Results for 'Ranke, Leopold von'

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  1.  41
    The secret of world history: selected writings on the art and science of history.Leopold von Ranke - 1981 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Roger Wines.
    For the English speaking reader of today, Ranke is surprisingly inaccessible; indeed, he has become something of a patron saint, more praised than read. Now all his major works have been translated, while almost none of his letters, notes, or essays, so important in getting an informal appraisal of his craft of history, is in English. Many of his of books, whether in German or in English, are no longer in print, and the modern reader is less likely to bear (...)
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  2. Ranke, Leopold von. Politisches Gespräch.Bruno V. Oppen - 1928 - Kant Studien 33:271.
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  3. Leopold Von Ranke and the Shaping of the Historical Discipline.Georg G. Iggers & James M. Powell - 1990
    Ranke (1795-1886) championed objective writing based on source material and established the study of history as a major university discipline. These essays, presented in October 1986 at a conference held to mark the centennial of his death, place the German historian in the context of the developing discipline and introduce important issues and problems in European historiography. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Leopold von Ranke: The Birth of Historicism.Vitaly Kurennoy - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (3):180-214.
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  5. Santi Di Bella, Leopold von Ranke. Gli anni della formazione, prefazione di Girolamo Cotroneo.Davide Bondi - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (2):434.
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    Histoire allemande et totalité : Leopold von Ranke, Johann Gustav Droysen, Karl Lamprecht.Catherine Devulder - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (2):177-197.
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    Leopold von Ranke and Modern Historiography. [REVIEW]Erich Gaenschalz - 1990 - Philosophy and History 23 (2):177-180.
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    Nachweis aus Leopold Von ranke, weltgeschichte.Antonio Morillas-Esteban - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):333-334.
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    Rhetoric and Aesthetics of History: Leopold von Ranke.Jorn Rusen - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (2):190-204.
    Ranke's work marks a turning point in the development of historiography: it changed from literature to science. Ranke's introduction of reason into historiography gave it a certain aesthetic quality, which modern historical studies have forgotten. Traditional rhetoric, or the use of language for strategic purposes, was discarded for its fictitious nature. In its place, Ranke advocated a synthesis of the scientific principles of research and the more artistic principles of writing history. This synthesis initiated the aesthetics of historiography, and yielded (...)
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    Leopold Ranke. The Formative Years.Theodore H. Von Laue - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4):597-599.
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  11. Alle origini della riflessione di Leopold von Ranke sulla storia: KF Bachmann e JG Fichte.M. Ghelardi - 1990 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 10 (1):22-38.
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    Considerazioni circa la nuova edizione dell'epistolario di Leopold von Ranke.Santi di Bella - 2008 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 21:241-254.
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    Leopold Ranke. The Formative Years.Lucius Garvin & Theodore H. Von Laue - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4):597.
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  14. Leopold ranke's archival turn: Location and evidence in modern historiography*: Kasper risbjerg Eskildsen.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (3):425-453.
    From 1827 to 1831 the German historian Leopold von Ranke travelled through Germany, Austria, and Italy, hunting for documents and archives. During this journey Ranke developed a new model for historical research that transformed the archive into the most important site for the production of historical knowledge. Within the archive, Ranke claimed, the trained historian could forget his personal predispositions and political loyalties, and write objective history. This essay critically examines Ranke's model for historical research through a study of (...)
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    History: Politics Or Culture? Reflections on Ranke and Burckhardt.Felix Gilbert - 2014
    Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), generally recognized as the founder of the school of modern critical historical scholarship, and Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897), the great Swiss proponent of cultural interpretation, are fathers of modern history--giants of their time who continue to exert an immense influence in our own. They are usually seen as contrasts, Ranke as representative of political history and Burckhardt of cultural history. In five essays, each flowing gracefully into the next, the distinguished historian Felix Gilbert shows that such (...)
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  16.  7
    Rankes Begriff der Weltgeschichte.Gerhard Masur - 1926 - De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    Die Beihefte der Historische Zeitschrift werden in Neuer Folge von Andreas Fahrmeir und Hartmut Leppin herausgegeben. Die Beihefte enthalten Essays und Monographien zu Themen der deutschen und europäischen Geschichte sowie Sammelbände zu herausragenden Themenbereichen. In ihnen äußern sich die ausgewiesenen Sachkenner ihres Fachgebiets.
