Results for 'Patrizia Velotti'

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  1. Exploring Relationships: A Systematic Review on Intimate Partner Violence and Attachment.Patrizia Velotti, Sara Beomonte Zobel, Guyonne Rogier & Renata Tambelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Our tender Middle Ages. Interview with Patrizia Bovi.Patrizia Bovi & Witold Wachowski - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (T):175, 181, 185.
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    Sensi di una fine. Danto e l’arte post-storica.Stefano Velotti - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:156-169.
    Through a comparison between Arthur Danto’s philosophy of art and Kantian aesthetic reflection, this article identifies the place from which Danto can underestimate the aesthetic experience and its alleged irrelevance in relation to art. I argue, first, that this position of Danto is crossed by some internal contradictions in his thought. Furthermore, based on the comparison with Kant, I examine the thesis of the “end of the history of art” advanced by Danto, considering in particular two aspects. I argue: (a) (...)
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    Il corpo di Diotima: la passione filosofica e la libertà femminile.Patrizia Caporossi - 2009 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
  5. The Fate of Socialist Internationalism.Patrizia Dogliani - 2017 - In Glenda Sluga & Patricia Clavin, Internationalisms: a twentieth-century history. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Introduzione a James.Patrizia Guarnieri - 1985 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Logos & pathos: epistemologie contemporanee a confronto.Patrizia Manganaro & Flavia Marcacci (eds.) - 2017 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
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    Premessa: sull'attualità del fenomeno urbano.Patrizia Mello - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (2):317-320.
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    Millenarismi nella cultura contemporanea.Patrizia Pozzi - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Quel che resta dell'onore.Patrizia Resta - 2016 - Società Degli Individui 56:32-42.
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    I costi della maternità nella vita delle donne.Patrizia Romito & Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles - 1997 - Polis 11 (1):67-90.
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    A New Image of Humanity? A Transcendental in the Making.Stefano Velotti - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):5-15.
    If it is true that at the core of the Enlightenment project was an attempt to discover a new definition of human nature itself, there is no doubt that for a long time, and today more than ever, there is a similar urgency to find a different vision of humanity, since the prevailing one – heir of the Enlightenment – is perceived from many sides as in need of a profound revision, if not catastrophic. if we are living in the (...)
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  13. Günther Anders: Weltbilder, “Models of Enticement”, and the Question of Praxis.Stefano Velotti - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (18).
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  14. Gli strumenti del Pensiero.Stefano Velotti & Alessandro D. Conti (eds.) - 2019 - Roma-Bari: Laterza.
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  15. L’opera D’arte: Una Nozione Classificatoria O Normativa?: Note su Goodman, Danto e Dickie.Stefano Velotti - 2003 - Studi di Estetica 27.
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  16. Strumenti del Pensiero. Vol. 2.Stefano Velotti & Alessandro Conti (eds.) - 2019 - Laterza.
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    Valutare e descrivere. Il probelma di un'ontologia d'arte.Stefano Velotti - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 39:281-291.
    La filosofia analitica dell’arte si presta facilmente a essere esposta nei grossi manuali che grandi e piccole case editrici anglosassoni pubblicano ogni anno: come quelli della serie Companions to Philosophy della Blackwell, o gli Handbooks della Oxford. In ciascuno di questi manuali ci sono importanti sezioni dedicate al tema “Ontologia dell’(opera d’) arte”. Nel manuale della Oxford, per esempio, Stephen Davis scrive che «L’ontologia dell’arte consiste nella materia, nella forma e nel modo...
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  18. Memories in transition: the Spanish law of historical memory.Patrizia Violi - 2015 - In Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson, Historical justice and memory. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
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    La filosofia e le arti: sentire, pensare, immaginare.Stefano Velotti - 2012 - Roma: Laterza.
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    A Norm Compliance Approach for Open and Goal-Directed Intelligent Systems.Patrizia Ribino & Carmelo Lodato - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-20.
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    Femminile e maschile tra pensiero e discorso.Patrizia Cordin (ed.) - 1995 - Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento.
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    Parole, uomini, cose: Platone, Wittgenstein e le conferme delle neuroscienze.Patrizia Crippa - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Della croyance al cinema: a partire da Gilles Deleuze.Patrizia Fantozzi - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  24. Lovejoy et la vie des idées.Patrizia Lombardo - 2020 - In David Simonetta & Alexandre de Vitry, Histoire et historiens des idées: figures, méthodes, problèmes. Paris: Collège de France éditions.
