Results for 'Patrick Mauriès'

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    Introduction.Patrick Primeaux, Marilynn Fleckenstein, Mary Maury & Patricia Werhane - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):1.
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    Ethical Leadership in 21st Century Corporate America.M. Fleckenstein, Mary Maury, S. M. Patrick Primeaux & Patricia Werhane - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):145-146.
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    How prediction enhances confirmation.Patrick Maher - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta, Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 327--343.
  4. Space-Perception and the Philosophy of Science.Patrick Heelan - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):399-402.
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  5. Sociobiology and human politics.Patrick Bateson - 1986 - In Steven P. R. Rose & Lisa Appignanesi, Science and beyond. New York, N.Y., USA: B. Blackwell in association with the Institute of Contemporary Arts. pp. 79--99.
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    Phaedrus, Callimachus and the recusatio to Success.Patrick Glauthier - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (2):248-278.
    The following article investigates how Phaedrus' Latin verse fables engage standard Callimachean topoi. When Phaedrus imitates the Hymn to Apollo he fails to banish Envy and when he adopts Callimachus' own polemical allusions to Aesop he turns them upside down. Such texts are essentially Callimachean in spirit and technique and constitute a recusatio: by “mishandling” or “abusing” and thus “rejecting” various Callimachean topoi and the role of the “successful” Callimachean poet, the fabulist demonstrates his skill and versatility within the Callimachean (...)
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    Nero's Luxuria, in Tacitus and in the Octavia.Patrick Kragelund - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):494-.
    According to Tacitus, this was Galba's verdict on Nero's fall. The tyrant's undoing had been of his own making. As for what determined the outcome, Galba is unequivocal. Two factors had proved decisive: Nero's immanitas and luxuria.
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    The Prefect's Dilemma and the Date of the Octavia.Patrick Kragelund - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):492-.
    The long-awaited publication of Otto Zwierlein's edition of Seneca's Tragedies provides a welcome opportunity to present a few observations on the penultimate scene of pseudo-Seneca's Octavia . The scene in question features Nero quarrelling with his Guard Prefect over the fate of the Empress Octavia. In this altercation there are three textual points which have for long been in dispute. The first section of the article is concerned with these, favouring an emendation discarded in the new Oxford edition, but questioning (...)
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  9. Susanna Newcome's cosmological argument.Patrick J. Connolly - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (4):842-859.
    Despite its philosophical interest, Susanna Newcome’s Enquiry Into the Evidence of the Christian Religion (1728, revised 1732) has received little attention from commentators. This paper seeks to redress this oversight by offering a reconstruction of Newcome’s innovative argument for God’s existence. Newcome employs a cosmological argument that differs from Thomist and kalām version of the argument. Specifically, Newcome challenges that idea that the causal chains observed in nature can exist independently. She does this through an appeal to findings from Newtonian (...)
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    Is Religion a "Form of Life"?Patrick Sherry - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):159 - 167.
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    Learning new principles from precedents and exercises.Patrick H. Winston - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (3):321-350.
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    An invitation to conventionalism: a philosophy for modern (space-)times.Patrick Dürr & James Read - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-55.
    Geometric underdetermination (i.e., the underdetermination of the geometric properties of space and time) is a live possibility in light of some of our best theories of physics. In response to this, geometric conventionalism offers a selective anti-realism, refusing to assign truth values to variant geometric propositions. Although often regarded as being dead in the water by modern philosophers, in this article we propose to revitalise the programme of geometric conventionalism both on its own terms, and as an attractive response to (...)
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    The Basis for Being a Subject of Rights: the Natural Law Position.Patrick Lee - 2013 - In John Keown & Robert P. George, Reason, morality, and law: the philosophy of John Finnis. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 236.
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    Popper: Critical Rationalist, Conventionalist, and Virtue Epistemologist.Patrick M. Duerr - 2023 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 13 (1):54-90.
    This article revisits Karl Popper’s falsificationist methodology with respect to three tasks. The first is to illuminate and systematize Popper’s methodological views in light of his core epistemological commitments. A second and related objective is to gauge which aspects of falsificationism should be identified as “conventionalist”—a label that Popper himself uses (albeit with qualifications) but that is compromised by and, thus, stands in need of elucidation because of Popper’s idiosyncratic understanding of conventionalism. Third, by elaborating Popper’s virtue-epistemological, dialogical model of (...)
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  15. Introduction.Patrick Baker - 2017 - In Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    Polymath as an Epistemic Community.Patrick Allo, Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Bart Van Kerkhove - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman, Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2727-2756.
    The Polymath Project is an online collaborative enterprise that was initiated in 2009, when Timothy Gowers asked whether and how groups could work together to solve mathematical problems that “do not naturally split up into a vast number of subtasks.” Gowers proposed to answer this question himself by actually trying to set up such a collaboration, based on interactions taking place in the comment-threads of a series of posts on a WordPress blog. Hence, the first project officially started in early (...)
