Results for 'Qijun Zan'

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  1.  7
    Yang Xianzhen yu Makesi zhu yi Zhongguo hua =.Qijun Zan - 2014 - Wuchang: Wuhan da xue chu ban she.
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    Daidōji Yūzan's code of the samurai: a contemporary dual-language edition of the Budō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 2007 - Berkeley, Calif.: Ulysses. Edited by A. L. Sadler.
    For almost 700 years shoguns ruled Japan. These "gentleman warriors" developed a dedicated system of honor and strict guidlelines of behavior that Taira Shigesuke first brought together in his 16th century book—Bushido Shoshinshu. Present to a modern audience in clear, easy-to-read English, this new translation captures the majesty of the higher principles as well as the usefulness of the daily advice. From principles such as "a samurai should keep foremost in his mind the fact that he must die" to rules (...)
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  3. Felsefe ve yaşam üzeri̇ne.Hatice Nur Erkızan - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.), Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 246.
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    Black Mulberry.Zan Gay - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (3):513-513.
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    Metafizika koju treba preispitati.Žan-Lik Marjon - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):157-160.
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    Dang dai Zhongguo Meng xue yan jiu =.Qijun Wang - 2021 - Jinan: Shandong da xue chu ban she.
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    Yan Ying yu "Yanzi chun qiu".Qijun Wang - 2004 - Jinan: Shandong wen yi chu ban she.
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    Pierre Klossowski y Georges Bataille: más allá de la utopía. Los afectos como última infraestructura.Alejandro Marco Madrid Zan - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (1):13-27.
    The thought of Pierre Klossowski, praised by Foucault, Blanchot, Deleuze, has been scarcely addressed by the philosophical community. We argue in this article that this is largely due to the frequent difficulty of understanding his work as a whole: both his artistic and literary production and his interpretations of Nietzsche or Sade form a coherent whole, whose significance has a deeply critical political scope. The notion of unproductive spending, which occupies a central place in Bataille's work, will be rearticulated in (...)
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    La formazione di Giovanni Vailati.Mauro De Zan - 2009 - Galatina (Le) [i.e. Lecce, Italy]: Congedo.
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    Emotional Responses and Self-Protective Behavior Within Days of the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Promoting Role of Information Credibility.Žan Lep, Katarina Babnik & Kaja Hacin Beyazoglu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. La concepción política de la Filosofía Real de Hegel. Poder, Estado y Sociedad.Julio de Zan - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):67-98.
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  12. La tecnología en el ámbito de la ética: El enfoque de hans jonas.Jose Luis Hidalgo Zan - 2007 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 47 (2):307-323.
  13.  30
    Per una teoria politica dell’impresa cooperativa.Stefano Zan - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (50).
    Il saggio propone una traccia di ricerca per l’elaborazione di una teoria politica della cooperazione, ovvero per la considerazione del fenomeno cooperativo come caratterizzato da una peculiare modalità di azione collettiva, non ricompresa nella celebre distinzione hirschmaniana tra Exit, Voice e Loyalty. Chi partecipa all’impresa cooperativa non crede nelle possibilità di successo sia dell’opzione voice che di quella exit, ma pratica una forma diversa di azione che si basa sulla fiducia in se stessi e nei soci che hanno interessi comuni. (...)
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  14. Chungguk chʻŏrhaksa.Qijun Zhang - 1984 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Ilchisa. Edited by Yi Wu.
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  15. Shu dao yu da tong.Qijun Zhang - 1988 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao San min shu ju.
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    Zhongguo zhe xue shi hua.Qijun Zhang & Yi Wu - 1989 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao San min shu ju. Edited by Yi Wu.
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    Zhongguo xin shi qi wen yi xue jia mei xue jia zhuan ti yan jiu =.Zan Zou - 2016 - [Guangzhou]: Ji nan da xue chu ban she.
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  18. El concepto de generación en Ortega y Gasset.José Luis Hidalgo Zan - 2005 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 45 (1):137-147.
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    Pedagogie oporu.Piotr Zańko - 2020 - Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza "Impuls".
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    Krausismo y filosofía práctica en la Argentina.Julio de Zan - 1983 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 10:229-246.
  21. Galileo in Leopardi.Mauro De Zan - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):395.
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    La possibile influenza di F.M. Zanotti nelle riflessioni filosofiche di Leopardi sul valore della conoscenza scientifica.Mauro De Zan - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Türkiye felsefe yazıları: yaşamın anlam olanakları üzerine: özne, bilgi, kültür.Hatice Nur Erkızan - 2013 - Bursa: Sentez Yayıncılık.