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    Empatia e creatività: personale, impersonale, interpersonale.Patrizia Manganaro - 2020 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
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    Educational myth: Persistence, resistances, breaks and connections. The secret of telematic art.Patrizia Moschella - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):17-23.
    As Malinowsky states, myth is closely related to rite, presenting the social and moral values that rite asserts in each cyclical repetition. Rite marks the threshold between the sacred and profane, allowing access to myth as an art form, as a narrative expression both of the sacred – in the extension of meaning Emile Durkheim introduced with the term ‘collective consciousness’ – and of the ‘collective unconscious’ as Jung defined it. If it is true that the rite of passage to (...)
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    Gli stracci di menelao.Patrizia Mureddu - 2003 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 147 (2):191-204.
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    La Rivoluzione in una parola: "Bienfaisance" 1789-1800.Patrizia Oppici - 2011 - New York: Lang.
    A differenza di altri concetti su cui il ruolo svolto dall'Illuminismo e universalmente noto, beneficenza e un termine che appare indissolubilmente legato all'Ottocento, ed a una visione paternalista ed ipocrita dei rapporti sociali. Pochi conoscono le avventure settecentesche dell'idea di - bienfaisance - che, al pari di termini quali tolleranza ed - egalite -, e un frutto maturo dell'Illuminismo, ed una delle parole-chiave dei <I>philosophes. Di questo concetto, essenziale nel dibattito morale settecentesco, il libro esplora le potenzialita concentrandosi sul decennio (...)
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  29. The Freedom of Judging.Patrizia Pedrini - 2011 - Iris 3 (6):37-53.
    John McDowell and Christine Korsgaard have defended the claim that when human beings judge or believe that p, they are exercising a fundamental kind of freedom, the “freedom of judging.” David Owens has challenged the view: he argues that they offer us at best no more than a modest notion of freedom, which does not vindicate the claim that we are free in many relevant instances of judgment, in particular in perceptual judgment. I argue that Owens is right if we (...)
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  30. La dimensione erotico-agapica della politica in Bartolone.Patrizia Salvatore - 2019 - In Filippo Bartolone: parole e memoria. La fortuna di avere un maestro, a cura di V. Cicero e M. Gensabella Furnari, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019. Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  31. Unspeakable sentences and speakable texts.Patrizia Violi - 1986 - Semiotica 60:361-378.
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    Psychosocial Suicide Prevention Interventions in the Elderly: A Mini-Review of the Literature.Patrizia Zeppegno, Eleonora Gattoni, Martina Mastrangelo, Carla Gramaglia & Marco Sarchiapone - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    In Europe the elderly population is projected to increase from 18.5% (93.9 million) in 2014 to 28.7% (149.1 million) by 2080. In the USA it is estimated that by the year 2030 more than 20% of the population will be aged 65 years or over. This specific population is at high risk of unrecognised or untreated psychiatric illnesses and suicide. It is well known that completed suicide rate increases with age in both men and women. Although elderly people attempt suicide (...)
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    Liberalizing self-deception: Replacing paradigmatic-state accounts of self-deception with a dynamic view of the self-deceptive process.Patrizia Pedrini - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (2):11-24.
    Patrizia Pedrini | : In this paper, I argue that paradigmatic-state accounts of self-deception suffer from a problem of restrictedness that does not do justice to the complexities of the phenomenon. In particular, I argue that the very search for a paradigmatic state of self-deception greatly overlooks the dynamic dimension of the self-deceptive process, which allows the inclusion of more mental states than paradigmatic-state accounts consider. I will discuss the inadequacy of any such accounts, and I will argue that (...)
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    Caring About Our Own Epistemic Capacities qua Responsible Citizens.Patrizia Pedrini - forthcoming - Topoi:1-10.
    Are citizens responsible for their own bad epistemic conduct? What grounds do we have for such accountability practice? And what if citizens lack education and knowledge on how evidence should be considered and thus acted upon? Does ignorance of this kind excuse them, or are there still normative margins for legitimately holding them accountable? In this paper, I wish to chart the legitimate options that we have for our practice of moral accountability in the epistemic domain, in particular the one (...)
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    Ebraismo e orizzonti del femminile.Patrizia Cafelato - 1988 - Idee 9:183-189.
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    Light my fire: Fashion and music.Patrizia Calefato - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
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    О мифах и о моде.Patrizia Calefato - 2008 - Sign Systems Studies 36 (1):81-81.
