Results for 'Rafał Kępa'

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  1.  11
    Realne złożenie a realna różnica. Istota i istnienie w doktrynie św. Tomasza z Akwinu i Idziego Rzymianina.Rafał Kępa - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 14:77-101.
    The question about reality of the difference between existence and essence in creatures was one of the main problems of medieval metaphysics. The above text is an attempt to reconstruct two answers to this question: by Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome. Thomas Aquinas is a person most often associated with the problem of real difference. It seems, however, that the doctrine of Giles of Rome was also very important for the development of the problem. For example, Giles was the (...)
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    Critical Pragmatics: An Inquiry Into Reference and Communication.Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John Perry.
    Critical Pragmatics develops three ideas: language is a way of doing things with words; meanings of phrases and contents of utterances derive ultimately from human intentions; and language combines with other factors to allow humans to achieve communicative goals. In this book, Kepa Korta and John Perry explain why critical pragmatics provides a coherent picture of how parts of language study fit together within the broader picture of human thought and action. They focus on issues about singular reference, that is, (...)
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    Rafał Urbaniak. Leśniewski’s Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.Rafał Urbaniak & Peter Simons - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica:nkw031.
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    The physics of optimal decision making: A formal analysis of models of performance in two-alternative forced-choice tasks.Rafal Bogacz, Eric Brown, Jeff Moehlis, Philip Holmes & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (4):700-765.
  5. Dao as a Unified Composition or Plurality: A Nihilism Perspective.Rafal Banka - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):1-15.
    This article departs from a mereological conceptualization of the Daoist metaphysi- cal system in the Daodejing 道德經. I discuss what parthood status applies to dao 道. Whereas it is quite intuitive that you 有—the region of concrete objects—has parthood relationships and compositions (entities made from parts), the other, undif- ferentiated region, dao, poses a considerable problem. This problem can be charac- terized in the following way: (a) dao cannot be characterized as a particular com- position, which entails that it does (...)
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    Grzegorczyk Points and Filters in Boolean Contact Algebras.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):509-528.
    The purpose of this paper is to compare the notion of a Grzegorczyk point introduced in [19] (and thoroughly investigated in [3, 14, 16, 18]) to the standard notions of a filter in Boolean algebras and round filter in Boolean contact algebras. In particular, we compare Grzegorczyk points to filters and ultrafilters of atomic and atomless algebras. We also prove how a certain extra axiom influences topological spaces for Grzegorczyk contact algebras. Last but not least, we do not refrain from (...)
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    Pragmatics.Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    These lines — also attributed to H. L. Mencken and Carl Jung — although perhaps politically incorrect, are surely correct in reminding us that more is involved in what one communicates than what one literally says; more is involved in what one means than the standard, conventional meaning of the words one uses. The words ‘yes,’ ‘perhaps,’ and ‘no’ each has a perfectly identifiable meaning, known by every speaker of English (including not very competent ones). However, as those lines illustrate, (...)
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  8.  28
    A Study in Grzegorczyk Point-Free Topology Part I: Separation and Grzegorczyk Structures.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1197-1238.
    This is the first, out of two papers, devoted to Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s point-free system of topology from Grzegorczyk :228–235, 1960. His system was one of the very first fully fledged axiomatizations of topology based on the notions of region, parthood and separation. Its peculiar and interesting feature is the definition of point, whose intention is to grasp our geometrical intuitions of points as systems of shrinking regions of space. In this part we analyze separation structures and Grzegorczyk structures, and (...)
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  9. Space, points and mereology. On foundations of point-free Euclidean geometry.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (2):145-188.
    This article is devoted to the problem of ontological foundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry. Starting from Bertrand Russell’s intuitions concerning the sensual world we try to show that it is possible to build a foundation for pure geometry by means of the so called regions of space. It is not our intention to present mathematically developed theory, but rather demonstrate basic assumptions, tools and techniques that are used in construction of systems of point-free geometry and topology by means of mereology (...)
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    Characterizing existence of certain ultrafilters.Rafał Filipów, Krzysztof Kowitz & Adam Kwela - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (9):103157.
  11. [no title].Rafał Matuszewski - unknown
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  12.  33
    „Filozofia na uczelniach katolickich: metafizyka i filozofia Boga”. Lublin, KUL, 18 maja 2015 roku.Rafał Charzyński - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (4):241-244.
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    Preferencja barw a poziom niepokoju.Rafał Dornfeld - 1982 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 30 (4):61-72.
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    Epistemic or Ethical Trouble? On Possibilities for Understanding Students, Their Needs and Idiosyncrasies.Rafał Godoń - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (2):63-67.
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  15.  26
    The difficult pursuit of truth: a response to Kai Horsthemke.Rafał Godoń - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (1):35-38.
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  16. Czas „nieludzkich” obrazów. Pamięć ustrukturyzowana technicznie.Rafał Ilnicki - 2011 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 38.
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  17. Doświadczenie teowirtualności.Rafał Ilnicki - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):377-388.
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  18.  24
    Unemployment, Hunger, Imprisonment (Part One).Rafał Jakubowicz - 2017 - Nowa Krytyka 38:167-180.
