasons and Religious Forms of Life in Constitutional Democracies.Cristina Lafont - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):45-60.
    In this essay I address the difficult question of how citizens with conflicting religious and secular views can fulfill the democratic obligation of justifying the imposition of coercive policies to others with reasons that they can also accept. After discussing the difficulties of proposals that either exclude religious beliefs from public deliberation or include them without any restrictions, I argue instead for a policy of mutual accountability that imposes the same deliberative rights and obligations on all democratic citizens. (...)
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    Rectifying Misconceptions of Wittgenstein and Phillips: "Contemplating Religious Forms of Life" by Mikel Burley. [REVIEW]Hugo Strandberg - 2014 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 3 (2):191-193.
    Review of Burley, Mikel: Contemplating Religious Forms of Life: Wittgenstein and D. Z. Phillips. London: Continuum, 2012.
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    Religious Emotion as a Form of Religious Experience.Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (1):78-101.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that religious emotions are variations of general emotions that we already know from our everyday life, which nevertheless exhibit specific features that enable us to think of them as forming a coherent subclass. The article claims that there is an experience of joy, sorrow, regret, fear, and so on that is specifically religious. The aim is to develop an account that specifies what makes them “religious.” The argument is developed in three stages. The (...)
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    Forms of Teaching Pedagogical Disciplines in Orthodox Religious Educational Institutions of Ukraine.Tetiana Tverdokhlib - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 71:40-46.
    Source: Author: Tetiana Tverdokhlib The main forms of teaching pedagogical disciplines in orthodox religious educational institutions of Ukraine have been characterised in the article on the basis of analyzed pedagogical literature, archival records, and documents in periodicals. The features of conducting lessons, teaching practice, examinations and organisation of making written home compositions in various types of religious educational institutions of Ukraine in the stated time period have been revealed. The essence of "rehearsals" as a form of controlling (...)
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  15. Religious Emotion as a Form of Religious Experience.Ingrid Vendrell Ferran - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (1):78-101.
    This article argues that religious emotions are variations of general emotions that we already know from our everyday life, which nevertheless exhibit specific features that enable us to think of them as forming a coherent subclass. The article claims that there is an experience of joy, sorrow, regret, fear, and so on that is specifically religious. The aim is to develop an account that specifies what makes them “religious.” The argument is developed in three stages. The first (...)
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    The discovery of meaning through scientific and religious forms of indwelling.John V. Apczynski - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):77-88.
    . Because of similarities between some implications of Michael Polanyi's theory of personal knowledge and intelligent design, claims have been made that his theory provides support to the project of intelligent design. This essay contends that, when Polanyi's reflections on a Ideological framework for contextualizing evolutionary biology are properly understood as a heuristic vision, his position contrasts sharply with the empirical claims made on behalf of intelligent design.
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    Naturism as a Form of Religious Naturalism.Donald A. Crosby - 2003 - Zygon 38 (1):117-120.
    The version of religious naturalism sketched here is called naturism to distinguish it from conceptions of religious naturalism that make fundamental appeal to some idea of deity, deities, or the divine, however immanental, functional, nonontological, or purely valuational or existential such notions may be claimed to be. The focus of naturism is on nature itself as both metaphysically and religiously ultimate. Nature is sacred in its own right, not because of its derivation from some more–ultimate religious principle, (...)
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    Exomologesis as an absolute form of standing in inter-religious dialogue.Vasilică V. Bîrzu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1-8.
    The present study intends to offer another perspective over the inter-religious dialogue emphasising the spiritual state of exomologesis as an essential means of accomplishing a better and real understanding of a participant in dialogue. It makes some short analysis of penitential confession as homologation with the Logos, of the prayer as inner dialogue or confession or exomologesis with the Logos and of the confessions as a literary style, which all engages the deep, spiritual dimensions of communion with the Logos (...)
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    On the Social and Existential Meaning of Jewish Mysticism Today: Pitfalls and Potential.Yonatan Glaser & Yehuda Bar Shalom - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):43-57.
    The authors review the profound and diverse ways in which mysticism is embedded in and influences belief, lifestyle, identity and politics in Jewish life in Israel and North America. They outline some existential and cultural dimensions of the conditions in which this phenomena flourish, specifically relating to the condition of post-modernity. The seeming dominance of mysticism over more rational forms of religious belief and behavior is explored. The opposite ideational and historic trends within Jewish mysticism as they relate to (...)
