Results for 'Pierluigi Muoio'

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  1.  34
    Odio humani generis : Apocalypticiens messianistes et historiens intégrés à l’époque des Guerres des Judéens.Pierluigi Piovanelli - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (3):459-474.
    Pierluigi Piovanelli | : Tacite est le seul témoin explicite d’une persécution des « chrétiens » de Rome à la suite du célèbre incendie de la capitale, en 64 de notre ère, une catastrophe dont la population aurait attribué la responsabilité criminelle à l’empereur Néron, si les adeptes de cette « superstition pernicieuse » originaire de la Judée n’avaient pas été opportunément identifiés comme les coupables. Si, d’un côté, il est facile de comprendre la nécessité pour le pouvoir impérial (...)
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    Expertise, Relevance and Types of Knowledge.Pierluigi Barrotta & Eleonora Montuschi - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (6):387-396.
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    Discrete versus multiple word displays: a re-analysis of studies comparing dyslexic and typically developing children.Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Maria De Luca & Donatella Spinelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Ipotesi sulla catarsi nella Poetica e nella Politica di Aristotele.Pierluigi Donini - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):113-127.
    In Aristotle’s Politics viii 7, 1341b 38–40, there is a reference to some books peri poietikes in which katharsis will be explained more clearly. The future tense of the verb is important and may be the sign of the aristotelian origin of the reference; it would prove in an indisputable way that, when writing Pol. vii–viii, Aristotle thought of a Poetics as the obvious sequel for the discussion about educational problems. So, the logical connection of the argument in Politics and (...)
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    Economia e persona.Pierluigi M. Grasselli & Marco Moschini (eds.) - 2007 - Milano: V&P.
  6.  19
    Open Problems in Philosophy of Sciences.Pierluigi Graziani, Luca Guzzardi & Massimo Sangoi (eds.) - 2013 - London: College Publications.
    This volume presents philosophy of science at its best, i.e. as a philosophical questioning informed by current scientific research, which carefully assesses and evaluates its commitments and consequences. As such it represents philosophy simpliciter at its best, for it is concerned with and dares to ask fundamental questions about the nature of the results of the natural sciences, arguably our most reliable sources of knowledge of the world. The contributions collected in this volume make clear that a philosophy that is (...)
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    Responsible tourism as an agent of sustainable and socially-conscious development.Pierluigi Musarò - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:93-107.
    Despite the variety of banalities that are often associated with trips and vacations as mass consumption, the study of tourism – due to the commitment of social, economic, political and cultural energy - remains one of the predominant inputs for understanding contemporary society and the new social hierarchies that distinguish it. Tourism, which is increasingly seen as a process that has become integral to social and cultural life, also plays an essential role in the social and spatial dialectic that gives (...)
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    Contro gli stoici: Cristo, Socrate, Buddha: saggi di storia della filosofia, gnosi e cristianesimo.Pierluigi Pavone - 2012 - Roma: Editori riuniti University Press.
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    Method in Mathematics.Pierluigi Pizzamiglio - 2009 - The Lonergan Review 1 (1):104-117.
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    Effectiveness of interferon beta treatment in relapsing‐remitting multiple sclerosis: an Italian cohort study.Pierluigi Russo, Andrea Paolillo, Luciano Caprino, Stefano Bastianello & Placido Bramanti - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):511-518.
  11. L'esperienza del dolore e l'apparire del sacro: saggio sulla fenomenologia del trascendere.Pierluigi Solenni - 1992 - Arezzo: Edizioni M.E.M..
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  12. The dam project : who are the experts? : a philosophical lesson from the Vajont disaster.Pierluigi Barrotta & Eleonora Montuschi - 2018 - In Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile, Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts. Philadelphia ;: John Benjamins.
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  13. Defeasibility and legal indeterminacy.Pierluigi Chiassoni - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti, The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    Editorial: Understanding Developmental Dyslexia: Linking Perceptual and Cognitive Deficits to Reading Processes.Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Peter F. de Jong & Donatella Spinelli - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  15. A Neo-Kantian Critique of Von Mises's Epistemology.Pierluigi Barrotta - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (1):51.
