Results for 'Philip Nobile'

941 found
  1.  24
    Between pope and king: the Parisian letters of adhesion of 1303.William J. Courtenay - 1996 - Speculum 71 (3):577-605.
    The confrontation between Philip the Fair and Boniface VIII has long been seen as a major turning point for the medieval papacy, for the rise of national monarchies, and for the political shaping of public opinion in late-medieval France. Philip's campaign to gain and display the support of the clergy, the nobility, and townspeople throughout the realm also generated a large body of documentation, much of which survives today. Although frequently explored and exploited during the last four centuries, (...)
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    Sieyès and republican liberty.Adam Lindsay - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1):155-177.
    In On the People’s Terms, Philip Pettit incorporates the Sieyèsian notion of constituent power into his constitutional theory of non-domination. In this article, I argue that Emmanuel Sieyès’s understanding of liberty precludes such an appropriation. While a republican, his conceptualisation of liberty in the face of commercial society stood apart from theories of civic vigilance, preferring instead to disentangle individuals from politics and maximise what he understood to be their non-political freedoms. Sieyès saw that liberty was heightened through relations (...)
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    Arendt Contra Sociology: Theory, Society and its Science.Philip Walsh - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Routledge.
    Arendt Contra Sociology re-assesses the relationship between Hannah Arendt's work and the theoretical foundations of sociology, bringing her insights to bear on key themes within contemporary theoretical sociology. Departing from the view of Arendt as a political theorist who sought to rescue politics from society, and political theory from the social sciences, this book re-examines her distinctions between labour, fabrication and action as a theory of the fundamental ontology of human societies, revisiting her criticism of the tendency of many sociological (...)
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  4. Gaussian processes and neuronal models: an asymptotic analysis.E. Di Nardo, A. G. Nobile, E. Pirozzi & L. M. Ricciardi - 2002 - In Robert Trappl, Cybernetics and Systems. Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies. pp. 313-318.
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    Computational research on interaction and agency.Philip E. Agre - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 72 (1-2):1-52.
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    Ethical problems in engineering.Philip Langdon Alger, N. A. Christensen, Sterling P. Olmsted, Barrington S. Havens & John A. Miller (eds.) - 1965 - New York,: J. Wiley.
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  7. Brian Barry, "The Liberal Theory of Justice: A Critical Examination of the Principal Doctrines in 'A Theory of Justice', by John Rawls".Philip Pettit - 1974 - Theory and Decision 4 (3/4):379.
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    Pragmatic control of specificity and scope: Evidence from Dutch L1A.William Philip - 2005 - In Emar Maier, Corien Bary & Janneke Huitink, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9. Nijmegen Centre for Semantics. pp. 271--285.
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    Systematic reviews of empirical literature on bioethical topics: Results from a meta-review.Marcel Mertz, Hélène Nobile & Hannes Kahrass - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):960-978.
    Background In bioethics, especially nursing ethics, systematic reviews are increasingly popular. The overall aim of a systematic review is to provide an overview of the published discussions on a specific topic. While a meta-review on systematic reviews on normative bioethical literature has already been performed, there is no equivalent for systematic reviews of empirical literature on ethical topics. Objective This meta-review aims to present the general trends and characteristics of systematic reviews of empirical bioethical literature and to evaluate their reporting (...)
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    The Social responsibility of scientists.Philip Siekevitz (ed.) - 1972 - [New York]: New York Academy of Sciences.
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    Shock-right discrimination training: Effect of correction training with an enforced delay following an incorrect choice.Philip F. Spelt & Harry Fowler - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):504.
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    A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander. Vol. II. Commentary on Books IV-V (review).Philip A. Stadter - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):140-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Historical Commentary on Arrian’s History of Alexander. Vol. II. Commentary on Books IV–VPhilip A. StadterBosworth, A. B. A Historical Commentary on Arrian’s History of Alexander. Vol. II. Commentary on Books IV–V. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.In books 1–3, Arrian’s Alexander rushed from the Hellespont to Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis. In books IV and V the story changes: Alexander finds himself on the frontier, and beyond. No longer is (...)
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    On the cardinal virtues (De virtutibus cardinalibus) by St. Thomas Aquinas, translated from the Latin with a preface and commentary.Philip B. Sullivan - unknown
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    The Naturalist’s Virtues.Philip Cafaro - 2001 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 8 (2):85-99.
    This paper argues that studying natural history helps make us more virtuous; that is, better and happier people. After sketching a broad conception of virtue, I discuss how naturalizing may improve our moral character and help develop our intellectual, aesthetic and physical abilities. I next assert essential connections between nonanthropocentrism and wisdom, and between natural history study and the achievement of a nonanthropocentric stance toward the world. Finally, I argue that the great naturalists suggest a noble, inspiring alternative to the (...)
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  15. Some answers, admissions, and explanations.Philip Kiteher - 2013 - In Marie I. Kaiser & Ansgar Seide, Philip Kitcher – Pragmatic Naturalism. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: ontos. pp. 15--175.
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  16. The unification model of scientific explanation.Philip Kitcher - 1999 - In Robert Klee, Scientific inquiry: readings in the philosophy of science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Interpolation processes in object perception: Reply to Anderson (2007).Philip J. Kellman, Patrick Garrigan, Thomas F. Shipley & Brian P. Keane - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):488-502.
