Results for 'Pauline von Bonsdorf'

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  1.  35
    Aesthetics, Nature and Religion: Ronald W. Hepburn and his Legacy, ed. Endre Szécsényi.Endre Szécsényi, Peter Cheyne, Cairns Craig, David E. Cooper, Emily Brady, Douglas Hedley, Mary Warnock, Guy Bennett-Hunter, Michael McGhee, James Kirwan, Isis Brook, Fran Speed, Yuriko Saito, James MacAllister, Arto Haapala, Alexander J. B. Hampton, Pauline von Bonsdorff, Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson & Arnar Árnason - 2020 - Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press.
    On 18–19 May 2018, a symposium was held in the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Ronald W. Hepburn (1927–2008). The speakers at this event discussed Hepburn’s oeuvre from several perspectives. For this book, the collection of the revised versions of their talks has been supplemented by the papers of other scholars who were unable to attend the symposium itself. Thus this volume contains contributions from (...)
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  2. Urban richness and the art of building.Pauline Von Bonsdorff - 2007 - In Arnold Berleant & Allen Carlson (eds.), The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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    " Nature" in Experience: Body and Environment.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 11 (19).
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    Matching Eutopia - On the Roles of Renderings of Architecture.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 1994 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 7 (12).
  5. Aesthetics and Bildung.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):127-137.
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    Esthétique et Bildung.Pauline Von Bonsdorff & France Grenaudier-Klijn - 2012 - Diogène n° 233-234 (1):178-195.
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    Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World. Edited by Laura A. German, Alain Karsenty and Anne-Marie Tiani. Pp. 413. (Earthscan, London, 2010.) £65.00, ISBN 978-1-84407-756-4, hardback. [REVIEW]Pauline von Hellermann - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (2):253-254.
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    Aesthetics in the Human Environment.Allen Carlson, Pauline von Bonsdorff & Arto Haapala - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (1):117.
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    The Impact of Parental Role Distributions, Work Participation, and Stress Factors on Family Health-Related Outcomes: Study Protocol of the Prospective Multi-Method Cohort “Dresden Study on Parenting, Work, and Mental Health”.Victoria Kress, Susann Steudte-Schmiedgen, Marie Kopp, Anke Förster, Caroline Altus, Caroline Schier, Pauline Wimberger, Clemens Kirschbaum, Tilmann von Soest, Kerstin Weidner, Juliane Junge-Hoffmeister & Susan Garthus-Niegel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  10. Pauline Von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala, eds., Aesthetics in the Human Environment Reviewed by.James Kirwan - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (1):74-76.
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    (1 other version)Relational Space and Places of Value.Pauline Phemister - 2011 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14 (1):89-106.
    Drawing on a Leibnizian panpsychist ontology of living beings that have a body and a soul, this paper outlines a theory of space based on the perceptual and appetitive relations among these creatures’ souls. In parallel with physical space founded on relations among bodies subject to efficient causation, teleological space results from relations among souls subject to final causation and is described qualitatively in terms of creatures’ pleasure and pain, wellbeing and happiness. Particular places within this space include the kingdom (...)
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  12. Romantic Cosmopolitanism: Novalis’s “Christianity or Europe”.Pauline Kleingeld - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):pp. 269-284.
    German Romanticism is commonly associated with nationalism rather than cosmopolitanism. Against this standard picture, I argue that the early German romantic author, Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772–1801) holds a decidedly cosmopolitan view. Novalis’s essay “Christianity or Europe” has been the subject of much dispute and puzzlement ever since he presented it to the Jena romantic circle in the fall of 1799. On the basis of an account of the philosophical background of Novalis’s romanticism, I show that the image (...)
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  13. Unity and Multiplicity: Leibniz's Critiques of res cogitans and res extensa.Pauline Phemister - 2001 - In Hans Poser (ed.), Nihil Sine Ratione: Mensch, Natur und Technik im Wirken von G. W. Leibniz Schirmherrschaft. VII Internationaler Leibniz Kongress Proceedings, vol 2. pp. 998-1005.
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    Le libéralisme de Marx.Paulin Clochec - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):109-123.
