Results for 'Pure consciousness'

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  1. 238 Peer commentary and responses.Pure Consciousness - 1999 - In Jonathan Shear & Francisco J. Varela, The view from within: first-person approaches to the study of consciousness. Bowling Green, OH: Imprint Academic. pp. 6--2.
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  2. Pure Consciousness and Quantum Field Theory.Markus E. Schlosser - manuscript
    In the first part I argue that Buddhism and Hinduism can be unified by a Pure Consciousness thesis, which says that the nature of ultimate reality is an unconditioned and pure consciousness and that the phenomenal world is a mere appearance of pure consciousness. In the second part I argue that the Pure Consciousness thesis can be supported by an argument from quantum physics. According to our best scientific theories, the fundamental nature (...)
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  3. Pure Consciousness As Ultimate Reality.Alan M. Laibelman - 2003 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 26 (1):49-73.
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    Pure consciousness and cultural studies.William S. Haney - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):2-3.
    [opening paragraph]: First-person methodologies have evolved in the humanities from the romantic introspection of a unified self, through a modernist nostalgia for that unity, to the fragmentation of the self in poststructuralist and postmodernism, which questions the pheno- menological unity of the self based on commonsense introspection as well as the possibility of an unmediated pure consciousness event. Literary and cultural studies can benefit from the way the Journal of Consciousness Studies draws upon Eastern approaches to first-person (...)
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    Pure Consciousness as the Ground of the Given: Or, Why There is No Perception Without Background Reception.Itay Shani - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (5):178-205.
    The thrust of the present paper is that contemporary philosophical theories of consciousness are in the grip of a distorted perspective on the nature of their subject. They are absorbed in an understanding of consciousness which overemphasizes its role in grasping intentional objects, while undervaluing its functioning as the receptive ground to whom things are given and in whom they are disclosed. I first make the distinction more precise, discerning two complementary modes of consciousness: the accusative mode (...)
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    Pure Consciousness, Intentionality, Selflessness, and the Philosophers' Syndrome.Richard H. Jones - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (3):83-102.
    An examination of analytic philosophers' approaches to and critiques of the intelligibility of experiences of 'pure consciousness', non-intentionality, and selflessness in light of mystical experiences. Whether neuroscience can determine whether experiences of 'pure consciousness' are possible is also examined.
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  7. Pure consciousness events and mysticism.Robert K. C. Forman - 1986 - Sophia 25 (1):49-58.
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    Are There Pure Conscious Events?Rocco J. Gennaro - 2008 - In Chandana Chakrabarti & Gordon Haist, Revisiting mysticism. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 100--120.
    There has been much discussion about the nature and even existence of so-called “pure conscious events” (PCEs). PCEs are often described as mental events which are non-conceptual and lacking all experiential content (Forman 1990). For a variety of reasons, a number of authors have questioned both the accuracy of such a characterization and even the very existence of PCEs (Katz 1978, Bagger 1999). In this chapter, I take a somewhat different, but also critical, approach to the nature and possibility (...)
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    The Phenomenology of “PureConsciousness as Reported by an Experienced Meditator of the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Kagyu Tradition. Analysis of Interview Content Concerning Different Meditative States.Cyril Costines, Tilmann Lhündrup Borghardt & Marc Wittmann - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):50.
    A philosopher and a cognitive neuroscientist conversed with Buddhist lama Tilmann Lhündrup Borghardt (TLB) about the unresolved phenomenological concerns and logical questions surrounding “pureconsciousness or minimal phenomenal experience (MPE), a quasi-contentless, non-dual state whose phenomenology of “emptiness” is often described in terms of the phenomenal quality of luminosity that experienced meditators have reported occurs in deep meditative states. Here, we present the excerpts of the conversation that relate to the question of how it is possible to first (...)
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    The logical perception of the pure consciousness.Yosef Joseph Segman - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):71-89.
    Does pure consciousness exist without being hooked to a physical mechanism? Can such claim be proven logically? The magnitude of asking this sort of question is similar to asking: Is it logical that matter exists out of the total void? The answer to both questions is yes. The aim of this paper is to show that, the existence of pure consciousness is a logical state, it is not energy, and it exists timelessly and can be experienced (...)
