Results for 'Religion and literature '

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  1.  5
    Material spirit: religion and literature intranscendent.Gregory C. Stallings (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Explores the relation between religion, philosophy and literature.
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    Religion and literature in Japan: Some introductory remarks.W. Kelsey - 1982 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 9 (2-3):103-114.
  3. Religion and Literature.Leon Roth - 1961 - Hibbert Journal 60 (36):24-34.
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  4. An Introduction to Religion and Literature.Mark Knight - 2009
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    Uttering the Unutterable: Aristotle, Religion, and Literature by Louis Groarke (review).Jay R. Elliott - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):719-721.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Uttering the Unutterable: Aristotle, Religion, and Literature by Louis GroarkeJay R. ElliottGROARKE, Louis. Uttering the Unutterable: Aristotle, Religion, and Literature. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023. 336 pp. Cloth, $120.00Louis Groarke’s Uttering the Unutterable is an extraordinarily ambitious book. Its aims include: to provide a definition of literature; to argue that literature must be morally good; to argue that literature is necessarily (...)
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    Symbolism in Religion and Literature[REVIEW]A. B. J. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):177-178.
    This book contains ten excellent essays on symbolism, its nature and function in art, society, religion, science, and psychoanalysis. Six of the essays were originally in 1958 in a special issue of "Daedalus"; of the remainder there is a selection from Whitehead's Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect, and three original contributions of value, of which Erich Kahler's essay on "The Nature of Symbolism" is outstanding.--J. A. B.
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    Tantras: Studies on Their Religion and Literature.Royal W. Weiler & Chintaharan Chakravarti - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):285.
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    Naturalism: its impact on science, religion and literature.Hyung S. Choi, David F. Siemens & Shirley E. Williams (eds.) - 2001 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Canyon Institute for Advanced Studies.
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  9.  54
    Symbolism in Religion and Literature. Rollo May. [REVIEW]Richard F. Grabau - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (1):98-99.
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  10.  38
    Between Religion and Rationality: Essays in Russian Literature and Culture.Marina Ritzarev - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (7):941-942.
  11. Maurice Friedman's dialogue with religion and literature.Pat Boni - 2011 - In Kenneth Kramer, Dialogically speaking: Maurice Friedman's interdisciplinary humanism. Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications.
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  12.  16
    Symbolism in Religion and Literature.Rollo May - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (1):98-99.
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  13. Literature, Religion, and Science: A Personal and Professional Trajectory.Robert Schaible - 1997 - Zygon 32 (2):277-288.
    By tracing the trajectory of his own personal and professional life, the author provides a perspective on how intellectual and religious or spiritual growth, while often seemingly at odds with each other, can nonetheless advance in a mutually enhancing manner. The historical conflict between literature and science is briefly outlined as a parallel to that between religion and science, and the importance of metaphor as a common element in all three fields is explored. Emphasis is placed on metaphor (...)
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    Interpreting cultures: literature, religion, and the human sciences.Jonathan Hart - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book focuses on how we perceive, know and interpret culture across disciplinary boundaries. The study ranges from the Bible and classical works to those by and about men and women in Europe, the Americas and beyond of Native, African, European and different backgrounds.
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  15. D. Z. Phillips' contemplations on religion and literature.Mikel Burley - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71 (1):21-37.
    This paper critically discusses D. Z. Phillips’ use of literary works as a resource for philosophical reflection on religion. Beginning by noting Phillips’ suggestion, made in relation to Waiting for Godot , that the possibilities of meaning that we see in a literary work can reveal something of our own religious sensibility, I then proceed to show what we learn about Phillips from his readings of certain works by Larkin, Tennyson, and Wharton. Through exploring alternative possible readings, I argue (...)
