Results for 'Pierrette Fortin'

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  1.  29
    Entanglement and indistinguishability in a quantum ontology of properties.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):234-243.
  2.  47
    Une lecture des figures de l'acteur Dieu dans Colossiens.Pierrette T. Daviau - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (1):7-18.
  3. Collected Essays.Ernest Fortin - 1996
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    Québec health care professionals’ perspectives on organ donation after medical assistance in dying.Marie-Chantal Fortin, Fabian Ballesteros & Julie Allard - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundMedical assistance in dying (MAID) has been legal in Québec since December 2015 and in the rest of Canada since July 2016. Since then, more than 60 people have donated their organs after MAID. Such donations raise ethical issues about respect of patients’ autonomy, potential pressure to choose MAID, the information given to potential donors, the acceptability of directed donations in such a context and the possibility of death by donation. The objective of this study was to explore Québec professionals’ (...)
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    (5 other versions)Bibliographie partielle des oeuvres Philosophie en langue française pour l'année 1990.Pierrette Graindorge - 1992 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 4 (1):55-66.
  6.  19
    Satisfactio in St. Benedict’s Regula and St. Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo.Fortin - 2002 - Modern Schoolman 79 (4):305-311.
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    Pour une meilleure politique d'adaptation de l'homme à l'entreprise.Pierrette Sartin - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (2):145-155.
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    Is it ethical to invite compatible pairs to participate in exchange programmes?Marie-Chantal Fortin - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (12):743-747.
    Living kidney transplantation offers the best results for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). This form of transplantation is no longer restricted to genetically or emotionally related donors, as shown by the acceptance of non-directed living anonymous donors, and the development of exchange programmes (EPs). EPs make it possible to perform living kidney transplantation among incompatible pairs, but while such programmes can help increase living organ donation, they can also create a degree of unfairness. Kidney transplant recipients in the O (...)
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    Qualia and the structuring of verb meaning.Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa - 2001 - In Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa (eds.), The language of word meaning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--167.
  10.  47
    Is the problem of molecular structure just the quantum measurement problem?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (3):379-395.
    In a recent article entitled “The problem of molecular structure just is the measurement problem”, Alexander Franklin and Vanessa Seifert argue that insofar as the quantum measurement problem is solved, the problems of molecular structure are resolved as well. The purpose of the present article is to show that such a claim is too optimistic. Although the solution of the quantum measurement problem is relevant to how the problem of molecular structure is faced, such a solution is not sufficient to (...)
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  11.  63
    The language of word meaning.Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is a collection of original contributions from outstanding scholars in linguistics, philosophy and computational linguistics exploring the relation between word meaning and human linguistic creativity. The papers present different aspects surrounding the question of what is word meaning, a problem that has been the center of heated debate in all those disciplines that directly or indirectly are concerned with the study of language and of human cognition. The discussions are centered around the newly emerging view of the mental (...)
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  12.  8
    De la Raison à L'Ordre: Genèse de la Philosophie de Malebranche.Pierrette Bonet - 1997 - L'harmattan.
    S'il est vrai qu'en conséquence du pêché l'âme est assujettie à son corps, quelle liberté l'homme peut-il encore avoir de faire par lui-même son salut ?
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  13.  35
    At Pains Following and Serving God: A Contemporary Theology of Joy in Suffering.Jean-Pierre Fortin - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (3):574-585.
    Building on the thought and life of Jürgen Moltmann, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Simone Weil and Teresa of Calcutta, this article demonstrates that it is possible for Christians to find joy in the context of suffering. This joy is the joy of being intimate with Christ, of experiencing Christ’s redeeming power at work effectively transforming one’s whole person. In Christ, spiritual darkness and suffering can become a most effective manifestation of the recreating communion of the human with the divine. Perfect (...)
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    ROUSSEAU, Félicien, Courage ou résignation et violence : un retour aux sources de l'éthiqueROUSSEAU, Félicien, Courage ou résignation et violence : un retour aux sources de l'éthique.Anne Fortin - 1986 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 42 (2):276-278.
  15.  32
    Self-Transcendence and Union in Christ.Jean-Pierre Fortin - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (2):531-548.
