Results for 'R. Genre'

966 found
  1.  16
    Militainment and mechatronics: Occultatio and the veil of science fiction cool in United States Air Force advertisements.Nicholas R. Maradin - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):77-86.
    In 2009, the United States Air Force aired a series of science fiction-themed recruitment commercials on network television and their official YouTube channel. In these advertisements, the superimposition of science fiction imagery over depictions of Air Force operations frames these missions as near-future sci-fi adventure, ironically summarized by the tagline: “It’s not science fiction. It’s what we do every day.” Focusing on an early advertisement for the Air Force’s Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle, this essay explores how themes essential to the (...)
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  2. Le Genre Poétique.R. Champigny - 1963
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    'Human Understanding' and the Genre of Locke's Essay.R. W. Serjeantson - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (2):157-171.
  4.  71
    A Search for the de Broglie Particle Internal Clock by Means of Electron Channeling.P. Catillon, N. Cue, M. J. Gaillard, R. Genre, M. Gouanère, R. G. Kirsch, J. -C. Poizat, J. Remillieux, L. Roussel & M. Spighel - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (7):659-664.
    The particle internal clock conjectured by de Broglie in 1924 was investigated in a channeling experiment using a beam of ∼80 MeV electrons aligned along the 〈110〉 direction of a 1 μm thick silicon crystal. Some of the electrons undergo a rosette motion, in which they interact with a single atomic row. When the electron energy is finely varied, the rate of electron transmission at 0° shows a 8% dip within 0.5% of the resonance energy, 80.874 MeV, for which the (...)
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  5.  45
    The Scope and Genre of Velleius' History.R. J. Starr - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):162-.
    When first confronted by the Historia Romana of Velleius Paterculus, it is easy for a reader to assume on the basis of the title and the surviving part of the text that it is a history of Rome, albeit a short one. In the following discussion I intend to demonstrate, first, why that initial assumption should be rejected and, secondly, how the work fits into the tradition of Roman historical writing.
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    A Genre About Persons, Strategy, and Justice.Daniel R. Gilbert - 1992 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:118-119.
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    A Genre About Strategy Through Process.Daniel R. Gilbert - 1992 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:55-57.
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    Bodies in Genres of Practice: Johann Ulrich Bilguer’s Fight to Reduce Field Amputations.David R. Gruber - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):417-435.
    This paper examines Johann Ulrich Bilguer’s 1761 dissertation on the inutility of amputation practices, examining reasons for its influence despite its nonconformance to genre expectations. I argue that Bilguer’s narratives of patient suffering, his rhetorical likening of surgeons to soldiers, and his attention to the horrific experiences of war surgeons all contribute to the dissertation’s wide impact. Ultimately, the dissertation offers an example of affective rhetorics employed during the Enlightenment, demonstrating how bodies and environments—those “ambient rhetorics” made visible in (...)
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    One Premise, Two Genres, and a Comparative Showdown.Daniel R. Gilbert - 1992 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:18-23.
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  10. The Politics of Stakeholder Theory.R. Edward Freeman - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (4):409-421.
    The purpose of this paper is to enter the conversation about stakeholder theory with the goal of clarifying certain foundational issues. I want to show, along with Boatright, that there is no stakeholder paradox, and that the principle on which such a paradox is built, the Separation Thesis, is nicely self-serving to business and ethics academics. If we give up such a thesis we find there is no stakeholder theory but that stakeholder theory becomes a genre that is quite (...)
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  11. Texts in contexts : Theorizing learning by looking at genre and activity.David R. Russell - 2009 - In Richard Edwards, Gert Biesta & Mary Thorpe, Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching: Communities, Activites and Networks. Routledge. pp. 17.
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  12. Universal Ethical Singularity.R. Sharma - 1998 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 8 (2):54-56.
    The genesis of God in human culture seems to be undeniably linked to fear of uncontrollable forces of Nature, and uncertanitity of individual destiny, which have been innate to the human ethos ever since the very emergence of modern man. Two opposite concepts of poly and monotheism, exemplified by Hinduism and Christianity, are analysed. Search for enduring and universal values and truisms through history of the two systems is deployed to identify commonalities. How far is plurality fissiparous, and partisan singularity (...)
