Results for 'Philippe Mousset'

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  1. Les procédés du langage musical.Philippe Mousset - 1909 - Bruxelles: Tipo-lithographie générale.
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    The Dynamics of Epistemic Attitudes in Resource-Bounded Agents.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque & Emiliano Lorini - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):457-488.
    The paper presents a new logic for reasoning about the formation of beliefs through perception or through inference in non-omniscient resource-bounded agents. The logic distinguishes the concept of explicit belief from the concept of background knowledge. This distinction is reflected in its formal semantics and axiomatics: we use a non-standard semantics putting together a neighborhood semantics for explicit beliefs and relational semantics for background knowledge, and we have specific axioms in the logic highlighting the relationship between the two concepts. Mental (...)
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  3. Indexicality and de se reports.Philippe Schlenker - forthcoming - In Maienborn von Heusinger & Mouton Gruyter Portneder (eds.), Handbook of Semantics.
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    Time and Law.Philippe Nonet - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):311-332.
    The seemingly "inextricable" mutual entanglement of history and the play of power dissolves itself when thinking, under the sway of technique, moves beyond the horizon of metaphysic, and turns to question the unconcealment of being, that is, when man lets time become the law of his essence. Only so would a history, i.e. freedom, happen again, and rescue modern man from his otherwise destinyless age.
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    L'émergence du capitalisme au prisme de l'histoire globale.Philippe Norel - 2013 - Actuel Marx 53 (1):63.
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  6. The Allais paradox: what it became, what it really was, what it now suggests to us.Philippe Mongin - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (3):423-459.
    Whereas many others have scrutinized the Allais paradox from a theoretical angle, we study the paradox from an historical perspective and link our findings to a suggestion as to how decision theory could make use of it today. We emphasize that Allais proposed the paradox asa normative argument, concerned with ‘the rational man’ and not the ‘real man’, to use his words. Moreover, and more subtly, we argue that Allais had an unusual sense of the normative, being concerned not so (...)
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  7. Iconic variables.Philippe Schlenker, Jonathan Lamberton & Mirko Santoro - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (2):91-149.
    We argue that some sign language loci (i.e. positions in signing space that realize discourse referents) are both formal variables and simplified representations of what they denote; in other words, they are simultaneously logical symbols and pictorial representations. We develop a 'formal semantics with iconicity' that accounts for their dual life; the key idea ('formal iconicity') is that some geometric properties of signs must be preserved by the interpretation function. We analyze in these terms three kinds of iconic effects in (...)
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    What is Super Semantics?Philippe Schlenker - 2018 - Philosophical Perspectives 32 (1):365-453.
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    Unpacking the Narrative Decontestation of CSR: Aspiration for Change or Defense of the Status Quo?Déborah Philippe & Aurélien Feix - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):129-174.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has repeatedly been described as an “essentially contested concept,” which means that its signification is subject to continuous struggle. We argue that the “CSR institution” (CSRI; i.e., the set of standards and rules regulating corporate conduct under the banner of CSR) is legitimized by narratives which “decontest” the underlying concept of CSR in a manner that safeguards the CSRI from calls for alternative institutional arrangements. Examining several such narratives from a structuralist perspective, we find them to (...)
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  10. Cédric Lemogne, Pascale Piolino, Stéphanie Friszer, Astrid Claret, Nathalie Girault, Roland Jouvent, Jean-François.Philippe Fossati Allilaire, Frédérique de Vignemont, Tiziana Zalla, Andrés Posada, Anne Louvegnez, Olivier Koenig, Nicolas Georgieff, Nicolas Franck, Arnaud DÕArgembeau & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:232-233.
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    Unification with parameters in the implication fragment of classical propositional logic.Philippe Balbiani & Mojtaba Mojtahedi - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (3):454-464.
    In this paper, we show that the implication fragment of classical propositional logic is finitary for unification with parameters.
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    Prolegomena to Music Semantics.Philippe Schlenker - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):35-111.
    We argue that a formal semantics for music can be developed, although it will be based on very different principles from linguistic semantics and will yield less precise inferences. Our framework has the following tenets: Music cognition is continuous with normal auditory cognition. In both cases, the semantic content derived from an auditory percept can be identified with the set of inferences it licenses on its causal sources, analyzed in appropriately abstract ways. What is special about music semantics is that (...)
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  13. Indexicality, Logophoricity, and Plural Pronouns.Philippe Schlenker - 2003 - In Jacqueline Lecarme (ed.), Afroasiatic Grammar Ii: Selected Papers From the Fifth Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Paris, 2000. John Benjamins. pp. 409-428.
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    Gesture projection and cosuppositions.Philippe Schlenker - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (3):295-365.
