Results for 'Pál Soós'

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  1. AAS Announces Hire of Soo Ah Kwon.Soo Ah Kwon - forthcoming - Nexus.
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    Die Entstehung der Kantischen Anthropologie und ihre Beziehung zur empirischen Psychologie der Wolffschen Schule.Soo Bae Kim - 1994
    Die Arbeit behandelt das bis heute nicht zureichend geklarte Verhaltnis von Kants pragmatischer Anthropologie zur empirischen Psychologie Christian Wolffs und seiner Schule, eine Frage, um die die Kantforschung seit Jahrzehnten wie die Katze um den heissen Brei herumschleicht. Untersucht wird der Einfluss, den die Problemstellungen der empirischen Psychologie Wolffs und Baumgartens auf die pragmatische Anthropologie von Kant ausgeubt haben. Ein besonderes Gewicht der Untersuchung liegt dabei auf der Klarung der vieldeutigen, weitgehend unbeachteten Idee der Erfahrung, die sowohl im empirisch-psychologischen Kontext (...)
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    Deliberate real-time mood regulation in adulthood: The importance of age, fixation and attentional functioning.Soo Rim Noh, Monika Lohani & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (6):998-1013.
    While previous research has linked executive attention to emotion regulation, the current study investigated the role of attentional alerting (i.e., efficient use of external warning cues) on younger (N=39) and older (N=44) adults’ use of gaze to regulate their mood in real time. Participants viewed highly arousing unpleasant images while reporting their mood and were instructed to deliberately manage how they felt and to minimise the effect of those stimuli on their mood. Fixations toward the most negative areas of the (...)
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    Ideal Theory and Nonideal Theoy: A Study on Normative Foundation of A Theory of Social Justice - Focusing on Amartya Sen’s Critique of John Rawls -.Soo Min Cho - 2020 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 31 (3):247-282.
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    Satsuma - 3rd Place.Soo Hyun Choi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):809-809.
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    Klokskap og fellesskap.Pål Rykkja Gilbert - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (2-3):199-222.
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  7. Territorial Autonomy as a Minority Rights Regime in Post-Communist Countries.Pal Kolsto - 2001 - In Will Kymlicka & Magda Opalski, Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported?: Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe. Oxford University Press.
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  8. The development of secondary school science curriculum in Malaysia.Soo‐Boo Tan - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):243-250.
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    Fan Zhen’s “Shen Mie Lun” and the Mind-Body Problem: A Comparison with Western Approaches.Soo Lam Wong - 2025 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 24 (1):105-117.
    Fan Zhen’s 范縝 “Shen Mie Lun 神滅論” can be read as a debate between a physicalist and a dualist in the philosophy of mind. This debate, known as the “mind-body problem” in the Western tradition, has a long history beginning with the ancient Greeks, and is still rife to this very day. Many of the arguments found in the “Shen Mie Lun” correspond to arguments found in the history of Western thought, including those of Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Frege, and Ryle. (...)
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    A Cord of Three Strands: A New Approach to Parent Engagement in Schools.Soo Hong & Jean Anyon - 2011 - Harvard Education Press.
    How can low-income, non-English-speaking parents become advocates, leaders, and role models in their children’s schools? _A Cord of Three Strands_ offers a close study of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, a grassroots organization on the northwest side of Chicago, whose work on parent engagement has drawn national attention. The author identifies three elements—induction, integration, and investment—that together capture the dynamic and developmental nature of successful parent engagement. Writing with both optimism and urgency, author Soo Hong offers richly detailed portraits of (...)
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    The Salience of Stakeholders and Their Attributes in Public Relations and Business News.Soo Jung Moon & Ki D. Hyun - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (1):59-75.
    Stakeholder theory contends that organizations owe an obligation to other stakeholder groups that extends beyond shareholders. This study uses stakeholder theory to examine which groups public relations practitioners and journalists attend to as well as which attributes—legitimacy, power, and urgency—they highlight. Content analysis of press releases and news stories found that the stakeholder most frequently mentioned in both press releases and newspapers was the shareholder group. Both press releases and news stories focused more on legitimacy than power or urgency for (...)
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    Agent Causation Is Not Prior to Event Causation.Soo Lam Wong - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):143-158.
