Results for 'Pedro Mendes'

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  1. Culturally sensitive agricultures and biocultural diversity.Cláudia Brites & Pedro Mendes Moreira - 2018 - In Inger J. Birkeland, Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface: livelihoods, policies, and methodologies. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, earthscan from Routledge.
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    On the role of enzyme kinetic parameters in determining the effectiveness with which channelling can decrease the size of a metabolite pool.Pedro Mendes & Douglas B. Kell - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (1-2):63-73.
    Recently, it has been argued that the phenomenon of direct transfer of intermediate metabolites between adjacent enzymes, also known as metabolic channelling, would not decrease the concentration of those intermediates in the bulk solution. However, this conclusion has been drawn by extrapolation from the results of simulations with a rather restricted set of parameters. We show that, for a number of kinetic cases, the existence of metabolic channelling can decrease the size of the soluble pool of intermediates. When the enzyme(s) (...)
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    Appropriating Video Surveillance for Art and Environmental Awareness: Experiences from ARTiVIS.Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo, Nuno Correia & Valentina Nisi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):947-970.
    Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability is an ongoing collaborative research project investigating how real-time video, DIY surveillance technologies and sensor data can be used as a tool for environmental awareness, activism and artistic explorations. The project consists of a series of digital contexts for aesthetic contemplation of nature and civic engagement, aiming to foster awareness and empowerment of local populations through DIY surveillance. At the core of the ARTIVIS efforts are a series of interactive installations, that make use (...)
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    Filosofia.Humanismo.Utopia.Joao Pedro Mendes - 1997 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):33-44.
    Até o início da idade moderna,Deus ocupava o centro do universo.Os humanistas da renascença elaboraram uma nova imagem do mundo,cujo senhor era o homem.A natureza foi devassada e 'desencantada':uma nova aliança substituiu a antiga.Parece que se materializaram os 'não-lugares' de todas as utopias.Contudo,todas elas padeciam de grave doença:não conseguiam discernir possibilidades reais de impossibilidades.
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    Perceived Effort in Football Athletes: The Role of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory.Diogo Monteiro, Diogo S. Teixeira, Bruno Travassos, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Moutão, Sérgio Machado & Luís Cid - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393291.
    The main goals of this study were, to test the motivational determinants of athletes perceived effort in football considering the four-stage motivational sequence at the contextual level proposed by Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: task-involving, basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and perceived effort. The multi-group analysis across different age-groups (U15, U17, U19, U21 years) and mediation role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation on the task-involving climate and the perceived effort were also analysed. Two independent samples of (...)
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    Exploring self‐care practices and health beliefs among men in the context of emerging infectious diseases: Lessons from the Mpox pandemic in Brazil.Carolina da Silva Bulcão, Pedro E. G. Prates, Iago M. B. Pedrosa, Guilherme R. de Santana Santos, Layze B. de Oliveira, Jhonata de Souza Joaquim, Lilian C. G. de Almeida, Caíque J. N. Ribeiro, Glauber W. dos Santos Silva, Felipe A. Machuca-Contreras, Anderson R. de Sousa, Isabel A. C. Mendes & Álvaro F. L. de Sousa - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12635.
    Our goal was to explore self‐care practices among men who have sex with men in the context of Mpox in Brazil. This study used qualitative research methods, including interviews and thematic analysis, to collect and analyze data from male participants across the Brazilian territory. The narratives unveil men's perspectives on self‐care, risk reduction, and health beliefs during the Mpox pandemic. Our findings highlight a multifaceted approach to self‐care among men, encompassing hygiene, physical contact management, mask usage, skin lesion vigilance, and (...)
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    Moving North, Thinking South.Gail Presbey - 2016 - The Acorn 16 (1-2):31-35.
    The article is a report on the World Social Forum held in Montreal, Canada in August of 2016. It reports on philosophical ideas explored by conference participants such as Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Mireille Fanon-Mendes, Helen Lauer, and Immanuel Wallerstein. It also sums up positions articulated by activists such as Brazilians Chico Whitaker and Pedro Fuentes, and reports on some of the largest activities and highlights of the gathering.
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    Futurity report.Eric C. H. de Bruyn & Sven Lütticken (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    Theorists, historians, and artists address the precarious futurity of the notion of the future. Not long ago, a melancholic left and a manic neoliberalism seemed to arrive at an awkward consensus: the foreclosure of futurity. Whereas the former mourned the failure of its utopian project, the latter celebrated the triumph of a global marketplace. The radical hope of realizing a singularly different, more equitable future displaced by a belief that the future had already come to pass, limiting post-historical society to (...)