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    Value Orientations and Institutional Trust as Contributors to the Adoption of Online Services in Youth: A Cross-Country Comparison.Žan Lep, Aleš Trunk & Katarina Babnik - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Internet usage data from around the globe show that adolescents are the most frequent Internet users, but mostly for leisure activities and maintaining social contacts. In the present study, we focused on Internet use for e-services, which could improve youth efficiency in the financial domain and bridge the online divide in youth. Specifically, we explored how societal constructs influence the use of the Internet for online shopping, e-banking and communication with providers of goods and services online. We used a representative (...)
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  25. Selected essays on international law, philosophy, science and literature.Myint Zan - 2012 - Yangon: Nay Myo Sarpatheda Literary House.
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    El idealismo alemán como filosofía de la libertad: Julio De Zan, in memoriam.Diana María López & Julio de Zan (eds.) - 2020 - Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina: Editorial UADER.
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  27. Sujeto, temporalidad e ipseidad.María Elena Candioti de Zan - 1998 - Escritos de Filosofía 17 (33):147-162.
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    When the pope meets the Buddha:Crossing the Threshold of Hope by his holiness John Paul II. [REVIEW]Myint Zan - 1995 - Sophia 34 (1):259-268.
    Random House, Jonathan Cape, London, 244 Pages Index Translated from the Italian by Jenny McPhee and Matrha Mcphee.
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    Budōshoshinshū: essential teachings on the way of the warrior.Yūzan Daidōji - 2018 - Boulder: Shambhala.
    When it comes to books on samurai philosphy, Hagakure is iconic to contemporary readers. But Budōshoshinshū, which was also written by a respected samurai during the Edo period, was equally influential at the time. Both works address the warrior's role in times of peace and emphasize the importance of living selflessly. Written by Daidōji Yūzan (1639-1730), a Confucian scholoar who descended from a long line of prominent warriors, Budōshoshinshū comprises 56 pithy instructive essays for young samurai on how to live (...)
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  30. Los actuales problemas ecológicos y la ética global.José Luis & Hidalgo Zan - 2006 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 46 (1):41-52.
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  31. Sei to shi: mayoi to jinsei.Kōzan Yasui (ed.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Daiichi Shobō kankō hatsubai.
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    La utopía kantiana de la comunidad ética.Julio De Zan - 2005 - Isegoría 33:143-159.
    Este artículo propone una relectura contemporánea de los textos de La Religión dentro de los límites de la mera razón en los cuales Kant esboza la idea de una comunidad ética universal. Esta idea kantiana se puede parangonar con las ideas de otros pensadores de la ilustración, que anticiparon la emergencia de nuevos sujetos sociales cosmopolitas diferentes del sujeto político encuadrado en las estructuras formales del Estado moderno, los cuales no se plantean fines directamente políticos, pero en cuanto tienen presencia (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Life and Works of Giovanni Vailati.Paola Cantù & De Zan Mauro - 2009 - In Cantù Paola & De Zan Mauro (eds.), Life and Works of Giovanni Vailati. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
    The paper introduces Vailati’s life and works, investigating Vailati’s education, the relation to Peano and his school, and the interest for pragmatism and modernism. A detailed analysis of Vailati’s scientific and didactic activities, shows that he held, like Peano, a a strong interest for the history of science and a pluralist, anti-dogmatic and anti-foundationalist conception of definitions in mathematics, logic and philosophy of language. Vailati’s understanding of mathematical logic as a form of pragmatism is not a faithful interpretation of Peano’s (...)
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    Man’s Pursuit of Meaning: Unexpected Termination Bolsters One’s Autonomous Motivation in an Irrelevant Ensuing Activity.Wei Wei, Zan Mo, Jianhua Liu & Liang Meng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Decir que no.Julio De Zan - 2002 - Tópicos 10:137-150.
    Decir que no es el primer paso de la conquista de nuestra libertad. Puede considerarse también que es el paso decisivo, y el más difícil. Se habla en este caso de libertad negativa. Esta ha sido considerada a veces como una forma menor, o equivocada de la libertad. Pero en el contexto del actual desencanto frente a la libertad positiva de las democracias existentes, se ha revalorizado la libertad negativa de los derechos individuales. Y frente al discurso hegemónico de la (...)
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    Ernesto A. Leyendeker.Julio De Zan - 1999 - Tópicos 7:117-118.
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    La fundamentación de la ética en la época contemporánea. Problemas y propuestas.Julio De Zan, Aníbal Fornari, Silvia Brussino, Diana López & Juan C. Aviani - 1995 - Tópicos 3:79-127.
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    La interpretación hegeliana de la dinámica de la Sociedad Civil en Europa y en América.Julio de Zan - 1981 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 8:39-62.
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    Los sujetos de la política: Ciudadanía y Sociedad Civil.Julio De Zan - 2006 - Tópicos 14:97-118.