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  16.  53
    Religião e literatura na poética mística de Adélia Prado (Religion and literature in the mystic poetry of Adelia Prado)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2012 v10n25p120. [REVIEW]Josias Costa Júnior - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):120-135.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a relação entre religião e literatura a partir poética mística de Adélia Prado. Apresentarei brevemente alguns métodos que exploraram e ainda exploram essa aproximação. Também mostrarei a estreita relação entre mística e poesia e como ela se apresenta na obra de Adélia Prado. Essa estreita relação permite-nos nomear a obra de Adélia Prado de poética mística e é a partir dessa noção que será feita uma leitura teológica na poética da mineira de Divinópolis, (...)
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  17.  55
    Utopia, Religion, and Transcendence in Turkish Literature: Ruşeni Barkın, Molla Davudzade, and İsmail Gaspıralı.Rahime Çokay Nebioğlu - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):593-629.
    This article aims to draw a theoretical framework to discuss the role of religion in utopia's appeal to transcendence in Turkish literature. This aim entails interrogating the intricate relation between utopia and religion in order to demonstrate how religious discourse functions as a transcendent organizing principle in Turkish utopian vision. The employment of religious discourse in utopia often generates problematic moments in which utopia attains a transcendent position and comes closest to its sibling term, dystopia. This article (...)
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    Louis Groarke, 'Uttering the Unutterable: Aristotle, Religion, and Literature'.Daniel Bessey - 2025 - Philosophy in Review 45 (1):23-25.
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  19.  42
    Of Piety and Poetry. The Interaction of Religion and Literature in the Life and Works of Ḥakīm Sanāʾī of GhaznaOf Piety and Poetry. The Interaction of Religion and Literature in the Life and Works of Hakim Sanai of Ghazna.William C. Chittick, J. T. P. de Bruijn, Ḥakīm Sanāʾī & Hakim Sanai - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):347.
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  20.  39
    Japanese Religion and Philosophy: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research MaterialsJapanese Literature of the Shōwa Period: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research MaterialsJapanese Literature of the Showa Period: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research Materials.E. Dale Saunders, Donald Holzman, Motoyama Yukihiko & Joseph K. Yamagiwa - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (3):209.
  21.  40
    Religião e literatura na crítica a Franz Kafka (Religion and literature in the criticism about Franz Kafka) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n25p157. [REVIEW]Mauro Rocha Baptista - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):157-175.
    Partimos dos eixos propostos por José Carlos Barcellos no artigo “Literatura e teologia” para enquadrar a fortuna crítica que se elevou em torno de Franz Kafka quanto à relação entre sua literatura e a temática religiosa. O primeiro eixo lida com a perspectiva de que a literatura se apresente como uma teologia não teórica, nele analisamos a configuração de Kafka como um cabalista de acordo com Scholem. No segundo, sob a ótica de que a teologia está presente na literatura, observamos (...)
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  22.  28
    Religion, Politics and Literature in Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania's Work.Nicolae Turcan - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):159-181.
    The personality of Metropolitan Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania has been extremely complex, first of all due to the various domains of his work - literature, essays, art history, theology and biblical theology -, and secondly due to his relation to politics, especially his connections with the Legionary Movement and with Communism. Despite having been incarcerated as a political prisoner in some of Bolshevik Romania's famous prisons (Jilava, Pitești, Aiud), Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania is still accused of having collaborated with the political (...)
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  23.  12
    Landscape, religion, and the supernatural: Nordic perspectives on landscape theory.Matthias Egeler - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Landscape, Religion, and the Supernatural presents a summa of current and classic theorizing on religion and the supernatural in relationship to the land and develops this theorizing further by confronting it with a rich set of folkloristic and historical data. Focusing on the themes of "time and memory", "repeating patterns", "identity formation", "morality", "labor", "playfulness and adventure", "power and subversion", "sound", "emotions", "coping with contingency", "home and unhomeliness", as well as "nature and environment", the book engages with a (...)
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  24. Samuel Johnson: Literature, Religion and English Cultural Politics from the Restoration to Romanticism. By JCD Clark.A. Sharp - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:162-162.
