Results for 'Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz'

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    Dziennikarze polscy, rosyjscy i szwedzcy oraz ich wizja zawodu.Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz - 2019 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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  2. IV—Understanding and Knowing.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 115 (1pt1):57-74.
    What is the relationship between understanding and knowing? This paper offers a defence of reductionism about understanding: the view that instances of understanding reduce to instances of knowing. I argue that knowing is both necessary and sufficient for understanding. I then outline some advantages of reductionism.
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  3. Respecting all the evidence.Paulina Sliwa & Sophie Horowitz - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):2835-2858.
    Plausibly, you should believe what your total evidence supports. But cases of misleading higher-order evidence—evidence about what your evidence supports—present a challenge to this thought. In such cases, taking both first-order and higher-order evidence at face value leads to a seemingly irrational incoherence between one’s first-order and higher-order attitudes: you will believe P, but also believe that your evidence doesn’t support P. To avoid sanctioning tension between epistemic levels, some authors have abandoned the thought that both first-order and higher-order evidence (...)
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  4. Moral Worth and Moral Knowledge.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):393-418.
    To have moral worth an action not only needs to conform to the correct normative theory ; it also needs to be motivated in the right way. I argue that morally worthy actions are motivated by the rightness of the action; they are motivated by an agent's concern for doing what's right and her knowledge that her action is morally right. Call this the Rightness Condition. On the Rightness Condition moral motivation involves both a conative and a cognitive element—in particular, (...)
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  5. In defense of moral testimony.Paulina Sliwa - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (2):175-195.
    In defense of moral testimony Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-21 DOI 10.1007/s11098-012-9887-6 Authors Paulina Sliwa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Journal Philosophical Studies Online ISSN 1573-0883 Print ISSN 0031-8116.
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    Tragizm, absurd, paradoks – wokół słownika pojęć Waltera Hilsbechera.Paulina Frankiewicz - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 63 (4):111-126.
    In this article, I make an attempt to define terms such as: tragedy, absurdity, and paradox as conceived of by the German essayist Walter Hilsbecher. This is a task which is both difficult and interesting, mainly because of the fact that concepts from within speculative philosophy are relatively rarely subject to scrupulous definitions. The reason for this state of affairs lies in the difficulty to capture the meaning of these concepts within a rigid framework. These problems also appear in Hilsbecher’s (...)
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    Incorrect Interpretation in the Light of the Law of Interpretation.Paulina Konca - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):629-648.
    There are certain standards of legal interpretation. Interpretive directives are heterogeneous—both in terms of the issues they address and of the form. Not all authors consider the canons of interpretation to be norms like any other ones. Moreover, some claim that the term “incorrect interpretation” refers only to an arbitrarily chosen concept. I intend to investigate whether, despite the objections raised, interpretative directives can be said to have the status of legal norms. I wonder whether the so-called law of interpretation (...)
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    Filozofia XVII wieku — jej źródła i kontynuacje. Klasycy filozofii XVII wieku i ich współczesna recepcja.Paulina Winiarska - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 23 (2):160-163.
    XIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa pt. „Filozofia XVII wieku — jej źródła i kontynuacje. Klasycy filozofii XVII wieku i ich współczesna recepcja”.
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    Restorative Qualities of and Preference for Natural and Urban Soundscapes.Krzywicka Paulina & Byrka Katarzyna - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Engaging research ethics committees to develop an ethics and governance framework for best practices in genomic research and biobanking in Africa: the H3Africa model.Paulina Tindana, Aminu Yakubu, Ciara Staunton, Alice Matimba, Katherine Littler, Ebony Madden, Nchangwi Syntia Munung & Jantina de Vries - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-7.
    In the past decade, there has been an increase in genomic research and biobanking activities in Africa. Research initiatives such as the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Consortium are contributing to the development of scientific capacity and infrastructure to support these studies on the continent. Despite this growth, genomic research and biobanking have raised important ethical challenges for key research stakeholders, including members of research ethics committees. One of these is the limited ethical and regulatory frameworks to guide the (...)
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    ‘It is an entrustment’: Broad consent for genomic research and biobanks in sub‐Saharan Africa.Paulina Tindana, Sassy Molyneux, Susan Bull & Michael Parker - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (1):9-17.
    In recent years, there has been an increase in the establishment of biobanks for genetic and genomic studies around the globe. One example of this is the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Initiative (H3Africa), which has established biobanks in the sub‐region to facilitate future indigenous genomic studies. The concept of ‘broad consent’ has been proposed as a mechanism to enable potential research participants in biobanks to give permission for their samples to be used in future research studies. However, questions (...)