    The article re-examines Marx’s liberal period as a contributor to and later as a member of the editorial board of the Rhenish Gazette and the question of the consequences of his liberalism on his transition to socialism. Far from claiming straight away to be the most politically radical of the young Hegelians, the young Marx outlined in his 1842-43 articles a version of moderate republicanism, close to that of Carl von Rotteck. It was by following the gradual distancing of the (...)
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  15. Leibniz, Freedom of Will and Rationality.Pauline Phemister - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):25-39.
    Dieser Aufsatz hält es für angeraten, einen bisher vernachlässigten Aspekt der Leibnizschen Gedanken bezüglich der Willensfreiheit, nämlich die Rolle der Rationalität, näher zu betrachten. Von den drei für die Freiheit notwendigen Bedingungen gehört nur die Rationalität all denjenigen Menschen, die frei sind, und ihnen ausschließlich an. Kontingenz und Spontaneität können die Handlungen unfreier Menschen kennzeichnen. Die Rolle der Rationalität erscheint in klarem licht, wenn man sie in die Reihe folgender zueinander in Beziehung stehender Konzepte stellt: Kraft, Wahrnehmung, Tätigsein, Vollkommenheit, Schönheit, (...)
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    The Human Habitat - Aesthetic and Axiological Perspectives by Pauline von Bonsdorff.Ronald W. Hepburn - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 11 (19).
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  17. Aesthetics in the Human Environment: Edited by Pauline von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala.G. McFee - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):391-392.
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    Books received. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14.1 (2000) 79-81 [Access article in PDF] Books Received July 1999 through December 1999Asmuth, Christoph. 1999. Das Begriefen des Unbegreiflich. Abt. II, Band 41 of Spekulation and Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog. 411 pp.Badiou, Alain. 1999. Manifesto for Philosophy. Trans. and ed. Norman Madarasz. Albany: SUNY Press. 181 pp. h.c. 0-7914-4219-5, $14.95 pbk. 0-7914-4220-9.Barwise, Jon, and John Perry. 1999. Situations and Attitudes. New York: Cambridge UP. (...)
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    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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    Taking Situatedness Seriously. Embedding Affective Intentionality in Forms of Living.Imke von Maur - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:599939.
    Situated approaches to affectivity overcome an outdated individualistic perspective on emotions by emphasizing the role embodiment and environment play in affective dynamics. Yet, accounts which provide the conceptual toolbox for analyses in the philosophy of emotions do not go far enough. Their focus falls (a) on the present situation, abstracting from the broader historico-cultural context, and (b) on adopting a largely functionalist approach by conceiving of emotions and the environment as resources to be regulated or scaffolds to be used. In (...)
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  21. Am I thinking assemblies?Christoph von der Malsburg - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen (eds.), Brain Theory. Springer.
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    Paulus Unter den Philosophen.Christian Strecker, Joachim Valentin & Micha Brumlik (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    English summary: Was Paul of Tarsus a philosopher? Does he even rank amongst those philosophers who influenced occidental live and thought? The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says, that the Epistle to the Romans is the fundamental messianic text of the western culture. The Jewish scholars Jacob Taubes and Daniel Boyarin insist on the philosophical and political Force of Pauline thinking. Long before that, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger dealt intently with the Epistle. Was Paul a Philosopher? In any case (...)
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  23. Binding by verbs: Tense, person and mood under attitudes.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    .................................................................................................... ..................... 2 2 LF-Binding and Feature Deletion......................................................................................... 3..
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  24. On the proper treatment of tense.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    This paper is mainly concerned with tense in embedded constructions. I believe that recent research – notably the work by Ogihara (1989) and Abusch (1993) – has contributed much to our better understanding of its semantics. The proposals made by the two authors are, however, still too simplistic in some regards. Among other things, they neglect the interplay of tense with temporal adverbs of quantification and with frame-setters. To get this composition right is a touchstone for every theory of tense (...)
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    Bewirken.Franz von Kutschera - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):253 - 281.
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  26. Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik, und Wahrheit.R. von Mises - 1937 - Mind 46 (184):478-491.
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  27. A new system of deontic logic.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1970 - In Risto Hilpinen (ed.), Deontic logic: introductory and systematic readings. Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston.