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    Art, Religion, and Ethics Post Mortem Dei: Levinas and Dostoyevsky.Peter Atterton - 2007 - Levinas Studies 2:105-132.
    Discussions of the sources for Levinas’s philosophy have tended to focus on Greece and the Bible to the neglect of his Russo-Lithuanian cultural heritage. Almost no work has been done examining the impact of Russian literature on Levinas’s thinking. The present essay seeks to overcome this neglect by examining the influence that Dostoyevsky in particular exerted on the development of Levinas’s philosophy. I am aware that the notion of “influence” is philosophically vague, and not something whose truth can easily (...)
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  26.  11
    Hermeneutics, Religion, and Ethics.Joel Weinsheimer (ed.) - 2011 - Yale University Press.
    In the years shortly before and after the publication of his classic _Truth and Method_, the eminent German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer returned often to questions surrounding religion and ethics. In this selection of writings from _Gesammelte Werke_ that are here translated into English for the first time, Gadamer probes deeply into the hermeneutic significance of these subjects. Gadamer raises issues of importance to ethicists and theologians as well as students of language and literature. In such outstanding essays as (...)
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  27.  10
    Fault lines of modernity: the fractures and repairs of religion, ethics, and literature.Kitty Millet & Dorothy Figueira (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This state of the art collection offers fresh perspectives on why intersections between literature, religion, and ethics can address the fault lines of modernity and are not necessarily the cause of modernity's 'faults.' From a diverse cohort of scholars from around the world, with appointments in comparative literature and other disciplines, the essays suggest that the imagined hegemony of a Judeo-Christian Western project is neither exclusively true nor productive. However, the essays also suggest that elements of the (...)
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  28.  56
    Religion and Utopia in Peru: From Aprismo to Liberation Theology.Fredrick B. Pike - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (3):250-271.
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    Religion and the Imagination. Scott - 1991 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 66 (2):151-160.
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  30.  34
    Catholicism in the English Protestant Imagination: Nationalism, Religion, and Literature, 1660-1745. Raymond D. Tumbleson. [REVIEW]Jan Wojcik - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):589-590.
  31. Philosophy and Literature.Iris Murdoch, Bryan Magee, Inc Bbc Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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    Religion and Nationality.Guido Zernatto - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (3):465-482.
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    Religion and Politics.Daniel H. Levine - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (2):117-135.
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    Religion and American Values.Joseph H. Fichter - 1983 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 58 (2):224-233.
  35.  7
    Personalism and the politics of culture: readings in literature and religion from the New Testament to the poetry of Northern Ireland.Patrick Grant - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    The third and purportedly final attempt to outline a personalism appropriate for a post-modern, post Marxist cultural phase, linked to but independent of Grant's (English, U. of Victoria, British Columbia) Literature and Personal Habits (1992) and Spirituality and the Meaning of Persons (1994). Concerned here with the idea of the person in relation to the politics of culture, he considers certain relationships between literature and religion to find clues about persons and human community. Annotation copyrighted by Book (...)
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  36.  15
    Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture.Louis K. Dupré - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture_ describes and analyzes changing attitudes toward religion during three stages of modern European culture: the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Romantic period. Louis Dupré is an expert guide to the complex historical and intellectual relation between religion and modern culture. Dupré begins by tracing the weakening of the Christian synthesis. At the end of the Middle Ages intellectual attitudes toward religion began to change. Theology, once the dominant science that had (...)
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  37.  11
    Religion Dans L'histoire.Michel Despland, Gérard Vallée & Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion - 1992 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    The history of the concept of “religion” in Western tradition has intrigued scholars for years. This important collection of eighteen essays brings further light to the ongoing debate. Three of the invited participants, W.C. Smith, M. Despland and E. Feil, has each previously written impressive books treating this subject; the last two acknowledged the impact and continuing influence of Smith’s work, The Meaning and End of Religion. An introduction and a recapitulation of Smith’s contribution as a scholar set (...)
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  38.  17
    Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature.Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Jay Schwartz & Joseph Turner (eds.) - 2008 - Brill.
