Results for 'Quantum'

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  1.  53
    The creation, discovery, view: Towards a possible explanation of quantum reality.Towards A. Possible Explanation Of Quantum - 1999 - In Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (ed.), Language, Quantum, Music. Springer. pp. 105.
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  2. (1 other version)A Foundational Principle for Quantum Mechanics.Anton Zeilinger - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (4):631-643.
    In contrast to the theories of relativity, quantum mechanics is not yet based on a generally accepted conceptual foundation. It is proposed here that the missing principle may be identified through the observation that all knowledge in physics has to be expressed in propositions and that therefore the most elementary system represents the truth value of one proposition, i.e., it carries just one bit of information. Therefore an elementary system can only give a definite result in one specific measurement. (...)
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  3. Quantum Mechanics and Experience.David Z. Albert - 1992 - Harvard Up.
    Presents a guide to the basics of quantum mechanics and measurement.
  4. Quantum mechanics and Priority Monism.Claudio Calosi - 2014 - Synthese 191 (5):915-928.
    The paper address the question of whether quantum mechanics (QM) favors Priority Monism, the view according to which the Universe is the only fundamental object. It develops formal frameworks to frame rigorously the question of fundamental mereology and its answers, namely (Priority) Pluralism and Monism. It then reconstructs the quantum mechanical argument in favor of the latter and provides a detailed and thorough criticism of it that sheds furthermore new light on the relation between parthood, composition and fundamentality (...)
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  5. Quantum Entanglement, Bohmian Mechanics, and Humean Supervenience.Elizabeth Miller - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (3):567-583.
    David Lewis is a natural target for those who believe that findings in quantum physics threaten the tenability of traditional metaphysical reductionism. Such philosophers point to allegedly holistic entities they take both to be the subjects of some claims of quantum mechanics and to be incompatible with Lewisian metaphysics. According to one popular argument, the non-separability argument from quantum entanglement, any realist interpretation of quantum theory is straightforwardly inconsistent with the reductive conviction that the complete physical (...)
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  6. Quantum metaphysical indeterminacy and worldly incompleteness.Alessandro Torza - 2020 - Synthese 197:4251-4264.
    An influential theory has it that metaphysical indeterminacy occurs just when reality can be made completely precise in multiple ways. That characterization is formulated by employing the modal apparatus of ersatz possible worlds. As quantum physics taught us, reality cannot be made completely precise. I meet the challenge by providing an alternative theory which preserves the use of ersatz worlds but rejects the precisificational view of metaphysical indeterminacy. The upshot of the proposed theory is that it is metaphysically indeterminate (...)
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    Email: Unruh@ physics. Ubc. Quantum Mechanics Non-Local - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  8. Quantum States of a Time-Asymmetric Universe: Wave Function, Density Matrix, and Empirical Equivalence.Eddy Keming Chen - 2019 - Dissertation, Rutgers University - New Brunswick
    What is the quantum state of the universe? Although there have been several interesting suggestions, the question remains open. In this paper, I consider a natural choice for the universal quantum state arising from the Past Hypothesis, a boundary condition that accounts for the time-asymmetry of the universe. The natural choice is given not by a wave function but by a density matrix. I begin by classifying quantum theories into two types: theories with a fundamental wave function (...)
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  9. Unsharp Quantum Reality.Paul Busch & Gregg Jaeger - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1341-1367.
    The positive operator (valued) measures (POMs) allow one to generalize the notion of observable beyond the traditional one based on projection valued measures (PVMs). Here, we argue that this generalized conception of observable enables a consistent notion of unsharp reality and with it an adequate concept of joint properties. A sharp or unsharp property manifests itself as an element of sharp or unsharp reality by its tendency to become actual or to actualize a specific measurement outcome. This actualization tendency—or potentiality—of (...)
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  10. Higher Spin AdS.Cft Correspondence & Quantum Gravity Aspects Of Ads/cft - 2015 - In Piero Nicolini, Matthias Kaminski, Jonas Mureika & Marcus Bleicher (eds.), 1st Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  11. A Quantum-Bayesian Route to Quantum-State Space.Christopher A. Fuchs & Rüdiger Schack - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):345-356.
