Results for 'Rafael Walthert'

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  1.  13
    Der Handschlag von Therwil – Einsichten in die Aushandlungsdynamiken von Religion zwischen lokaler Interaktion, nationaler Politisierung und globaler Skandalisierung: Eine Einleitung.Rafael Walthert & Philipp Hetmanczyk - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):1-15.
    ZusammenfassungIm November 2015 ereignete sich an einer Schweizer Sekundarschule ein Vorfall, der in der Folge als sogenannter „Handschlag von Therwil“ Schlagzeilen machte. Mit diesem Topos ist jedoch nicht nur die Entscheidung zweier Schüler gemeint, ihrer Lehrerin unter Verweis auf religiöse Motive den Handschlag zu verweigern, sondern ebenso die medialen, schulischen, politischen und rechtlichen Konsequenzen, die sich an diese Episode anschlossen. Die folgende Einleitung zu dieser Thematik bietet, neben einer Schilderung des Vorfalls, eine Rahmensetzung, die sich mit dem religionswissenschaftlichen Stellenwert lokaler (...)
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    Zum Verhältnis von Interaktion, Organisation und Gesellschaft in der Therwiler Handschlag-Affäre. Eine systemtheoretische Analyse.Urs Weber, Daniela Stauffacher, Katharina Frank & Rafael Walthert - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):16-38.
    ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag baut auf Niklas Luhmanns Unterscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Typen sozialer Systeme auf, nämlich Interaktionen, Organisationen und einer durch funktionale Teilsysteme strukturierten Gesellschaft. Auf dieser Basis wird der Fall zweier Schüler in einer Schweizer Sekundarschule analysiert, die ihren Lehrerinnen mit religiöser Begründung den Handschlag verweigerten. Gezeigt wird, wie dieses Ereignis von verschiedenen Systemtypen als Problem bearbeitet und jeweils unterschiedlich beobachtet wurde, wobei speziell auch die Frage nach dem Stellenwert des Teilsystems Religion gestellt wird. Insbesondere der Zeitbedarf und der Stellenwert schriftlicher (...)
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    Tarántula: institución y hacer pensante por la autonomía: Castoriadis en la trama latinoamericana entre academia y política.Rafael Miranda Redondo, Dolores Camacho Velázquez & Jorge Alonso (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: CIESAS.
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    Música e emoção.Rafael D'aversa - 2010 - Critica.
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    ""Deleuze or" Becoming Deleuze": A Critical Introduction to his Thought.Rafael Gomez Pardo - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):131-149.
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  6. The philosophical anthropology of Jose Manzana.Rafael Gomez Miranda - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (236):321-346.
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    Interconnectedness: the living world of the early Greek phliosophers.Claudia Zatta, Rafael Ferber, Livio Rossetti & Barbara Sattler - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    What did the early Greek philosophers think about animals and their lives? How did they view plants? And, ultimately, what type of relationship did they envisage between all sorts of living beings? On these topics there is evidence of a prolonged investigation by several Presocratics. However, scholarship has paid little attention to these issues and to the surprisingly "modern" development they received in Presocratics' doctrines. This book fills this lacuna through a detailed (and largely unprecedented) analysis of the extant evidence. (...)
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    Comentarios al derecho natural de Cicerón.Ricardo Rafael Sardiña - 1947 - Habana,: J. Montero.
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    Humanidades para el siglo XXI.Rafael Alvira & Kurt Spang (eds.) - 2006 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
  10.  94
    (1 other version)A metáfora do cálculo no período intermediário de Wittgenstein.Rafael Lopes Azize - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (1):125-144.
    Este artigo investiga alguns usos da metáfora da linguagem como cálculo em Wittgenstein. A metáfora do cálculo emerge, nos anos 30, numa interlocução com o referencialista, e é ali instrumental na recondução do olhar filosófico para os usos efetivos do simbolismo linguístico. Contudo, foi levada longe demais, ao sugerir uma imagem da linguagem composta apenas de inferências à maneira dos sistemas de regras fechados. Isto embargaria certa expansão pragmática do contexto criterial da análise conceitual. Mas a aplicabilidade do símile do (...)
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    Parmênides e Frege: um breve estudo sobre as relações entre o poema sobre a natureza e as investigações lógicas.Rafael Huguenin - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):7-24.
    O presente texto tem como objetivo estabelecer algumas relações entre o poema de Parmênides e as Investigações Lógicas, de Frege. Mais especificamente, nosso objetivo é iluminar certos aspectos do poema de Parmênides por meio de uma comparação com certas noções utilizadas por Frege para caracterizar aspectos centrais de seu pensamento. The aim of this paper is to establish some relationships between Parmenides' Poem and Frege's Logical Investigations. More specifically, our objective is to illuminate some aspects of the Parmenides' Poem by (...)
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    Abraham y la Ética del Silencio en el Pensamiento de Søren A. Kierkegaard.Cătălina Elena Dobre & Rafael García Pavón - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:515-526.
