Results for 'Pedro Mendes'

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  1. Culturally sensitive agricultures and biocultural diversity.Cláudia Brites & Pedro Mendes Moreira - 2018 - In Inger J. Birkeland, Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface: livelihoods, policies, and methodologies. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, earthscan from Routledge.
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    Filosofia.Humanismo.Utopia.Joao Pedro Mendes - 1997 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):33-44.
    Até o início da idade moderna,Deus ocupava o centro do universo.Os humanistas da renascença elaboraram uma nova imagem do mundo,cujo senhor era o homem.A natureza foi devassada e 'desencantada':uma nova aliança substituiu a antiga.Parece que se materializaram os 'não-lugares' de todas as utopias.Contudo,todas elas padeciam de grave doença:não conseguiam discernir possibilidades reais de impossibilidades.
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    On the role of enzyme kinetic parameters in determining the effectiveness with which channelling can decrease the size of a metabolite pool.Pedro Mendes & Douglas B. Kell - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (1-2):63-73.
    Recently, it has been argued that the phenomenon of direct transfer of intermediate metabolites between adjacent enzymes, also known as metabolic channelling, would not decrease the concentration of those intermediates in the bulk solution. However, this conclusion has been drawn by extrapolation from the results of simulations with a rather restricted set of parameters. We show that, for a number of kinetic cases, the existence of metabolic channelling can decrease the size of the soluble pool of intermediates. When the enzyme(s) (...)
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    Appropriating Video Surveillance for Art and Environmental Awareness: Experiences from ARTiVIS.Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo, Nuno Correia & Valentina Nisi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):947-970.
    Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability is an ongoing collaborative research project investigating how real-time video, DIY surveillance technologies and sensor data can be used as a tool for environmental awareness, activism and artistic explorations. The project consists of a series of digital contexts for aesthetic contemplation of nature and civic engagement, aiming to foster awareness and empowerment of local populations through DIY surveillance. At the core of the ARTIVIS efforts are a series of interactive installations, that make use (...)
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    Perceived Effort in Football Athletes: The Role of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory.Diogo Monteiro, Diogo S. Teixeira, Bruno Travassos, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Moutão, Sérgio Machado & Luís Cid - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393291.
    The main goals of this study were, to test the motivational determinants of athletes perceived effort in football considering the four-stage motivational sequence at the contextual level proposed by Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: task-involving, basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and perceived effort. The multi-group analysis across different age-groups (U15, U17, U19, U21 years) and mediation role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation on the task-involving climate and the perceived effort were also analysed. Two independent samples of (...)
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    Exploring self‐care practices and health beliefs among men in the context of emerging infectious diseases: Lessons from the Mpox pandemic in Brazil.Carolina da Silva Bulcão, Pedro E. G. Prates, Iago M. B. Pedrosa, Guilherme R. de Santana Santos, Layze B. de Oliveira, Jhonata de Souza Joaquim, Lilian C. G. de Almeida, Caíque J. N. Ribeiro, Glauber W. dos Santos Silva, Felipe A. Machuca-Contreras, Anderson R. de Sousa, Isabel A. C. Mendes & Álvaro F. L. de Sousa - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12635.
    Our goal was to explore self‐care practices among men who have sex with men in the context of Mpox in Brazil. This study used qualitative research methods, including interviews and thematic analysis, to collect and analyze data from male participants across the Brazilian territory. The narratives unveil men's perspectives on self‐care, risk reduction, and health beliefs during the Mpox pandemic. Our findings highlight a multifaceted approach to self‐care among men, encompassing hygiene, physical contact management, mask usage, skin lesion vigilance, and (...)
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    Moving North, Thinking South.Gail Presbey - 2016 - The Acorn 16 (1-2):31-35.
    The article is a report on the World Social Forum held in Montreal, Canada in August of 2016. It reports on philosophical ideas explored by conference participants such as Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Mireille Fanon-Mendes, Helen Lauer, and Immanuel Wallerstein. It also sums up positions articulated by activists such as Brazilians Chico Whitaker and Pedro Fuentes, and reports on some of the largest activities and highlights of the gathering.
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    Sobre a guerra: política, estratégia e táctica.Carlos Manuel Mendes Dias - 2010 - Lisboa: Prefácio.
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  9. Da singularidade como acontecimento estético.Pedro Pennycook - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):151-164.
    We usually don’t acknowledge social mediation when speaking about subjective experiences in day-to-day life, which relies instead on a unitary and essentialist notion of identity. I initially explore this statement by examining how Kant changes his view on singular-universal relation from the first to the third Critique. A closer look at the reflexive judgment and how it states singularity as a non-conceptualised event follows from that. I then argue in favour of an affinity between an aesthetic notion of singularity, such (...)