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  19.  77
    Acerca del monoproposicionalismo imperante en Semántica y Pragmática.Kepa Korta - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 32 (2):37-55.
    This paper tries to show that the assumption here called monopropositionalism is taken for granted by most semantic and pragmatic theories of natural language, and that it has decisively conditioned many of the debates in recent philosophy of language. Monopropositionalism claims that, leaving aside implicatures, the utterance of a sentence expresses a unique proposition, which is taken as what is said by the utterance, its content or its truth-conditions. But different and, often, incompatible roles are required from that proposition. We (...)
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  20. Garuna eta gogoa: Kontzientzi arazoak.Kepa Korta - manuscript
    ‘Zu’, zeure pozak eta zeure penak, zeure oroitzapen eta anbizioak, zeure identitate pertsonala eta nahimenaskatasunaren zentzua, izan ere, ez zara/dira nerbio zelula talde ikaragarri haundi bat eta asoziatutako molekulak besterik.
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  21.  8
    Referencialisimo Critico: Le Teoria Reflexivo Referencial Del Significado.Kepa Korta & Rodrigo Agerri (eds.) - 2007 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    En este libro, John Perry elabora una teoria "reflexivo-referencial" de los indexicos, los demostrativos y los nombres propios. La Filosofia del Lenguaje del siglo veinte se vio condicionada por dos tradiciones enfrentadas en torno a esos temas: el descriptivismo y el referencialismo. Los textos referecialistas clasicos de, entre otros, Saul Kripke, Keith Donnellan y David Kaplan son de los anos 70. Curiosamente, parece que ya habian sido refutados casi un siglo antes por los problemas de co-referencia y no-referencia planteados por (...)
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  22. Varieties of minimalist semantics and John Perry.Kepa Korta - manuscript
    Cappelen and Lepore (C&L) view themselves as embattled defenders of the Free Republic of Semantics from the attacks of its enemies, mostly in the form of pragmatic incursions. They withdraw to a limited territory, and defend it with reason, humor, and other less noble weapons. The enemies are everywhere. This way of posing the debates is often humorous and helps make the book easy to read. It also often leads the authors to caricaturize and to trivialize many of the problems, (...)
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  23.  50
    Recepcja darwinizmu na ziemiach polskich w latach od 1859 do 1884.Zbigniew KĘPA - 1996 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 18.
  24. Diálogo Y acción colectiva.Kepa Kortayjesús M. Larrazabal - 1998 - Manuscrito 21:107.
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  25.  13
    Sprawiedliwość polityczna a neutralność. Kilka uwag o rozumnej naturze liberalizmu politycznego Johna Rawlsa i Charlesa Larmore’a.Rafał Prostak - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 18:188-219.
    Two fundamental features of a liberal political community are usually identified in contemporary deliberations: there is an inevitable pluralism of visions of good and worthy life, blended into a wide range of religious, philosophical and ethical positions; those who are in power are under an obligation to set public matters in such a way as to avoid discrimination of any class of the ruled. In respect of and, it is presumed that the process of enacting, implementing and executing public law (...)
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  26.  6
    La estructura de poder del sistema internacional: del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a la posguerra fría.Kepa Sodupe - 2002 - Madrid: Fundamentos.
  27. Metaksiążka. Książka artystyczna jako hermeneutyka księgi.Rafał Solewski - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 7 (7/8):118-143.
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    bezpieczni Obcy – pewni siebie Swoi.Rafał Szczerbakiewicz - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):280-285.
    Ksenologie, ed. Ksenia Olkusz i Krzysztof M. Maj, 2018. Kraków: Ośrodek Badawczy.
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    ¿Les importa a los animales ser (o no ser) sujetos morales?Kepa Tamames - 2012 - Dilemata 9:141-151.
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    Tú también eres un animal.Kepa Tamames - 2007 - Madrid: MR. Edited by Lucía Etxebarría.
  31. The pragmatic circle.Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2008 - Synthese 165 (3):347 - 357.
    Classical Gricean pragmatics is usually conceived as dealing with far-side pragmatics, aimed at computing implicatures. It involves reasoning about why what was said, was said. Near-side pragmatics, on the other hand, is pragmatics in the service of determining, together with the semantical properties of the words used, what was said. But this raises the specter of ‘the pragmatic circle.’ If Gricean pragmatics seeks explanations for why someone said what they did, how can there be Gricean pragmatics on the near-side? Gricean (...)
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  32. How to say things with words.Kepa Korta & John Perry - 2007 - In Savas L. Tsohatzidis, John Searle's Philosophy of Language: Force, Meaning and Mind. Cambridge University Press.
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  33.  30
    A comparison of two systems of point-free topology.Rafał Gruszczyński & Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (3):187.
    This is a spin-off paper to [3, 4] in which we carried out an extensive analysis of Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s point-free topology from [5]. In [1] Loredana Biacino and Giangiacomo Gerla presented an axiomatization which was inspired by the Grzegorczyk’s system, and which is its variation. Our aim is to compare the two approaches and show that they are slightly different. Except for pointing to dissimilarities, we also demonstrate that the theories coincide in presence of axiom stipulating non-existence of atoms.
