Results for 'Philosophy, Modern History'

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  1. A modern history of Korean philosophy.Min-Hong Chʾoe - 1978 - Seoul: Seong Moon Sa.
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    Educational philosophy: a history from the ancient world to modern America.Edward J. Power - 1996 - New York: Garland.
    The first step in education's long road to respectability lay in the ability of its proponents to demonstrate that it was worthy of collaborating with traditional disciplines in the syllabus of higher learning. The universities where the infant discipline of education was promoted benefited from scholars who engaged in teaching and research with enthusiasm and preached the gospel of scientific education. These schools-Teachers College/Columbia University, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University-gained a reputation as oases of pedagogical knowledge. Soon, public (...)
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    Philosophies of history: from enlightenment to post-modernity.Robert Burns & Hugh Rayment-Pickard (eds.) - 2000 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This important book charts the development of philosophical thinking about history over the past 250 years, combining extracts from key texts with new explanatory and critical discussion. The book is designed to make the work of thinkers such as Hume, Herder, Hegel, Dilthey, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Foucault accessible to students with no prior knowledge of Western philosophy. An introductory section is followed by nine further chapters exploring contrasting schools of thought. The volume reveals the origins of contemporary trends in (...)
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  4. A Modern History of Philosophy.B. E. Meyer - 1900 - Mind 9 (35):401-404.
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    La philosophie moderne depuis Bacon jusqu'à Leibniz.Gaston Sortais - 1920 - Paris,: P. Lethielleux.
  6. A modern history theory of functions.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 1994 - Noûs 28 (3):344-362.
    Biological functions are dispositions or effects a trait has which explain the recent maintenance of the trait under natural selection. This is the "modern history" approach to functions. The approach is historical because to ascribe a function is to make a claim about the past, but the relevant past is the recent past; modern history rather than ancient.
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    Modern philosophy of history: its origin and destination.Michael Murray - 1970 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
  8. Learning from Philosophy's Modern History: Telling Tensions within the Cartesian Project.G. Olivier - 1987 - South African Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):51-57.
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    A history of modern philosophy.Mariano Fazio - 2017 - New York: Scepter Publishers. Edited by Daniel Gamarra.
    The modern era--the time period which envelops the Renaissance, Rationalism, Empiricism, and the Enlightenment--was a fundamental period in history which formed Western civilization into what we know today. These centuries in Europe have been defined by certain personages who are essential to our collective consciousness today: from Descartes, Luther, and Pascal, to Hobbes, Hume, and Kant. The History of Modern Philosophy provides a comprehensive overview of the major philosophers and philosophical currents of the period. Formed from (...)
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    Philosophy and History in the History of Modern Philosophy.Don Garrett - 2004 - In Brian Leiter, The future for philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 44--73.
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    Histoire de la philosophie moderne.Roger Verneaux - 1958 - Paris,: Beauchesne.
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    Universalism, Modern History and the Marxist Theory of Formations.Janusz Kuczyński - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):165-182.
    The paper proposes a new kind of universalism, i.e., a philosophy of “mankind-for-itself.” This conception which deals with the human world is based on some essential features of the western cultural world, indicated by the author, as well as on Karl Marx’s and Georg W. F. Hegel’s ideas and conceptions.
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  13. History of modern philosophy.Kuno Fischer, John Pancoast Gordy & Noah Porter - 1887 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press. Edited by Noah Porter.
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    Enlightenment Contested. Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670–1752.Laurence Brockliss - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (2):285-287.
    (2010). Enlightenment Contested. Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670–1752. Intellectual History Review: Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 285-287. doi: 10.1080/17496971003783864.
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    Modernity, Post-Modernity and the Philosophy of History.David Carr - 1994 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 68:45-57.
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    Poetics and Philosophy of History, Vol. I. Antiquity and Modernity in the Aesthetics of the Age of Goethe. Hegel’s Doctrine of Poetry. [REVIEW]Thomas P. Saine - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (2):225-226.
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    Reconciling ancient and modern philosophies of history.Aaron Turner (ed.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The distinction between ancient and modern modes of historical thought is characterized by the growing complexity of the discipline of history in modernity. Consequently, the epistemological and methodological standard of ancient historiography is typically held as inferior against the modern ideal. This book serves to address this apparent deficit. Its scope is three-fold. Firstly, it aims at encountering ancient modes of historical and historiographical thought within the province of their own horizon. Secondly, this book considers the possibility (...)
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    History of modern philosophy.Alfred William Benn - 1912 - London,: Watts & co..
    A thorough examination of the major currents in western philosophy from Descartes onwards.
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    A dark history of modern philosophy.Bernard Freydberg - 2017 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    This provocative reassessment of modern philosophy explores its nonrational dimensions and connection to ancient mysteries. Delving beneath the principal discourses of philosophyfrom Descartes through Kant, Bernard Freydberg plumbs the previously concealed dark forces that ignite the inner power of modern thought. He contends that reason itself issues from an implicit and unconscious suppression of the nonrational. Even the modern philosophical concerns of nature and limits are undergirded by a dark side that dwells in them and makes them (...)
