Results for 'Physiology of Animal Reproduction'

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  1.  53
    Studies of animal populations from Lamarck to Darwin.Frank N. Egerton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (2):225-259.
    Darwin's theory of evolution brought to an end the static view of nature. It was no longer possible to think of species as immortal, with secure places in nature. Fluctuation of population could no longer be thought of as occurring within definite limits which had been set at the time of creation. Nor was it any longer possible to generalize from the differential reproductive potentials, or from a few cases of mutualism between species, that everything in nature was “fitted to (...)
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    Skipping sex: A nonrecombinant genomic assemblage of complementary reproductive modules.Diego Hojsgaard & Manfred Schartl - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000111.
    The unusual occurrence and developmental diversity of asexual eukaryotes remain a puzzle. De novo formation of a functioning asexual genome requires a unique assembly of sets of genes or gene states to disrupt cellular mechanisms of meiosis and gametogenesis, and to affect discrete components of sexuality and produce clonal or hemiclonal offspring. We highlight two usually overlooked but essential conditions to understand the molecular nature of clonal organisms, that is, a nonrecombinant genomic assemblage retaining modifiers of the sexual program, and (...)
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    The history of three scientific societies: the Society for the Study of Fertility (now the Society for Reproduction and Fertility) (Britain), the Société Française pour l'Étude de la Fertilité, and the Society for the Study of Reproduction (USA).John Clarke - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (2):340-357.
    Three scientific societies devoted to the study of reproduction were established in Britain, France and USA in the middle of the twentieth century by clinical, veterinary and agricultural scientists. The principal motivation for their establishment had been the study of sterility and fertility of people and livestock. There was also a wider perspective embracing other biologists interested in reproduction more generally. Knowledge disseminated through the societies’ scientific meetings and publications would bear upon human and animal population problems (...)
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  4. Evolution of Sexuality in Animals and Plants: From Julius Sachs 1874 to HMG-box Genes.Ulrich Kutschera & Karl J. Niklas - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-11.
    The evolution of biparental sexual reproduction in animals and plants is a prominent focus in modern biology. One hundred and fifty years ago, the German biologist Julius Sachs (1832–1897) published the fourth and final edition of his influential _Textbook of Botany_. In the text, he referred to the work of Wilhelm Hofmeister (1824–1877) and proposed that it is possible to reconstruct the origins and evolution of sexuality via systematic comparisons among the life cycles of simple versus complex organisms. Sachs’s (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Physiological analysis of bone appetite (Osteophagia).D. A. Denton, J. R. Blair-West, M. J. McKinley & J. F. Nelson - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (1):40-43.
    The vegetation eaten by animals on large areas of several continents is deficient in phosphate and deleterious effects on physiology, particularly reproduction, ensue. Records on bone chewing behaviour by both pastoral andwild game animals extend over two centuries. In laboratory investigation of this apt behaviour it has been shown that the appetite for bones is innate and specific and cued predominantly by olfactory stimuli. It is suppressed by rapidly increasing the plasma phosphate concentration to normal but not influenced (...)
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    Aristotle's Physiology of Animal Motion: On Neura and Muscles.Pavel Gregoric & Martin Kuhar - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (1):6390.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The extended organism: The physiology of animal‐built structures.Carl Anderson - 2000 - Complexity 6 (2):58-59.
  8.  43
    Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture.Joan Cadden - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    In describing and explaining the sexes, medicine and science participated in the delineation of what was "feminine" and what was "masculine" in the Middle Ages. Hildegard of Bingen and Albertus Magnus, among others, writing about gynecology, the human constitution, fetal development, or the naturalistic dimensions of divine Creation, became increasingly interested in issues surrounding reproduction and sexuality. Did women as well as men produce procreative seed? How did the physiology of the sexes influence their healthy states and their (...)
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  9.  17
    A fetus in the world: Physiology, epidemiology, and the making of fetal origins of adult disease.Tatjana Buklijas & Salim Al-Gailani - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (4):1-34.
