Results for 'Philosophy, Bantu'

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  1. Bantu philosophy.Bantu Ontology - forthcoming - African Philosophy: A Classical Approach.
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    La Philosophie bantu comparée.Alexis Kagame - 1976 - Paris: "Présence africaine".
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    Plaidoyer pour la philosophie bantu et quelques autres textes.Placide Tempels - 1982 - Kinshasa-Limete: Dép. de philosophie et religions africaines, Faculté de théologie catholique.
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    Bantu philosophy.Placide Tempels - 1969 - Paris,: Présence africaine.
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    Bantu philosophy in the history of African philosophy.Olexandr Kornienko - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (3):127-133.
    Review of Dokman, F., & Cornelli, E. M. (Eds.). (2022). Beyond Bantu Philosophy: Contextualizing Placide Tempels's Initiative in African Thought. London and New York: Routledge.
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  6. Umanesimo bantù.Adalberto Pavan - 1973 - Bologna,: EMI.
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    Stephen Bantu Biko: An agent of change in South Africa’s socio-politico-religious landscape.Ramathate T. H. Dolamo - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    This article examines and analyses Biko’s contribution to the liberation struggle in South Africa from the perspective of politics and religion. Through his leading participation in Black Consciousness Movement and Black Theology Project, Biko has not only influenced the direction of the liberation agenda, but he has also left a legacy that if the liberated and democratic South Africa were to follow, this country would be a much better place for all to live in. In fact, the continent as a (...)
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  8. L'homme dans l'univers "des" Bantu.Edmond N. Mujynya - 1972 - Lubumbashi,: République du Zaire, Presse de l'université nationale du Zaire.
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  9. Le concept fondamental de l'ontologie Bantu: texte inédit.Placide Tempels - 1977 - Kinshasa: Département de philosophie et religions africaines, Faculté de théologie catholique.
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    The Ontological and Normative Structure in the Social Reality of a Bantu Society: A Systematic Study of Ganda Ontology and Ethics.Joshua Wantate Sempebwa - 1978 - [S.N.].
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  11. Wilderness and the bantu mind.G. W. Burnett & Kamuyu Wa Kang’Ethe - 1994 - Environmental Ethics 16 (2):145-160.
    In the West, it is widely believed that, since Africans lack an emotional experience with romanticism and transcendentalism, they do not possess the philosophical prerequisites necessary to protect wilderness. However, the West’s disdain for African systems of thought has precluded examination of customary African views of wilderness. Examination of ethnographic reports on Kenya’s Highland Bantu reveals a complex view of phenomena that the West generally associates with wilderness. For the Bantu, wilderness is an extension of human living space, (...)
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  12. Conceptual Take-Off Conditions for a Bantu Philosophy.Franz Crahay & Victor A. Velen - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (52):55-78.
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    La philosophie bantoue du père Placide Tempels: relecture diversiforme présentée dans le cadre du centenaire du diocèse de Kamina, 1922-2022.Charles Kantenga Kasongo, Delphin Kibamba Mbayo & Olivier Nkulu Kabamba (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Hiv/aids reduces the relevance of the principle of individual medical confidentiality among the bantu people of southern Africa.Paul Ndebele, Joseph Mfutso-Bengo & Francis Masiye - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (5):331-340.
    The principle of individual medical confidentiality is one of the moral principles that Africa inherited unquestioningly from the West as part of Western medicine. The HIV/AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa has reduced the relevance of the principle of individual medical confidentiality. Individual medical confidentiality has especially presented challenges for practitioners among the Bantu communities that are well known for their social inter-connectedness and the way they value their extended family relations. Individual confidentiality has raised several unforeseen problems for persons (...)
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    Le potentiel ontologique des langues Bantu face à l'ontologie classique.Maniragaba Balibutsa - 2000 - Libreville (Gabon): Editions du CICIBA.
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    La philosophie bantoue.Placide Tempels & Antoine Rubbens - 1949 - Paris,: Éditions africaines.