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  10. Como ler Platão? Para uma leitura não-apologética dos Diálogos.Pedro Baratieri - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    No vastíssimo campo de estudos da obra de Platão, constatamos que os (as) especialistas mais respeitados (as) têm posições por vezes completamente divergentes. Em parte, por um lado, isso decorre da riqueza e da complexidade dessa obra; em boa medida, por outro lado, também decorre de diferentes métodos ou formas de abordar os Diálogos que os (as) intérpretes adotam. Diante disso, surge naturalmente a questão de como deveríamos ler essas obras. No entanto, analisando as diferentes abordagens usadas, pode-se notar que (...)
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    Futurity report.Eric C. H. de Bruyn & Sven Lütticken (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    Theorists, historians, and artists address the precarious futurity of the notion of the future. Not long ago, a melancholic left and a manic neoliberalism seemed to arrive at an awkward consensus: the foreclosure of futurity. Whereas the former mourned the failure of its utopian project, the latter celebrated the triumph of a global marketplace. The radical hope of realizing a singularly different, more equitable future displaced by a belief that the future had already come to pass, limiting post-historical society to (...)
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  12.  28
    Gelfond–Zhang aggregates as propositional formulas.Pedro Cabalar, Jorge Fandinno, Torsten Schaub & Sebastian Schellhorn - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 274 (C):26-43.
  13. A coroa portuguesa ea colonizacao do brasil. Aspectos da atuacao do estado na constituicao da colonia.C. Magno Magre Mendes - 1997 - História 16:233-253.
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    Ape metaphysics: Object individuation without language.Natacha Mendes, Hannes Rakoczy & Josep Call - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):730-749.
  15.  75
    The effects of teachers' homework follow-up practices on students' EFL performance: a randomized-group design.Pedro Rosário, José C. Núñez, Guillermo Vallejo, Jennifer Cunha, Tânia Nunes, Natalia Suárez, Sonia Fuentes & Tânia Moreira - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  16.  57
    A Study of the Ethical Dilemmas Experienced by School Psychologists in Portugal.Sofia A. Mendes, Inês M. G. Nascimento, Isabel M. P. Abreu-Lima & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (5):395-414.
    This study examines the ethical dilemmas and difficulties encountered by Portuguese school psychologists. As part of a larger survey, participants were asked about ethical issues faced in daily practice and asked to describe ethical incidents. Of the 477 respondents, 274 reported 441 ethically troubling or challenging situations. Responses were coded into a six-category system based on the code of ethics of Portuguese psychologists. Most of the reported dilemmas concerned privacy and confidentiality principles. Results are discussed in light of relevant literature (...)
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  17.  33
    Breaking Boundaries: Children Activist as Epistemic Agents Within Contours of Epistemic Marginalisation.Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    The article delves into the realm of child environmental activism, portraying it as a concerted response aimed at challenging the prevailing social and political status quo, which systematically underestimates the role of children in decision-making within political and social spheres. It highlights the paramount importance of the epistemological framework that encompasses children's experiences, emphasising how their exclusion from political and social discourse leads to epistemic marginalisation. This exclusion not only prevents children from assuming the role of epistemic agents but also (...)
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  18.  10
    A Phenomenological Approach to Conscious and Unconscious Mental Life.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2024 - Phainomenon 37 (1):83-104.
    This article deals with the conscious and unconscious dimensions of mental life. I distinguish the transitive sense of consciousness, being conscious of something, intentionality, from the adjectival or adverbial sense, being conscious or consciously directed towards something. I show that an intentional act can be conscious or unconscious in the second sense and argue that, from this position, we can ask good questions about what consciousness is and its function in mental life. To achieve this result, I begin by framing (...)
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  19.  23
    Formalising the Fisherman's Folly puzzle.Pedro Cabalar & Paulo E. Santos - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (1):346-377.
  20.  10
    El absurdo de la condición humana en Sartre y Camus.Pedro Naranjo Cobo & Alejandro G. J. Peña - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (308):337-350.
    En este artículo postulamos que en los sistemas filosóficos de Jean-Paul Sartre y Albert Camus se observa un reconocimiento del existir humano como absurdo, entendido en el primero como una condición ontológica del para-sí, y en el segundo como el divorcio entre nuestra pretensión de sentido en el mundo y la indiferencia de este. Mediante una hermenéutica comparativa de textos de ambos autores, concluiremos que el absurdo en Sartre nos aboca a crear nuestra esencia conforme existimos y puede trascenderse, mientras (...)