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  28. Weisheit in Israel.Gerhard von Rad & Walter Brueggemann - 1970
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    Norman Malcolm.G. H. Wright von - 1992 - Philosophical Investigations 15 (3):215-222.
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    Struktur der kinken und einschnürungen in schrauben- und 71°-versetzungen in kubisch-raumzentrierten metallen.Von C. Wüthrich - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):325-335.
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    Philosophy and Its History. By H. R. Smart (Open Court, La Salle, Illinois, 1962, pp. 158, Price $4.00.).W. von Leyden - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (151):72-.
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    From Hamartia to “Nothingness”: Tragedy, Comedy and Luther’s “Humilitas”.Felix Ensslin - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2).
    Within the broader horizon of asking about the relevance of the Reformation, or more particularly, Martin Luther’s thought, this paper first draws on the old debate whether there can be a Christian conception of tragic guilt by reconstructing an argument Giorgio Agamben develops against von Fritz’s denial of this possibility. The paper shows that Agamben makes a similar move as Protestantism by claiming that natura, which is always already spoiled by hamartia, is objective, naturaliter not personaliter. But in doing so, (...)
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    Vocabulary for the Study of Religion: F-O.Kocku von Stuckrad & Robert A. Segal (eds.) - 2015 - Brill.
    The 'Vocabulary for the study of religion' is an interdisciplinary endeavor that offers a unique overview of critical terms in the study of religion. This is the first dictionary in English to cover such a broad spectrum of theoretical topics used in the academic study of religion, including those from adjacent disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, historiography, theology, philology, literary studies, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, and political sciences. The Vocabulary contains over 400 entries written by experts with a background in (...)
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  34. Quantifiers and 'if'-clauses.Kai von Finkel - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (191):209-214.
    which he calls general indicatives, are correctly analysed as open indicative conditionals prefixed by universal quantifiers. So they are both analysed as (∀x)(if x gets a chance, x bungee-jumps), where x ranges over girls. This analysis is attributed to Geach.2 Barker then shows that this syntactic analysis, together with other premises, entails that the open conditional occurring under the universal quantifier has to be analysed as having the import of material implication.
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  35. A Letter Concerning Kenley Dove’s “Hegel and Creativity”.Eric von der Luft - 1978 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (1):10-10.
    Kenley Dove’s article [OWL, IX-4] seems to overlook that certain thinker who could probably be the key to the proper elucidation of Hegel’s thought on creativity, i.e. Plotinus. Dove’s threefold breakdown of classical Greek and medieval Christian ideas of creation is cogent, though he fails to include the Neo-Platonic bridge which could not only harmonize for him the “deterministic” metaphysics of the Greeks with the ex nihilo “free-act-of-God” metaphysics of Aquinas, but also provide him with a way to understand that (...)
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    Teutscher Friedens-Raht: kommentierte Edition der von Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen redigierten Ausgabe von 1670.Claus von und zu Schauenburg - 2014 - Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann. Edited by Dieter Breuer, Peter Hesselmann, Dieter Martin & Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen.
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    Aus Platons Papierkorb.Franz von Kutschera - 2001 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 4 (1):21-34.
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    Error Friendly Technologies.Ernst U. von Weizsäcker - 1984 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 4 (4):337-339.
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    Gerousia-Gerwxia.Kurt von Fritz - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (2):196.
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    Joachim Ritter, Collegium Philosophicum a Hegel.Ulrich von Bülow - 2020 - Pro-Fil 2020 (S1):79-89.
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    Parmenides’ Weg derWahrheit.Franz von Kutschera - 2015 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 18 (1):213-226.
    There is a strange contrast between, on the one hand, the prominent place generally assigned to Parmenides in the history of Greek philosophy, and on the other hand, the persistent uncertainty in the understanding of his teachings, as demonstrated by the large number of conflicting interpretations. In particular, there is no consent on the question whether Parmenides, in spite of the obvious weaknesses of his arguments, ought to be seen as the first proponent of a purely rational metaphysics, or whether, (...)
