Results for 'Paul Keene'

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  1.  18
    On Familiar Terms: A Journey across Cultures.Paul W. Kroll & Donald Keene - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):556.
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    Mary Wollstonecraft in Context.Nancy E. Johnson & Paul Keen (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the most influential and controversial women of her age. No writer, except perhaps her political foe, Edmund Burke, and her fellow reformer, Thomas Paine, inspired more intense reactions. In her brief literary career before her untimely death in 1797, Wollstonecraft achieved remarkable success in an unusually wide range of genres: from education tracts and political polemics, to novels and travel writing. Just as impressive as her expansive range was the profound evolution of her thinking in (...)
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    Habicht Divine Honors for Mortal Men in Greek Cities. The Early Cases. Translated by John Noël Dillon. Pp. xvi + 238. Ann Arbor: Michigan Classical Press, 2017 . Cased, £55. ISBN: 978-0-9799713-9-6. [REVIEW]Paul Keen - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):609-610.
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    Assessing responsible innovation training.Bernd Carsten Stahl, Christine Aicardi, Laurence Brooks, Peter J. Craigon, Mayen Cunden, Saheli Datta Burton, Martin De Heaver, Stevienna De Saille, Serena Dolby, Liz Dowthwaite, Damian Eke, Stephen Hughes, Paul Keene, Vivienne Kuh, Virginia Portillo, Danielle Shanley, Melanie Smallman, Michael Smith, Jack Stilgoe, Inga Ulnicane, Christian Wagner & Helena Webb - 2023 - Journal of Responsible Technology 16 (C):100063.
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    Sources of Japanese Tradition, Vol. 1: From Earliest Times to 1600.Roy Andrew Miller, Wm Theodore de Bary, Donald Keene, George Tanabe & Paul Varley - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):615.
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    Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art.Paul Klee - 2012 - Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College. Edited by John Sallis.
    When Swiss artist Paul Klee died in 1940, he left behind not only paintings that are a testament to his prodigious skill and vision but also a trove of writings and lectures that highlight his impressive intellectual prowess. Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision: From Nature to Art is the fully illustrated catalog accompanying an eponymous exhibition opening in 2012 at the McMullen Museum of Art that focuses on the philosophical depth of Klee's art. Demonstrating how ideas developed in Klee's (...)
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    The Notion of Analytic Truth. By R. M. Martin. (Pennsylvania University Press. London: Oxford University Press, 1959. Pp. xv + 124. Price 40s.)Gödel's Proof. By E. Nagel and J. R. Newman. (Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. London, 1959. Pp. ix + 118. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]G. B. Keene - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (135):361-.
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    A Missional Reading of 2 Corinthians 5:11–6:2; especially 5:21.Timothy Keene - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (3):169-181.
    This paper seeks to show how a missional reading of 2 Corinthians 5:11–6:2 provides support for NT Wright’s largely neglected reading of 2 Corinthians 5:21 and also creates greater immediate contemporary relevance. Instead of seeing the passage as purely polemical or apologetic, the passage is seen as functioning as an exhortation even as it conforms to an apologetic for Paul’s ministry.
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    Three Dialogues on Knowledge.Paul K. Feyerabend - 1991 - Blackwell.
    The Socratic, or dialog, form is central to the history of philosophy and has been the discipline's canonical genre ever since. Paul Feyerabend's Three Dialogues on Knowledge resurrects the form to provide an astonishingly flexible and invigorating analysis of epistemological, ethical and metaphysical problems. He uses literary strategies - of irony, voice and distance - to make profoundly philosophical points about the epistemic, existential and political aspects of common sense and scientific knowledge. He writes about ancient and modern relativism; (...)
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    (1 other version)Complex ethics consultations: cases that haunt us.Paul J. Ford & Denise M. Dudzinski (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Clinical ethicists encounter the most emotionally eviscerating medical cases possible. They struggle to facilitate resolutions founded on good reasoning embedded in compassionate care. This book fills the considerable gap between current texts and the continuing educational needs of those actually facing complex ethics consultations in hospital settings. 28 richly detailed cases explore the ethical reasoning, professional issues, and the emotional aspects of these impossibly difficult consultations. The cases are grouped together by theme to aid teaching, discussion and professional growth. The (...)
