Results for 'Peter Enns'

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  1. Exodus Retold: Ancient Exegesis of the Departure From Egypt in Wis 15-21 and 19:1-9.Peter Enns (ed.) - 1997 - Brill.
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    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. I: Udāharaṇasamāhāraḥ; L’ensemble des exemples; The Collection of Examples; saṁśodhitaprakāśanam, édition révisée.Peter M. Scharf - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. I: Udāharaṇasamāhāraḥ; L’ensemble des exemples; The Collection of Examples; saṁśodhitaprakāśanam, édition révisée, revised edition. Two parts. By F. Grimal, V. Venkataraja Sarma, S. Lakshminarasimham, K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu, and Jagadeesh Bhat. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Series, vols. 309, 310; Collection indologie 93.1.1, 2. Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha; Pondichéry: École française d’Extrème-Orient; Institut Français de Pondichéry, 2018. Pp. xiii + 757 + 481. Rs. 680, 450.
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    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. IV.1–2: Taddhitaprakaraṇam; Le livre des formes dérivés secondaires; The Book of Secondary Derivatives. By F. Grimal, V. Ven. [REVIEW]Peter M. Scharf - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. IV.1–2: Taddhitaprakaraṇam; Le livre des formes dérivés secondaires; The Book of Secondary Derivatives. By F. Grimal, V. VenkataraJa Sarma, and S. Lakshminara- Simham. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Series, vols. 302, 303; Collection indologie vol. 93.4.1, 2. Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha; Pondichéry: École Française d’extrême-Orient; Institute Française de Pondichéry, 2015. Pp. xvi + 1397. Rs. 570 per vol.
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    Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom: Personal and Philosophical Essays.Peter Caws & Stefani Jones (eds.) - 2010 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The essays in Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom are the personal stories of philosophers who were brought up religiously and have broken free, in one way or another, from restraint and oppression. As trained philosophers, they are well equipped to reflect on and analyze their experiences. In this book, they offer not only stories of stress and liberation but ruminations on the moral issues that arise when parents and other caregivers, in seeking to do good by their children, (...)
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  5. Hearing God - the character and functionality of situatedness for elucidating the variance in Evangelical doctrine and as the primary criterion for contextual cross-cultural proclamation.Edvard Kristian Foshaugen - manuscript
    God speaks. Hearing God. Two phrases of two words each are perhaps the most critical, misunderstood and even abused words in the existence of the Church and in particular for evangelicals. ‘I think God said’ and ‘I think God is saying’ are the most sagacious, precise, truthful and appropriate manner of responding to the conviction that God speaks and for shared engaging enriched discourse on what God says to ensure He is heard. The Bible must never be seen and interpreted (...)
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    Propositional Content.Peter Hanks - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Hanks defends a new theory about the nature of propositional content, according to which the basic bearers of representational properties are particular mental or spoken actions. He explains the unity of propositions and provides new solutions to a long list of puzzles and problems in philosophy of language.
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    Kommentar.Geir Hoff - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):84-85.
    I dette nummeret av Etikk i Praksis belyses et etisk dilemma om premiering eller sanksjoner for deltakelse/ikke-deltakelse i nasjonale screeningprogram for kreft, i artikkelen «En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme» av John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov og Lonny Henriksen. Dette er belyst gjennom intervjuer hvor divergerende meninger gjenspeiler at vi har svært begrenset kunnskap om både kort- og langtidseffekt av screening for kreft. Den politiske viljen til å innføre screeningprogram har utvilsomt vært sterkere enn viljen til (...)
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    L'espressività del cielo di Marsilio Ficino, lo Zodiaco medievale e Plotino.Graziella Federici Vescovini - 1996 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 1 (1):111-125.
    This essay provides an analysis of Marsilio Ficino's doctrine of the heavens, especially as this is developed in his commentary on Plotinus' Enneads with reference to contemporary debates in Florence concerning the legitimacy of astrology and in view of new interpretations of attendant problematic issues. Particular attention is given to Ficino's early works, such as the Disputatio contra iudicium astrologorum, as well as to his commentary on Enn. 4, 4-42 and his De vita. The leading interest of the essay consists (...)
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  9. [no title].Peter Railton - 1985 - Rowman & Littlefield.