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    Surface features can deeply affect artificial grammar learning.Luis Jiménez, Helena Mendes Oliveira & Ana Paula Soares - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102919.
  10. A coroa portuguesa ea colonizacao do brasil. Aspectos da atuacao do estado na constituicao da colonia.C. Magno Magre Mendes - 1997 - História 16:233-253.
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  11. Ethical Ideology and Ethical Judgments in the Portuguese Accounting Profession.Pedro Augusto Marques & José Azevedo-Pereira - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):227-242.
    The purpose of the present study is to examine the attitudes of Portuguese chartered accountants with respect to questions of ethical nature that can arise in their professional activity. Respondents were asked to respond to the Ethics Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39(1), 175–184, 1980), in order to determine their idealism and relativism levels. Subsequently, they answered questions about five scenarios related to accounting practices, with the objective of measuring their ethical judgments. Based on (...)
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    A Contingent Affinity: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and the Challenge of Modern Politics.Pedro T. Magalhães - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2):283-304.
  13.  29
    Attention mechanisms and the mosaic evolution of speech.Pedro T. Martins & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  14. Ciência precautória: sistematização e proposta de definição da precaução epistêmica.Pedro Bravo - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):1-21.
    Defensores do princípio da precaução propõem com frequência mudanças nas práticas científicas, para que elas facilitem o mesmo objetivo do princípio: evitar ameaças incertas ao ambiente ou à saúde humana. A ciência deveria ser uma ciência precautória. Apesar da importância prática da ciência precautória e da sua proximidade com os debates sobre ciência e valores, ela ainda não foi sistematicamente examinada. Neste artigo, pretende-se contribuir para a literatura sobre a ciência precautória de dois modos: sistematizando sua literatura prévia e propondo (...)
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    Reading for repetition and reading for translation: do they involve the same processes?Pedro Macizo & M. Teresa Bajo - 2006 - Cognition 99 (1):1-34.
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    Filosofia: Uma Introdução por Disciplinas.Pedro Galvão (ed.) - 2012 - Edições 70.
    AUTORES Agnaldo Cuoco Portugal | Aires Almeida | António Zilhão | Célia Teixeira | Desidério Murcho | Iñigo González Ricoy | João Cardoso Rosas | Manuel García-Carpintero | Mathias Thaler | Pedro Galvão | Ricardo Santos | Sara Bizarro | Sofia Miguens | Susana Cadilha | Teresa Marques Sobre os autores Os autores deste livro partilharam o objetivo de conceber um guia de estudo para a Filosofia estruturado tematicamente – i.e. em função de questões, perspectivas e argumentos, sem qualquer (...)
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    History, Nation, and Modernity: The Idea of "Decadência" in Portuguese Medievalist Discourses.Pedro Martins - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (3):451-471.
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  18.  15
    About the Term Exile.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (2):436-447.
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    Bernard Williams and Alasdair MacIntyre on Authenticity.Pedro António Monteiro Franco - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):387-402.
    The formation of the moral point of view in Bernard Williams’ work might be understood as taking place between two central concepts: the individual and the community. It is through the tension between these two poles that some form of knowledge is acquired. In Williams’ work, the individual virtue takes the name of authenticity, and the communitarian knowledge is, importantly, ethical confidence. A philosophical peer of Williams, Alasdair MacIntyre, has dealt with the same question, although in very different ways. They (...)
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  20. Archimedean Ethics (10th edition).Pedro Brea - 2020 - Texasphilosophical.
    What effect has finding the Archimedean point in ourselves had on how we look at ethics? The modern era of philosophy began with Descartes finding within himself an unshakable point from which to pursue knowledge of the world and himself. This intellectual alienation from the world into the universal mathematical structures of the human mind has led to a reversal where, henceforth, production, rather than contemplation, of knowledge became epistemologically superior. Guided by Hannah Arendt’s discussion of the Archimedean point and (...)
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  21. Praelectiones theologiae naturalis I.Pedro Descoqs - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:91.
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  22. Quatrième article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:181.
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  23. Sixième et dernier article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:383.
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  24. sj, Individu et personne.Pedro Descoqs - 1938 - Archives de Philosophie 14 (2):235-292.
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  25. Schema theodiceæ.Pedro Descoqs - 1941 - Paris,: Beauchesne et ses fils.
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  26. Troisième article.Pedro Descoqs - 1922 - Revue de Philosophie 29:61.
