Results for 'Paul Rössler'

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  1. Replies to Corti, Haddock, Kitcher, Kraus, Musholt, and Roessler.Matthew Boyle - forthcoming - Philosophishes Jahrbuch.
    I respond to six critical discussions of my book, Transparency and Reflection (Oxford, 2024). The responses discuss the relation of my views on self-consciousness to those of Immanuel Kant, the notion of pre-reflective self-awareness that plays a crucial role in my account, the account I offer of the basis of first-person thought, and various questions about the relation between self-awareness and awareness of other persons.
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  2. Propositional Justification and Doxastic Justification.Paul Silva & Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
  3. Knowledge transfer across scientific disciplines.Paul Humphreys - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:112-119.
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    Essentially narrative explanations.Paul A. Roth - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 62 (C):42-50.
  5. Consequentialism and the Standard Story of Action.Paul Hurley - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (1):25-44.
    I challenge the common picture of the “Standard Story” of Action as a neutral account of action within which debates in normative ethics can take place. I unpack three commitments that are implicit in the Standard Story, and demonstrate that these commitments together entail a teleological conception of reasons, upon which all reasons to act are reasons to bring about states of affairs. Such a conception of reasons, in turn, supports a consequentialist framework for the evaluation of action, upon which (...)
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  6. Referential and Perspectival Realism.Paul Teller - 2018 - Spontaneous Generations 9 (1):151-164.
    Ronald Giere has argued that at its best science gives us knowledge only from different “perspectives,” but that this knowledge still counts as scientific realism. Others have noted that his “perspectival realism” is in tension with scientific realism as traditionally understood: How can different, even conflicting, perspectives give us what there is really? This essay outlines a program that makes good on Giere’s idea with a fresh understanding of “realism” that eases this tension.
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  7. Collective Testimony and Collective Knowledge.Paul Faulkner - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    Testimony is a source of knowledge. On many occasions, the explanation of one’s knowing that p is that a speaker, S, told one that p. Our testimonial sources—the referents of ‘S’—can be other individuals, and they can be collectives; that is, in addition to learning from individuals, we learn things from committees, commissions, councils, clubs, teams, research groups, departments, administrations, churches, states and other social groups. North Korea might make a declaration about its missile programme, the church about the ordination (...)
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  8. Against Some Recent Arguments for ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’: Reasons, Deliberation, Trying, and Furniture.Paul Henne, Jennifer Semler, Vladimir Chituc, Felipe De Brigard & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):131-139.
    Many philosophers claim that ‘ought’ implies ‘can’. In light of recent empirical evidence, however, some skeptics conclude that philosophers should stop assuming the principle unconditionally. Streumer, however, does not simply assume the principle’s truth; he provides arguments for it. In this article, we argue that his arguments fail to support the claim that ‘ought’ implies ‘can’.
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  9. Becoming Who You Are: Nietzsche on Self-Creation.Paul Franco - 2018 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 49 (1):52-77.
    In GS, Nietzsche utters for the first time the paradoxical formula that sums up a good deal of his ethical thought: "What does your conscience say?—'You should become who you are'".1 The paradox, of course, lies in the odd juxtaposition of becoming and being: how can one become what one already is? Nietzsche repeats the formula toward the end of the original edition of GS, connecting it explicitly to the idea of self-creation: "We, however, want to become who we are—human (...)
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  10. Partial Resemblance and Property Immanence.Paul Audi - 2018 - Noûs 53 (4):884-903.
    Objects partially resemble when they are alike in some way but not entirely alike. Partial resemblance, then, involves similarity in a respect. It has been observed that talk of “respects” appears to be thinly‐veiled talk of properties. So some theorists take similarity in a respect to require property realism. I will go a step further and argue that similarity in intrinsic respects (partial intrinsic resemblance) requires properties to be immanent in objects. For a property to be immanent in an object (...)
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    2 Rhetoric–Poetics–Hermeneutics.Paul Ricoeur - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 60-72.
