Results for 'Paula Capra'

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  1.  31
    L'originalité de la communication participative en Amérique Latine.Paula Capra - 2007 - Hermes 48:137.
    Durant les années 1970 en Amérique latine, le « courant critique » est très actif dans la reformulation des méthodologies, des objets d'études et des objectifs de la recherche en communication. Dans ce contexte, il élabore le modèle de communication participative en rupture avec le diffusionnisme en prenant comme point de départ la théorie de la dépendance et du colonialisme interne. Ce modèle questionne les relations verticales dans une société donnée. En partant du cas de la radiodiffusion en Bolivie , (...)
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    URABAYEN, Julia, y CASERO, Jorge León, (eds.), Disciplines of the city. New forms of governance in today’s postmetropolises.Paula Aguadero Ruiz - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:639-642.
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    Putting Corporate Responsibility into Practice: Examining the Gap Between Strategic Plans and Operational Actions.Johanna Kujala, Paula Merikari & Jenni Enroth - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:192-196.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the gap between the strategic and operational levels of corporate responsibility. The strategic level of corporateresponsibility refers to the strategic plans concerning corporate responsibility which are examined by looking at the corporate responsibility documents. The operational level stands for the everyday actions of retailers which are analysed through interviews of nine retailers. The gap between the strategic plans and operational actions is described and analysed to understand why and how the gap exists (...)
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    (1 other version)Dos pais pobres ao pai dos pobres: cartas de pais e mães ao presidente Vargas e a política familiar do Estado Novo.Ana Paula Vosne Martins - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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  5. Introduction.Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões, Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Auto-operação.Ana Paula da Cunha - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):695-707.
    Auto-operação manifesta uma co-presença de feminismos, a partir do eixo de pensamento que contrapõe a noção de sexo como biológico a ideia de gênero como construção sociocultural. Os trabalhos apresentados refletem tanto um tempo existencial, subjetivado, íntimo e interiorizado, quanto o âmbito comunicacional, maquínico e exteriorizado da produção sensível.
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    Environmental integration tool approach: Self-determined commitment and the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors.Vincent Henin & Paula Uglione - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper discusses the role of self-determined commitment in the methodological dynamics of the Environmental Integration Tool Producer and its potential impact on the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors by local economy actors in the Global South. This tool is part of the EIT Approach developed by Louvain Coopération, the NGO associated with Université Catholique de Louvain, which aims to support social actors in productivity and consumption activities in Africa, Andean America, and Asia. The aim is to highlight the conceptual and (...)
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  8. Arte, objetos, ficción, cuerpo: Cuatro ensayos sobre estética.Chantal Paula Rosengurt - 2014 - Tópicos 28:01-04.
    El dialeteísmo es la posición que afirma que hay contradicciones verdaderas. Este artículo versará sobre esa posición. En la primera sección, mencionaré los principales aportes que, en mi perspectiva, el dialeteísmo ha hecho a la lógica filosófica. En la segunda sección, analizaré el principal problema del dialeteísmo. En la tercera sección, mostraré que los argumentos a favor del dialeteísmo no llegan a establecer la verdad de esta posición. Finalmente, explicaré cuál es el tipo de paraconsistencia que considero adecuada y la (...)
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    ¿Qué habilidades debe desarrollar un futuro docente en su paso por la universidad?Marta Quiroga Lobos, Paula Soto Lillo & Jessica Medina Pérez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-10.
    Se buscó identificar las habilidades que debe tener un buen docente desde la percepción de futuros profesores. Se analizaron 1047 respuestas de estudiantes de pedagogía al ingresar a la universidad los años 2021 y 2022. Los resultados arrojan que los futuros profesores consideran el desarrollo de la ética y responsabilidad, la empatía y el manejo del comportamiento de los estudiantes en la sala de clases como las habilidades más importantes a desarrollar en la universidad. Se concluye que tener habilidades para (...)
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    Análise de estratégias de coping em cuidadores de crianças cardiopatas congênitas: um estudo comparativo.Mariane Lersch Majid, Paula Moraes Pfeifer & Patricia Pereira Ruschel - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):7-14.
    As cardiopatias congênitas são caracterizadas por anormalidade na estrutura cardiovascular, presente desde a vida fetal, sendo estimados 30 mil casos por ano, no Brasil. Apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade, requerendo, muitas vezes, hospitalizações, intervenções e cirurgias. É necessário atentar para necessidades das figuras maternas e paternas e suas formas de enfrentamento, pois fazem parte do suporte na recuperação da criança. Este estudo transversal objetivou identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas pelos pais, durante a hospitalização da criança, verificar se existe diferença (...)
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    El cooperativismo en la "Mater et Magistra".Francisco de Paula Puy Muñoz - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2 (2):377-383.