    More than many other Austrians, Mises tried to found aprioristic methodology on a well defined and developed epistemology. Although references to Kant are scattered rather unsystematically throughout his works, he nevertheless used an unequivocal Kantian terminology. He explicitly defended the existence of ‘a priori knowledge’, ‘synthetic a priori propositions’, ‘the category of action’, and so forth.
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  16. Why economists should be unhappy with the economics of happiness.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (2):145-165.
    The economics of happiness is an influential research programme, the aim of which is to change welfare economics radically. In this paper I set out to show that its foundations are unreliable. I shall maintain two basic theses: (a) the economics of happiness shows inconsistencies with the first person standpoint, contrary claims on the part of the economists of happiness notwithstanding, and (b) happiness is a dubious concept if it is understood as the goal of welfare policies. These two theses (...)
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    Ethos: Aristotele e il determinismo.Pierluigi Donini - 1989 - Edizioni dell'Orso.
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  18. Dogmatismo ed Eresia nella scienza : Joseph Priestley.Pierluigi Barrotta - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (3):348-349.
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    Epistemologia ed economia: il ruolo della filosofia nella storia del pensiero economico.Pierluigi Barrotta & Tiziano Raffaelli - 1998 - UTET Libreria.
  20.  13
    Scienza valori e democrazia.Pierluigi Barrotta (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Armando editore.
    Questo saggio illustra il dibattito sui rapporti tra scienza e democrazia oscilla tra la tesi di una loro “armonia” e di un inevitabile “conflitto”. Per i difensori dell’armonia, tra scienza e democrazia vi è un rapporto di implicazione reciproca: la crescita della conoscenza scientifica richiede la libertà tipica delle democrazie. Per i sostenitori del loro inevitabile conflitto, invece, il progresso civile potrebbe avvenire solo denunciando il non riconosciuto autoritarismo della scienza. Tra questi estremi, sono molte le visioni più sfumate della (...)
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    The social dimension of science.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2 & 3):119 – 125.
  22. Values, Transactional Relationships and the Autonomy of Science.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2018 - In Scientists, Democracy and Society: A Community of Inquirers. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Mobile and Fast Applicable EEG equipment: Challenges and Opportunities.Pierluigi Castellone - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  24. Law as language and interpretation.Pierluigi Chiassoni - 2019 - In M. N. S. Sellers, Joshua James Kassner & Colin Starger, The value and purpose of law: essays in honor of M.N.S. Sellers. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Winter School: "Open Problems in Philosophy of Sciences".Pierluigi Graziani - 2018 - Humana Mente 4 (13).
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    Théories de la reconnaissance : Rosenzweig et l’héritage de l’idéalisme allemand.Pierluigi Valenza - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 129 (2):235-254.
    L’essai traite l’héritage de l’idéalisme allemand chez Rosenzweig dans la perspective particulière de la théorie de la reconnaissance. Dans le premier paragraphe il trace les contours d’une théorie de la reconnaissance dans L’Étoile de la Rédemption à travers le thème du temps dans le rapport entre aimant et aimée, les formes du langage de la reconnaissance et la communauté comme résultat de la reconnaissance ouverte envers la rédemption. Le deuxième paragraphe développe une confrontation synthétique avec les modèles fichtéen et hégélien (...)
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    Testing the Specificity of Predictors of Reading, Spelling and Maths: A New Model of the Association Among Learning Skills Based on Competence, Performance and Acquisition.Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Maria De Luca, Chiara Valeria Marinelli & Donatella Spinelli - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    In a previous study we examined reading, spelling, and maths skills in an unselected group of 129 Italian children attending fifth grade by testing various cognitive predictors; results showed a high degree of predictors’ selectivity for each of these three behaviors. In the present study, we focused on the specificity of the predictors by performing cross-analyses on the same dataset; i.e., we predicted spelling and maths skills based on reading predictors, reading based on maths predictors and so on. Results indicated (...)
