Results for 'Political ethics History'

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  1.  49
    Ethics, Politics and History: Dimensions of Humanism in Hannah Arendt's Philosophical Reflection.Paula Ripamonti - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 13 (1):59-66.
    En el marco del debate humanista del siglo XX, el pensamiento político de Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) se constituye como una de las voces críticas y testimoniales que buscaron reflexionar sobre lo acontecido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A partir de su propia experiencia como judía en la Alemania de las primeras décadas de su siglo y como intelectual exiliada, concentró sus esfuerzos en comprender el significado filosófico y político de lo ocurrido. Sin pretender afirmar o definir la naturaleza humana sin (...)
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    Political Ethics between Biblical Ethics and the Mythology of the Death of God.Sandu Frunza - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):206-231.
    The text discusses the importance of religion as a symbolic construct which derives from fundamental human needs. At the same time, religious symbolism can function as an explanation for the major crises existent in the lives of individuals or their communities, even if they live in a democratic or a totalitarian system. Its presence is facilitated by the assumption of the biographical element existent in the philosophical and theological reflection and its extrapolation in a biography which concerns the communities and (...)
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    Political Ethics and European Constitution.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2015 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Is the dream of EU endangered? This book reviews classic and modern values and virtues, and uses them in order to rethink Europe's present politics and its future. The idea of the Republic was born with the political ethics of ancient Greece. The current international crisis obliges Europe to face the mirror of truth: What has become of the European Idea and how fares the European Constitution? It has been a long road from the Greek Politeia to the (...)
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    Jewish Political Ethics in America.Jill Jacobs - 2013 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Jonathan K. Crane (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality. Oup Usa.
    This chapter examines Jewish political ethics as it has emerged in the American setting. Unlike virtually all the places where Jews have lived throughout history, American Jews are full-fledged citizens, and some have taken leadership roles in both local and national politics, to say nothing of the professions, academia, and business. Four different approaches that Jews have taken to respond to this new reality are described: Jews should participate in American politics in service of Jewish self-interest; (...) participation replaces religion; the United States is a step in the march toward messianic redemption; and Jews should involve themselves in American politics, as Jews, for the betterment of all. The chapter describes each of these positions, quotes some representative spokespersons for each, and shows how each has influenced Jewish political ethics in America, and then illustrates how varying Jewish prayers for the nation articulate each of these approaches. (shrink)
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  5. Ethics, politics and history: An interview with Jurgen Habermas conducted by Jean-Marc Ferry.Stephen K. White - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (3-4):433-439.
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    Politics, ethics and the self: re-reading Gandhi's Hind Swaraj.Rajeev Bhargava (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.
    Hind Swaraj by Mahatma Gandhi is arguably the greatest text to have emerged from the anti-colonial movement in India and the first to seriously challenge the cultural and civilizational premises of the colonizers' mentality. It is also the first text in India that falls within the broad tradition of modern political philosophy, advancing a complex cluster of theses with conceptual sensitivity, analytical precision, and sustained argument. This book critically engages with Hind Swaraj and explores the fascinating and subtle dialogue (...)
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  7.  43
    The lesser evil: political ethics in an age of terror.Michael Ignatieff - 2004 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In the age of terrorism, the temptations of ruthlessness can be overwhelming. Yet a violent response to violence arguably makes us morally indistinguishable from our enemies. There is perhaps no greater political challenge today than trying to win the war against terror without losing our democratic souls. Michael Ignatieff confronts this challenge head-on, with the combination of hard-headed idealism, historical sensitivity and political judgement that has made him one of the most influential voices in international affairs today. Ignatieff (...)
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  8.  17
    Political Ethics.Thurber M. Smith - 1935 - Modern Schoolman 12 (4):97-97.
  9.  43
    No alternative? The politics and history of non-GMO certification.Robin Jane Roff - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):351-363.
    Third-party certification is an increasingly prevalent tactic which agrifood activists use to “help” consumers shop ethically, and also to reorganize commodity markets. While consumers embrace the chance to “vote with their dollar,” academics question the potential for labels to foster widespread political, economic, and agroecological change. Yet, despite widespread critique, a mounting body of work appears resigned to accept that certification may be the only option available to activist groups in the context of neoliberal socio-economic orders. At the extreme, (...)