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  17. Method and meaning: Ranke and droysen on the historian's disciplinary ethos.Katherina Kinzel - 2020 - History and Theory 59 (1):22-41.
    In this paper I revisit nineteenth-century debates over historical objectivity and the political functions of historiography. I focus on two central contributors to these debates: Leopold von Ranke and Johann Gustav Droysen. In their takes on objectivity and subjectivity, impartiality and political engagement I reveal diametrically opposed solutions to shared concerns: how can historians reveal history to be meaningful without taking recourse to speculative philosophy? And how can they produce a knowledge that is relevant to the present when the (...)
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  18. Von laue's Leopold ranke: The formative years. [REVIEW]Garvin Garvin - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11:597.
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    Ranke: The Meaning of History.Leonard Krieger - 1977 - University of Chicago Press.
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    Introduction (Starting Point and Basic Concepts) (translated by O. Kildyushov).Leopold Ranke - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (3):215-222.
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    Reform der Wissenschaften, Zur Herstellung der Einheit Zwischen Theorie Und Praxis, Teil 1.Leopold von der Decken - 1840 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Reform der Wissenschaften, zur Herstellung der Einheit zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Teil 1" verfügbar.
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  22.  18
    Fichte, Humboldt y Ranke sobre la idea y las ideas históricas.Jorge Navarro Pérez - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (58):405-426.
    This paper sketches an analysis of the resemblances and differences between Fichte's notion of "idea" and Humboldt's and Ranke's notions of the "historical ideas". In an appendix it extends the analysis to the relationship between Droysen's hegelian notion of "ideas" and Humboldt's one.
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    Hegel and Ranke: A Re‐examination.Frederick C. Beiser - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 332–350.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Ranke's Troubling Legacy Ranke's Methodology The Secret Fellowship Hidden Differences Ranke's Polemic against Hegel Hegel's Attack on Ranke and Niebuhr.
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    Ethik in der Schauweise der Wissenschaften vom Menschen und von der Gesellschaft.Leopold von Wiese - 1947 - Bern: A. Francke.
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  25.  29
    Jakiej filozofii warto być wiernym, zwłaszcza w sofistopolis? Prolegomena do książki Seweryna Blandziego Między aletejologią Parmenidesa a ontoteologią Filona.Wojciech Wrotkowski - 2018 - Przegląd Filozoficzno – Literacki 3:341-365.
    Jakiej filozofii warto być wiernym, zwłaszcza w sofistopolis? Prolegomena do książki Seweryna Blandziego Między aletejologią Parmenidesa a ontoteologią Filona *** Artykuł unaocznia potrzebę wierności kilku ponadczasowym postulatom filozofii, które pobrzmiewają głośnym echem w książce Seweryna Blandziego Między aletejologią Parmenidesa a ontoteologią Filona. Służąc bezinteresownie prawdzie, rzetelny historyk filozofii musi – zarówno w samym sobie, jak i w kręgu osób sobie najbliższych – pielęgnować nie tylko dar uważnej obserwacji, bez którego nie nabywa nikt mądrości, lecz i cnotę męstwa, bez którego ani (...)
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  26.  36
    Revolución Francesa y el surgimiento de la historia social del siglo XIX.Juan Guillermo Gómez García - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 27:75-106.
    La Revolución Francesa (1789) ha despertado desde sus impresionantes acontecimientos, las más diversas reacciones y las más inimaginadas formas de interpretarlos. El "problema social" durante las primeras décadas del siglo XIX, que aflora en parte como consecuencia de esta "aurora del mundo" contemporáneo, determinó una nueva manera de contemplar este acontecimiento histórico universal. Tres personalidades intelectuales de primer rango. Lorenz von Stein, Karl Marx y Alexis de Tocqueville, procedentes de tres mundos político-sociales y académicos diversos, se enfrentan a evaluar el (...)
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  27.  7
    Das Soziale im Leben und im Denken.Leopold von Wiese - 1956 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
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    Der Mensch als Mitmensch.Leopold von Wiese - 1964 - Bern,: Francke.
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    Philosophie und Soziologie.Leopold von Wiese - 1959 - Berlin,: Duncker Und Humblot.
  30. Allgemeine Soziologie als Lehre von den Beziehungen und Beziehungsgebilden der Menschen. Teil II: Gebildelehre.Leopold von Wiese - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:142-143.