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    Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe.Patrick Baker (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    By way of essays and a selection of primary sources in parallel text, Biography, Historiography, and Modes of Philosophizing provides an introduction to a vast, significant, but neglected corpus of early modern literature: collective biography. It focuses especially on the various related strands of political, philosophical, and intellectual and cultural biography as well as on the intersection between biography, historiography, and philosophy. Individual texts from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century are presented as examples of how the ancient collective biographical (...)
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  18.  45
    Amerikan Aristocracy.Patrick D. Anderson - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (1):1-32.
    Leftist political theory remains trapped between two dominant conceptions of sovereignty: the liberal conception of popular sovereignty and the decisionist conception of sovereignty as the power to declare a state of exception. This essay offers a historical critique of the liberal and decisionist conceptions of sovereignty and develops a descriptive theory of aristocratic sovereignty, which is more suited to the history and the needs of radical political theory and praxis. By tracing the genealogy of sovereignty through early modern European political (...)
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  19. A New Argument Against Critical-Level Utilitarianism.Patrick Williamson - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):399-416.
    One prominent welfarist axiology, critical-level utilitarianism, says that individual lives must surpass a specified ‘critical level’ in order to make a positive contribution to the comparative status of a given population. In this article I develop a new dilemma for critical-level utilitarians. When comparatively evaluating populations composed of different species, critical-level utilitarians must decide whether the critical level is a universal threshold or whether the critical level is a species-relative threshold. I argue that both thresholds lead to a range of (...)
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    Monolingualism of the Other: Or, the Prosthesis of Origin.Patrick Mensah (ed.) - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    “I have but one language—yet that language is not mine.” This book intertwines theoretical reflection with historical and cultural particularity to enunciate, then analyze this conundrum in terms of the author’s own relationship to the French language. The book operates on three levels. At the first level, a theoretical inquiry investigates the relation between individuals and their “own” language. It also explores the structural limits, desires, and interdictions inherent in such “possession,” as well as the corporeal aspect of language and (...)
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    Idealism, Multiculturalism, and the Critical Race Theory Legacy.Patrick Anderson - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (1):147-156.
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    Levinas and the Anticolonial.Patrick D. Anderson - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (1):150-181.
    Over the last two decades, the various attempts to “radicalize” Levinas have resulted in two interesting and often separated debates: one the one hand, there is the debate regarding the relationship between Levinas and colonialism and racism, and on the other hand, there is the debate regarding the relationship between Levinas and Judaism. Whether scholars interested in issues of colonialism disregard Levinas's Judaism or use his "subaltern" identity to challenge European hegemony, they do not take seriously the Jewish content of (...)
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  23. Eglise, femmes et pouvoir dans les Actes de Thomas.Patrick Laurence - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (127):193-220.
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  24. L'Octavius de Minucius Felix: femmes et polémique.Patrick Laurence - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 46 (141):467-484.
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    Performing Politics and the Limits of Language.Patrick Lee - 1998 - Theory and Event 2 (1).
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    The papal allocution concerning care for PVS patients: A reply to Fr. O'Rourke.Patrick Lee - 2007 - In Christopher Tollefsen, Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: The New Catholic Debate. Springer Press. pp. 179--188.
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    Egotism Versus Love in James Joyce.Patrick Lynch - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):265-277.
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  28. John Earman, Bayes or Bust? Reviewed by.Patrick Maher - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (4):151-153.
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  29. James H. Fetzer, ed., Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon Reviewed by.Patrick Maher - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (10):390-393.
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    The Matrix, Liberal Education, and Other Splinters in the Mind.Patrick Malcolmson - 2004 - Humanitas 17 (2):139-158.
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    Libertà immanente e determinismo del tempo.Patrick Nerhot - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  32. The fragments of the work of Heraglitus of Ephesus, translated from the greek text of Bywater, with an introduction, historical and critical.G. Patrick - 1891 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 31:211-213.
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  33. (1 other version)The Psychology of Profanity.G. T. W. Patrick - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:166.
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    Éloge des communs.Patrick Pharo - 2020 - [Paris]: PUF.
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    Talking to the Animals.Patrick Phillips - 1997 - Philosophy Now 18:5-9.
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  36. What Is the Explanandum of the Anthropic Principle?Patrick A. Wilson - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):167 - 173.
    The fundamental constants and initial conditions of the universe seem "finely tuned" for human habitation. The anthropic principle attempts to explain this fine tuning in terms of the eventual development of intelligent life. A closer look at the principle’s explanandum, however, reveals that it is teleologically and anthropocentrically biased. Our ignorance of the physical requirements of nonhuman forms of life forces the principle to be more unjustifiably anthropocentric and more speculative than is commonly admitted. Leslie’s, Barrow’s and Tipler’s attempts to (...)
