Results for 'Patrick Beaucé'

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    Le design de la fin des marchandises.Patrick Beaucé - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):180.
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    A thomistic argument for the containment view of pregnancy.Patrick Toner - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The ‘containment view’ of pregnancy is widely held, but it has recently been subjected to sustained criticism by Elselijn Kingma. According to the containment view, human foetuses (among others) are animals in their own right, contained within their mothers. Kingma's alternative to this is the ‘parthood view,’ according to which a foetus is a maternal part. Despite the prevalence of the containment view, there are not a great many arguments in its favour, and Kingma has searchingly criticized several of these. (...)
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    The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Good by Alexander William Salter.Patrick Toner - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):365-368.
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    Machine Learning, Functions and Goals.Patrick Butlin - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (66):351-370.
    Machine learning researchers distinguish between reinforcement learning and supervised learning and refer to reinforcement learning systems as “agents”. This paper vindicates the claim that systems trained by reinforcement learning are agents while those trained by supervised learning are not. Systems of both kinds satisfy Dretske’s criteria for agency, because they both learn to produce outputs selectively in response to inputs. However, reinforcement learning is sensitive to the instrumental value of outputs, giving rise to systems which exploit the effects of outputs (...)
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    Sartre : l'envers de la phénoménologie.Patrick Vauday - 2005 - Rue Descartes 47 (1):8-18.
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    Cognitional and Intentionality Analysis as the Key to Epistemic Foundation.Patrick O. Aleke - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (1):30-50.
    Since Descartes, the quest for the foundation in epistemology has suffered a series of setbacks. The consequence of the opposition against an epistemic foundation is epistemic skepticism. The irony of the skeptic position is that scepticism in all its hues is self-refuting. Although the establishment of a foundation is essential for coherent epistemology, the quest for epistemic foundation has suffered some oppositions because most attempts at establishing foundational epistemology have focused on intentional signs or products – beliefs, concepts, propositions, etc. (...)
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    The Logic of Framework Transpositions.Patrick A. Heelan - 1971 - International Philosophical Quarterly 11 (3):314-334.
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    AI and Humanity, by llah Reza Nourbakhsh and Jennifer Keating.Patrick F. Walsh - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (1):134-137.
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    Metamorphosen des Mängelwesens: zu Werk und Wirkung Arnold Gehlens.Patrick Wöhrle - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
    Die jüngsten Arbeiten zur wieder verstärkt rezipierten philosophischen Anthropologie haben deren umstrittensten Vertreter, den Philosophen und Soziologen Arnold Gehlen, meist stiefmütterlich behandelt. Auch Untersuchungen zum Einfluss politisch belasteter Autoren auf das intellektuelle Leben der Nachkriegszeit mieden ihn weitgehend. Diese Arbeit schließt eine doppelte Lücke, indem sie - vor allem mit Blick auf überraschend aktuelle handlungstheoretische Einsichten - die analytische Kraft seiner beiden Hauptwerke "Der Mensch" und "Urmensch und Spätkultur" rekonstruiert, ohne deren ideologische Dimensionen zu verschweigen. Daran anschließend wird erstmals die (...)
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    Evidence for performances of republican comedy in fourth-century Rome.Patrick Kragelund - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (1):415-422.
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  11. Tolerance versus freedom of religion: the importance of amoral arguments in the history of tolerance.Patrick Loobuyck - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (4):358-376.
    In this contribution we examine the various amoral types of reasoning that have long predominated in the history of tolerance. In doing this we also hope to show that these amoral notions of tolerance are always far removed from, and in conflict with, the idea of freedom of religion as a moral and political right. In conclusion we show that when the liberal notion of freedom as a personal and moral right predominates, then the notion of tolerance loses some of (...)
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    Welke plaats is er voor de autoriteit en de zeggingskracht van religie in een (post) seculiere samenleving?Patrick Loobuyck - 2011 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 103 (1):62-77.
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    2 Causality and Computation.Patrick Suppes - 2007 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & Harry Silverstein, Causation and Explanation. Bradford. pp. 4--33.
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    The gap between law and ethics in human embryonic stem cell research: Overcoming the effect of U.s. Federal policy on research advances and public benefit.Patrick L. Taylor - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (4):589-616.
    Key ethical issues arise in association with the conduct of stem cell research by research institutions in the United States. These ethical issues, summarized in detail, receive no adequate translation into federal laws or regulations, also described in this article. U.S. Federal policy takes a passive approach to these ethical issues, translating them simply into limitations on taxpayer funding, and foregoes scientific and ethical leadership while protecting intellectual property interests through a laissez faire approach to stem cell patents and licenses. (...)