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    Rank-initial embeddings of non-standard models of set theory.Paul Kindvall Gorbow - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (5-6):517-563.
    A theoretical development is carried to establish fundamental results about rank-initial embeddings and automorphisms of countable non-standard models of set theory, with a keen eye for their sets of fixed points. These results are then combined into a “geometric technique” used to prove several results about countable non-standard models of set theory. In particular, back-and-forth constructions are carried out to establish various generalizations and refinements of Friedman’s theorem on the existence of rank-initial embeddings between countable non-standard models of the fragment (...)
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    The Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and Its Critics.Paul K. Moser - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (2):94-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and Its Critics ed. by David NewheiserPaul K. MoserThe Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and Its Critics. Edited by David Newheiser. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022. 216 pp. $32.50 paper; $99.00 hardcover.There are two general ways to approach a controversial topic. The first way defines the key terms for the topic as clearly as possible, in order to give contributors a (...)
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    Messiahs and Machiavellians: Depicting Evil in the Modern Theatre.Paul Corey - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Messiahs and Machiavellians_ is an innovative exploration of “modern evil” in works of early- and late-modern theatre, raising issues about ethics, politics, religion, and aesthetics that speak to our present condition. Paul Corey examines how theatre—which expressed a key political dynamic both in the Renaissance and the twentieth century—lays open the impulses that instigated modernity and, ultimately, unparalleled levels of violence and destruction. Starting with Albert Camus’ _Caligula_ and Samuel Beckett’s _Waiting for Godot_, then turning to Machiavelli’s _Mandragola_ and (...)
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    Questionner une quasi-absence : le témoignage dans Temps et récit.Paul Marinescu - 2015 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 7 (1):87-104.
    The starting point of this article is a surprising finding about Ricœur’s Time and Narrative. This impressive trilogy – essentially dedicated to the narrative and its capacity to refigure time, often defined as a poetics of history, laying the basis of the theory of narrative identity – barely considers the phenomenon of the testimony, generally understood as someone’s narration about a past event. But suspecting a paradoxical lacuna in the problematic of Time and Narrative doesn’t exempt us from searching its (...)
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    What oral historians and historians of science can learn from each other.Paul Merchant - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (4):673-688.
    This paper is concerned with the use of interviews with scientists by members of two disciplinary communities: oral historians and historians of science. It examines the disparity between the way in which historians of science approach autobiographies and biographies of scientists on the one hand, and the way in which they approach interviews with scientists on the other. It also examines the tension in the work of oral historians between a long-standing ambition to record forms of past experience and more (...)
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    Not Your Founder's Bioethics?Paul Lauritzen - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):43-45.
    If you will be teaching a course in bioethics in the near future, you might want to assign the books here under review, even if you haven't yet read them. All three authors will be familiar to those working in the field of bioethics: Howard Brody (author of The Future of Bioethics) and Daniel Callahan (In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics) as long‐time, significant contributors to the profession, and John Evans (The History and Future of Bioethics: A (...)
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    Liberal Faith: Essays in Honor of Philip Quinn.Philip L. Quinn & Paul J. Weithman (eds.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Philip Quinn, John A. O’Brien Professor at the University of Notre Dame from 1985 until his death in 2004, was well known for his work in the philosophy of religion, political philosophy, and core areas of analytic philosophy. Although the breadth of his interests was so great that it would be virtually impossible to identify any subset of them as representative, the contributors to this volume provide an excellent introduction to, and advance the discussion of, some of the questions of (...)
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and the Christian genealogy of management critique.Paul du Gay - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):421-444.
    This paper attempts to account for the peculiarly ‘otherworldly’ character of much contemporary management critique. It does so rather circuitously by focusing upon elements of the work of a moral philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre. MacIntyre's comments about the ‘character’ of the ‘manager’ have commanded considerable support within critical organizational and management studies and have been regularly cited by critical intellectuals, keen to unmask an ethical and emotional vacuum at the heart of contemporary management practice. In what follows, I attempt to show (...)