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  10. Pt. 2. the age of faith to the age of reason: Lecture 1. Aquinas' summa theologica, the thomist sythesis and its political and social context ; lecture 2. more's utopia, reason and social justice ; lecture 3. Machiavelli's the Prince, political realism, political science, and the renaissance ; lecture 4. Bacon's new organon, the call for a new science, guest lecture / by Alan Kors ; lecture 5. Descartes' epistemology and the mind-body problem ; lecture 6. Hobbes' leviathan, of man, guest lecture / by Dennis Dalton ; lecture 7. Hobbes' leviathan, of the commonwealth, guest lecture by. [REVIEW]Dennis Dalton, Metaphysics Lecture 8Spinoza'S. Ethics, the Path To Salvation, Guest Lecture by Alan Kors Lecture 9the Newtonian Revolution, Lecture 10the Early Enlightenment, Viso'S. New Science of History The Search for the Laws of History, Lecture 11Pascal'S. Pensees & Lecture 12the Philosophy of G. W. Liebniz - 2000 - In Darren Staloff, Louis Markos, Jeremy duQuesnay Adams, Phillip Cary, Dennis Dalton, Alan Charles Kors, Jeremy Shearmur, Robert C. Solomon, Robert Kane, Kathleen Marie Higgins, Mark W. Risjord & Douglas Kellner (eds.), Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 3rd edition. Washington DC: The Great Courses.
  11.  40
    Political Ethics[REVIEW]Joseph T. Clune - 1936 - New Scholasticism 10 (3):282-284.
  12. A Divinely Tolerant Political Ethics: Dancing with Aurelius.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2):327-348.
    Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations constitutes an important source and subject for Michel Foucault’s 1981 lectures at the Collège de France, translated into English as Hermeneutics of the Subject. One recurring theme in these lectures is the deployment by Hellenistic/Roman philosophers such as Aurelius of the practice and figure of dance. Inspired by this discussion, the present essay offers a close reading of dance in the Meditations, followed by a survey of the secondary literature on this subject. Overall, I will attempt to (...)
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  13.  6
    Philosophizing the Self: Political Ethics and Autobiography in Simone de Beauvoir.Margaret Ogrodnick - 2005 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 21 (1):123-132.
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    "Guliang" zheng zhi lun li tan wei: yi "xian" de pan duan wei tao lun zhong xin = The political ethics in Guliang zhuan:some judgments of xian.Hanji Li - 2019 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    “六经”是中国传统文化和中华民族优秀的思想文化遗产,也是推动当代社会文化不断前进发展的动力资源之一,所以值得深入研究。本书选取《穀梁》中有关中国传统政治伦理的几个核心问题,如死义、复仇、慎让等,通过经 典诠释的方法,以文本的深入解读,不同文本的对比和义理的细致阐发,对中国传统政治伦理意识的相关内容的形成和历史演变、基本内涵、主要特征,及其价值取向等,作了较为系统、深入的论述,并能提出自己的许多独立见 解。在一些文本解读和义理阐发上发人之所未发,取得了一些突破性的进展。.
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    Environmental ethics, green politics and the history of predator biology.Michael Lansing - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):43 – 49.
    Understanding the ethics and politics of environmentalism, as well as predator biology, means thinking in new ways about objectivity. The history of predator biology shows how scientists order nature as they interact with non-humans. If science ultimately orders nature as its comprehends it, the implications for environmental ethics and politics, which continue to call on the authority of objective science, loom large.
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  16.  34
    The Political Ethics of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. [REVIEW]Hansjürgen Verweyen - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (2):161-162.
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  17.  42
    Lectures on psychological and political ethics: 1898.Garry Brodsky - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (1):106-108.
  18.  17
    The political crisis and Christian ethics.Ronald H. Stone - 2023 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    The Political Crisis and Christian Ethics addresses themes in political philosophy in the context of a crisis in democracy after the denial of the 2020 election by the Republican candidate for president. The refusal to accept the results of the election divided the electorate and drove the president's followers to fail in their attempted coup attempt in January of 2020. Democracy is defended in Reinhold Niebuhr's writing on politics and in Barack Obama's use of the theologian's thought. (...)
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  19.  23
    Ethics, Politics, and Democracy: From Primordial Principles to Prospective Practices.Jose V. Ciprut (ed.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    This volume examines continuities and change in the normative underpinnings of both ancient and modern practices of political governance, public duties, private virtues, and personal responsibilities. As such, it stands at the cross-disciplinary intersection between the practice of democratic citizenship and the exercise of political ethics. Contributors address law and morality in history, from Ancient Mesopotamia and Enlightenment Europe to modern America and the new millennium's scientific and technological transformations; the links among different systems of belief; (...)
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  20.  7
    Between Ethics and Politics: New Essays on Gandhi.Eva Pfstl (ed.) - 2014 - New Delhi: Routledge India.