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    Modeling individual differences in text reading fluency: a different pattern of predictors for typically developing and dyslexic readers.Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Maria De Luca, Chiara V. Marinelli & Donatella Spinelli - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:89097.
    This study was aimed at predicting individual differences in text reading fluency. The basic proposal included two factors, i.e., the ability to decode letter strings (measured by discrete pseudo-word reading) and integration of the various sub-components involved in reading (measured by Rapid Automatized Naming, RAN). Subsequently, a third factor was added to the model, i.e., naming of discrete digits. In order to use homogeneous measures, all contributing variables considered the entire processing of the item, including pronunciation time. The model, which (...)
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    On the Semantics of Comparative Logic.Pierluigi Minari - 1988 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 34 (5):433-448.
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    Aristotle and determinism.Pierluigi Donini - 2010 - Walpole, MA: Peeters. Edited by Pierluigi Donini.
    In this book the most important aristotelian passages concerning the question of determinism are thoroughly reexamined: chapter 9 of de interpretatione, chapter 3 of Metaphysics's book VI, several chapters from the Ethics, as well as some texts from the aristotelian commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias. This is the author's main contention: "In Aristotle's view the world of social relations and of human behaviours really is always highly undetermined; but this is mainly due to the unpredictable intersections of the different causal series (...)
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  31. Psychology.Pierluigi Donini - 2008 - In R. J. Hankinson, The Cambridge Companion to Galen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  32. Values and Inductive Risk.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2018 - In Scientists, Democracy and Society: A Community of Inquirers. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Commentary and Tradition: Aristotelianism, Platonism, and Post-Hellenistic Philosophy.Pierluigi Donini - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    The volume collects the most important papers Pierluigi Donini wrote in the last three decades with the aim of promoting a better assessment of post-hellenistic philosophy. The philosophical relevance of post-hellenistic philosophy is now widely (though not yet universally) recognized. Yet much remains to be done. The common practice of focusing each single school in itself detracts from a balanced assessment of the strategies exploited by many philosophers of the period. On the assumption that debates among schools play a (...)
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    A structural Model of Self-efficacy in Handball Referees.Pierluigi Diotaiuti, Lavinia Falese, Stefania Mancone & Francesco Purromuto - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  35. Intermediate predicate logics determined by ordinals.Pierluigi Minari, Mitio Takano & Hiroakira Ono - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1099-1124.
    For each ordinal $\alpha > 0, L(\alpha)$ is the intermediate predicate logic characterized by the class of all Kripke frames with the poset α and with constant domain. This paper will be devoted to a study of logics of the form L(α). It will be shown that for each uncountable ordinal of the form α + η with a finite or a countable $\eta (> 0)$ , there exists a countable ordinal of the form β + η such that L(α (...)
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  36. Germany in decline.Pierluigi Mennitti - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2004 (127):176-180.
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    Legal interpretation without truth.Pierluigi Chiassoni - 2016 - Revus 29.
    The paper purports to provide an analytical treatment of the truth and legal interpretation issue. In the first part, it lays down a conceptual apparatus meant to capture the main aspects of the legal interpretation phenomenon, with particular attention paid to the several kinds of linguistic outputs resulting from interpretive activities. In the second part, it recalls three different notions of truth, focussing, so far as systemic truth is concerned, on the difference between deductive and rhetorical normative systems. In the (...)
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    Carl Menger on the Role of Induction in Economics: A Critical Reassessment.Pierluigi Barrotta & London School of Economics and Political Science - 1997 - Lse Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences.
  39. Science and Democracy.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2018 - In Scientists, Democracy and Society: A Community of Inquirers. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  40. Scientific dialectics in action: The case of Joseph Priestley.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2000 - In Peter K. Machamer, Marcello Pera & Aristeidēs Baltas, Scientific controversies: philosophical and historical perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 153--176.