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    A Proposed Research Agenda for Ethical, Legal, Social, and Historical Studies at the Intersection of Infectious and Genetic Disease.François Cholette & Paul J. McLaren - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):456-458.
    Over the past two decades there has been a rapid expansion in our understanding of how human genetic variability impacts susceptibility and severity of disease. Through applications of genome-wide association studies, genome and exome sequencing, researchers have made thousands of discoveries of genetic variants that impact risk of common and rare disorders affecting millions of people. Although these techniques have been primarily applied to highly prevalent chronic disorders such as diabetes1 and cardiovascular disease2, infectious diseases have proven to not be (...)
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  20. Political Rhetoric in Early China.Paul van Els & Elisa Sabattini - 2012 - Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident 34:5–14.
    Early Chinese thought enjoys a wide appeal, in the scholarly world as much as elsewhere, as people are keen on learning about the ideas of Confucius, Mencius, and other thinkers whose views have shaped traditional Chinese culture. In the study of early Chinese thought, emphasis has long been on what thinkers said, not on how they proffered their views. Even studies that do consider the how, tend to focus on logic and argumentation, rather than rhetoric. Fortunately, in the past few (...)
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    Rewriting nature: the future of genome editing and how to bridge the gap between law and science.Paul Enríquez - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    For the first time in the history of civilization, humans have procured the power to rewrite nature's book of life. Following the discovery of CRISPR and other key scientific developments at the dawn of the twenty-first century, humankind has-for better or worse-reached the Rubicon of precise genetic manipulation, which existed only in science fiction until now. Those familiar with genome editing understand its colossal power and potential to become a global transformative agent that surpasses the impact of electricity, the atomic (...)
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    Against the backdrop of sovereignty and absolutism. The theology of God’s power and its bearing on the western legal tradition, 1100–1600 Against the backdrop of sovereignty and absolutism. The theology of God’s power and its bearing on the western legal tradition, 1100–1600, by Massimiliano Traversino di Cristo. Scientific and Learned Cultures and Their Institutions, 34. Leiden, Brill, 2022, xiv + 242 pp., €118.72 (hb), ISBN 978-90-04-50369-4. [REVIEW]Jean-Paul De Lucca - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (2):487-489.
    The keenly contested debates over the passage from the Middle Ages to modernity have steadily revealed how this transition was itself characterised by tensions and complexities. Narratives and inte...
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    Altered Food Habits? Understanding the Feeding Preference of Free-Ranging Gray Langurs Within an Urban Settlement.Dishari Dasgupta, Arnab Banerjee, Rikita Karar, Debolina Banerjee, Shohini Mitra, Purnendu Sardar, Srijita Karmakar, Aparajita Bhattacharya, Swastika Ghosh, Pritha Bhattacharjee & Manabi Paul - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Urbanization affects concurrent human-animal interactions as a result of altered resource availability and land use pattern, which leads to considerable ecological consequences. While some animals have lost their habitat due to urban encroachment, few of them managed to survive within the urban ecosystem by altering their natural behavioral patterns. The feeding repertoire of folivorous colobines, such as gray langur, largely consists of plant parts. However, these free-ranging langurs tend to be attuned to the processed high-calorie food sources to attain maximum (...)
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    Are University Students Ready to Dump Their Textbooks?Mark van Heerden, Jacques Ophoff & Jean-Paul Van Belle - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (3):15-44.
    Today’s students are accustomed to a world where information is available on-demand, anywhere and anytime. They bring this expectation to their academic world where they want to work cooperatively and flexibly, using the modern information processing tools and access with which they are familiar. New hardware platforms such as e-Readers and tablet computers have made substantial inroads in the consumer market. E-Readers are becoming more prevalent in universities – replacing the need for physical textbooks, lecturing notes and other academic documents. (...)