    Is it possible to build an authentically democratic system in politics without concrete ethical foundations? Addressing this question in the wake of the contemporary crisis in democracy worldwide, the volume re-evaluates Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s key thoughts. It foregrounds their relevance to the ongoing struggles that attempt to reconcile the apparently dissimilar orientations of politics and ethics. Collecting fresh interdisciplinary researches, the book provides insights into Gandhi’s complex — and occasionally turbulent — intellectual and political relationships with influential figures (...)
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  21. The Ethics of Intepretation in Political Theory and Intellectual History.Michael L. Frazer - 2019 - The Review of Politics 81 (1):77-99.
    Scholars studying classic political texts face an important decision: Should these texts be read as artifacts of history or as sources for still-valid insights about politics today? Competing historical and “presentist” approaches to political thought do not have a methodological dispute—that is, a disagreement about the most effective scholarly means to an agreed-upon end. They instead have an ethical dispute about the respective value of competing activities that aim at different purposes. This article examines six ethical arguments, (...)
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  22.  82
    Trauma Theory: Contexts, Politics, Ethics.Susannah Radstone - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (1):9-29.
    This article discusses the current ‘popularity’ of trauma research in the Humanities and examines the ethics and politics of trauma theory, as exemplified in the writings of Caruth and Felman and Laub.Written from a position informed by Laplanchian and object relations psychoanalytic theory, it begins by examining and offering a critique of trauma theory's model of subjectivity, and its relations with theories of referentiality and representation, history and testimony. Next, it proposes that although trauma theory's subject matter—the sufferings (...)
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  23.  11
    Art after the hipster: identity politics, ethics and aesthetics.Wes Hill - 2017 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book examines the complexities of the hipster through the lens of art history and cultural theory, from Charles Baudelaire's flan̂eur to the contemporary 'creative' borne from creative industries policies. It claims that the recent ubiquity of hipster culture has led many artists to confront their own significance, responding to the mass artification of contemporary life by de-emphasising the formal and textual deconstructions so central to the legacies of modern and postmodern art. In the era of creative digital technologies, (...)
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  24.  7
    Studies in nihilism & ideology: nineteenth-century perspectives on the political & ethical sources of modernity.Kenneth R. Smith - 1974 - [Baton Rouge? La.]: Phantasmagoria Press.
  25.  11
    A History of Utilitarian Ethics: Studies in Private Motivation and Distributive Justice, 1700–1875.Samuel Hollander - 2019 - London: Routledge.
    In this landmark volume, Samuel Hollander presents a fresh and compelling history of moral philosophy from Locke to John Stuart Mill, showing that a ‘moral sense’ can actually be considered compatible with utilitarianism. The book also explores the link between utilitarianism and distributive justice. Hollander engages in close textual exegesis of the works relating to individual authors, while never losing sight of the intellectual relationships between them. Tying together the greatest of the British moral philosophers, this volume reveals an (...)
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  26.  10
    Ethics and society in Nigeria: identity, history, political theory.Nimi Wariboko - 2019 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    Introduction: Dead gods, divine kings, and deadly politicians -- The emergence of the lotus-self: personhood and identity -- Dead gods and people's revolts: political theory in religious acts -- The divine king and his five bodies: living history and the logic of interreligious dialogue -- Governance and deadly politicians: history as cultural criticism -- History without force: finding present space and place of time -- Constructing Nigeria's greatness: neglected paths of community, narratives, and care of the (...)
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  27.  76
    Normative Ethics and Strategical Rationality: The Philosophical Problem of a Political Ethics.Karl-Otto Apel - 1982 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 9 (1):81-107.
  28. Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls.Andrews Reath, Barbara Herman & Christine M. Korsgaard (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this volume offer an approach to the history of moral and political philosophy that takes its inspiration from John Rawls. All the contributors are philosophers who have studied with Rawls and they offer this collection in his honour. The distinctive feature of this approach is to address substantive normative questions in moral and political philosophy through an analysis of the texts and theories of major figures in the history of the subject: Aristotle, Hobbes, (...)
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  29.  13
    Friendship and Love, Ethics and Politics: Studies in Mediaeval and Early Modern History.Eva Österberg - 2010 - Central European University Press.
    Today, friendship, love and sexuality are mostly viewed as private, personal and informal relations. In the mediaeval and early modern period, just like in ancient times, this was different. The classical philosophy of friendship included both friendship and love in the concept of philia. It was also linked to an argument about the virtues needed to become an excellent member of the city state. Thus, close relations were not only thought to be a matter of pleasant gatherings in privacy, but (...)
