Results for 'Reinhard Maurer'

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  1.  9
    Mark Schweda, Entzweiung und Kompensation. Joachim Ritters philosophische Theorie der modernen Welt (= Symposion. Philosophische Schriftenreihe, Bd. 135). [REVIEW]Reinhard Maurer - 2015 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 122 (1):251-255.
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  2. Combining Montague semantics and discourse representation.Reinhard Muskens - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (2):143 - 186.
    This paper embeds the core part of Discourse Representation Theory in the classical theory of types plus a few simple axioms that allow the theory to express key facts about variables and assignments on the object level of the logic. It is shown how the embedding can be used to combine core analyses of natural language phenomena in Discourse Representation Theory with analyses that can be obtained in Montague Semantics.
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  3. Sense and the computation of reference.Reinhard Muskens - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (4):473 - 504.
    The paper shows how ideas that explain the sense of an expression as a method or algorithm for finding its reference, preshadowed in Frege’s dictum that sense is the way in which a referent is given, can be formalized on the basis of the ideas in Thomason (1980). To this end, the function that sends propositions to truth values or sets of possible worlds in Thomason (1980) must be replaced by a relation and the meaning postulates governing the behaviour of (...)
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    Inhibition drives configural superiority of illusory Gestalt: Combined behavioral and drift–diffusion model evidence.Qi-Yang Nie, Mara Maurer, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):150-162.
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  5. On Partial and Paraconsistent Logics.Reinhard Muskens - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):352-374.
    In this paper we consider the theory of predicate logics in which the principle of Bivalence or the principle of Non-Contradiction or both fail. Such logics are partial or paraconsistent or both. We consider sequent calculi for these logics and prove Model Existence. For L4, the most general logic under consideration, we also prove a version of the Craig-Lyndon Interpolation Theorem. The paper shows that many techniques used for classical predicate logic generalise to partial and paraconsistent logics once the right (...)
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  6. Language, Lambdas, and Logic.Reinhard Muskens - 2003 - In R. Oehrle & J. Kruijff (eds.), resource sensitivity, binding, and anaphora. kluwer. pp. 23--54.
    The paper develops Lambda Grammars, a form of categorial grammar that, unlike other categorial formalisms, is non-directional. Linguistic signs are represented as sequences of lambda terms and are combined with the help of linear combinators.
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  7. Lambda Grammars and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Robert Van Rooij & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC. pp. 150-155.
    In this paper we discuss a new perspective on the syntax-semantics interface. Semantics, in this new set-up, is not ‘read off’ from Logical Forms as in mainstream approaches to generative grammar. Nor is it assigned to syntactic proofs using a Curry-Howard correspondence as in versions of the Lambek Calculus, or read off from f-structures using Linear Logic as in Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG, Kaplan & Bresnan [9]). All such approaches are based on the idea that syntactic objects (trees, proofs, fstructures) are (...)
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  8. Werke.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Reinhard Lauth & Hans Jacob - 1964 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann. Edited by Reinhard Lauth & Hans Jacob.
    Bd. 1. 1791-1794.--Bd. 2. 1793-1795.--Bd. 3.--1794-1796.--Bd. 4. 1797-1798.--Bd. 5. 1798-1799.--Bd. 6. 1799-1800.--Bd. 7. 1800-1801.--Bd. 8. 1801-1806.--Bd. 9. 1806-1807.--Bd. 10. 1808-1812.
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  9. A relational formulation of the theory of types.Reinhard Muskens - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):325 - 346.
    This paper developes a relational---as opposed to a functional---theory of types. The theory is based on Hilbert and Bernays' eta operator plus the identity symbol, from which Church's lambda and the other usual operators are then defined. The logic is intended for use in the semantics of natural language.
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    Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts.Walter Harding Maurer & Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):774.
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  11. Questions and Answers in an Orthoalgebraic Approach.Reinhard Blutner - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):237-277.