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  12. Making sense of things: Moral inquiry as hermeneutical inquiry.Paulina Sliwa - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (1):117-137.
    We are frequently confronted with moral situations that are unsettling, confusing, disorienting. We try to come to grips with them. When we do so, we engage in a distinctive type of moral inquiry: hermeneutical inquiry. Its aim is to make sense of our situation. What is it to make sense of one's situation? Hermeneutical inquiry is part of our everyday moral experience. Understanding its nature and its place in moral epistemology is important. Yet, I argue, that existing accounts of moral (...)
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    Thinking smaller: comments on Adriana Alfaro Altamirano’s Belief in Intuition.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1488-1490.
    Adriana Alfaro Altamirano’s new book examines Henri Bergson’s and Max Scheler’s views on intuition. Both authors believed that this power allows us to apprehend a person’s ‘inner multiplicity’, and...
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    Becoming Natural: The Naturalization of Synthetic Flavors in the Twentieth Century and the Introduction of Konsumstoff.Paulina S. Gennermann - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (4):303-319.
    Is it possible that non-natural chemical substances become natural without changing their chemical, physical or physiological characteristics? The history of synthetic flavors with a special emphasis on vanillin suggests that yes, it is possible. This process is called naturalization and means in this case the change of status of a synthetic flavor to something natural. In this article the history of vanillin as a frequently used flavor and its transformation into a natural ingredient in the twentieth century will be presented (...)
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    Sobre la pasividad en la fenomenología de la situación y la mirada en El ser y la nada.Paulina Morales Guzmán - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 116:119-134.
    Jean-Paul Sartre en El ser y la nada plantea una ontología basada en la dualidad fundamental del ser y una nada que, ante todo, se describe como un acto nihilizador. En virtud de una fuerte presencia de dinámicas activas en la ontología sartreana, esta investigación tiene por objetivo identificar el rol de la pasividad en la ontología y en la fenomenología sartreanas, con vistas a resaltar la necesidad de la dimensión pasiva en, al menos, dos fenómenos cruciales en la constitución (...)
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    Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger: Philosophy, Modernity, and Education.Paulina Sosnowska - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The book examines the trajectory of joint philosophical-pedagogical concepts within the framework of the dialogue between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, put in the context of questions concerning the nature of modernity.
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    Places to Dream.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (1).
  18. Modelo de análisis semiótico del discurso del profesor que favorezca su hacer didáctico en los procesos de aprendizaje con participantes adultos.Paulina de los Ángeles Morales Hidalgo - 2018 - In Higuera Aguirre, Edison Francisco, Fernando Palacios Mateos, Erazo Ortega & María Patricia (eds.), Pensar, vivir y hacer la educación: visiones compartidas. Quito: Centro de Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
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    Correction to: Bernard, Sylvain, Michel Farge (edd.): Les mutations contemporaines du droit de la famille: Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, coll. « Droit et action publique», 2019, 212 p, € 27 (Paperback), ISBN 978–2-7061–4410-3.Paulina Mazurkiewicz - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):345-345.
    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
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    Business ethics: evidence from the world of finance.Paulina Roszkowska - 2015 - Warszawa: Warsaw School of Economics.
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    Los discursos de las garzonas en las salas de cerveza del norte de Chile. Género y discriminación.Paulina Salinas & Jaime Barrientos - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    Este trabajo analiza los discursos de las mujeres/garzonas, que trabajan en las salas de cerveza (schoperías) sobre la discriminación de género y los modelos relacionales que se establecen en estos espacios entre clientes y garzonas. Se postula que estos aspectos recién mencionados, coadyuvan a la permanencia de una identidad masculina hegemónica, que se intensifica en el contexto de la minería. Los antecedentes obtenidos muestran que las garzonas- en su mayoría mujeres oriundas de los países limítrofes y/o del sur de Chile-, (...)
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    Una vida para la Bioética.Paulina Taboada - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (4):775-788.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo rendir un homenaje al Cardenal Elio Sgreccia (D.E.P.), a través de una semblanza y un breve recorrido del itinerario intelectual que lo llevó a proponer un modelo de «bioética personalista ontológicamente fundada», por el que hoy se le conoce como su fundador y principal difusor. Se le describe como un maestro sabio y cercano, que marcó profundamente la vida de quienes trabajaron y estudiaron con él. También se pone en evidencia la relevancia de su legado, (...)