    My aim in this paper is to argue against the claim that agent causation is more fundamental than event causation. To accomplish this aim, I shall first briefly discuss the motivation behind agent causation. Second, I shall highlight the differences between agent causation and event causation. Third, I shall begin briefly with the weaker claim held by Timothy O’Connor and Randolph Clarke that there is no good reason to believe that event causation is more fundamental than agent causation. Fourth, I (...)
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    In Defense of Jñānalakṣaṇā Pratyāsatti.Mainak Pal - 2023 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 40 (1):81-113.
    In Nyāya philosophy, a special kind of extraordinary sensory connection is admitted named jñānalakṣaṇā pratyāsatti or jñānalakṣaṇa sannikarṣa. It is held that sometimes our sense-organ can be connected to such an object which is not amenable to the operating sense-organ. In such cases, cognition (jñāna) plays the role of sensory connection and connects the content of itself to the operating sense-organ. The paradigmatic example of jñānalakṣaṇa perception is to ‘see’ fragrant sandal through visual sense from non-smellable distance. This hypothesis of (...)
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    White Sugar and Dark Colonialism: Reflections on Girmitiyas and Coolies – Towards a new Paradigm of Reconciliation in Fiji.Pal Ahluwalia - 2023 - Culture and Dialogue 11 (2):190-202.
    The presence of Indians fundamentally altered the political, social and economic landscape of sugar producing nations. In most cases, race, which was used as an important signifier of difference by the colonising power, left these states with a colonial legacy of division and derision which they continue to endure and navigate in such diverse locations as the Caribbean, the West Indies, Fiji, Mauritius and parts of Africa. In the quest for recognition, equality and political status that allows the girmitiyas to (...)
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    Fan Zhen’s “Shen Mie Lun” and the Mind-Body Problem: A Comparison with Western Approaches.Soo Lam Wong - 2025 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 24 (1):105-117.
    F an Zhen’s 范縝 “Shen Mie Lun 神滅論” can be read as a debate between a physicalist and a dualist in the philosophy of mind. This debate, known as the “mind-body problem” in the Western tradition, has a long history beginning with the ancient Greeks, and is still rife to this very day. Many of the arguments found in the “Shen Mie Lun” correspond to arguments found in the history of Western thought, including those of Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Frege, and (...)
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    Negotiating identity: Post-colonial ethics and transnational adoption.Pal Ahluwalia - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (1):55 – 67.
    This paper examines the overwhelming desire of transnational adoptees to establish a connection with their origins in order to both come to terms with the past and develop an understanding of their identity. It considers the ethical ramifications of the commodification of human bodies. It is suggested that the idea of displacement is most helpful in approaching questions of transnational adoption. In this way, we can look at transnational adoption as a 'beginning' - one that disappears into the present moment, (...)
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    Older Korean People's Desire To Participate in Health Care Decision Making.Soo Jung Chang, Kyung Ja Lee, In Sook Kim & Won Hee Lee - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):73-86.
    The purpose of this study was to identify how older Korean people seek information and their desire to participate in decision making about their health care. A total of 165 elderly people living in Seoul, South Korea, participated in the study. Data were collected during individual interviews using the Autonomy Preference Index. The mean information-seeking score was high. The mean score for their desire to participate with a physician in decision making was lower, but this was higher when family members (...)
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    The Development of Relational Reasoning in South Korean Elementary and Middle-School Students: A Cross-Sectional Investigation.Soo Eun Chae & Patricia A. Alexander - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Relational reasoning is a higher-order executive function that involves the ability to perceive meaningful patterns within a body of seemingly unrelated information. In this study, the ability of 749 fourth (Mage= 10), sixth (Mage= 12), eighth (Mage= 14), and tenth graders (Mage= 16) to identify meaningful relational patterns was investigated. This general cognitive ability was assessed by means of the Test of Relational Reasoning-Junior (TORRjr), a 32-item measure organized into four 8-item scales that assess analogical, anomalous, antinomous, and antithetical reasoning. (...)
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    Håvard Løkke: Knowledge and Virtue in Early Stoicism.Pål Rykkja Gilbert - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (1):365-374.
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    Medieval American Art: A Survey in Two Volumes.Pal Kelemen - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 3 (11/12):110.
