Results for 'Patrick LeMieux'

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  1.  23
    Speculation: Financial Games and Derivative Worlding in a Transmedia Era.N. Katherine Hayles, Patrick Jagoda & Patrick LeMieux - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (3):220-236.
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    Stephanie Boluk and Patrick LeMieux. Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Videogames. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. 392 pp. [REVIEW]Christopher Goetz - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (2):559-560.
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  3. Defending (a modified version of) the Zygote Argument.Patrick Todd - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):189-203.
    Think of the last thing someone did to you to seriously harm or offend you. And now imagine, so far as you can, becoming fully aware of the fact that his or her action was the causally inevitable result of a plan set into motion before he or she was ever even born, a plan that had no chance of failing. Should you continue to regard him or her as being morally responsible—blameworthy, in this case—for what he or she did? (...)
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    (1 other version)Language, Proof and Logic.Patrick Grim - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):377-379.
  5.  62
    The irrelevance of belief to rational action.Patrick Maher - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):363 - 384.
  6.  27
    The Barbarian Principle: Merleau-Ponty, Schelling, and the Question of Nature.Jason M. Wirth & Patrick Burke (eds.) - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Essays exploring a rich intersection between phenomenology and idealism with contemporary relevance.
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  7. Defending The Open Future: Replies to MacFarlane, Green, Wasserman, and Bigg & Miller.Patrick Todd - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    These are my materials (a short precis, and replies to John MacFarlane, Mitchell Green, Ryan Wasserman, and Anthony Bigg and Kristie Miller) for a symposium on my book, _The Open Future: Why Future Contingents are All False_ (OUP, 2021) in *Analytic Philosophy*. [The contribution from MacFarlane is available on his website, those from Wasserman and Green are on their Academia profiles, and the contribution from Bigg and Miller is on Miller's PhilPapers profile.].
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    (Un)making labor invisible: A syllabus.Patrick Anthony, Juliana Broad, Xan Chacko, Zachary Dorner, Judith Kaplan & Duygu Yıldırım - 2023 - History of Science 61 (4):608-624.
    From industrial psychology and occupational therapy to the laboratory bench and scenes of “heroic” fieldwork, there are important connections between the science of labor and the labor of science. Participants in the 2022 Gordon Cain Conference explored how greater attention to these connections might deepen historical understanding of what constitutes “science” and what counts as “labor.” Our conversations circled around themes of vulnerability (of systems, individual bodies, historical testimony), affect (pertaining to historical actors and ourselves), and interdependence (e.g. across human (...)
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    (1 other version)Aquinas.Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    The historical context of the philosophical work of St. Thomas Aquinas, by D. Knowles.--Form and existence, by P. Geach.--Categories, by H. McCabe.--Analogy as a rule of meaning for religious language, by J. F. Ross.--Nominalism, by P. Geach.--St. Thomas' doctrine of necessary being, by P. Brown.--The proof ex motu for the existence of God; logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments, by J. Salamucha.--Infinite causal regression, by P. Brown.--St. Thomas Aquinas and the language of total dependence, by J. N. Deck.--Divine foreknowledge and (...)
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  10. Extending the Golden Thread? Criminalisation and the Presumption of Innocence.Patrick Tomlin - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (1):44-66.
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  11. Reid and epistemic naturalism.Patrick Rysiew - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):437–456.
    Central to the contemporary dispute over 'naturalizing epistemology' is the question of the continuity of epistemology with science, i.e., how far purely descriptive, psychological matters can or should inform the traditional evaluative epistemological enterprise. Thus all parties tend to agree that the distinction between psychology and epistemology corresponds to a firm fact/value distinction. This is something Reid denies with respect to the first principles of common sense: while insisting on the continuity of epistemology with the rest of science, he does (...)
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    How foraging works: Uncertainty magnifies food-seeking motivation.Patrick Anselme & Onur Güntürkün - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:1-106.
    Food uncertainty has the effect of invigorating food-related responses. Psychologists have noted that mammals and birds respond more to a conditioned stimulus that unreliably predicts food delivery, and ecologists have shown that animals consume and/or hoard more food and can get fatter when access to that resource is unpredictable. Are these phenomena related? We think they are. Psychologists have proposed several mechanistic interpretations, while ecologists have suggested a functional interpretation: The effect of unpredictability on fat reserves and hoarding behavior is (...)
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    Bayesianism and irrelevant conjunction.Patrick Maher - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):515-520.
    Bayesian confirmation theory offers an explicatum for a pretheoretic concept of confirmation. The “problem of irrelevant conjunction” for this theory is that, according to some people's intuitions, the pretheoretic concept differs from the explicatum with regard to conjunctions involving irrelevant propositions. Previous Bayesian solutions to this problem consist in showing that irrelevant conjuncts reduce the degree of confirmation; they have the drawbacks that (i) they don't hold for all ways of measuring degree of confirmation and (ii) they don't remove the (...)
