Results for 'Ralph Steinhardt'

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  1. The aim of belief.Ralph Wedgwood - 2002 - Philosophical Perspectives 16:267-97.
    It is often said, metaphorically, that belief "aims" at the truth. This paper proposes a normative interpretation of this metaphor. First, the notion of "epistemic norms" is clarified, and reasons are given for the view that epistemic norms articulate essential features of the beliefs that are subject to them. Then it is argued that all epistemic norms--including those that specify when beliefs count as rational, and when they count as knowledge--are explained by a fundamental norm of correct belief, which requires (...)
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  2. Gandalf’s solution to the Newcomb problem.Ralph Wedgwood - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2643–2675.
    This article proposes a new theory of rational decision, distinct from both causal decision theory (CDT) and evidential decision theory (EDT). First, some intuitive counterexamples to CDT and EDT are presented. Then the motivation for the new theory is given: the correct theory of rational decision will resemble CDT in that it will not be sensitive to any comparisons of absolute levels of value across different states of nature, but only to comparisons of the differences in value between the available (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Normativism defended.Ralph Wedgwood - 2007 - In Brian P. McLaughlin & Jonathan Cohen, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 85--102.
    My aim in this chapter is to defend the claim that “the intentional is normative” against a number of objections, including those that Georges Rey has presented in his contribution to this volume. In the first section of this chapter, I shall outline a specific version of this claim; and in the second section, I shall give a quick sketch of the principal argument that I have used to support this claim, and briefly comment on Rey’s criticisms of this argument.
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    An Ontology of Consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 1986 - Hingham, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The object of this study is to find a coherent theoretical approach to three problems which appear to interrelate in complex ways: (1) What is the ontological status of consciousness? (2) How can there be 'un conscious,' 'prereflective' or 'self-alienated' consciousness? And (3) Is there a 'self' or 'ego' formed by means of the interrelation of more elementary states of consciousness? The motivation for combining such a diversity of difficult questions is that we often learn more by looking at interrelations (...)
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    Three paradoxes of phenomenal consciousness: Bridging the explanatory gap.Ralph D. Ellis & Natika Newton - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (4):419-42.
    Any physical explanation of consciousness seems to leave unresolved the ‘explanatory gap': Isn't it conceivable that all the elements in that explanation could occur, with the same information processing outcomes as in a conscious process, but in the absence of consciousness? E.g. any digital computational process could occur in the absence of consciousness. To resolve this dilemma, we propose a biological-process-oriented physiological- phenomenological characterization of consciousness that addresses three ‘paradoxical’ qualities seemingly incompatible with the empirical realm: The dual location of (...)
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  6. “How to Compare?” - On the Methodological State of Comparative Philosophy.Ralph Weber - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (7):593-603.
    From early on, comparative philosophy has had on offer a high variety of goals, approaches and methodologies. Such high variety is still today a trademark of the discipline, and it is not uncommon of representatives of one camp in comparative philosophy to think of those in other camps as not really being about ‘comparative philosophy’. Much of the disagreement arguably has to do with methodological problems related to the concept of comparison and with the widely prevailing but unwarranted assumption that (...)
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  7.  21
    General biology and philosophy of organism.Ralph Stayner Lillie - 1945 - Chicago, Ill.,: University of Chicago Press.
  8. Theories of content and theories of motivation.Ralph Wedgwood - 1995 - European Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):273-288.
    According to the anti-Humean theory of motivation, it is possible to be motivated to act by reason alone. According to the Humean theory of motivation, this is impossible. The debate between these two theories remains as vigorous as ever (see for example Pettit 1987, Lewis 1988, Price 1989 and Smith 1994). In this paper I shall argue that the anti-Humean theory of motivation is incompatible with a number of prominent recent theories of content. I shall focus on causal or informational (...)
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    The Normativity of the Intentional.Ralph Wedgwood - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many philosophers have claimed that the intentional is normative. (This claim is the analogue, within the philosophy of mind, of the claim that is often made within the philosophy of language, that meaning is normative.) But what exactly does this claim mean? And what reason is there for believing it? In this paper, I shall first try to clarify the content of the claim that the intentional is normative. Then I shall examine a number of the arguments that philosophers have (...)