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    The Role of Affect in Attentional Functioning for Younger and Older Adults.Soo Rim Noh, Mary Jo Larcom, Xiaodong Liu & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Justice, equality, and morality: essays in applied ethics.Jagat Pal - 2012 - Gurgaon: Madhav Books.
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  23. Numerical solution of boundary layer flow past a stretching sheet with zero flux saturated by a nanofluid.Mahendra Pratap Pal & Lokendra Kumar - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur, Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Lady Ranelagh: the incomparable life of Robert Boyle’s sister.Carol Pal - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    For almost 400 years, it has been a struggle to find the right words to describe Katherine Jones, Lady Ranelagh. When she died in 1691, followed a week later by her youngest brother, Sir Robert Boy...
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    Cyberself as Transhumanism.Kim Seong Soo - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 90:517-542.
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    Distinguishing causation and correlation: Causal learning from time-series graphs with trends.Kevin W. Soo & Benjamin M. Rottman - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104079.
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    Mao's Vision for China.Francis Soo - 2002 - In Chung-Ying Cheng & Nicholas Bunnin, Contemporary Chinese Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 63--80.
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    Categorization Activities in Norwegian Preschools: Digital Tools in Identifying, Articulating, and Assessing.Pål Aarsand - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:452210.
    The article explores digital literacy practices in children’s everyday lives at Norwegian preschools and some of the ways in which young children appropriate basic digital literacy skills through guided participation in situated activities. Building on an ethnomethodological perspective, the analyses are based on 70 hours of video recordings documenting the activities in which 45 children, aged 5-6, and eight preschool teachers participated. Through the detailed analysis of two categorization activities – identifying geometrical shapes and identifying feelings/thoughts –the use of digital (...)
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    Ontological Emergence Without Vertical Causation.Soo Lam Wong - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (5):501-514.
    In this essay, I aim to address the two related problems faced by ontological emergence and propose a solution. First, I shall briefly outline the concept of emergence, the distinction between ontological and epistemological emergence, as well as the distinction between synchronic and diachronic emergence, and focus mainly on synchronic ontological emergence. Second, I shall discuss the two related problems faced by synchronic ontological emergence—configurational forces and downward causation. Third, I shall present a solution to these problems—affirming ontological emergence but (...)
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    Beyond evidence-based medicine: complexity and stories of maternity care.Soo Downe - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):232-237.
    Despite the entrenched acceptance of normal science in health care, it appears that authoritative, positivist, linear, risk averse, certainty-based thinking can only get us so far along the route of optimum health. This paper examines labor and childbirth as a paradigm case of a complex adaptive system (CAS) and offers the example of techniques used in a master-level course on normal childbirth to illustrate how maternity care clinicians can be introduced to complexity-based thinking through reflexive analysis of real life clinical (...)
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    Protecting Posted Genes: Social Networking and the Limits of GINA.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & Emily Borgelt - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (11):32-44.
    The combination of decreased genotyping costs and prolific social media use is fueling a personal genetic testing industry in which consumers purchase and interact with genetic risk information online. Consumers and their genetic risk profiles are protected in some respects by the 2008 federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which forbids the discriminatory use of genetic information by employers and health insurers; however, practical and technical limitations undermine its enforceability, given the everyday practices of online social networking and its impact (...)
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  32. My Capitalism Is Bigger than Yours!Maïa Pal - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (3):99-124.
    This article reviews Alex Anievas and Kerem Nişancıoğlu’sHow the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism(2015). It argues that the book offers a stimulating and ambitious approach to solving the problems of Eurocentrism and the origins of capitalism in growing critical scholarship in historical sociology and International Relations. However, by focusing on the ‘problem of the international’ and proposing a ‘single unified theory’ based on uneven and combined development, the authors present a history of international relations that trades (...)
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    Basic Relevant Theories for Combinators at Levels I and II.Koushik Pal & Robert K. Meyer - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3:14-32.
    The system B+ is the minimal positive relevant logic. B+ is trivially extended to B+T on adding a greatest truth (Church constant) T. If we leave ∨ out of the formation apparatus, we get the fragment B∧T. It is known that the set of ALL B∧T theories provides a good model for the combinators CL at Level-I, which is the theory level. Restoring ∨ to get back B+T was not previously fruitful at Level-I, because the set of all B+T theories (...)
