Results for 'Refraining'

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  1. Refraining, Omitting, and Negative Acts.Kent Bach - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis, A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 50–57.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Ways of Failing to Do Something Refraining Omitting Negative Acts: Inaction as Action? References.
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    Matrixial Refrains.Lone Bertelsen - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):121-147.
    This article discusses the relations between the artistic, theoretical and psychoanalytic work of Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger. It is particularly concerned with the claims her work makes on behalf of the feminine. After considering her conceptualization of feminine subjectivity and a feminine symbolic space, an extensive discussion of her art is given. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Guattari, her art’s creative encounter with this feminine symbolic space is viewed in terms of a matrixial refrain. This refrain is seen as (...)
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  3. Refraining Her: Biblical Women in Postcolonial Focus.Judith E. McKinlay - 2004
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    Gestalts, Refrains, and Philosophical Pluralism.Alan Drengson & Tim Quick - 2006 - Environmental Philosophy 3 (2):17-27.
    This paper is a response to Ted Toadvine’s article “Gestalts and Refrains: On the Musical Structure of Nature,” in Environmental Philosophy 2.2 (2005). We propose a more generous interpretation of Naess’s gestalt ontology, one that we believe mitigates Toadvine’s criticisms. Gestalt ontology and refrain ontology offer two different yet compatible ontologies for environmental philosophers searching for viable alternatives to scientific reductionism. Encouraging many ontologies also encourages a rich philosophical pluralism.
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  5. Before refraining: Concepts for agency. [REVIEW]Nuel Belnap - 1991 - Erkenntnis 34 (2):137 - 169.
    A structure is described that can serve as a foundation for a semantics for a modal agentive construction such as sees to it that Q ([ stit: Q]). The primitives are Tree,,Instant, Agent, choice. Eleven simple postulates governing this structure are set forth and motivated. Tree and encode a picture of branching time consisting of moments gathered into maximal chains called histories. Instant imposes a time-like ordering. Agent consists of agents, and choice assigns to each agent and each moment in (...)
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  6. Refraining Orientalism: Weber and Islam.Mohammad Nafassi - 1998 - In Ralph Schroeder, Max Weber, democracy and modernization. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press. pp. 182--201.
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  7. Melodic refrains in Japanese train stations : the management of passenger behavior through the use of electric bells.Pierre Manea - 2017 - In Christine Guillebaud, Towards an anthropology of ambient sound. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Doing, Refraining, and the Strenuousness of Morality.Carolyn R. Morillo - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (1):29 - 39.
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    Omitting, Refraining and Letting Happen.Douglas N. Walton - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):319 - 326.
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    Doing and refraining from refraining.Ming Xu - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (6):621 - 632.
    The main purpose of this paper is to prove that in every stit semantic structure that contains a busy choice sequence, neither does doing imply refraining from refraining from doing, nor does refraining from refraining from doing imply doing.
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    Refraining.Robert E. Moore - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (4):407 - 424.
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    Refraining and the external.Brandon Johns - 2009 - Ratio 22 (2):206-215.
    It is usually taken for granted that the necessary and sufficient conditions for refraining are with respect to mental or behavioral states of agents. Let us call such accounts internalist conceptions of refraining. In this paper, I argue that internalist conditions are insufficient for refraining; and so internalist conceptions of refraining are inadequate. I conclude that a proper account of refraining must contain an externalist condition – i.e., a condition that makes reference to an agent's (...)
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    Refraining photography for a post-media era.Rob Coley, Dean Lockwood & Adam OMeara - unknown
    The paper’s principal claim to originality lies in its deployment of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of the ‘refrain’ in thinking the ‘resingularization’ of photography in the context of new media ecologies and the promise of what Guattari calls a ‘post-media era’. The paper itself constitutes a refrain and is structured according to the three moments of any refraining. Firstly, a refrain is a spatio-temporalization, a way of marking out space, keeping time and assembling and activating subjectivity. At its most (...)
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    Refraining, Becoming-Black: Repetition and Difference in Amiri Baraka's Blues People.Jeffrey Thomas Nealon - 1998 - Symploke 6 (1):83-95.