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  12. Nietzsche and Murdoch on the Moral Significance of Perceptual Experience.Paul Katsafanas - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):525-545.
    : This paper examines a claim defended by an unlikely pair: Friedrich Nietzsche and Iris Murdoch. The claim is that perceptual experience itself—as distinct from perceptually based judgments and beliefs—can be morally significant. In particular, Nietzsche and Murdoch hold that two agents in the same circumstances attending to the same objects can have experiences with different contents, depending on the concepts that they possess and employ. Moreover, they maintain that this renders perception an object of moral concern. This paper explicates (...)
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    How Can Each Word Be Irreplaceable?: Is Coleridge's Claim Absurd?Paul Magee - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (2):400-415.
    One often hears a version of the following: “A poem is never finished, just abandoned.” I have always found this proposition irksome. The fact that Paul Valéry seems to be the source of it, in something like the above form, makes me feel a certain trepidation in writing this. But I do find myself thinking, when I hear people say that their poems are never finished, only abandoned: why don’t you just finish them? I want a poem to be (...)
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    The heroic study of records.Herman Paul - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (4):67-83.
    The archival turn in 19th-century historical scholarship – that is, the growing tendency among 19th-century historians to equate professional historical studies with scholarship based on archival research – not only affected the profession’s epistemological assumptions and day-to-day working manners, but also changed the persona of the historian. Archival research required the cultivation and exercise of such dispositions, virtues, or character traits as carefulness, meticulousness, diligence and industry. This article shows that a growing significance attached to these qualities made the archival (...)
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  15. Can Worsnip's strategy solve the puzzle of misleading higher-order apparent evidence?Paul Silva - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (3):339-351.
    ABSTRACT It is plausible to think that we're rationally required to follow our total evidence. It is also plausible to think that there are coherence requirements on rationality. It is also plausible to think that higher order evidence can be misleading. Several epistemologists have recognized the puzzle these claims generate, and the puzzle seems to have only startling and unattractive solutions that involve the rejection of intuitive principles. Yet Alex Worsnip has recently argued that this puzzle has a tidy, attractive (...)
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  16. God as Ultimate Truthmaker.Paul Clavier - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1):67-80.
    Theories of truthmaking have been introduced quite recently in epistemology. Having little to do with truth serums, or truths drugs, their concern is to define truth in terms of a certain relation between truthbearers and truthmakers. Those theories make an attempt to remedy what is supposed to be lacking in classical theories of truth, especially in Alfred Tarski’s semantic theory.
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  17. (1 other version)By parallel reasoning: the construction and evaluation of analogical arguments.Paul Bartha - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this work, Paul Bartha proposes a normative theory of analogical arguments and raises questions and proposes answers regarding the criteria for evaluating analogical arguments, the philosophical justification for analogical reasoning, and the place of scientific analogies in the context of theoretical confirmation.
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    The Mead–Freeman Controversy Continues: A Reply to Ian Jarvie.Paul Shankman - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (3):309-332.
    In the Mead–Freeman controversy, Ian Jarvie has supported much of Derek Freeman’s critique of Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa, arguing that Samoan society was sexually repressive rather than sexually permissive, that Mead was “hoaxed” about Samoan sexual conduct, that Mead was an “absolute” cultural determinist, that Samoa was a definitive case refuting Mead’s “absolute” cultural determinism, that Mead’s book changed the direction of cultural anthropology, and that Freeman’s personal conduct during the controversy was thoroughly professional. This article calls (...)
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  19. Turn your gaze upward! emotions, concerns, and regulatory strategies in Kierkegaard’s Christian Discourses.Paul Carron - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (3):323-343.
    This essay argues that there are concrete emotion regulation practices described, but not developed, in Kierkegaard’s Christian Discourses. These practices—such as attentiveness to emotion, attentional deployment, and cognitive reappraisal—help the reader to regulate her emotions, to get rid of negative, unwanted emotions such as worry, and to cultivate and nourish positive emotions such as faith, gratitude, and trust. An examination of the Discourses also expose Kierkegaard’s understanding of the emotions; his view is akin to a perceptual theory of the emotions (...)