    In the quantum-Bayesian approach to quantum foundations, a quantum state is viewed as an expression of an agent’s personalist Bayesian degrees of belief, or probabilities, concerning the results of measurements. These probabilities obey the usual probability rules as required by Dutch-book coherence, but quantum mechanics imposes additional constraints upon them. In this paper, we explore the question of deriving the structure of quantum-state space from a set of assumptions in the spirit of quantum Bayesianism. (...)
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  12. How Quantum Theory Helps Us Explain.Richard Healey - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1):axt031.
    I offer an account of how the quantum theory we have helps us explain so much. The account depends on a pragmatist interpretation of the theory: this takes a quantum state to serve as a source of sound advice to physically situated agents on the content and appropriate degree of belief about matters concerning which they are currently inevitably ignorant. The general account of how to use quantum states and probabilities to explain otherwise puzzling regularities is then (...)
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  13.  42
    Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the great debate about the nature of reality.Manjit Kumar - 2008 - Gurgaon: Hachette India.
    The reluctant revolutionary -- The patent slave -- The golden Dane -- The quantum atom -- When Einstein met Bohr -- The prince of duality -- Spin doctors -- The quantum magician -- A late erotic outburst -- Uncertainty in Copenhagen -- Solvay 1927 -- Einstein forgets relativity -- Quantum reality -- For whom Bell's theorem tolls -- The quantum demon.
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  14. The Prototime Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Susan Schneider & Mark Bailey - manuscript
    We propose the Prototime Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which claims that quantum entanglement occurs in a "prototemporal" realm which underlies spacetime. Our paper is tentative and exploratory. The argument form is inference to the best explanation. We claim that the Prototime Interpretation (PI) is worthy of further consideration as a superior explanation for perplexing quantum phenomena such as delayed choice, superposition, the wave-particle duality and nonlocality. In Section One, we introduce the Prototime Interpretation. Section Two identifies its (...)
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  15. A quantum-mechanical automation.David Z. Albert - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):577-585.
    A Quantum-Mechanical automation, equipped with mechanisms for the measurement and the recording and the prediction of certain physical properties of the world, is described. It is inquired what sort of empirical description such an automation would produce of itself. It turns out that this description would be a very novel one, one such as was never imagined in the conventional discussions of measurement.
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    Quantum Causal Models, Faithfulness, and Retrocausality.Peter W. Evans - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3):745-774.
    Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model explaining the EPRB correlations and satisfying the no-signalling constraint must also violate the assumption that the model faithfully reproduces the statistical dependences and independences—a so-called ‘fine-tuning’ of the causal parameters. This includes, in particular, retrocausal explanations of the EPRB correlations. I consider this analysis with a view to enumerating the possible responses an advocate of retrocausal explanations might propose. I focus on the response of Näger, who argues that the central ideas of (...)
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  17. Quantum Reality and Measurement: A Quantum Logical Approach.Masanao Ozawa - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):592-607.
    The recently established universal uncertainty principle revealed that two nowhere commuting observables can be measured simultaneously in some state, whereas they have no joint probability distribution in any state. Thus, one measuring apparatus can simultaneously measure two observables that have no simultaneous reality. In order to reconcile this discrepancy, an approach based on quantum logic is proposed to establish the relation between quantum reality and measurement. We provide a language speaking of values of observables independent of measurement based (...)
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  18.  27
    Random World and Quantum Mechanics.Jerzy Król, Krzysztof Bielas & Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (2):575-625.
    Quantum mechanics (QM) predicts probabilities on the fundamental level which are, via Born probability law, connected to the formal randomness of infinite sequences of QM outcomes. Recently it has been shown that QM is algorithmic 1-random in the sense of Martin–Löf. We extend this result and demonstrate that QM is algorithmic $$\omega$$ -random and generic, precisely as described by the ’miniaturisation’ of the Solovay forcing to arithmetic. This is extended further to the result that QM becomes Zermelo–Fraenkel Solovay random (...)
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  19. Quantum Counterfactuals and Locality.Robert B. Griffiths - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (5):674-684.
    Stapp’s counterfactual argument for quantum nonlocality based upon a Hardy entangled state is shown to be flawed. While he has correctly analyzed a particular framework using the method of consistent histories, there are alternative frameworks which do not support his argument. The framework dependence of quantum counterfactual arguments, with analogs in classical counterfactuals, vitiates the claim that nonlocal (superluminal) influences exist in the quantum world. Instead it shows that counterfactual arguments are of limited use for analyzing these (...)