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  10. The internal and external components of cognition.Ralph Wedgwood - 2006 - In Robert Stainton, Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 307-325.
    Timothy Williamson has presented several arguments that seek to cast doubt on the idea that cognition can be factorized into internal and external components. In the first section of this paper, I attempt to evaluate these arguments. My conclusion will be that these arguments establish several highly important points, but in the end these arguments fail to cast any doubt either on the idea that cognitive science should be largely concerned with internal mental processes, or on the idea that cognition (...)
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  11. Discourse on Metaphysics, Correspondence with Arnauld, and Monadology.Ralph Barton Leibniz - 1902 - The Monist 12:459.
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    Biological causation.Ralph S. Lillie - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (3):314-336.
    It would appear that among scientific men discussion of the general principles of natural science has, on the whole, proved more congenial to mathematicians and physicists than to biologists. Just why this should be so might be difficult to explain or justify. But one reason seems to lie in the comparative ambiguity of the concept of causation in biology. In general, the term causation has been used in science to designate the special rôle of active factors, rather than of passive (...)
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    Dreaming of white bears: The return of the suppressed at sleep onset.Ralph E. Schmidt & Guido H. E. Gendolla - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):714-724.
    The present study examined the effects of thought suppression on sleep-onset mentation. It was hypothesized that the decrease of attentional control in the transition to sleep would lead to a rebound of a suppressed thought in hypnagogic mentation. Twenty-four young adults spent two consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory. Half of the participants were instructed to suppress a target thought, whereas the other half freely thought of anything at all. To assess target thought frequency, three different measures were used in (...)
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  14.  51
    The influence of cognition upon perception: The empirical story.Ralph Baergen - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (1):13 – 23.
  15. Implications of inattentional blindness for "enactive" theories of consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (3):297-322.
    Mack and Rock show evidence that no consciousperception occurs without a prior attentiveact. Subjects already executing attention taskstend to neglect visible elements extraneous tothe attentional task, apparently lacking evenbetter-than-chance ``implicit perception,''except in certain cases where the unattendedstimulus is a meaningful word or has uniquepre-tuned salience similar to that ofmeaningful words. This is highly consistentwith ``enactive'' notions that consciousnessrequires selective attention via emotional subcortical and limbic motivationalactivation as it influences anterior attentionmechanisms. Occipital activation withoutconsciousness suggests that motivated search,enacted through the organism's (...)
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    Max Weber, democracy and modernization.Ralph Schroeder (ed.) - 1998 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    These essays bring Weber's sociology to bear on the current transformation of the political landscape. After the collapse of communism, many states are faced with the challenges of democratization: they need to establish their legitimacy in an uncertain economic climate and within a new geopolitical order. The essays in this volume develop Weberian concepts and apply his comparative-historical method to deepen our understanding of these problems. They cover a wide range of examples, from the United Stated to Western and Eastern (...)
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  17.  14
    (1 other version)Psychedelic, psychoactive, and addictive drugs and states of consciousness.Ralph Metzner - 2005 - In Mitch Earleywine, Mind-Altering Drugs. Oxford University Press. pp. 25-48.
    This chapter examines the states of consciousness induced by hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs in the framework of a general model of altered states of consciousness. According to the general model of ASCs, the content of a state of consciousness is a function of the internal set and external setting, regardless of the catalyst or trigger, which might be a drug, hypnotic induction, shock, rhythmic sounds, music, and so forth. Altered states of consciousness, whether induced by drugs or other means, differ (...)
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  18.  81
    Book-reviews.Ralph Berry - 1968 - British Journal of Aesthetics 8 (1):89-b-90.
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    On Imagologies.Ralph Berets - 1997 - Film-Philosophy 1 (1).
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    A criticism of scepticism and relativism.Ralph Mason Blake - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (10):253-272.
  21.  50
    Report of the annual meeting of the eastern division of the american philosophical association.Ralph M. Blake - 1929 - Journal of Philosophy 26 (5):124-134.
