Results for 'Ravi Selker'

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  1.  76
    Turning the hands of time again: a purely confirmatory replication study and a Bayesian analysis.Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Titia F. Beek, Mark Rotteveel, Alex Gierholz, Dora Matzke, Helen Steingroever, Alexander Ly, Josine Verhagen, Ravi Selker, Adam Sasiadek, Quentin F. Gronau, Jonathon Love & Yair Pinto - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  2.  73
    On the automatic link between affect and tendencies to approach and avoid: Chen and Bargh (1999) revisited.Mark Rotteveel, Alexander Gierholz, Gijs Koch, Cherelle van Aalst, Yair Pinto, Dora Matzke, Helen Steingroever, Josine Verhagen, Titia F. Beek, Ravi Selker, Adam Sasiadek & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:57614.
    Within the literature on emotion and behavioral action, studies on approach-avoidance take up a prominent place. Several experimental paradigms feature successful conceptual replications but many original studies have not yet been replicated directly. We present such a direct replication attempt of two seminal experiments originally conducted by Chen and Bargh (1999). In their first experiment, participants affectively evaluated attitude objects by pulling or pushing a lever. Participants who had to pull the lever with positively valenced attitude objects and push the (...)
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    Ravi V. Gomatam, Ph.D.Ravi V. Gomatam - unknown
    The attitude that ordinary language description of experience is in fact a description of the world is called “naïve realism.” There is an entire branch of modern Western philosophy that is devoted to critically examining the assumptions behind the everyday language we use to describe the macroscopic world in which we live and the validity of naïve realism as an adequate description of the world. This branch of philosophy is called “ordinary language philosophy.” Surprisingly, it has something in common with (...)
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  4. Moral Principles as Generics.Ravi Thakral - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (2):205-224.
    I argue that moral principles involve the same sort of generalization as ordinary yet elusive generic generalizations in natural language such as ‘Tigers are striped’ or ‘Peppers are spicy’. A notable advantage of the generic view is that it simultaneously allows for pessimism and optimism about the role and status of moral principles in our lives. It provides a new perspective on the nature of moral principles on which principles are not apt for determining the moral status of particular actions (...)
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  5. Understanding Libertarian Morality: The Psychological Dispositions of Self-Identified Libertarians.Ravi Iyer, Spassena Koleva, Jesse Graham, Peter Ditto & Jonathan Haidt - 2012 - PLoS ONE 7 (8):e42366.
    Libertarians are an increasingly prominent ideological group in U.S. politics, yet they have been largely unstudied. Across 16 measures in a large web-based sample that included 11,994 self-identified libertarians, we sought to understand the moral and psychological characteristics of self-described libertarians. Based on an intuitionist view of moral judgment, we focused on the underlying affective and cognitive dispositions that accompany this unique worldview. Compared to self-identified liberals and conservatives, libertarians showed 1) stronger endorsement of individual liberty as their foremost guiding (...)
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  6. Generics and Weak Necessity.Ravi Thakral - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-28.
    A prevailing thought is that generics have a covert modal operator at logical form. I claim that if this is right, the covert generic modality is a weak necessity modal. In this paper, I pr...
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  7. Ācārya Śrī Vīrasāgara smr̥ti grantha.Ravīndra Kumāra Jaina (ed.) - 1990 - Hastināpura: Digambara Jaina Triloka Śodha Saṃsthāna.
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    A hypothalamic digoxin-mediated model for conscious and subliminal perception.Ravi K. Kurup & Parameswara A. Kurup - 2003 - International Journal of Neuroscience 113 (6):815-820.
  9. Inner Light Perception of Vihangam Yogis: A Qualitative Study.Ravi Prakash, Z. Ul Haq, O. Prakash, S. Sarkhel & D. Kumar - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (2-3):124-140.
    Meditation hasrecently emerged as a topic of interest for the medicinal scientists as well as for the neuropsychological scientists for different reasons. The methods used by both of these approaches have been mostly objective. This quest of objectification has led to vigorous use of tools like EEG and ERP, which has definitely led to revealing of marvellous aspects of meditation. However, the subjective states of meditation have been much less explored, especially when seen in contrast to the objective states. The (...)
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    Pupil dilation during recognition memory: Isolating unexpected recognition from judgment uncertainty.Ravi D. Mill, Akira R. O’Connor & Ian G. Dobbins - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):81-94.
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    Strategic and Ethical Considerations in Managing Digital Privacy.Ravi Sarathy & Christopher J. Robertson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):111 - 126.
    Individualized customer information is at the heart of on-line commerce. Using increasing amounts of customer-specific data enhances the success and value of one-to-one on-line marketing; but the extensive gathering and use of data specific to individuals also causes alarm over the loss of digital privacy, setting up a confrontation between e-commerce and society. Governments and nations, particularly in Europe, have reacted with a reliance on sweeping laws governing digital privacy protection while other nations such as the U.S. have generally preferred (...)