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  20.  36
    Quantum mechanics and algorithmic randomness.Ulvi Yurtsever - 2000 - Complexity 6 (1):27-34.
  21.  66
    Consciousness and quantum interference: An experimental approach.C. H. Woo - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (11-12):933-44.
    After a discussion of the possible connections between quantum mechanics and consciousness, and an examination of the circumstances under which some properties of a macroscopic system may be described by a quantum mechanical wave function, we propose three types of experiments in which one may search for the possible existence of quantal interference in mental events.
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    (1 other version)The Quantum Logic of Direct-Sum Decompositions: The Dual to the Quantum Logic of Subspaces.David Ellerman - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (1):1-13.
    ince the pioneering work of Birkhoff and von Neumann, quantum logic has been interpreted as the logic of subspaces of a Hilbert space. There is a progression from the usual Boolean logic of subsets to the "quantum logic" of subspaces of a general vector space--which is then specialized to the closed subspaces of a Hilbert space. But there is a "dual" progression. The set notion of a partition is dual to the notion of a subset. Hence the Boolean (...)
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  23.  89
    Founding Quantum Theory on the Basis of Consciousness.Efstratios Manousakis - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):795-838.
    In the present work, quantum theory is founded on the framework of consciousness, in contrast to earlier suggestions that consciousness might be understood starting from quantum theory. The notion of streams of consciousness, usually restricted to conscious beings, is extended to the notion of a Universal/Global stream of conscious flow of ordered events. The streams of conscious events which we experience constitute sub-streams of the Universal stream. Our postulated ontological character of consciousness also consists of an operator which (...)
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  24.  34
    Representing quantum structures as near semirings.Stefano Bonzio, Ivan Chajda & Antonio Ledda - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (5).
  25. Chalmers on consciousness and quantum mechanics.Alex Byrne & Ned Hall - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):370-90.
    The textbook presentation of quantum mechanics, in a nutshell, is this. The physical state of any isolated system evolves deterministically in accordance with Schrödinger's equation until a "measurement" of some physical magnitude M (e.g. position, energy, spin) is made. Restricting attention to the case where the values of M are discrete, the system's pre-measurement state-vector f is a linear combination, or "superposition", of vectors f1, f2,... that individually represent states that..
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  26. Quantum Processes beyond the Aharonov-Bohm Effect.Jürgen Audretsch & Vladimir D. Skarzhinsky - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (5):777-788.
    We consider QED processes in the presence of an infinitely thin and infinitely long straight string with a magnetic flux inside it. The bremsstrahlung from an electron passing by the magnetic string and the electron-positron pair production by a single photon are reviewed. Based on the exact electron and positron solutions of the Dirac equation in the external Aharonov-Bohm potential we present matrix elements for these processes. The dependence of the resulting cross sections on energies, directions, and polarizations of the (...)
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    Quantum parameters for guiding the design of Ti alloys with shape memory and/or low elastic modulus.M. Arciniegas, J. Peña, J. M. Manero, J. C. Paniagua & F. J. Gil - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (17):2529-2548.
  28. A Quantum Computer in a 'Chinese Room'.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Mechanical Engineering eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 3 (155):1-8.
    Pattern recognition is represented as the limit, to which an infinite Turing process converges. A Turing machine, in which the bits are substituted with qubits, is introduced. That quantum Turing machine can recognize two complementary patterns in any data. That ability of universal pattern recognition is interpreted as an intellect featuring any quantum computer. The property is valid only within a quantum computer: To utilize it, the observer should be sited inside it. Being outside it, the observer (...)
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  29. Dragan Milovanovich.Touching you, Touching Me In Law & Justice : Toward A. Quantum Holographic Process-Informational Understanding - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  30. Quantum Mechanical EPRBA covariance and classical probability.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    Contrary to Bell’s theorem it is demonstrated that with the use of classical probability theory the quantum correlation can be approximated. Hence, one may not conclude from experiment that all local hidden variable theories are ruled out by a violation of inequality result.
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    Tensorial Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in (1+1) Dimensions and Boundary Conditions.Vidal Alonso, Salvatore De Vincenzo & Luigi Mondino - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (2):231-250.
