Results for 'Patrick Verge'

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  1.  21
    The Poetry of Ordinary Language.Patrick Verge - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):210-3.
    The general argument of this essay is that poetry is an everyday ambition and an everyday accomplishment. The evidence for this – a good bit of which I will amass enthusiastically in what follows – is everywhere in our language. I explore this according to three guiding intuitions: (i) people, at least some of the time, want to give their words a similar intensity or fullness and show the same skill in unleashing verbal power, as poets do – seeking words (...)
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    Comptes rendus.Jean-Pierre Cléro, Bertrand Vergely, Marie-Jeanne Königson-Montain, Robert Theis, Henri Olivier, Jean Bernhardt, Étienne François, Jean-Christophe Goddard, Michel Espagne, Anne Lagny, Peter Schöttler, Patrie Sicard, Edmond Oritgues, Barbara de Negroni, Thierry Wanegffelen, Marie-Luce Demonet-Launay, Mireille Harbert, François Laplanche, Antony McKenna, Carl Aderhold, Geneviève Hasenohr, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Joël Cornette, Jean-François Baillon, Monique Cotiret, Jacques Le Brun, Chantal Grell, Vincent Milliot, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Éric Brian - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (1-2):189-269.
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    What is a Contradiction?Patrick Grim - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 49--72.
    The Law of Non-Contradiction holds that both sides of a contradiction cannot be true. Dialetheism is the view that there are contradictions both sides of which are true. Crucial to the dispute, then, is the central notion of contradiction. My first step here is to work toward clarification of that simple and central notion: Just what is a contradiction?
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  4. Sociobiology and human politics.Patrick Bateson - 1986 - In Steven P. R. Rose & Lisa Appignanesi (eds.), Science and beyond. New York, N.Y., USA: B. Blackwell in association with the Institute of Contemporary Arts. pp. 79--99.
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    What can anarchism do for nursing?Patrick Martin & Annie-Claude Laurin - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12437.
    The notion of mutual aid, which Peter Kropotkin introduced in the 19th century, goes against the logic of competition as a natural condition, and instead shows how mutual aid is a more important factor to consider for the survival and flourishing of a group. The best cooperation strategies allow organisms to adapt to different types of changes in their environment—and we have witnessed a lot of these changes since the start of the COVID‐19 pandemic. This propensity towards cooperation is not (...)
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  6. Management and morality: a developmental perspective.Patrick Maclagan - 1998 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Management and Morality provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the moral and ethical dimension to organizational and individual behavior, while adding an original, developmental perceptive. Management and Morality combines organizational theory and behavior with approaches to organizational and individual development. The first two sections of the book, Ethical Thinking and Management Practice, and Moral Issues in Organizations, provide a clear and thorough coverage of these areas relevant to ethical behavior in and of organizations. On this basis, the third section, (...)
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    Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Hirn allein: wie der Geist in den Körper kommt.Patrick Spät - 2012 - Berlin: Parodos.
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    Totalität und Dialektik: Johann Gottlieb Fichtes späte Wissenschaftslehre, oder, Die lebendige Existenz des Absoluten als sich selbst bildendes Bild.Patrick Tschirner - 2017 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
  9.  81
    Probabilistic metaphysics.Patrick Suppes - 1984 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
  10.  51
    Probabilities for two properties.Patrick Maher - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (1):63-91.
    Let R(X, B) denote the class of probability functions that are defined on algebra X and that represent rationally permissible degrees of certainty for a person whose total relevant background evidence is B. This paper is concerned with characterizing R(X, B) for the case in whichX is an algebra of propositions involving two properties and B is empty. It proposes necessary conditions for a probability function to be in R(X, B), some of which involve the notion of statistical dependence. The (...)
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    The general will before Rousseau.Patrick Riley - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (4):485-516.
  12. Transparency: An assessment of the Kantian roots of a key element in media ethics practice.Patrick Lee Plaisance - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):187 – 207.
    This study argues that the notion of transparency requires reconsideration as an essence of ethical agency. It provides a brief explication of the concept of transparency, rooted in the principle of human dignity of Immanuel Kant, and suggests that it has been inadequately appreciated by media ethics scholars and instructors more focused on relatively simplistic applications of his categorical imperative. This study suggests that the concept's Kantian roots raise a radical challenge to conventional understandings of human interaction and, by extension, (...)
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    Cognitive Models Are Distinguished by Content, Not Format.Patrick Butlin - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (1):83-102.
    Cognitive scientists often describe the mind as constructing and using models of aspects of the environment, but it is not obvious what makes something a model as opposed to a mere representation....
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  14.  61
    The irrelevance of belief to rational action.Patrick Maher - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):363 - 384.
  15.  20
    New Foundations of Objective Probability: Axioms for Propensities.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 74:515-529.
  16. Thinking about Design: Critical Theory of Technology and the Design Process.Patrick Feng & Andrew Feenberg - 2007 - In Pieter E. Vermaas, Peter Kroes, Andrew Light & Steven A. Moore (eds.), Philosophy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture. Springer. pp. 105.