  41. Su un dilemma della scuola austriaca: il soggettivismo radicale di Ludwig Lachmann.Pierluigi Barrotta - 1998 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 16 (3/4):139-149.
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  42. The control of the sense in emotion: from the vertigo to the forms of life.Pierluigi Basso - 2007 - Semiotica 163 (1-4):131-158.
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  43. Happiness and Theôria in Books I and X of the Nicomachean Ethics.Pierluigi Donini - 2014 - In Pierre Destrée & Marco Antônio Zingano, Theoria: Studies on the Status and Meaning of Contemplation in Aristotle's Ethics. Louvain-La-Neuve: Peeters Press.
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  44. Seneca and Galen on the propositional structure of Chyrissipus' passion.Pierluigi Donini - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (3):431-452.
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    A solution to Curry and Hindley’s problem on combinatory strong reduction.Pierluigi Minari - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):159-184.
    It has often been remarked that the metatheory of strong reduction $\succ$ , the combinatory analogue of βη-reduction ${\twoheadrightarrow_{\beta\eta}}$ in λ-calculus, is rather complicated. In particular, although the confluence of $\succ$ is an easy consequence of ${\twoheadrightarrow_{\beta\eta}}$ being confluent, no direct proof of this fact is known. Curry and Hindley’s problem, dating back to 1958, asks for a self-contained proof of the confluence of $\succ$ , one which makes no detour through λ-calculus. We answer positively to this question, by extending (...)
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  46.  20
    Husserl and Schröder.Pierluigi Minari & Stefania Centrone - 2017 - In Stefania Centrone, Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    We aim at clarifying to what extent the work of the German mathematician Ernst Schröder on the algebra of logic is taken into consideration and rehashed in the work of the early Husserl, focusing on Husserl’s 1891 Review of the first volume of Schröder’s monumental Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik and on Husserl’s text Der Folgerungskalkül und die Inhaltslogik written in the same year. We will try to show how and why Husserl, while praising Schröder’s calculus, strongly criticizes Schröder’s (...)
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    Quasilinear Posets and some Subsystems Of Dummett's LC.Pierluigi Minari - 1987 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 33 (3):257-266.
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    Piranesi e la veduta performativa.Pierluigi Panza - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21.
    Since their birth, the views have not been just landscapes to contemplate. Vedutism solicited imagination through staging. The engravings of Giovan Battista Piranesi are a proof of this. Today, the photographic zooms allow a reading that reveals the presence of a continuous staging of characters and situations in them. These plates originated a spread of other works, especially in the lyric opera and cinematographic direction, becoming an emblematic case of artistic hermeneutics.
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  49. Rewritten Bible ou Bible in progress?: la réécriture des traditions mémoriales bibliques dans le judaïsme et le christianisme anciens.Pierluigi Piovanelli - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (4):295-310.
    Dans les traditions juives et chrétiennes, on trouve, à côté d�un ensemble d�écrits canoniques (ensemble dont la définition précise varie d�ailleurs selon les communautés), toute une littérature «deutéro-canonique» (ou «apocryphe») et pseudépigraphe. Depuis longtemps, les spécialistes � en particulier dans le monde anglo-saxon � ont pris l�habitude d�analyser cette littérature sous l�angle de la «réécriture» des traditions bibliques. Cette approche soulève toutefois plusieurs difficultés, en particulier parce qu�elle tient pour acquise la fixation des traditions bibliques au moment où se constitue (...)
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    Interpretation Without Truth: A Realistic Enquiry.Pierluigi Chiassoni - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book engages in an analytical and realistic enquiry into legal interpretation and a selection of related matters including legal gaps, judicial fictions, judicial precedent, legal defeasibility, and legislation. Chapter 1 provides an outline of the central theoretical and methodological tenets of analytical realism. Chapter 2 presents a conceptual apparatus concerning the phenomenon of legal interpretation, which it subsequently applies to investigate the truth-in-legal-interpretation issue. Chapters 3 to 6 argue for a theory of legal interpretation - pragmatic realism - by (...)
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