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  12. En Torno Al Lenguaje Hacia 1916: La Crítica de Walter Benjamin Al Escrito de Habilitación Del Joven Heidegger.Maria Paula Viglione - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-42507.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to analyze Walter Benjamin’s critique of Heidegger’s habilitation thesis Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning. This objective will be carried out from a contrast between Heidegger’s thesis and the essay that Benjamin writes at the same time entitled On Language as Such and on the Language of Man. Likewise, the reasons that lead Benjamin to critically comment on Heidegger’s thesis will be studied from two perspectives: the problem of translation and the Heideggerian recovery of Neo-Kantianism. (...)
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    Hidden narratives: perspectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion in pharmacy.Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward & Kevin A. Wiltz (eds.) - 2024 - Bethesda, MD: ASHP.
    This publication features the stories and experiences of pharmacy professionals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. This collection of personal essays presents significant events in the lives of those in the pharmacy community whose experiences have been shaped by their race, ethnicity, gender or gender presentation, sexual orientation, ability, language, mental health, or other factors. The perspectives from the narratives highlight the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the healthcare sector. The authors of the narratives also reflect (...)
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  14. A ficçao de Joao Aguiar: A alquimiz de uma escrita múltipla.Ana Paula Arnaut - 1997 - Humanitas 49:283-306.
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    (1 other version)No title available.Jesus de Paula Assis - 1997 - Trans/Form/Ação 20 (1):131-136.
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    Sobre o argumento “saber ou não-saber” em Teeteto 187d-200c.Anderson De Paula Borges - 2013 - Dois Pontos 10 (2).
    Há muita discussão sobre como interpretar o papel do argumento ‘Saber ou não Saber’ em Teeteto 188a-c. Alguns intérpretes supõem que esse papel é dialético e Platão não está comprometido com sua verdade. Outros pensam que o argumento revela a confusão de Platão sobre o tema da opinião falsa à época do Teeteto. Em minha análise, há uma terceira via que faz mais justiça ao que Platão está desenvolvendo em 188a-c. Penso que em 188a-c temos uma versão do princípio platônico (...)
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    Consideraciones críticas de la noción de cuerpo propio.Paula Diaz Romero - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):187-203.
    El trabajo ofrece un análisis crítico a la noción de cuerpo propio (Leib) en M. Merleau-Ponty, como superación del dualismo cuerpo-mente. Se amplía dicha noción para integrar las experiencias del cuerpo físico (Körper) y posibilitar el diálogo entre fe-nomenología y medicina, al proponer una fenomenología del organismo doliente.
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    BRUSEKE, F. J. A TÉCNICA E OS RISCOS DA MODERNIDADE. Florianópolis, UFSC, 2001.Ana Paula Araújo Lima - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):95-100.
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    A comida em comunidades quilombolas: reflexões sobre saberes e mercados solidários.Rafaela Paula Silva & Silvia Regina Baptista - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):68.
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  20. Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths? An Essay on the Constitutive Imagination.Paul Veyne & Paula Wissing - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 35 (2):111-112.
  21.  44
    Trouble with biocitizenship : duties responsibility, identity.Alexandra Plows & Paula Boddington - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3):115-135.
    Genetic and other biotechnologies are starting to impact significantly upon society and individuals within it. Rose and Novas draw on an analysis of many patient groups to sketch out the broad notion of biocitizenship as a device for describing how the empowered and informed individual, group or network can engage with bioscience. In this paper, we examine critically the notion of biocitizenship, drawing on both sociological fieldwork that grounds the debate in the views of a large and varied group of (...)
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    Análise da sintonia interacional em díades mãe-filho em aquisição típica e atípica de linguagem oral: repensando a clínica fonoaudiológica; Interactional tune analysis between mother-child in typical and atypical language acquisition: a new insight about speech therapy.Ana Paula Fadanelli Ramos, Gabriela Martino Coronel Fróes, Rita Doris Maldaner, Doris Schultz Rosa & Sylvana de Araújo Vianna Soares - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 15:47-62.
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    Luis Alberto de Boni. Filosofia medieval. Textos. Porto alegre, edipucrs, 2000, 418p.Paula Oliveira E. Silva - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):489-491.
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  24. The concept of ius gentium : some aspects of its doctrinal development from the school of Salamanca to the Universities of Coimbra and Evora.Paula Oliveira E. Silva - 2016 - In Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher & Anselm Spindler, The concept of law (lex) in the moral and political thought of the 'School of Salamanca' / edited by Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher, and Anselm Spindler. Boston: Brill.