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    Thomisme et scolastique à propose de M. Rougier. [A criticism of L. Rougier's "La Scolastique et le thomisme." ].Pedro Descoqs - 1927 - G. Beauchesne.
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    Autoepistemic answer set programming.Pedro Cabalar, Jorge Fandinno & Luis Fariñas del Cerro - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103382.
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    A qualitative spatial representation of string loops as holes.Pedro Cabalar & Paulo E. Santos - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238 (C):1-10.
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    Biografía del hombre.Pedro Caba - 1967 - Madrid,: Editora Nacional.
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  31. El pensamiento y sus principios: la causalidad.Pedro Caba - 1954 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (1-2):71-84.
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    Foreword.Pedro Cabalar & Agustín Valverde - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):1-1.
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    La ciencia física y el futuro del hombre europeo.Pedro Caba - 1957 - Madrid,: Editorial Colenda.
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  34. La soledad desde la orilla.Pedro José Cabrera Cabrera - 2004 - Critica 54 (914):51-54.
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  35. (1 other version)Curso de direito publico (progrâma universitário).Pedro Calmon - 1938 - Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos.
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    Eudaimonia e Meio Ambiente No Pensamento de Rousseau: Harmonia Do Ser Humano e a Natureza.Pedro Calixto & Marcos Antonio J. S. Leal Junior - 2025 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 18 (35):171-185.
    The present study analyses the relationship between human beings, society and nature from the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; European thinker inserted in a vast political-anthropological tradition that seeks to understand human existence, both in its essential and relational dimensions. In this sense, Rousseau highlights a contradiction: technical and cultural development, although necessary, can also lead to the degradation of nature and the human essence. Works such as Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequality (...)
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    Technique, vulnerability and ontology of life in Hans Jonas's ethics of responsibility.Maria da Paz Mendes dos Santos - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):77-89.
    An analysis of Jonas' thought, focusing on three major themes: technique, vulnerability and ontology of life. Hans Jonas proposes a critique of traditional ethical approaches, which have proven incapable of dealing with the complex long-term effects of technological innovations. He suggests the "Responsibility Principle" as a new ethical paradigm, centered on considering the future consequences of human actions. In this sense, Jonas emphasizes the need for future-oriented ethics, which includes the preservation of life and the environment, ensuring that technological development (...)
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    Fatores psicossociais protetivos e de risco relacionados ao trabalho docente da Educação Básica em Nampula, Moçambique.Gildo Aliante, Jussara Maria Rosa Mendes & Coutinho Maurício José - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:134-157.
    A docência figura na lista das profissões nobres e de extrema importância social, pois é responsável pela formação acadêmica de pessoas e outros profissionais. No entanto, a ação de ensinar é, igualmente, considerada na atualidade, como uma atividade extremamente estressante. Neste estudo exploratório e qualitativo objetivou-se explorar os fatores psicossociais protetivos e de risco relacionados ao trabalho docente da educação geral da rede pública em Nampula, Moçambique. Aplicou-se um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada a 22 profissionais de educação e oito de (...)
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    Material and Symbolic Forces in the Evolution of Regulatory Institutions of Agrobiotechnology: A Case Study About Brazil.Francisco José Mendes Duarte & Evaldo Henrique Silva - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):909-929.
    The wide and complex range of technologies produced and used in the contemporary societies has challenged the analysis from the different fields of social sciences. In this sense, in order to elaborate a study that aim at understanding the relationship between technological progress and the ongoing institutional changes that mark the capitalist societies, we believe it is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary approach combining methodologies from Economics and Sociology fields. Therefore, this study proposes the development of an interdisciplinary dialogue between (...)
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  40. (1 other version)The nature of historical inquiry.Leonard Mendes Marsak - 1970 - New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    History and chronicle, by B. Croce.--History as a system, by J. Ortega y Gasset.--The idea of history, by R. G. Collingwood.--The historian's purpose; history and metahistory, by A. Bullock.--What are historians trying to do? By H. Pirenne.--What are historical facts? By C. Becker.--The concept of scientific history, by I. Berlin.--Reason in history, by G. W. F. Hegel.--The hedgehog and the fox, by I. Berlin.--What is history? By E. H. Carr.--Faith and history, by R. Niebuhr.--The world and the west, by A. (...)
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    Modified LDA Vector and Feedback Analysis for Short Query Information Retrieval Systems.Pedro Celard, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, JosÉ Manuel Sorribes-Fdez, RubÉn Romero, AdriÁn Seara Vieira & Lourdes Borrajo - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Information Retrieval systems benefit from the use of long queries containing a large volume of search-relevant information. This situation is not common, as users of such systems tend to use very short and precise queries with few keywords. In this work we propose a modification of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) technique using data from the document collection and its vocabulary for a better representation of short queries. Additionally, a study is carried out on how the modification of the proposed (...)