  18. Karl Popper: Critical Appraisals.Philip Catton & Cynthia Macdonald (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
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  19. Lucretius in early modern France.Philip Ford - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie, The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 227--41.
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  20. Agency & the pill that makes us moral.Philip Fox - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On, Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press.
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  21. Periodicals and reprints received.Philip P. Wiener - 1946 - Journal of the History of Ideas 7 (1/4):377.
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  22. Beyond the Bounds of Sense: The Rational System in Kant's Three "Critiques".Philip M. Wright - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    This thesis is concerned with Immanuel Kant's mature philosophy as a whole. My aim is to show the systematic relationship among Kant's three Critiques, and the continuity of these with the Inaugral Dissertation. I use recent interpretations of Kant's projects in the Critique of Pure Reason and I offer my own interpretation of the Critique of Judgment, in which I highlight the importance of the final Appendix in that work, to argue that the goal of these three works taken together (...)
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  23.  15
    Plans and situated actions: The problem of human-machine communication.Philip E. Agre - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 43 (3):369-384.
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    Lonergan on Newman's conversion.Philip A. Egan - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (4):437–455.
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  25. Science Progress.Philip E. B. Jourdain - 1918 - The Monist 28:633.
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  26. The philosophy of Mr. B*rtr*nd R*ss**ll.Philip E. B. Jourdain - 1918 - Chicago,: The Open court publishing co..
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    Chris L. Firestone, Nathan A Jacobs, and James H. Joiner, eds. Kant and the Question of Theology.Philip J. Rossi - 2019 - Journal of Analytic Theology 7 (1):742-746.
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    The role of the vestibular organs in space orientation.Philip Worchel - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (1):4.
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    Excerpt from a column about Chesterton and dieting.Philip Yancey - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):300-302.
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    Frederick Buechner.Philip Yancey - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):181-183.
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    Consciousness and control: The argument from developmental psychology.Philip David Zelazo & Douglas Frye - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):788-789.
    Limitations of Dienes & Perner's (D&P's) theory are traced to the assumption that the higher-order thought (HOT) theory of consciousness is true. D&P claim that 18-month-old children are capable of explicitly representing factuality, from which it follows (on D&P's theory) that they are capable of explicitly representing content, attitude, and self. D&P then attempt to explain 3-year-olds' failures on tests of voluntary control such as the dimensional change card sort by suggesting that at this age children cannot represent content and (...)
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    The Adventitious Origins of the Calvinist Moral Subject.Philip G. Ziegler - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):213-223.
    This paper argues that Calvin provides an account of the radical unmaking of the human moral subject at the hands of sin and its even more radical remaking at the hands of divine grace. The moral significance of human continuity during this soteriological transit, including such things as reason and will as such, is shown to be overreached by that of what becomes of the human creature in its history at the hands of both sin and God’s grace. Calvin’s treatment (...)
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  33. Nuclear Strategy and political Theory: a Critical Assessment.Philip Lawrence - 1985 - Review of International Studies 11 (2):105-121.
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    Religion and Memory in Tacitus' Annals by Kelly E. Shannon-Henderson.Philip Waddell - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (3):367-369.
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    More Thoughts about Miller's "Further Thoughts on Peirce's Use of History".Philip P. Wiener - 1972 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 8 (3):187 - 195.
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    Forgetting God.Philip Yancey - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (3/4):431-433.
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  37. Science, Truth.Philip Kitcher - 2001 - In David Estlund, Democracy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 549--59.
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  38. Whose self is it, anyway?".Philip Kitcher - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss, Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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  39. The Meaning of Religious Propositions.Philip Leon - 1954 - Hibbert Journal 53:151.
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  40. Alan Watts and his queer readers : not so strange bedfellows.Philip Longo - 2021 - In Peter J. Columbus, The Relevance of Alan Watts in Contemporary Culture: Understanding Contributions and Controversies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  41. Lost in the lake : and his others.Philip Lutgendorf - 2020 - In Gil Ben-Herut, Jon Keune & Anne E. Monius, Regional communities of devotion in South Asia: insiders, outsiders, and interlopers. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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  42. Recent books and periodicals received.Philip P. Wiener - 1943 - Journal of the History of Ideas 4 (1/4):490.
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  43. Against ideology : democracy and the human interaction sphere.Philip A. Woods - 2016 - In Eugénie Angèle Samier, Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leadership. New York: Routledge.
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    Interview with Allen Newell.Philip E. Agre - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):415-449.
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    The Youth Without Qualities.Philip Kitcher - 2014 - The Monist 97 (1):12-29.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy of Science and the German Idealists.Philip Clayton - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (3):287 - 304.
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    Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection.Philip R. Davies & Eileen Schuller - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):771.
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    Al-Niṣf al-Awwal min Kitāb al-ZahrahAl-Nisf al-Awwal min Kitab al-Zahrah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Bakr Muḥammad ibn-abi-Sulaymān al-Iṣfahāni, A. R. Nykl & Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-abi-Sulayman al-Isfahani - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):215.
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  49. Creative Minds in Contemporary Theology.Philip Edgcumbe Hughes - 1966
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    Catholicism and health-care justice: problems, potential, and solutions.Philip S. Keane - 2002 - New York: Paulist Press.
    Reviews the basic Catholic moral principles that apply to health care, then uses them to assess three major current trends in the health care industry.
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