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    Quel nouvel espace rituel pour le XXI e siècle?Dorothea von Hantelmann, Yves Citton & L. Deep - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):123-132.
    Chaque époque se caractériserait par des dispositifs rituels de rassemblement des publics qui reflètent une certaine configuration socio-politique : du rassemblement collectif de la tradition théâtrale au modèle individualisé de l’exposition dans le contexte moderne. Comment rassembler des publics face aux défis de notre siècle?
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    Stenographische notizen über logik und mathematik.Carl Friedrich Von Weizsäcker - 1978 - In Kuno Lorenz (ed.), Konstruktionen Versus Positionen: Beiträge Zur Diskussion Um Die Konstruktive Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 1: Spezielle Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 2: Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Paul Lorenzen Zum 60. Geburtstag. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 133-155.
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    Tales of reconstruction. Intertwining Germanic neo-Paganism and Old Norse scholarship.Stefanie von Schnurbein - 2015 - Critical Research on Religion 3 (2):148-167.
    Historians of religion and adherents of new religious movements in the twentieth century have frequently had intersecting agendas. This article discusses the interactions between scholarship on Germanic myth and culture and the protagonists and belief systems of Germanic neo-Pagan movements. It covers the era from the inception of Germanic neo-Paganism in the nationalist, anti-Semitic völkisch movement in Germany in the early 20th century until today. The article traces the appeal of reconstructionist approaches within the study of Germanic myth and culture, (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Deontic Logic and the Theory of Conditions.G. H. Von Wright - 1968 - Critica 2 (6):3.
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    Schriften zur erkenntnistheorie.Hermann von Helmholtz, Paul Hertz, Moritz Schlick & Ecke Bonk - 1921 - Berlin,: J. Springer. Edited by Paul Hertz & Moritz Schlick.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821a "1894) galt als der bedeutendste Physiker und Physiologe seiner Zeit. Er reflektiert in seinen Texten kritisch die Grenzen und den Horizont mAglicher Erkenntnis mit theoretisch-philosophischer Aufmerksamkeit. Aus der FA1/4lle seiner Publikationen stellten der Philosoph Moritz von Schlick und der Physiker und Mathematiker Paul Hertz 1921 aus AnlaA der 100-Jahrfeier seines Geburtstages den Band "Schriften zur Erkenntnistheorie" zusammen: a [ Aoeber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der geometrischen Axiome (o.J.) a [ Aoeber die Tatsachen, die der Geometrie (...)
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  47. The Biggest Little Word.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    After cataloguing various ‘improper’ sense of only, those which are taken with restricted scope (‘no more than [within a fixed domain]’) as opposed to the purely exclusive ‘proper’ sense, Ockham (1980:137) remarks that These are the senses, then, in which the exclusive expression can be taken improperly. And perhaps there are still other senses in which it can be taken improperly. But since they are not as widely used as the ones we have dealt with, I will leave them to (...)
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    Supervenience and reductionism.Franz von Kutschera - 1992 - Erkenntnis 36 (3):333-343.
  49. Bd. 14. Die Philosophie der neuest Zeit : Hermeneutik, Frankfurter Schule, Strukturalismus, analytische Philosophie.von Wolfgang Röd und Wilhelm K. Essler, Unter Mitarbeit von Gerhard Preyer & Julian Nida-Rümelin und Christine Bratu - 1976 - In Wolfgang Röd (ed.), Geschichte der Philosophie. München: Beck.
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    Las Audiencias de Los Programas Televisivos de Chimentos: Percepciones y Criterios Morales Sobre Géneros, Sexualidades y Derechos.Carolina Justo von Lurzer, Florencia Rovetto & Carolina Spataro - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:233-255.
    En este artículo, presentamos los resultados parciales producidos en la primera etapa de un proyecto de investigación que se desarrolla en tres zonas geográficas de Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rosario y Córdoba. Toma por objeto los programas de espectáculos televisivos y propone una investigación articulada en tres dimensiones: análisis de contenidos, recepción y rutinas profesionales. Durante el primer periodo de trabajo, ejecutado en 2016, nos hemos centrado en el análisis de las audiencias, indagando sobre la relevancia que otorgan las/os televidentes a (...)
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