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  10.  60
    Synesthesia and learning: a critical review and novel theory.Marcus R. Watson, Kathleen A. Akins, Chris Spiker, Lyle Crawford & James T. Enns - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11. Grapheme-color synaesthesia benefits rule-based Category learning.Marcus R. Watson, Mark R. Blair, Pavel Kozik, Kathleen A. Akins & James T. Enns - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1533-1540.
    Researchers have long suspected that grapheme-color synaesthesia is useful, but research on its utility has so far focused primarily on episodic memory and perceptual discrimination. Here we ask whether it can be harnessed during rule-based Category learning. Participants learned through trial and error to classify grapheme pairs that were organized into categories on the basis of their associated synaesthetic colors. The performance of synaesthetes was similar to non-synaesthetes viewing graphemes that were physically colored in the same way. Specifically, synaesthetes learned (...)
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    Primate handedness reconsidered.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):247-263.
  13. The location problem for color subjectivism.Peter W. Ross - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (1):42-58.
    According to color subjectivism, colors are mental properties, processes, or events of visual experiences of color. I first lay out an argument for subjectivism founded on claims from visual science and show that it also relies on a philosophical assumption. I then argue that subjectivism is untenable because this view cannot provide a plausible account of color perception. I describe three versions of subjectivism, each of which combines subjectivism with a theory of perception, namely sense datum theory, adverbialism, and the (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Sophistic Movement.Peter W. Rose & G. B. Kerferd - 1982 - American Journal of Philology 103 (4):450.
  15.  84
    Nietzsche and metaphysics.Peter Poellner - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Poellner here offers a comprehensive interpretation of Nietzsche's later ideas on epistemology and metaphysics, drawing extensively not only on his published works but also his voluminous notebooks, largely unpublished in English. He examines Nietzsche's various distinct lines of thought on the traditionally central areas of philosophy and shows in what specific sense Nietzsche, as he himself claimed, might be said to have moved beyond these questions. He pays considerable attention throughout both to the historical context of Nietzsche's writings and to (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Positive Effects of Nature on Cognitive Performance Across Multiple Experiments: Test Order but Not Affect Modulates the Cognitive Effects.Cecilia U. D. Stenfors, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Kathryn E. Schertz, Francisco A. C. Meyer, Karen E. L. Smith, Greg J. Norman, Stefan C. Bourrier, James T. Enns, Omid Kardan, John Jonides & Marc G. Berman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17. The frame/content theory of evolution of speech production.Peter F. MacNeilage - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):499-511.
    The species-specific organizational property of speech is a continual mouth open-close alternation, the two phases of which are subject to continual articulatory modulation. The cycle constitutes the syllable, and the open and closed phases are segments framescontent displays that are prominent in many nonhuman primates. The new role of Broca's area and its surround in human vocal communication may have derived from its evolutionary history as the main cortical center for the control of ingestive processes. The frame and content components (...)
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    Unconscious and out of control: Subliminal priming is insensitive to observer expectations.Erin K. Cressman, Melanie Y. Lam, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):716-728.
    We asked whether the influence of an invisible prime on movement is dependent on conscious movement expectations. Participants reached to a central target, which triggered a directional prime–mask arrow sequence. Participants were instructed that the visible arrows would most often signal a movement modification in a specific direction. Kinematic analyses revealed that responses to the visible mask were influenced by participants’ intentional bias, as movements were fastest when the more probable mask was displayed. In addition, responses were influenced by the (...)
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    A longitudinal survey of business school graduates' assessments of business ethics.Peter Arlow & Thomas A. Ulrich - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (4):295 - 302.
    A longitudinal survey of business graduates over a four-year period revealed stability over time in their assessments of proposals to improve business ethics except for significantly greater disapproval of government regulation. A comparison of graduates and executives indicate both favor developing general ethical business principles, business ethics courses, and codes of ethics, while disapproving government regulation and participation by religious leaders in ethical norms for business. The mean rankings by business graduates over time of factors influencing ethical conduct show significant (...)
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  20.  38
    On-line control of pointing is modified by unseen visual shapes.Erin K. Cressman, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):265-275.