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  11. The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy.Robert K. C. Forman (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Are mystical experiences primarily formed by the mystic's cultural background and concepts, as modern day "constructivists" maintain, or do mystics in some way transcend language, belief, and culturally conditioned expectations? Do mystical experiences differ in the different religious traditions, as "pluralists" contend, or are they identical across cultures? Twelve contributors here attempt to answer these questions through close examination of a particular form of mystical experience, "Pure Consciousness"--the experience of being awake but devoid of intentional content for (...). The contributors analyze pure consciousness and other mystical experiences from historical Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and Jewish sources, as well as from modern mystics. They demonstrate that pure consciousness poses serious conceptual problems for a contructivist understanding of mysticism. Revealing the inconsistencies and inadequacies of current models, they make significant strides towards developing new models for the phenomenon of mysticism, breaking new ground for our understanding of mysticism and of human experience in general. (shrink)
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  12. Pure consciousness: Distinct phenomenological and physiological correlates of "consciousness itself".Frederick T. Travis & C. Pearson - 2000 - International Journal of Neuroscience 100 (1):77-89.
  13. Nibbanic (or Pure) Consciousness and Beyond.David Woodruff Smith - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (3):475-491.
    Pike’s phenomenology of mystical experiences articulates sharply where theological content may enter the structure of Christian mystics’ experiences (as characterized in their own words). Here we look to Buddhist (and other) accounts of pure or nibbanic consciousness attained in experiences of deep meditation. A contemporary modal model of inner awareness is considered whereby a form of pure consciousness underlies and embraces further content in various forms of consciousness, including mystical experiences in different traditions and experiences (...)
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    A Science of Pure Consciousness?: R. L. FRANKLIN.R. L. Franklin - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (2):185-204.
    I have come to believe that the whole framework of our current thought is about to begin a long and radical transformation, based on what I shall call a new science of pure consciousness. The content of most of the matters to be considered by this science have hitherto been the concern of some areas of religion, particularly what in our culture we call ‘mysticism’; but the treatment of it would legitimately be called scientific. Thus one aspect of (...)
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    Of pure consciousness experiences: A reply to Forman.Gene Pendleton - 1996 - Sophia 35 (2):63-66.
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    "Pure Consciousness Is Found Already in Logic": Apperception, Judgement and Spontaneity.Dennis Schulting - 2017 - In Kant's Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction. London, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 97-114.
  17. Beyond Conception: Ontic Reality, Pure Consciousness and Matter.Leanne Whitney - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):47-59.
    Our current scientific exploration of reality oftentimes appears focused on epistemic states and empiric results at the expense of ontological concerns. Any scientific approach without explicit ontological arguments cannot be deemed rational however, as our very Being can never be excluded from the equation. Furthermore, if, as many nondual philosophies contend, subject/object learning is to no avail in the attainment of knowledge of ontic reality, empiric science will forever bear out that limitation. Putting Jung's depth psychology in dialogue with Patañjali's (...)
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  18.  84
    The experience of pure consciousness: A new perspective for theories of self.Jonathan Shear - 1983 - Metaphilosophy 14 (January):53-62.
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    Mystic doubt: In search of pure consciousness.Olof Ohlson - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12244.
    Transcendental Meditation (TM) holds that the essence of reality is “pure consciousness.” This piece contrasts three interpretations of their meditative trance: (i) TM doctrine, and (ii) scientific physicalism, (iii) with my own meditative experience. Pure consciousness events, defined as wakeful contentless consciousness, are known to occur, but what ontological basis do they have? While cosmic consciousness may be the only ontological ultimate there is, my meditative introspection does not neatly align with TM dogma. In (...)
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  20. An experience of pure consciousness in Zen Buddhism.Beata Szymanska - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 76:47-56.
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    The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy, edited by Robert KC Forman.Ramakrishna Puligandla - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50:304-308.
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  22. The Self and Pure Consciousness.Jonathan Shear - 1972 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
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    Fichte and Pure Conscious Events.Daniel Zelinski - 1995 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (10):3-13.
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    Religious Experience As An Argument For The Existence Of God: The Case of Experience of Sense And Pure Consciousness Claims.Hakan Hemşinli - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1633-1655.
    The efforts to prove God's existence in the history of thought have been one of the fundamental problems of philosophy and theology, and even the most important one. The evidences put furword to prove the existence of God constitute the center of philosophy of religion’s problems not only philosophy of religion, but also the disciplines such as theology-kalam and Islamic philosophy are also seriously concerned. When we look at the history of philosophy, it is clear that almost all philosophers are (...)