    Taking the lead from orthodox quantum theory, I will introduce a handy generalization of the Boolean approach to propositions and questions: the orthoalgebraic framework. I will demonstrate that this formalism relates to a formal theory of questions (or ‘observables’ in the physicist’s jargon). This theory allows formulating attitude questions, which normally are non-commuting, i.e., the ordering of the questions affects the answer behavior of attitude questions. Further, it allows the expression of conditional questions such as “If Mary reads the book, (...)
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    Small wonder: global power and its discontents.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 2005 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Small wonder: finitude and its horizons -- The underside of modernity: Adorno, Heidegger, and Dussel -- Empire or cosmopolis: civilization at the crossroads -- Confronting empire: a tribute to Arundhati Roy -- Speaking truth to power: in memory of Edward Said -- Critical intellectuals in a global age: toward a global public sphere -- Social identity and creative praxis: hommage á Merleau-Ponty -- Nature and artifact: Gadamer on human health -- Borders or horizons?: an older debate revisited -- Empire and (...)
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  13.  11
    Bounded treewidth as a key to tractability of knowledge representation and reasoning.Georg Gottlob, Reinhard Pichler & Fang Wei - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (1):105-132.
  14. Underspecified semantics.Reinhard Muskens - 2000 - In Klaus von Heusinger & Urs Egli (eds.), Reference and Anaphoric Relations. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 311--338.
    Ambiguities in natural language can multiply so fast that no person or machine can be expected to process a text of even moderate length by enumerating all possible disambiguations. A sentence containing $n$ scope bearing elements which are freely permutable will have $n!$ readings, if there are no other, say lexical or syntactic, sources of ambiguity. A series of $m$ such sentences would lead to $(n!)^m$ possibilities. All in all the growth of possibilities will be so fast that generating readings (...)
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  15. A squib on anaphora and coindexing.Reinhard Muskens - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (1):85-89.
    There are two kinds of semantic theories of anaphora. Some, such as Heim’s File Change Semantics, Groenendijk and Stokhof’s Dynamic Predicate Logic, or Muskens’ Compositional DRT (CDRT), seem to require full coindexing of anaphora and their antecedents prior to interpretation. Others, such as Kamp’s Discourse Representation Theory (DRT), do not require this coindexing and seem to have an important advantage here. In this squib I will sketch a procedure that the first group of theories may help themselves to so that (...)
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    Truth and Ideology.Hans Barth & Reinhard Bendix - 1976 - Univ of California Press.
  17.  27
    Können Tiere denken?: ein Beitrag zur Tierphilosophie.Reinhard Brandt - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Tiere haben erstaunliche kognitive Fähigkeiten, ein diesen Fähigkeiten entsprechendes Bewußtsein und Formen des Selbstbewußtseins. Das Denken in diskreten Einheiten von Urteilen scheint ihnen jedoch nicht zugänglich zu sein, damit auch nicht die Unterscheidung von Bejahung und Verneinung und von wahr und falsch. Wie ist das Denken und damit das objektive Erkennen beim Menschen entstanden? Welche Rolle spielt das Gehirn bei Mensch und Tier? Wir Menschen leben in zwei Welten, die paradoxerweise zugleich eine ist. Das Tageslicht, Gerüche, die Hauswand, an der (...)
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    Social Mechanisms as Special Cases of Explanatory Sociology: Notes toward Systemizing and Expanding Mechanism-based Explanation within Sociology.Andrea Maurer - 2016 - Analyse & Kritik 38 (1):31-52.
    The revival of action based explanations as well as their formal structuring have been two of the most important topics within explanatory sociology since the 1980s. The two newly developed approaches, being structural individualism and analytical sociology based on mechanism models, will be outlined in this article. The article is dedicated to a comparison of the aims and the formal structure of both approaches. It is shown that explanations within analytical sociology tend to be more realistic but also more complex. (...)
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    The universal set and diagonalization in Frege structures.Reinhard Kahle - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):205-218.
    In this paper we summarize some results about sets in Frege structures. The resulting set theory is discussed with respect to its historical and philosophical significance. This includes the treatment of diagonalization in the presence of a universal set.
