Results for 'Poul Behrendt'

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  1.  26
    An Essay in the Art of Writing Posthumous Papers.Poul Behrendt & K. Brian Söderquist - 2003 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2003 (1):48-109.
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    Søren Kierkegaard’s Fortnight.Poul Behrendt & Paul A. Bauer - 2004 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2004 (1).
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  3. Narrative Aversion: Challenges for the Illness Narrative Advocate.Kathy Behrendt - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):50-69.
    Engaging in self-narrative is often touted as a powerful antidote to the bad effects of illness. However, there are various examples of what may broadly be termed “aversion” to illness narrative. I group these into three kinds: aversion to certain types of illness narrative; aversion to illness narrative as a whole; and aversion to illness narrative as an essentially therapeutic endeavor. These aversions can throw into doubt the advantages claimed for the illness narrator, including the key benefits of repair to (...)
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    A constructivist discourse theory of law.Svenja Behrendt - 2020 - Rechtstheorie 51 (2):171-191.
    The paper addresses the highly controversial subject of the nature of law. It attempts to present a post-modern positivist concept of law that rejects objectivism and the postulation of a unified legal order entirely and merges elements of system and discourse theory.
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    Despair, Liberation and Everyday Life: Two Bundle Views of Personal Identity.Kathy Behrendt - 2003 - Richmond Journal of Philosophy 1 (5):32-37.
    Philosophy sometimes has the reputation of dealing with matters outside the realm of ‘everyday life’, and trading in ideas that float free from anything beyond the armchair in which we sit contemplating them. In this paper, I discuss a standard armchair-branch of philosophy – personal identity theory – and the real-life effects it either has had or has apparently failed to have upon two philosophers: David Hume and Derek Parfit. Both arrive at similar and quite radical beliefs about personal identity. (...)
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    Kunst und Moral. Eine Debatte über die Grenzen des Erlaubten.Hauke Behrendt & Jakob Steinbrenner (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: DeGruyter.
    Die Autorinnen und Autoren widmen sich der Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Kunst und Moral. Wie weit darf künstlerische Freiheit gehen? Lassen sich ästhetischer und moralischer Wert eines Kunstwerks trennen oder ist Kunst immer im Licht der Absicht.
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  7. Subjects, Identity, and Objective Experience the Neo-Kantian/Reductionist Debate.Kathy Behrendt - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
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    Ethical Implications Regarding Assistive Technology at Workplaces.Hauke Behrendt, Markus Funk & Oliver Korn - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn (ed.), Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag. pp. 109-130.
    It is the purpose of this paper to address ethical issues concerning the development and application of Assistive Technology at Workplaces (ATW). We shall give a concrete technical concept how such technology might be constructed and propose eight technical functions it should adopt in order to serve its purpose. Then, we discuss the normative questions why one should use ATW, and by what means. We argue that ATW is good to the extent that it ensures social inclusion and consider four (...)
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  9. Stof, liv og sjæl.Poul Brandt Rehberg - 1952 - København,: H. Reitzel.
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  10. Unmoored: Mortal Harm and Mortal Fear.Kathy Behrendt - 2019 - Philosophical Papers 48 (2):179-209.
    There is a fear of death that persistently eludes adequate explanation by contemporary philosophers of death. The reason for this is their focus on mortal harm issues, such as why death is bad for the person who dies. Claims regarding the fear of death are assumed to be contingent on the resolution of questions about the badness of death. In practice, however, consensus on some mortal harm issues has not resulted in comparable clarity on mortal fear. I contend we cannot (...)
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    Facing the Future: Conceiving Legal Obligations Towards Future Generations.Svenja Behrendt - 2024 - Politics and Governance 12 (Considering Future Generations i).
    Conceiving legal obligations towards future generations is challenging—especially from a positivist stance and if obligations and claims are understood as being correlative in nature. Legal obligations towards future generations are often rejected from the outset if (and insofar as) there is no explicit acknowledgement or established doctrine. This neglects the power of sound legal interpretation. I argue that obligations towards future people and generations are grounded in the relational character of human rights and that their positivity is not a problem (...)
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    What matters? On parfit’s ideas of personal identity and morality.Poul Lübcke - 1993 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 28 (1):99-114.
  13.  14
    FoodSmart City Dublin: A Framework for Sustainable Seafood.Poul Holm & Cordula Scherer - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2):1-13.
    We propose the FoodSmart City framework as a transdisciplinary avenue to promote sustainable seafood consumption. We argue that a change in human seafood consumption towards eating at lower trophic levels may be helped by discovering forgotten cultural practices and tapping into locally-sourced marine resources. We set out a framework of knowledge exchange and production between academia, businesses, and civil society to promote and assist healthy and ecologically sustainable living using digital tools and intangible cultural heritage while engaging with innovative chefs (...)