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    Giovanni e Gianfrancesco Pico: l'opera e la fortuna di due studenti ferraresi.Patrizia Castelli (ed.) - 1998 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Filippo Bartolone: parole e memoria. La fortuna di avere un maestro, a cura di V. Cicero e M. Gensabella Furnari, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019.Patrizia Salvatore (ed.) - 2019 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
    Il volume raccoglie i contributi della giornata di studi in onore di Filippo Bartolone (1919-1988), tenutasi il 12 dicembre 2018, per celebrare il trentennale della sua scomparsa. Al pensatore siciliano hanno reso omaggio allievi, studiosi e amici che, a diverso titolo, hanno potuto apprezzare le sue doti intellettuali e spirituali. Distribuiti nelle quattro sessioni che hanno contraddistinto la ricorrenza, i saggi percorrono, nella prima sessione, alcuni temi della sua filosofia per aprirsi, nella seconda sessione, alle toccanti testimonianze dei suoi allievi (...)
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    Alienists on Trial: Conflict and Convergence between Psychiatry and Law (1876–1913).Patrizia Guarnieri - 1991 - History of Science 29 (4):393-410.
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    E2F target genes and cell‐cycle checkpoint control.Patrizia Lavia & Pidder Jansen-Dürr - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):221-230.
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    Deviant action and self-narration: A qualitative survey through Atlas.Ti.Patrizia Patrizi - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (2):171–188.
    This paper has its roots in qualitative analysis of accounts produced by an Italian serial killer. Theoretical references are related to symbolic interactionism and its developments in the field of psychology and criminology. The whole contribution is aimed to twofold purposes: A) to provide a set of criteria specifically addressed to study deviant action as system of meanings into two related contexts: the single action itself and the whole life history. According this point, paper introduces the concept of “deviant career” (...)
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    Sensitive to Norms, Caused by Reasons.Patrizia Pedrini - 2007 - SWIF Philosophy of Mind Review 6 (1).
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    Entre utopia libertária e realismo político: Godwin e Shelley diante da revolução.Patrizia Piozzi - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:35-46.
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    Vargas e Prestes: uma comparação entre o trabalhismo e o comunismo no Brasil.Patrizia Piozzi - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:25-36.
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    The Deceptiveness of the Verb To Be and the Conception of Metaphor in Nietzsche’s Philosophy.Patrizia Piredda - 2017 - Kritike 11 (1):180-196.
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    Logica e dialettica: In memoria di Livio Sichirollo.Patrizia Pozzi - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    Qūnawī: the disciple son.Patrizia Spallino - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:131-144.
    Abū al-Ma’ālī Sadr al-Dīn Muhammad b. Ishāq al-Qūnawī nacque probabilmente a Konya nel 605/1209 e morì nel 673/1274. L’influenza che Ibn al-’Arabī esercitò su Qūnawī fu decisiva e lo _shaykh al-akbar_ riservò questa questa particolare formazione esclusivamente a lui, forse proprio perché il compito del suo erede spirituale e interprete era già stato “ previsto”. In questo intervento tracceremo uno dei punti fondamentali del pensiero di Qūnawī, basandoci sulla prima epistola del carteggio che si concentra proprio sulla questione del _rapporto (...)
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    Aura e libero gioco.Stefano Velotti - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:221-233.
    Although with “aura” Benjamin designates more a “family”, or a “constellation” of phenomena, than a univocal concept, the analogical traits of these phenomena are grounded in an aesthetic unity of sense. The aesthetic (as distinguished from the “artistic”) understanding of “aura” is not juxtaposed to the “anthropological, perceptual-mnemonic, and visionary” dimension of it (Bratu Hansen), but it is rather its root. As a transcendental aspect of perception and imagination, though, the aura marks our experience in different ways, according to determinate (...)
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    Essere, interpretare, giudicare. Danto e il problema dell’opera d’arte.Stefano Velotti - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 38:133-141.
    Ogni volta che leggo uno scritto di Danto resto colpito dalla cultura, dai piaceri dell’intelligenza e dai sentimenti che vi circolano. Ogni volta imparo qualcosa di vitale, nel senso di qualcosa che fa venire in mente altre idee. Danto è incapace di annoiare. Ha una mente pirotecnica e avventurosa, e una scrittura inconfondibile. Forse, proprio per questo tradurre il suo libro, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace, non è stato facile: si è trattato, sì, di tradurre un libro di filosofia, a...
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