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  30. History of Chinese political thought during the early Tsin period.Qichao Liang - 1930 - New York,: AMS Press. Edited by Liting Chen.
  31. History of Chinese political thought during the early Tsin period.Chʻi-chʻao Lian - 1930 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co.. Edited by Li-tʻing Chʻên.
  32.  85
    Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy.Jonathan Wolff & Gerald A. Cohen - 2013 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    However, throughout his career he regularly lectured on a wide range of moral and political philosophers of the past. This volume collects these previously unpublished lectures.
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  33. Ethical politics and modern society: T. H. Green's practical philosophy and modern China.James Jai-Hau Liu - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Ethical Politics and Modern Society introduces and critically examines British idealist philosopher, Thomas Hill Green, his practical philosophy and its reception in China between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. As a response to the modernity issue in Great Britain, Green's philosophy, in particular his ethical politics, anticipated a practical solution to the individual alienation issue in modern society. Witnessing the resemblance between Green's ethical politics and classical Chinese ethical and political thought, some Chinese scholars became (...)
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  34. A political history of anthropology's research ethics.David Mills - 2003 - In Patricia Caplan (ed.), The ethics of anthropology: debates and dilemmas. New York: Routledge. pp. 37.
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  35.  13
    Markets, morals, politics: jealousy of trade and the history of political thought.B.Žla Kapossy, Isaac Nakhimovsky, Sophus A. Reinert & Richard Whatmore (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    When Istvan Hont died in 2013, the world lost a giant of intellectual history. A leader of the Cambridge School of Political Thought, Hont argued passionately for a global-historical approach to political ideas. To better understand the development of liberalism, he looked not only to the works of great thinkers but also to their reception and use amid revolution and interstate competition. His innovative program of study culminated in the landmark 2005 book Jealousy of Trade, which explores (...)
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  36.  47
    Compromise: a political and philosophical history.Alin Fumurescu - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a conceptual history of compromise that demonstrates the connection between different understandings of compromise and corresponding differences in understandings of political representation.
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  37.  86
    Ontological Grounding of a Political Ethics: On the Metaphysics of Commitment to the Future of Man.Hans Jonas - 1984 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 10 (1):47-61.
  38.  85
    Ethics and the history of Indian philosophy.Shyam Ranganathan - 2007 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy (Motilal Banarsidass 2007). Regretfully, it is not an uncommon view in orthodox Indology that Indian philosophers were not interested in ethics. This claim belies the fact that Indian philosophical schools were generally interested in the practical consequences of beliefs and actions. The most popular symptom of this concern is the doctrine of karma, according to which the consequences of actions have an evaluative valence. Ethics and the History of (...)
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  39.  35
    Ethics, Force, and Power: On the Political Preconditions of Just War.Christopher J. Finlay - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (6):717-740.
    Benbaji and Statman’s contractarian ethics of war offers a powerful new philosophical defence of orthodox conclusions against revisionist criticism. I present a two-pronged argument in reply. First, contractarianism yields what I call ‘decent war theory,’ a theory in which war between decent states is paradigmatic. I argue, by contrast, that states should treat wars against indecent states as paradigmatic, resulting in a Rawlsian alternative that issues in an ethics closer to revisionism. The second prong argues that the symmetrical (...)
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  40.  16
    The ethics of theory: philosophy, history, and literature.Robert Doran - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Philosophy -- Ethics beyond existentialism and structuralism: Sartre's critique of dialectical reason and the debate with Levi-Strauss -- Foucault's ethics of the self -- Derrida in Heidelberg: the specter of Heidegger's Nazism and the question of ethics -- Richard Rorty's cultural politics: ironist philosophy and the ethics of reading -- History -- From metahistory to the practical past: Hayden White's existentialist philosophy of history -- Hayden White and the ethics of historiography literature -- (...)
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  41. Ethics and politics of Great Moravia of the 9th century.Vasil Gluchman - 2018 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 8 (1-2):15-31.
    The author studies the role of Christianity in two forms of 9th century political ethics in the history of Great Moravia, represented by the Great Moravian rulers Rastislav and Svatopluk. Rastislav’s conception predominantly uses the pre-Erasmian model of political ethics based on the pursuit of welfare for the country and its inhabitants by achieving the clerical-political independence of Great Moravia from the Frankish kingdom and, moreover, by utilising Christianity for the advancement of culture, education, (...)