    Since the late 1980s, the fetal origins of adult disease, from 2003 developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), has stimulated significant interest in and an efflorescence of research on the long-term effects of the intrauterine environment. From the start, this field has been interdisciplinary, using experimental animal, clinical and epidemiological tools. As the influence of DOHaD on public health and policy expanded, it has drawn criticism for reducing the complex social and physical world of early life to women’s (...)
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    Studies on the physiology of reproduction in the domestic fowl, parts VII., VIII., and IX.L. Doncaster - 1915 - The Eugenics Review 7 (1):64.
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    (1 other version)Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation: Papers Relating to the Life Sciences.Paul Wood (ed.) - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Best known as a moralist and one of the founders of the Scottish Common Sense school of philosophy, Thomas Reid was also an influential scientific thinker. Here his work on the life sciences is studied in detail, bringing together unpublished transcripts of his most important papers on natural history, physiology, and materialist metaphysics. Part I provides the first published account of Reid's reflections on the highly controversial theories surrounding muscular motion and the reproduction of plants and animals and (...)
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  12. Animal Reproduction and the Metaphysics of Cause in Leibniz.Justin Smith - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 3.
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  13.  68
    “[A]re Norway Rats... Things?”: Diversity Versus Generality in the Use of Albino Rats in Experiments on Development and Sexuality. [REVIEW]Cheryl A. Logan - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (2):287 - 314.
    In America by the 1930s, albino rats had become a kind of generic standard in research on physiology and behavior that de-emphasized diversity across species. However, prior to about 1915, the early work of many of the pioneer rat researchers in America and in central Europe reflected a strong interest in species differences and a deep regard for diversity. These scientists sought broad, often medical, generality, but their quest for generality using a standard animal did not entail a (...)
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  14.  30
    Aristotle's Generation of Animals: A Critical Guide.Andrea Falcon & David Lefebvre (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Generation of Animals is one of Aristotle's most mature, sophisticated, and carefully crafted scientific writings. His overall goal is to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of how animals reproduce, including a study of their reproductive organs, what we would call fertilization, embryogenesis, and organogenesis. In this book, international experts present thirteen original essays providing a philosophically and historically informed introduction to this important work. They shed light on the unity and structure of the Generation of Animals, the main theses (...)
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  15.  64
    Beyond Castration and Culling: Should We Use Non-surgical, Pharmacological Methods to Control the Sexual Behavior and Reproduction of Animals?Clare Palmer, Hanne Gervi Pedersen & Peter Sandøe - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (2):197-218.
    This paper explores ethical issues raised by the application of non-surgical, pharmaceutical fertility control to manage reproductive behaviors in domesticated and wild animal species. We focus on methods that interfere with the effects of GnRH, making animals infertile and significantly suppressing sexual behavior in both sexes. The paper is anchored by considering ethical issues raised by four diverse cases: the use of pharmaceutical fertility control in male slaughter pigs, domesticated stallions and mares, male companion dogs and female white-tailed deer. (...)
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    Springs, Nitre, and Conatus. The Role of the Heart in Hobbes's Physiology and Animal Locomotion.Rodolfo Garau - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):231-256.
    This paper focuses on an understudied aspect of Hobbes's natural philosophy: his approach to the domain of life. I concentrate on the role assigned by Hobbes to the heart, which occupies a central role in both his account of human physiology and of the origin of animal locomotion. With this, I have three goals in mind. First, I aim to offer a cross-section of Hobbes's effort to provide a mechanistic picture of human life. Second, I aim to contextualize (...)
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  17.  12
    Principles of Animal Design: The Optimization and Symmorphosis Debate.Ewald R. Weibel, Ewald R. Webel, C. Richard Taylor & Liana Bolis - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The book discusses whether animals are designed according to the same rules that engineers use in building machines.
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  18. Philosophical foundations of animal experimentation and its critics.Richard Hull - manuscript
    I come before you today at the invitation of your Colloquium Chair, Professor Claes Lundgren. It was his thought that a colloquium session devoted to some of the foundational questions, or presuppositions, of animal might prove interesting. Such an examination may have several aims. 1) It provides an opportunity to reflect on and review together a common activity that, in the perceptions of some concerned fellow citizens and in the history of the discipline of physiology, has had some (...)