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  13. Does god visit the iniquity of the fathers upon their children? Rabbinic commentaries on exod 20, 5b (deut 5, 9b).R. Neudecker - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (1):5-24.
    Le texte d'Exode 20,5b et ses parallèles ont soulevé différentes questions et difficultés aux rabbins. Laquelle parmi les nombreuses significations de 7PD convient à ce texte? De quel péché s'agit-il par l'expression « haïr »? A qui «ceux qui Me haïssent» fait-il référence, aux pères, aux enfants ou aux deux? Le texte biblique enseigne-t-il vraiment qu'après le péché d'une personne, ses enfants seront punis? Cela ne serait-il pas très injuste, et en contradiction avec la justice et la misericorde de Dieu? (...)
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  14.  46
    European plastic art in anthropological dimension: From the classics to the postmodernism.R. M. Rusin & I. V. Liashenko - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:20-29.
    Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of corporality as an attribute of plastic art in the Ancient art, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the modernism and the postmodernism. Theoretical basis. The authors consider historical development of the art as a change of paradigms. Within each paradigm a special understanding of art is created, which is characterized both by the act of creativity itself and by the evaluation of its results. Particularly urgent is the task to identify the origins (...)
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  15.  59
    Discovering and Understanding the Meaning of Primate Signals.R. Allen Gardner & Beatrix T. Gardner - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):477-495.
    This volume, edited by a philosopher and an anthropologist, is a collection of essays on the philosophical implications of laboratory and field research. While neither the best nor the worst of the genre, it is a collection that offers a representative sample of traditional themes. As practicing scientists who view the implications of behavioural research from a somewhat different perspective we offer this critical review.
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    Interpretive political science: selected essays.R. A. W. Rhodes - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. A. W. Rhodes.
    Interpretive Political Science is the second of two volumes featuring a selection of key writings by R.A.W. Rhodes. Volume II looks forward and explores the 'interpretive turn' and its implications for the craft of political science, especially public administration, and draws together articles from 2005 onwards on the theme of 'the interpretive turn' in political science. Part I provides a summary statement of the interpretive approach, and Part II develops the theme of blurring genres and discusses a variety of research (...)
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    Rakhmaninov’s creative work influence on national music cultures in 20th century.E. R. Skurko - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (2):149.
    The article dwells on the problem of Rakhmaninov’s art, style and poetics influence on the process of formation and development of national music cultures, national composer schools and some individual author’s styles of the former USSR. Three evolution stages of all national music cultures are determined: “preprofessional”, “professional” and the stage of “new music”. Two work concepts are introduced: a Rakhmaninov’s musical and style canon as an individual system including characteristic properties of the composer’s style and poetics, and a national (...)
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  18. The Skewed Path: Essaying as Un-Methodical Method.R. Lane Kauffmann - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (143):66-92.
    Is the essay literature or philosophy? A form of art or a form of knowledge? The contemporary essay is torn between its belletrist ancestry and its claim to philosophical legitimacy. The Spanish philosopher Eduardo Nicol captured the genre's uncertain status when he dubbed it “almost literature and almost philosophy” (Nicol 1961:207). The problem is hardly a new one. It goes back to what Plato called the “ancient quarrel” between poetry and philosophy, and more recently to the German Romantic theorist, (...)
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  19.  34
    Een geschiedenis van het mid-denken.Willem R. de Jong - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (1):30-43.
    Een poging om de geschiedenis van een denkwijze door de eeuwen heen, in dit geval die van het schema van “het midden- en middellijkheidsdenken” , resp. het “denken in termen van ‘midden’ en ‘bemiddeling’” , kritisch in kaart te brengen valt op het eerste gezicht onder het genre Ideengeschichte of history of ideas. Zeker wanneer men ideeëngeschiedenis enerzijds enger, maar anderzijds daarbinnen weer breder opvat dan de invulling die Arthur Lovejoy daaraan gaf in zijn bekende The Great Chain of (...)
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  20.  14
    Sartre and the Artist. [REVIEW]R. F. T. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):152-153.