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  20. Zustand Und Zukunft der Akademie-Ausgabe von Immanuel Kants Gesammelten Schriften.Reinhard Brandt & Werner Stark - 2000 - De Gruyter.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche, die ewige Wiederkehr des Leidens: Selbstverwirklichung und Freiheit als Problem seiner Ästhetik und Metaphysik.Reinhard Knodt - 1987 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  22.  10
    Begriff, Begründung und Rechtfertigung der Philosophie.Reinhard Lauth - 1967 - Salzburg,: Pustet.
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    Thomas Mann: Künstler und Philosoph.Reinhard Mehring - 2001 - Brill Fink.
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    Form and Essence in the Philosophy of St. Thomas.Armand Maurer - 1951 - Mediaeval Studies 13 (1):165-176.
  25.  49
    St. Thomas and the Analogy of Genus.Armand Maurer - 1955 - New Scholasticism 29 (2):127-144.
  26.  41
    N \hbox{\sf n} -strictness in applicative theories.Reinhard Kahle - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (2):125-144.
    We study the logical relationship of various forms of induction, as well as quantification operators in applicative theories. In both cases the introduced notion of $\hbox{\sf N}$ -strictness allows us to obtain the appropriate results.
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  27. Description theory, LTAGs and Underspecified Semantics.Reinhard Muskens & Emiel Krahmer - 1998 - In Anne Abeillé, Tilman Becker, Giorgio Satta & K. Vijay-Shanker (eds.), Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks. Institute for Research in Cognitive Science. pp. 112-115.
    An attractive way to model the relation between an underspecified syntactic representation and its completions is to let the underspecified representation correspond to a logical description and the completions to the models of that description. This approach, which underlies the Description Theory of Marcus et al. 1983 has been integrated in Vijay-Shanker 1992 with a pure unification approach to Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars (Joshi et al. 1975, Schabes 1990). We generalize Description Theory by integrating semantic information, that is, we propose to (...)
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  28. Type-Logical Semantics.Reinhard Muskens - 2011 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
    Type-logical semantics studies linguistic meaning with the help of the theory of types. The latter originated with Russell as an answer to the paradoxes, but has the additional virtue that it is very close to ordinary language. In fact, type theory is so much more similar to language than predicate logic is, that adopting it as a vehicle of representation can overcome the mismatches between grammatical form and predicate logical form that were observed by Frege and Russell. The grammatical forms (...)
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    Vergegenwärtigung der Transzendentalphilosophie: das philosophische Vermächtnis Reinhard Lauths.Marco Ivaldo, Hans Georg von Manz, Ives Radrizzani & Reinhard Lauth (eds.) - 2017 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  30. Coreference.Reinhard Muskens - 1993 - In R. E. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon. pp. 769.
    In mathematical languages and in predicate logic coreferential terms can be interchanged in any sentence without altering the truth value of that sentence. Replacing 3 + 5 by 12 − 4 in any formula of arithmetic will never lead from truth to falsity or from falsity to truth. But natural languages are different in this respect. While in some contexts it is always allowed to interchange coreferential terms, other contexts do not admit this. An example of the first sort of (...)
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  31. Filosofía natural.Friedrich Reinhard Lipsius - 1931 - Barcelona,: Editorial Labor. Edited by Karl Sapper, Sánchez Barrado, Moisés & [From Old Catalog].
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    Rethinking medical morality: the ethical implications of changes in health care organization, delivery, and financing.Reinhard Priester (ed.) - 1989 - Minneapolis, MN: Center for Biomedical Ethics, University of Minnesota.
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    Comments on Zadeh's paper.Reinhard Selten - 1977 - Erkenntnis 11 (1):448 -.
  34. An Analytic Tableau System for Natural Logic.Reinhard Muskens - 2010 - In Maria Aloni, H. Bastiaanse, T. De Jager & Katrin Schulz (eds.), Logic, Language, and Meaning: Selected Papers from the 17th Amsterdam Colloquium. Springer. pp. 104-113.