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    National and Cultural Identity in Iraq in the Face of the Formation of the New Order in the Middle East. Philosophical Reflection and the Political Reality.Paulina Jagoda Warsza - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 21 (1):69-81.
    After Arab Spring many hopes were dashed. However historical change must be happening now in the area of social awareness. The rise of extremism limits awareness and also endangers the Arab identity. The Arab revolution has to be more than the overthrowing of dictators. Bennabi created the concept of Post- Almohad Man and its “Colonsability” - a tendency to be colonized which allows the aggressor to be transformed into the colonizer. Is Bennabi’s theory applicable to Iraq? Should killing a Post- (...)
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    Otwarcie Centrum Etyki Chrześcijańskiej im. Tadeusza Ślipko oraz Konwersatorium: „Etyka chrześcijańska wobec życia i śmierci”.Paulina Winiarska - 2017 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 22 (2):200-205.
    Opening of the Tadeusz Ślipko Centre for Christian Ethics, and Seminar entitled “The Christian ethics approach to life and death”.
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    W kręgu pytań o człowieka: osoba, brak, byt?Paulina Winiarska - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 23 (2):151-155.
    V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa z cyklu „W kręgu pytań o człowieka: osoba, brak, byt?”.
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    Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical research: perspectives of key stakeholders in Ghana and Kenya.Paulina Tindana, Catherine S. Molyneux, Susan Bull & Michael Parker - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):76.
    For many decades, access to human biological samples, such as cells, tissues, organs, blood, and sub-cellular materials such as DNA, for use in biomedical research, has been central in understanding the nature and transmission of diseases across the globe. However, the limitations of current ethical and regulatory frameworks in sub-Saharan Africa to govern the collection, export, storage and reuse of these samples have resulted in inconsistencies in practice and a number of ethical concerns for sample donors, researchers and research ethics (...)
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  27. Moral Understanding as Knowing Right from Wrong.Paulina Sliwa - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):521-552.
    Moral understanding is a valuable epistemic and moral good. I argue that moral understanding is the ability to know right from wrong. I defend the account against challenges from nonreductionists, such as Alison Hills, who argue that moral understanding is distinct from moral knowledge. Moral understanding, she suggests, is constituted by a set of abilities: to give and follow moral explanations and to draw moral conclusions. I argue that Hills’s account rests on too narrow a conception of moral understanding. Among (...)
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  28. Motherhood as resistance in the bio-performance Analfabeta, an Interdisciplinary dialogue between Biology and Performance.Paulina Bronfman - 2023 - Documenta 41 ( Special Edition: Parliament of).
    Interdisciplinary dialogue acts as a symbiosis for all the areas that participate and imply enormous projections for both art and science. This paper explores the potential of an interdisciplinary dialogue between Biology and Performance using as a case study the Performance Analfabeta created by the artist Paulina Bronfman. The work was shaped in the context of The Third Conference of the Nucleus of Artistic Research (NIA) of In/Inter/Disciplinary Laboratories hosted by the Faculty of Art of The Pontificia University of (...)
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  29. The Power of Excuses.Paulina Sliwa - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (1):37-71.
    Excuses are commonplace. Making and accepting excuses is part of our practice of holding each other morally responsible. But excuses are also curious. They have normative force. Whether someone has an excuse for something they have done matters for how we should respond to their action. An excuse can make it appropriate to forgo blame, to revise judgments of blameworthiness, to feel compassion and pity instead of anger and resentment. The considerations we appeal to when making excuses are a motley (...)
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    Why borders do matter morally: The role of place in immigrants’ rights.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2018 - Constellations 25 (1):71-86.
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    Rola i znaczenie mediów w kształtowaniu obrazu polsko-niemieckiego pogranicza w latach 90. XX wieku (na przykładzie „Gazety Pogranicza” – dodatku do „Gazety Wyborczej”).Paulina Olechowska - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 28 (2):163-178.
    The article is an attempt to determine the role of the media in shaping the image of the Polish- German borderlands. As examples, press releases published (from August 1994 to November 1996) in Gazeta Pogranicza [Borderland Gazette] were used. The newspaper is the result of cooperation between local editorial supplements to Gazeta Wyborcza and the Brandenburg regional daily newspaper Märkische Oderzeitung. An important element of this research is the assumption that the foundation of any international communication is the need to (...)
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    “In your synthesis the signal condenses”: Adam Dickinson’s polymers and Kacper Bartczak’s organic poems and the plastic poetics of the contemporary organic poem.Paulina Ambroży - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):275-296.