    Although the number of articles on Sartre’s aesthetic is great, book-length treatments of the subject in any language are rare. In English, we have been practically limited to Eugene Kaelin’s important study of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty published ten years ago. This work by George Bauer provides a valuable complement to Kaelin’s theoretical analysis. The book consists of seven chapters and an appendix which treat of Sartre’s pronouncements on art and the artist as expressed in his novels and plays as well (...)
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    The Soviet Nomad: Tarkovsky’s Science Fiction War Machine.Brook W. R. Pearson - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):67-75.
    The science fiction films of Andrei Tarkovsky, Solaris (1973) and Stalker (1979), are complex responses to the repressive atmosphere of Brezhnev’s rule, after the 7-year delay in seeing Andrei Rublev (1971) released publicly. By using science fiction—a genre that Tarkovsky openly maligned—he was able to fly beneath the radar of State censorship, and develop a nuanced response to the application of Marxist theory of religion in the Soviet experience. Arguing in these films (and in others in his oeuvre) that (...)
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  22.  79
    Making Dialogues - Nightingale A. W.: Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy. Pp. xiv + 222. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Cased, £32.50/$49.95. ISBN: 0-521-48264-X. [REVIEW]R. B. Rutherford - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):279-281.
  23.  65
    Post-Criticism, or the Limits of Avant-Garde Theory.R. Lane Kauffmann - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (67):186-195.
    One of the more telling symptoms of the postmodern condition is the tendency of criticism to renounce any claim to explanatory or evaluative competence vis-à-vis its objects, and in some cases even to deny that it differs from those objects. This is especially evident in American deconstructionists of the Yale school, who have, with Derrida, rediscovered Nietzsche's insight that all language, whatever the genre, is inescapably metaphorical. From the admitted difficulty of drawing absolute ontological distinctions between the language of (...)
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  24.  18
    Exceptions to the General Rule': Unmarried Women and the `Constitution of the Family.Ariela R. Dubler - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2).
    Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, judges and lawmakers sought to erase the visibility of unmarried women. In the public law arena, for example, legislators conflated women and wives for the purpose of the franchise, arguing that women did not need the vote because their husbands voted for them. In the private law arena, doctrines intended to guarantee support to unmarried women functioned by constructing single women's legal identities in relation to marriage, thereby suggesting that marriage could provide for (...)
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  25.  32
    Student Communities and Individualism in American Cinema.Bryan R. Warnick, Heather S. Dawson, D. Spencer Smith & Bethany Vosburg-Bluem - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):168-191.
    Hollywood films partially construct how Americans think about education. Recent work on the representation of schools in American cinema has highlighted the role of class difference in shaping school film genres. It has also advanced the idea that a nuanced understanding of American individualism helps to explain why the different class genres are shaped as they are. This article attempts to refine this theoretical approach by focusing on the paradox of individualism, which suggests that individualism must always be dependent on (...)
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  26.  26
    On Aristotelian Category of Substance. Exegetic Variations from Plotinus to Ammonius.R. Loredana Cardullo - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):59-90.
    One of the main difficulties that Neoplatonic commentators of Aristotle face is the different treatment that the Categories and the Metaphysics offer to the question of the substance. After describing briefly the status quaestionis ousiae in Aristotle, and after tracing the main Neoplatonic interpretations of this doctrine, this article attempts to demonstrate that the Neoplatonists of Athens and Alexandria, Syrianus and Ammonius, inaugurate a new interpretation of the Aristotelian doctrine. With regard to the category of substance in general and to (...)
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  27.  22
    An American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher by Raymond Kemp Anderson, and: The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth ed. by Richard E. Burnett.Matthew R. Jantzen - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):207-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher (1958–1964) by Raymond Kemp Anderson, and: The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth ed. by Richard E. BurnettMatthew R. JantzenAn American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher (1958–1964) Raymond Kemp Anderson lewiston, ny: edwin mellen press, 2013. 438 pp. $159.95The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth Edited by Richard E. Burnett louisville, ky: westminster john knox (...)
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  28. Knowing things and going places.Quill R. Kukla - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):266-282.