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  14. Introduction.Patrick Baker - 2017 - In Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    Pragmatism, realism and hermeneutics.Patrick Baert - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (1):89-106.
    This paper explores themethodological consequences of AmericanPragmatism for the social sciences. It alsocriticises some rival perspectives onmethodology of social research, in particularfalsificationist, realist and someanti-naturalist views. It is argued thatAmerican Pragmatism shows striking affinitieswith the genealogical method of history and thereflexive turn in cultural anthropology. It isalso argued that Pragmatism forces us to thinkdifferently about the relationship betweentheory and empirical research.
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  16. Independence accounts of substance and substantial parts.Patrick Toner - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (1):37 - 43.
    Traditionally, independence accounts of substance have held pride of place. Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes and Spinoza—among many others—accepted independence accounts in one form or another. The general thrust of such views is that substances are those things that are apt to exist in themselves. In this paper, I argue that several contemporary independence theories of substance—including those of Kit Fine, E.J. Lowe and Michael Gorman—include an ad hoc element that renders them unacceptable. I'll also consider the theories of Hoffman and Rosenkrantz.
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    Focusing strategy for eight concept rules.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):661.
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    Mines, mountains, and the making of a vertical consciousness in Germany ca. 1800.Patrick Anthony - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (4):612-630.
    The insight that scientific theories are “practice-laden” has animated scholarship in the history of science for nearly three decades. This article examines a style of geographical thought that was, I argue, movement-laden. The thought-style in question has been described as a “vertical consciousness that engulfed science in the early nineteenth century,” and is closely associated with the geographical vision of Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859). Humboldt’s science spanned nature’s horizontal and vertical axes, from Saxon mines to Andean summits, and from the (...)
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    How prediction enhances confirmationi.Patrick Maher - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta, Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 327.
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  20. Should We Be Utopophobes About Democracy in Particular?Patrick Tomlin - 2012 - Political Studies Review 10 (1):36-47.
    In his book Democratic Authority, David Estlund puts forward a case for democracy, which he labels epistemic proceduralism, that relies on democracy's ability to produce good – that is, substantively just – results. Alongside this case for democracy Estlund attacks what he labels ‘utopophobia’, an aversion to idealistic political theory. In this article I make two points. The first is a general point about what the correct level of ‘idealisation’ is in political theory. Various debates are emerging on this question (...)
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    Causality in the logic of decision.Patrick Maher - 1987 - Theory and Decision 22 (2):155-172.
  22. Towards a new epistemology of moral progress.Patrick Stokes - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1824-1843.
    Awareness that moral beliefs and practices have changed across time threatens our confidence in our current moral beliefs: if past moral beliefs turned out to be wrong, how can we be sure ours aren't likewise mistaken? In this paper, I set up four desiderata for a successful theory of moral progress: it must allow us to judge that progress has occurred, avoid the image of increasing correspondence towards ahistorical truthmakers, allow for revision in belief, and yet not be disobligating. Rorty's (...)
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    Le sens du travail à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle.Patrick Mardellat - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (3):237-253.
    L’IA révèle quelque chose sur le travail et la condition humaine que ne montraient pas pleinement les techniques antérieures, ce en quoi elle achève d’une certaine manière l’histoire des techniques. Ce qu’elle révèle, c’est la spécificité de l’intelligence humaine dans le travail collectif, qu’elle atteint au plus profond : à savoir la communication humaine et le fait que le travail est une expérience du temps. Il s’agit de formes d’une intelligence vivante ou vécue, dans lesquelles plonge le sens du travail. (...)
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    Proportionality in War: Revising Revisionism.Patrick Tomlin - 2020 - Ethics 131 (1):34-61.
    In this article I argue that revisionists in just war theory must further revise their proportionality principles. I show that on the revisionist view it is possible for a war to be proportionate,...
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    Meta-ontology and accidental unity.Patrick Toner - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (225):550–561.
    My wife and I and our three children may stand in various relations: being a family, being a basketball team, and so on. I show that Frege's doctrine of existence, when coupled with this simple point, easily solves the problem of material constitution and blocks the overdetermination argument for eliminativism. It does all this work while providing a plausible and clear reductionistic account of material objects. These seem to be very good reasons for accepting Frege's doctrine of existence.
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    Arguments for Randomizing.Patrick Suppes - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:464 - 475.
    Three main lines of arguments are presented as a defense of randomization in experimental design. The first concerns the computational advantages of randomizing when a well-defined underlying theoretical model is not available, as is often the case in much experimentation in the medical and social sciences. The high desirability, even for the most dedicated Bayesians, of physical randomization in some special cases is stressed. The second line of argument concerns communication of methodology and results, especially in terms of concerns about (...)
