Results for 'Peter Enns'

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  1. Exodus Retold: Ancient Exegesis of the Departure From Egypt in Wis 15-21 and 19:1-9.Peter Enns (ed.) - 1997 - Brill.
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    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. I: Udāharaṇasamāhāraḥ; L’ensemble des exemples; The Collection of Examples; saṁśodhitaprakāśanam, édition révisée.Peter M. Scharf - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. I: Udāharaṇasamāhāraḥ; L’ensemble des exemples; The Collection of Examples; saṁśodhitaprakāśanam, édition révisée, revised edition. Two parts. By F. Grimal, V. Venkataraja Sarma, S. Lakshminarasimham, K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu, and Jagadeesh Bhat. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Series, vols. 309, 310; Collection indologie 93.1.1, 2. Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha; Pondichéry: École française d’Extrème-Orient; Institut Français de Pondichéry, 2018. Pp. xiii + 757 + 481. Rs. 680, 450.
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    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. IV.1–2: Taddhitaprakaraṇam; Le livre des formes dérivés secondaires; The Book of Secondary Derivatives. By F. Grimal, V. Ven. [REVIEW]Peter M. Scharf - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. IV.1–2: Taddhitaprakaraṇam; Le livre des formes dérivés secondaires; The Book of Secondary Derivatives. By F. Grimal, V. VenkataraJa Sarma, and S. Lakshminara- Simham. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Series, vols. 302, 303; Collection indologie vol. 93.4.1, 2. Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha; Pondichéry: École Française d’extrême-Orient; Institute Française de Pondichéry, 2015. Pp. xvi + 1397. Rs. 570 per vol.
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    Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom: Personal and Philosophical Essays.Peter Caws & Stefani Jones (eds.) - 2010 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The essays in Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom are the personal stories of philosophers who were brought up religiously and have broken free, in one way or another, from restraint and oppression. As trained philosophers, they are well equipped to reflect on and analyze their experiences. In this book, they offer not only stories of stress and liberation but ruminations on the moral issues that arise when parents and other caregivers, in seeking to do good by their children, (...)
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  5. Hearing God - the character and functionality of situatedness for elucidating the variance in Evangelical doctrine and as the primary criterion for contextual cross-cultural proclamation.Edvard Kristian Foshaugen - manuscript
    God speaks. Hearing God. Two phrases of two words each are perhaps the most critical, misunderstood and even abused words in the existence of the Church and in particular for evangelicals. ‘I think God said’ and ‘I think God is saying’ are the most sagacious, precise, truthful and appropriate manner of responding to the conviction that God speaks and for shared engaging enriched discourse on what God says to ensure He is heard. The Bible must never be seen and interpreted (...)
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    L'espressività del cielo di Marsilio Ficino, lo Zodiaco medievale e Plotino.Graziella Federici Vescovini - 1996 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 1 (1):111-125.
    This essay provides an analysis of Marsilio Ficino's doctrine of the heavens, especially as this is developed in his commentary on Plotinus' Enneads with reference to contemporary debates in Florence concerning the legitimacy of astrology and in view of new interpretations of attendant problematic issues. Particular attention is given to Ficino's early works, such as the Disputatio contra iudicium astrologorum, as well as to his commentary on Enn. 4, 4-42 and his De vita. The leading interest of the essay consists (...)
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    The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories.Peter Byrne - 1991 - Religious Studies 31 (1):142-143.
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  8. Are science and religion natural enemies?Peter G. Woolcock - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 108 (108):1.
    Woolcock, Peter G A topic much exercising the minds of religious believers at the moment is whether or not science and religion are natural enemies. The Religion and Ethics program on the ABC's Radio National, for example, has recently provided access on its website to a series of articles on the topic, with titles such as Science or Naturalism? The Contradictions of Richard Dawkins; Christianity and the Rise of Western Science; Did Darwin Defeat God?; Does Science Make Belief in (...)
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    Ibn Khaldūn's Method of History and Aristotelian Natural Philosophy.Peter Adamson - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):195-210.
    The historian Ibn Khaldūn (d. 1406) is most often treated by historians of philosophy as part of the story of political philosophy in the Islamic world. While this is perfectly legitimate, it may be misleading when it comes to the question of the method he proposes for the historian. This paper argues that that method is in fact based on a different branch of (Aristotelian) science: natural philosophy. After rendering this proposition initially plausible by noting frequent references to "nature" in (...)
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  10. Discovery and rule-books.Peter Achinstein - 1980 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 34 (1):109.
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    Arabic Philosophy and Theology before Avicenna.Peter Adamson - 2011 - In John Marenbon, The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 58.