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    False Hopes and Best Data: Consent to Research and the Therapeutic Misconception.Paul S. Appelbaum, Loren H. Roth, Charles W. Lidz, Paul Benson & William Winslade - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (2):20-24.
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    The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race.Paul Taylor, Linda Martin Alcoff & Luvell Anderson (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    For many decades, race and racicsm have been common areas of study in departments of sociology, history, politcal science, English, and athropology. Much more recently, as the historical concept of race and racial categories have faced signifcant scientific and politcal challenges, philosophers have become more interested in these areas. This changing understanding of the ontology of race has invited inquiry from researchers in moral philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. The Routlege Companion to Philosophy of (...)
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    Chapter 6. The Basic Structure of the Philosophy of Right: From Abstract Right to Ethical Life.Paul Franco - 1999 - In Hegel's Philosophy of Freedom. Yale University Press. pp. 188-233.
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    The Rise of the Cartwheel: Seeding the Centriole Organelle.Paul Guichard, Virginie Hamel & Pierre Gönczy - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (4):1700241.
    The cartwheel is a striking structure critical for building the centriole, a microtubule-based organelle fundamental for organizing centrosomes, cilia, and flagella. Over the last 50 years, the cartwheel has been described in many systems using electron microscopy, but the molecular nature of its constituent building blocks and their assembly mechanisms have long remained mysterious. Here, we review discoveries that led to the current understanding of cartwheel structure, assembly, and function. We focus on the key role of SAS-6 protein self-organization, both (...)
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    Phronetic social science: prospects and possibilities?Paul Healy - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):135-145.
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    Obligation for transparency regarding treating physician credentials at academic health centres.Paul J. Martin, N. James Skill & Leonidas G. Koniaris - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):782-786.
    Academic health centres have historically treated patients with the most complex of diseases, served as training grounds to teach the next generations of physicians and fostered an innovative environment for research and discovery. The physicians who hold faculty positions at these institutions have long understood how these key academic goals are critical to serve their patient community effectively. Recent healthcare reforms, however, have led many academic health centres to recruit physicians without these same academic expectations and to partner with non-faculty (...)
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    Archival Practices in the Muslim World prior to 1500.Jürgen Paul - 2018 - In Sabine Kienitz, Michael Friedrich, Christian Brockmann & Alessandro Bausi, Manuscripts and Archives: Comparative Views on Record-Keeping. De Gruyter. pp. 339-360.
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    Fabricated Man: The Ethics of Genetic Control.Paul Ramsey - 1970 - Yale University Press.
    “Because those who come after us may not be like us, or because those like us may not come after us, or because after a time there may be none to come after us, mankind must now set to work to insure that those who come after us will be more unlike us. In this there is at work the modern intellect’s penchant for species suicide.” With these words Paul Ramsey brings to a conclusion his provocative and surprising study (...)
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    Therapeutic Misconception in Clinical Research: Frequency and Risk Factors.Paul S. Appelbaum, Charles W. Lidz & Thomas Grisso - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 26 (2):1.
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    The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems.Paul W. Andrews & J. Anderson Thomson - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (3):620-654.
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    On Translation.Paul Ricoeur - 2006 - Routledge.
    Paul Ricoeur was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. In this short and accessible book, he turns to a topic at the heart of much of his work: What is translation and why is it so important? Reminding us that The Bible, the Koran, the Torah and the works of the great philosophers are often only ever read in translation, Ricoeur reminds us that translation not only spreads knowledge but can change its very meaning. In (...)
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  31. The structure of science. [REVIEW]Paul K. Feyerabend - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):237-249.
