Results for 'Raymond Charles'

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  1.  14
    Culture, science et développement: contribution à une histoire de l'homme : mélanges en l'honneur de Charles Morazé.Charles Morazé & Raymond Aron - 1979 - Toulouse : Privat.
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    Multisensory prior entry.Charles Spence, David I. Shore & Raymond M. Klein - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4):799.
  3. Montesquieu.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Marcel Raymond - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Gustave Lanson.
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    Mandarin Pronunciation.Charles N. Li & Raymond Huang - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):566.
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    Conditioned stimulus intensity and response speed.Raymond M. Bragiel & Charles C. Perkins Jr - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):437.
  6.  74
    The Ethics of Clinical Care and the Ethics of Clinical Research: Yin and Yang.Charles J. Kowalski, Raymond J. Hutchinson & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):7-32.
    The Belmont Report’s distinction between research and the practice of accepted therapy has led various authors to suggest that these purportedly distinct activities should be governed by different ethical principles. We consider some of the ethical consequences of attempts to separate the two and conclude that separation fails along ontological, ethical, and epistemological dimensions. Clinical practice and clinical research, as with yin and yang, can be thought of as complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole (...)
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    Persian Letters: With Related Texts.Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Raymond N. MacKenzie - 2014 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A classic work of the European Enlightenment--and one of the most popular, if scandalous, in its day--the Persian Letters captures, in an engaging epistolary format, the transformational spirit of the era. Amid an ongoing tale rife with sex, violence, and wit, the work addresses a diverse range of topics from human nature and the origins of society, to the nature and role of religious belief, the role of women, statecraft, justice, morality, and human identity. With skill and artistry, Raymond (...)
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    From Baudelaire to Surrealism.Charles Edward Gauss & Marcel Raymond - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (2):155.
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    The Indian Style.Charles D. Collins & Raymond Head - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):783.
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    The Bioethics of Business: Rethinking the Relationship between Bioethics Consultants and Corporate Clients.Raymond G. de Vries & Charles L. Bosk - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (5):28-32.
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    Ethical Writings of Maimonides.Alan D. Corré, Raymond L. Weiss, Charles E. Butterworth, Maimonides & Alan D. Corre - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):314.
  12.  60
    The Institute of Medicine’s Reports on Quality and Safety: Paradoxes and Tensions. [REVIEW]George Khushf, James Raymond & Charles Beaman - 2008 - HEC Forum 20 (1):1-14.
  13.  46
    Using sound-taste correspondences to enhance the subjective value of tasting experiences.Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Raymond Van Ee, Monika Rychtarikova, Abdellah Touhafi, Kris Steenhaut, Dominique Persoone & Charles Spence - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Decision-making by Adolescents and Parents of Children with Cancer Regarding Health Research Participation.Kate Read, Conrad Vincent Fernandez, Jun Gao, Caron Strahlendorf, Albert Moghrabi, Rebecca Davis Pentz, Raymond Carlton Barfield, Justin Nathaniel Baker, Darcy Santor, Charles Weijer & Eric Kodish - unknown
    Background: Low rates of participation of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) in clinical oncology trials may contribute to poorer outcomes. Factors that influence the decision of AYAs to participate in health research and whether these factors are different from those that affect the participation of parents of children with cancer. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data from validated questionnaires provided to adolescents (>12 years old) diagnosed with cancer and parents of children with cancer at 3 sites in Canada (...)
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  15. La philosophie de Charles Bonnet, de Genève.Raymond Savioz & André Lalande - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:615-615.
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    DODD, Charles Harold, Les paraboles du royaume de Dieu. Déjà là ou pas encore ?Raymond Truchon - 1977 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 33 (3):328-328.
  17.  36
    Music Influences Hedonic and Taste Ratings in Beer.Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Carlos Velasco, Raymond van Ee, Yves Leboeuf & Charles Spence - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  18.  47
    Providing Research Results to Participants: Attitudes and Needs of Adolescents and Parents of Children with Cancer.Conrad Vincent Fernandez, Jun Gao, Caron Strahlendorf, Albert Moghrabi, Rebecca Davis Pentz, Raymond Carlton Barfield, Justin Nathaniel Baker, Darcy Santor, Charles Weijer & Eric Kodish - unknown
    PURPOSE: There is an increasing demand for researchers to provide research results to participants. Our aim was to define an appropriate process for this, based on needs and attitudes of participants. METHODS: A multicenter survey in five sites in the United States and Canada was offered to parents of children with cancer and adolescents with cancer. Respondents indicated their preferred mode of communication of research results with respect to implications; timing, provider, and content of the results; reasons for and against (...)
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  19. Raymond A. Belliotti, Seeking Identity: Individualism versus Community in an Ethnic Context Reviewed by.Charles Jones - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (1):1-3.