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    What is purposive and intelligent behavior from the physiological point of view?Ralph S. Lillie - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12 (22):589-610.
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    Purpose as tendency and adaptation.Ralph Barton Perry - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26 (5):477-495.
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    William Pepperell Montague and the new realists.Ralph Barton Perry - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (21):604-608.
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  25. Directive action and life.Ralph S. Lillie - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (2):202-226.
    When we consider closely any highly integrated vital process, like embryonic development, or animal behavior of the end-subserving or purposive type, we are inevitably impressed with the importance of those special controlling factors, collectively termed “regulative,” which appear chiefly responsible for the unified and finalistic character of the whole sequence of events. These factors are persistent in their influence although they may act intermittently. Without their presence the sequence would soon lose coördination and “run wild,” just as an automobile runs (...)
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  26. Poetry and philosophy.Ralph Barton Perry - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11 (6):576-591.
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    In which Henry James strikes bedrock.Ralph M. Berry - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):61-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Which Henry James Strikes BedrockRalph M. BerryIn Stanley Cavell’s account of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy, everything we know depends upon what Wittgenstein calls grammatical criteria. These criteria are what we go on when judging that something counts as an instance of our concept of a “chair,” “ardent love,” “headache,” etc. For the arts, Wittgenstein’s focus on criteria leads in two, apparently opposite, directions. First, by making the activity of (...)
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    Can speculative philosophy be defended?Ralph M. Blake - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (2):127-134.
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    Final comment.Ralph M. Blake - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):264-265.
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    Consciousness, self-organization, and the process-substratum relation: Rethinking nonreductive physicalism.Ralph D. Ellis - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):173-190.
    Knowing only what is empirically knowable can't by itself entail knowledge of what consciousness "is like." But if dualism is to be avoided, the question arises: how can a process be completely empirically unobservable when all of its components are completely observable? The recently emerging theory of self-organization offers resources with which to resolve this problem: Consciousness can be an empirically unobservable process because the emotions motivating attention are experienced only from the perspective of the one whose phenomenal states are (...)
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  31. The unity of consciousness: An enactivist approach.Ralph D. Ellis & Natika Newton - 2005 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 26 (4):225-280.
    The enactivist account of consciousness posits that motivated activation of sensorimotor action imagery anticipates possible action affordances of environmental situations, resulting in representation of the environment with a conscious “feel” associated with the valences motivating the anticipations. This approach makes the mind–body problem and the problem of mental causation easier to resolve, and offers promise for understanding how consciousness results from natural processes. Given a process-oriented understanding of the way many systems in non-conscious nature are “proto-motivated” toward realizing unactualized possibilities, (...)
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  32.  88
    The "psychical" as secondary and as secret.Ralph Gregory - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (1):76-79.
    If I miss not the tenor of points and counterpoints, a recent discussion in this journal has been a novelly natural transaction in behalf of a great question at which many philosophers have labored—What is the place of Mind? R. S. Lillie, an eminent physiologist has been working toward a philosophical justification of certain biological key-facts, and H. Heath Bawden, a pioneer naturalist in philosophy and psychology, has been urging a physiological counter-statement. Both are logical men of science and aim (...)
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  33.  43
    The problem of synthesis in biology.Ralph S. Lillie - 1942 - Philosophy of Science 9 (1):59-71.
    The problem of synthesis in biology may have reference to the evolutionary origin of living organisms in past time, a process not directly observable but conceivably reconstructible in broad outline: thus to the biochemist this evolution may appear as the evolution of the special biological compounds, to the psychologist as the evolution of “mind”—or at least of types of behavior. Or the problem may refer to the synthesis of the individual animal or plant, a process of construction which typically starts (...)
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  34.  87
    Introduction to the problem of individuation in the early middle ages.Ralph M. McInerny - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (2):293-294.
  35.  71
    Recursive inseparability for residual Bounds of finite algebras.Ralph Mckenzie - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1863-1880.