    In Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls for a theology respectful of creation. I here suggest that balancing Karl Rahner’s theology of creation with his sacramental theology brings us closer to providing such a theology. Rahner’s sacramental theology fittingly complements his theology of the incarnation, by highlighting the significance of the redemption of creation accomplished in Christ. Matter and nature are redeemed and must now be listened to because they also have been made to bespeak of the divine re-creative power. Revealing (...)
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  16.  11
    La femme, le travail et la politique dans les sociétés modernes.Pierrette Sartin - 1967 - Res Publica 9 (1):111-121.
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  17.  58
    Partial Traces in Decoherence and in Interpretation: What Do Reduced States Refer to?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (4):426-446.
    The interpretation of the concept of reduced state is a subtle issue that has relevant consequences when the task is the interpretation of quantum mechanics itself. The aim of this paper is to argue that reduced states are not the quantum states of subsystems in the same sense as quantum states are states of the whole composite system. After clearly stating the problem, our argument is developed in three stages. First, we consider the phenomenon of environment-induced decoherence as an example (...)
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  18.  94
    An Algebraic Model for Quantum Unstable States.Sebastian Fortin, Manuel Gadella, Federico Holik, Juan Pablo Jorge & Marcelo Losada - 2022 - Mathematics 10 (23).
    In this review, we present a rigorous construction of an algebraic method for quantum unstable states, also called Gamow states. A traditional picture associates these states to vectors states called Gamow vectors. However, this has some difficulties. In particular, there is no consistent definition of mean values of observables on Gamow vectors. In this work, we present Gamow states as functionals on algebras in a consistent way. We show that Gamow states are not pure states, in spite of their representation (...)
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  19.  12
    The birth of philosophic Christianity: studies in early Christian and medieval thought.Ernest L. Fortin - 1996 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. Edited by J. Brian Benestad.
    In Volume One of Ernest Fortin: Collected Essays, the renowned theologian and political philosopher examines various facets of the unique encounter between biblical religion and Greek philosophy during the early Christian centuries and the Middle Ages. Fortin's aim is to uncover the crucial issues to which this encounter gave rise, such as the sometimes troubling but immensely fruitful tension between divine revelation and philosophic reason. The book includes sections on St. Augustine and the refounding of Christianity; the encounter (...)
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  20.  59
    Le personnalisme comme anti-idéologie.Pierrette Bonet - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5:278-280.
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  21.  78
    Signification de la philosophie.Pierrette Bonet - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5:277-278.
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  22.  6
    Clarembald of Arras as a Boethian commentator.John R. Fortin - 1995 - Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press.
    Clarembald of Arras, a twelfth-century ecclesiastical official and schoolmaster, composed glosses on two of the Boethian Opuscula Sacra and a commentary on the hexameron. While he acknowledged his study of Boethius under his masters Thierry of Chartres and Hugh of St. Victor, his dependence on the former is significant: he borrowed heavily from Thierry, following not only his basic doctrinal interpretation of the Boethian treatises but also repeating entire passages from Thierry's glosses. ;The question arises then: is Clarembald to be (...)
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  23.  88
    The Nature of Consolation in The Consolation of Philosophy.John R. Fortin - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (2):293-307.
    Does The Consolation of Philosophy console? Is Philosophy able to bring the prisoner not simply to an acceptance of and reconciliation with his situation, but further to move him beyond this to ultimate peace through philosophical activity? The Consolation does offer some consolation but only ironically and not in the way intended by the character Philosophy. Philosophy is attempting to bring the prisoner to a philosophical experience in which he will contemplate and enjoy eternal truths, and thereby be consoled. Nevertheless (...)
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  24.  37
    Normativity in Environmental Reporting: A Comparison of Three Regimes.Mohamed Chelli, Sylvain Durocher & Anne Fortin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):285-311.
    Normativity is assessed as we evaluate and compare the environmental reporting practices of a sample of French and Canadian companies through the lens of institutional legitimacy. More specifically, we examine how French and Canadian firms changed their reporting practices in reaction to the promulgation of laws and regulations in their respective countries, i.e., the NER and Grenelle II Acts in France, and National Instrument 51-102 and CSA Staff Notice NR 51-333, issued by the Canadian Securities Administrators. The firms’ voluntary disclosures (...)