    When I say “I know Sarah,” or “I know Berlin,” what sort of knowledge am I claiming? Such knowledge of a particular is, I claim, not reducible to either propositional knowledge-that or to traditional physical know-how. Mere, bare knowledge by acquaintance also does not capture the kind of knowledge being claimed here. Using knowledge of a place as my central example, I argue that this kind of knowledge-of, or “objectual knowledge” as it is sometimes called, is of a distinctive epistemological (...)
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  29.  24
    A Scholar Between Muʽtazilah and Murji’ah: Muḥammad b. Shabīb and his Theological Views.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1219-1239.
    Muʽtazilah is one of the kalām schools in which intellectual freedom is seen the most and therefore divergences within the sect are the most common. Although al-usûl al-ḥamsa/five principles constitute the main framework on which Muʽtazilah has agreed, opposing ideas have emerged within the sect on the principles of ʽadl (divine justice) and al-manzilah bayna al-manzilatayn and on the issues of nature and imamah. As a matter of fact, Muʽtâzilī scholars wrote many refutations to each other on the disputed issues. (...)
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  30.  62
    G. B. Conte: Genres and Readers. Lucretius, Love Elegy, Pliny's Encyclopedia. Translated by G. W. Most. With a Foreword by C. Segal. Pp. xxiii+185. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994 . Cased, £27. [REVIEW]Monica R. Gale - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):175-176.
  31.  34
    Proba's introduction to her Cento.R. P. H. Green - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):548-.
    The cento of Proba has recently enjoyed a remarkable upsurge of scholarly interest. A welcome translation was provided in 1981, and an article of five years later, scrutinizing the evidence for its date and authorship, has aroused much controversy. In two recent contributions vindicating the traditional date new or more precise suggestions have been made about the poem's historical context. In between these, yet another article has argued, without confirming or refuting the revised dating and attribution, that in various ways (...)
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  32.  25
    Una mirada analítica de género sobre políticas públicas en la realidad de las mujeres de Hualqui, Región del Bío Bío.Gina Inostroza R. & Nancy Riffo P. - 2003 - Polis 5.
    Este artículo busca conocer las políticas que guían el quehacer institucional en dos grandes temáticas, participación de las mujeres y violencia doméstica, temas priorizados por las mujeres integrantes de las respectivas comunas. La investigación asume una perspectiva de género, y se propone detectar el grado de legitimación de dichas políticas sociales nacionales, e identificar los niveles de involucramiento de las mujeres en dichas políticas sociales. En sus conclusiones, aparecen constatadas diversas limitaciones en la implementación de dichas políticas.
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    Hegel’s Civic Republicanism: Integrating Natural Law with Kant’s Moral Constructivism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this book, Westphal offers an original interpretation of Hegel's moral philosophy. Building on his previous study of the role of natural law in Hume's and Kant's accounts of justice, Westphal argues that Hegel developed and justified a robust form of civic republicanism. Westphal identifies, for the first time, the proper genre to which Hegel's Philosophical Outlines of Justice belongs and to which it so prodigiously contributes, which he calls Natural Law Constructivism, an approach developed by Hume, Rousseau, Kant, (...)
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  34.  7
    Aristotle on the Voluntary in Other Animals.Jay R. Elliott - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24):65-89.
    Dans ses écrits biologiques et éthiques, Aristote affirme explicitement que les animaux non humains sont capables d’action volontaire. Mais d’autres aspects de son traitement du volontaire dans ces mêmes écrits semblent contredire cette affirmation et impliquer que le volontaire nécessite une faculté rationnelle spécifiquement humaine. Les lecteurs d’Aristote ont proposé diverses solutions à ce problème. Un premier groupe dit qu’Aristote définit le volontaire uniquement en termes de capacités que nous partageons avec les autres animaux. D’autres proposent que le volontaire au (...)
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    Imagining, a Phenomenological Study. [REVIEW]E. W. R. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):419-420.