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    Whiteheads Relativitätstheorie.Oliver von Ranke - 1997 - Regensburg: Roderer.
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    Gedanken über Menschlichkeit.Leopold von Wiese - 1915 - München,: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Sociology and Suffering.Leopold von Wiese - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (2):222-235.
  34. Die Philosophie der persönlichen Fürwörter.Leopold von Wiese - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (2):201-202.
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  35. Ethik.Leopold von Wiese - 1948 - Ethics 58 (4):300-302.
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    Inventing the archive.Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (4):8-26.
    This article investigates the emergence of the archive as the primary venue for the production of historical knowledge in the 19th century. The turn to archival research, the article argues, may be considered as a response to the discussions about the problems of testimony that dominated 18th- and early 19th-century German writings on the methodology and epistemology of historical research. These discussions, especially regarding the epistemic virtues of witnesses, also helped create the particular culture of knowledge-making within German historical scholarship (...)
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  37.  6
    Arische Religion.Leopold von Schroeder & Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - 1914 - Leipzig,: H. Haessel.
    1. Bd. Einleitung. Der altarische Himmelsgott, das höchste gute Wesen. -- 2. Bd. Naturverehrung und Lebensfeste.
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    Ethik der sozialen gebilde.Leopold von Wiese - 1961 - Frankfurt am Main,: Athenäum Verlag.
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    Sociology.Leopold von Wiese - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51 (5):518-520.
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    Sozial, geistig und kulturell.Leopold von Wiese - 1936 - Leipzig,: H. Buske.
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  41. Systematic Sociology.Leopold von Wiese - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):497-498.
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  42. The Relevance of Hegel’s “Absolute Spirit” to Social Normativity.Paul Redding - 2011 - In Heikki Ikaheimo & Arto Laitinen, Recognition and Social Ontology. Leiden: Brill. pp. 212--238.
    Around the turn of the twentieth century, Wilhelm Dilthey, in his reflections on the nature of history as a “Geisteswissenschaft”—a science of “spirit” as opposed to “nature”—appealed “to Hegel’s notion of “spirit” (Geist). Attempting to extract Hegel’s concept from what he considered the unsupportable metaphysical system within which it had been developed, Dilthey, a neo-Kantian, gave it a broadly epistemological significance by correlating it with a distinct type of “understanding” (Verstehen) that was foreign to the Naturwissenschaften, concerned as they were (...)
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  43.  46
    Late Antiquity and the Florentine Renaissance: Historiographical Parallels.Christopher S. Celenza - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (1):17-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.1 (2001) 17-35 [Access article in PDF] Late Antiquity and the Florentine Renaissance: Historiographical Parallels Christopher S. Celenza Aulus Gellius, at the end of the second century, shows us the type of writer who was destined to prevail, the compiler. In his Noctes Atticae he compiles without method or even without any definite end in view.... After him there is only barrenness. The (...)
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    Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty & Venus in Furs.Gilles Deleuze & Leopold von Sacher-Masoch - 1989 - Zone Books.
    Includes "Coldness and Cruelty," by Gilles Deleuze, a study of masochism and sadism, as well as "Venus in Furs," the original novel by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.
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  45. Ethik. By Charles Wegener. [REVIEW]Leopold Von Wiese - 1947 - Ethics 58:300.
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    Mysterium und Mimus im Rig-Veda.Maurice Bloomfield & Leopold von Schroeder - 1909 - American Journal of Philology 30 (1):78.
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    German essays on history.Rolf Sältzer (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Continuum.
    Idea for a universal history with cosmopolitan intent / Immanuel Kant -- Philosophy of history / Johann Gottfried von Herder -- What is universal history and to what end does one study it? / Friedrich Schiller -- On the task of the historian / Wilhelm von Humboldt -- Idea of universal history / Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- World history / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- The ages of the world / Friedrich Wilhelm Josef Schelling -- On the epochos of modern (...)
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  48. Systematic Sociology. By Louis Wirth. [REVIEW]Leopold Von Wiese - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43:458.
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    Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā. Die Saṃhitā der MaitrāyaṇīyaśākhāMaitrayani Samhita. Die Samhita der Maitrayaniyasakha.Ludo Rocher & Leopold von Schroeder - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):368.
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    Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā der Maitrāyaṇīya śākhāMaitrayani Samhita der Maitrayaniya sakha.Ludo Rocher & Leopold von Schroeder - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):572.
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