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    Conference report.Rafal Ablamowicz, Pertti Lounesto & Johannes Maks - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (6):735-748.
  35. “Platonic” thought experiments: how on earth?Rafal Urbaniak - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):731-752.
    Brown (The laboratory of the mind. Thought experiments in the natural science, 1991a , 1991b ; Contemporary debates in philosophy of science, 2004 ; Thought experiments, 2008 ) argues that thought experiments (TE) in science cannot be arguments and cannot even be represented by arguments. He rest his case on examples of TEs which proceed through a contradiction to reach a positive resolution (Brown calls such TEs “platonic”). This, supposedly, makes it impossible to represent them as arguments for logical reasons: (...)
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    Antyczne źródła pojęcia \"mimesis\".Rafał Michalski - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):45-64.
    Author: Michalski Rafał Title: ANCIENT SOURCES OF MEANING OF THE TERM “MIMESIS” (Antyczne źródła pojęcia mimezis) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 45-64 Keywords: ‘MIMESIS’, PLATO, PYTHAGORAS Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this article I show the evolution of meaning of the term ‘mimesis’ in ancient Greece. I distinguish its two basic meanings: copying (imitation) and expression. The older meaning (mimesis as expression) comes from the Pythagorean (...)
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  37.  65
    Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics.Rafal Banka - 2022 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    This is the first book on the role of cognition in the aesthetic theory of Li Zehou (1930–2021), one of China's most important and influential contemporary philosophers. The cognitive dimension and its integration with practice is discussed by examining one of Li's pivotal concepts: "subjectality," a human subject shaped by the world in which they live, including beauty and aesthetic experience. Li's theory is also contextualized in the threefold inspiration coming from Confucian, Kantian, and Marxist philosophies, which differently conceptualize the (...)
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  38. Li Zehou's aesthetics as a form of cognition.Rafal Banka (ed.) - 2018
  39. Mental states in conversation.Kepa Korta - manuscript
    It is not unusual to consider linguistic communication as a type of action performed by an individual —the speaker— intended to influence the mental state of another individual —the addressee. It seems more unusual to reach an agreement on what should be the effect of such influence for the communication to be successful. According to the well-known Gricean view, the success of a communicative action depends precisely on the recognition by the addressee of the mental state of the speaker. In (...)
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  40. (rec.) Antropologia, red. S. Janeczek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2010, ss. 289.Rafał Kupczak - 2011 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 47 (3):134-139.
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    Multilingualism, Divergent Authentic Versions of a Legal Rule and Legitimate Expectations Of Individuals.Rafał Mańko - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 45 (1):141-159.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 141-159.
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    Zu slawischen Anleihen im österreichischen Deutsch und deren Lemmatisierung in „Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” und „Duden. Wie sagt man in Österreich?”.Rafał Marek - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    This article presents Slavic loanwords in the Austrian variant of the German language. Its aim is twofold: it discusses words of Polish, Slovakian, Czech, Serbo­-Croatian, and Slovenian origin in the Austrian variant of German, as well as stressing the multicultural history of Austria and its influence on vocabulary. The analysis will not only deal with the meaning and etymology of particular words, but will also scrutinize their description in the “Duden” dictionaries: “Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” and “Duden. Wie sagt man in Österreich?”.
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  43. Kontrastywizm epistemiczny.Rafał Palczewski - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    According to contrastivism in epistemology - advocated chiefly by Jonathan Schaffer - the knowledge relation is not binary (s knows that p) but ternary (s knows that p rather than q). Thus knowledge ascriptions are contrast-sensitive. The aim of this paper is to portray, investigate and assess the details of this view. In the first three sections I focus mainly on arguments for contrastivism. Section fourth is devoted to the contrastivist solution to the skeptical puzzle. In the last three sections (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Polityka i konstytucja. Refleksje nad prawem do prywatności w kontekście orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego Stanów Zjednoczonych.Rafał Prostak - 2007 - Civitas 10 (10).
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  45. Trzeci międzynarodowy zjazd psychologiczny.Rafał Radziwiłłowicz - 1897 - Przegląd Filozoficzny 1.
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  46.  21
    Neglect II: cognitive neuropsychological issues.R. D. Rafal - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 125--141.
  47.  22
    Zum Monolog des Hanno im plautinischen „Poenulus“ (V. 930–960).Rafał Rosół - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):89-95.
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    Co jest trudniejsze: poradzić sobie z agresją czy ją zrozumieć?Rafał Sikora - 2011 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 17:189-200.
    Tematem rozważań jest ludzka agresja. Czy agresja jest wrodzona? Jak sposób rozumienia tego, czym jest agresja, wpływa na sposoby radzenia sobie ze szkodliwymi skutkami zachowań agresywnych?
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  49. Hegemonia i obiekt braku. Wybrane wątki postgramsciańskiej filozofii Ernesto Laclau i Chantal Mouffe.Rafał Smoczyński - 2009 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 21 (21).
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  50. Identity in dialogue or homeless despair? Critical sensitivity in Polish art at the turn of the 21st century.Rafał Solewski - 2011 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 13:63-74.
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