Results for 'Reilly Reilly'

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  1.  66
    Ms O'Reilly on the Maynooth Conference.Emily O'Reilly, Mary Kenny, Hugh O'Reilly, Dermot Quinn, Louis Power & Sheridan Gilley - 2003 - The Chesterton Review 29 (1/2):198-203.
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    Conjunctive representations in learning and memory: Principles of cortical and hippocampal function.Randall C. O'Reilly & Jerry W. Rudy - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):311-345.
  3.  84
    Complementary Learning Systems.Randall C. O’Reilly, Rajan Bhattacharyya, Michael D. Howard & Nicholas Ketz - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (6):1229-1248.
    This paper reviews the fate of the central ideas behind the complementary learning systems (CLS) framework as originally articulated in McClelland, McNaughton, and O’Reilly (1995). This framework explains why the brain requires two differentially specialized learning and memory systems, and it nicely specifies their central properties (i.e., the hippocampus as a sparse, pattern-separated system for rapidly learning episodic memories, and the neocortex as a distributed, overlapping system for gradually integrating across episodes to extract latent semantic structure). We review the (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas revisited via Tim Cook's Wikipedia biography: A hermeneutic approach to critical Information Systems research.Reilly Smethurst, Amber G. Young & Ariel D. Wigdor - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 20 (C):100090.
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    Ethics of Compassion: Bridging Ethical Theory and Religious Moral Discourse.Richard Reilly - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Ethics of Compassion places central themes from Buddhist and Christian moral teachings within the conceptual framework of Western normative ethics. What results is a viable alternative ethical theory to those offered by utilitarians, Kantian formalists, proponents of the natural law tradition, and advocates of virtue ethics. Ethics of Compassion bridges Eastern and Western cultures, philosophical ethics and religious moral discourse, and notions of acting rightly and of being virtuous.
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    Ethical Purchasing Dissonance: Antecedents and Coping Behaviors.Tim Reilly, Amit Saini & Jenifer Skiba - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):577-597.
    The pressure of oversight and scrutiny in the business-to-business purchasing process has the potential to cause psychological distress in purchasing professionals, giving rise to apprehensions about being ethically inappropriate. Utilizing depth interviews with public sector purchasing professionals in a phenomenological approach, the authors develop the notion of ethical purchasing dissonance to explain the psychological distress. An inductively derived conceptual framework is presented for ethical purchasing dissonance that explores its potential antecedents and consequences; illustrative propositions are presented, and managerial implications are (...)
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    Time-Course of Motor Involvement in Literal and Metaphoric Action Sentence Processing: A TMS Study.Megan Reilly, Olivia Howerton & Rutvik H. Desai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8. Two challenges for 'no-norms' theism.James Reilly - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (4):775-782.
    A number of theistic philosophers have recently denied that God is subject to moral and rational norms. At the same time, many theists employ epistemological and inductive arguments for the existence of God. I will argue that ‘no-norms’ theists cannot make use of such arguments: if God is not subject to norms – particularly rational norms – then we can say nothing substantive about what kind of worlds God would be likely to create, and as such, we cannot predict the (...)
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    The Metaverse’s Thirtieth Anniversary: From a Science-Fictional Concept to the “Connect Wallet” Prompt.Reilly Smethurst, Tom Barbereau & Johan Nilsson - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-39.
    The metaverse is equivocal. It is a science-fictional concept from the past; it is the present’s rough implementations; and it is the Promised Cyberland, expected to manifest some time in the future. The metaverse first emerged as a techno-capitalist network in a 1992 science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson. Our article thus marks the metaverse’s thirtieth anniversary. We revisit Stephenson’s original concept plus three sophisticated antecedents from 1972 to 1984: Jean Baudrillard’s simulation, Sherry Turkle’s networked identities, and Jacques Lacan’s schema (...)
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    Formal Distinctiveness of High- and Low-Imageability Nouns: Analyses and Theoretical Implications.Jamie Reilly & Jacob Kean - 2007 - Cognitive Science 30 (1):157-168.
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    Six principles for biologically based computational models of cortical cognition.Randall C. O'Reilly - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (11):455-462.
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    Ockham Bibliography: 1950-1967.James P. Reilly - 1968 - Franciscan Studies 28 (1):197-214.
  13. Self-deception: Resolving the epistemological paradox.Richard Reilly - 1976 - Personalist 57 (4):391-394.
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  14.  29
    Non‐Arbitrariness in Mapping Word Form to Meaning: Cross‐Linguistic Formal Markers of Word Concreteness.Jamie Reilly, Jinyi Hung & Chris Westbury - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):1071-1089.
    Arbitrary symbolism is a linguistic doctrine that predicts an orthogonal relationship between word forms and their corresponding meanings. Recent corpora analyses have demonstrated violations of arbitrary symbolism with respect to concreteness, a variable characterizing the sensorimotor salience of a word. In addition to qualitative semantic differences, abstract and concrete words are also marked by distinct morphophonological structures such as length and morphological complexity. Native English speakers show sensitivity to these markers in tasks such as auditory word recognition and naming. One (...)