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    Lament in Jewish thought: philosophical, theological, and literary perspectives.Ilit Ferber, Paula Schwebel & Gershom Scholem (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
    Lament, mourning, and the transmissibility of a tradition in the aftermath of destruction are prominent themes in Jewish thought. The corpus of lament literature, building upon and transforming the biblical Book of Lamentations, provides a unique lens for thinking about the relationships between destruction and renewal, mourning and remembrance, loss and redemption, expression and the inexpressible. This anthology features four texts by Gershom Scholem on lament, translated here for the first time into English. The volume also includes original essays by (...)
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    António José de Almeida: o tribuno da República.Ana Paula Pires - 2011 - Lisboa: Assembleia da República.
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  27. Satyricon E memórias póstUmas de brás cubas : Uma leitura burlesca E cômica acerca dos vícios da sociedade.Ana Paula Vasconcelos - 2011 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (22):69-80.
    Tentaremos analisar o riso burlesco, erótico e satírico da obra de Petrônio, característico da sátira menipéia e do conto milesiano, como nos atesta Enylton Sá Rego na obra O calundu e a panacéia:Machado de Assis, a sátira Menipéia e a tradição luciânica ( 1989) e, também, Ettore Paratore no livro História da literatura latina (1987). A incursão do riso no Satiricon segue um caminho erótico e libertino e, para embasar teoricamente essa questão, buscamos o estudo do filósofo francês Michel Foucalt (...)
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    La memoria y el río. Sobre Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata (2013) de Eduardo Navarro.Iván Wrobel & Paula Bruno Garcén - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e128.
    ¿El agua recuerda? ¿Cómo es posible visualizar y sanar su memoria? En el año 2013 el artista Eduardo Navarro presentó su obra Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata en el Parque de la Memoria - Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, como parte de la exhibición Aquella mañana fue como si recuperara, si no la felicidad, sí la energía, una energía que se parecía mucho al humor, un humor que se parecía mucho a la memoria, bajo la (...)
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    O remorso de Raskólnikov em uma perspectiva schopenhaueriana.Ana Paula Manoel Felipe - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 15 (1):e88213.
    O meu objetivo com o presente texto é relacionar o conceito de justiça apresentado por Schopenhauer no §62 de O mundo como vontade e representação com um dos mais célebres romances fundamentais da literatura ocidental, Crime e Castigo de Fiódor Dostoiévski. Tentar-se-á explorar em que medida o personagem principal desse romance se aproxima das definições schopenhauerianas de arrependimento e de remorso. Para tanto, pretendo destacar a importante distinção entre esses sentimentos, a injustiça incursa na mentira e a justificação moral do (...)
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    A formação docente na educação profissional e tecnológica: a perspectiva de uma educação especial e inclusiva anticapacitista.Ana Paula Santos de Melo Fiori & Glycia Guimarães Souza Mendes - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):214-233.
    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar, de forma crítico-reflexiva, os processos que se mostram implicados na formação do professor, tendo em vista a materialização de práticas educativas inclusiva-anticapacitistas no contexto da EPT. Para essa finalidade, a metodologia empregada subsidiou-se em uma abordagem qualitativa; recorrendo, para tanto, a pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio de estudos e produções de autores que tratam sobre a educação especial inclusiva e a formação de professores na EPT, sempre de modo a articular a discussão destas temáticas com (...)
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  31. La democracia cristiana.G. Jaramillo & Francisco de Paula - 1962 - Bogotá,: Ediciones del Caribe;.
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    Prismatic Effects.Alain Viala & Paula Wissing - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):563-573.
    In recent years the sociology of literature has developed on the basis of another formula: literature is part of the larger social order. It is not the “expression of society” but an integral part of it. The idea is simple, the implications are great. Literature as part of the social order goes beyond a study of the external social manifestations of literature, beyond the sociology of the book, author, and reader practiced, for example, by Robert Escarpit—a sociology which leads inevitably (...)
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    On the antecedents of corporate severance agreements: An empirical assessment. [REVIEW]Dan R. Dalton & Paula L. Rechner - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (6):455 - 462.
    This study of major corporations (n=481) provides an empirical assessment of the effects of several corporate governance variables (CEO duality, boards of director composition, officers and directors common stock holdings, institutional common stock holdings, number of majority owners) on the adoption of so-called severance agreements. A discriminant analysis indicates a significant multivariate function. Wilks lambda univariate analyses suggest that the percentage of common stock held by owners and directors and number of majority stock holders are the more robust discriminators.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Richard Olmsted, Paula A. Cordeiro, Robert W. Johns, C. David Lisman, Bettye Macphail-Wilcox, Margaret Gillett, Ruth Hayhoe, Delbert H. Long, Joseph S. Malikail & Geoffrey E. Mills - 1991 - Educational Studies 22 (1):65-109.
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    (3 other versions)The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism.Fritjof Capra - 1975 - Boston: Shambhala.