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  25. The elephant and the blind: the experience of pure consciousness: philosophy, science, and 500+ experiential reports.Thomas Metzinger - 2024 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    The Elephant and the Blind is a book about why we need a new culture of consciousness, and how to get it. A culture of consciousness (or Bewusstseinskultur) is a culture that values and cultivates the mental states of its members in an ethical and evidence-based way.
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  26. Path of pure consciousness: Suddha sādhakam of Sri Kumara Deva.N. Kumaratevar, Chockalinga Sivaprakasa & Murugesa Mudaliar - 1972 - Vriddachalam,: Sri Kumara Devar Mutt. Edited by Chockalinga Sivaprakasa & N. Murugesa Mudaliar.
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  27. The Unity of Buddhism and Vedānta: Enlightenment as the Realization of Pure Consciousness.Markus E. Schlosser - manuscript
    Buddhism and Hinduism appear to be separated by irreconcilable differences. I argue that this apparent gulf can be overcome. The argument has three main parts. First, I argue that the Buddhist doctrine of dependent arising is not a metaphysical principle of real causation, but a principle of fabrication. Second, I argue that this interpretation of dependent arising enables a unification of the main schools of Buddhism. Third, I argue that Buddhism can be unified fully with Advaita Vedānta, the most important (...)
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    The path of pure consciousness (jnana yoga). Premananda - 1944 - Washington: Self-realization Fellowahip.
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  29. (1 other version)Some comments on Laibelman's' Pure Consciousness as Ultimate Reality'(vol 26) from the perspective of computer science.J. A. Johnson - 2003 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 26 (2):166-168.
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    Sinn and its Shadow. Terminological Analysis of Husserl’s Conception of Noetic-Noematic Structures of Pure Consciousness.Victor Molchanov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (1):207-240.
    The methodological premise of the investigation is the meta-difference between foreground and background as a necessary element of any difference, including the difference between conceptual and terminological types of analysis of philosophical texts. The topic of terminological analysis is the function of the terms that make up the framework of concepts, the methods and justifications for their introduction. The role of D.Hume, who was the first to draw attention to the difference in the meaning of the same word in natural (...)
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    Laying bare the phenomenal field: The reductions as ways to pure consciousness: Section II, chapter 4, The phenomenological reductions.Sebastian Luft - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 133-158.
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    Phenomenologically pure, transcendental, and absolute consciousness: Section II, chapter 3, The region of pure consciousness.Burt C. Hopkins - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 119-132.
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  33. Empiricism’s Theory of Abstraction as an Index of How it Falls Short of the Idea of an Eidetic Science of Pure Consciousness.Edmund Husserl - 2019 - In First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts From the Manuscripts. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Phenomenology of reflection: Section III, chapter 2, Universal structures of pure consciousness.Dan Zahavi - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 177-194.
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    Pure Experience and Disorders of Consciousness.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):107-114.
    The presence or absence of consciousness is the linchpin of taxonomy for disorders of consciousness (DOCs), as well as a focal point for end-of-life decision making for patients with DOCs. Focus on consciousness in this latter context has been criticized for a number of reasons, including the uncertainty of the diagnostic criteria for consciousness, the irrelevance of some forms of consciousness for determining a patient’s interests, and the ambiguous distinction between consciousness and unconsciousness. As (...)
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  36.  30
    Consciousness in the Critique of Pure Reason.Graham Bird - 2016 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts, Bewusstsein/Consciousness. De Gruyter. pp. 221-244.
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    Self-consciousness in Kant's 'critique of pure reason'.William D. Stine - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (3):189 - 197.
  38. Expansion of Self-consciousness in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Olga Lenczewska - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (4):554–594.
    This paper is a novel attempt at reconstructing Kant’s account of self-consciousness in the first Critique by making evident its gradual expository progression, and at identifying the epistemic status of the two modes of self-consciousness: pure and empirical. I trace the gradual exposition of theoretical self-consciousness across three crucial parts of the book: the Transcendental Deduction, the Refutation of Idealism, and the Paralogisms of Pure Reason. In doing so, I show that the account of theoretical (...)
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  39. Between pure self-referentialism and the HOT theory of consciousness.Rocco J. Gennaro - 2006 - In Uriah Kriegel & Kenneth Williford, Consciousness and Self-Reference. MIT Press.