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    The Jellyfish’s Pleasures: Philebus 20b-21d.Katharine R. O’Reilly - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (3):277-291.
    Scholars have characterised the trial of the life of pleasure in Philebus 20b-21d as digressive or pejorative. I argue that it is neither: it is a thought experiment containing an important argument, in the form of a reductio, of the hypothesis that a life could be most pleasant without cognition. It proceeds in a series of steps, culminating in the precisely chosen image of the jellyfish. Understanding the intended resonance of this creature, and the sense in which it is deprived, (...)
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  16.  27
    Rethinking the Interplay of Feminism and Secularism in a Neo-Secular Age.Niamh Reilly - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):5-31.
    The need to re-examine established ways of thinking about secularism and its relationship to feminism has arisen in the context of the confluence of a number of developments including: the increasing dominance of the ‘clash of civilizations’ thesis; the expansion of postmodern critiques of Enlightenment rationality to encompass questions of religion; and sustained critiques of the ‘secularization thesis’. Conflicts between the claims of women's equality and the claims of religion are well-documented vis-à-vis all major religions and across all regions. The (...)
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  17.  8
    Beauty and the Transcendentals in the Thought of Aquinas.Kevin O'Reilly - 2002 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 1:85-96.
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    Fin y Finalidad. Dos miradas sobre el fin del mundo.Francisco O’Reilly - 2020 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 23 (46):259-281.
    Durante mucho tiempo el cosmos se entendió como algo eterno. Las tradiciones Abrahamicas trajeron al debate no solo la idea de creación sino también la idea de fin del mundo, eschaton, sin embargo, nadie sabía el día ni la hora. Durante el proceso de secularización, esta promesa que encontramos en el Apocalipsis tiene impacto en el discurso político fomentando una perspectiva optimista sobre el futuro. Sin embargo, durante el siglo XX la física y la astronomía descubren que el cosmos no (...)
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  19. La soledad profética de San Juan de la Cruz.Terence O'Reilly - 2007 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 31 (64):273-280.
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    Poetry, Beauty, and Contemplation: The Complete Aesthetics of Jacques Maritain. By John G. Trapani Jr.Kevin E. O'Reilly - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):1071-1072.
  21. The Church as the Defender of Cinscience in Our Age.Kevin O'Reilly - 2014 - Nova et Vetera 12 (1).
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  22. Word and Sign in the Acts of the Apostles: A Study in Lucan Theology.Leo O'Reilly - 1987
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    Cognitive vulnerability to depression: A comparison of the weakest link, keystone and additive models.Laura C. Reilly, Jeffrey A. Ciesla, Julia W. Felton, Amy S. Weitlauf & Nicholas L. Anderson - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):521-533.
  24. Mishima's balcony performance : hypermasculinity, masochism, and reactionary vanguardism.Kara Reilly - 2015 - In Kimberly Jannarone (ed.), Vanguard performance beyond left and right. Ann Arbor: Univ Of Michigan Press.
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  25. (1 other version)On the relationship between object assembly and language production: A connectionist simulation of Greenfield's hypothesis.R. G. Reilly - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25:145-153.
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  26.  93
    Formal Distinctiveness of High- and Low-Imageability Nouns: Analyses and Theoretical Implications.Jamie Reilly & Jacob Kean - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):157-168.
    Words associated with perceptually salient, highly imageable concepts are learned earlier in life, more accurately recalled, and more rapidly named than abstract words (R. W. Brown, 1976; Walker & Hulme, 1999). Theories accounting for this concreteness effect have focused exclusively on semantic properties of word referents. A novel possibility is that word structure may also contribute to the effect. We report a corpus-based analysis of the phonological and morphological structures of a large set of nouns with imageability ratings (N = (...)
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  27.  29
    Character, Virtue, and Science.Timothy S. Reilly & Darcia Narvaez - 2018 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 5 (1):51.
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    Self-insight, other-insight, and their relation to interpersonal conflict.Barbara A. Reilly - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (2 & 3):213 – 224.
    The pessimistic conclusion that people have relatively poor insight into the weighting schemes they use when they make holistic judgements has been generally accepted among judgement researchers. The empirical research that supported this generalisation rested on indices of self-insight that were produced directly by the subjects. It was often the case that subjects were unable to correctly name even the single most important factor influencing their decisions, as indicated by a mathematical model of their judgement schemes. Using an alternate method (...)
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  29.  35
    Recurrent Processing during Object Recognition.Randall C. O’Reilly, Dean Wyatte, Seth Herd, Brian Mingus & David J. Jilk - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  30.  27
    Matricentric feminism: theory, activism, and practice.Andrea O'Reilly - 2016 - Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press.