    Logic has its roots in the study of valid argument, but while traditional logicians worked with natural language directly, modern approaches first translate natural arguments into an artificial language. The reason for this step is that some artificial languages now have very well developed inferential systems. There is no doubt that this is a great advantage in general, but for the study of natural reasoning it is a drawback that the original linguistic forms get lost in translation. An alternative approach (...)
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  35. New directions in type-theoretic grammars.Reinhard Muskens - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (2):129-136.
    This paper argues for the idea that in describing language we should follow Haskell Curry in distinguishing between the structure of an expression and its appearance or manifestation . It is explained how making this distinction obviates the need for directed types in type-theoretic grammars and a simple grammatical formalism is sketched in which representations at all levels are lambda terms. The lambda term representing the abstract structure of an expression is homomorphically translated to a lambda term representing its manifestation, (...)
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  36. Über die vielfältige Bedeutung der Baconschen Idole.Reinhard Brandt - 1976 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 83 (1):42.
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    Kants pragmatische Anthropologie: Die Vorlesung.Reinhard Brandt - 1994 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 19 (1):41-50.
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    Das Politische der Philosophie: über die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung politischen Denkens.Reinhard Brunner & Franz-Josef Deiters (eds.) - 1993 - Mössingen-Talheim: Talheimer.
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    Kant und die Mathematik.Reinhard Frischbier - 2001 - Halle/Saale: Hallescher Verlag.
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    Zusammenfassung.Reinhard Margreiter - 1997 - In Erfahrung Und Mystik: Grenzen der Symbolisierung. De Gruyter. pp. 548-550.
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  41. Carl Schmitt zur Einführung.Reinhard Mehring - 2002 - Cités 10:177-182.
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    (1 other version)Karl Jaspers und Hans-Georg Gadamer. Ein Traditionsbruch?Reinhard Schulz - 2009 - In Gerhard Kraiker, Michael Daxner & Waltraud Meints (eds.), Raum der Freiheit: Reflexionen Über Idee Und Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 71-82.
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    Boetius of Dacia and the double truth.Armand Maurer - 1955 - Mediaeval Studies 17 (1):233-239.
  44.  41
    Ockham's Conception of the Unity of Science.Armand Maurer - 1958 - Mediaeval Studies 20 (1):98-112.
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    « La démocratie purgée de tous ses inconvéniens ».Reinhard Bach - 2002 - Actuel Marx 32 (2):73-82.
    Democracy purged of all its Disadvantages. « Encoded at the level of its lexicology and logical constructedness, the republican discourse of the enlightenment and revolution is marked by two conceptualizations which contradict and mutually exclude each other. Contemporary observers of the revolution or those close to its events speak about an opposition between an order of egotism and an order of equality, between a principle of utility and a principle of ascetism, between an ethics based on personal interest and an (...)
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  46.  28
    Ein neues Kant-Blatt.Reinhard Brandt - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (1):13-15.
  47.  13
    Nietzsche contra kant e kant contra nietzsche.Reinhard Brandt - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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    Die Vollendung der Transzendentalphilosophie in Kants "Kritik der Urteilskraft".Reinhard Hiltscher, Stefan Klingner & David Süss (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    'Nun aber kam die Kritik der Urteilskraft mir zuhanden, und dieser bin ich eine höchst frohe Lebensepoche schuldig.' (Goethe, 1817) In der Epoche der klassischen deutschen Philosophie galt Kants 'Kritik der Urteilskraft' beim gelehrten Publikum als 'beliebteste' Kantschrift. Heute wird sie weitestgehend fragmentarisch und mit einem deutlichen Schwerpunkt auf der Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft gelesen. Obwohl sich der vorliegende Sammelband der gesamten dritten Kritik widmet, versuchen die Autoren insbesondere einen verstärkten Diskurs über Kants Kritik der teleologisch reflektierenden Urteilskraft in Gang (...)
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    Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling.Reinhard Hiltscher & Stefan Klingner (eds.) - 2012 - Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
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    Acts and Relations in Brentano: A Reply to Prof. Grossmann.Reinhard Kamitz - 1962 - Analysis 22 (4):73 - 78.
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