    Shapes that are rendered invisible through backward masking are still able to influence motor responses: this is called masked priming. Yet it is unknown whether this influence is on the control of ongoing action, or whether it merely influences the initiation of an already-programmed action. We modified a masked priming procedure such that the critical prime-mask sequence was displayed during the execution of an already-initiated goal-directed pointing movement. Psychophysical tests of prime visibility indicated that the identity of the prime shapes (...)
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  21.  41
    Primate handedness: A foot in the door.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):737-746.
  22. Facts, Values, and Norms.Peter Railton - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 126 (3):433-448.
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    Scientific controversies: philosophical and historical perspectives.Peter K. Machamer, Marcello Pera & Aristeidēs Baltas (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Traditionally it has been thought that scientific controversies can always be resolved on the basis of empirical data. Recently, however, social constructionists have claimed that the outcome of scientific debates is strongly influenced by non-evidential factors such as the rhetorical prowess and professional clout of the participants. This volume of previously unpublished essays by well-known philosophers of science presents historical studies and philosophical analyses that undermine the plausibility of an extreme social constructionist perspective while also indicating the need for a (...)
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    Distance and velocity in Kepler's astronomy.Peter Barker & Bernard R. Goldstein - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (1):59-73.
    We will examine Kepler's use of a relation between velocity and distance from a centre of circular motion. This relation plays an essential role, through a derivation in chapter 40 of the Astronomia Nova, in the presentation of the Area Law of planetary motion. Kepler transcends ancient and contemporary applications of the distance-velocity relation by connecting it with his metaphysical commitment to the causal role of the Sun. His second main innovation is to replace the astronomical models of his predecessors (...)
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    Revolution and Continuity.Peter Barker & Roger Ariew - 2018 - CUA Press.
    This volume presents new work in history and historiography to the increasingly broad audience for studies of the history and philosophy of science. These essays are linked by a concern to understand the context of early modern science in its own context.
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    Explanation and metaphysical controversy.Peter Railton - 1962 - In Philip Kitcher & Wesley C. Salmon, Scientific Explanation. Univ of Minnesota Pr. pp. 13--220.
  27. Evidence against a speed limit in multiple object tracking.Zenon Pylyshyn, Franconeri, Lin, Fisher & Enns - manuscript
    in press, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
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    The prevalence of synaesthesia depends on early language learning.Marcus R. Watson, Jan Chromý, Lyle Crawford, David M. Eagleman, James T. Enns & Kathleen A. Akins - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:212-231.
  29.  56
    Nietzschean freedom.Peter Poellner - 2009 - In Ken Gemes & Simon May, Nietzsche on freedom and autonomy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 151--180.
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    Problems from Locke.Peter Alexander - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (107):169-172.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Galileo.Peter Machamer (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Not only a hero of the scientific revolution, but after his conflict with the church, a hero of science, Galileo is today rivalled in the popular imagination only by Newton and Einstein. But what did Galileo actually do, and what are the sources of the popular image we have of him? This 1998 collection of specially-commissioned essays is unparalleled in the depth of its coverage of all facets of Galileo's work. A particular feature of the volume is the treatment of (...)
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    Copernicus, the orbs, and the equant.Peter Barker - 1990 - Synthese 83 (2):317 - 323.
    I argue that Copernicus accepted the reality of celestial spheres on the grounds that the equant problem is unintelligible except as a problem about real spheres. The same considerations point to a number of generally unnoticed liabilities of Copernican astronomy, especially gaps between the spheres, and the failure of some spheres to obey the principle that their natural motion is to rotate. These difficulties may be additional reasons for Copernicus's reluctance to publish, and also stand in the way of strict (...)
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    Made in the shade: Moral compatibilism and the aims of moral theory.Peter Railton - 1995 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 25 (sup1):79-106.
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    The varieties of ethical experience.Peter J. Rosan - 2014 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2014:155-189.
    This article offers original phenomenological descriptions of empathy, sympathy, and compassion. These descriptions are based on empirical research, and they sample the variety of ways the subject may respond to the suffering of another person. The structure of these different, but similar ways of being are then taken up as clues hinting at a sensibility bearing on the formation of an ethical life. This sensibility is essentially twofold in character. On the one hand, a pairing of the perceived similarities between (...)
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    Philosophy's Role in Counseling and Psychotherapy.Peter Raabe - 2013 - Lanham: Jason Aronson.