    This paper presents an interpretation of the paradoxical decision of Abraham done by Søren A. Kierkegaard in his work Fear and Trembling as an ethics of silence. The main idea is to understand ethics not as moral standards or specific duties, but as the responsibility of becoming a single individual in time; singularity as the intimate and personal relationship with the calling of love. In such a way, that silence is the experience of the encounter with the paradox that being (...)
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  13. The coinages of Muhammed I (238-273 h.).Rafael Frochoso Sanchez - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):375-389.
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  14. Sobre el concepto de ironía en constante referencia a mis maestros.Rafael Herrera Guillén - 2010 - In Manuel Ballester Hernández & Enrique Ujaldón (eds.), La sonrisa del sabio: ensayos sobre humor y filosofía. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  15. Nota sobre la refutación nietzscheana de la caridad cristiana.Josep Rafael Moncho Pascual - 2008 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 35:271-278.
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    Vision and visuality in buddhism and beyond: an introduction.Polina Lukicheva, Rafael Suter & Wolfgang Https://Orcidorg Behr - 2020 - .
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    Pediatric surgery in Cuba. Stages of its development.Rafael Manuel Trinchet Soler & Velázquez Rodríguez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):742-750.
    La historia de la Cirugía Pediátrica cubana está pendiente de ser documentada científicamente. Se estableció como objetivo definir las etapas de desarrollo de la especialidad en Cuba, para lo cual se hizo un análisis histórico y se identificó cuatro períodos fundamentales. Este artículo tiene una significación práctica puesto que permite conocer en qué momento se encuentra la especialidad para modelar el futuro de la misma. The history of Cuban pediatric surgery is pending of being scientifically documented. It was established as (...)
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  18. Melody and metaphorical movement.Rafael De Clercq - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):156-168.
    In recent issues of this journal, Roger Scruton and Malcolm Budd have debated the question whether hearing a melody in a sequence of sounds necessarily involves an ‘unasserted thought’ about spatial movement. According to Scruton, the answer is ‘yes’; according to Budd, the answer is ‘no’. The conclusion of this paper is that, while Budd may have underestimated the viability of Scruton's thesis in one of its possible interpretations, there is no good reason to assume that the thesis is true. (...)
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    Reputation in the Cyberworld.Michael Eldred, Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz, Thomas Hausmanninger, Michael Nagenborg, Makoto Nakada & Felix Weil - 2013 - International Review of Information Ethics 19:07.
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    Acerca de los autores.Rafael del ÁguIla - 2010 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 10:259-260.
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  21. Averroes.Rafael de Mendizábal Allende - 1971 - Madrid,: [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas] I.D.E.A..
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    La Ontología del lenguaje.Rafael Echeverría - 1994 - Santiago: Dolmen Ediciones.
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  23. Difficulty of Enforcing Laws in the Extraterritorial Internet, The.James Alexander French & Rafael X. Zahralddin - 1996 - Nexus 1:99.
  24. Karl Marx: EL Método Dialéctico Histórico.José Rafael Núñez Tenorio - 1993 - Apuntes Filosóficos 2 (3).
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    Introducción a la teoría general de los valores y a la axiología jurídica.Rafael Ortâiz-ortâiz - 1999 - Caracas: Universidad Catolica Andres Bello Caracas.
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    Educación y educador en el pensamiento de Unamuno.Rafael Rubio Latorre - 1974 - Salamanca: Edic. Instituto Pontificio San Pío X.
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    Genética y contexto.Barry Everitt & Rafael Maldonado López - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:116-123.
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  28. Per una critica della dottrina pura / Enrico Pattaro. Diritto e magia : saggio su Axel Hägerström / Carla Faralli. Diritto e scienza : saggio su Alf Ross.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1982 - In Enrico Pattaro, Carla Faralli & Rafael Hernández Marín (eds.), Contributi al realismo giuridico. Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  29. Architecture.Rafael De Clercq - 2015 - In Anna Christina Ribeiro (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics. Bloomsbury Academic.
    This survey chapter discusses four issues in architectural aesthetics: architectural design, architectural style, the justification of “optical correction”, and the metaphysics of reconstruction.
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  30. (1 other version)Aesthetic Properties.Rafael De Clercq - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. pp. 144-154.
    This chapter focuses on three questions concerning the aesthetic properties of music: What determines whether a musical piece has a certain aesthetic property? Is music capable of having emotional properties such as sadness? And are there aesthetic properties that music is incapable of having?
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  31. Integridad y ética en la función pública.Rafael León Hernández (ed.) - 2019 - Caracas, Venezuela: Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo.
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    The university and its coordination with the society in the search of healthy environments.Rafael Miguel Reyes Fernández - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):576-597.