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  19.  30
    When Cultures Meet: The Landscape of “Social” Interactions between the Host and Its Indigenous Microbes.Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Eran Elinav & Sven Pettersson - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (10):1900002.
    Animals exist as biodiverse composite organisms that include microbial residents, eukaryotic cells, and organs that collectively form a human being. Through an interdependent relationship and an inherent ability to transmit and reciprocate stimuli in a bidirectional way, a human body or the holobiont secures growth, health, and reproduction. As such, the survival of a holobiont is dependent on the maintenance of biological order including metabolic homeostasis by tight regulation of the communication between its eukaryotic and prokaryotic residents. In this (...)
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  20.  40
    Understanding Societies from Inside the Organisms. Leo Pardi’s Work on Social Dominance in Polistes Wasps.Guido Caniglia - 2015 - Journal of the History of Biology 48 (3):455-486.
    Leo Pardi was the initiator of ethological research in Italy. During more than 50 years of active scientific career, he gave groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of social life in insects, especially in Polistes wasps, an important model organism in sociobiology. In the 1940s, Pardi showed that Polistes societies are organized in a linear social hierarchy that relies on reproductive dominance and on the physiological and developmental mechanisms that regulate it, i.e. on the status of ovarian development of single wasps. (...)
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  21.  15
    Generation of Animals.Devin M. Henry - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 368–383.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Place of GA in Aristotle's Philosophy Male and Female as archai The Nature of Sperma The Transmission of Soul: GA II.3 Reproductive Hylomorphism Inheritance Individual Forms Four Causes of Generation Notes Bibliography.
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  22. The use of animals in medical education and research.Donnie J. Self - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (1).
    After noting why the issue of the use of animals in medical education and research needs to be addressed, this article briefly reviews the historical positions on the role of animals in society and describes in more detail the current positions in the wide spectrum of positions regarding the role of animals in society. The spectrum ranges from the extremes of the animal exploitation position to the animal liberation position with several more moderate positions in between these two (...)
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  23.  53
    The Physiology of Phantasmata in Aristotle: between Sensation and Digestion.Claire Bubb - 2019 - Apeiron 52 (3):273-315.
    In this article, I foreground the physiology of phantasia in Aristotle, which has been comparatively understudied. In the first section, I offer a new interpretation of the relationship between aisthēmata and phantasmata, based on passages in the De Anima and the Parva Naturalia, and for a nuanced understanding of their respective substrates in the body, which I argue to be connate pneuma and blood. In the second section, I draw out the ramifications of this physiological presence of phantasmata in (...)
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  24.  70
    The Problem of Animal Generation in Early Modern Philosophy.Justin E. H. Smith (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume Smith examines the early modern science of generation, which included the study of animal conception, heredity, and fetal development. Analyzing how it influenced the contemporary treatment of traditional philosophical questions, it also demonstrates how philosophical pre-suppositions about mechanism, substance, and cause informed the interpretations offered by those conducting empirical research on animal reproduction. Composed of essays written by an international team of leading scholars, the book offers a fresh perspective on some of the basic (...)
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  25.  9
    Aristotle On the Generation of Animals: A Philosophical Study.Johannes Morsink - 1982
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  26.  90
    Artificial womb technology and the frontiers of human reproduction: conceptual differences and potential implications.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):751-755.
    In 2017, a Philadelphia research team revealed the closest thing to an artificial womb the world had ever seen. The ‘biobag’, if as successful as early animal testing suggests, will change the face of neonatal intensive care. At present, premature neonates born earlier than 22 weeks have no hope of survival. For some time, there have been no significant improvements in mortality rates or incidences of long-term complications for preterms at the viability threshold. Artificial womb technology, that might change (...)
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  27.  53
    The physiology of Descartes and its modern developments.J. S. Haldane - 1935 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (1-2):5-16.