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  12.  28
    How We See Ourselves: A Resident’s Reflection on the Class Play.Ravi DeSilva - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (4):435-438.
    The “class play” is an annual tradition in residency training programs and medical schools that celebrates the end of the academic year. It is also a locally generated narrative that reveals important components of an institution’s values, culture, and group dynamics. Exploring the class play is a reflexive exercise that allows one to reflect on his or her professional development and place in the department in a structural, historical, and experience-near driven way. In this way, the creation of and examining (...)
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    Financial Payments for Participating in Research while Incarcerated: Attitudes of Prisoners.Ravi Divya, Paul P. Christopher, Eliza J. Filene, Sarah Ailleen Reifeis & Becky L. White - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (6):1-6.
    The practice of paying prisoners to for their participation in research has long been debated, and the controversy is reflected in the differing policies in the U.S. prison systems. Empirical study of financial payments to inmates who enroll in research has focused on whether this practice is coercive. In this study, we examined whether monetary incentives have the potential to be unduly influential among fifty HIV‐positive prisoners. The majority of prisoners surveyed believed that inmates should receive some compensation for their (...)
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    What is freedom–and does wealth cause it?Ravi Iyer, Matt Motyl & Jesse Graham - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):492 - 493.
    The target article's climato-economic theory will benefit by allowing for bidirectional effects and the heterogeneity of types of freedom, in order to more fully capture the coevolution of societal wealth and freedom. We also suggest alternative methods of testing climato-economic theory, such as longitudinal analyses of these countries' histories and micro-level experiments of each of the theory's hypotheses.
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  15.  27
    Question format shifts bias away from the emphasised response in tests of recognition memory.Ravi D. Mill & Akira R. O’Connor - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:91-104.
  16. Caste and politics in contemporary India: Genesis, mechanism and dilemma.Ravi Saxena - 2025 - In Dilemma in politics: issues, values and debates in the contemporary world. New York: Routledge.
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  17. Dilemma in politics: issues, values and debates in the contemporary world.Ravi Saxena (ed.) - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    Dilemma in Politics underlines the major faults and fissures in the academic discourses around the themes emphasising upon the prevalence of 'dichotomy' between 'what ought to be' and 'what is' in the political sphere. How do the political values get marginalized, if not compromised, in the name of ideological conflicts and alliances? This book highlights this 'dilemma' across a range of themes which explore the gaps in the practice and the praxis of politics. The essays in this volume present detailed (...)
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  18. Preface.Ravi Zacharias - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler, I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    Digital Privacy and Data Protection: From Ethical Principles to Action.Ravi Gupta - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):24-26.
    The spread of digital technology to all parts of our lives has led to meaningful benefits, ranging from the conveniences offered by ride-sharing apps to prediction of mental health crises and track...
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  20. Commentary on Hodgson's Paper on Plain Person's Free Will.Ravi Gomatam - unknown
    Hodgson formulates nine propositions that elaborate this plain person’s view of free will. He also offers detailed justifications that he hopes are philosophically and scientifically respectable. While Hodgson doesn't state anywhere what would count as a "scientifically respectable" proposition, he seems to expect that any scientific theory of consciousness and free will must fully account for his nine propositions, not just explain them away. Or, alternatively, any scientific theory of free will that is incompatible with his nine propositions cannot serve (...)
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  21. Physics and commonsense.Ravi Gomatam - manuscript
    Broadly stated, naïve realism is the attitude that the form of our outer experiences directly and literally correspond to the structure of the real world underlying these experiences. Naïve realism permeates our everyday thinking about, and ordinary language description of, the macroscopic world. It has undeniable pragmatic justification. However, as Descartes recognized centuries ago, philosophically speaking, naïve realism requires a justification. Physicists, nevertheless, simply assume naïve realism in interpreting the laboratory observations realistically. Thus, physicists do not find the philosophical issues (...)
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  22. Unjust Legality: A Critique of Habermas's Philosophy of Law (Book).Ravi Malhotra - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (3):373.
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  23. (1 other version)What is Aristotle's 'Third Man' Argument Against the Forms?Ravi Sharma - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 28:123-160.
  24. Niels Bohr’s Interpretation and the Copenhagen Interpretation—Are the Two Incompatible?Ravi Gomatam - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):736-748.
    The Copenhagen interpretation, which informs the textbook presentation of quantum mechanics, depends fundamentally on the notion of ontological wave-particle duality and a viewpoint called “complementarity.” In this paper, Bohr's own interpretation is traced in detail and is shown to be fundamentally different from and even opposed to the Copenhagen interpretation in virtually all its particulars. In particular, Bohr's interpretation avoids the ad hoc postulate of wave function ‘collapse' that is central to the Copenhagen interpretation. The strengths and weakness of both (...)
