Results for 'Pavel Dvořák'

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  1.  18
    The complexity landscape of decompositional parameters for ILP: Programs with few global variables and constraints.Pavel Dvořák, Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Dušan Knop & Sebastian Ordyniak - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 300 (C):103561.
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  2. Profesor Pavel Materna slaví životní jubileum.Pavel Materna & Rotislav Niederle - 2005 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 12 (2):176-192.
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  3. The Foundations of Frege’s Logic.Pavel Tichý - 1988 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Chapter One: Constructions. Entities, constructions, and functions When one travels from Los Angeles to New York, going, say, by way of St. Louis, Chicago, ...
  4. On Popper's definitions of verisimilitude.Pavel Tichý - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (2):155-160.
    2 Popper's Logical Definition of Verisimilitude. 3 Popper's Probabilistic Definition of Verisimilitude. 4 Conclusion.
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    Pavel Materna vzpomíná na Luboše Nového.Pavel Materna - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (1):79-80.
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  6. Integrating Drupal, Flickr, and Mediawiki in a first-year writing composition class. PraxisWiki: Narratives on technology & writing.Pavel Zemliansky - 2007 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11.
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    Concepts and Objects.Pavel Materna - 1998 - Philosophical Society of Finland.
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  8. Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion.Pavel Gregoric & Klaus Corcilius - 2013 - Phronesis 58 (1):52-97.
    In this paper we argue that Aristotle operates with a particular theoretical model in his explanation of animal locomotion, what we call the ‘centralized incoming and outgoing motions’ model. We show how the model accommodates more complex cases of animal motion and how it allows Aristotle to preserve the intuition that animals are self-movers, without jeopardizing his arguments for the eternity of motion and the necessary existence of one eternal unmoved mover in Physics VIII. The CIOM model helps to elucidate (...)
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    Methods for solving reasoning problems in abstract argumentation – A survey.Günther Charwat, Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah A. Gaggl, Johannes P. Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 220 (C):28-63.
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    The complexity landscape of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks.Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger & Stefan Woltran - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103873.
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    Pharmacological Neuroenhancement in the Field of Economics—Poll Results from an Online Survey.Pavel Dietz, Michael Soyka & Andreas G. Franke - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Cuts, consistency statements and interpretations.Pavel Pudlák - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):423-441.
  13. Philosophical Toys Today.Tomáš Dvořák - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):173-196.
    The article introduces a thematic issue of the journal Theory of Science that attempts to revive the category of "philosophi- cal toys" - objects and instruments designed for experimental scientific research that simultaneously played crucial role in the creation of the modern visual culture. It claims that to fully understand their nature and the kind of experience philosophical toys induce, it is necessary to situate their origins in eighteenth-century experimental science and aesthetics and proposes to approach them as perceptual and (...)
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  14. Historical Epistemology Meets the Human Sciences.Tomáš Dvořák & Jan Balon - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (1):5-16.
    The paper addresses recent developments in historical epistemology, traces the main inspirational sources that feed this approach, and suggests a possible agenda for closer approximation between historical epistemology and the human sciences in studying thought styles and thought collectives, conceptual and theoretical levels of knowledge and the material culture of science.
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  15. Divine Openness for Physical Relationship.Pavel Butakov - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (3):141-161.
    The success of the atheistic hiddenness argument depends on the “consciousness constraint” it imposes on the divine-human loving relationship: namely, that this relationship requires human conscious awareness of being in the relationship with God. I challenge the truth of this proposition by introducing the concept of a physical relationship with God that is not subject to this constraint. I argue, first, that a physical relationship with God is metaphysically possible; second, that its plausibility is supported by natural theology; and third, (...)
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    “Between continuity and discontinuity.” On the question of how to approach Patočka’s philosophy and its historical transformations.Pavel Sladký - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-14.
    Jan Patočka’s philosophical development was varied. Over the course of fifty years of philosophizing, he gradually, and to varying degrees, developed close to a dozen systematic projects, whose ambition was, at least initially, to present what he called a “unified philosophy.” However, the dynamism with which he changed his philosophical plans and incessantly embarked on new projects invites the question of how to approach the various and often mutually “contradictory” transformations of his philosophical thinking, if neither the continuity and integrity (...)
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    ‘We are Sorry This Video Is Not Available in Your Country’: An Ethical Analysis of Geo-blocking Audio-Visual Online Content.Pavel Zahrádka & Reinold Schmücker - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (1):2-17.
    This article provides an ethical analysis of the moral conflict over access to premium audio-visual online content, which is currently regulated by geo-blocking in the domain of digital film distri...
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  18. Verisimilitude Redefined.Pavel Tichý - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 27 (1):25-42.