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    Questions disputées sur la philosophie africaine: la philosophie de ceux qui ne parlent pas comme vous et nous.Kaumba Lufunda Samajiku - 2023 - [Paris]: Éditions du Cygne. Edited by Mujynya Nimisi & Emmanuel M. Banywesize.
    Ce livre prend prétexte sur l'énigme Tempels pour exposer la complexité de la philosophie de ceux qui avaient été considérés, à tort, comme ne parlant pas les langues abstraites, mais plutôt ontologiques : les Africains des langues bantu. L'originalité de ce livre ne réside pas tant dans sa démarche phénoménologique, mais dans le fait qu'en passant par la procédure des questions disputées, dans la suite de la tradition issue de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, il réorganise "la lecture et l'écriture de (...)
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  18. Aux origines de la Philosophie bantoue: la correspondance Tempels-Hulstaert, 1944-48.Placide Tempels - 1985 - Kinshasa, République du Zaïre: Faculté de théologie catholique. Edited by G. Hulstaert & François Bontinck.
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    An Appraisal of Man’s Essence in Bantu Ontology.Celestine Chukwuemeka Mbaegbu - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):217-227.
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    The Nietzschean ‘Will to Power’ and the Bantu Notion of Force: Implications for Cross-Cultural Philosophizing.Anthony Chimankpam Ojimba - forthcoming - Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
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    Lecture matérialiste de La philosophie bantoue de P. Tempels face aux mutations socio-politiques en RDC.Louis Mpala Mbabula - 2000 - Lubumbashi, RDC: Editions MPALA.
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    Primitive philosophy.William Vernon Brelsford - 1935 - London,: J. Bale, sons & Danielsson.
  23. Trends and Issues in African Philosophy.F. Ochieng'-Odhiambo - 2010 - Peter Lang.
    Introduction -- The historical phase -- Western discourse on Africa -- Egyptology : an African response to western discourse -- Afrocentricity -- African philosophy's ethnophilosophy -- Tempels on Bantu philosophy -- African religions and philosophy -- Horton on African and western thought systems -- General critiques -- Professional approach to African philosophy -- Ethnophilosophy and professional philosophy -- The myth and reality of African philosophy -- Traditional thought and modern philosophy in africa -- On Wiredu's truth as opinion -- (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards an African critical philosophy of race: Ubuntu as a philo-praxis of liberation.Dladla Ndumiso - 2017 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 6 (1):39-68.
    Although 1994 is popularly represented as a year of major transition from an oppressive society to a democratic one in South African history, it did not mark the end of White Supremacy but instead its evolution from one constitutional form into another. This is because the so-called “right of conquest” remains affirmed in South Africa by the much celebrated constitution Act 108 of 1996. Since the early 90s, Ubuntu has been employed by the elite parties involved in the “negotiations” for (...)
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  25. Ethnophilosophy, comparative philosophy, pragmatism: Toward a philosophy of ethnoscapes.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):153-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethnophilosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Pragmatism:Toward a Philosophy of EthnoscapesThorsten Botz-Bornstein, Associate ResearcherIn this essay I would like to reflect on the place of philosophy within a "globalized" world and reconsider its status as a phenomenon that is potentially linked to a "local" culture. Whenever we question the authority of "general" truths and we look for ways of integrating "local discourses" into the overall construction called "global philosophy," we come across (...)
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    Africa in the history of philosophical thought. Janz, B. B. (2023). African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought. London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic. [REVIEW]Olexandr Kornienko - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):143-151.
    Review of Janz, B. B. (2023). African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought. London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Césaire’s Contribution to African Philosophy.Frederick Ochieng’-Odhiambo - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (1):35-54.
    The essay explicates Aimé Césaire’s contribution to the discipline of African philosophy, which ironically, is unknown to many scholars within African philosophy, especially in Anglophone Africa. In his Return to my Native Land, Césaire introduced two new concepts: “négritude” and “return”. These would later turn out to be crucial to the discourse on African identity and African philosophy. In his Discourse on Colonialism, Césaire raised two very closely related objections against Placide Tempels’ Bantu Philosophy. His first dissatisfaction was that (...)