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    Anger Strays, Fear Refrains: The Differential Effect of Negative Emotions on Consumers’ Ethical Judgments.Jatinder J. Singh, Nitika Garg, Rahul Govind & Scott J. Vitell - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):235-248.
    Although various factors have been studied for their influence on consumers’ ethical judgments, the role of incidental emotions has received relatively less attention. Recent research in consumer behavior has focused on studying the effect of specific incidental emotions on various aspects of consumer decision making. This paper investigates the effect of two negative, incidental emotional states of anger and fear on ethical judgment in a consumer context using a passive unethical behavior scenario. The paper presents two experimental studies. Study 1 (...)
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    Refraining Regulation in the Global Securities Industry.Lawrence J. Lad - 1992 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 3:691-710.
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    Deep refrains: music, philosophy, and the ineffable.Michael Gallope - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Introduction -- Prelude: a paradox of the ineffable. Schopenhauer's deep copy ; The Platonic solutions ; Four dialectical responses (after Nietzsche) -- Bloch's tone. The tone ; The natural klang ; The expressive tone ; Bloch's magic rattle ; The tone's inner ineffability ; The event-forms ; A dialectical account of music history ; Utopian musical speech -- Adorno's musical fracture. Adorno's tone ; Adorno's conception of history ; The tendenz des materials ; Music's language-like ineffability ; The immanent critique (...)
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    Acting and Refraining.P. J. Fitzgerald - 1967 - Analysis 27 (4):133 - 139.
  19. Refrain from Standards? French, Cavemen and Computers. A (short) Story of Multidimensional Analysis in French Prehistoric Archaeology.Sébastien Plutniak - 2015 - In Oliver Schlaudt & Lara Huber, Standardization in Measurement. Philosophical and Sociological Issues. pp. 39-52.
    Focusing on the history of prehistoric archaeology in the 20th century, this papers shows (1) that statistical multidimensional analyses were carried out by a new kind of actors who challenged the previous common language shared by prehistorians. This fundamental change was important, considering that (2) language is a fundamental point for the epistemology of archaeology. However, a comparison of multidimensional analyses applications over time shall make clear that (3) the differences are mostly a generational matter: the transmission processes between them (...)
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    Gestalts and Refrains.Ted Toadvine - 2005 - Environmental Philosophy 2 (2):61-71.
    Western philosophy and culture have often posited a structural homology between music and nature. In a contemporary version of this association, deep ecologist Arne Naess proposes that the basic units of reality are hierarchically nested gestalts of a fundamentally relational character. I argue that Naess’s gestalt model fails to account for non-holistic or non-sensical experiences and for creative change in nature. I then suggest the concept of the “refrain”developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari as the basis for an alternative (...)
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  21. On Silence: Student Refrainment From Speech.Shannon Dea - 2021 - In Emmett Macfarlane, Dilemmas of Free Expression. University of Toronto Press. pp. 252-268.
    In this chapter I provide resources for assessing the charge that post-secondary students are self-censoring. The argument is advanced in three broad steps. First, I argue that both a duality at the heart of the concept of self-censorship and the term’s negative lay connotation should incline us to limit the charge of self-censorship to a specific subset of its typical extension. I argue that in general we ought to use the neutral term “refrainment from speech,” reserving the more normatively charged (...)
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  22. Sonorous law II : the refrain.Anne Bottomley & Nathan Moore - 2015 - In Laurent De Sutter, Zizek and Law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Why should anyone refrain from stealing?M. C. Dillon - 1973 - Ethics 83 (4):338-340.
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    Refraining and Responsibility.O. H. Green - 1979 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 28:103-113.
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    Return to an Old Refrain: What Proof Does to Concepts.Ian Hacking - 2010 - In Volker Munz, Essays on the philosophy of Wittgenstein. De Gruyter. pp. 35-56.
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    Ghazels With Fruit Refrain.M. Nejat Seferci̇oğlu - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:321-344.
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    Introduction: Refrains of Freedom.Constantin V. Boundas & Panagiotis Sotiris - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (3):281-288.
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    Allowing, refraining, and failing: The structure of omissions. [REVIEW]Patricia G. Milanich - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (1):57 - 67.