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    Boys’ Experience of Physical Education When Their Gender Is in a Strong Minority.Pål Lagestad, Eero Ropo & Tonje Bratbakk - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A literature search indicates an absence of research into boy’s experiences of physical education in classes in which there is a significant majority of girls. The aim of the study was to examine how boys in such classes experience their PE lessons. The methodological approach was qualitative, and data were collected with interviews of 13 boys in classes with more than 90% girls at a Norwegian high school. The data were analyzed with QSR NVivo 10, focused on creating categories of (...)
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  35. Corporate Social Responsibility as an Organizational Attractiveness for Prospective Public Relations Practitioners.Soo-Yeon Kim & Hyojung Park - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (4):639-653.
    This study viewed students majoring in public relations as prospective public relations practitioners and explored their perceptions about corporate social responsibility (CSR) as their job attraction condition. The results showed that the students perceived CSR to be an important ethical fit condition of a company. One of the significant findings is that CSR can be an effective reputation management strategy for prospective employees, particularly when a company’s business is suffering. In examining the effect of CSR efforts on attitudinal and behavioral (...)
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    The Theoretical Foundations of a Theory of Justice for Disabled People as the Other.Soo Min Cho - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (3):75-109.
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    Significal Designs: Translating for meanings that truly matter.Soo Meng Chua - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (196):353-364.
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    Die Wirklichkeit des Menschen im Personalismus Martin Bubers, Ferdinand Ebners, Emil Brunners und Friedrich Gogartens.Soo-Hwan Han - 2001 - Hamburg: Kovač.
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  39. Nanmal pat ŭi iron.Pal Hŏ - 1979 - Sŏul: Koryo Takakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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  40. 7. A Spiritual Interpretation of the Vernacular: The Literary Sources of Georges Rouault.Soo Yun Kang - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (2).
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  41. Dilemma of Dharma.J. Pal - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1/2):105-120.
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  42. Some Reflections On the Concept Of Rationality.J. Pal - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2/3):265-276.
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  43. Művészet és szocializmus: a munkásosztály művészeti nevelése Szabó Ervin korai publicisztikájában.Pál Soós - 1974 - Debrecen: Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem.
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  44. The study of consumption in sociology-beyond utility theory.Pal Strandbakken - 2017 - In Håkon Leiulfsrud & Peter Sohlberg, Concepts in action: conceptual constructionism. Boston: Brill.
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  45. The ecology of the research process.Pal Tamas & Application Possibilities - 1979 - In János Farkas, Sociology of science and research. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. pp. 203.
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    Reflective Equilibrium and Intuitionist Moral Theory.Kim Il Soo - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (117):203-241.
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  47. Introducing religion: readings from the classic theorists.Daniel L. Pals (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is religion? How did it originate? How does it operate? How can it be explained? Introducing Religion: Readings from the Classic Theorists presents the key writings of eleven theorists that explain the phenomenon of religion - its origin, historical growth, and world-wide variations - without relying on the authority of the Bible or the articles of dogma. With the hope of uncovering core principles, these influential theorists sought to understand and to discover what makes peoplefrom a variety of cultures (...)
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  48. Het liberale gehalte van Europa.Pal Cox - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Economic Freedom and Government: A Conceptual Framework.Pal Czegledi & Judit Kapas - 2010 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 16 (1).
    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the development of a theory of economic freedom. In this endeavor, we build our framework on the Hayekian notion of freedom because it explicitly embodies the obvious link between freedom and the state: freedom is an absence of state coercion except for that which enforces abstract, general rules known beforehand. We derive two propositions from this Hayekian thesis and elaborate on them, leading to a categorization of government actions from the viewpoint (...)
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    Eight Theories of Religion: Ethnicity, Ritual, and Violence in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition.Daniel L. Pals - 2006 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Why do human beings believe in divinities? Why do some seek eternal life, while others seek escape from recurring lives? Why do the beliefs and behaviors we typically call "religious" so deeply affect the human personality and so subtly weave their way through human society? Revised and updated in this second edition, Eight Theories of Religion considers how these fundamental questions have engaged the most important thinkers of the modern era. Accessible, systematic, and succinct, the text examines the classic interpretations (...)
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