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    Confirmation Theory.Patrick Maher - 2005 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed. Thomson Gale, Macmillan Reference.
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    Les Images-Situations d'Aperception Thématique.De Neuter par Patrick - 1967 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 9 (1):141-149.
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    Herman Boerhaave’s Clinical Teaching: A Story of Partial Historiography.Patrick J. Fiddes & Paul A. Komesaroff - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):295-313.
    Gerrit Lindeboom’s biography, Herman Boerhaave: The Man and His Work, presents a heroic account of Herman Boerhaave’s life and his many contributions to medicine and medical education. He is portrayed as an outstanding eighteenth century educator who introduced into Leiden’s Medical School a novel method of clinical teaching that was to be widely adopted and today remains at the centre of medical student instruction. Lindeboom’s historiography induced a resurgence of interest in Boerhaave, a renewal of the myth concerning Boerhaave’s innovative (...)
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  20.  6
    Aux sources de la sagesse: de Thalès à l'Aréopagite, des Veda à Svâmî Prajnânpad: paroles des sages de la Grèce antique et de l'Inde. Suivi de, L'art gréco-bouddhique du Gandhâra.Patrick Mandala - 2003 - Paris: L'Originel.
    Remontant aux sources vives de la sagesse, Patrick Mandala a choisi de confronter les textes de l'Antiquité grecque et des sages de l'Inde. Les correspondances entre ces deux philosophies sont nombreuses, riches et fécondes. Le texte grec est mis en regard avec plusieurs textes indiens. A plusieurs époques, dans sa quête de la connaissance de soi, la pensée grecque a rejoint la sagesse indienne. Cette rencontre est un message intemporel et universel. Autant de textes qui amènent la réflexion et (...)
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  21. Walter Bagehot.Patrick Overeem - 2012 - In Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.), Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. Amsterdam: Bakker.
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    Technology Theory and Deliberative Democracy.Patrick W. Hamlett - 2003 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 28 (1):112-140.
    This article examines the debate about the normative relevance of social constructivism, arguing that the criticisms of Winner, Radder, and others are fundamentally accurate. The article argues that a combination of Radder's notion of nonlocal values and Martin's concern for deliberative interventions may offer a theoretical exit from the normative irrelevance that marks constructivism. The article goes on to suggest that theoretical and praxeological developments in two other literatures, participatory public policy analysis and deliberative democracy, may provide fruitful initiatives for (...)
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  23.  59
    Space, time and geometry.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Boston,: Reidel.
    Griinbaum's own article sets forth his views on the ontology of the curvature of empty space, especially in the geometrodynamics of Clifford and Wheeler. ...
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  24. Introduction.Patrick Baker - 2017 - In Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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  25. What the frame problem is and isn't.Patrick Hayes - 1987 - In Zenon W. Pylyshyn (ed.), The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. Ablex.
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  26.  20
    Making a French Connection: Darwin, Brown-Séquard and the Epilepsy Studies.Patrick M. Walsh - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):375-401.
    While French biologists were turning a cold shoulder to On the Origin of Species in the 1860s, Charles Darwin was earnestly pursuing a professional connection with one French physiologist in particular: Charles Brown-Séquard. Darwin had been closely following Brown-Séquard’s startling experiments on guinea pigs, which demonstrated that experimentally induced epilepsy could pass from parent to offspring. In Darwin’s mind, Brown-Séquard had produced the most convincing evidence to date that acquired traits could be inherited. Darwin saw opportunities in Brown-Séquard and his (...)
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  27.  19
    Direct and Indirect Abortion.Patrick Lee - 1998 - Ethics and Medics 23 (2):1-2.
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    Reply to “could sign-based semantics and embodied semantics benefit one another?”.Patrick Duffley - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (1):145-154.
    Sign-based semantics and embodied semantics are argued to be mutually beneficial to one another. However, while the body does shape our cognitive activities to a great extent, this does not entail that cognition can be reduced to sensorimotor simulation, i.e that the mind can be reduced to the body. Language itself bears testimony to this, as the mind is construed in ordinary discourse as having the incredible capacity of being free to travel beyond the limits of present time and current (...)
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  29.  14
    Welke plaats is er voor de autoriteit en de zeggingskracht van religie in een (post) seculiere samenleving?Patrick Loobuyck - 2011 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 103 (1):62-77.
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    Believing in God: reason and religious belief.Patrick McGrath - 1995 - Dublin, Ireland: Wolfhound Press.
    Subjects the claims of religious faith to the scrutiny of reason, Examining: Faith, Reason, Authority, Infallibility, Divorce, the ontological argument, Miracles, and theodicy. Includes two of the 'articles prejudicial to ecclesiastical authority' th.
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    Laughter as dissensus: Kant and the limits of normative theorizing around laughter.Patrick T. Giamario - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):795-814.