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    The Limits of Language as the Limits of the World: Cormac McCarthy’s and David Markson’s Post-Apocalyptic Novels.Paulina Ambroży - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):62-78.
    The article examines the correlation between the world and the word in two novels which engage with a post-apocalyptic scenario: David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Shifting the focus from the very event of catastrophe to the notion of survival through memory and storytelling, both novels problematize the strained relationship between language and reality in an increasingly diminished and dehumanized world. My aim is to investigate the limits of language as well as its capacity to withstand the (...)
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    The Architecture of Separation: Israeli Policy towards the Palestinians in the West Bank.Paulina Codogni - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 19:149-177.
    According to the classic view of architecture, its primary function is to create spatial law and order so as to improve the functioning of man in the architectural environment. Classical works on the theory of architecture focused on those qualities that portrayed architecture as having a clearly positive dimension, the pursuit of which should be the primary task of an architect. Is it true, however, that architecture has only one common meaning? This assertion is undermined by buildings constructed on borderlands, (...)
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    Apantli’s Centennial.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):205-216.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How (...)
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    Identifying a research gap in Humanities: variation in theses and research papers.Paulina Meza & Augusto Nascimento - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:211-223.
    Resumen En este trabajo presentamos una clasificación de las fuentes de procedencia y las estrategias que utilizan los autores de tesis y artículos de investigación para constatar el vacío de la investigación en Humanidades. Sobre la base de un estudio cualitativo, propusimos como objetivo determinar la variación de este acto comunicativo en Tesis y en Artículos de Investigación en Humanidades. A partir del análisis del corpus, los resultados muestran que la constatación del vacío se realiza en ambos géneros, aunque es (...)
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    Uso y adquisición de artículos en español como segunda lengua.Paulina Valenzuela & Gloria Toledo - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):268-285.
    El objetivo de esta investigación es conformar una tipología de errores vinculada al uso de los artículos en ESL y asociar la mayor o menor recurrencia de errores a distintos niveles de lengua meta: A2 y B2. El aporte de este trabajo consiste en ayudar al tratamiento más sistemático y consistente de los artículos entre hablantes no nativos de español. Esta investigación contempló el análisis de 67 redacciones libres de aprendientes de español en dos niveles de lengua, a partir de (...)
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    Język ruchu Gaga jako wyraz ukrytej dynamiki emocji.Paulina Zarębska - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):85-107.
    W ramach badań nad emocjami w tańcu naukowcy koncentrują się głównie na ich ruchowej ekspresji. Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o konceptualizacji emocji w specyficznej praktyce ruchu — języku ruchu Gaga, stworzonej przez izraelskiego choreografa Ohada Naharina, która jest oparta na ruchowej interpretacji werbalnych instrukcji podczas improwizacji tanecznej. System werbalnej komunikacji odgrywa istotną rolę w praktyce Gaga. Emocje w ruchowych wskazówkach funkcjonują implicite i są ważnym elementem pracy z ruchem i ciałem tancerzy. Istotne w refleksji o funkcjonowaniu emocji w języku Gaga są (...)
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  39. Know How and Acts of Faith.Paulina Sliwa - 2018 - In Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne & Dani Rabinowitz (eds.), Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 246-263.
    My topic in this paper is the nature of faith. Much of the discussion concerning the nature of faith proceeds by focussing on the relationship between faith and belief. In this paper, I explore a different approach. I suggest that we approach the question of what faith involves by focussing on the relationship between faith and action. When we have faith, we generally manifest it in how we act; we perform acts of faith: we share our secrets, rely on other’s (...)
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    La Mandragore constituante.Paulina Godoy Arteche, Ivana Peric Maluk, Enrique Rivera Gallardo & Jonatan Valenzuela Saldías - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):186-192.
    Nous sommes en train de franchir un seuil dont, par ailleurs, nous ignorons l’issue. Une technologie de conversation inspirée du mouvement chilien Mandrágora des années 1930 et des qualités magiques de la plante du même nom mobilise les pratiques artistiques pour l’entrevoir. La Mandrágora Constituyente a été conçue autour d’au moins deux idées : la dissidence ne nie pas la conversation, mais la favorise ; la réalité se constitue dans sa description, de sorte que les faits ne sont pas indépendants (...)
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  41. Koniec kryzysu, początek dramatu – Marcel Gauchet o kondycji współczesnej polityki.Paulina Karbownik - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 13.