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction: The Time of Africana Philosophy.Omedi Ochieng - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (1):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor's Introduction:The Time of Africana PhilosophyOmedi OchiengAfricana philosophy is in the main a philosophy of the present. Many will demur and with good reason. In the first place, in worrying about the definition and animating energies of Africana philosophers, Africana philosophers have looked to the past to furnish answers to the former, and to the future to motivate its orientation to the latter. For Lucius Outlaw, for example, (...)
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    Les enjeux du discours philosophique sur l'Afrique.Abou Karamoko - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Marc Jimenez.
    Les Enjeux du discours philosophique pour l'Afrique est consacré non pas à l'ethnophilosophie, mais à l'orientation africaine en philosophie ou de la philosophie qui se déploie sous des talents et plumes aussi riches que contradictoires : Placide Tempels, John Mbiti et Alexis Kagame, Nkrumah, Paulin Hountondji, Eboussi Boulaga, Marcien Towa, Niamkey Koffi, Abdou Touré, Yacouba Konaté, Jean-Godefroy Bidima, Augustin Dibi, etc. Ce n'est pas un ouvrage de "philosophie africaine", si l'adjonction de l'épithète africaine devrait trahir la philosophie qui, depuis Platon, (...)
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    Ubuntu in Elephant Communities.Birte Wrage, Dennis Papadopoulos & Judith Benz-Schwarzburg - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):814-835.
    African (Bantu) philosophy conceptualizes morality through ubuntu, which emphasizes the role of community in producing moral agents. This community is characterized by practices that respond to and value interdependence, such as care, cooperation, and respect for elders and ancestral knowledge. While there have been attributions of morality to nonhuman animals in the interdisciplinary animal morality debate, this debate has focused on Western concepts. We argue that the ubuntu conception of morality as a communal practice applies to some nonhuman animals. (...)
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    Tempels' Philosophical Racialism.B. Matolino - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):330-342.
    Placide Tempels’ Bantu Philosophy has largely been met with hostility from African philosophers. Whilst Tempels intended to show that the Bantu were not only capable of thinking, but also that they had a distinct and coherent philosophy of their own, his project seems to have achieved exactly the opposite. Temples’ project sought to expose the racism of thinkers such as Lucien Levy-Bruhl, thereby raising the African to the same status as the Westerner. However, his efforts have been rejected (...)
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    An Indigenous Yoruba - African Philosophical Argument Against Capital Punishment.Moses Òkè - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 7:1-19.
    The paper notes that whereas the issue of capital punishment is very old and not alien to any human society, and whereas there is an abundance of literature on Western philosophy of punishment, very little philosophical work on punishment from the African perspective can be cited. By way of filling a part of the lacuna in the literature, the paper examines the Yorùbá culture for its perspectives on the death penalty.The paper finds in the Ifá Literary Corpus, though implicit, a (...)
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  33. Delving into the Ethical Dimension of.Nicolito A. Gianan - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):63-82.
    The article aims to delve into the ethical dimension of Ubuntu philosophy, which is an African philosophy that reverberates in other cultures and in various forms, thus exemplifying its universality and universalizability. In this dimension, it tries to re-examine the notion of ethics in relation to morals/morality, including “is” and “ought”, with reference to the human person. Moreover, Ubuntu philosophy is articulated and communicated in the maxim that is an essential component inthe lived experiences of the Bantu-speaking African community: (...)
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    Alexis Kagame (1912–1981): Life and Thought.Liboire Kagabo - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu (ed.), A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 231–242.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Life and Works Where is Kagame's Philosophy to be Found? Bantu Philosophy: Placide Tempels and Alexis Kagame Bantu Philosophy: Its Divisions Bantu Philosophy and Aristotelian‐Thomistic Philosophy.