    The book argues that the category of mother is distinct from the category of woman and that many of the problems mothers face-socially, economically, politically, culturally, and psychologically-are specific to women's work and identity as mothers. Indeed, mothers, arguably more so than women in general, remain disempowered despite forty years of feminism. Mothers, thus, need a feminism of their own, one that positions mothers' concerns as the starting point for a theory and politic of empowerment. O'Reilly terms this new (...)
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  31. Three forms of binding and their neural substrates: Alternatives to temporal synchrony.R. C. O'Reilly, R. Busby & R. Soto - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans (ed.), The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press. pp. 168--192.
  32.  49
    The Significance of Worship in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas.O’Reilly - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (4):453-462.
    This article appeals to Thomas Aquinas in order to offer a construal of the nature of reason arguably preferable to that prominent in the Enlightenment. Thomas’s account neither espouses the notion that reason is devoid of any appetitive influence nor so conflates reason and will as to suggest that thinking becomes essentially a form of willing. His view does respect that the activity of willing is of fundamental import for the life of reason. Since the ultimate object of the will (...)
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  33.  18
    Film Column: Nosferatu.Scott O’Reilly - 2002 - Philosophy Now 35:46-47.
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  34. Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil; Jean Baudrillard, Baudrillard Live.J. O'Reilly - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
  35. Limbless Amphibians: Caecilians.J. O'Reilly, D. Fenolio & M. Ready - 1995 - Vivarium 7 (1):26-54.
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  36. Thierry de Chartres, Tratado de la obra de los seis días.Frnacisco O'Reilly - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):210-212.
  37. Australian insolvency law [Book Review].Emma Reilly - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 227:40.
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    Brain–Machine Interfaces and the Integral Person.Christopher M. Reilly - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):47-58.
    Physically enhancing brain–machine interfaces communicate elec­tronically with the patient’s mind in both directions. They present significant opportunities to improve a patient’s health and to restore his or her physical function, but they also present problems for the patient’s sense of agency and self. This is exacerbated by notions of extension and enhancement that are not grounded in an authentic human anthropology that describes the inherently dignified person as an integral union of body and soul.
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  39. Saint Thomas on law (1988).James P. Reilly Jr - 2008 - In James P. Reilly (ed.), The Gilson Lectures on Thomas Aquinas. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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    The Social Conscience of Business.Bernard J. Reilly & Myroslaw J. Kyj - 1988 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 7 (3):81-101.
  41.  42
    Thomas of York on the Efficacy of Secondary Causes.James P. Reilly Jr - 1953 - Mediaeval Studies 15 (1):225-233.
  42. Anglo-Saxon/Irish Relations before the Vikings.O'Reilly Jennifer - 2009
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    Global Management Integrity — A Missing Link in the Development Industry? A Manager’s Philosophical Diary — Part 6.Sheelagh O’Reilly - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (2):45-52.
    'Take care of the means and the ends will take care of themselves'By the time you are reading this instalment I will have been in my new position as Team Leader for a Community Conservation Project for more than one year. Why I left my previous position will perhaps become clear in this instalment. I may be unsuited to working in institutions that in theory value knowledge and analysis, but in practice become increasingly uncomfortable when the critical analysis is turned (...)
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  44. God, the University, and Human Flourishing.Kevin O'Reilly - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (4).
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    Ignatius of loyola and the counter-reformation: The hagiographic tradition.Terence O'reilly - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (4):439–470.
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    La definición y el objeto de la metafísica en la Philosophia Prima del Avicena Latino.Francisco O’Reilly - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (3):441-451.
    Avicenna's Philosophia Prima occupies a relevant place in the history of metaphysics. In its first four chapters, we find a definition of metaphysics as wisdom and the more certain philosophy that highlights the scientific character that Avicenna seeks to give metaphysics. The elucidation of the subject matter of this discipline is developed in the debate among its Arab sources, but at the same time, it extends in the historical discussion on the place of God and being in metaphysics. This article (...)
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    Philosophy and the Panopticon.Scott O’Reilly - 2002 - Philosophy Now 36:22-23.
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    Should children be seen and not heard? An examination of how children’s interruptions are treated in family therapy.Michelle O’Reilly - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (4):549-566.
    This work adds to the growing literature on children’s talk and the extensive research on interruptions by combining the two. I investigate children in the institutional context of family therapy and their interactions with the parents and therapist. Drawing upon 22 hours of natural family therapy data and four families, I use a discursive approach. I note that children are not attended to when they try to interrupt unless they persist and then the acknowledgement is negative. I show that when (...)
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  49. The interplay between mothers and their children: a construct theory viewpoint.Joy O'Reilly - 1977 - In Donald Bannister (ed.), New perspectives in personal construct theory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 195.
  50. The image of Christ: Jordan Peterson as humanist.Esther O'Reilly - 2020 - In Ron Dart (ed.), Myth and meaning in Jordan Peterson: a Christian perspective. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
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