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    The Elementary Forms Of The Religious Life: Translated From The French By Joseph Ward Swain, M.A.Emile Durkheim - 2021 - Allen & Unwin.
    The Elementary Forms Of The Religious Life: Translated From The French By Joseph Ward Swain, M.A. This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, (...)
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    Praying as a Form of Religious Coping in Dutch Highly Educated Muslim Women of Moroccan Descent.Joseph Z. T. Pieper, Marinus H. F. van Uden & Leonie van der Valk - 2018 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 40 (2-3):141-162.
    This article addresses the research question: “How do Dutch highly educated Muslim women of Moroccan descent use prayer in dealing with problems?” The theoretical framework was mainly based on the work of Pargament et al. regarding religious coping. The empirical part of the study consisted of a quantitative and a qualitative part. This article presents results of the quantitative part. For the quantitative part of our research, 177 questionnaires were collected using snowball sampling. We asked respondents about their praying (...)
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  22.  21
    Mikel Burley, Contemplating Religious Forms of Life, Wittgenstein and D. Z. Phillips . ix + 200, price £50.00. [REVIEW]Walford Gealy - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (4):386-389.
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    Stūpa Worship: The Early Form of Tai Religious Tourism.Dr Pimmada Wichasin - 2009 - Contemporary Buddhism 10 (1):185-191.
    Pilgrimage and tourism can be related to each other, especially religious tourism. It can be said that pilgrimage is considered an early form of religious tourism due to the fact that these two share similar aspects. The relationship of pilgrimage and tourism with the emphasis on the case of stūpa worship is illustrated in this paper. Stūpa worship is regarded to be an early form of both the pilgrimage and tourism of Tai. The ‘Tai’ in this (...)
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  24.  59
    Epistemology and Practice: Durkheim's the Elementary Forms of Religious Life.Anne Warfield Rawls - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this original and controversial book Professor Rawls argues that Durkheim's The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is the crowning achievement of his sociological endeavour and that since its publication in English in 1915 it has been consistently misunderstood. Rather than a work on primitive religion or the sociology of knowledge, Rawls asserts that it is an attempt by Durkheim to establish a unique epistemological basis for the study of sociology and moral relations. By privileging social practice over beliefs (...)
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  25.  23
    Medieval encyclopedia as a form of of religious worldview universalization.Alla Aristova - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:42-63.
    The article actualizes the significance of scholastic encyclopedias for the religious and secular culture of medieval Europe. Their role as a compendium of accumulated knowledge and at the same time ideological synthesis of Christian religious doctrine and scientific achievements, ancient and scholastic traditions, university, and church-monastery intellectual culture is shown. The main attention is paid to the multi-volume Vincent of Beauvais’ work «Speculum Maius» as the most significant work among medieval encyclopedias and its conceptual completion. The extraordinary role (...)
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  26.  21
    The ontological status of ideation: A continuing issue.Charles Smith - 1997 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 27 (2&3):129–137.
    In this introductory paper, it is argued that the ontological status, or more correctly statuses, of ideations of varying sorts remains a central issue for the social sciences. The paper begins by tracing the central historical role played by ideations in accounting for human behavior and the inherent tension between ideations and the commonly assumed tenets of science. The central theme of the paper is that a naturalistic view of ideations must ground ideations in ongoing behavioral practices and other natural (...)
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    Review of Mikel Burley, Contemplating Religious Forms of Life: Wittgenstein and D.Z. Phillips: New York: Continuum, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4411-03253, PB, xii + 200pp. [REVIEW]Jonathan Tuckett - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):723-724.
  28. Experience of nothingness, a form of humanistic religious-experience.Mm Raymond - 1989 - Journal of Dharma 14 (2):173-189.
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  29. The Natural Form of Religious Experience.A. Campbell Garnett - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:80.
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  30.  10
    International Religious Meetings as a Form of Cooperation between Ukrainian and Yugoslav Clergy.Galyna V. Sagan - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:178-189.
