Results for 'R. Frese'

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  1. The Hierarchy and Peace in the War of Secession.Joseph R. Frese - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (2):293-305.
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    XIX. Die „aristophanische Anklage“ in Piatons Apologie.R. Frese - 1926 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 81 (1-4).
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    John Carroll of Baltimore. [REVIEW]Joseph R. Frese - 1956 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 31 (2):310-311.
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  4. Normativity, commitment and instrumental reason.R. Jay Wallace - 2001 - Philosophers' Imprint 1:1-26.
    This paper addresses some connections between conceptions of the will and the theory of practical reason. The first two sections argue against the idea that volitional commitments should be understood along the lines of endorsement of normative principles. A normative account of volition cannot make sense of akrasia, and it obscures an important difference between belief and intention. Sections three and four draw on the non-normative conception of the will in an account of instrumental rationality. The central problem is to (...)
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    Leibliche Kommunikation: Studien zum Werk Johann Georg Hamanns.Knut Martin Stünkel - 2018 - Göttingen: V & R unipress.
    Der vorliegende Band versammelt Studien zum Denken Johann Georg Hamanns, die ich seit 2004 angefertigt habe. Ein wesentlicher Auslöser für mein Interesse an diesem im Wortsinne merkwürdigen Autor waren die HamannSeminare meines philosophischen Lehrers Jürgen Frese vom Wintersemester 2001/2002 und Sommersemester 2002 in der Abteilung für Philosophie an der Universität Bielefeld. Mit der Hamann-Forschung kam ich durch einen im Rahmen dieses Seminars durchgeführten Besuch auf dem achten internationalen Hamann-Kolloquium die Gegenwärtigkeit Johann Georg Hamanns 2002 in Halle-Wittenberg in Kontakt. Die (...)
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    Peripatetic philosophy, 200 BC to AD 200: an introduction and collection of sources in translation.R. W. Sharples (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides a collection of sources, many of them fragmentary and previously scattered and hard to access, for the development of Peripatetic philosophy in the later Hellenistic period and the early Roman Empire. It also supplies the background against which the first commentator on Aristotle from whom extensive material survives, Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. c. AD 200), developed his interpretations which continue to be influential even today. Many of the passages are here translated into English for the first time, (...)
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    Constructivism about normativity : some pitfalls.R. Jay Wallace - 2012 - In James Lenman & Yonatan Shemmer, Constructivism in Practical Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Relativity and Geometry.R. Torretti - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (1):100-104.
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    Fragility and deterministic modelling in the exact sciences.R. K. Tavakol - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (2):147-156.
    The theoretical framework adopted in the exact sciences, for constructing and testing deterministic theories on the one hand, and modelling and analysis of observed phenomena on the other, is often implicitly assumed to be that of structural stability. In view of recent developments in nonlinear dynamics, it is argued here that in general it may not be possible to assume strict determinism and structural stability simultaneously; either strict determinism holds, in which case the fragility framework may turn out to be (...)
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    The Ancient Concept of Progress: And Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief.E. R. Dodds - 1973 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This provocative collection of essays written by the influential Greek scholar E. R. Dodds between 1929 and 1971. represents the wide range of his literary and philosophical interests. Insightful and learned, the essays combine profound scholarship with the lucid humanity of a teacher awareof the special value of Greek studies in the modern world.
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  11. Husserlian Meditations. How Words Present Things.R. Sokolowski - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 84 (2):273-274.
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    The Empiricists.R. S. Woolhouse - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book sets the empiricist philosophers in context and examines their various approaches to philosophy. It concentrates primarily on the major figures - Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley and Hume - but also discusses the unjustly neglected French philosopher Pierre Gassendi and devotes a chapter to the Royal Society of London for the Improving of Natural Knowledge, which was founded in the 1660s.
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  13. The potential impact of an opt-out system for organ donation in the UK.R. Rieu - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):534-538.
    The recent report of the UK government's Organ Donation Taskforce is in favour of continuing with the current organ donation system rather than changing to an opt-out system where people are assumed to be willing to donate. How did it reach this decision and is it correct?
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  14. The Necessity of Pragmatism: John Dewey's Conception of Philosophy.R. W. SLEEPER - 1986 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):446-453.
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    (1 other version)Reasons and two kinds of fact.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen & Rysiek Sliwinski - 2011 - Neither/nor-Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Erik Carlson on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday 58:243 - 257.
    The much endorsed idea that reasons are facts, gives raise to several issues, not least when it is applied to the distinction between agent-neutral and agent-relative reasons. The paper distinguish in broad terms between two important views on the nature of facts. Given in particular a view that conceives of facts as abstract entities, the dichotomy is not particularly problematic. We might run into problems when it comes to identifying which facts are reasons and which are not, but the very (...)
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    Geach on Murder and Sodomy.R. M. Hare - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (202):467 - 472.
  17. An Introduction to Plato's Laws.R. F. Stalley - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (4):681-681.
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  18. Letters pro and con.R. A. Wajid - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):389-390.
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  19. Comments on Ichheiser's theory of social perception.R. J. Smith - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (3):457-461.
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    Lost and Found: One Self:The Multiple Self. Jon Elster.R. J. Herrnstein - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):566-.
  21.  32
    The concept of death: Tradition and alternative.R. B. Schiffer - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (1):24-37.
    If we are aware of what indicates life, which everyone may be supposed to know, though perhaps no one can say that he truly and clearly understands what constitutes it, we at once arrive at the discrimination of death. It is the cessation of the phenomena with which we are so especially familiar—the phenomena of life. [J. G. SMITH, Principles of Forensic Medicine (London, 1821)].