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  25.  67
    Righting the Wrong for Third Parties: How Monetary Compensation, Procedure Changes and Apologies Can Restore Justice for Observers of Injustice.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Marion Fortin & Miguel-Angel Canela - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):253-268.
    People react negatively not only to injustices they personally endure but also to injustices that they observe as bystanders at work—and typically, people observe more injustices than they personally experience. It is therefore important to understand how organizations can restore observers’ perceptions of justice after an injustice has occurred. In our paper, we employ a policy capturing design to test and compare the restorative power of monetary compensation, procedure changes and apologies, alone and in combination, from the perspective of third (...)
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  26.  10
    Trans-estadística cuántica desde una ontología de propiedades.Sebastian Fortin & Matías Pasqualini - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):255-291.
    En los últimos años, el comportamiento bosónico que un sistema de fermiones puede exhibir ha despertado el interés de los físicos. En este trabajo, se adopta un enfoque basado en estructuras producto tensorial y se asume una ontología de propiedades para argumentar en favor de la relatividad de la noción de identidad estadística y en favor de una interpretación realista del comportamiento trans-estadístico.
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    Secondary Uses of Personal Data for Population Research.Sabrina Fortin & Bartha Knoppers - 2009 - Genomics, Society and Policy 5 (1):1-20.
    In genomic research, cohort and large-scale population studies are proliferating along with accompanying infrastructures (databases and biobanks). Population-based research links samples and data from multiple sources often obtained for other purposes. The normative frameworks of many countries are largely based on 1980 OECD principles which limit the uses of personal data, especially for secondary purposes. These limits, now found in legislation, policies and research guidelines, pose major barriers to population-based research.This text examines similarities and differences between epidemiology, public health research (...)
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  28. Should we perform kidney transplants on foreign nationals?Marie-Chantal Fortin & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (12):821-826.
    In Canada, there are currently no guidelines at either the federal or provincial level regarding the provision of kidney transplantation services to foreign nationals (FN). Renal transplant centres have, in the past, agreed to put refugee claimants and other FNs on the renal transplant waiting list, in part, because these patients (refugee claimants) had health insurance through the Interim Federal Health Programme to cover the costs of medication and hospital care. However, severe cuts recently made to this programme have forced (...)
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  29.  9
    Classical Christianity and the Political Order: Reflections on the Theologico-Political Problem.Father Ernest L. Fortin & Daniel J. Mahoney (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Volume Two of Ernest Fortin: Collected Essays, Fortin deals with the relationship between religion and civil society in a Christian context: that of an essentially nonpolitical but by no means entirely otherwordly religion, many of whose teachings were thought to be fundamentally at odds with the duties of citizenship. Sections focus upon Augustine and Aquinas, on Christianity and politics; natural law, natural rights, and social justice; and Leo Strauss and the revival of classical political philosophy. Fortin's (...)
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  30. The problem of identifying the system and the environment in the phenomenon of decoherence.Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin & Mario Castagnino - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 161--174.
    According to the environment-induced approach to decoherence, the split of the Universe into the degrees of freedom which are of direct interest to the observer and the remaining degrees of freedom is absolutely essential for decoherence. However, the EID approach offers no general criterion for deciding where to place the “cut” between system and environment: the environment may be “external” or “internal”. The main purpose of this paper is to argue that decoherence is a relative phenomenon, better understood from a (...)
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  31. Gendered Transitions: Mexican Experiences of Immigration.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1994
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  32.  11
    Saint Anselm: His Origin and Influence.John R. Fortin (ed.) - 2001 - Lewiston, USA: Mellen Press.
    A selection of 14 papers from a March-April 2000 conference in Manchester, English explores themes related to the philosopher and theologian Anselm of Canterbury. The keynote address discusses Anselm and keeping order in the real world. Other topics include his spiritual metaphysics, dynamic form and content in Proslogion, his 13th-century interlocutors on divine Intelligere and Dicere, and Karl Barth's Anselmic rationality. Two of the presentations are by undergraduates. No index is provided. The text is double spaced. c. Book News Inc.
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    Let us build better boats. An answer to Jeffrey Seeman's "Moving beyond insularity in the history, philosophy, and sociology of chemistry".Sebastian Fortin, Olimpia Lombardi & Juan Camilo Martínez - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 2 (3):261-264.