    Of two false theories, One can be, Intuitively, Closer to the truth than the other. The purpose of the article is to propose a rigorous explication of this intuitive notion.
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    XII. International Congress of Medieval Philosophy.Pavel Blažek - 2007 - Studia Neoaristotelica 4 (2):213-215.
  20.  28
    An Interpretation of Two Personal Names in the Ninth Line of the Tonyukuk Inscription.Pavel Ryken & Nikolai Telitsin - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):287.
    The paper deals with the etymology of the personal names Qunï Säŋün and Toŋra Simä appearing in the ninth line of the Old Turkic Tonyukuk inscription. These names are borne by the envoys sent by the kagan of the Tokuz Oghuz to the Chinese and Khitan, respectively, to conclude a military alliance against the Turks. Both names have the same structure, a combination of an ethnonym vs. toŋra), referring to a tribal unit within the Tiele 鐵勒 confederation, and a title (...)
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    On invertibility in high-dimensional Clifford algebras.Pavel Semenov - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (11):1543-1546.
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    Můj J. B. Kozák.Pavel Spunar - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):71-104.
    Cílem této práce je připomenout odkaz J. B. Kozáka (1888–1974) a hodnotu jeho přednášek na Karlově univerzitě v letech 1949–1952, které měly hluboký význam v souvislosti s novou politickou situací po komunistickém puči v roce 1948. Život J. B. Kozáka byl hluboce ovlivněn jeho církevním vzděláním. Nakonec však získal post profesora filosofie na Karlově univerzitě v Praze. Jako prominentní zástupce Českého kulturního života se stal aktivním členem malého kroužku „pátečníků“ založeného spisovatelem K. Čapkem (1890–1938) a podporovaného T. G. Masarykem (1850–1937). (...)
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  23.  12
    On rejected arguments and implicit conflicts: The hidden power of argumentation semantics.Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Christof Spanring, Hannes Strass & Stefan Woltran - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241 (C):244-284.
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    Roar of a Champion: Loudness and Voice Pitch Predict Perceived Fighting Ability but Not Success in MMA Fighters.Pavel Šebesta, Vít Třebický, Jitka Fialová & Jan Havlíček - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Questions, Answers, and Logic.Pavel Tichy - 1978 - American Philosophical Quarterly 15 (4):275 - 284.
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    Together we know how to achieve: An epistemic logic of know-how.Pavel Naumov & Jia Tao - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 262 (C):279-300.
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    Complexity-sensitive decision procedures for abstract argumentation.Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 206 (C):53-78.
  28.  42
    Heidegger’s Reassessment of Metaphysica Specialis and the Status of Metontological Inquiry in the Late Marburg Period.Pavel Reichl - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (2):265-285.
    _ Source: _Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 265 - 285 This article examines the development of Heidegger’s thought directly following _Being and Time_, a period that is significant both in its own right and in its capacity to shed light on the problems driving Heidegger’s later works. I assess Crowell’s thesis that Heidegger’s aim was to develop a metontology along the lines of a pre-critical _metaphysica specialis_ based on a reassessment of Kant’s transcendental dialectic. I show that such a reading (...)
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  29. Lower Bounds for resolution and cutting plane proofs and monotone computations.Pavel Pudlak - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):981-998.
    We prove an exponential lower bound on the length of cutting plane proofs. The proof uses an extension of a lower bound for monotone circuits to circuits which compute with real numbers and use nondecreasing functions as gates. The latter result is of independent interest, since, in particular, it implies an exponential lower bound for some arithmetic circuits.
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    Making history philosophical: Kant, Maimon, and the evolution of the historiography of philosophy in the critical period.Pavel Reichl - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):463-482.
    In this article I explore Maimon’s role in the evolution of Kant’s understanding of the function of the history of philosophy in philosophical enquiry. Kant is often viewed as holding an ambivalent...
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    Measuring inaccuracy of uncertain doxastic states in many-valued logical systems.Pavel Janda - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 14:95-112.
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  32. Verisimilitude revisited.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):175 - 196.
    The article offers a rigorous explication of the intuitive notion of verisimilitude, I.E., Of the distance of a theory from the truth. The proposal is defended against charges of material inadequacy made by popper, Niniluoto, And miller.
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  33. Marksistsko-leninskoe uchenie o forme sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo gosudarstva.Pavel Grigorʹevich Semenov - 1955
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  34. Aristotle on the common sense.Pavel Gregoric - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I. The framework. 1, Aristotle's project and methods. 2, The perceptual capacity of the soul. 3, The sensory apparatus. 4, The common sense and the related capacities -- II. The terminology. 1, Overlooked occurrences of the phrase 'common sense'. 2, De anima III.1 425a27. 3, De partibus animalium IV.10 686a31. 4, De memoria et reminiscentia 1 450a10. 5, De anima III.7 431b5. 6, Conclusions on the terminology -- III. Functions of the common sense. 1, Simultaneous perception and cross-modal binding. 2, (...)