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    Keene G. B.. First-order functional calculus. Monographs in modern logic. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London, and Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1964, vi + 82 pp. [REVIEW]William E. Gould - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):167-168.
  26.  8
    Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art.John Sallis (ed.) - 2012 - Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
    When Swiss artist Paul Klee died in 1940, he left behind not only paintings that are a testament to his prodigious skill and vision but also a trove of writings and lectures that highlight his impressive intellectual prowess. _Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision: From Nature to Art_ is the fully illustrated catalog accompanying an eponymous exhibition opening in 2012 at the McMullen Museum of Art that focuses on the philosophical depth of Klee’s art. Demonstrating how ideas developed in Klee’s written (...)
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    The Paul Virilio Reader.Steve Redhead (ed.) - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    If nothing else, the war in Iraq and the 1991 Gulf War have taught us much about media and technology as key players in how war is waged, packaged for public consumption, and exported in real time to the rest of the globe. A critic of the art of technology, Paul Virilio has keenly observed that media images quite often constitute a strategy of war and that accident is becoming indistinguishable from attack. For more than fifty years Virilio has (...)
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    After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Paul Cartledge (review).Matthew A. Sears - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):489-492.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Paul CartledgeMatthew A. SearsPaul Cartledge. After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. xxx + 203 pp. 4 black-and-white maps, 9 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $24.95.This brief book employs the controversial fourth-century Oath of Plataea, inscribed on stone in the Attic deme of Acharnae, (...)
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    Foundations of modern international theory.Kimberly Hutchings, Jens Bartelson, Edward Keene, Lea Ypi, Helen M. Kinsella & David Armitage - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (4):387-418.
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    Questioning our presumptions about the presumption of capacity.Isabel Marie Astrachan, Alexander Ruck Keene & Scott Y. H. Kim - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (7):471-475.
    All contemporary frameworks of mental capacity stipulate that we must begin from the presumption that an adult has capacity. This presumption is crucial, as it manifests respect for autonomy and guards against prejudice and paternalism on the part of the evaluator. Given its ubiquity, we might presume that we all understand the presumption’s meaning and application in the same way. Evidence demonstrates that this is not the case and that this has led to harm in vulnerable persons. There is thus (...)
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  31. About proper names.Paul Ziff - 1977 - Mind 86 (343):319-332.
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    No consent for brain death testing.Thaddeus Mason Pope, Alexander Ruck Keene & Jennifer Chandler - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (7):494-495.
    The overwhelming weight of legal authority in the USA and Canada holds that consent is not required for brain death testing. The situation in England and Wales is similar but different. While clinicians in England and Wales may have a prima facie duty to obtain consent, lack of consent has not barred testing. In three recent cases where consent for brain death testing was formally presented to the court, lack of consent was not determinative, and in one case the court (...)
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  33.  15
    The Social Foundations Classroon.Adam Renner, Linda Price, Kathryn Keene & Sean Little - 2004 - Educational Studies 35 (2):137-157.
  34.  39
    The Manyōshū: The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai Translation of One Thousand Poems, with the Texts in RomajiThe Manyoshu: The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai Translation of One Thousand Poems, with the Texts in Romaji.D. E. M. & Donald Keene - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):610.
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    Hegel’s Political Philosophy.Paul Rosenberg - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (3):392-430.
    The Philosophy of Right presents us with a vision of bureaucratic paternalism that is designed to check the excesses of free markets set in motion by the triumph of natural-law thinking, which abstracted the principles of private property and subjective freedom from the institutions that had tamed them and situated them in a stable context. Against these excesses Hegel pits the agricultural estate, which has not succumbed to natural-law thinking; and a “universal estate” of bureaucrats who are educated in Hegel’s (...)
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    (1 other version)Semantic Analysis.Paul Benacerraf - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):193-194.
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  37. The Harmony of the Faculties in Recent Books on the Critique of the Power of Judgment.Paul Guyer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):201-221.