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  25.  30
    The spiritual roots of yoga: royal path to freedom.Ravi Ravindra - 2006 - Sandpoint, ID: Morning Light Press. Edited by Priscilla Murray.
    Rather than a hatha how-to guide with asanas and step-by-step instructions, The Spiritual Roots of Yoga explains yoga’s origin and underlying philosophy. The book dives straight to the heart of the yogic tradition embodied in the figure of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, an understanding broadened through an examination of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. It then provides the framework for an accessible comparison between yoga and Christian, Buddhist, and other systems of thought. The author of several acclaimed interfaith studies, Ravi (...)
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  26. 40. Utilization of Press Mud for Seepage Control in Small Fish Ponds.Ravi Kishore - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 301.
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  27.  47
    Platonic Inquiry.Ravi Sharma - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):147-155.
  28.  48
    The Bhāgavata Purāṇa: Selected Readings.M. Gupta Ravi & Kenneth Valpey - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Formalized by the tenth century, the expansive Bhāgavata Purāṇa resists easy categorization. While the narrative holds together as a coherent literary work, its language and expression compete with the best of Sanskrit poetry. The text's theological message focuses on devotion to Krishna or Vishnu, and its philosophical outlook is grounded in the classical traditions of Vedānta and Sāmkhya. This translation and detailed analysis of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa includes endnotes that explain unfamiliar concepts and essays that elucidate the rich debates found (...)
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  29. The Wandering Hero of the Hippias Minor: Socrates on Virtue and Craft.Ravi Sharma & Russell E. Jones - 2017 - Classical Philology 112:113-37.
  30.  12
    Posṭamôrṭam: saḍetoḍa gappā Ḍô. Ravī Bāpaṭa yāñcyāśī.Ravī Bāpaṭa - 2011 - Puṇe: Manovikāsa Prakāśana. Edited by Sunīti Jaina.
    Critical analysis of the commercialization and malpractice current in the profession of medicine.
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  31. Do Hodgson's propositions uniquely characterize free will? Commentary on Hodgson's paper on plain person's free will.Ravi Gomatam - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (1):32-40.
    s view of free will. He also offers detailed justifications that he hopes are philosophically and scientifically respectable. While Hodgson doesn't state anywhere what would count as a "scientifically respectable" proposition, he seems to expect that any scientific theory of consciousness and free will must fully account for his nine propositions, not just explain them away. Or, alternatively, any scientific theory of free will that is incompatible with his nine propositions cannot serve as a possible framework for developing a scientific (...)
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  32. Inner Light Perception as a Quantum Phenomenon-Addressing the Questions of Physical and Critical Realisms, Information and Reduction.Ravi Prakash & Michele Caponigro - unknown
    Subjectivity or the problem of ‘qualia’ tends to make the accessibility and comprehension of psychological events intangible especially for scientific exploration. The issue becomes even more complicated but interesting when one turns towards mystical experiences. Such experiences are different from other psychological phenomena in the sense that they don’t occur to every one, so are difficult to comprehend even for their qualifications of existence. We conducted a qualitative study on one such experience of inner-light perception. This is a common experience (...)
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  33. Complementarity — Did Bohr miss the boat?Ravi Gomatam - unknown
    In part-1, I shall outline the principle details of Bohr’s interpretation. Bohr’s basic interpretive insight is ‘ quantum inseparability’ . Complementarity of phenomena and a “revision to our attitude towards physical explanation” then follow. Together , these can be said to constitute Bohr’s general viewpoint of ‘complementarity’. Bohr does not quite clearly spell out the content of these three ideas; I do.
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  34. Accomplishing the Impossible: Jīva Gosvāmī and the Concept of Acintya in Caitanya Vaiṣṇava Vedānta.Ravi M. Gupta - 2020 - In Ayon Maharaj, The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Battling Serpents, Marrying Trees: Towards an Ecotheology of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa.Ravi M. Gupta - 2021 - Journal of Dharma Studies 4 (1):29-37.
    With its Vedāntic metaphysics and devotionally rich narratives, the Bhāgavata Purāṇa can provide valuable models for ecological care and preservation. Throughout the Purāṇa, we find narratives that can be harnessed in service of the environment, whether it be Kṛṣṇa battling the serpent Kāliya or Varāha lifting the Earth from the depths of the cosmic ocean. This article, however, will focus on a little-known narrative found in Book Four, namely, the Pracetās’ destruction, and eventual protection, of the Earth’s trees. The Pracetās’ (...)
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    Urban poverty and utilization of maternal and child health care services in india.Ravi Prakash & Abhishek Kumar - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):433-449.