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    The Fragmentation of Reasoning.Peter Carruthers - unknown
    This article evaluates the scientific credentials of a distinction that is frequently endorsed by scientists who study human reasoning, between so-called “System 1” and “System 2”. The paper argues that one aspect of what is generally intended by this distinction is real. In particular, there is a real distinction between intuitive and reflective cognitive processes. But this distinction fails to line up with many of the other properties attributed to System 1 and System 2. Accordingly, the paper argues that the (...)
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    Cicero and the Mirage of the Tirocinium Fori.Peter White - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (2):221-250.
    Assumptions about the tirocinium fori are based on claims by Joachim Marquardt that it was a form of training for young elite Romans at about the age of 16, that it lasted for one year, and that it consisted of mentorship by a distinguished elder. Though there is little evidence to support these claims, the theory of a tirocinium fori continues to influence discussions of oratory in the age of Cicero, where it gives a false picture of the process by (...)
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    Educating China: Knowledge, Society and Textbooks in a Modernizing World, 1902–1937.Peter Zarrow - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this major study, Peter Zarrow examines how textbooks published for the Chinese school system played a major role in shaping new social, cultural, and political trends, the ways in which schools conveyed traditional and 'new style' knowledge and how they sought to socialize students in a rapidly changing society in the first decades of the twentieth century. Focusing on language, morality and civics, history, and geography, Zarrow shows that textbooks were quick to reflect the changing views of Chinese (...)
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    The lasting significance of viruses: COVID-19, historical moments and social transformations.Peter Wagner - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 177 (1):122-132.
    Three years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article reviews the question of the lasting socio-political significance of the appearance of the virus, much and controversially debated at the beginning. We can see now – maybe rather unsurprisingly – that the expectations of rapid pandemic-related social change, whether positive or negative, were widely exaggerated. Rather, the pandemic has now entered into an interpretation of the global socio-political constellation as marked by a sequence of crises, including the financial crisis (...)
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    On wars and revolutions.Peter Wagner - 2007 - In Boaventura Sousa Santodes, Cognitive justice in a global world: prudent knowledges for a decent life. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 87.
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    Behavioral characters and historical properties of motor patterns.Peter C. Wainwright & John P. Friel - 2000 - In Günter P. Wagner, The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology. Academic Press. pp. 285--301.
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    The Early History of the Aegean.Peter Warren - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):100-.
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  19. Art and democracy.Peter Weibel - 2005 - In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel, Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Mit Press (Ma). pp. 1008--1010.
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    Grenzüberschreitungen in der Wissenschaft =.Peter Weingart (ed.) - 1995 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Ökonomisierung der Wissenschaft.Peter Weingart - 2008 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 16 (4):477-484.
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    The New Atheism and Its Critics.Peter A. French & Howard K. Wettstein - 2013 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume of the classic series is devoted to the claims, arguments, and perspectives of the New Atheists. The volume collects original work on these topics of leading thinkers in the philosophy of religion, epistemology, and metaphysics, and philosophy of science. These studies are punctuated by an original short story by a leading novelist.
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    A missional study of Ghanaian Pentecostal churches’ leadership and leadership formation.Peter White - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Church leadership plays an important and irreplaceable role in the planting and the configuration of the missional congregation. The key to the formation of missional communities is their leadership. In that regard, this article explores Classical Ghanaian Pentecostal Churches’ leadership and leadership formation from a missiological perspective. This was done through an exposition on their leadership system. It was argued that Classical Ghanaian Pentecostal Churches’ leadership is based on the Fivefold Ministry. These leadership functions were therefore discussed in the light (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre's Notebooks.Peter Whitney - 1984 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (2):109-122.
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    Sartre's Phenomenological Description of Bad Faith: Intentionallty as Ontological Ground of Experience.Peter Whitney - 1980 - Philosophy Today 24 (3):238-248.
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  26. Concepts and Actions.Peter Winch - 1974 - In Patrick L. Gardiner, The philosophy of history. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 41--50.
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    Editor's Introduction.Peter Zarrow - 1996 - Chinese Studies in History 29 (4):3-7.
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    Introducing Persons: Theories and Arguments in the Philosophy of Mind.Peter Carruthers - 1986 - Mind 97 (386):310-312.
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    The Liar in the Prediction Paradox.Peter Y. Windt - 1973 - American Philosophical Quarterly 10 (1):65 - 68.
  30. Truth in fiction.Peter Alward - manuscript
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    Germ cell tumors, cell surface markers, and the early search for human pluripotent stem cells.Peter W. Andrews - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400094.
    Many strands of research by different groups, starting from teratocarcinomas in the laboratory mouse, later moving the corresponding human tumors, contributed to the isolation and description of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). In this review, I highlight the contributions from my own research, particularly at the Wistar Institute during the 1980s, when with my colleagues we characterized one of the first clonal lines of pluripotent human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, the stem cells of teratocarcinomas, and identified key features including cell (...)