    In dynamic theories of presupposition, a trigger pp′ with presupposition p and at-issue component p′ comes with a requirement that p should be entailed by the local context of pp′. We argue that some co-speech gestures should be analyzed within a presuppositional framework, but with a twist: an expression p co-occurring with a co-speech gesture G with content g comes with the requirement that the local context of p should guarantee that p entails g; we call such assertion-dependent presuppositions ‘cosuppositions’. (...)
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    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- Fostering (...)
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    Ethics and Aesthetics: Reuniting the Siamese Twins.Philippe Mach - 2014 - The Monist 97 (1):122-137.
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  17. Bofl constrh.Philippe de Vosjoli Robert Mailloux - 1998 - Vivarium 9:67.
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  18. Notes sur la grâce du Christ.Philippe-Marie Margelidon - 2012 - Revue Thomiste 112 (2):289-315.
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  19. Neutrosophy as a model for knowledge : the influence of representative models on thinking.Philippe Schweizer - 2020 - In Florentin Smarandache & Said Broumi (eds.), Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    The Multifaceted Legacy of the Human Genome Program for Evolutionary Biology: An Epistemological Perspective.Philippe Huneman - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (1):117-152.
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    Pragmatism and Organization Studies.Philippe Lorino - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book aims to make the pragmatist intellectual framework accessible to organization and management scholars. It presents some fundamental concepts of Pragmatism, their potential application to the study of organizations and the resulting theoretical, methodological, and practical issues.
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  22. Rethinking Nudge: Not One But Three Concepts.Philippe Mongin & Mikael Cozic - 2018 - Behavioural Public Policy 2:107-124.
    Nudge is a concept of policy intervention that originates in Thaler and Sunstein's (2008) popular eponymous book. Following their own hints, we distinguish three properties of nudge interventions: they redirect individual choices by only slightly altering choice conditions (here nudge 1), they use rationality failures instrumentally (here nudge 2), and they alleviate the unfavourable effects of these failures (here nudge 3). We explore each property in semantic detail and show that no entailment relation holds between them. This calls into question (...)
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    Assessing the prospects for a return of organisms in evolutionary biology.Philippe Huneman - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (2/3).
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    KD is nullary.Philippe Balbiani & Çiğdem Gencer - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):196-205.
    In the ordinary modal language, KD is the modal logic determined by the class of all serial frames. In this paper, we demonstrate that KD is nullary.
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    Justice and Democracy: Are they Incompatible?Philippe Parijs - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (2):101-117.
  26. Citoyens d'en Bas contribution a une anthropologie de la contemporanéité.Philippe Lucas - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
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    Die Frage des Menschen: Antworten antiker Hochkulturen.Philippe Mastronardi - 2020 - Zug: Die Graue Edition.
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    The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface.Philippe Schlenker - 2016 - In Maria Aloni & Paul Dekker (eds.), Formal Semantics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 664 - 727.
    The informational content conveyed by utterances has two sources:meaning as it is encoded in words and rules of semantic composition (often called literal or semantic meaning) and further inferences that may be obtained by reasoning on the speaker's motives (the conjunction of these inferences with the literal meaning is often called the strengthened or pragmatic meaning of the sentence). While in simple cases the difference can seem obvious enough, in general this is not so, and the investigation of the semantics–pragmatics (...)
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    Sahlqvist Theorems for Precontact Logics.Philippe Balbiani & Stanislav Kikot - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 55-70.
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    L'action humaine dans l'œuvre de Teilhard de Chardin.Philippe Bergeron - 1969 - Montréal,: Fides.
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    Special Issue Editor’s Introduction: “Revisiting the Modern Synthesis”.Philippe Huneman - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):509-518.
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    Remarks about the unification type of several non-symmetric non-transitive modal logics.Philippe Balbiani - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):639-658.
    The problem of unification in a normal modal logic $L$ can be defined as follows: given a formula $\varphi$, determine whether there exists a substitution $\sigma$ such that $\sigma $ is in $L$. In this paper, we prove that for several non-symmetric non-transitive modal logics, there exists unifiable formulas that possess no minimal complete set of unifiers.
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  33. La réflexion.Philippe D' Arcy - 1972 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  34. Le plus ancien programme de l'abolitionnisme italien: Le discorso Della Pena di morte de Giuseppe pelli (1760-1761).Philippe Audegean - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:135-156.
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  35. A relational model of movement.Philippe Balbiani & Fariñas del Cerro - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  36. Anomie and fatalism in Durkheim's theory of regulation.Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge. pp. 169--90.
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    (1 other version)Systèmes d'inférence non monotone.Philippe Besnard - 1995 - Theoria 10 (2):37-47.