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    Book Review Section 4. [REVIEW]Phyllis A. Katz, F. Raymond Mckenna, H. George Bonekemper, Charles E. Alberti, Larry L. Lorten, Richard H. Cummings, Richard S. Prawat, John P. Rickards, Joseph L. Devitis, Judith W. Leslie, Charles K. West, George F. Luger, David J. Kleinke, William E. Loadman & Laura D. Harckham - unknown
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    Is Ethics a Liability in Turbulent Cometitive Environments? [REVIEW]Noreen Dornenburg, Richard D'Aveni, Robert Gunther, Raymond F. Miles & Charles C. Snow - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):233-239.
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    Raymond Bousquet, Force et stratégie nucléaire du monde moderne. Paris, Lavauzelle, 1974, 16 × 24, 264 p.Charles Melchior de molènes - 1977 - Revue de Synthèse 98 (85-86):221-224.
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  23.  28
    Dewey, Subjective Idealism, and Metaphysics.Raymond D. Boisvert - 1982 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 18 (3):232 - 243.
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    Peirce on Systems Theory.Raymond M. Herbenick - 1970 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 6 (2):84 - 98.
    After examining c.s. peirce's concept, taxonomy, and hierarchy of the theoretical sciences of discovery as well as his notion of the economy of research as an objective of science, a study is made of his occasional but distinct use of the term 'system' in conceptual and procedural contexts. the study shows that peirce's views on systems theory resemble current views held by some proponents of the systems concept and the systems approach to problem-solving.
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    Raymond Klibansky et Josiane Boulad-Ayoub, dir., La pensée philosophique d'expression française au Canada , Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1998. Raymond Klibansky et Josiane Boulad-Ayoub, dir., La pensée philosophique d'expression française au Canada , Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 1998.Charles Larmore - 2000 - Philosophiques 27 (2):456-460.
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    (2 other versions)Glenn Raymond Morrow 1895-1973.Charles H. Kahn - 1972 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 46:193 - 194.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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  28. Dewey's Metaphysics.Raymond D. BOISVERT - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (3):361-369.
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  29. John Dewey : Rethinking Our Time.Raymond D. Boisvert - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    ISBN 0-7914-3529-6 (hard : alk. paper). — ISBN 0-7914-3530-X (pbk. : alk. paper ) 1. Dewey, John, 1854-1952. I. Title. II. Series: SUNY series in philosophy of education. B945.D4B65 1997 191— dc 21 96-52291 CIP 10 987654321 For Jayne ...
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    Charles of Europe. [REVIEW]Raymond Corrigan - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (1):147-149.
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    Loyalist Resolve: Patient Fortitude in the English Civil War.Raymond A. Anselment - 1988 - University of Delaware Press.
    This study analyzes a series of complex, ambivalent literary responses to the decades of civil turmoil in seventeenth-century England that simultaneously demanded public commitment and prompted private withdrawal. From their various perspectives the Royalist writers raised in the humanist tradition are shown to appreciate anew the value of patient fortitude.
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    Memoirs: Fifty Years of Political Reflection.Raymond Aron - 1990 - Holmes & Meier Publishers.
    Aron reflects with simplicity and depth on industrial society, communism, the future of democracy, peace and war, the nuclear age, and also Charles de Gaulle, Jean-Paul Sartre, Andre Malraux, Henry Kissinger and others.
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    "Reason and Religion": The Science of Anglicanism.Raymond D. Tumbleson - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (1):131-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Reason and Religion”: The Science of AnglicanismRaymond D. TumblesonThis essay explores a rhetoric of “reason” in Anglican anti-Catholic polemics during the short and turbulent reign of James II. This reign witnessed an intense propaganda battle between Catholic and Anglican pamphleteers because the former for the first time in over a century were permitted openly to put their case, and in response the latter defended their doctrine and status as (...)
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    Raymond Grant, The Royal Forests of England. Wolfeboro Falls, NH: Alan Sutton, 1991. Pp. xii, 246; 8 black-and-white plates. $45. [REVIEW]Charles R. Young - 1993 - Speculum 68 (3):789-791.
  35. Book Review:The Tragedy of Political Science: Politics, Scholarship, and Democracy. David M. Ricci; Disenchanted Realists: Political Science and the American Crisis, 1884- 1984. Raymond Seidelman. [REVIEW]Charles J. Helm - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):589-.
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  36. Implicit Bias, (Global) White Ignorance, and Bad Faith: The Problem of Whiteness and Anti‐black Racism.Gabriella Beckles-Raymond - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):169-189.
    In Britain, policy‐makers tend to view racism as a social attitude rather than an institutional/structural phenomenon. Not until the publication of the MacPherson Report (1999) was the idea of ‘institutional racism’ officially recognised. According to Jules Holroyd, implicit bias as a concept can help us understand and combat the kind of unwitting prejudice the Macpherson report describes. This article explores whether implicit bias is indeed a viable framework for understanding institutional/structural racism. To do so, I bring together Charles Mills’ (...)
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    Updating Dewey: A Reply to Morse.Raymond D. Boisvert - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (4):573 - 583.
  38.  20
    Raimundus Lullus und die Scholastik.Charles Lohr - 2006 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 73 (2):335-347.