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    Kierkegaardov príspevok K buberovej filozofii židovstva, teórii vlastenectva a teórii politických skupín.Peter Šajda - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (1).
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    The bell inequalities.Peter Rastall - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (6):555-570.
    It is shown that the Bell inequalities are conditions that must be satisfied by the probability functions of certain three-variable systems if they are to be expressible in terms of a single, nonnegative function. The generalized Bell inequalities, or CHSH inequalities, play a similar role for four-variable systems. The physical significance of the results is discussed.
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  34. The Story of Abelard's Adversities a Translation with Notes of the Historia Calamitatum.Peter Abelard & J. T. Muckle - 1954 - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
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  35. The Christian Virtuoso and the Reformers: Are there Reformation Roots to Boyle’s Natural Philosophy?Peter R. Anstey - 2000 - Lucas: An Evangelical History Review 27:1-20.
    The question of the extent to which a natural philosopher like Robert Boyle was influenced by the reformers has a great deal of intrinsic interest. That Boyle was a Protestant and was well versed in the current theological issues of his day is beyond dispute. But the central question to be explored in this paper is the extent to which he was influenced either directly by the reformers themselves or indirectly by Calvinist theology. This in turn has implications for the (...)
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  36. The Ambiguity of Silence: Gender, Writing, and Le Roman de Silence.Peter L. Allen - 1988 - In Julian N. Wasserman & Lois Roney, Sign, sentence, discourse: language in medieval thought and literature. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. pp. 98--112.
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  37. John Locke: An Essay concerning Human Understanding.Peter H. Nidditch - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (200):227-230.
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    On concept and object.Peter Carruthers - 1983 - Theoria 49 (2):49-86.
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    Bertrand Russell and the Dimensions of Edwardian Liberalism.Peter Clarke - 1984 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 4 (1):207.
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    L’Oeuvre de Boyle est arrivé!Peter Anstey - 2001 - Metascience 10 (3):392-400.
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    The Matter of Medicine: New Medical Matter Theories in Mid-Seventeenth-Century England.Peter R. Anstey - 2010 - In Dana Jalobeanu & Peter R. Anstey, Vanishing Matter and the Laws of Motion: Descartes and Beyond. New York: Routledge. pp. 61-79.
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    A Dictionary of Nigerian Arabic.Peter Abboud & Alan S. Kaye - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):184.
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    Predator-Prey Interactions.Peter A. Abrams - 2001 - In C. W. Fox D. A. Roff, Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies. pp. 277-289.
  44. The First Book of Samuel.Peter R. Ackroyd, Henry McKeating & Clifford M. Jones - 1971
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    Interroga virtutes naturales: Nature in Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power.Peter Adamson - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (1-2):22-50.
    Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power, a polemical work arguing for the political supremacy of the pope, claims that the papacy holds a ‘plenitude of power’ and has direct or indirect authority over all aspects of human life. This paper shows how Giles uses themes from natural philosophy in developing his argument. He compares cosmic and human ordering and draws an analogy between the relations of soul to body and of Church to state. He also understands the pope’s power to (...)
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    Miskawayh on pleasure.Peter Adamson - 2015 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (2):199-223.
    RésuméCet article propose une analyse et une traduction d'un ouvrage de Miskawayh déjà édité mais non étudié par ailleurs, et intitulé Des plaisirs et des douleurs. Après une étude préliminaire concernant la doctrine aristotélicienne du plaisir dans l‘Éthique à Nicomaque, qui est la principale source de Miskawayh, la doctrine du plaisir présentée dans le traité Des plaisirs et des douleurs est comparée à la discussion du plaisir dans l'ouvrage mieux connu de Miskawayh La réforme des mœurs. En dépit de l'harmonie (...)
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    Philosophy Then.Peter Adamson - 2019 - Philosophy Now 135:51-51.
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    A Mobile Life: John Urry, 1946–2016.Peter Adey - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):323-328.
    John Urry (1946–2016) was an extraordinary, generous and compelling force. As is evident in the hundreds of tributes and testimonials to his memory gathered already, his work influenced so many people through his talks at conferences, his published words in the pages of journals and his many books, and in conversations across viva examination tables, PhD juries and supervisory meetings. This essay remembers John’s contribution to the study of mobility and spatial theory more generally.
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    Death, Beauty, Struggle: Untouchable Women Create the World by Margaret Trawick.Peter Admirand - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (4):505-507.
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    Elizabeth Hinton, From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America. Reviewed by.Peter Admirand - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (5/6):200-202.
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