    After a quarter of a century in print, Capra's groundbreaking work still challenges and inspires. This updated edition of The Tao of Physics includes a new preface and afterword in which the author reviews the developments of the twenty-five years since the book's first publication, discusses criticisms the book has received, and examines future possibilities for a new scientific world.
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    The turning point: science, society, and the rising culture.Fritjof Capra - 1983 - New York: Bantam Books.
    "We are trying to apply the concepts of an outdated world view--the mechanistic world view of Cartesian-Newtonian science--to a reality that can no longer be understood in terms of these concepts.
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    The systems view of life: a unifying vision.Fritjof Capra - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by P. L. Luisi.
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  38. Why sufficiency is not enough.Paula Casal - 2007 - Ethics 117 (2):296-326.
  39. Buddhist Physics.Fritjof Capra - 1980 - In E. F. Schumacher & Satish Kumar, The Schumacher lectures. London: Blond & Briggs. pp. 132.
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    Go Trampling on Vairocana’s Head! Role and Functions of Irony in the Blue Cliff Record.Rudi Capra - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (4):601-618.
    Since the wide corpus of Chan 禪 literature includes a significant number and a consistent variety of ironic features such as puns, wordplay, extravagant acts, and so forth, a clarification of the role and functions of irony is especially relevant to this framework. The idea of the present essay is that irony works in Chan Buddhism as a functional strategy purposely employed in textual compositions and oral communication. Analysing the Blue Cliff Record, one of the most influential and significant texts (...)
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    Interpreting Sartre: A Response to Collins.Dominick La Capra - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):145-150.
  42. The metaphysics of farts.Bill Capra - 2022 - Think 21 (61):39-43.
    I consider the metaphysics of farts. I contrast the essential-bum-origin view with a phenomenological view, and I argue in favour of the latter.
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  43. Filosofia del Viaggio. Modi, tempi, spazi, sensi del viaggiare.Rudi Capra - 2024 - Mimesis.
    Perhaps due to the familiarity with the experience of travel, travel has remained a partial “unthought” in the history of philosophy. By bringing philosophy, literature, sociology and anthropology into dialogue, the volume addresses travel in its dual meaning of concept and experience, attempting on the one hand, to explore it as a cultural constant, and on the other, to describe its multiple manifestations, with particular attention to contemporaneity, in which the practices of mass tourism, virtual tourism, flânerie and urbex gain (...)
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  44. Everything is a Goat!Bill Capra - 2009 - Philosophy Now 71:31-32.
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    The Aims of Sex Education: Demoting Autonomy and Promoting Mutuality.Paula McAvoy - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (5):483-496.
    In this essay, Paula McAvoy critiques a commonly held view that teaching young people to be good choice makers should be a central aim of sex education. Specifically, she argues against David Archard's recommendation that sex educators ought to focus on the development of autonomy and teaching young people that “choice should be accorded the central role in the legitimation of sexual conduct.” Instead, McAvoy argues that under conditions of gender inequality this view advantages boys and disadvantages girls. Juxtaposing (...)
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    I flauti del cielo. Quattro divagazioni sul tema della filosofia comparata.Rudi Capra - 2020 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis Edizioni.
    Non una pacifica esplorazione ma un’avanscoperta bellicosa, in sardonica guerrilla con alcuni baluardi della tradizione filosofica occidentale: le leggi e il linguaggio della metafisica, la concezione stabile e unitaria dell'identità personale, il modello tragico della volontà, il pregiudizio antropocentrico e l’asservimento della natura al dominio della tecnica. Senza la pretesa di comporre un discorso esaustivo o sistematico, Capra recupera soprattutto Nietzsche e il Wittgenstein delle Ricerche Logiche in una (auto)critica comparativa, per mostrare in quali modi il pensiero correlativo delle (...)
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    The ethics of ex-bots.Paula Sweeney - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):3055-3056.
    Imagine if, when broken-hearted by their romantic partner leaving them, a person could continue the relationship with a chatbot or avatar version of them. This might seem like a far-fetched scenario but a little thought reveals that, first, this is a product that could plausibly make its way to the market and, second, it would be harmful for both parties of the former relationship and plausibly abusive for the person who has been ‘bot-ed’ without their consent.
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    A fictional dualism model of social robots.Paula Sweeney - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):465-472.
    In this paper I propose a Fictional Dualism model of social robots. The model helps us to understand the human emotional reaction to social robots and also acts as a guide for us in determining the significance of that emotional reaction, enabling us to better define the moral and legislative rights of social robots within our society. I propose a distinctive position that allows us to accept that robots are tools, that our emotional reaction to them can be important to (...)
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    Bookend: Belonging to the Universe.Fritjof Capra & David Steindl-Rast - 1991 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 5 (6):38-38.
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    The Lyric of Ibycus: Introduction, Text and Commentary by Claire Louise Wilkinson.Raymond L. Capra - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (1):149-152.
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