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    The deliberative relevance of refraining from deciding: A response to McKenna and Pereboom. [REVIEW]John Davenport - 2006 - Acta Analytica 21 (4):62 - 88.
    Readers familiar with Harry Frankfurt’s argument that we do not need leeway-liberty (or the power to bring about alternative possible actions or intentions) to be morally responsible will probably also know that the most famous and popular response on behalf of leeway-libertarianism remains a dilemma posed in similar forms by David Widerker, Robert Kane, and Carl Ginet: either the agent retains significant residual leeway in Frankfurt-style cases, or these cases beg the question by presupposing causal determinism. In the last few (...)
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    Birtwistle's' Refrains and Choruses'.Jonathan Cross - 1994 - In Anthony Pople, Theory, analysis and meaning in music. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 184.
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    The Melodic Landscape: Chinese Mountains in Painting-Poetry and Deleuze/Guattari's Refrains.Kin Yuen Wong - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (3):360-376.
    By melodic landscape, this paper points to natural milieus such as mountains whose motifs are caught up in contrapuntal relations. With Merleau-Ponty, the structure of the world is a symphony, and the production of life which implicates both organism and environment as unfurling of Umwelt is ‘a melody that sings itself’. For the Chinese culture, mountains have been deemed virtuous in Confucianism, immortal by Daoists, and spiritual for a Buddhist to reach a substrate level of pure stream of a-subjective consciousness. (...)
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    Acting and Refraining/Intention and Foresight.Philip E. Devine - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):87.
    It is commonplace that negative duties are more stringent than positive duties. it is also commonplace that this distinction requires defense, in particular against those who regard it as a mere apology for the privileges of the wealthy and secure. i conclude, though real, the distinction between negative and positive duties is not as deep as some philosophers have supposed--that it makes best sense in terms of a deeper distinction between the intended and the foreseen consequences of our actions.
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    New Standards, Same Refrain: The IAAF's Regulations on Hyperandrogenism.Jaime Schultz - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):32-33.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 32-33, July 2012.
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    Locke on Suspending, Refraining and the Freedom to Will.Gideon Yaffe - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (4):373–392.
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    Busy choice sequences refraining formulas and modalities.Ming Xu - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (3):267 - 301.
    The purpose of this paper is to present some results instit theory, a theory of agency proposed by N. Belnap and M. Perloff. We will establish a correspondence between the numbers ofstit modalities and the complexity degrees ofbusy choice sequences in semantic structures, and consequently, a correspondence between the number of modes of actions/inactions instit theory and the complexity degrees ofbusy choice sequences in semantic structures.
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    8. Attachments and Refrains.Jane Bennett - 2001 - In The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics. Princeton University Press. pp. 159-174.
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    Nursing research refrained by the inescapable reality of practice: a personal encounter.Annette Huntington - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (3):167-171.
    This paper describes how an innocent venture outside the confines of academia to update my nursing skills completely changed the focus of my research. I was deeply involved in the theoretical development of my thesis, which I thought was a feminist exploration of the meaning of health for mid‐life women. I was immersed in feminist theory and was exploring the work of the French Feminists. I had written comprehensive draft chapters about nursing, women's bodies and science. While I was absorbed (...)
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    The ontological status of refraining.Kathleen Gill - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (4):307-312.
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  39. How to refrain from answering Kripke’s puzzle.Lewis Powell - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (2):287-308.
    In this paper, I investigate the prospects for using the distinction between rejection and denial to resolve Saul Kripke’s puzzle about belief. One puzzle Kripke presents in A Puzzle About Belief poses what would have seemed a fairly straightforward question about the beliefs of the bilingual Pierre, who is disposed to sincerely and reflectively assent to the French sentence Londres est jolie, but not to the English sentence London is pretty, both of which he understands perfectly well. The question to (...)