    Marcel Gauchet to mało znany w Polsce historyk i filozof francuski. Żadna z jego książek nie została do tej pory przetłumaczona na język polski. Dostępny w tym języku jest jeden z esejów pochodzący z La démocratie contre elle-même (Demokracja przeciwko sobie samej), opublikowany w kwartalniku „Res Publica Nowa” w grudniu 2002 r. pt. Nowy wiek osobowości. Próba psychologii współczesnej, przełożony i opracowany przez Wiktora Dłuskiego. W tekście tym Gauchet stawia tezę o mającej miejsce we współczesnym świecie rewolucji antropologicznej, polegającej na (...)
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    On the object and subject of reform intervention: comments on Lucia Rafanelli’s promoting justice across borders.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    In Promoting Justice Across Borders, Lucia Rafanelli develops an ethical theory of ‘reform intervention’: a deliberate attempt to promote justice in a foreign society. The theory specifies which types of interventions are justified under what circumstances and who is justified in intervening where. Rafanelli’s theory eschews nation-states and instead makes its main actors societies with capacity for self-determination. This, I argue, can make the theory hard to apply, because different societies can overlap or intersect, and the theory’s implications change depending (...)
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    "Miasto i miasto" Chiny Miéville’a. Pomiędzy konwencjami, pomiędzy intertekstami.Paulina Abriszewska - 2018 - Ruch Filozoficzny 74 (2):31.
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    Fonemas segmentales del mapudungun hablado en Icalma y configuración de un perfil fonético-fonológico del cordón cordillerano de habla mapuche-pewenche.Paulina A. Urrea Ancanao & Gastón F. Salamanca Gutiérrez - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):220-236.
    Este artículo presenta los fonemas segmentales del mapudungun hablado en Icalma y un perfil fonético-fonológico de parte importante del cordón cordillerano de habla pewenche. El marco de referencia utilizado es el descriptivismo norteamericano, cuyas propuestas provienen de Pike y se actualizan en los trabajos de Burquest y Salamanca, Cifuentes y Figueroa. El instrumento utilizado fue una lista léxica de 108 ítems y la cantidad de colaboradores entrevistados fue de nueve. Con respecto a la descripción fonético-fonológica del mapudungun hablado en la (...)
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    Narracja terroryzmu: ewolucja komunikatu przemocy.Paulina Piasecka - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 17:119-134.
    This essay focuses on the evolution of communication process as used by terrorist groups and organizations. It deals with this problem by starting with Russian anarchists and ending with the activists involved in modern groups engaged in the global jihad. The author analyses changes within the content of communication, as well as the means of spreading the message of violence. This essay reviews selected means and methods of public communication used by modern terrorist groups, and analyses the usefulness of these (...)
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    Wspomnienia, sny, myśli. świadoma biografia C. G. Junga.Paulina Prus - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (3):159-177.
    Memories, dreams, thoughts is an autobiographical book by Carl Gustav Jung in which the author deliberates on his life not only as a famous psychotherapist, but also as a protestant, psychiatrist, traveler, philosopher and mystic. Jung shows the paths that lead him to creating his own analytical branch of depth psychology and to revolutionizing the approach to the mechanisms of working with patients of mental hospitals. Although the book could be read as an autobiography only, we can also find a (...)
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    The iconography of the deposition without st. John.Paulina Ratkowska - 1964 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 27 (1):312-317.
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    Konserwatyzm, ale jaki? Wokół książki Państwo znikąd Bronisława Łagowskiego.Paulina Tendera - 2018 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 8 (`1):171-178.
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    Participatory Budgeting as an Inclusive Placemaking Driver: Different European and American Practices.Paulina Polko, Asma Mehan, Kinga Kimic, Simone Tappert, Aline Suter & Aleksandar Petrovski - 2024 - In Francesco Rotondo, Aleksandra Djukic, Preben Hansen, Edmond Manahasa, Mastoureh Fathi & Juan A. García-Esparza (eds.), Placemaking in Practice Volume 2: Engagement in Placemaking: Methods, Strategies, Approaches. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. pp. 42–68.
    Participatory budgeting (PB) is a paradigm that empowers residents to directly decide how a portion of the public budget is spent. Specifically, residents deliberate over spending priorities and vote over how the budget should be allocated to different public projects. As such it is a mechanism of top-down transfer of decisions on the part of budgetary expenditure to citizens. In recent years, PB has become a central topic of discussion and an important field of innovation for those involved in local (...)
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  50. Reverse‐engineering blame 1.Paulina Sliwa - 2019 - Philosophical Perspectives 33 (1):200-219.
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