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  27.  20
    New Foundations of Objective Probability: Axioms for Propensities.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 74:515-529.
  28.  31
    The Theory of Everything: A Sympathetic Critique of Andeas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities.Patrick Baert - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):323-329.
    After situating Andreas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities within the broader context of the tradition of social theory, we discuss in detail the obvious strengths of this book, notably its impressive range and originality. Subsequently, we elaborate on two limitations of Reckwitz’s argument. Firstly, we argue that Reckwitz’s use of categories such as ‘singularity’ and ‘universality’ is too all-embracing, lacking the clarity and focus needed to sustain a productive line of inquiry. Secondly, and related to the previous point, we contend (...)
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    Pragmatism as a Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Patrick Baert - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (3):355-369.
    This article introduces and critically analyses Richard Rorty’s neo-pragmatism as a contribution to the philosophy of social sciences. Although Rorty has written little about philosophy of social sciences as such, it is argued that his overall philosophical position has significant ramifications for this subject area. The first part of the article sets out the implications of Rorty’s neo-pragmatism for various issues in the philosophy of social sciences, for instance, the doctrine of naturalism, the nineteenth-century Methodenstreit, the philosophical tenets of Marxism, (...)
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    Alternate Currents in Women’s Republicanism During the French Revolution.Patrick Ball - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):392-402.
    ABSTRACT In this article I consider alternate but often complementary models for women’s republicanism from those discussed by Sandrine Bergès. In particular, I make use of Bergès’s insights about extending philosophical inquiry beyond traditional texts to analyse how militant political action was both informed by and informed the creation of philosophical texts, and consider the possibility of bringing direct action into the realm of philosophical investigation.
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    A Monadic Second-Order Version of Tarski’s Geometry of Solids.Patrick Barlatier & Richard Dapoigny - 2024 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 33 (1):55-99.
    In this paper, we are concerned with the development of a general set theory using the single axiom version of Leśniewski’s mereology. The specification of mereology, and further of Tarski’s geometry of solids will rely on the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC). In the first part, we provide a specification of Leśniewski’s mereology as a model for an atomless Boolean algebra using Clay’s ideas. In the second part, we interpret Leśniewski’s mereology in monadic second-order logic using names and develop a (...)
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  32. Thomas versus Tibbles: A Critical Study of Christopher Brown’s Aquinas and the Ship of Theseus.Patrick Toner - 2007 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81 (4):639-653.
    In his recent book, Aquinas and the Ship of Theseus, Christopher Brown has argued that the metaphysics of St. Thomas is preferable to contemporary analyticviews because it can solve the “problem of material constitution” without requiring us to relinquish any of the common-sense beliefs that generate that problem. In this critical study, I show that in the case of both substances and aggregates, Brown’s Aquinas endorses views that are extremely implausible. Consequently, even if it is granted that the solutions to (...)
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    ‘There’s No Harm in Talking’…True…But It Depends on How We Talk and What We Then Do.Patrick T. Smith - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):32-34.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier’s article seeks to bridge a gap between theological and secular bioethics (McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier 2020). It should be noted that the “theological” emphasis in the a...
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    Reid's First Principle #7.Patrick Rysiew - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):167-182.
    By Reid's own account, ‘That the natural faculties, by which we distinguish truth from error, are not fallacious’, has a special place among the First Principles of Contingent Truths. Some have found that claim puzzling, but it is not. Contrary to what's usually assumed, certain FPs preceding FP#7 do not already assert the better part of what FP#7 explicitly states. FP#7 is needed because there is nothing epistemological in the FPs that precede it; and its special place among the FPs (...)
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  35.  17
    A thomistic argument for the containment view of pregnancy.Patrick Toner - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The ‘containment view’ of pregnancy is widely held, but it has recently been subjected to sustained criticism by Elselijn Kingma. According to the containment view, human foetuses (among others) are animals in their own right, contained within their mothers. Kingma's alternative to this is the ‘parthood view,’ according to which a foetus is a maternal part. Despite the prevalence of the containment view, there are not a great many arguments in its favour, and Kingma has searchingly criticized several of these. (...)
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    Duties to the Dead?: Earnest Imagination and Remembrance.Patrick Stokes - 2011 - In Patrick Stokes & Adam Buben, Kierkegaard and Death. Indiana University Press.
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    (1 other version)Why Niebuhr Now?John Patrick Diggins - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    Barack Obama has called him “one of my favorite philosophers.” John McCain wrote that he is “a paragon of clarity about the costs of a good war.” Andrew Sullivan has said, “We need Niebuhr now more than ever.” For a theologian who died in 1971, Reinhold Niebuhr is maintaining a remarkably high profile in the twenty-first century. In _Why Niebuhr Now?_ acclaimed historian John Patrick Diggins tackles the complicated question of why, at a time of great uncertainty about America’s (...)