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    A history of modern philosophy.Frederick Mayer - 1951 - New York,: American Book Co..
    This history attempts to make modern philosophy as comprehensive as possible. Since it is designed for the undergraduate student of philosophy, the opening chapters are relatively simple and tend to orient the reader; in later chapters, especially those dealing with the continental rationalists, the discussion becomes somewhat more technical.
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    Book Review:Dominant Themes of Modern Philosophy: A History. George Boas. [REVIEW]Albert William Levi - 1957 - Ethics 68 (2):140-.
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    The Modern History of Scientific Explanation.Gary Hardcastle - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:137-145.
    To be a philosopher of science means, among other things, to have an account of what scientific explanation is, or, at the very least, to have a response to various accounts of scientific explanation on offer from other philosophies of science while earnestly working toward what one hopes will be one’s own, original account. One presumption clearly and often lying behind such work is that science provides two kinds of knowledge. There is propositional knowledge, “knowledge that” or “knowledge what,” and (...)
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    Lectures on the Philosophy of Modern History: Delivered in the University of Dublin.George Miller - 2015 - Arkose Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    (1 other version)Arguments Concerning the Criterion of Truth in the Modern History of Philosophy in Western Europe.Jin Longde - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 11 (1):56-70.
    The thesis that social practice is the only criterion by which to judge truth has now become common sense in Marxist philosophy. However, the formulation of the thesis came as a result of the long period of exploration and struggle over the issue of the criterion of truth in the history of human knowledge. In Europe, the criterion has varied from the scholasticism of the Middle Ages, through the capitalist philosophy of modern times, to Marxist philosophy, according to (...)
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    Philosophy of history and a second Axial Age.Thomas McPartland - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 116 (1):53-76.
    While post-modernist assaults on modernity correctly expose the pretensions of modernity – including its constructs of meaning in history, its abnegation of mystery, and its lapses into scientism, historicism, and relativism – the philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan discerned progress as well as decline in recent intellectual history. In part this is because under contemporary conditions we can avoid the pretensions of modernity, since – in the wake of modern science and modern historical scholarship – we (...)
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  26. H. Höffding, A Modern History of Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. A. J. Drewitt - 1900 - Mind 9:401.
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    Philosophy, Its History and Historiography.Alan Holland (ed.) - 1985 - Reidel.
    Alan J. Holland. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Philosophy, its history and historiography. (Royal Institute of Philosophy Conference; v. 1983) ...
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    Dominant Themes of Modern Philosophy: A History.Robert F. Creegan - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (1):131-132.
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    Is a Philosophy of History Possible Today?Cirilo Flórez Miguel - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:23-31.
    The paper starts by stating that the concept of progress, which is a key factor in the Enlightenment programme on the philosophy of history, has vanished from our society of risk, and posits whether it is possible today to rethink the philosophy of history. The second part refers to the negation of this philosophy by Badiou and Lyotard, due to the disappearance of the “modern subject”, which lay at its heart. There are many “histories”, but there is (...)
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    Jewish and Christian Philosophy of History.Samuel Moyn - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 427–436.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Biblical Foundations Post‐biblical Variations Modern Legacies References and Further Reading.
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  31. Philosophy in history: essays on the historiography of philosophy.Richard Rorty, Jerome B. Schneewind & Quentin Skinner (eds.) - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The sixteen essays in this volume confront the current debate about the relationship between philosophy and its history. On the one hand intellectual historians commonly accuse philosophers of writing bad - anachronistic - history of philosophy, and on the other, philosophers have accused intellectual historians of writing bad - antiquarian - history of philosophy. The essays here address this controversy and ask what purpose the history of philosophy should serve. Part I contains more purely theoretical and (...)
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  32. The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy.C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, published in 1988, offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to the emergence of modern philosophy. This was the first volume in English to synthesise for a wider audience the substantial and sophisticated research now available. The volume is organised by branch of philosophy rather than by individual philosopher or school, and the intention has been to present the internal development of different aspects (...)
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    The modern history of computing.B. Jack Copeland - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Neo-Stoicism and the Transition to Modernity in Wilhelm Dilthey's Philosophy of History.Larry Frohman - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (2):263-287.
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    Philosophy of History and Action: Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, December 1974.Edward K. Burger - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 58 (1):71-72.
  36. Philosophy of History: An Introduction. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (1):140-140.
    The emphasis in this approach to philosophy of history is on the system philosophers. The emphasis itself follows from the theme of the book, which is that man's vision of historical reality is ultimately reducible to religious or secular notions of progress, or to cyclical recurrence of some kind. All other outlooks on history are taken to be merely variations on these two basic themes. As a result, the modern existentialist, phenomenological and analytic approaches to history (...)