    In this book, Raabe argues that philosophy can effectively inform and improve conventional methods of treating mental illness. He presents clinical evidence showing that mild and so-called clinical mental illnesses can be both prevented and alleviated with philosophical talk therapy. Raabe offers concrete case examples that support his findings.
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  36. Consciousness in the world: husserlian phenomenology and externalism.Peter Poellner - 2007 - In Brian Leiter & Michael Rosen, The Oxford handbook of continental philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  37.  47
    A model of intelligibility in science: Using Galileo's balance as a model for understanding the motion of bodies.Peter Machamer & Andrea Woody - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (3):215-244.
  38. (1 other version)Aristotle on Natural Place and Natural Motion.Peter K. Machamer - 1978 - Isis 69 (3):37-387.
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    How Political Repression Stifled the Nascent Foundations of Heredity Research before Mendel in Central European Sheep Breeding Societies.Péter Poczai, Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Jiří Sekerák & Attila T. Szabó - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):41.
    The nineteenth century was a time of great economic, social, and political change. The population of a modernizing Europe began demanding more freedom, which in turn propelled the ongoing discussion on the philosophy of nature. This spurred on Central European sheep breeders to debate the deepest secrets of nature: the transmission of traits from one generation to another. Scholarly questions of heredity were profoundly entwined with philosophy and politics when particular awareness of “the genetic laws of nature” claimed natural equality. (...)
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    Voters should not be in prison! The rights of prisoners in a democracy.Peter Ramsay - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (3):421-438.
  41. Rapid resumption of interrupted visual search: New insights on the interaction between memory and vision.Alejandro Lleras, Ronald A. Rensink & James T. Enns - 2005 - Psychological Science 16 (9):684-688.
    A modified visual search task demonstrates that humans are very good at resuming a search after it has been momentarily interrupted. This is shown by exceptionally rapid response time to a display that reappears after a brief interruption, even when an entirely different visual display is seen during the interruption and two different visual searches are performed simultaneously. This rapid resumption depends on the stability of the visual scene and is not due to display or response anticipations. These results are (...)
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  42. Some questions about the justification of morality.Peter Railton - 1992 - Philosophical Perspectives 6:27-53.
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    Equal Justice.Peter Vallentyne - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (174):129-132.
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    Comment on Susanna Siegel, The Rationality of Perception.Peter Railton - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (3):735-754.
    In Susanna Siegel’s compelling presentation of the case for the rationality of perception, a “significant part of the constructive defense” is played by the idea that there are “inferential routes to perceptual experience” (Siegel 2017, p. 94). Inferences, after all, are epistemically evaluable and bear on the rational standing of their conclusions. She argues that an obstacle to accepting this idea is a “Reckoning Model” of inference, and shows by example that we recognize as inferences various familiar kinds of responses (...)
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  45. Somaesthetics, education, and the art of dance.Peter J. Arnold - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):48-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Somaesthetics, Education, and the Art of DancePeter J. Arnold (bio)This essay has two related purposes. The first is to explicate what dance as an art form should minimally comprise if it is to be taught as a distinctive aspect of education in the school curriculum. The second and main purpose is to argue that dance, if taught in accordance with what is outlined, is not only an efficacious means (...)
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    On Nietzschean Constitutivism.Peter Poellner - 2015 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):162-169.
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    Aligning Developmental and Processing Accounts of Implicit and Statistical Learning.Michelle S. Peter & Caroline F. Rowland - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):555-572.
    In this article, Peter and Rowland explore the role of implicit statistical learning in syntactic development. It is often accepted that the processes observed in classic implicit learning or statistical learning experiments play an important role in the acquisition of natural language syntax. As Peter and Rowland point out, however, the results from neither research strand can be used to fully explain how children's syntax becomes adult‐like. They propose to address this shortcoming by using the structural priming paradigm.
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  48. Neuroscience, learning and the return to behaviorism.Peter K. Machamer - 2009 - In John Bickle, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 166--178.
  49. Dialog mit Peter Wust, Briefe und Aufsätze.Karl Pfleger & Peter Wust - 1949 - Heidelberg,: F. H. Kerle. Edited by Peter Wust.
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    The confrontation between processors and farm workers in the midwest tomato industry and the role of the agricultural research and extension establishment.Peter M. Rosset & John H. Vandermeer - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (3):26-32.
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