    Ukrainian and Yugoslav Orthodox clergy may often be able to meet at various international religious forums and celebrations held in Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and other countries. Here communication was established between them, which complemented the general tradition of international cooperation of the Ukrainian and Yugoslav public.In recent years, there has been a revival in various forms of relations between the Orthodox Churches of the Slavic countries. This actualizes the study of the history of these relations, the recognition in it of (...)
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    A persistência de formas da vida religiosa na modernidade (The persistence of forms of the religious life in modernity).Breno Martins Campos - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):1028-1041.
    O processo de desenvolvimento da história (e demais ciências) das religiões, com objeto e metodologia próprios, pode ser analisado por meio das discussões que aprofundaram as relações entre a defesa do caráter racionalista do homem ocidental e a persistência de formas religiosas de expressão no transcorrer dos séculos XIX e XX (bem como neste início de século XXI). Por meio do estudo da história da teologia e das religiões, são estabelecidos critérios para o julgamento das convergências entre movimentos religiosos, também (...)
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  32. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. [REVIEW]Emile Durkheim - 1918 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 28:158.
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    Minority as a form of organization of religious existence.Mariana Tatarchuk - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:51-54.
    In today's conditions of Ukraine's development, strengthening its legal foundation and establishing a democratic civil society is an urgent problem of the person's ability to exercise the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and other legislative acts. Recently, in the world, cases of human rights violations in connection with religious, racial, linguistic and other differences have become more frequent and more frequent in the world. The ambiguity, the antagonistic nature of the definitions and the relation between the concepts (...)
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    The form of eternity.Augusto Bruno de Carvalho Dias Leite - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02801.
    According to the mythical-religious literature time is determined by the eternal nature of divinity or origin of all things. From this adagio, theological literature is provoked and studies on the eternal nature of divinity suggest that if the universe was created the image of its creator the first must also be eternal. Therefore the question arises: how to shape that which by nature is formless, infinite, namely eternity? To answer this question the following paper develops a brief history about (...)
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    Forms of Life and the Phenomenological Ontology of Conversion.Daniel ‘Drugar’ Rueda Garrido - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):33-47.
    In this article, my purpose is to explore conversion in its onto-phenomenological structure. To this end, in the first section, I develop a notion of form of life as an ontological unit. That is, the totality of the possible actions of a subject according to the principle that drives him/her. In this way, the subject is the result of the actions that constitute the adopted form of life. In the second section, I hold that all conversion is precisely (...)
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  36.  12
    Is religiousness a form of variation in personality, or in culture, or neither? Conceptual issues and empirical indications.Gerard Saucier - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (3):216-223.
    It has become widely recognized that religiousness has a predictable pattern of small associations with Big Five personality dimensions, and has some intersections with cultural psychology. But just how large are those culture-religiosity intersections, and are there additional associations with personality when one extends beyond the restricted spectrum represented by Big Five traits? Moreover, do the answers to these questions depend on how religiousness is defined and measured? I argue that, both conceptually and empirically, religiousness itself meets the criteria for (...)
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  37.  45
    Durkheim’s French Neo-Kantian Social Thought: Epistemology, Sociology of Knowledge, and Morality in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life.Dustin Garlitz - 2020 - Kant Yearbook 12 (1):33-56.
    This article presents Durkheim as a Neo-Kantian social thinker and a source of the theory of emotional contagion. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is examined as Durkheim’s paradigm case of Neo-Kantianism. He is first considered among the intellectual context of French Neo-Kantianism and its figures Charles Renouvier, Émile Boutroux, and Octave Hamelin, all whom were influential in his formative years. Durkheim’s Neo-Kantianism in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is then juxtaposed to the Neo-Kantian legal philosophy of (...)
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  38.  63
    Religious echoes of the errant text: Darker shades of Derrida's pathless way.Ian Almond - 2003 - Heythrop Journal 44 (3):294–304.
    I employ these words, I admit, with a glance towards the operations of childbearing–but also with a glance towards those who, in a society from which I do not exclude myself, turn their eyes away when faced by the as yet unnameable which is proclaiming itself and which can do so …only under the species of the nonspecies, in the formless, mute, infant and terrifying form of monstrosity.The question of writing could be opened only if the book was closed. (...)
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  39. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life a Study in Religious Sociology.Emile Durkheim - 1915 - Allen & Unwin.