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    A lower bound for intuitionistic logic.Pavel Hrubeš - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):72-90.
    We give an exponential lower bound on the number of proof-lines in intuitionistic propositional logic, IL, axiomatised in the usual Frege-style fashion; i.e., we give an example of IL-tautologies A1,A2,… s.t. every IL-proof of Ai must have a number of proof-lines exponential in terms of the size of Ai. We show that the results do not apply to the system of classical logic and we obtain an exponential speed-up between classical and intuitionistic logic.
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    On lengths of proofs in non-classical logics.Pavel Hrubeš - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):194-205.
    We give proofs of the effective monotone interpolation property for the system of modal logic K, and others, and the system IL of intuitionistic propositional logic. Hence we obtain exponential lower bounds on the number of proof-lines in those systems. The main results have been given in [P. Hrubeš, Lower bounds for modal logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 941–958; P. Hrubeš, A lower bound for intuitionistic logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 72–90]; here, we give considerably simplified (...)
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    Subjunctive conditionals: Two parameters vs. three.Pavel Tichý - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (2):147 - 179.
  38. A counterexample to the Stalnaker-Lewis analysis of counterfactuals.Pavel Tichý - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (4):271 - 273.
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    Governance of Eco-Labels: Expert Opinion and Media Coverage.Pavel Castka & Charles J. Corbett - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):309-326.
    “Eco-labels” are an increasingly important form of private regulation for sustainability in areas such as carbon emissions, water consumption, ethical sourcing, or organic produce. The growing interest and popularity of eco-labels has also been coupled with growing concerns about their credibility, in part because the standard-setting and conformity assessment practices that eco-labels adopt exhibit striking differences. In this paper, we assess which assurance practices contribute to eco-labels being perceived as better governed, in the eyes of experts as well as the (...)
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  40. A new theory of subjunctive conditionals.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 37 (3):433 - 457.
    The article offers a rigorous truth condition for subjunctively conditional statements. The theory is framed in the system of transparent intensional logic and takes connections (especially the cause-Effect relation) as basic. Counterexamples are given to rival theories based on the notion of world similarity.
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    The Role of First Principles in Fichte’s Philosophy of History.Pavel Reichl - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:288-308.
    In this article, I explore the role of the first principle in Fichte’s philosophy of history and assess the extent to which its introduction is able to resolve problems in the philosophies of history of his predecessors. Particularly, I focus on Fichte’s response to the question of how history can be grasped in a systematic manner for the purposes of theoretical cognition. I argue that while Fichte is able to resolve the tension between Herder’s pluralism and Kant’s chiliasm in an (...)
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  42. Nëkteré problémy a zkusenosti Z oblasti masové kultury.Pavel Branko - 1968 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 5:343.
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    Sensorless control of variable speed induction motor drive using RBF neural network.Pavel Brandstetter & Martin Kuchar - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:97-108.
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    Zo slovenskej estetiky.Pavel Bujnák - 1957 - V Bratislave,: Slovenský spisovatel̕.
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    Kant’s Herder Review: Analogical Inference, Indirect Cognition, and Philosophical Style.Pavel Reichl - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 2015-2022.
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    Spengler on the material preconditions of the crisis of Western culture.Pavel Remezov - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 2 (3):3-3.
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    Sobor and Sobornost'.Pavel Tulaev - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (4):25-53.
    Ultimately everything returns to its own place. And our life, like a river that had overflowed its banks, is again returning to its former bed. We are now assimilating long-hidden treasures, understanding forgotten truths, and regaining our sight and seeing what we were unable to see when we were blinded.
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  48. De ce este musca frumoasă?Pavel Şuşară - 2002 - Dilema 469:7.
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    Ситуация как бытие конкретное.Pavel Veklenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:247-251.
    The paper «Situation as concrete entity» dedicated to ontological opposition of abstract being and concrete being. Main idea of this paper – situation as concrete being was rejected, ignored by philosophic and religious systems for thousands of years, because situation was associated with false being, being of things (Plato), life distress, illusion (Hinduism, Buddhism). But culture of XX century includes «reanimation» of situation as concrete being by existentialphilosophy and modern art, and now we can speak about new approach to problem (...)
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  50. Preodolenie zabluzhdenii︠a︡ v nauchnom poznanii.Pavel Stepanovich Zabotin - 1979 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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