    An impressive addition to the growing corpus of phenomenologica by a young phenomenologist who has already contributed significantly to phenomenology as a translator of two works of Mikel Dufrenne and as the author of almost a dozen articles centering upon the role of imagination in philosophy, art, and psychology. Imagining attends to the very core of phenomenological method which rests upon the technique of imaginative variation as the means to eidetic intuition. Though guided by Husserl especially, the work is not (...)
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  36.  14
    Excommunication: Three Inquiries in Media and Mediation.Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker & McKenzie Wark - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    Always connect—that is the imperative of today’s media. But what about those moments when media cease to function properly, when messages go beyond the sender and receiver to become excluded from the world of communication itself—those messages that state: “There will be no more messages”? In this book, Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker, and McKenzie Wark turn our usual understanding of media and mediation on its head by arguing that these moments reveal the ways the impossibility of communication is integral (...)
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  37.  3
    Non-deductive Argumentation in Early Chinese Philosophy.Paul R. Goldin - 2017 - In Paul van Els & Sarah Ann Queen, Between History and Philosophy: Anecdotes in Early China. Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 41-62.
    One longstanding criticism of Chinese thought is that is not truly “philosophical” because it lacks viable protocols of argumentation. Thus it qualifies at best as “wisdom”; Confucius, for example, might provide valuable guidance, or thoughtful epigrams to ponder, but nothing in the way of formal reasoning that would permit his audience to reconstruct and reconsider his arguments in any conceivable context. This criticism seems to be based on the tacit premise that acceptable argumentation must be deductive, whereas most famous Chinese (...)
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    Some Shang Antecedents of Later Chinese Ideology and Culture.Paul R. Goldin - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1):121.
    Although the Shang dynasty sometimes seems archaic and alien from the point of view of later periods, there are important elements of Shang culture that persevered in recognizable forms, even after allowing for adaptation to new historical realities, beyond the Zhou conquest in 1045 B.C. These points of continuity being generally underappreciated, five of the most salient are sketched below, in the hope of spurring renewed interest in China’s first historical dynasty: the ritual use of writing, particularly as a mode (...)
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    Interpreting Acts.Carl R. Holladay - 2012 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 66 (3):245-258.
    Interpreters of Acts face three recurrent questions: 1) What is its genre? 2) Why was it written? and 3) How is Scripture used? In deciding genre, readers must decide if Acts is history, and, if so, in what sense. Determining its literary or theological purpose can be done in terms of asking what Acts accomplishes.
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  40. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film.Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film_ is the first comprehensive volume to explore the main themes, topics, thinkers and issues in philosophy and film. The _Companion_ features sixty specially commissioned chapters from international scholars and is divided into four clear parts: • issues and concepts • authors and trends • genres • film as philosophy. Part one is a comprehensive section examining key concepts, including chapters on acting, censorship, character, depiction, ethics, genre, interpretation, narrative, reception and spectatorship and (...)
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    Paul ricoeurs werk: Proeve Van staalkaart (1913–2005).F. R. Vansina - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (3):246-251.
    The amplitude and the diversity of Ricoeur’s philosophical production is astonishing. Three factors shed light upon this fact. First, his philosophical career covers seventy years wherein he witnessed the rise and the decline of tlve philosophical -isms. Further, he is a typical dialogical thinker: in conversation with the great classical and modern philosophers, and eager to listen to the methods and results of human an linguistics sciences. A third reason, particularly of differentiation, stems from his double conviction and commitment. On (...)
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    Language and Materiality : Ethnographic and Theoretical Explorations.Jillian R. Cavanaugh & Shalini Shankar (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Language and Materiality integrates linguistic anthropological and sociolinguistic scholarship on a range of topics: semiotic approaches to language, language commodification, sound, embodiment, mediatization, and aesthetics. Empirically rigorous, the volume engages scholars and students interested in language, its use, and meanings. It consists of three sections - 'Texts, Objects, Mediality', 'Sound, Aesthetics, Embodiment', and 'Time, Place, Circulation' - containing chapters and short commentaries, framed by a curated conversation about semiotics and materiality in anthropology. Each section theorizes intersections, connections, and relationships between (...)