    This volume contains essays dealing with complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity, taking a bold step, assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as either rejection or appropriation.
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  39.  56
    Religion and Sex.G. K. Chesterton - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3/4):289-293.
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    Christian Humanism in Shakespeare: A Study in Religion and Literature. By Lee Oser. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2022. Pp. 285. $34.95. [REVIEW]Michael Scott - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):1029-1030.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 5, Page 1029-1030, September 2022.
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    Catholocism in the English Protestant Imagination: Nationalism, Religion, and Literature 1600-1745. [REVIEW]Brian Young - 1999 - History of European Ideas 25 (1-2):93-95.
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    Religion and the New Roles of Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Hausa and Ebira Muslim Communities in Northern Nigeria, 1930s-1980s. [REVIEW]Mukhtar Umar Bunza & Abdullahi Musa Ashafa - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):302-331.
    This paper is a comparative study of two northern Nigerian Muslim societies (the Ebira in central Nigeria and the Hausa in the North-west) in which the youths contested religious traditionalists in the 20th century and in the process brought about transformation in their societies. In the religious sphere, which was hitherto considered an affair of the elderly, the youth have equally come to assume a dominant place, especially in their assertive activist posture. In these two case studies, the youths have (...)
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  43.  57
    Religion and the Conservative Mind.Dermot Quinn - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):225-252.
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    Reincarnation: the phoenix fire mystery: an east-west dialogue on death and rebirth from the worlds of religion, science, psychology, philosophy, art, and literature, and from great thinkers of the past and present.Joseph Head & Sylvia Cranston (eds.) - 1977 - Pasadena, Calif.: Theosophical University Press.
    This classic anthology offers ancient and modern perspectives on Job's question: 'If a man die, shall he live again?' Spanning over 5,000 years of world thought, the selections invite consideration of an idea that has found hospitality in the greatest minds of history.
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  45. The Kāpālikas: a critical study of the religion, philosophy, and literature of a tantric sect.Apurba Chandra Barthakuria - 1984 - Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
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    The Powers and Perils of Solitude: Perspectives from Eighteenth-Century French Literature, Religion, and Medicine.Anne Vila - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (4):141-173.
    This article examines various meanings of solitude in eighteenth-century Europe, with emphasis on French thought and culture. Part 1 is a survey of literary representations of solitude and contemplation. Part II is devoted to the Jansenist convulsionnaires, Catholic dissidents who took part in a larger appeal against the repressive Unigenitus Bull of 1713. Although the convulsionary movement sought to attract crowds and publicity, it was also grounded in a Jansenist tradition of spiritual retreat that was emulated by the movement’s de (...)
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  47.  8
    Religion and the Gender Vote Gap: Women’s Changed Political Preferences from the 1970s to 2010.Philip Manow & Patrick Emmenegger - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (2):166-193.
    For many years women tended to vote more conservative than men, but since the 1980s this gap has shifted direction: women in many countries are more likely than men to support left parties. The literature largely agrees on a set of political-economic factors explaining the change in women’s political orientation. In this article we demonstrate that these conventional factors fall short in explaining the gender vote gap. We highlight the importance of a religious cleavage in the party system across (...)
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  48.  5
    Historical Religion and Biblical Revelation (1885).Henry Harris - 2008
    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
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  49.  30
    Para/Inquiry: Postmodern Religion and Culture.Victor E. Taylor - 1999 - Routledge.
    Para/Inquiry represents the next generation of postmodern studies. Focusing on cultural studies religion, and literature, Victor E. Taylor provides us with a fresh look at the history and main themes of postmodernism, both in style and content. Central to the book is the status of the sacred in postmodern times. Taylor explores the sacred images in art, culture and literature. We see that the concept of the sacred is uniquely singular and resistant to an easy assimilation into (...)
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  50.  71
    Religion and Politics in the Bellocian Biographies.Edward N. Peters - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (2):195-200.
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