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    Grounding the Consolationist Concept of Mood in the African Vital Force Theory.Ada Agada - 2020 - Philosophia Africana 19 (2):101-121.
    ABSTRACT The concept of vital force in African philosophy received its first full articulation in Placide Tempels’s Bantu Philosophy and has evolved over time from the ontological dimension of a universal actuation and energizing principle to an element of mind, notably in the work of Kwame Gyekye. In this essay, I present the concept of vital force and trace its evolution from the time of its first full articulation by Tempels up to its identification with spirit, or mind, in (...)
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    The concept of Botho and HIV&AIDS in Botswana.Joseph B. R. Gaie & Sana Mmolai (eds.) - 2007 - Eldoret, Kenya: Zapf Chancery.
    Ever since the publication of Placide Tempel's epoch-making work Bantu Philosophy, African philosophers have worked to dispel the myth that there is no metaphysics in Africa.
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    Ndonguti, o filósofo africano.Patrício Batsîkama - 2024 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 33 (65):113-142.
    A discussão sobre a existência ou não da Filosofia Africana, associada à negação do direito à Filosofia caracterizou seis décadas: 1940-2000. A necessidade de apagar o espectro que as representações ocidentais (europeias) atribuem à África foi, de certa forma, respondida com várias publicações. O presente artigo pretende mostrar que existiram, também, pensadores individuais, preciamente no antigo Kôngo.
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    Ubuntu relational love: decolonizing Black masculinities.Devi Dee Mucina - 2019 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: University of Manitoba Press.
    Ubuntu is a Bantu term meaning humanity. It is also a philosophical and ethical system of thought, from which definitions of humanness, togetherness, and social politics of difference arise. Devi Dee Mucina is a Black Indigenous Ubuntu man. In Ubuntu Relational Love, he uses Ubuntu oratures as tools to address the impacts of Euro-colonialism while regenerating relational Ubuntu governance structures. Called "millet granaries" to reflect the nourishing and sustaining nature of Indigenous knowledges, and written as letters addressed to his (...)
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    A positivação do Ubuntu como um princípio jurídico e político-constitucional da África.Arménio Alberto Rodrigues da Roda - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e0240072.
    The term Ubuntu is often presented as a mere ontological, philosophical African worldview. However, the aim of this article is to equate Ubuntu philosophy with a category of open legal principles of a constitutional nature, which, although they are not formally enshrined in the written constitutions of southern African countries that share the Bantu culture, have a normative deontic character. Therefore, it is worth emphasising that this category of thought is socially present as a norm of practical reason, from (...)
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  40. “Even the Papuan is a Man and not a Beast”: Husserl on Universalism and the Relativity of Cultures.Dermot Moran - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (4):463-494.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Even the Papuan is a Man and not a Beast”: Husserl on Universalism and the Relativity of CulturesDermot Moran (bio)“[A]nd in this broad sense even the Papuan is a man and not a beast.” ([U]nd in diesem weiten Sinne ist auch der Papua Mensch und nicht Tier, Husserl, Crisis, 290/Hua. VI.337–38)1“Reason is the specific characteristic of man, as a being living in personal activities and habitualities.” (Vernunft ist das (...)
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    Obiora Ike and the Challenge of Development in Africa.Gregory Ebalu Ogbenika - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 1:13-34.
    African philosophers such as Olusegun Oladipo, Lansana Kieta, Kwama Nkrumah and Kanu Ikechukwu proposed to revisit the semantic of the word “development”. From their viewpoint, instead of seeing economic growth as the DNA of development, we should actualize the notion as rather aiming at the universalities of cultures, which could ensure progress and development. Further aspects such as a) the worldview of the Bantu, b) the distribution of resources in large national giant nations as Nigeria, and c) faith-based organization (...)
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    Reflection on euthanasia: Western and african ntomba perspectives on the death of a chief.Deogratias Biembe Bikopo & Louis-Jacques van Bogaert - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (1):42-48.