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    Plato: Clitophon.S. R. Slings (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Clitophon, a dialogue generally ascribed to Plato, is significant for focusing on Socrates' role as an exhorter of other people to engage in philosophy. It was almost certainly intended to bear closely on Plato's Republic and is a fascinating specimen of the philosophical protreptic, an important genre very fashionable at the time. This 1999 volume is a critical edition of this dialogue, in which Professor Slings provides a text based on an examination of all relevant manuscripts and accompanies (...)
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  44. How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1995 - Routledge.
    Immortality is a subject which has long been explored and imagined by science fiction writers. In his intriguing new study, Stephen R.L.Clark argues that the genre of science fiction writing allows investigation of philosophical questions about immortality without the constraints of academic philosophy. He reveals how fantasy accounts of issues such as resurrection, disembodied survival, reincarnation and devices or drugs for preserving life can be used as an important resource for philosophical inquiry and examines how a society of immortals (...)
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    Toward an educational sphereology: Air, wind, and materialist pedagogy.Derek R. Ford & Weili Zhao - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (5):528-537.
    It’s not uncommon for people to make reference to atmospheres, including in relationship with educational spaces. In this article, we investigate educational atmospheres by turning to Western and Chinese literature on the air and wind. We pursue this task in three phases. First, we examine the Western literature to see the possible strings of thought that would help us reinvigorate the element of air/atmosphere as a foundational component of an educational sphere. Second, we historicize the Chinese notion of wind as (...)
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    Les corpus de la communication médiée par les réseaux : une introduction.Céline Poudat, Ciara R. Wigham & Loïc Liégeois - 2020 - Corpus 20.
    Si le développement du web a rendu accessibles des masses de données numériques, facilitant la collecte de textes et le développement de corpus, il a également donné naissance à de nouveaux genres qui défient les représentations, les méthodes et les grilles d’analyses développées jusqu’à présent. Ainsi a-t-on vu apparaître des corpus assez éloignés des premiers corpus écrits traditionnels, regroupés sous la bannière de la CMR (Communication Médiée par les Réseaux / Computer-Mediated Communica...
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    Pluralistic Monism.James R. Kincaid - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):839-845.
    I admire Robert Denham's enlightening and often very amusing response to my "Coherent Readers, Incoherent Texts" Critical Inquiry 3 [Summer 1977]:781-802). Not surprisingly, however, I remain unconvinced by its arguments, large or small. This may sound defensive, partly because it is, but I do wonder if his use of pluralistic sound sense is quite so fresh or so formidable as he takes it to be. . . . I think Denham understands quite accurately my use of "genre" as representing (...)
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    Re/reading the past: Critical and functional perspectives on time and value.J. R. Martin & Ruth Wodak - 2003 - John Benjamins Publishing.
    Re/reading the Past is concerned with the discourses of history, from the complementary perspectives of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The papers in the book stress the discursive construction of the past, focussing on the different social narratives which compete for official acknowledgement. Issues of collective and cultural memory are addressed, reflecting the "linguistic turn" in the Social Sciences. The book covers a range of discourses, interpreting texts from popular culture to academic discourse including the construction (...)
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  49.  42
    More dialectical than the dialectic: Exemplarity in Theodor W. Adorno’s The Essay as Form.Thorn-R. Kray - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 144 (1):30-45.
    This essay presents a careful interpretation of Adorno’s classical text The Essay as Form, published in 1958 as the introduction to his Notes on Literature. Since it thickly condenses many of Adorno’s general views, the Essay poses great hermeneutic challenges to readers. The paper, first, elaborates on the essay more broadly as a genre and identifies a spectrum between science and art each individual essay draws from to forge its particular hybridity. Second, the example is discussed as an epistemologically (...)
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    Philosophy Americana: making philosophy at home in American culture.Douglas R. Anderson - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In this engaging book, Douglas Anderson begins with the assumption that philosophy—the Greek love of wisdom—is alive and well in American culture. At the same time, professional philosophy remains relatively invisible. Anderson traverses American life to find places in the wider culture where professional philosophy in the distinctively American tradition can strike up a conversation. How might American philosophers talk to us about our religious experience, or political engagement, or literature—or even, popular music? Anderson’s second aim is to find places (...)
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