    En este artículo se confronta la teoría clásica de la modernidad sobre el sujeto de la política con las experiencias y las interpretaciones de la Filosofía contemporánea, haciendo jugar un nuevo concepto de ciudadanía. La filosofía política contemporánea abandona las expresiones sustantivas que evocaban la representación de un macrosujeto unitario de lo político. En lugar de las categorías que representaban un sujeto colectivo homogéneo en gran formato, se presta atención ahora a otro tipo de categorías más abiertas, dinámicas, múltiples y (...)
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    Memoria e identidad.Julio De Zan - 2008 - Tópicos 16:41-67.
    The essential role of memory in the constitution of identity is shown first . Then, the article moves on to the critical analysis of uses of memory and of its relation with written history , to introduce the issue of collective memory policies and go through modern State identity policies . In its central part the article refers to the fact that at the beginning of the 21st century we experiment that memory and forgetfulness/oblivion policies do no longer work in (...)
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  41.  25
    Para leer la filosofía del derecho de Hegel.Julio De Zan - 2009 - Tópicos 18:0-0.
    The beginning of Philosophy of Right with the concept of "Right" and "morality" presents the appearance of a form of treatment typical of the methodological individualism of natural right theories. Nevertheless, Hegel makes it clear that the expository plan does not reflect the genetic, temporal or ontological structure of the issue. This article will thus try to give an answer to the question about the criteria to which this problematic structure of the work plan responds. The thesis sustained by the (...)
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    Para la reconstrucción del sentido de lo político.Julio De Zan - 2013 - Tópicos 26:00-00.
    El artículo parte de la crítica de H. Arendt a la posición de la filosofía frente a la política desde Platón hasta Marx y Heidegger. Esta fuerte crítica de la tradición filosófica, especialmente de su relación con la política, no es simplemente una crítica de la filosofía política, sino de la filosofía sin más, pero centrada en esta relación, o falta de relación con la política, y en la contribución de la filosofía al oscurecimiento y el olvido del sentido de (...)
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    Pensamiento reconstructivo y mundo simbólico.Julio De Zan - 1996 - Tópicos 4:99-126.
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    (1 other version)Universalismo y particularismo en la ética de Kant.Julio de Zan - 2005 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 32:155-172.
    This article raises the issue of the foundation of ethics in the situation of the pluralism of modern and contemporary society. Then , two types of answers to these problems are analyzed: comunitarism as the identitary ethics of an 'ourselves', and contractualism as the ethics of the partners' interests, which present themselves as rival theories in opposition to the universalism of kantian morality. It is however shown , how Kant himself had already worked at different levels of human integration with (...)
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    Verdad y diálogo.Julio De Zan - 1993 - Tópicos 1:43-71.
    El manifiesto predominio del punto de vista puramente semántico que ha caracterizado al paradigma antiguo de la filosofía del lenguaje, por lo menos desde Aristóteles hasta la Filosofía analítica contemporánea, ha radicado la cuestión de la verdad en la función enunciativa o representativa de las proposiciones, produciendo un completo oscurecimiento del problema de la constitución misma de los significados intersubjetivos y de la tematización de la verdad o de las pretensiones de validez, que solamente son posibles en lacomunicación y el (...)
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  46.  12
    Wittgenstein y la ética.Julio De Zan - 1999 - Tópicos 7:79-96.
    En Wittgenstein encontramos una intuición muy profunda y una valoración muy elevada del ethos como lo más importante para la vida. Pero este autor quiere preservar el ethos puro, separado tanto de la pretendida existencia de un mundo ético objetivo, como del discurso moral. En este artículo se consideran las expresiones de Wittgenstein sobre la ética como ejemplo paradigmático de la ética del bien en cuanto diferente de la moral, de sus temas y características fundamentales, así como de los límites (...)
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    Budō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 1989 - Tōkyō: Hanbai Kyōikusha Shuppan Sābisu. Edited by Kōzō Kaku.
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  48. Code of the samurai: a modern translation of the Bushidō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 1999 - Boston: Tuttle. Edited by Thomas F. Cleary & Oscar Ratti.
    The Code of the Samurai is a four-hundred-year-old explication of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido, the Japanese way of the warrior. Bushido has played a major role in shaping the behavior of modern Japanese government, corporations, society.
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    The code of the samurai.Yūzan Daidōji - 1941 - Rutland, Vt.: C.E. Tuttle. Edited by A. L. Sadler.
    One who is a Samurai must before all things keep constantly in mind, by day and by night ... the fact that he is going to die.
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  50. Seibutsu tetsugaku.Yūzan Wakui - 1977 - Aichi-ken Gamagōri-shi: Sekai Kyōsei Undō Fukyūkai.
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