    We exhibit a construction which produces for every Turing machine T with two halting states μ 0 and μ -1 , an algebra B(T) (finite and of finite type) with the property that the variety generated by B(T) is residually large if T halts in state μ -1 , while if T halts in state μ 0 then this variety is residually bounded by a finite cardinal.
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  36.  30
    (1 other version)Dewey and urban on value judgments.Ralph Barton Perry - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (7):169-181.
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  37.  37
    Is there a north american philosophy?Ralph Barton Perry - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (3):356-369.
  38.  44
    Reply to professor Calkins.Ralph Barton Perry - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (25):683-685.
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    The mind within and the mind without.Ralph Barton Perry - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (7):169-175.
  40.  21
    (1 other version)The truth-problem. II.Ralph Barton Perry - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (21):561-573.
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    Reflections on causation and perception.Ralph B. Winn - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55 (January):77-80.
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  42. Bertrand Russell and the Peace Movement.Ralph Schoenman - 1974 - In George Nakhnikian, Bertrand Russell's philosophy. [London]: Duckworth.
  43.  65
    John Heil, philosophy of mind. A contemporary introduction. Routledge contemporary introductions to philosophy.Ralph Schumacher - 2000 - Erkenntnis 53 (3):423-428.
  44.  94
    'Personality' and 'inner distance' : the conception of the individual in Max Weber's sociology.Ralph Schroeder - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):61-78.
  45.  97
    Practical and Theoretical Rationality.Ralph Wedgwood - 2021 - In Markus Knauff & Wolfgang Spohn, The Handbook of Rationality. London: MIT Press. pp. 137-145.
    Philosophers have long distinguished between practical and theoretical rationality. The first section of this chapter begins by discussing the ways in which this distinction was drawn by Aristotle and Kant; then it sketches what seems to be the general consensus today about how, at least roughly, the distinction should be drawn. The rest of this chapter explores what practical and theoretical rationality have in common: in the second section, several parallels between practical and theoretical rationality are outlined, and it is (...)
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  46.  25
    Poetic Justice: Tabernacle v Secretary of State for Defence [2009] EWCA Civ 23.Ralph Sandland - 2009 - Feminist Legal Studies 17 (2):219-228.
    This note examines the decision of the Court of Appeal in Tabernacle v Secretary of State for Defence (2009). The court held that byelaws prohibiting camping on Ministry of Defence land adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, Berkshire violated the human rights of women peace protestors under Articles 10 and 11 European Convention on Human Rights. The note argues that this decision calls into question arguments recently made, that the association of women with peace should be abandoned. It (...)
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  47.  19
    Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis der Bände I-V.Ralph Schumacher, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Volker Gerhardt - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 329-358.
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    (1 other version)Guest Editor’s Introduction.Ralph Schumacher - 2007 - Erkenntnis 66 (1-2):1-8.
    Since our visual perception of physical things essentially involves our identifying objects by their colours, any theory of visual perception must contain some account of the colours of things. The central problem with colour has to do with relating our normal, everyday colour perceptions to what science, i.e. physics, teaches us about physical objects and their qualities. Although we perceive colours as categorical surface properties of things, colour perceptions are explained by introducing physical properties like reflectance profiles or dispositions to (...)
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    Idealismus als Theorie der Repräsentation?Ralph Schumacher & Oliver R. Scholz - 2001
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    Moralische Wahrheit und moralisches Wissen. Plädoyer für einen sparsamen Wahrheitsbegriff in der Metaethik.Ralph Schrader - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (1):21-41.
    Im Anschluss an eine Kritik von Habermas' Unterscheidung der Geltungsansprüche der Wahrheit und Richtigkeit vertritt der Autor die These, dass normative und evaluative Aussagen in prinzipiell gleicher Weise als wahr und objektiv betrachtet werden können wie deskriptive. Gezielt wird auf einen moralischen Objektivismus und eine schwache Variante des moralischen Realismus, starke ontologische Folgerungen werden allerdings nicht gezogen. Hauptsächlich diskutiert werden die metaethischen Arbeiten von Crispin Wright, Hilary Putnam und John McDowell.
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