    The tensorial relativistic quantum mechanics in (1+1) dimensions is considered. Its kinematical and dynamical features are reviewed as well as the problem of finding the Dirac spinor for given finite multivectors. For stationary states, the dynamical tensorial equations, equivalent to the Dirac equation, are solved for a free particle, for a particle inside a box, and for a particle in a step potential.
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  32. Quantum physics, causation, and the grw dynamics.Michael Esfeld - unknown
    The paper makes a case for there being causation in the form of causal properties in the domain of fundamental physics. That case is built on an interpretation of quantum theory in terms of state reductions so that there really are both entangled states and classical properties (although that case does not necessarily depend on such an interpretation). GRW is the most elaborate physical proposal for such an interpretation. I show how this interpretation suggests a commitment to entangled states (...)
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  33.  33
    The Generalized Quantum Episodic Memory Model.Jennifer S. Trueblood & Pernille Hemmer - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2089-2125.
    Recent evidence suggests that experienced events are often mapped to too many episodic states, including those that are logically or experimentally incompatible with one another. For example, episodic over-distribution patterns show that the probability of accepting an item under different mutually exclusive conditions violates the disjunction rule. A related example, called subadditivity, occurs when the probability of accepting an item under mutually exclusive and exhaustive instruction conditions sums to a number >1. Both the over-distribution effect and subadditivity have been widely (...)
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  34. Renormalized Quantum Field Theory and Cassirer's Epistemological System.H. G. Dosch - 1991 - Philosophia Naturalis 28 (part 1):97-114.
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    New Insights on the Quantum-Classical Division in Light of Collapse Models.Fernanda Torres, Sujoy K. Modak & Alfredo Aranda - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (4):1-11.
    We argue, in light of Collapse Model interpretation of quantum theory, that the fundamental division between the quantum and classical behaviors might be analogous to the division of thermodynamic phases. A specific relationship between the collapse parameter $$(\lambda )$$ and the collapse length scale ( $$r_C$$ ) plays the role of the coexistence curve in usual thermodynamic phase diagrams. We further claim that our functional relationship between $$\lambda$$ and $$r_C$$ is strongly supported by the existing International Germanium Experiment (...)
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  36. Ψ-epistemic quantum cosmology?Peter W. Evans, Sean Gryb & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:1-12.
    This paper provides a prospectus for a new way of thinking about the wavefunction of the universe: a Ψ-epistemic quantum cosmology. We present a proposal that, if successfully implemented, would resolve the cosmological measurement problem and simultaneously allow us to think sensibly about probability and evolution in quantum cosmology. Our analysis draws upon recent work on the problem of time in quantum gravity and causally symmet- ric local hidden variable theories. Our conclusion weighs the strengths and weaknesses (...)
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  37.  9
    (2 other versions)Quantum theory, reconsideration of foundations 5: Växjö, Sweden, 14-18 June 2009.A. I︠U︡ Khrennikov (ed.) - 2010 - Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics.
    As previous Växjö conferences on quantum foundations, QTRF-5 was notable not only for the contributions of the papers presented there but also for its exciting debates. These debates offered a great diversity of opinions on foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) and its future developments: from those defined by the view of those who adhere to the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation (which rejected realism and causality), at one end of the spectrum, to those who subscribed to realist views of the (...)
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  38. Complexity theory, quantum mechanics and radically free self determination.Mark Stephen Pestana - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (4):365-388.
    It has been claimed that quantum mechanics, unlike classical mechanics, allows for free will. In this paper I articulate that claim and explain how a complex physical system possessing fractal-like self similarity could exhibitboth self consciousness and self determination. I use complexity theory to show how quantum mechanical indeterminacies at the neural level could “percolate up” to the levels of scale within the brain at which sensory-motor information transformations occur. Finally, I explain how macro level indeterminacy could be (...)
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  39. Quantum Chromodynamics.J. M. Eisenberg - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25:1395-1395.
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  40.  54
    Quantum-Level Experience in Neural Dendrites: An Interpretation-Neutral Model.J. C. W. Edwards - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (11-12):8-29.
    It is proposed that a human conscious experience of the sort we report to each other reflects a direct causal interaction between a pattern of information about the world, encoded in a field of postsynaptic potentials, and a quantized mode of excitation occupying dendritic cytoskeleton. The requirement for a quantized account is seen simply as the need for an event of experience to be a single indivisible, but richly patterned, causal relation between information and an 'informee'. It is argued that (...)