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    Paradox of Faith.Patrick Tiernan - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 228–235.
    The moral dilemma Mando faces as he struggles to return the Child to the Jedi Order is illuminated by Soren Kierkegaard, one of the central figures of existentialism, a philosophy centered on the belief that individuals define themselves through their actions. Kierkegaard's Christian existentialism was critical of the social dynamics and religious models that were supposed to represent authentic religiosity but were actually hypocritical and naive. Religious leaders spoke of virtue but rarely modeled it. Kierkegaard, by contrast, upheld the central (...)
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    Boxer, K. E. Rethinking Responsibility.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 176. $49.50.Patrick Todd - 2014 - Ethics 125 (1):244-249.
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  17. Davidson's views on psychology as a science.Patrick Suppes - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka, Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Libertà immanente e determinismo del tempo.Patrick Nerhot - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  19. (1 other version)The Psychology of Profanity.G. T. W. Patrick - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:166.
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    Éloge des communs.Patrick Pharo - 2020 - [Paris]: PUF.
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    Talking to the Animals.Patrick Phillips - 1997 - Philosophy Now 18:5-9.
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    Logic and the Nature of God.Patrick Sherry - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (4):255-256.
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    The mechanical and the wave-theoretical aspects of momentum considering discrete action.Patrick Sibelius - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (9):1033-1059.
    The mechanical aspect of momentum, basically its role as a tangent vector of the trajectory of the particle, is related to properties of the momentum found in the contexts of Hamilton's optico-mechanical analogy, de Broglie's matter waves, and quantum mechanics. These properties are treated in a systematic way by considering an approximation of the particle mechanical action of the particle by a step function. A special method of discretizing partial differential equations is shown to be required. Using this method, a (...)
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  24. On the neural implementation of optimal decisions.Patrick Simen, Philip Holmes & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Applying Adam Smith: A Step towards Smithian Environmental Virtue Ethics.Patrick Frierson - unknown
    A wealthy eccentric bought a house in a neighborhood I know.  The house was surrounded by a beautiful display of grass, plants, and flowers, and it was shaded by a huge old avocado tree. But the grass required cutting, the flowers needed tending, and the man wanted more sun. So he cut the whole lot down and covered the yard with asphalt. After all it was his property and he was not fond of plants. (Hill 1983: 98).
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    Yvonne Chiu, Conspiring with the Enemy: The Ethics of Cooperation in Warfare.Patrick Taylor Smith - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (3):323-326.
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  27. Studies in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. Volume 74: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, 1971.Patrick Suppes, Leon Henkin, Joja Athanase & G. Moisil (eds.) - 1973 - Elsevier.
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    The meaning of probability statements.Patrick Suppes - 1983 - Erkenntnis 19 (1-3):397 - 403.
  29. Dora s'en va. Violence dans la psychanalyse.Patrick Mahony & Aline Weill - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (1):103-104.
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    Philosophieren als Sache für jeden(?) – Überlegungen zu einer sonderpädagogisch reflektierten Philosophie- und Ethikdidaktik.Patrick Maisenhölder & Lynn Hartmann - 2023 - In Bettina Bussmann, Philosophiedidaktik und Bildungsphilosophie: Kontroversen und neue Aufgaben. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 155-171.
    In diesem Beitrag wollen wir zeigen, wieso die Fachdidaktik Philosophie und Ethik (neue) Ansätze entwickeln muss, um dem Anspruch auf (philosophische) Bildung von Menschen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf gerecht zu werden. Dafür zeigen wir anhand von Schüler_innen mit eingeschränkten Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten auf, wie Philosophieren mit ihnen dennoch möglich ist. Gleichzeitig wenden wir uns im Beitrag dem Haupteinwand zu, der darin besteht, dass Philosophieren mit dieser Schüler_innengruppe nicht möglich sei. Wir erklären unter welchen Umständen dieser Einwand nicht aufrecht erhalten werden sollte, sondern vielmehr (...)
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    Joseph de Maistre, ou, Le mystère du gouvernement: parcours d'une œuvre et d'une vie.Patrick Malvezin - 2023 - Chiré-en-Montreuil: Éditions de Chiré.
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    Startling Strangeness: Reading Lonergan’s Insight.Patrick Manning - 2018 - The Lonergan Review 9:139-142.