    Political theorists have traditionally grappled with laughter by posing a simple, normative question: ‘What role, if any, should laughter play in the polis?’ However, the outsized presence of laughter in contemporary politics has rendered this question increasingly obsolete. What good does determining laughter’s role in the polis do when the polis itself is to a large extent shaped by laughter? The present essay argues that Kant’s aesthetic investigations of laughter in the Critique of Judgment and Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point (...)
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    Cues to solution, restructuring patterns, and reports of insight in creative problem solving.Patrick J. Cushen & Jennifer Wiley - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1166-1175.
    While the subjective experience of insight during problem solving is a common occurrence, an understanding of the processes leading to solution remains relatively uncertain. The goal of this study was to investigate the restructuring patterns underlying solution of a creative problem, and how providing cues to solution may alter the process. Results show that both providing cues to solution and analyzing problem solving performance on an aggregate level may result in restructuring patterns that appear incremental. Analysis of performance on an (...)
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    Le constructivisme est-il une métaéthique?Patrick Turmel & David Rocheleau-Houle - 2016 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (3):353.
  34. Handbook of Antitrust Economics: Economic Evidence in Antitrust: Defining Markets and Measuring Market Power.Paolo Buccirossi (ed.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Over the past twenty years, economic theory has begun to play a central role in antitrust matters. In earlier days, the application of antitrust rules was viewed almost entirely in formal terms; now it is widely accepted that the proper interpretation of these rules requires an understanding of how markets work and how firms can alter their efficient functioning. The Handbook of Antitrust Economics offers scholars, students, administrators, courts, companies, and lawyers the economist's view of the subject, describing the application (...)
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  35. Motivating Humanity.Patrick Kain - 2021 - In Ansgar Lyssy & Christopher Yeomans (eds.), Kant on Morality, Humanity, and Legality: Practical Dimensions of Normativity. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 111-130.
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  36. Freedom and Anthropology in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Patrick R. Frierson & Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):516-519.
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    The power struggle of French intellectuals at the end of the Second World War: A study in the sociology of ideas.Patrick Baert - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (4):415-435.
    This article is one of the first sociological explorations of power struggles between intellectuals where matters of life and death are literally at stake. It counters the prevailing tendency within sociology to study intellectuals within confined academic institutions where power struggles are limited to matters of symbolic and institutional recognition. This study explores the conflict between collaborationist and Resistance intellectuals at the end of the Second World War in France, and it focuses in particular on the purge of collaborationist intellectuals (...)
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    Cultural studies and the new humanities: concepts and controversies.Patrick Fuery - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Nick Mansfield.
    The contemporary humanities--from "intertextuality" to "queer theory"--are a minefield of new theories and controversies. This book explores some of the new ways of thinking about the traditional arts and human sciences, providing historical background, defining key terms, and introducing the ideas of the important personalities.
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  39. Irreligion Made Easy : The Reaction to Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason.Patrick Hughes - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.), New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Some Difficulties in John Dewey’s Case for a Scientific Ethics.Patrick Romanell - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 13:194-199.
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  41. Some sobering reflections on the human situation.Patrick Romanell - 1980 - Humanitas 21:41.
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    The ethical lives of securities lawyers.Patrick Schmidt - 2012 - In Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather (eds.), Lawyers in practice: ethical decision making in context. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 221.
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  43. Popper's Analysis of Probability in Quantum Mechanics.Patrick Suppes - 1974 - In P. A. Schlipp (ed.), The Philosophy of Karl Popper (Book Ii). Open Court. pp. 760-774.
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  44. Elimination of quantifiers in the semantics of natural language by use of extended relation algebras.Patrick Suppes - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 30 (3/4=117/118):243-259.
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    Individual vs. World in Schopenhauer's Pessimism.Patrick Hassan - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (2):122-152.
    This article aims to elucidate and explore the significance of a distinction in Schopenhauer's pessimism which has not yet received detailed attention in the secondary literature. Schopenhauer is well known to have argued for the thesis that the fundamental feature of sentient life is pervasive suffering, and on these grounds held that individual lives are not worth living. However, he similarly claims with frequency that the nonexistence of the world “as a whole” is preferable to its existence. This is a (...)
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  46.  14
    Theories of history.Patrick L. Gardiner (ed.) - 1959 - Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
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    Introduction.Patrick Suppes - 1974 - Synthese 29 (1-4):3-8.
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    Gottlob Frege.Patrick K. Bastable - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:277-278.
  49.  15
    La ritualité funéraire.Patrick Baudry - 2005 - Hermes 43:189.
    Le présent article indique les principales caractéristiques de la ritualité funéraire. Il montre, au-delà de ses formes d'organisation, ses enjeux. Retenue du mort, séparation du défunt et remaniement des places que les vivants occupent en rapport à la société des morts, constituent les dimensions principales d'une ritualité sans doute variable selon les cultures, mais aussi universelle. On peut décrire les pratiques des funérailles, les « expliquer » en montrant qu'elles ressortissent à des impératifs sociaux, ou les « comprendre » en (...)
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    Le design de la fin des marchandises.Patrick Beaucé - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):180.
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