    Science, says Professor Nagel, 'takes its ultimate point of departure from problems suggested by observing things and events encountered in actual experience ' (78); ' it aims to understand these observable things by discovering some systematic order in them' that is, by explaining them (78). It is this' desire for explanations which are at once systematic and controlled by factual evidence that generates science (4; 15). Understanding the structure of science, therefore, means understanding the structure of scientific explanations (15). The (...)
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    Clarifying the ethics of clinical research: A path toward avoiding the therapeutic misconception.Paul S. Appelbaum - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):22 – 23.
    (2002). Clarifying the Ethics of Clinical Research: A Path toward Avoiding the Therapeutic Misconception. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 22-23.
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    Beliefless Knowing.Paul Silva - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3):723-746.
    [The main thesis of this paper turns on my unwittingly false assumption that factual awareness just is knowledge. See *Awareness and the Substructure of Knowledge* Chapters 3 and 4 for more on this.] Orthodox epistemology tells us that knowledge requires belief. While there has been resistance to orthodoxy on this point, the orthodox position has been ably defended and continues to be widely endorsed. In what follows I aim to undermine the belief requirement on knowledge. I first show that awareness (...)
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    Desperate Responsibility: Precarity and Right-Wing Populism.Paul Apostolidis - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (1):114-141.
    This essay explores the mutual reinforcements between socioeconomic precarity and right-wing populism, and then envisions a politics that contests Trumpism through workers’ organizations that create alternatives to predominant patterns of subject formation through work. I first revisit my recent critique of precarity, which initiates a new method of critical theory informed by Paulo Freire’s political pedagogy of popular education. Reading migrant day laborers’ commentaries on their work experiences alongside critical accounts of today’s general work culture, this “critical-popular” procedure yields a (...)
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    Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price & Wendy K. Chung - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):22-32.
    Genomic research—including whole genome sequencing and whole exome sequencing—has a growing presence in contemporary biomedical investigation. The capacity of sequencing techniques to generate results that go beyond the primary aims of the research—historically referred to as “incidental findings”—has generated considerable discussion as to how this information should be handled—that is, whether incidental results should be returned, and if so, which ones.Federal regulations governing most human subjects research in the United States require the disclosure of “the procedures to be followed” in (...)
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    Are the sources of interest the same for everyone? Using multilevel mixture models to explore individual differences in appraisal structures.Paul J. Silvia, Robert A. Henson & Jonathan L. Templin - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1389-1406.
    How does personality influence the relationship between appraisals and emotions? Recent research suggests individual differences in appraisal structures: people may differ in an emotion's appraisal pattern. We explored individual differences in interest's appraisal structure, assessed as the within-person covariance of appraisals with interest. People viewed images of abstract visual art and provided ratings of interest and of interest's appraisals (novelty–complexity and coping potential) for each picture. A multilevel mixture model found two between-person classes that reflected distinct within-person appraisal styles. For (...)
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    Putting Liberalism in its Place.Paul W. Kahn - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    In this wide-ranging interdisciplinary work, Paul W. Kahn argues that political order is founded not on contract but on sacrifice. Because liberalism is blind to sacrifice, it is unable to explain how the modern state has brought us to both the rule of law and the edge of nuclear annihilation. We can understand this modern condition only by recognizing that any political community, even a liberal one, is bound together by faith, love, and identity.Putting Liberalism in Its Place draws (...)
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    Who's Afraid of Psychiatric Genomics?Paul S. Appelbaum - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):15-17.
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    Re-evaluating the therapeutic misconception: Response to Miller and Joffe.Paul S. Appelbaum & Charles W. Lidz - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (4):367-373.
    : Responding to the paper by Miller and Joffe, we review the development of the concept of therapeutic misconception (TM). Our concerns about TM's impact on informed consent do not derive from the belief that research subjects have poorer outcomes than persons receiving ordinary clinical care. Rather, we believe that subjects with TM cannot give an adequate informed consent to research participation, which harms their dignitary interests and their abilities to make meaningful decisions. Ironically, Miller and Joffe's approach ends up (...)
