Results for 'Realist Lawlessness'

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  1. Objects and Discreteness in Mumford’s Realist Lawlessness.Sharon R. Ford - manuscript
    In this paper, I argue that Mumford's Realist Lawlessness account of powers leads to ontological Holism. Consequently, this calls for a deflated conception of haecceity, intrinsicality and discreteness.
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  2. Laws and Lawlessness.Stephen Mumford - 2005 - Synthese 144 (3):397-413.
    I develop a metaphysical position that is both lawless and anti-Humean. The position is called realist lawlessness and contrasts with both Humean lawlessness and nomological realism – the claim that there are laws in nature. While the Humean view also allows no laws, realist lawlessness is not Humean because it accepts some necessary connections in nature between distinct properties. Realism about laws, on the other hand, faces a central dilemma. Either laws govern the behaviour of (...)
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  3. Moore’s Moral Facts and the Gap in the Retributive Theory.Brian Rosebury - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (3):361-376.
    The purely retributive moral justification of punishment has a gap at its centre. It fails to explain why the offender should not be protected from punishment by the intuitively powerful moral idea that afflicting another person (other than to avoid a greater harm) is always wrong. Attempts to close the gap have taken several different forms, and only one is discussed in this paper. This is the attempt to push aside the ‘protecting’ intuition, using some more powerful intuition specially invoked (...)
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  4. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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    Kuhn’s missed opportunity and the multifaceted lives of Bachelard: mythical, institutional, historical, philosophical, literary, scientific.Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (4):873-881.
  6. Gruesome Freedom: The Moral Limits of Non-Constraint.John Lawless - 2018 - Philosophers' Imprint 18.
    Many philosophers conceive of freedom as non-interference. Such conceptions unify two core commitments. First, they associate freedom with non-constraint. And second, they take seriously a distinction between the interpersonal and the non-personal. As a result, they focus our attention exclusively on constraints attributable to other people’s choices – that is, on interference. I argue that these commitments manifest two distinct concerns: first, for a wide range of options; and second, for other people’s respect. However, construing freedom as non-interference unifies these (...)
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    The impact of BSE and FMD on ethics and democratic process.Jo Murphy-Lawless - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (4-5):385-403.
    The recent crises of BSE and FMD in the United Kingdom have revealed widespread concerns on the part of farmers and consumers about government regulations and handling of animal movements, animal welfare, and food safety. Both crises raised issues of government accountability and the lack of openness in public debate. The issues of democratic process and decision-making were especially strong in relation to the mass slaughter policy of the government to control FMD. This article explores public disquiet about these matters, (...)
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    Against the Managerial State: Preventive Policing as Non-Legal Governance.John Lawless - 2020 - Law and Philosophy (6):657-689.
    Since at least the 1980s, police departments in the United States have embraced a set of practices that aim, not to enable the prosecution of past criminal activity, but to discourage people from breaking the law in the first place. It is not clear that these practices effectively lower the crime rate. However, whatever its effect on the crime rate, I argue that preventive policing is essentially distinct from legal governance, and that excessive reliance on preventive policing undermines legal governance. (...)
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    Interaction Context Theory: The Case of Military Nuclear Wastes.W. F. Lawless & Teresa Castelāo - 1998 - Journal of Social Philosophy 29 (3):74-86.
  10. (1 other version)Phenomenotechnique in historical perspective: Its origins and implications for philosophy of science.Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):44-59.
    This article provides an overview of the historical and philosophical context from which originated G. Bachelard's concept of "phenomenotechnique". It analyzes why phenomenotechnique is crucial for science studies. By incorporating the concept of phenomenotechnique into Hacking's and Galison's models of science, I argue that we can avoid the radicalism of both while also preventing the analysis of scientific practices from collapsing into the interpretive frames mandated by social constructivists.
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    Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office.Jennifer L. Lawless - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Becoming a Candidate: Political Ambition and the Decision to Run for Office explores the factors that drive political ambition at the earliest stages. Using data from a comprehensive survey of thousands of eligible candidates, Jennifer L. Lawless systematically investigates what compels certain citizens to pursue elective positions and others to recoil at the notion. Lawless assesses personal factors, such as race, gender and family dynamics, that affect an eligible candidate's likelihood of considering a run for office. She also focuses on (...)
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  12.  28
    Writing the History of the Mind: Philosophy and Science in France, 1900–1960s.Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (1):178-181.
  13.  18
    Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - University of Toronto Press.