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  41. List of Contents: Volume 13, Number 5, October 2000.M. Mac Gregor, A. Unified Quantum Hall Close-Packed, Interpretations Using Local Realism, J. Uffink & J. Van Lith - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (1).
  42.  56
    Quantum spiritaliter intelligi datur L’esegesi di Zenone di Verona.Vittore Boccardi - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):453-485.
  43.  30
    Horizon Quantum Mechanics: Spherically Symmetric and Rotating Sources.Roberto Casadio, Andrea Giugno, Andrea Giusti & Octavian Micu - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1204-1218.
    The Horizon Quantum Mechanics is an approach that allows one to analyse the gravitational radius of spherically symmetric systems and compute the probability that a given quantum state is a black hole. We first review the formalism and show how it reproduces a gravitationally inspired GUP relation. This results leads to unacceptably large fluctuations in the horizon size of astrophysical black holes if one insists in describing them as central singularities. On the other hand, if they are extended (...)
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  44.  12
    Quantum Approach to Damped Three Coupled Nano-Optomechanical Oscillators.Jeong Ryeol Choi & Salah Menouar - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    We investigate quantum features of three coupled dissipative nano-optomechanical oscillators. The Hamiltonian of the system is somewhat complicated due not only to the coupling of the optomechanical oscillators but to the dissipation in the system as well. In order to simplify the problem, a spatial unitary transformation approach and a matrix-diagonalization method are used. From such procedures, the Hamiltonian is eventually diagonalized. In other words, the complicated original Hamiltonian is transformed to a simple one which is associated to three (...)
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  45.  22
    Hector freytes, Antonio ledda, Giuseppe sergioli and.Roberto Giuntini & Probabilistic Logics in Quantum Computation - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 49.
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  46. Early impact of quantum physics on chemistry: George Hevesy’s work on rare earth elements and Michael Polanyi’s absorption theory. [REVIEW]Gabor Pallo - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 13 (1):51-61.
    After Heitler and London published their pioneering work on the application of quantum mechanics to chemistry in 1927, it became an almost unquestioned dogma that chemistry would soon disappear as a discipline of its own rights. Reductionism felt victorious in the hope of analytically describing the chemical bond and the structure of molecules. The old quantum theory has already produced a widely applied model for the structure of atoms and the explanation of the periodic system. This paper will (...)
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    The Quantum Revolution in Philosophy.Richard Healey - 2017 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Quantum theory launched a revolution in physics. But we have yet to understand the revolution's significance for philosophy. Richard Healey opens a path to such understanding. The first part of this book offers a self-contained but opinionated introduction to quantum theory. The second part assesses the theory's philosophical significance.
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    Quantum metaphysics.Peter Forrest - 1988 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    The book comprises an enquiry into what quantum theory shows us about the world. Its aim is to sort out which metaphysical speculations are tenable and which are not. After an initial discussion of realism, the author provides a non-technical exposition of quantum theory and a criticism of the proposal that quantum theory should make us revise our beliefs about logic. He then discusses the various problems and puzzles which make quantum theory both interesting and perplexing. (...)
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  49. Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy.Valia Allori (ed.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited collection provides new perspectives on some metaphysical questions arising in quantum mechanics. These questions have been long-standing and are of continued interest to researchers and graduate students working in physics, philosophy of physics and metaphysics. It features contributions from a diverse set of researchers, ranging from senior scholars to junior academics, working in varied fields, from physics to philosophy of physics and metaphysics. The contributors reflect on issues about fundamentality (is quantum theory fundamental? If so, what (...)
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  50. Interpreting Quantum Theories: The Art of the Possible.Laura Ruetsche - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Philosophers of quantum mechanics have generally addressed exceedingly simple systems. Laura Ruetsche offers a much-needed study of the interpretation of more complicated systems, and an underexplored family of physical theories, such as quantum field theory and quantum statistical mechanics, showing why they repay philosophical attention. She guides those familiar with the philosophy of ordinary QM into the philosophy of 'QM infinity', by presenting accessible introductions to relevant technical notions and the foundational questions they frame--and then develops and (...)
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