    Nach einer kurzen Übersicht überDescartes' mechanistiche Theorie der somatischen Funktionen und der Reproduktion, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Entwicklung dieser Theorie bis zur neuesten Zeit beschrieben. Sodann wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die vitalistische Theorie, welche unter wissenschaftlichen Forschern bis zur Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts vorherrschte. Dann werden die Gründe dafür angegeben, dass diese Theorie des Vitalismus ungefähr um diese Zeit verlassen wurde, um durch die mechanistische Theorie ersetzt zu werden. Diese ihrerseits ist jedoch auf einer unbegründeten metaphysischen Auffassung (...)
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  28. Biomedical Models of Reproduction in the Fifth Century BC and Aristotle's Generation of Animals.Andrew Coles - 1995 - Phronesis 40 (1):48-88.
  29.  14
    Biocommunication of Animals.Witzany Guenther (ed.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Every coordination within or between animals depends on communication processes. Although the signaling molecules, vocal and tactile signs, gestures and its combinations differ throughout all species according their evolutionary origins and variety of adaptation processes, certain levels of biocommunication can be found in all animal species: Abiotic environmental indices such as temperature, light, water, etc. that affect the local ecosphere of an organism and are sensed, interpreted. Trans-specific communication with non-related organisms. Species-specific communication between same or related species. Intraorganismic (...)
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  30.  92
    Μέγιστα Γένη and Division in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals.Byron J. Stoyles - 2013 - Apeiron 46 (1):1-25.
    Aristotle refers to some animal kinds as μέγιστα γένη, or greatest kinds. The goal of this paper is to make clear the nature and significance of these kinds. I argue that Aristotle thinks of greatest kinds as the most general kinds within a specified domain. I then consider the fact that Aristotle’s discussion of animals’ reproductive parts and modes of reproduction in Generation of Animals is organized around divisions related to the cause of each of the features being (...)
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  31.  79
    Balancing animal welfare and assisted reproduction: ethics of preclinical animal research for testing new reproductive technologies.Verna Jans, Wybo Dondorp, Ellen Goossens, Heidi Mertes, Guido Pennings & Guido de Wert - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (4):537-545.
    In the field of medically assisted reproduction (MAR), there is a growing emphasis on the importance of introducing new assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) only after thorough preclinical safety research, including the use of animal models. At the same time, there is international support for the three R’s (replace, reduce, refine), and the European Union even aims at the full replacement of animals for research. The apparent tension between these two trends underlines the urgency of an explicit justification of (...)
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  32.  60
    Modeling Man: The Monkey Colony at the Carnegie Institution of Washington’s Department of Embryology, 1925–1971.Emily K. Wilson - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (2):213-251.
    Though better recognized for its immediate endeavors in human embryo research, the Carnegie Department of Embryology also employed a breeding colony of rhesus macaques for the purposes of studying human reproduction. This essay follows the course of the first enterprise in maintaining a primate colony for laboratory research and the overlapping scientific, social, and political circumstances that tolerated and cultivated the colony’s continued operation from 1925 until 1971. Despite a new-found priority for reproductive sciences in the United States, by (...)
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  33.  66
    A perspective for understanding the modes of juvenile hormone action as a lipid signaling system.Diana E. Wheeler & H. F. Nijhout - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):994-1001.
    The juvenile hormones of insects regulate an unusually large diversity of processes during postembryonic development and adult reproduction. It is a long‐standing puzzle in insect developmental biology and physiology how one hormone can have such diverse effects. The search for molecular mechanisms of juvenile hormone action has been guided by classical models for hormone–receptor interaction. Yet, despite substantial effort, the search for a juvenile hormone receptor has been frustrating and has yielded limited results. We note here that a (...)
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  34.  37
    Leeuwenhoek as a founder of animal demography.Frank N. Egerton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (1):1-22.
    Leeuwenhoek's observations relating to animal population, though scattered through many letters written during a period of over forty years, when seen in toto, were important contributions to the subject now known as animal demography. He maintained enough contact with other scientists to have received encouragement and some helpful suggestions, but the language barrier and the novelty of doing microscopic work forced him to be resourceful, inventive, and original. His multifarious investigations impinged upon population biology before he discovered a (...)
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  35.  15
    Gendering Creolisation: Creolising Affect.Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):5-23.