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  37. Operationalizing Bourdieu, interrogating intersectionality and the underachievement of primary level Afro-Trinidadian boys.Ravi Rampersad - 2016 - In Mark Murphy & Cristina Costa, Theory as method in research: on Bourdieu, social theory and education. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    Krishnamurti: two birds on one tree.Ravi Ravindra - 1995 - Wheaton, IL, USA.: Quest Books.
    All of these writings reveal an engagement of serious minds inquiring into the nature of reality, including the nature of extraordinary intelligence operating ...
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  39.  31
    On the annihilation of oxidation induced stacking faults in silicon.V. Ravi - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (5):1081-1090.
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  40. Popper's Propensity Interpretation and Heisenberg's Potentia Interpretation.Ravi V. Gomatam - unknown
    In other words, classically, probabilities add; quantum mechanically, the probability amplitudes add, leading to the presence of the extra product terms in the quantum case. What this means is that in quantum theory, even though always only one of the various outcomes is obtained in any given observation, some aspect of the non -occurring events, represented by the corresponding complex-valued quantum amplitudes, plays a role in determining the overall probabilities. Indeed, the observed quantum interference effects are correctly captured by the (...)
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  41. Phaedo 100B3-9.Ravi Sharma - 2015 - Mnemosyne 68 (3):393-412.
  42.  47
    Differentials of Light of Consciousness: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Vihangam Yogis.Ravi Prakash, Sujit Sarkhel, Priyanka Rastogi, Mohammed Zia Ul Haq, Pranav Prakash Choudharay & Vijay Verma - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (2):1-14.
    The Yogic literatures are replete with examples of several unique mystical experiences in deeper states of meditation. These experiences have nevertheless remained largely untouched by the scientific community, possibly because of the extreme inexplicability of such states and the lack of sophistication in evaluating them. More amenable to scientific research, however, would seem to be the simpler states of awareness in meditation such as that of inner light perception. While a few studies have attempted to explore this state by objective (...)
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    Inner light perception of Vihangam Yogis: A qualitative study.Ravi Prakash, Z. Ul Haq, Om Prakash, Sujit Sarkhel & Devvarta Kumar - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (2-3):2-3.
  44. Las Meninas from an Alchemical Perspective.Ravi Prakash, Z. Ul Haq, S. Sarkhel & D. Kumar - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (2-3):124.
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  45. Modeling civil violence in Afghanistan: Ethnic geography, control, and collaboration.Ravi Bhavnani & Hyun Jin Choi - 2012 - Complexity 17 (6):42-51.
  46. Quantum theory and the observation problem.Ravi Gomatam - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (11-12):11-12.
    Although quantum theory is applicable, in principle, to both the microscopic and macroscopic realms, the strategy of practically applying quantum theory by retaining a classical conception of the macroscopic world has had tremendous success. This has nevertheless rendered the task of interpretation daunting. We argue the need for recognizing and solving the ‘observation problem', namely constructing a ‘quantum-compatible’ view of the properties and states of macroscopic objects in everyday thinking to realistically interpret quantum theory consistently at both the microscopic and (...)
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  47. Niels Bohr's Interpretation and the Copenhagen Interpretation.Ravi Gomatam - unknown
    The Copenhagen interpretation, which informs the textbook presentation of quantum mechanics, depends fundamentally on the notion of ontological wave-particle duality and a viewpoint called “complementarity”. In this paper, Bohr’s own interpretation is traced in detail and is shown to be fundamentally different from and even opposed to the Copenhagen interpretation in virtually all its particulars. In particular, Bohr’s interpretation avoids the ad hoc postulate of wave function ‘collapse’ that is central to the Copenhagen interpretation. The strengths and weakness of both (...)
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  48. Against “position”.Ravi Gomatam - unknown
    Although quantum theory is presented as a radically non classical theory in physics, it is an open secret that our present understanding of it is based on a conceptual base borrowed from classical physics, leading to the situation that all of the radical implications of quantum theory are expressed using terminology that, in other circumstances would be considered blatantly self contradictory. To give but a few examples: wave particle duality (one and the same ontological entity can be ascribed two mutually (...)
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  49. Quantum realism and haecceity.Ravi Gomatam - unknown
    Non-relativistic quantum mechanics is incompatible with our everyday or ‘classical’ intuitions about realism, not only at the microscopic level but also at the macroscopic level. The latter point is highlighted by the ‘cat paradox’ presented by Schrödinger. Since our observations are always made at the macroscopic level — even when applying the formalism to the microscopic level — the failure of classical realism at the macroscopic level is actually more fundamental and crucial.
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  50.  14
    Prabhākarabhaṭṭa.Ravīndranārāyaṇa Jhā - 2019 - Naī Dillī: Sāhitya Akādemī.
    Study on the works of Prabhākaramiśra, ancient Sanskrit philosopher and thinker of Mimamsa philosophy.
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