    Within the Aristotelian tradition of the Latin Middle Ages ‘scientific knowledge’ was understood as knowledge derived from the conclusions of syllogism that deals with what is necessary and unchanging. According to Aristotle, however, the ‘arts’, which deal with doing and making, were not seen as ‘sciences’, because they deal with what is ‘contingent’. In his famous Ars lulliana Raymond Lull also wants to understand the productive ‘arts’ as demonstrative ‘sciences’ – he describes here a transcendental practical method, which is (...)
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    Metaphysics as the Search for Paradigmatic Instances.Raymond D. Boisvert - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):189 - 202.
  40. The Return of Vitalism: Canguilhem and French Biophilosophy in the 1960s.Charles T. Wolfe - manuscript
    The eminent French biologist and historian of biology, François Jacob, once notoriously declared “On n’interroge plus la vie dans les laboratoires”: laboratory research no longer inquires into the notion of ‘Life’. Nowadays, as David Hull puts it, “both scientists and philosophers take ontological reduction for granted… Organisms are ‘nothing but’ atoms, and that is that.” In the mid-twentieth century, from the immediate post-war period to the late 1960s, French philosophers of science such as Georges Canguilhem, Raymond Ruyer and Gilbert (...)
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  41. William Frank Jones, "Nature and Natural Science: The Philosophy of Frederick J. E. Woodbridge". [REVIEW]Raymond D. Boisvert - 1984 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 20 (1):75.
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  42. John Dewey, "The Later Works, 1925-1953: 1927-28". [REVIEW]Raymond D. Boisvert - 1985 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 21 (2):292.
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  43. Arabische Einflüsse in der neuen Logik Lulls.von Charles Lohr - 1986 - In Ruedi Imbach, Raymond Lulle: christianisme, judaïsme, islam: les actes du Colloque sur R. Lulle, Université de Fribourg, 1984. Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires.
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    The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner.John A. Hall & Ian Charles Jarvie (eds.) - 1996 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Contents: John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: Preface. John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: The Life and Times of Ernest Gellner. PART 1 INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND. Ji_i MUSIL: The Prague Roots of Ernest Gellner's Thinking. Chris HANN: Gellner on Malinowski: Words and Things in Central Europe. Tamara DRAGADZE: Ernest Gellner in the Soviet East. PART 2 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM. Brendan O'LEARY: On the Nature of Nationalism: An Appraisal of Ernest Gellner's Writings on Nationalism. Kenneth MINOGUE: Ernest Gellner and the Dangers of (...)
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  45.  19
    First person singular: papers from the Conference on an Oral Archive for the History of American Linguistics (Charlotte, N.C., 9-10 March 1979).Boyd H. Davis & Raymond K. O'Cain (eds.) - 1980 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    This volume consists of autobiographical by the following scholars, together with pictures and autographs: Raven I. McDavid, Jr., Henry M. Hoenigswald, John B. Carroll, William G. Moulton, Archibald A. Hill, Yakov Malkiel, Charles F. Hockett, Harold B. Allen, William Bright, Einar Haugen, George S. Lane, Frederic G. Cassidy, James B. McMillan, Winfred P. Lehmann, Fred W. Householder, and Dell Hymes. A master list of references, and an index of persons conclude the volume.
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  46.  22
    Mémoires autobiographiques de Charles Bonnet de GenèveCharles Bonnet Raymond SaviozLa philosophie de Charles Bonnet de GenèveRaymond Savioz.George Sarton - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):277-280.
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    Raymond Aron and his dialogues in an age of ideologies.Nathan M. Orlando - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Raymond Aron and his Dialogues in an Age of Ideologies examines the thought and rhetoric of the most interesting thinker of the twentieth century of whom no one has heard. This book investigates Raymond Aron's conversations on politics during the Cold War with several of his more well-known interlocutors including Jean-Paul Sartre, Friedrich Hayek, and Charles de Gaulle. Through exploring these dialogues on the subjects of Marxism, freedom, and nationalism, we see the prudence of Aron's politics of (...)
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  48.  28
    Ploughs and Politicks. Charles Read of New Jersey and His Notes on Agriculture. 1715-44. Carl Raymond Woodward.I. Cohen - 1943 - Isis 34 (3):219-220.
  49. When History and Faith Collide: Studying Jesus (Charles W. Hedrick); Jesus After 2000 Years: What He Really Said and Did (Gerd Ludemann); The Criteria for Authenticity in Historical-Jesus Research: Previous Discussion and New Proposals (Stanley E. Porter); The Jesus Controversy: Perspectives in Conflict (John Dominic Crossan, Luke Timothy Johnson and Werner Kelber); The Elusive Messiah: A Philosophical Overview of the Quest for the Historical Jesus (Raymond Martin). [REVIEW]G. Turner - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (4):495-498.
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  50. Odo of Canterbury, The Latin Sermons, ed. Charles de Clercq (†), with the assistance of Raymond Macken. (Verhandelingen, Klasse der Letteren, 45/105.) Brussels: Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 1983. Paper. Pp. 341. BF 1,400. [REVIEW]Phyllis B. Roberts - 1985 - Speculum 60 (4):1010-1011.
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