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  14. The Future Is Not What It Used to Be: Longevity and the Curmudgeonly Attitude to Change.Kathy Behrendt - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (8):557-572.
    Boredom has dominated discussions about longevity thanks to Bernard Williams’s influential “The Makropulos Case.” I reveal the presence in that paper of a neglected, additional problem for the long-lived person, namely alienation in the face of unwanted change. Williams gestures towards this problem but does not pursue it. I flesh it out on his behalf, connecting it to what I call the ‘curmudgeonly attitude to change.’ This attitude manifests itself in the tendency, amongst those getting on in years, to observe (...)
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  15. Making Friends with your Money?: A semiotic analysis of relationship communication strategies in the financial sector.Poul Houman Andersen & Anne Ellerup Nielsen - 2001 - Hermes 27:31-53.
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  16. Attentional deficit versus impaired reality testing: What is the role of executive dysfunction in complex visual hallucinations?Ralf-Peter Behrendt - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):758-759.
    A “multifactorial” model should accommodate a psychological perspective, aiming to relate the phenomenology of complex visual hallucinations not only to neurobiological findings but also an understanding of the patient's psychological problems and situation in life. Greater attention needs to be paid to the role of the “lack of insight” patients may have into their hallucinations and its relationship to cognitive impairment.
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  17. Depressing Goings-on in the House of Actuality: Philosophers and Poets Confront Larkin's 'Aubade'.Kathy Behrendt - 2023 - Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and History of Ideas 21 (1):133-151.
    Philip Larkin’s poem “Aubade” tackles the subject of mortality with technical facility and unsparing candour. It has a reputation for profoundly affecting its readers. Yet poets Seamus Heaney and Czeslaw Milosz think “Aubade” is bad for us and for poetry: it lures us into the underworld and traps us there, and betrays poetry’s purpose by transcribing rather than transforming the depressing facts of reality. Philosophers, however, quite like it. “Aubade” crops up repeatedly in contemporary philosophy of death. I examine the (...)
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    Einleitung: Kunst und Moral. Eine Debatte über die Grenzen des Erlaubten.Hauke Behrendt & Jakob Steinbrenner - 2022 - In Hauke Behrendt & Jakob Steinbrenner (eds.), Kunst und Moral. Eine Debatte über die Grenzen des Erlaubten. Berlin: DeGruyter. pp. 1-10.
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    Evangelische Unternehmensethik: theologische, kirchliche und ökonomische Impulse für eine explorative Ethik geschöpflichen Lebens.Sabine Behrendt - 2014 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht die Frage, wie heute menschliches Leben im Medium des Unternehmens als geschöpfliches Leben erscheinen kann. Hierfür dienen neben biblischen Zeugnissen, Texten Martin Luthers und Arthur Richs sowie kirchlichen Schriften auch die ökonomischen Ethik-Theorien von Karl Homann, Peter Ulrich und Josef Wieland als Bezugspunkte. Außerdem werden exemplarisch die unternehmensethischen Profile dreier Firmen betrachtet. Die daraus gewonnenen Impulse für eine explorative Ethik geschöpflichen Lebens sind letztlich immer in der Unternehmenspraxis zu erproben, müssen sie sich doch im Unternehmensalltag (...)
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    Grundrechtstheoretische Begründbarkeit einer Verantwortung gegenüber künftigen Generationen: Das grundrechtstheoretische Rechtsverhältnis in der Zeit.Svenja Behrendt - 2022 - In Odile Ammann & And Others (eds.), Verantwortung und Recht. pp. 259-274.
    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, ob eine Verantwortung ggü. zukünftigen Grundrechtsträgern/Generationen nicht nur moralisch, sondern auch rechtlich begründbar ist. Dazu wird auf ein grundrechtstheoretisches Konzept zurückgegriffen, das mit einem positivistischen Verständnis des Rechts kompatibel ist. Der Beitrag führt zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine Rechtfertigungslast gegenüber künftigen Grundrechtsträgern grundrechtlich begründbar ist und angesichts der positivrechtlichen Anerkennung von Menschenrechten auch bereits besteht. Die Pflichten der jeweils gegenwärtig Lebenden zugunsten künftiger Grundrechtsträger besteht allerdings grundrechtstheoretisch nicht in die ganz ferne Zukunft; hier (...)
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  21. Splittelse kontra fællesskab.Poul Bjerre - 1981 - In Justus Hartnack (ed.), Ideologi, splittelse, fællesskab: debatindlæg. Skodsborg: Rolighed.