    When I began working on my dissertation on Kant’s aesthetic theory in 1971, I was able to read virtually all of the extant literature on the Critique of Judgment in English, German, andFrench going back to Hermann Cohen’s Kants Begr¨undung der A¨ sthetik of 1889, while also reading most of what I wanted to read of eighteenth-century British and German aesthetics before Kant—not because I had paid my dues to Evelyn Wood, but just because there was not all that much (...)
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    Impression management, fairness, and the employment interview.Paul Rosenfeld - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):801-808.
    This paper contends that impression management is not inherently a threat to fairness in employment interviews. Rather, regarding impression management as unfair is based on an outdated, narrow view of impression management as conscious, manipulative, and deceptive. A broader, expansive model of impression management is described which sees these behaviors as falling on a continuum from deceptive and manipulative on the one hand, to accurate, positive and beneficial on the other. While organizations may want to eliminate or discount the negative (...)
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    Livy's Written Rome.William Seavey - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):318-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Livy’s Written RomeWilliam SeaveyMary Jaeger. Livy’s Written Rome. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997. xii 1 205 pp. Cloth, $39.50.How Livy went about writing his immense history has been a topic of keen interest, and recent work such as Jaeger’s directs our thinking in new and interesting ways. Livian historiography has traditionally focused on Quellenforschung and more recently on the rhetorical influences that often remain unrecognized by (...)
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    Epistemic Analysis: A Coherence Theory of Knowledge.Paul Ziff - 1984 - Reidel.
    Epistemic Analysis, as I conceive of it, is concerned with the analysis of knowledge. The precincts of my concern have, however, been determined by the ...
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    The number of English sentences.Paul Ziff - 1974 - Foundations of Language 11 (1):519--32.
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    (1 other version)Understanding Understanding.Paul T. Sagal - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):121-122.
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  43. Identifying key factors in successful bidding for doctoral training.Paul Spencer & Jane Khawaja - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt, The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    (1 other version)The Foundations of Rational Argument.L. R. S. & G. B. Keene - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (172):398.
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  45. Undirected directionality : Jakob Friedrich Fries on hope, faith, and comprehensive feelings.Paul G. Ziche - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Die rezente Umwelt von Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad und Daten zur Umweltrekonstruktion der assyrischen Stadt Dūr-KatlimmuDie rezente Umwelt von Tall Seh Hamad und Daten zur Umweltrekonstruktion der assyrischen Stadt Dur-Katlimmu.Paul Zimansky, Hartmut Kühne & Hartmut Kuhne - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):274.
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    Time Preference.Paul Ziff - 1990 - Dialectica 44 (1‐2):43-54.
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    Koexistenz im Ineinander: eine problemgeschichtliche Analyse der Fremdwahrnehmungstheorie und der Intersubjektivitätsproblematik im Denken Edmund Husserls.Paul Gabriel Sandu - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Husserls Theorie der Intersubjektivitat ist alles andere als ein abgeschlossenes, endgultiges System. Sie ist vielmehr eine riesige begriffliche Baustelle, bei der die Baugeruste verschiedenartiger phanomenologischer Versuche und Ansatze uberall zu sehen sind. Die Grundabsicht der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es daher, die Perspektive auf die Problemkonstellation der Intersubjektivitat so weit wie moglich zu erweitern, um sowohl Husserls erste Versuche, dieses Problemfeld zu umgrenzen, als auch seinen spaten Entwurf einer transzendentalen Intersubjektivitatstheorie ins Auge zu fassen und als Etappen eines einheitlichen Bemuhens zu (...)
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    Compulsory treatment of physical illness under MHA 1983.Robert Wheeler & Alexander Ruck Keene - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):821-824.
    Taken together, Sections 145 and 63 of the Mental Health Act 1983 provide for treatment without consent of physical illness ancillary to the mental disorder with which a patient presents. On a daily basis, clinicians make both the decision that the Act’s authority can be applied to their patient’s case, and that it should be applied. But in the unusual circumstances where there is uncertainty as to the applicability of the MHA to the ancillary treatment of physical illness, the assistance (...)
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  50. Art and the "object of art".Paul Ziff - 1951 - Mind 60 (240):466-480.
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