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  21.  12
    Microservices architecture to enable an open platform for realizing zero defects in cyber-physical manufacturing.Rui Pedro Lopes, Ahmed Ibrahim, José Barbosa & Paulo Leitao - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The market’s demand for high-quality products necessitates innovative manufacturing approaches that emphasize flexibility, adaptability, and the reduction of defects. Traditional systems are currently evolving towards embracing I4.0 technologies, including data collection, processing, analytics and digital twin, aiming for zero-defect manufacturing quality. This paper introduces an open platform, compliant with RAMI4.0 standards, designed to improve manufacturing quality. The platform integrates data using Asset Administration Shells with microservices adaptation for data ingestion and advanced analytics. Additionally, it incorporates Non-Destructive Inspection tools, demonstrating a (...)
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    Fanon on Recognition and Solidarity.Pedro Tabensky - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):40-58.
    Frantz Fanon's revolutionary psychiatry aimed to help constitute a postcolonial Algeria that recognised the humanity of all its members and, more widely, a Third World liberated of the shackles of colonial misrecognition. Fanon offers us an account of how a politics of misrecognition can give way to a politics of recognition. However, the violent means by which he thought a society guided by the ideal of mutual recognition could be achieved from the remnants of a colonial order cannibalised his democratic (...)
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  23.  16
    Entre o sensível e o inteligível: uma leitura semiótica do episódio Hino nacional, do Seriado Black Mirror.Conrado Moreira Mendes - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (2):128-149.
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  24.  8
    Altruísmo, Simpatia e Modelos Evolucionários Na Teoria Ética de Hume.Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45720.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I intend to offer an evolutionary interpretation of the concept of sympathy in Hume’s ethical theory based on the general tenets of contemporary evolutionary ethical theory. By presenting the conceptual frameworks that make up these theories, my argument involves specifying that, for both of them, the psychological mechanism of sympathy seems to figure as an essential evolutionary trait of moral and altruistic behavior in the human species. In the context of evolutionary biology, two evolutionary models have (...)
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    Entre Adán, la muerte y la causa: la exégesis patrística de Romanos 5:12 en la carta 152 de Focio.Pedro Emilio Rivera Díaz - 2024 - Patristica Et Medievalia 45 (2):137-152.
    El corpus epistolar de Focio, patriarca de Constantinopla en dos ocasiones (858-867 y 877-886), representa un documento significativo para la historia literaria no solo por su cantidad sino también por sus destinatarios y remitentes, que incluyen personajes importantes de su momento, así como amigos y familiares. A su vez, los contenidos son variados pues oscilan entre temas de corte personal, político, teológico y religioso. Entre las cartas se encuentra la 152, dirigida a su hermano Tarasio, en la que desarrolla la (...)
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  26.  10
    Dever ser, ciência e ser na filosofia moral e na teoria jurídica: entre Mikhail Bakhtin e Hans Kelsen.Pedro Henrique de Oliveira Simões - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e65816p.
    ABSTRACT In this text, we build dialogues between Mikhail Bakhtin’s moral philosophy and Hans Kelsen’s legal theory, analyzing the notions of ought to be, science, and being. The goals are to shed light on Bakhtin’s (1999) legal foundation, from the perspective of moral philosophy as philosophia prima, which encompasses the philosophy of religion and the philosophy of law (Bakhtin, 1999; Simões, 2024); and to point out ethical considerations for the sciences, particularly for Law and Linguistics. The research is bibliographical, and (...)
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    Sobre as funções das narrativas na evolução cultural humana.Pedro Dolabela Chagas - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (2).
    O artigo comenta proposições recentes, de várias disciplinas acadêmicas, sobre o papel de práticas e produções narrativas na explicação da evolução cultural humana, com foco nas consequências práticas de crenças e padrões de comportamento fundamentados em estórias compartilhadas. De Daniel Dor, Robin Dunbar, Michael Tomasello, Dennis Dutton, Nick Enfield, Daniel Hutto e António Damásio, discutimos ideias cujas implicações para a explicação da vida social são sequenciadas, no artigo, num nível ascendente de complexidade, partindo das funções elementares da linguagem humana para (...)
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    Discussing Eric Weil’s concept of political representation.Pedro Dias - 2014 - Cultura:253-269.
    A discussão sobre representação é transversal ao estudo teórico da política. Aquilo que nos propomos neste ensaio é levar a cabo uma análise da concepção de representação política presente na filosofia de Eric Weil. Para tal, tomaremos em consideração as categorias enunciadas por Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, em relação às quais colocaremos em confronto o pensamento político weiliano respeitante à representação. Desta confrontação emergirá uma concepção da representação política enquanto domínio de passividade e uma concepção do governo enquanto domínio de acção. (...)
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  29.  12
    Mental Life and Consciousness.Pedro Alves - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 26 (26):74.
    Based on the concept of intentionality, I argue for an integrative view of mental life as a higher function of the living organism, beyond the classical oppositions and dualisms between mind and body. Next, I claim in thesis that Phenomenology has never truly isolated and addressed the problem of consciousness, given the persistent confusion between it and intentionality. Similarly, I also isolate attention from consciousness and argue, based on experience, for the existence of both conscious and unconscious mental processes. In (...)