    In Plato's Sun, Andrew Lawless takes on the challenge of creating an introductory text for philosophy, arguing that such a work has to take into account of the strangeness of the field and divulge it, rather than suppress it beneath traditional certainties and authoritative pronouncements.
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    A sequential contrast effect in odor perception.Harry T. Lawless - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):317-319.
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    Metaphysics and Ideologies in Science.Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 2007 - Cultura 4 (2):22-36.
    What counts as scientific ideology for Canguilhem and Kuhn is functionally distinct. However, in this article I argue that metaphysical and other non-scientificbeliefs brought about by scientists into their research traditions and that Kuhn sees as generating scientific change coincide closely with Canguilhem’s conception of scientific ideology. Kuhn failed to describe clearly those ideological and metaphysical elements influencing the work of science. He chose to focus on psychological factors intrinsic to paradigms and present in paradigm shifts and in scientific revolutions (...)
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  16. Context-dependent shifts in odor quality.Ht Lawless - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):504-504.
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    El monasterio de san Agustín en Tagaste.George P. Lawless & J. Oroz - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):161-167.
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    Index.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 351-364.
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    Towards an Epistemology of Interdependence Among the Orthogonal Roles in Human–Machine Teams.W. F. Lawless - 2019 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):129-142.
    Rational social theorists have failed to confirm that observations of social reality equal social reality. Yet they argue that teams, organizations and social systems should minimize interdependence and competition, echoed by social psychologists to make data iid. But the evidence indicates that competitive teams maximize interdependence; self-reports of social reality correlate poorly with social behavior; and only competition measures interdependent social states. Rational expectations aside, we report progress towards a science of interdependence for human–machine teams. Our model of interdependence works (...)
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    The Canadian University under the impact of Academic Trade Unions.David J. Lawless - 1981 - Minerva 19 (3):464-479.
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    3. Wittgenstein’s Ladder: The Modern Reaction to Metaphysics.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 65-92.
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  22. Agency in Social Context.John Lawless - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (4):471-498.
    Many political philosophers argue that interference (or vulnerability to interference) threatens a person’s agency. And they cast political freedom in opposition to interpersonal threats to agency, as non-interference (or non-subjection). I argue that this approach relies on an inapt model of agency, crucial aspects of which emerge from our relationships with other people. Such relationships involve complex patterns of vulnerability and subjection, essential to our constitution as particular kinds of agents: as owners of property, as members of families, and as (...)
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  23.  36
    Bankruptcy and insolvency.Robert M. Lawless & Elizabeth Warren - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article assesses the state of empirical legal research and chronicles the field's history focusing on bankruptcy. This article begins with a discussion of what might have attracted bankruptcy scholars to extract an empirical vein in their scholarly work. It offers a short chronicle of the development of empirical bankruptcy scholarship from Justice Douglas to the current generation. Because of the relative paucity of such scholarship outside the U.S., this chronicle inevitably focuses on that country. It is divided into separate (...)
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    6. Ethics: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 168-202.
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    Glossary of Key Terms.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 321-340.
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    “infirmior sexus... fortior affectus” Augustine’s Jo. ev. tr. 121, 1–3.George Lawless - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1):107-118.
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    Preface.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press.
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    White Shame, Non-White Citizenship.John Lawless - 2022 - Public Affairs Quarterly 36 (1):71-98.
    Leslie Houts Picca and Joe Feagin argue that whites strive to isolate racial discourse to all-white social spaces. We can explain this practice by assuming that many whites—including “non-racist” whites—think of racism as shameful. Shame essentially concerns not what we do but how we are perceived. Maintaining their identities as “not racist,” then, seems to these whites primarily to involve the management of non-white people's perceptions of them. By isolating much of white racial discourse to all-white spaces, the white construal (...)
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  29. Social Norms and Social Practices.John Lawless - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism:1-27.
    Theories of social norms frequently define social norms in terms of individuals’ beliefs and preferences, and so afford individual beliefs and preferences conceptual priority over social norms. I argue that this treatment of social norms is unsustainable. Taking Bicchieri’s theory as an exemplar of this approach, I argue, first, that Bicchieri’s framework bears important structural similarities with the command theory of law; and second, that Hart’s arguments against the command theory of law, suitably recast, reveal the fundamental problems with Bicchieri’s (...)
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    Bankruptcy and insolvency.Robert M. Lawless & Elizabeth Warren - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article assesses the state of empirical legal research and chronicles the field's history focusing on bankruptcy. This article begins with a discussion of what might have attracted bankruptcy scholars to extract an empirical vein in their scholarly work. It offers a short chronicle of the development of empirical bankruptcy scholarship from Justice Douglas to the current generation. Because of the relative paucity of such scholarship outside the U.S., this chronicle inevitably focuses on that country. It is divided into separate (...)