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  37. Philosophy of history: a guide for students.Michael C. Lemon - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This work is an essential introduction to the vast body of writing about history, from classical Greece and Rome to the contemporary world. M.C. Lemon maps out key debates and central concepts of philosophy of history placing principal thinkers in the context of their times and schools of thought. Lemon explains the crucial differences between speculative philosophy as an n enquiry into the course and meaning of history and analytic philosophy of history as relating to the (...)
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    Lectures on modern history, delivered in Oxford, 1859-61.Goldwin Smith - 1861 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    An inaugural lecture.--On the study of history.--On some supposed consequences of the doctrine of historical progress.--On the foundation of the American Colonies.
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    Quinean Naturalism and Modern History of Philosophy.Yasuhiko Tomida - 1998 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 9 (3):137-144.
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    Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives, edited by Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen.Hans D. Kellner - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (1):105-112.
  41.  18
    Modern History[REVIEW]Klaus-Detlev Grothusen - 1974 - Philosophy and History 7 (2):207-208.
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    The Idea of Science in the Modern Greek Enlightenment in Greek Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science.Paschalis M. Kitromilides - 1990 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 121:187-200.
  43. (2 other versions)A history of modern philosophy.Harald Høffding (ed.) - 1887 - [New York]: Dover Publications.
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  44. The Origins of Early Modern Experimental Philosophy.Peter Anstey & Alberto Vanzo - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (4):499-518.
    This paper argues that early modern experimental philosophy emerged as the dominant member of a pair of methods in natural philosophy, the speculative versus the experimental, and that this pairing derives from an overarching distinction between speculative and operative philosophy that can be ultimately traced back to Aristotle. The paper examines the traditional classification of natural philosophy as a speculative discipline from the Stagirite to the seventeenth century; medieval and early modern attempts to articulate a scientia experimentalis; and (...)
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    The Ivory Tower and the Marble Citadel: Essays on Political Philosophy in Our Modern Era of Interacting Cultures.Thomas A. Metzger - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Metzger continues the effort started in _A Cloud Across the Pacific_ (The Chinese University Press, 2005) by viewing modern Chinese thought as political philosophy; placing it in a sociological context, noting its causal relationship with paideia; examining its historical context by emphasizing the lines of continuity with the Confucian tradition; and exploring its comparative context by describing it as sharing an agenda with and diverging from the leading forms of Western liberalism. East and West, he argues, are ivory towers (...)
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    Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture.Muhsin Mahdi - 1964 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book, first published in 1957, is the study of 14th-century Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, who founded a special science to consider history and culture, based on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle and their Muslim followers. In no other field has the revolt of modern Western thought against traditional philosophy been so far-reaching in its consequences as in the field of history. Ibn Khaldun realized that history is more immediately related to action than political philosophy (...)
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    The Infidel and the Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Friendship That Shaped Modern Thought.Dennis C. Rasmussen - 2017 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    The story of the greatest of all philosophical friendships—and how it influenced modern thought David Hume is widely regarded as the most important philosopher ever to write in English, but during his lifetime he was attacked as “the Great Infidel” for his skeptical religious views and deemed unfit to teach the young. In contrast, Adam Smith was a revered professor of moral philosophy, and is now often hailed as the founding father of capitalism. Remarkably, the two were best friends (...)
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    History of modern philosophy: rationalism, Kant, empiricism.G. O. Ozumba - 2012 - Calabar, [Nigeria]: Norbet Publishers. Edited by Mike Egbuta Ukah.
    "This book deals with various issues related but not limited to the use of social media by the youths, influence of mediated violence on children/youths, communication policy and youth development. Other important themes you could reference in this book are child rights issues, advertising and children, sexual content and the exploitation of vulnerable children, media role in encouraging and curbing anti-social behaviour amongst children/youths, a pervasive youth culture in the age of social media, and some theoretical arguments that support the (...)
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    Philosophy and its History: Aims and Methods in the Study of Early Modern Philosophy.Mogens Lærke, Justin E. H. Smith & Eric Schliesser (eds.) - 2013 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume collects contributions from leading scholars of early modern philosophy from a wide variety of philosophical and geographic backgrounds. The distinguished contributors offer very different, competing approaches to the history of philosophy.Many chapters articulate new, detailed methods of doing history of philosophy. These present conflicting visions of the history of philosophy as an autonomous sub-discipline of professional philosophy. Several other chapters offer new approaches to integrating history into one's philosophy by re-telling the history (...)
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    The Renaissance and 17th Century Rationalism: Routledge History of Philosophy Volume 4.Prof G. H. R. Parkinson & G. H. R. Parkinson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    This fourth volume traces the history of Renaissance philosophy and seventeenth century rationalism, covering Descartes and the birth of modern philosophy.
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