    Largely, the concept of energy or vital force, as first analysed by Placide Tempels in Bantu Philosophy, permeates most African ontology systems, worldviews and life views. The Ntomba Chief is chosen because of his above average vital force. This puts him in the position of intermediary between the Supreme Being, the ancestors, and his subordinates. The waning of his energy is incompatible with his position because his energy is that of his tribe. When installed, he takes an oath that, (...)
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    Statues Also Die.Pierre-Philippe Fraiture - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (1):45-67.
    “African thinking,” “African thought,” and “African philosophy.” These phrases are often used indiscriminately to refer to intellectual activities in and/or about Africa. This large field, which sits at the crossroads between analytic philosophy, continental thought, political philosophy and even linguistics is apparently limitless in its ability to submit the object “Africa” to a multiplicity of disciplinary approaches. This absence of limits has far-reaching historical origins. Indeed it needs to be understood as a legacy of the period leading to African independence (...)
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    Reflection on euthanasia: Western and african ntomba perspectives on the death of a chief.Louis-Jacques Bogaert Deogratias Biembe Bikopvano - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (1):42-48.
    Largely, the concept of energy or vital force, as first analysed by Placide Tempels in Bantu Philosophy, permeates most African ontology systems, worldviews and life views. The Ntomba Chief is chosen because of his above average vital force. This puts him in the position of intermediary between the Supreme Being, the ancestors, and his subordinates. The waning of his energy is incompatible with his position because his energy is that of his tribe. When installed, he takes an oath that, (...)
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    Black Consciousness as Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice.George Hull - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (4):573-592.
    The ideas of the South African Black Consciousness Movement developed as an intellectual response to the situation of black South Africans under apartheid. Though influential, Black Consciousness ideas about how the injustice of apartheid was to be conceptualised, and what form resistance to it consequently needed to take, have always awoken controversy. Here I defend the original Black Consciousness theorists, Bantu Steve Biko and Nyameko Barney Pityana, against charges of racial inherentism, espousing a prescriptive conception of black identity, and (...)
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    Hunhu/Ubuntu in Traditional Southern African Thought.Fainos Mangena - 2023 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Hunhu/Ubuntu in the Traditional Thought of Southern Africa The term Ubuntu/Botho/Hunhu is a Zulu/Xhosa/Ndebele/Sesotho/Shona word referring to the moral attribute of a person, who is known in the Bantu languages as Munhu (Among the Shona of Zimbabwe), Umuntu (Among the Ndebele of Zimbabwe and the Zulu/Xhosa of South Africa) and Muthu (Among the Tswana of … Continue reading Hunhu/Ubuntu in Traditional Southern African Thought →.
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    An Approach to the Study on the Situation of Cultural Decline in the Fang Ethnic Group of Equatorial Guinea.Bonifacio Nguema Obiang-Mikue - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):111-120.
    Our article aims to analyze the different stages of the Fang culture, particularly the one of Equatorial Guinea in order to know the current situation of the aforementioned culture. It should be said that the Fang is a social group, an ethnic group that belongs to the Bantu trunk. These Fangs developed their culture from an original perspective; that is to say in a raw state before they made contact with Westerners. Culture is a concept that has gone through (...)
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  48. The significance of "mushin" : the essential mind of Zen Buddhist philosophy for humans in a contemporary world.Hisaki Hashi, Phil, Durch Habilitation Authorized Professor for Full Areas of Philosophy at the Department Of Philosophy & Austria - 2017 - In Yahui Jiang Lee (ed.), Buddhism: a contemporary philosophical investigation. Valley Cottage, NY, United States of America: Socialy Press, an imprint of Scitus Academics.
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    Karl-Otto Apel Transzendentale Intersubjektivität und das Defizit einer Reflexionstheorie in der Philosophie der Gegenwart'.Infragestellungen der Subjekt-Philosophie - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke (eds.), Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann.
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    The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy.Mahmood Zeraatpisheh Philosophy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
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