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    Religious spaces as continually evolving modernities: Forms of encounter with modernity in Christian Orthodoxy and Islam.Alina G. Pătru - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    The present study deals with the encounter with modernity in two neighbouring religious spaces: Christian Orthodoxy and Islam. Relying on Eisenstadt’s theory about multiple modernities and on its further developments by Thomas Mergel and Kristina Stoeckl, Islamic and Christian-Orthodox dynamics in relation to the challenges of modernity are examined under two aspects: first, the decoupling between religion and culture as elaborated by Olivier Roy, and second, the development of modernist and fundamentalist currents as phenomena of modernity. The study contributes (...)
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    The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life: A Study in Religious Sociology. [REVIEW]A. A. Goldenweiser - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (4):109-110.
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    Language Games, Forms of Life and Conceptual Schemes: Wittgenstein, Davidson, and Religious Belief.Gregory L. Reece - 2006 - Contemporary Pragmatism 3 (1):51-68.
    The charges of fideism and relativism have long been leveled against Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion. However, the philosopher most influenced by Wittgenstein's understanding of religion, D. Z. Phillips, is guilty of neither fideism nor conceptual scheming. The contribution of Wittgenstein to an understanding of religious belief is much more nuanced than critics generally appreciate. Likewise, the relationship of Wittgenstein's philosophy to that of Davidson and to pragmatism, especially in its Rortyan manifestations, is shown to be friendlier than is often (...)
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  43. On the "European form of Buddhism." The Kyoto school and German philosophy against the background of religious nihilism.Raquel Bouso - 2025 - In Gregory S. Moss & Takeshi Morisato (eds.), The dialectics of absolute nothingness: the legacies of German philosophy in the Kyoto school. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life: A Study in Religious Sociology. Émile Durkheim, J. W. Swain.G. A. Johnston - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (2):303-304.
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    Music as an Archetype in the 'Collective Unconscious'.Anthony Palmer - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (3):187-200.
    The making of music has been sufficiently deep and widespread diachronically and geographically to suggest a genetic imperative. C.G. Jung's 'Collective Unconscious' and the accompanying archetypes suggest that music is a psychic necessity because it is part of the brain structure. Therefore, the present view of aesthetics may need drastic revision, particularly on views of music as pleasure, ideas of disinterest, differences between so-called high and low art, cultural identity, cultural conditioning, and art-for-art's sake.All cultures, past and present, show evidence (...)
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  46.  11
    urkheim's The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. [REVIEW]A. A. Goldenweiser - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):109.
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    The interdenominational conflicts and the forming of religious identity: interdependence and interferences.Iryna Klimuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:199-208.
    A characteristic feature of modern society is religious pluralism, which is an important factor in the competition between subjects of religious relations, the growth of their influence on each other. Ukrainian society has never been monoconfessional, and therefore contradictions or even conflicts between denominational communities have always existed in its territory. First of all, contradictions arose on the basis of the problems of coexistence of carriers of different confessional identities in society. In this context, the role of inter-confessional (...)
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    The Quasi-religious Nature of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Abram Brummett - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):199-209.
    What is the proper role of a clinical ethics consultant’s religious beliefs in forming recommendations for clinical ethics consultation? Where Janet Malek has argued that religious belief should have no influence on the formation of a CEC’s recommendations, Clint Parker has argued a CEC should freely appeal to all their background beliefs, including religious beliefs, in formulating their recommendations. In this paper, I critique both their views by arguing the position envisioned by Malek puts the CEC too (...)
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    Reincarnation or eternal life? A reassessment of the dilemma from a cultural studies perspective and by resorting to the plurality of Christian eschatologies.Alina G. Patru - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    The present study starts from the discovery that reincarnationist ideas have spread massively throughout European and Western thought in general, in a framework where the belief in one life was defining. However, the quandary between the two afterlife interpretations in contemporary Western culture is distinct from similar conflicts in other times or places because post-Christian critique of the Christian tradition shapes how reincarnation theory is understood in the West today. Therefore, the present study shifts the debate from the realm of (...)
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    The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. Ching (review).Maria Hasfeldt Long - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality by Edward Y.J. ChingMaria Hasfeldt Long (bio)The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye): A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality. By Edward Y.J. Ching. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. vii + 204. Hardcover $99.00, isbn 978-3-030-77923-8.In recent years, the study of Korean Neo-Confucianism as an international (...)
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