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  37. Aristotle and His Modern Critics: The Use of Tragedy in the Nontragic Vision.Patrick MADIGAN - 1992
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    La culture comme problesme.La redetermination nietzscheenne du questionnement philosophique.Patrick Wotling - 2008 - Nietzsche Studien 37 (1):1-50.
    Die Studie handelt von Nietzsches ursprünglicher Fragestellung, Sie geht von Nietzsches Satz in der vorrede zur Genealogie der Moral "Was habe ich mit Widerlegungen zu schaffen!" aus und zeigt, wie er zu verstehen ist. Nietzsche verschiebt sowohl die Fragestellung wie die Methode des Philosophierens: von der traditionellen Frage nach der Wahrheit über die Frage nach den Werten , nach der décadence, der Moral und der Rangordnung zur Frage nach der Kultur und zur Aufgabe der "Züchtung" im Sinne einer "Erhöhung der (...)
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    Learning by creatifying transfer frames.Patrick H. Winston - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (2):147-172.
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    Heisenberg and radical theoretic change.Patrick A. Heelan - 1975 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (1):113-136.
    Heisenberg, in constructing quantum mechanics, explicitly followed certain principles exemplified, as he believed, in Einstein's construction of the special theory of relativity which for him was the paradigm for radical theoretic change in physics. These were the principles of scientific realism, stability of background knowledge, E-observability, contextual re-interpretation, pragmatic continuity, model continuity, simplicity. Fifty years later, in retrospect, Heisenberg added the following two: a principle of non-proliferation of competing theories - scientific revolutions are not a legitimate goal of physics - (...)
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    L'oeuvre de Léo Hamon: thèmes et figures.Patrick Charlot & Olivier Beaud (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Dalloz.
    Connu pour ses engagements et ses responsabilités politiques - il fut avocat, résistant, conseiller de la République, sénateur, député, ministre -, Léo Hamon a aussi été un grand universitaire, inaugurant sa carrière à la faculté de droit et de science politique de Dijon. Si ses travaux de jeunesse portent essentiellement sur le droit administratif, sa carrière universitaire, à partir de 1959, lui permet d'être l'un des premiers à s'intéresser à la jurisprudence naissante du Conseil constitutionnel et à consacrer des colloques (...)
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    La métaphore du passage: le concept de temps chez saint Augustin, fondement d'une nouvelle éthique.Patrick Nerhot - 2008 - Paris: Harmattan.
    " Je parle. Mes mots sont des pensées qui représentent. Dans leur essence même, ces pensées sont des énoncés vrais. Il est impossible en effet que ces mots qui s'imposent au nom de ma pensée puissent, dans leur évocation même, témoigner du faux. Comment l'acte de penser, dans ce qui l'institue comme énoncé encore une fois, pourrait-il m'abuser à travers ce qui constitue son acte même d'énonciation? " Que l'on ait pu parler de " mort de la métaphysique " est (...)
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  43. Perfectionist public reason liberalism : why public reason liberalism should be reconcilable with political perfectionism.Patrick Zoll - 2024 - In James Dominic Rooney & Patrick Zoll, Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
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    After Experiment: Realism and Research.Patrick A. Heelan - 1989 - American Philosophical Quarterly 26 (4):297 - 308.
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    Focusing strategy for eight concept rules.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):661.
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    Reid's First Principle #7.Patrick Rysiew - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):167-182.
    By Reid's own account, ‘That the natural faculties, by which we distinguish truth from error, are not fallacious’, has a special place among the First Principles of Contingent Truths. Some have found that claim puzzling, but it is not. Contrary to what's usually assumed, certain FPs preceding FP#7 do not already assert the better part of what FP#7 explicitly states. FP#7 is needed because there is nothing epistemological in the FPs that precede it; and its special place among the FPs (...)
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  47. The Health Ethics Network of Oregon: A model to enhance healthcare ethics committee collaboration.Patrick M. Dunn - 1992 - HEC Forum 4 (2):135-48.
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    Edward Snowden: Permanent record: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 2019, pp. 340, ISBN 978-1250237231.Patrick D. Anderson - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2):129-132.
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    Owner's manual for the mind.Patrick Andries - 2016 - Huntsville, AR: Ozark Mountain Publishing.
    We have a certain fascination with the incredible untapped potential of our minds. Some studies once suggested that we use only 10% of the mind's capacity. Today that estimate has been revised to about 2%-3%. Imagine what more we could do with all of that as yet unrealized potential. What is standing in our way? How do we move into a more full realization of who we are? These are the questions that this book seeks to answer.
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  50. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the Language Sciences.Patrick Colm Hogan (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press.
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