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    Glossary of Greek Terms.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 341-342.
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    Interaction context theory: The interdependence and mutual exclusivity of observation and action.W. F. Lawless - 1996 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 16 (2):141-161.
    Argues that social science has not achieved the pre-eminence of physical science because it lacks a theory of social dynamics. To overcome this problem and prepare for a future of interacting agents, a theory is sketched of the social statics and dynamics in interaction contexts. The boundary limits of cognitive science are established and a theory that maps between objective and subjective reality is provided. By determining the relationships between perceived and actual situations and behaviors, interaction context theory has the (...)
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    5. Logic and its Place in the Universe.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 136-167.
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  34.  21
    Peirce, semiotics, and strange tongues: A folk religious theory of signs.Elaine J. Lawless - 1994 - Semiotica 99 (3-4):273-296.
  35.  13
    The Maternity Care Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women in Ireland.Jo Murphy-Lawless & Patricia Kennedy - 2003 - Feminist Review 73 (1):39-53.
    This article presents some of the findings from the original research carried out with asylum seeking and refugee women in Ireland who were pregnant or who had recently given birth. The explosion in numbers in Ireland from 1998 onwards has been such that this group now comprises more than one in five of every birth in the country's three major maternity hospitals, all based in Dublin. The article explores the background reasons for the major increase in recent years of this (...)
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  36.  48
    Augustine’s Use of Rhetoric in His Interpretation of John 21:19–23.George Lawless - 1992 - Augustinian Studies 23:53-67.
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    Listening to Augustine.George Lawless - 1997 - Augustinian Studies 28 (1):51-66.
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    Effects of Divided Attention at Retrieval on Conceptual Implicit Memory.Matthew W. Prull, Courtney Lawless, Helen M. Marshall & Annabella T. K. Sherman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Social Policy and Fertility Change in Ireland: The Push to Legislate in Favour of Women's Agency.James McCarthy & Jo Murphy-Lawless - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (1):69-96.
    This article explores the background to the conclusive drop in Irish fertility rates over the last two decades, from a total fertility rate of 3.55 in 1975 to 1.87 in 1995. This steep decline marks the end of Ireland's position as demographic outlier in Europe, which has proved a compelling topic of investigation for demographers. The decline also marks the end of a society which was characterized by an ideology of largely rural values which placed stringent restrictions on women in (...)
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    Appendix 2. Ethics and the ‘Other’.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 251-254.
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    Augustine’s First Monastery.George P. Lawless - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):65-78.
  42. Deeper Leads: New Approaches to Victorian Goldfields History [Book Review].Rhonda Lawless - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (1):73.
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    Frontmatter.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press.
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    Falsificação, dedução E o desenvolvimento da ciência: Um estudo sobre Bachelard E Popper.Teresa Castelão Lawless - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):159-173.
    Uma comparação das epistemologias de Bachelard e Popper mostra pontos de contato e também divergências interessantes. Ambos os filósofos defendem o primado teórico do erro em ciência, rejeitam a correspondência entre explicações e observações, e acreditam que a ciência não começa com uma apreensão ingênua ou neutra da realidade, mas pela teoria científica aceite na altura que é preciso falsificar através da dialéctica entre racionalidade e experimentação. Divergências fundamentais incluem o papel da metafísica em ciência e aquele da psicanálise na (...)
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  45.  25
    Honores, coniugium, lucra (conf. 6.6.9).George Lawless - 2002 - Augustinian Studies 33 (2):183-200.
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    Habilidad exegética de san Agustín: Jn 21, 19-23.George Lawless & José Anoz - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):187-193.
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    2. Metaphysics: The Search for the God’s-Eye View.Andrew Lawless - 2005 - In Plato's Sun: An Introduction to Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 23-64.
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  48.  41
    The Man Born Blind.George Lawless - 1996 - Augustinian Studies 27 (2):59-77.
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    The Wedding at Cana.George Lawless - 1997 - Augustinian Studies 28 (2):35-80.
  50. h) Why Nyaya Remains Realist: Second Round Arindam Chakraborty Let us assume that Navya Nyaya cannot make the distinction between sense and reference. Why should that entail (as Daya.Why Nydya Remains Realist - 2004 - In Daya Krishna (ed.), Discussion and debate in Indian philosophy: issues in Vedānta, Mīmāṁsā, and Nyāya. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
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