    RESUMEN Analizar el papel del centro universitario en la articulación con la universidad médica en la búsqueda de entornos saludables y su contribución al desarrollo local en el municipio Yaguajay, constituye el propósito fundamental del presente trabajo, para el que se realizó una revisión documental de numerosos documentos y entrevistas a los principales líderes y a la población. El fomento de prácticas y estilos de vida sanos, la integración y capacitación de actores sociales, el desarrollo de la ciencia, la innovación (...)
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  33. El tránsito de la medicina antigua a la moderna en España (1687-1727): los principales protagonistas.Rafael Angel Rodríguez Sánchez - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 21:167-196.
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    Más allá de la racionalidad capitalista: nuevas formas de hacer política.Rafael Sandoval Álvarez - 2012 - México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
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  35. Tres salvaciones del siglo XVIII español.Segovia Canosa & Rafael[From Old Catalog] - 1958 - México,:
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  36. El mercado del arte en la vanguardia cubana= The market in the Cuban avant-garde.Rafael Acosta de Arriba - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 45:53-59.
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  37. Introducción a una filosofía de la era atómica.Rodríguez Delgado & Rafael[From Old Catalog] - 1950 - Habana,: Lex.
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  38. La filosofía trágica de Clément Rosset: una lógica de lo peor.Rafael del Hierro Oliva - 1991 - El Basilisco 9:43-48.
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  39. Network ecologies and the feminist politics of "mass sterilization" in Brazil.Rafael de la Dehesa - 2021 - In Ashwini Tambe & Millie Thayer (eds.), Transnational feminist itineraries: situating theory and activist practice. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  40. Liturgia de la Horas y obediencia benedictina:(desde un día de Cuaresma hasta la fiesta de San Matías, apóstol).Francisco Rafael de Pascual - 2009 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 33 (67):177-190.
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  41. Los problemas de la justicia, la libertad y la igualdad social.Enzo Rafael Ariza de Ávila - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 20:13-42.
    This work will examine the main issues generated in the discussion about social justice, freedom and equality from a Marxist and egalitarian liberalism perspective, which would require an answer if the search for a good society continues. Since the world’s economic, social, political and cultural situation has changed in the last decades, nowadays the necessary ethic-political foundations for a fair and free social order must be discussed. The problem is to clarify, in the light of political philosophy and human sciences, (...)
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  42. Economía de comunión.Rafael Diaz Balaguer - 2012 - Verdad y Vida 70 (261):411-418.
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  43. Doctrina sancti Thomae de actu et potentia et de concursu.Rafael Martínez del Campo - 1944 - Mexici, D.F.,: "Buena prensa".
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  44. Linear discrete models with different time scales.Eva Sánchez, Rafael Bravo Parra & Pierre Auger - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4).
    Aggregation of variables allows to approximate a large scale dynamical system (the micro-system) involving many variables into a reduced system (the macro-system) described by a few number of global variables. Approximate aggregation can be performed when different time scales are involved in the dynamics of the micro-system. Perturbation methods enable to approximate the large micro-system by a macro-system going on at a slow time scale. Aggregation has been performed for systems of ordinary differential equations in which time is a continuous (...)
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  45. The communal practice of quilombismo as a technique of decryption : forms of (r)existence through the subversion of colonial encryption.Bethania Assy & Rafael Rolo - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds.), Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  46. (1 other version)The Dimensions of Exile: Thinking about the Past and the Present from “Extraterritoriality”. Interview with Enzo Traverso.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):159-181.
    A lo largo de la siguiente conversación se discutirán algunas de las condiciones e implicaciones que acompañan a la noción de exilio, tanto para la historia del pasado como para su representación desde el presente. La categoría de exilio —como forma de extraterritorialidad— ha jugado un rol central en la reflexión del historiador italiano Enzo Traverso. Desde la perspectiva que nos ofrece, el exilio no fue solo una condición compartida por las masas y los intelectuales del pasado siglo. Al contrario, (...)
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    Quasi-truth and incomplete information in historical sciences.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Vítor Medeiros Costa - 2021 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 36 (1):113-137.
    Quasi-truth is a formal approach to a pragmatically-oriented view of truth. The basic plan motivating the framework consists in providing for a more realistic account of truth, accommodating situations where there is incomplete information, as typically happens in the practice of science. The historical sciences are a case in hand, where incomplete information is the rule. It would seem, then, that the quasi-truth approach would be the most appropriate one to deal with historical sciences, then. In this paper, we explore (...)
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    Derecho a ejercer derechos: ciudadanía, movimientos sociales y prácticas políticas alternativas.Rafael Rodríguez Prieto - 2004 - In Seco Martínez, José María & David Sánchez Rubio (eds.), Esferas de democracia. Sevilla: Aconcagua.
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  49. Elementos de derecho natural.Rafael Rodríguez de Cepeda - 1899 - Valencia,: Estab. tip. Domenech.
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  50. Elementos de derecho natural.Rafael Rodríguez de Cepeda - 1918 - Valencia,: Estab. tip. Domenech.
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