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    Sprog og tanke: fire essays.Poul Lindegård Hjorth (ed.) - 1995 - København: Munksgaard.
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    The Humanities World Report 2015.Poul Holm, Arne Jarrick & Dominic Scott - unknown
    This book is open access under a CC BY license. The first of its kind, this 'Report' gives an overview of the humanities worldwide. Published as an Open Access title and based on an extensive literature review and enlightening interviews conducted with 90 humanities scholars across 40 countries, the book offers a first step in attempting to assess the state of the humanities globally. Its topics include the nature and value of the humanities, the challenge of globalisation, the opportunities offered (...)
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  24. Semantik.Poul Levin - 1968 - København,: Nyt Nordisk Forlag.
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  25. Politik; statskundskab i grundtræk.Poul Meyer - 1959 - København,: Nyt nordisk forlag.
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  26. Et essay om genetiske og naturalistiske fejlslutninger i psykiatri og klinisk psykologi.Poul Erik Sucksdorff - 1972 - København: [Militærpsykologisk Tjeneste].
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  27. Critical Theories of Crisis in Europe: From Weimar to the Euro.Poul F. Kjaer & Niklas Olsen - 2016 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What is to be learned from the chaotic downfall of the Weimar Republic and the erosion of European liberal statehood in the interwar period vis-a-vis the ongoing European crisis? This book analyses and explains the recurrent emergence of crises in European societies. It asks how previous crises can inform our understanding of the present crisis. The particular perspective advanced is that these crises not only are economic and social crises, but must also be understood as crises of public power, order (...)
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    The Resilience Program: preliminary evaluation of a mentalization-based education program.Poul L. Bak, Nick Midgley, Jin L. Zhu, Karen Wistoft & Carsten Obel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Inklusion zwischen Potenzialität und Latenz: Soziale Teilhabe als dispositionelle Eigenschaft.Hauke Behrendt - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (4):533-549.
    The purpose of this paper is to defend an understanding of social participation that spells out inclusion as a dispositional property. I assume that an agent must occupy at least one position within a social order so that he is leastways partially included. The fact that a social position is open to someone means that he has the opportunity to take it. However, disputed is how "having the opportunity" should be understood exactly. My thesis, which I will develop and defend (...)
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    Death and renewal.Poul Carl Bjerre - 1929 - London,: Williams & Norgate. Edited by I. von Tell.
    Disintegration and mechanisation.--Sacrifice and atonement.--Communion and the community.--The life-mass and the death-mass.--Life's clair-obscure.
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    Der geniale wahnsinn.Poul Carl Bjerre - 1904 - Leipzig,: C. G. Naumann.
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    Menneskets natur.Poul Bjerre - 1968 - København,: Gyldendal.
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    Anthropology and Authority: Essays on Søren Kierkegaard.Poul Houe, Gordon Daniel Marino & Sven Hakon Rossel - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This volume on anthropology and authority in the writings of Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) offers its reader nineteen timely discussions of two fundamental categories pertaining to the literary, philosophical, and theological production of this prominent 19th century Danish thinker, whose vast influence upon 20th century intellectual life continues to grow as the new millennium approaches. The volume's nineteen contributors - from Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Italy, and the United States - inquire into such complex problematics in Kierkegaard's oeuvre as (...)
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    Poul Martin Møller's "Thoughts on the possibility of proofs of human immortality" and other texts.Jon Stewart, Finn Gredal Jensen & Poul Martin Møller (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    A classicist, philosopher, and poet, Poul Martin Møller was an important figure in the Danish Golden Age. The traumatic event of the death of his wife led him to think more profoundly about the question of the immortality of the soul. In 1837 he published his most important philosophical treatise, "Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality," presented here in English for the first time. It was read and commented upon by the leading figures of the Golden (...)
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    Human Rights Against Land Grabbing? A Reflection on Norms, Policies, and Power.Poul Wisborg - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (6):1199-1222.
    Large-scale transnational land acquisition of agricultural land in the global south by rich corporations or countries raises challenging normative questions. In this article, the author critically examines and advocates a human rights approach to these questions. Mutually reinforcing, policies, governance and practice promote equitable and secure land tenure that in turn, strengthens other human rights, such as to employment, livelihood and food. Human rights therefore provide standards for evaluating processes and outcomes of transnational land acquisitions and, thus, for determining whether (...)
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  36. An Analytical Interpretation of Kierkegaard as Moral Philosopher.Poul Lübcke - 1991 - Kierkegaardiana 15:99.
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    The historical-philosophical dimension in physics teaching: Danish experiences.Poul V. Thomsen - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (5):493-503.