    Going beyond the creolisation theories of Brathwaite and Glissant, I attempt to develop ideas concerning the gendering of creolisation, and a historicising of affects within it. Addressing affects as ‘physiological things’ contextualised in the history of the Caribbean slave plantation, I seek, importantly, to delineate a trajectory and development of a specific Creole history in relation to affects. Brathwaite's proposition that ‘the most significant (and lasting) inter-cultural creolisation took place’ within the ‘intimate’ space of ‘sexual relations’ is key to my (...)
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  36.  40
    The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice.F. Barbara Orlans, Tom L. Beauchamp, Rebecca Dresser, David B. Morton & John P. Gluck - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The first set of case studies on animal use, this volume offers a thorough, up-to-date exploration of the moral issues related to animal welfare. Its main purpose is to examine how far it is ethically justifiable to harm animals in order to benefit mankind. An excellent introduction provides a framework for the cases and sets the background of philosophical and moral concepts underlying the subject. Sixteen original, previously unpublished essays cover controversies associated with the human use of animals (...)
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  37. The Growth of Scientific Physiology Physiological Method and the Mechanist-Vitalist Controversy, Illustrated by the Problems of Respiration and Animal Heat.G. J. Goodfield - 1975
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  38. Aristotle on Seed.Jessica Gelber - 2021 - In Caleb M. Cohoe (ed.), Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 104-121.
    This chapter addresses an interpretive question about why Aristotle identifies generation, growth and nourishment as the three distinct functions or activities of nutritive soul. Scholars typically try to explain this by appealing to the shared goal of these activities, though there is no consensus about what that goal is: Does Aristotle think that generation is a way of keeping oneself alive (and thus that the shared goal is self-maintenance), or is nourishment really a quasi-generative activity (and thus that the shared (...)
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  39.  56
    John Maynard Smith’s typology of animal signals.Timo Maran - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (3-4):477-495.
    Approaches to animal communication have for the most part been quite different in semiotics and evolutionary biology. In this context the writings of a leading evolutionary biologist who has also been attracted to semiotics — John Maynard Smith — are an interesting exception and object of study. The present article focuses on the use and adaptation of semiotic terminology in Maynard Smith’s works with reference to general theoretical premises both in semiotics and evolutionary biology. In developing a typology of (...)
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    Food, reproduction and L'ongevity: Is the extended lifespan of calorie‐restricted animals an evolutionary adaptation?Robin Holliday - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (4):125-127.
    Calorie restriction results in an increased lifespan and reduced fecundity of rodents. In a natural environment the availability of food will vary greatly. It is suggested that Darwinian fitness will be increased if animals cease breeding during periods of food deprivation and invest saved resources in maintenance of the adult body, or soma. This would increase the probability of producing viable offspring during an extended lifespan. The diversion of limited energy resources from breeding to maintenance of the soma is seen (...)
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  41.  62
    Before There Were Standards: The Role of Test Animals in the Production of Empirical Generality in Physiology[REVIEW]Cheryl A. Logan - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (2):329-363.
    After 1900, the selective breeding of a few standard animals for research in the life sciences changed the way science was done. Among the pervasive changes was a transformation in scientists' assumptions about relationship between diversity and generality. Examination of the contents of two prominent physiology journals between 1885 and 1900, reveals that scientists used a diverse array of organisms in empirical research. Experimental physiologists gave many reasons for the choice of test animals, some practical and others truly comparative. (...)
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  42.  40
    Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals.Sophia M. Connell - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's account of female nature has received mostly negative treatment, emphasising what he says females cannot do. Building on recent research, this book comprehensively revises such readings, setting out the complex and positive role played by the female in Aristotle's thought with a particular focus on the longest surviving treatise on reproduction in the ancient corpus, the Generation of Animals. It provides new interpretations of the nature of Aristotle's sexism, his theory of male and female interaction in generation, and (...)
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  43. Uses of Aporia in Aristotle’s Natural Science, a Case Study: Generation of Animals.Jessica Gelber - 2017 - In George Karamanolis & Vasilis Politis (eds.), The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter is an examination of the way aporiai are employed in Aristotle’s scientific account of animal reproduction, and how they are resolved. I argue that – surprising as it may be, given what Aristotle says in Metaphysics B about the importance of going through aporiai – there seems to be nothing of much significance about his use of them, at least if we assume that genuine cases of aporiai are being tracked by use of aporia-language. I demonstrate (...)