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  30. Praelectiones theologiae naturalis I.Pedro Descoqs - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:91.
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  31. Quatrième article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:181.
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  32. Sixième et dernier article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:383.
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  33. sj, Individu et personne.Pedro Descoqs - 1938 - Archives de Philosophie 14 (2):235-292.
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  34. Schema theodiceæ.Pedro Descoqs - 1941 - Paris,: Beauchesne et ses fils.
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  35. Troisième article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:61.
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    Thomisme et scolastique à propose de M. Rougier. [A criticism of L. Rougier's "La Scolastique et le thomisme." ].Pedro Descoqs - 1927 - G. Beauchesne.
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    Teología política en la premodernidad.Pedro Merino Gallardo - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:205-222.
    Este trabajo analiza las argumentaciones de Guillermo de Ockham y Marsilio de Padua en contra de la doctrina de los plenos poderes del papado. Su marco teórico son los debates en torno a la teología política de Carl Schmitt y una contextualización del proceso de centralización y expansión de poderes eclesiales que se conoce como la reforma gregoriana. De forma general, se presentan las posiciones de ambos autores y sus diferencias como un modelo teológico político alternativo al de los canonistas (...)
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  38.  10
    Sobre o padecer (leiden) e o compadecer (mitleiden) na crítica de Nietzsche à filosofia moral schopenhaueriana.Pedro Damasceno Uchôas - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (1):e87851.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal expor a posição filosófica crítica de Nietzsche em relação ao pensamento moral de Schopenhauer presente em O Anticristo, fragmentos 7, 8 e 9, nos quais há, diretamente, um comentário geral à compaixão (Mitleiden) como sentimento mortificador e prejudicial à vida, manifesto sobretudo através da noção schopenhaueriana de negação da vontade de vida. Em acordo com os comentários de Nietzsche, é possível compreender, justificadamente, que a compaixão, enquanto sofrer junto e partilhar do sofrimento, é recusável (...)
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    A Possibilidade de Outros Modos de Existência No Mundo: Um Diálogo Sobre Ética Ambiental Entre Haraway e Levinas Un Diálogo Sobre Ética Ambiental Entre Haraway y Levinas.Pedro Paulo Rodrigues Santos - 2025 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):85-97.
    This article examines Donna Haraway’s critique of philosopher Jacques Derrida regarding his inability to transcend the philosophical tradition when considering the animal as an Other. Haraway praises Derrida for going beyond Emmanuel Levinas, his predecessor and friend, by recognizing the animal as an Other, something Levinas, in his ethics of alterity, had not fully done. Building on this critique, the text aims to investigate Haraway’s assumptions, her relationship with the authors she cites, and the relevance of her indirect critique of (...)
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    Um prólogo histórico-crítico depois de vinte anos: concepções pedagógicas e epistemológicas de movimento negro educador.Pedro Vinícius Castro Magalhães do Amparo & Hélio da Silva Messeder Neto - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):203-222.
    O objetivo desta pesquisa teórica é problematizar as concepções de educação, conhecimento e produção de conhecimento que compartilhamos no movimento negro a partir da descrição que encontramos delas na obra “O movimento negro educador”, de Nilma Lino Gomes. A obra foi escolhida como objeto de estudo pela penetração no campo e pelo objetivo de pensar o papel do movimento negro no desenvolvimento da compreensão sobre raça e racismo no Brasil, seja no âmbito mais geral, seja na educação escolar. Este trabalho (...)
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    Evangelhos Apócrifos Gregos e latinos.Pedro Paulo Abreu Funari - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):e226818-e226818.
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  42.  14
    Autoepistemic answer set programming.Pedro Cabalar, Jorge Fandinno & Luis Fariñas del Cerro - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103382.
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  43.  25
    A qualitative spatial representation of string loops as holes.Pedro Cabalar & Paulo E. Santos - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238 (C):1-10.
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    Biografía del hombre.Pedro Caba - 1967 - Madrid,: Editora Nacional.
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  45. El pensamiento y sus principios: la causalidad.Pedro Caba - 1954 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (1-2):71-84.
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    Foreword.Pedro Cabalar & Agustín Valverde - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):1-1.
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    Física y metafísica de la luz.Pedro Caba - 1966 - Augustinus 11 (42-43):191-237.
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    La ciencia física y el futuro del hombre europeo.Pedro Caba - 1957 - Madrid,: Editorial Colenda.
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    A ideia de natureza no século XVIII em Portugal, 1740-1800.Pedro Calafate - 1994 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa Da Moeda.
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  50. (1 other version)Curso de direito publico (progrâma universitário).Pedro Calmon - 1938 - Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos.
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