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    Petrarch minutiae.R. Weiss - 1949 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 12 (1):190-191.
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    Petrarch minutiae: Correction.R. Weiss - 1951 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 14 (1/2):135.
  24.  21
    A note on silence.R. N. Wisan - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (14):448-450.
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    (1 other version)New York branch of the american psychological association.R. S. Woodworth - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (5):125-129.
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    Section of anthropology and psychology of the new York academy of sciences.R. S. Woodworth - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (1):16-21.
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    Section of anthropology and psychology of the new York academy of sciences.R. S. Woodworth - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (3):76-79.
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    Section of anthropology and psychology of the new York academy of sciences.R. S. Woodworth - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (2):41-44.
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    Section of anthropology and psychology of the new York academy of sciences.R. S. Woodworth - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (8):208-214.
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    The Value Gap.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In The Value Gap, Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen addresses the distinction between what is finally good and what is finally good-for, two value notions that are central to ethics and practical deliberation. The first part of the book argues against views that claim that one of these notions is either faulty, or at best conceptually dependent on the other notion. Whereas these two views disagree on whether it is good or good-for that is the flawed or dependent concept, it is argued, as (...)
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    (1 other version)Culture and the Evolution of the Human Social Instincts.R. Boyd & P. J. Richerson - unknown
    Human societies are extraordinarily cooperative compared to those of most other animals. In the vast majority of species, individuals live solitary lives, meeting to only to mate and, sometimes, raise their young. In social species, cooperation is limited to relatives and (maybe) small groups of reciprocators. After a brief period of maternal support, individuals acquire virtually all of the food that they eat. There is little division of labor, no trade, and no large scale conflict. Communication is limited to a (...)
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    Consciousness and the brain: The thalamocortical dialogue in health and disease.R. Llinas - 2001 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 929:166-75.
  33. Normality and $\mathscr{P}(\kappa)/\mathscr{J}$.R. Zrotowski - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):1064-1067.
    The main result of this paper is that if $\kappa$ is not a weakly Mahlo cardinal, then the following two conditions are equivalent: 1. $\mathscr{P}(\kappa)/ \mathscr{J}$ is $\kappa^+$-complete. 2. $\mathscr{J}$ is a prenormal ideal. Our result is a generalization of an announcement made in [Z]. We say that $\mathscr{J}$ is selective iff for every $\mathscr{J}$-function $f: \kappa \rightarrow \kappa$ there is a set $X \in \mathscr{J}$ such that $f\mid(\kappa - X)$ is one-to-one. Our theorem provides a positive partial answer to (...)
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  34. The Nature and Limits of Authority.R. T. DeGEORGE - 1985
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  35. Call for Papers. Farewell to Noah: Transforming animal encounters in the twilight of the zoo.R. R. Acampora - 2007 - Society Animals 15:213.
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    On recursive transcendence.R. L. Goodstein & J. Hooley - 1960 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 (4):127-137.
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    The Ethological Fallacy: A Note in Reply to Mr. Meynell.R. K. Jones - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (179):71 - 73.
  38. Descriptive versus Revisionary Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem.R. L. Phillips - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (160):105 - 118.
    I have appropriated the terms ‘descriptive’ and ‘revisionary’ metaphysics from P.F. Strawson's Individuals . In the Introduction to that work he draws a broad general distinction between two types of metaphysics. Descriptive metaphysics is concerned to ‘describe the actual structure of our thought about the world’ while revisionary metaphysics is ‘concerned to produce a better structure’. They also differ in that revisionary metaphysics requires justification of some sort whereas descriptive metaphysics does not. Strawson makes this point when he says, ‘Revisionary (...)
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    Understanding Wittgenstein: Studies in the Philosophical Investigations.R. M. Gomm - 1987 - Philosophical Investigations 10 (3):271-275.
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    (1 other version)Austerity and Openness.R. M. Sainsbury - 2006 - In Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald, Mcdowell and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 6--1.
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  41. A consuming fire: holiness, wrath, and justice.R. C. Sproul - 2010 - In Thabiti M. Anyabwile, Holy, holy, holy: proclaiming the perfections of God. Orlando, Fla.: Reformation Trust.
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    The algebraic analysis of relevant affixing systems.R. Sylvan, R. Meyer, R. Brady, C. Mortensen & V. Plumwood - unknown
  43. Socioecology and the Psychology of Primates.R. Tuttle (ed.) - 1975 - Mouton.
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    Reflections on China in the Work of Leibniz, Wolff and Kant.R. Wilkinson - 2008 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 19 (1-2).
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    The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 4: Plato’s Parmenides, Revised Edition.R. Allen (ed.) - 1984 - Yale University Press.
    Among Plato's later dialogues, the _Parmenides_ is one of the most significant. Not only a document of profound philosophical importance in its own right, it also contributes to the understanding of Platonic dialogues that followed it, and it exhibits the foundations of the physics and ontology that Aristotle offered in his _Physics_ and _Metaphysics _VII. In this book, R.E. Allen provides a superb translation of the _Parmenides_ along with a structural analysis that procedes on the assumption that formal elements, logical (...)
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    Causalité ascendante et causalité descendante dans les sciences biologiques (II).R. Ruyer - 1939 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (3/4):190 - 224.
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  47. Natural law and divine miracle.R. Hooykaas - 1959 - Leiden,: Brill.
  48. Philosophical Foundations of Probability Theory.R. Weatherford - 1984 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 35 (1):95-100.
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    Scientia : enquête sur la guerre (suite).J. A. R. - 1916 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 82:609 - 614.
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    La cause élémentaire des guerres modernes.R. Ruyer - 1937 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 123 (1/2):63 - 78.
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