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    Out of Eden: Adam and Eve and the Problem of Evil.Paul W. Kahn - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    In Out of Eden, Paul W. Kahn offers a philosophical meditation on the problem of evil. He uses the Genesis story of the Fall as the starting point for a profound articulation of the human condition.
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    Reflections.Paul Lawrence Farber - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (2):231-233.
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    Appraisal components and emotion traits: Examining the appraisal basis of trait curiosity.Paul J. Silvia - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (1):94-113.
    Individual differences related to emotions are typically represented as emotion traits. Although important, these descriptive models often do not address the psychological dynamics that underlie the trait. Appraisal theories of emotion assume that individual differences in emotions can be traced to differences in patterns of appraisal, but this hypothesis has largely gone untested. The present research explored whether individual differences in the emotion of interest, known as trait curiosity, consist of patterns of appraisal. After completing several measures of trait curiosity, (...)
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    Clinical ethics versus clinical research.Paul S. Appelbaum & Charles W. Lidz - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):53 – 55.
  44. Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality.James Davison Hunter & Paul Nedelisky - 2018 - [West Conshohocken, PA]: Yale University Press. Edited by Paul Nedelisky.
    _Why efforts to create a scientific basis of morality are doomed to fail_ In this illuminating book, James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky recount the centuries-long, passionate quest to discover a scientific foundation for morality. The "new moral science" led by such figures as E.O. Wilson, Patricia Churchland and Joshua Greene is only the newest manifestation of an effort that has failed repeatedly. Though claims for its accomplishments are often wildly exaggerated, this new iteration has been no more successful (...)
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    Philosophy of Law and the Theory of Speech Acts.Paul Amselek - 1988 - Ratio Juris 1 (3):187-223.
    The object of this paper is to throw light on the reciprocal exchanges between legal philosophy and the theory of speech acts (as developed by Austin and Searle). The first part concerns the contributions to legal philosophy made by the theory of speech acts with a view to developing new perspectives. The second part deals with the contributions of legal philosophy to speech act theory.
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    Knowledge and Politics in Plato's Theaetetus.Paul Stern - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Theaetetus is one of the most widely studied of any of the Platonic dialogues because its dominant theme concerns the significant philosophical question, what is knowledge? In this book Paul Stern provides a full-length treatment of its political character in relationship to this dominant theme. He argues that this approach sheds significant light on the distinctiveness of the Socratic way of life, with respect to both its initial justification and its ultimate character. More specifically, he argues that Socrates' (...)
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    Freud and Nietzsche.Paul-Laurent Assoun - 2000 - Somerset, N.J.: Distributed in the U.S. by Transaction Publishers.
    Many of the leading Freudian analysts, including in the early days, Jung, Adler, Reich and Rank, attempted to link the writings of Nietzsche with the clinical ...
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    Drug-Free Research in Schizophrenia: An Overview of the Controversy.Paul S. Appelbaum - 1996 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 18 (1):1.
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    Psychopharmacology and the power of narrative.Paul S. Appelbaum - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):48 – 49.
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    Politischer Pessimismus: Negative Weltkonstruktion Und Politische Handlungsmöglichkeit Bei Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault Und Giorgio Agamben.Jan-Paul Klünder - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    »Pessimismus« - Das Schlagwort Pessimismus verleitet dazu, auf weitere Definitionsversuche zu verzichten. Ausgehend vom wissenschaftlichen Diskurs über Pessimismus entwickelt Jan-Paul Klünder deshalb ein idealtypisches Kategoriensetting dieses diffusen und vielschichtigen Begriffs, um die Werke von Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault und Giorgio Agamben nicht nur zu vergleichen, sondern ebenso mit der Kontingenz ihrer jeweiligen Wirklichkeitskonstruktion zu konfrontieren. Dabei zeigt sich ein widersprüchliches Verhältnis von Optimismus und Pessimismus in allen drei Theorien, wodurch deutlich wird, wie sich pessimistische Momente in den Gesamtzusammenhang dieser (...)
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