    In his recent Editorial Article, Jeffrey Seeman calls for the promotion of collaborative work among different disciplines, focusing on the case of the interaction between chemistry, the history of chemistry and the philosophy of chemistry. From a general viewpoint, it is difficult to disagree with this claim; moreover, the interest of scientists in the history and the philosophy of science is always welcome. However, the devil is in the details: there are several points that, we think, must be discussed more (...)
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  34.  35
    (1 other version)Symbolism in Weakness: Jesus Christ for the Postmodern Age.Jean‐Pierre Fortin - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):n/a-n/a.
    The postmodern emphasis on human finitude encourages the reconsideration of religious traditions, and more particularly of Christianity. The doctrine of a vulnerable God dying on a cross speaks to postmodern civilization. Jesus Christ infuses transcendence into the realm of immanence by assuming the human predicament to its bitter end. The present essay critiques the recent attempts of deconstructionist philosopher John D. Caputo and systematic theologian Roger Haight to provide postmodern expositions for the Christian doctrine on the person of Jesus Christ. (...)
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    The electronic Cumulative Illness Rating Scale: a reliable and valid tool to assess multi‐morbidity in primary care.Martin Fortin, Karin Steenbakkers, Catherine Hudon, Marie-Eve Poitras, José Almirall & Marjan van den Akker - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1089-1093.
  36.  14
    Overcoming patriarchal constraints:: The reconstruction of gender relations among mexican immigrant women and men.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):393-415.
    This article examines how gender shapes the migration and settlement experiences of Mexican immigrant women and men. The article compares the experiences of families in which the husbands departed prior to 1965 to those in which the husbands departed after 1965 and argues that the lengthy spousal separations altered patterns of patriarchal authority and the traditional gendered household division of labor. This induced a trend toward more egalitarian conjugal relations upon settlement in the United States. Examining the changing contexts of (...)
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  37.  55
    Organ donation after medical assistance in dying or cessation of life-sustaining treatment requested by conscious patients: the Canadian context.Julie Allard & Marie-Chantal Fortin - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):601-605.
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  38.  21
    Dissent and Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Dante and His Precursors.Ernest L. Fortin - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Dissent and Philosophy in the Middle Ages offers scholars of Dante's Divine Comedy an integral understanding of the political, philosophical, and religious context of the medieval masterwork. First penned in French by Ernest L. Fortin, one of America's foremost thinkers in the fields of philosophy and theology, Dissidence et philosophie au moyen-âge brings to light the complexity of Dante's thought and art, and its relation to the central themes of Western civilization. Available in English for the first time through (...)
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  39.  17
    What is the electron density?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (3):371-383.
    Although the electron density can be calculated with the formal resources of quantum mechanics, in physics it does not play the leading role that the quantum state does. In contrast, the concept of electron density is central in quantum chemistry. There is no doubt about how the electron density is computed in terms of the wave function of an atom or molecule. However, when the interpretation of the concept is at stake, there is no general agreement. In this article we (...)
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  40.  44
    Interpretation and Decoherence: A Contribution to the Debate Vassallo & Esfeld Versus Crull.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (11):1423-1427.
    Two recent papers appeared in FOOP disagree regarding the role played by decoherence in quantum physics. On the one hand, Elise Crull considers that decoherence, by itself, solves many conceptual problems in quantum physics, with no need of interpretative considerations. On the other hand, Antonio Vassallo and Michael Esfeld reply by correctly claiming that, although decoherence is a powerful tool to deal with conceptual problems, it does not dispense us from interpreting the formalism. In this brief note we want to (...)
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  41.  50
    One Justice or Two? A Model of Reconciliation of Normative Justice Theories and Empirical Research on Organizational Justice.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet & Marion Fortin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):435-451.
    Management scholars and social scientists investigate dynamics of subjective fairness perceptions in the workplace under the umbrella term “organizational justice.” Philosophers and ethicists, on the other hand, think of justice as a normative requirement in societal relationships with conflicting interests. Both ways of looking at justice have neither remained fully separated nor been clearly integrated. It seems that much could be gained and learned by more closely integrating the ethical and the empirical fields of justice. On the other hand, it (...)