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    «Nemo ante me». Razón e historia en la escritura de Cartesio.Pedro Lomba - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    En este artículo se ensaya un análisis de los presupuestos, de las consecuencias, que entraña la concepción cartesiana del saber. Y se llega a la conclusión de que toda la reflexión de Descartes se puede leer también como una filosofía de la historia en la que está la raíz de la idea moderna (y contemporánea) de progreso.
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    Amplificação do Santo decreto. Yongzheng, Pedro Nolasco da Silva & António Aresta - 1903 - Macau: Fundação Macau. Edited by Kangxi & Pedro Nolasco da Silva.
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  44. Acerca de la pregunta por la determinante de la cosa del pensar.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 66:320-331.
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    Política e Pandemia: Depois de Tudo, Como Viver Junto?Pedro Duarte - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 32 (32):172-183.
    O artigo analisa, a partir sobretudo do pensamento de Hannah Arendt, o desafio que representa para a política “viver junto”. Embora a expressão origine-se com o ensaísta francês Roland Barthes, o objetivo do artigo é quadruplo: (1) apresentar seu fundamento ontológico na condição humana ou existencial de “ser-com”, ou seja, de ser junto aos outros, pensada desde Martin Heidegger; (2) descrever seu sentido político pela conjugação entre isonomia e diferença na forma da pluralidade pela qual cada pessoa pode aparecer singularmente (...)
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    Formação Do Estado Democrático de Direito e as Deformações a Partir Das Fake News.Pedro Ygor Café Paes Lira, Diego Henrique Barros Melo, Paulo Ricardo Silva Lima, Ana Lydia Vasco de Albuquerque Peixoto, Antônio Tancredo P. da Silva, Anderson de Alencar Menezes & Vitor Gomes da Silva - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:14-37.
    A evolução dos meios de comunicação propiciou um massivo fluxo informacional, trazendo consigo alguns entraves. O fenômeno das fake news é produto dessa mudança na sociedade, afetando de diversas formas a vida das pessoas e inclusive a possibilidade de uma escolha plena e livre de influências, sua liberdade de expressão, pensamento e informação. Nesse contexto, este evento se torna gravoso para o nosso Estado Democrático, na medida que influencia o comportamento, as escolhas políticas, a conduta social e a solidez da (...)
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    Social Systems as Moral Agents: A Systems Approach to Moral Agency in Business.J. M. L. de Pedro - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (4):695-711.
    In the context of business, interactions between individuals generate social systems that emerge anywhere within a corporation or in its relations with external agents. These systems influence the behaviors of individuals and, as a result, the collective actions we usually attribute to corporations. Social systems thus make a difference in processes of action that are often morally evaluated by internal and external agents to the firm. Despite this relevance, social systems have not yet been the object of specific attention in (...)
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  48.  24
    Secularização, teísmo e pluralismo religioso nas sociedades ocidentais contempor'neas.Lisete S. Mendes Mónico - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2064-2095.
    Os fenómenos religiosos ocupam um lugar central na vida dos crentes, na dinâmica dos grupos, na coesão das comunidades locais e na ordenação global das sociedades nacionais e transnacionais. Incidindo sobre a dimensão ideológica da religiosidade, o presente artigo pretende contribuir para um entendimento mais alargado da secularização, seus contornos sociais e consequências individuais nas sociedades ocidentais contemporâneas. Nele se revisita a tese weberiana da Secularização e seus efeitos ao nível da significação religiosa, dos estatutos/papéis religiosos e da extensão pela (...)
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    Nathan Rotenstreich zum Gedenken.Friedrich Niewöhner & Paul Mendes-Flohr - 1994 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 46 (2):107-108.
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    Hume e Mandeville: sobre a Divisão do Trabalho, ou, o Mundo da Invenção.Pedro Paulo Pimenta - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (3):137-152.
    Este artigo propõe aproximações entre Hume e Mandeville a partir do modo como cada um deles entende a divisão do trabalho como um fenômeno moderno característico das sociedades comerciais europeias. O ponto de partida, comum a ambos, é a ideia de que o homem, ou a natureza humana, é um animal movido por paixões muito semelhantes, senão idênticas, às de outros animais, notadamente os mamíferos. A antropologia subjacente à divisão do trabalho tem, portanto, uma raiz fisiológica. O mesmo paradoxo interessa (...)
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