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  40. Should Architects Refrain From Designing Prisons for Long-term Solitary Confinement? – An Open Letter to the Architecture Profession.Tom Spector, Craig Borkenhagen, Mark Davis, Carrie Foster, Jacob Gann, Tou Lee Her, Aaron Klossner, Evan Murta, Ryan Rankin, Maria Cristina Rodriguez Santos, Connor Tascott, Sarah Turner & Spencer Williams - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    In a profile in the November, 2012 issue of the magazine Architect, activist-architect Raphael Sperry, a founder of the group Architects Planners & Designers for Social Responsibility discussed his petition to amend the AIA’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct to include a prohibition on “the design of spaces intended for long-term solitary isolation and execution.”1 This issue is both serious and timely. It deserves contemplative attention before any action is taken. The purpose of this letter is to provide the (...)
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    Jennifer Saltzstein, The Refrain and the Rise of the Vernacular in Medieval French Music and Poetry. Cambridge, UK, and Rochester, NY: D. S. Brewer, 2013. Pp. xii, 194; 15 black-and-white figures. $99. ISBN: 978-1-84384-349-8. [REVIEW]Karen Desmond - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):824-826.
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  42. Acting and Refraining.Jonathan Bennett - 1967 - Analysis 28 (1):30 - 31.
    A reply to certain points by p j fitzgerald, Arising out of the author's paper "whatever the consequences".
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    Physicians’ duty to refrain from religious discourse: a response to critics.Ryan K. Hubbard & Jake Greenblum - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):721-722.
    We recently argued that—contrary to what we call the dominant view— physicians ought to avoid engaging patients on religious grounds.1 The six responses to our article present an array of concerns and have provided us with the opportunity to consider further aspects of our view. While we cannot reply to all the relevant issues, our aim here is to reply to the most significant concerns. Against our Public Reason Argument, Nick Colgrove maintains that physicians are not relevantly akin to public (...)
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    Deleuze and Guattari’s Philosophy of Freedom: Freedom’s Refrains.Dorothea Olkowski & Eftichis Pirovolakis (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Edinburgh University Press.
    "Most of the essays gathered in this volume have had an earlier life... at the international conference 'Gilles Deleuze and Fâelix Guattari: Refrains of Freedom'... held at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens, Greece in April 2015" --ECIP galley, translator's prologue.
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  45. The Evil of Refraining to Save: Liu on the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing.Jacob Blair - 2017 - Diametros 52:127-137.
    In a recent article, Xiaofei Liu seeks to defend, from the standpoint of consequentialism, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing: DDA. While there are various conceptions of DDA, Liu understands it as the view that it is more difficult to justify doing harm than allowing harm. Liu argues that a typical harm doing involves the production of one more evil and one less good than a typical harm allowing. Thus, prima facie, it takes a greater amount of good to justify (...)
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  46. Rhythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts (2016).Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lithuanian University of educational sciences.
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    Painting's Figural Territory: An Impossible Refrain.Elizabeth Grosz & Simon O'Sullivan - forthcoming - Substance.
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  48. " He doesn't know what he's talking about!" Isn't this what we all feel like blurting out occasionally? Especially when we find someone else's language failing to express what we know! Still, in our better moments we refrain from such outbursts, because in our depths we know that, in the part of our lives concerned with language, hardly anything is more difficult than being sure what we mean.Richard H. Overman - 1977 - In John B. Cobb & David Ray Griffin, Mind in Nature. University Press of America. pp. 135.
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  49. A Neutrosophic Binomial Factorial Theorem with their Refrains.Huda E. Khalid, Florentin Smarandache & Ahmed K. Essa - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 14:7-11.
    The Neutrosophic Precalculus and the Neutrosophic Calculus can be developed in many ways, depending on the types of indeterminacy one has and on the method used to deal with such indeterminacy. This article is innovative since the form of neutrosophic binomial factorial theorem was constructed in addition to its refrains. Two other important theorems were proven with their corollaries, and numerical examples as well. As a conjecture, we use ten (indeterminate) forms in neutrosophic calculus taking an important role in limits. (...)
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  50. Eglal Doss-Quinby, Les refrains chez les trouvères du XIIe siècle au début du XIVe. (American University Studies, ser. 2: Romance Languages and Literature, 17.) New York, Bern, and Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1984. Pp. 311. $32. [REVIEW]Samuel N. Rosenberg - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):410-412.
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