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    Penser philosophiquement l’Europe à partir d’elle-même.Philippe Crignon - 2018 - Noesis 30:315-338.
    Il est courant de rappeler que l’Union européenne a un défaut d’intelligibilité et que sa forme politique demeure hésitante. Les catégories les plus prégnantes demeurent issues de la théorie de l’État et imposent une alternative insatisfaisante entre confédération d’États souverains et État fédéral. Afin d’y échapper, certains auteurs suggèrent de penser l’UE à partir du paradigme cosmopolitique. Le propos de cet article est de souligner l’intérêt mais aussi les contradictions du modèle cosmopolitique appliqué à l’UE en raison de l’essentielle finitude (...)
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    Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them.Philippe Legrain - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    Presents an analysis of the cultural, economic, and social impact of immigration.
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  40. Proust/Deleuze : mnemosyne, goddess, or factory?Philippe Mengue - 2009 - In Mary Bryden & Margaret Topping (eds.), Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
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    Changes of Swimmers’ Emotional States during the Preparation of National Championship: Do Recovery-Stress States Matter?Philippe Vacher, Michel Nicolas, Guillaume Martinent & Laurent Mourot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Logical theories and abstract argumentation: A survey of existing works.Philippe Besnard, Claudette Cayrol & Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):41-102.
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    La mutation du visible: essai sur la portée épistémologique des instruments d'optique au XVIIe siècle.Philippe Hamou - 2001 - Presses Univ. Septentrion.
    Un essai sur la portée épistémologique des instruments d'optique au XVIIe siècle, axé sur les travaux des Anglais, et notamment l'oeuvre de Robert Hooke, qui entre tous a su donner une consistance philosophique au modèle instrumental.
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    Encoding deductive argumentation in quantified Boolean formulae.Philippe Besnard, Anthony Hunter & Stefan Woltran - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (15):1406-1423.
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    Fin de l'histoire, fin de la géographie.Philippe Fleury - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les discours sur la fin de l'histoire, dominants à la fin du siècle dernier, ont laissé place aux discours marquants la fin de la géographie, à l'urgence climatique et à l'effondrement. Ces considérations s'enracient dans l'histoire de la philosophie, chez Montesquieu en particulier. La mondialisation et les multiples crises (économique, sociale, politique et sanitaire) que nous traversons, nous imposent un nouveau questionnement pour nous resituer historiquement et géographiquement ; ces deux dimensions étant, de plus, inséparables. La géographie conceptualisant l'espace rend (...)
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  46. De l'illusion groupale au besoin de croire.Philippe Kaeppelin - 1982 - In François Bousquet & Jean Greisch (eds.), La Croyance. Paris: Beauchesne.
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    Edelste mens, grote egoïst of idioot?: Nietzsche over Jezus.Philippe Jean Charles Lepers - 2016 - Zoetermeer: Klement.
    Wat dacht Nietzsche, die niet bepaald positief stond ten opzichte van het christendom, eigenlijk over Jezus? Er wordt immers wel beweerd dat je, wat je verder ook van het christendom denkt, onmogelijk tegen Jezus kunt zijn. In zijn vroege werk noemt Nietzsche hem inderdaad 'de edelste mens'. Maar later heeft hij het over 'een grote egoïst' en in 'Der Antichrist' zegt hij zelfs dat Jezus 'een idioot' was. Wat betekent dat allemaal precies binnen het denken van een filosoof die vaak (...)
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  48. Textual Authority and Its Naturalization in Liang Shuming’s Dong-Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue.Philippe Major - 2017 - Monumenta Serica 1 (65):123–145.
    This article discusses how Liang Shuming’s Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophies adopted a genealogical mode of textual authorization which took shape in its depiction of Chinese history as a failure to live up to an ideal way of life imagined by Confucius. Implied in this discourse was the idea that Liang himself had been the first Confucian to understand what Confucius had truly meant. This genealogical discourse authorizing Liang and his text by linking them directly to Confucius was (...)
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  49. La Médecine antique aujourd’hui: questions éthiques.Philippe Mudry - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (9).
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    In Defense of Logical Universalism: Taking Issue with Jean van Heijenoort.Philippe Rouilhan - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):553-586.
    Van Heijenoort's main contribution to history and philosophy of modern logic was his distinction between two basic views of logic, first, the absolutist, or universalist, view of the founding fathers, Frege, Peano, and Russell, which dominated the first, classical period of history of modern logic, and, second, the relativist, or model-theoretic, view, inherited from Boole, Schröder, and Löwenheim, which has dominated the second, contemporary period of that history. In my paper, I present the man Jean van Heijenoort (Sect. 1); then (...)
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