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    God and suffering in Africa: An exploration in natural theology and philosophy of religion.Patrick O. Aleke - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (4):348-360.
    (2023). God and suffering in Africa: An exploration in natural theology and philosophy of religion. South African Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 348-360.
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    L’invention du patient formateur : repenser l’ingénierie de formation et promouvoir le partenariat en santé.Patrick Lartiguet, Dominique Broussal & Michèle Saint-Jean - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):129-146.
    The participation of patients in the training of health professionals constitutes a paradigmatic break, not only with regard to what is going on in this particular field but also with regard to what can be observed in all training courses for the helping professions. The purpose of this article is to consider this mobilization of patient trainers both as an actual change and as a potential operator of change. To do this, we will rely on an intervention research aimed at (...)
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    To Lose the Meaning of Musicality. What is the Place of Music in a World Saturated with Audio Recordings?Patrick Lang - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):556-570.
    “Listening to music” and “listening to sound recordings” have become perfectly synonymous in our society. The aim of this paper is to question the legitimacy of this supposed equivalence, which almost all listeners have taken for granted. Our sonic universe is saturated with recorded sounds: what space does it leave to music? What reasons could justify a radical distinction, or even opposition, between the exposure to recorded sounds and musical activity in the strict sense of the word? According to tried (...)
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    Max Weber and American Political Modernity.Patrick LaPierre - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):225-242.
  42. Bibliothèque (s). Les livres et les lectures d'Henri-François d'Aguesseau.Patrick Latour - 2007 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 52:65-93.
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    Absolutizing the Relative and Relativizing the Absolute: Metaphysical Implications of the Christian and Buddhist Soteriological Perspectives, Part II.Patrick Laude - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (2):213-239.
    This essay is an attempt at opening parallel but contrastive avenues into the respective Christian and Buddhist outlooks with respect to the metaphysical notion of relativity in contradistinction with the concept of the Absolute. The main thesis is that Christianity and Buddhism present us, in their respective normative intellectual economies, with analogous, yet profoundly different ways of envisioning metaphysics from the vantage point of their sui generis soteriology. In other terms, our argument is that Christian and Buddhist metaphysics are essentially (...)
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    Absolutizing the Relative and Relativizing the Absolute: Metaphysical Implications of the Christian and Buddhist Soteriological Perspectives, Part I.Patrick Laude - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (1):75-97.
    This essay is an attempt at opening parallel but contrastive avenues into the respective Christian and Buddhist outlooks with respect to the metaphysical notion of relativity in contradistinction with the concept of the Absolute. The main thesis is that Christianity and Buddhism present us, in their respective normative intellectual economies, with analogous, yet profoundly different ways of envisioning metaphysics from the vantage point of their sui generis soteriology. In other terms, our argument is that Christian and Buddhist metaphysics are essentially (...)
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    Concept attainment as a function of motivation and task complexity.Patrick R. Laughlin, Richard E. Chenoweth, Barbara B. Farrell & Joseph E. McGrath - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):54.
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    Concept identification as a function of sensory modality, information, and number of persons.Patrick R. Laughlin, Christine A. Kalowski, Mary E. Metzler, Kathleen M. Ostap & Saulene M. Venclovas - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):335.
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    L'ontologie mystique des fins dernières chez Madame Guyon.Patrick Laude - 1994 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 25 (2):183-198.
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  48. La perception du corps féminin dans le monachisme primitif.Patrick Laurence - 2007 - Iris 30:209-220.
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    Reading the quran: The lessons of the ambassadors of mystical Islam.Patrick Laude - 2007 - Sophia 46 (2):147-162.
    This paper highlights the contributions of three major Islamicists, Louis Massignon, Henry Corbin, and Frithjof Schuon, to the understanding of the Qur’ân. Their works point to the epistemologic primacy of the contemplative and esoteric dimensions of the Book. Its linguistic texture and modalities are here understood as expressing the very limits of language, the proportional reciprocity between the actualization of inner meaning and spiritual fruition, and its ultimate metaphysical substance. These principles and their spiritual consequences may constitute the best antidote (...)
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    Selection strategies in concept attainment as a function of number of persons and stimulus display.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):323.
    The selection strategies of individuals and 2-person cooperative groups were investigated in 5 concept-attainment problems. 2 types of stimulus displays were used: (a) form displays, consisting of geometric forms varying in 6 attributes with 2 levels of each, (b) sequence displays, consisting of 6 plus and/or minus signs in a row. The arrangement of cards in the stimulus displays was ordered or random. The principal results were: (a) 2-person groups used the focusing strategy more, required fewer card choices to solution, (...)
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