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  42.  11
    Literature, ethics, and decolonization in postwar France: the politics of disengagement.Daniel Just - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Against the background of intellectual and political debates in France during the 1950s and 1960s, Daniel Just examines literary narratives and works of literary criticism arguing that these texts are more politically engaged than they may initially appear. As writings by Roland Barthes, Maurice Blanchot, Albert Camus, and Marguerite Duras show, seemingly disengaged literary principles - such as blankness, minimalism, silence, and indeterminateness - can be deployed to a number of potent political and ethical ends. At the time (...)
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  43. The New Constellation: The Ethical-Political Horizons of Modernity / Postmodernity.Richard J. Bernstein - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass.: Polity.
    In this major new work, Bernstein explores the ethical and political dimensions of the modernity/post-modernity debate. Bernstein argues that modernity / post-modernity should be understood as a kind of mood - one which is amorphous, shifting and protean but which exerts a powerful influence on our current thinking. Focusing on thinkers such as Heidegger, Derrida, Foucault, Habermas and Rorty, Bernstein probes the strengths and weaknesses of their work, and shows how they have contributed to the formation of a new (...)
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  44.  24
    Ethics 101: from altruism and utilitarianism to bioethics and political ethics, an exploration of the concepts of right and wrong.Brian Boone - 2017 - New York: Adams Media.
    Ethics 101 offers an exciting look into the history of moral principles that dictate human behavior. This easy-to-read guide presents the key concepts of ethics in fun, straightforward lessons and exercises featuring only the most important facts, theories, and ideas. Ethics 101 includes unique, accessible elements such as explanations of the major moral philosophies, including utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and eastern philosophers including Avicenna, Buddha, and Confucius; and unique profiles of the greatest characters in moral (...)
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  45.  41
    Protestant ethics and the spirit of politics: Weber on conscience, conviction and conflict.Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (1):19-35.
    Readers of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism recognize that Weber attempts to provide an ideal account of development of modern rational capitalism. What readers apparently do not realize is that Weber believes that there is a political development that is parallel to this economic development. Weber believed that Luther’s passive theology and doctrine of two kingdoms lead to quiet resignation in earthly matters. Luther advises shunning politics and avoiding political confrontation. In contrast, Weber held that (...)
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    Marxist ethics within western political theory: a dialogue with republicanism, communitarianism, and liberalism.Norman Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book on Marxist ethics, Norman Fischer applies abstract political philosophy and intellectual history to rarely discussed texts in terms of Marxist ethics. These include Marx's never translated German notes on Machiavelli, Montesquieu, and Rousseau, as well as Lewis Henry Morgan's' Ancient Society. Fischer's philosophical analysis of these texts demonstrates that there is a strain of Marxist ethics that is only understandable in the context of the great works of Western political theory and (...)
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    The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Early Chinese Ethics and Political Philosophy.Alexus McLeod (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    Focusing on early Chinese ethical and political thought across multiple schools and thinkers, this book presents a comprehensive overview of the research being done in Chinese comparative ethics and political philosophy. In addition to chapters on Chinese comparative and interpretative thought, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Early Chinese Ethics and Political Philosophy brings early Chinese ethics and political philosophy into conversation with Western and Indian Philosophy, as well as Western Theology. Contributors discuss numerous (...)
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  48. Reappraising political theory: revisionist studies in the history of political thought.Terence Ball - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this lively and entertaining book, Terence Ball maintains that 'classic' works in political theory continue to speak to us only if they are periodically re-read and reinterpreted from alternative perspectives. That, the author contends, is how these works became classics, and why they are regarded as such. Ball suggests a way of reading that is both 'pluralist' and 'problem-driven'--pluralist in that there is no one right way to read a text, and problem-driven in that the reinterpretation is motivated (...)
  49.  10
    The Ethical Commonwealth in History : Peace-Making as the Moral Vocation of Humanity.Philip J. Rossi - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    The 'ethical commonwealth', the central social element in Kant's account of religion, provides the church, as 'the moral people of God', with a role in establishing a cosmopolitan order of peace. This role functions within an interpretive realignment of Kant's critical project that articulates its central concern as anthropological: critically disciplined reason enables humanity to enact peacemaking as its moral vocation in history. Within this context, politics and religion are not peripheral elements in the critical project. They are, instead, (...)
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  50. Ethics and Politics in Tagore, Coetzee, and Certain Scenes of Teaching.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (3/4):17-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics and Politics in Tagore, Coetzee, and Certain Scenes of TeachingGayatri Chakravorty Spivak (bio)It is practically persuasive that the eruption of the ethical interrupts and postpones the epistemological—the undertaking to construct the other as object of knowledge, an undertaking never to be given up. Lévinas is the generic name associated with such a position. A beautiful passage from Otherwise than Being lays it out, although neither interruption nor (...)
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