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    Constraints on the evolution of asexual reproduction.Jan Engelstädter - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1138-1150.
    Sexual reproduction is almost ubiquitous among multicellular organisms even though it entails severe fitness costs. To resolve this apparent paradox, an extensive body of research has been devoted to identifying the selective advantages of recombination that counteract these costs. Yet, how easy is it to make the transition to asexual reproduction once sexual reproduction has been established for a long time? The present review approaches this question by considering factors that impede the evolution of parthenogenesis in animals. (...)
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  45. Animal Rights and the Problem of r-Strategists.Kyle Johannsen - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):333-45.
    Wild animal reproduction poses an important moral problem for animal rights theorists. Many wild animals give birth to large numbers of uncared-for offspring, and thus child mortality rates are far higher in nature than they are among human beings. In light of this reproductive strategy – traditionally referred to as the ‘r-strategy’ – does concern for the interests of wild animals require us to intervene in nature? In this paper, I argue that animal rights theorists should (...)
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  46. Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Causes of Animal Generation.Maria Varlamova - 2024 - Aristotelica 5:39.
    The discussion of the soul as a principle of life in ancient Greek philosophy was not limited to the soul’s relation to the body, the capacities of the soul, and the functions of the living organism. The debates about the soul and life also concerned issues of embryogenesis, such as the generation, formation, and animation of an organic body in the womb. The fragments of these debates can be traced in the writings of Alexander of Aphrodisias, particularly in his treatise (...)
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  47. Controlling the passions: passion, memory, and the moral physiology of self in seventeenth-century neurophilosophy.John Sutton - 1998 - In Stephen Gaukroger (ed.), The Soft Underbelly of Reason: The Passions in the Seventeenth Century. New York: Routledge. pp. 115-146.
    Some natural philosophers in the 17th century believed that they could control their own innards, specifically the animal spirits coursing incessantly through brain and nerves, in order to discipline or harness passion, cognition and action under rational guidance. This chapter addresses the mechanisms thought necessary after Eden for controlling the physiology of passion. The tragedy of human embedding in the body, with its cognitive and moral limitations, was paired with a sense of our confinement in sequential time. I (...)
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    Maternal encouragement in nonhuman primates and the question of animal teaching.Dario Maestripieri - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (4):361-378.
    Most putative cases of teaching in nonhuman animals involve parent-offspring interactions. The interpretation of these cases, particularly with regard to the cognitive processes involved, is controversial. Qualitative and quantitative observations made in nonhuman primates suggest that, in some species, mothers encourage their infants’ independent locomotion and that encouragement can be considered a form of instruction. In macaques, experience in raising previous offspring accounts in part for variability between mothers in propensity to encourage infant motor skills. Parsimony suggests that the cognitive (...)
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    Anthropomorphism as a methodological problem of animal ethics (in the memory of Sir Patrick Bateson).Petr Jemelka & Martin Gluchman - 2017 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 7 (3-4):169-176.
    The paper aims to highlight the serious methodological issue of contemporary bioethics (especially topics on the subject of animal ethics). In the discourse on the issue of the pain and suffering of animals and in derived questions, a certain form of anthropomorphism is manifested. Ethical applications of empirical research results that are relevant to humans (or humans as an anatomically and physiologically analogous animal species) are preferred. Subsequently, these extrapolations serve as a criterion for judging the qualitative level (...)
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  50. Ethical Analysis of the Application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Biodiversity Conservation and the Case of White Rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum ) Ovum Pick-Up Procedures.Pierfrancesco Biasetti - 2022 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9.
    Originally applied on domestic and lab animals, assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) have also found application in conservation breeding programs, where they can make the genetic management of populations more efficient, and increase the number of individuals per generation. However, their application in wildlife conservation opens up new ethical scenarios that have not yet been fully explored. This study presents a frame for the ethical analysis of the application of ART procedures in conservation based on the Ethical Matrix (EM), and (...)
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