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  42.  60
    “I'M HERE, BUT I'M THERE”: The Meanings of Latina Transnational Motherhood.Ernestine Avila & Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (5):548-571.
    Latina immigrant women who work as nannies or housekeepers and reside in Los Angeles while their children remain in their countries of origin constitute one variation in the organizational arrangements of motherhood. The authors call this arrangement “transnational motherhood.” On the basis of a survey, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic materials gathered in Los Angeles, they examine how Latina immigrant domestic workers transform the meanings of motherhood to accommodate these spatial and temporal separations. The article examines the emergent meanings of motherhood (...)
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  43.  18
    Dress Matters: Change and Continuity in the Dress Practices of Bosnian Muslim Refugee Women.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo & Kimberly Huisman - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (1):44-65.
    Dress serves as a discursive daily practice of gender, and this article explains the dress practices of Bosnian Muslim refugee women living in Vermont. These dress practices tend toward elaborate, carefully cultivated styles for hair, makeup, and dress. Based on participant observation, in-depth interviews, and secondary historical sources, the authors seek to explain the meanings and practice of these dress practices. They argue that gendered dress practices reflect agentic processes that are situated within the flow of time and are rooted (...)
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  44.  52
    The use of personalized medicine for patient selection for renal transplantation: Physicians' views on the clinical and ethical implications.Marianne Dion-Labrie, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Marie-Josée Hébert & Hubert Doucet - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):5-.
    BackgroundThe overwhelming scarcity of organs within renal transplantation forces researchers and transplantation teams to seek new ways to increase efficacy. One of the possibilities is the use of personalized medicine, an approach based on quantifiable and scientific factors that determine the global immunological risk of rejection for each patient. Although this approach can improve the efficacy of transplantations, it also poses a number of ethical questions.MethodsThe qualitative research involved 22 semi-structured interviews with nephrologists involved in renal transplantation, with the goal (...)
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  45.  18
    Non-unitary evolution of quantum logics.Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik & Leonardo Vanni - 2016 - In F. Bagarello, R. Passante & C. Trapani (eds.), Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 184. Springer, Cham. pp. 219-234.
    In this work we present a dynamical approach to quantum logics. By changing the standard formalism of quantum mechanics to allow non-Hermitian operators as generators of time evolution, we address the question of how can logics evolve in time. In this way, we describe formally how a non-Boolean algebra may become a Boolean one under certain conditions. We present some simple models which illustrate this transition and develop a new quantum logical formalism based in complex spectral resolutions, a notion that (...)
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  46.  44
    Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and the Problem of Natural Law.Ernest L. Fortin - 1978 - Mediaevalia 4:179-208.
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    De l'expérience religieuse à la narrativité: parcours critique.Anne Fortin - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (2):317-325.
  48.  17
    L'ontologia del" De musica".Eleonora Fortin - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:45-65.
    Nel sesto libro del De musica Agostino pone il problema della natura del conoscere a partire da una descrizione, che si potrebbe definire fenomenologica, dei movimenti ritmici di cui il soggetto fa esperienza. Inizia così un percorso conoscitivo, che prendendo le mosse dalle tracce dei numeri arriva a indagare le condizioni di possibilità della conoscenza, rilanciando continuamente l’indagine su molteplici livelli. Con questo articolo si intende comprendere le più rilevanti implicazioni del paradigma conoscitivo agostiniano, il quale non appare riducibile a (...)
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    Misère de la pensée: la philosophie cette imposture.Robin Fortin - 2013 - Montréal: Liber.
    Platon, Aristote, Descartes, Rousseau, Hegel, Heidegger : tels sont les grands philosophes consacrés qui font ici l'objet d'une critique sans concession d'où il ressort que leur discours est daté quand il n'est pas tout simplement creux. renseignement s'en nourrit pourtant, relayant ainsi les commentaires bavards et prétentieux de fidèles serviteurs prisonniers d'une réputation surfaite de profondeur de la pensée. Ils ne se sont pas encore avisés que leurs formules sont vides. Ni véritable connaissance ni authentique sagesse, leur discours est un (...)
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  50.  34
    Notes.Ernest L. Fortin - 1971 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:39-56.
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