  40. Transparent Smoke in the Pure Sky of Consciousness: Emotions and Liberation-While-Living in the Jīvanmuktiviveka.James Madaio - 2021 - In Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad & Roy Tzohar, The Bloomsbury research handbook of emotions in classical Indian philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Experience as pure and consciousness as meaning.Evander Bradley McGilvary - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (19):511-525.
  42. Objective Knowledge and Self-Consciousness: The Role of Kant's Theory of Apperceptive Self-Identity in the "Critique of Pure Reason".Dennis J. Sweet - 1989 - Dissertation, The University of Iowa
    Kant's purpose in the Critique of Pure Reason was to describe the nature and set the boundaries of human knowledge. At the heart of this ambitious enterprise is his doctrine of apperceptive self-identity. He insists that in order for us to know anything, there must be a unitary self capable of being aware of its own identity over time. Unfortunately, Kant's descriptions of this unitary 'I think' are extremely obscure, and his accounts of how it functions in the first (...)
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    Consciousness in Indian philosophy: the advaita doctrine of 'awareness only'.Sthaneshwar Timalsina - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    This text centers on the analysis of pure consciousness as found in Advaita Vedanta, one of the main schools of Indian philosophy. Written lucidely and clearly, it reveals the depth and implications of Indian metaphysics and argument.
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    From psychology to pure phenomenology: Section II, chapter 2, Consciousness and natural actuality.Hanne Jacobs - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 95-118.
    In the paragraphs immediately following the introduction of the method of phenomenological epoché (§§34-46) in Ideas, rather than applying this new method, Husserl provides a series of psychological descriptions on the basis of psychological reflection. This is surprising for at least two reasons. First, since Husserl has already distinguished phenomenology from psychology (both empirical and eidetic), it is not clear why he would engage in psychological reflection and description at this point in the book. Further, the psychological descriptions that Husserl (...)
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  45. The Varieties of Pure Experience: William James and Kitaro Nishida on Consciousness and Embodiment.Joel Krueger - 2006 - William James Studies 1.
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    Fluxibility: Consciousness and Nature in Bergson.João Almeida Loureiro - 2020 - Otrosiglo 4 (2):107-124.
    Intensity, duration, freedom, these are the three notions which constitute the motto of bergsonian speculation and the three notions which need to be decanted in order to fully understand the philosophy of life of Bergson, which culminates in his magnum opus – L’Évolution créatrice. Thus, we will try to clarify each one of them, interconnecting them consecutively in a coherent whole of an account which, being made from the exterior – as all and any analysis of life -, still delineates (...)
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    Placing Pure Experience of Eastern Tradition into the Neurophysiology of Western Tradition.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts - 2019 - Cognitive Neurodynamics 13 (1):121-123.
    While the presence or absence of consciousness plays the central role in the moral/ethical decisions when dealing with patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC), recently it is criticized as not adequate due to number of reasons, among which are the lack of the uniform definition of consciousness and consequently uncertainty of diagnostic criteria for it, as well as irrelevance of some forms of consciousness for determining a patient’s interests and wishes. In her article, Dr. Specker Sullivan (...)
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    Consciousness and the machine.Eugene G. D'Aquili & Andrew B. Newberg - 1996 - Zygon 31 (2):235-52.
    We consider only the relationship of consciousness to physical reality, whether physical reality is interpreted as the brain, artificial intelligence, or the universe as a whole. The difficulties with starting the analysis with physical reality on the one hand and with consciousness on the other are delineated. We consider how one may derive from the other. Concepts of universal or pure consciousness versus local or ego consciousness are explored with the possibility that consciousness may (...)
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  49. William James and Kitaro Nishida on “Pure Experience”, Consciousness, and Moral Psychology.Joel Krueger - 2007 - Dissertation, Purdue University
    The question “What is the nature of experience?” is of perennial philosophical concern. It deals not only with the nature of experience qua experience, but additionally with related questions about the experiencing subject and that which is experienced. In other words, to speak of the philosophical problem of experience, one must also address questions about mind, world, and the various relations that link them together. Both William James and Kitarō Nishida were deeply concerned with these issues. Their shared notion of (...)
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    Consciousness and Perceptual Experience: An Ecological and Phenomenological Approach.Thomas Natsoulas - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book describes and proposes an unusual integrative approach to human perception that qualifies as both an ecological and a phenomenological approach at the same time. Thomas Natsoulas shows us how our consciousness - in three of six senses of the word that the book identifies - is involved in our activity of perceiving the one and only world that exists, which includes oneself as a proper part of it, and that all of us share together with the rest (...)
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