  38. Learning to be Dead: the Narrative Problem of Mortality.Kathy Behrendt - 2015 - In Michael Cholbi (ed.), Immortality and the Philosophy of Death. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 157-172.
    The problem of mortality treats death as posing a paradox for the narrative view of the self. This view, on some interpretations, needs death in order to complete a life in a manner analogous to the ending of a story. But death is inaccessible to the subject herself, and so the analogy fails. Our inability to grasp the event of our own death is thought to undermine the possibility of achieving a meaningful, coherent, or complete life on narrativist terms. Narrativist (...)
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    At the Back of the Class. At the Front of the Class: Experiences as Aboriginal Student and Aboriginal Teacher.Larissa Behrendt - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):27-35.
    This is a persona] account of an Aboriginal woman who went through the education system in Australia to obtain finally her law degree. Aboriginal people experience many hurdles in the education system. Many Aboriginal children feel alienated within the legal system which until recently focused on a colonial history of Australia, ignoring the experiences, indeed the presence, of indigenous people in Australia. The Australian government had a policy of not educating Aboriginal people past the age of 14. The author was (...)
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  40. Derek Parfit.Kathy Behrendt - 2002 - In Philip Breed Dematteis, Peter S. Fosl & Leemon B. McHenry (eds.), British Philosophers, 1800-2000. Bruccoli Clark Layman. pp. 262--168.
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    Soziale Teilhabe als Tatsache, Wert und Aufgabe: Blinde Flecken der zeitgenössischen Inklusionsforschung.Hauke Behrendt - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3):464-489.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 3 Seiten: 464-489.
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  42. Smart Technology in der Pflege als Bedrohung von Autonomie? Grundzüge eines technikgestützten Modells rationaler Selbstbestimmung.Hauke Behrendt & Catrin Misselhorn - 2018 - In Alexander Filipovic Michael Reder (ed.), Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive, Bd. 2. pp. 134–163.
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    Geschichte der Pharmazie. Vol. II: Von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart - by Rudolf Schmitz.Poul R. Kruse - 2007 - Centaurus 49 (2):182-183.
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    Privatsphäre 4.0: Eine Neuverortung des Privaten Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.Hauke Behrendt, Wulf Loh, Tobias Matzner, Catrin Misselhorn, Carsten Ochs, Charles Melvin Ess, Thilo Hagendorff, Dorota Mokrosinska, Titus Stahl, Sandra Seubert, Johannes Eichenhofer, Christian Djeffal, Eva Weber-Guskar, Jan-Felix Schrape & Sebastian Ostritsch - 2019 - J.B. Metzler.
    Wie lässt sich der Bereich des Privaten heute genau beschreiben? Welchen Wert besitzt Privatheit in digitalisierten Gesellschaften für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes? Welche Werte und Lebensformen werden durch Privatheit geschützt, welche eingeschränkt? Entstehen durch die Informationsasymmetrie zwischen Technologieunternehmen, staatlichen Verdatungsinstitutionen und Verbrauchern/Bürgern möglicherweise neue Machtstrukturen? Welche rechtlichen Implikationen ergeben sich hieraus? Dieser Band geht diesen und anderen Fragen, die sich im Hinblick auf die etablierte Gleichung von Freiheit und Privatheit stellen, nach und versucht Antworten zu finden.
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  45. Selvets ontologi hos Kierkegaard.Poul Lübcke - 1984 - Kierkegaardiana 13.
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    The paradox of being: truth, identity, and images in Daoism.Poul Andersen - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Published by the Harvard University Asia Center.
    Addresses the concept of truth in Chinese Daoist philosophy and ritual. Through wide-ranging research into Daoist ritual, both in history and as it survives in the present day, shows that the concept of true reality that informs this tradition posits being as a paradox anchored in the inexistent Way"--Provided by publisher.
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    Nyplatoniske lærdomme om sjælen.Poul Helms - 1915 - København,: V. Thaning og Appel.
  48. A semantic interpretation of Husserl's epoché.Poul Lübcke - 1999 - Synthese 118 (1):1-12.
    This paper presents an interpretation of Husserl''s phenomenological epoché or bracketing ( Einklammerung), which makes it possible to compare his position with philosophical programs developed within the framework of modern analytical philosophy. At the same time it asks in what sense Husserl''s phenomenology is a form of idealism or exceeds the traditional discussion of idealism versus realism.
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  49. Dialogische Hermeneutik statt hermeneutischer Intentionalismus.Poul Lübcke - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (4):542.
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    On the possibility of an organic magnet.Herbert A. Poul - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (3):593-600.
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