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    Monnaies et trouvailles péloponnésiennes.Patrick Marchetti - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:545-551.
    Une série particulière de communications présentées, sous forme d’exposés ou de posters, dans le cadre du Colloque qui s’est tenu à Argos en 2011 (La Monnaie dans le Péloponnèse) complète ici la publication des Actes proprement dits (sous le double label BCH Suppléments 57 et Obolos 10). L’essentiel, en cela homogène, porte sur des trouvailles monétaires sporadiques réalisées en fouilles, à l’exception du signalement de deux collections particulières, l’une conservée au Musée de Nauplie, l’autre constituant la partie péloponnésienne d’une riche (...)
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    Recherches sur les mythes et la topographie d'Argos. IV. L'agora revisitée.Patrick Marchetti & Yvonne Rizakis - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (2):437-472.
    This study primarily aims at bringing together the various observations that resulted from the preparation of the model of the site of the agora at Argos. Since an identification of the different monuments is closely dependent on Pausanias' account, we first present the larger complexes corresponding to the sections of his Description. To assist in identifying the site of the sanctuary of Apollo Lykeios on the terrace north of the nymphaeum and the orchestra, a summary is given of what we (...)
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    Experience and the affirmation of god.Patrick Masterson - 1980 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 22 (1-3):17-32.
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    The Theory of Everything: A Sympathetic Critique of Andeas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities.Patrick Baert - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):323-329.
    After situating Andreas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities within the broader context of the tradition of social theory, we discuss in detail the obvious strengths of this book, notably its impressive range and originality. Subsequently, we elaborate on two limitations of Reckwitz’s argument. Firstly, we argue that Reckwitz’s use of categories such as ‘singularity’ and ‘universality’ is too all-embracing, lacking the clarity and focus needed to sustain a productive line of inquiry. Secondly, and related to the previous point, we contend (...)
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    Concept identification as a function of sensory modality, information, and number of persons.Patrick R. Laughlin, Christine A. Kalowski, Mary E. Metzler, Kathleen M. Ostap & Saulene M. Venclovas - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):335.
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  38. La perception du corps féminin dans le monachisme primitif.Patrick Laurence - 2007 - Iris 30:209-220.
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    Morally Objectionable Options.Patrick A. Tully - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (3):491-504.
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    Black African traditional religions and philosophy: a select bibliographic survey of the sources from the earliest times to 1974.Patrick E. Ofori - 1975 - Nendeln: Kraus-Thomson.
  41.  24
    Charles Taylor: Thinking and living deep diversity.Colin M. Patrick - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):927.
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    Death.Patrick Stokes - 2013 - In John Lippitt & George Pattison, The Oxford Handbook of Kierkegaard. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 365.
    This chapter analyses the views of Soren Kierkegaard about the concept of death. It examines the historical reasons why death might have featured with especial prominence in the work of a writer concerned with the parlous state of post-Hegelian Christianity and explains that Kierkegaard saw more of death before his thirtieth birthday than most people see in a lifetime. The chapter also explains the meaning of death in the mention of death in some of his works, including Either/Or, For Self-Examination, (...)
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  43. Rereading.Patrick A. Sullivan - 1945 - Classical Weekly 39:143-144.
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  44. Comment on Essler's “The World and the Worlds”.Patrick Suppes - 2008 - In W. K. Essler & M. Frauchiger, Representation, Evidence, and Justification: Themes From Suppes. Frankfort, Germany: Ontos Verlag. pp. 2--79.
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    Editorial introduction.Patrick Suppes - 1972 - Synthese 24 (1-2):1-1.
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    Nelson Goodman on the concept of logical simplicity.Patrick Suppes - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (2):153-159.
  47. Procedure scientifiche e razionalità.Patrick Suppes - 1983 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 1 (4):30-37.
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  48. Technology and Business Ethics.Patrick Marshall - 2020 - In David Weitzner, Issues in business ethics and corporate social responsibility: selections from SAGE business researcher. Los Angeles: SAGE reference.
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    Digital souls: a philosophy of online immortality.Patrick Stokes - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Social media is full of dead people. What should we do with all these digital souls? Can we delete them, or do they have a right to persist? Patrick Stokes claims that we have a moral duty towards the digital dead. Modern technology helps them to persist in various ways, but - with such developments as AI-driven chatbots simulating the dead - it also makes them vulnerable to new forms of exploitation and abuse. This provocative book explores a range (...)
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    God and the statistical universe.Patrick H. Byrne - 1981 - Zygon 16 (4):345-363.
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