Results for 'Patricia Limido'

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  1. L'origine en question. Le sens de la constitution chez Husserl (II).Patricia Limido Heulot - 2004 - Recherches Husserliennes 21:35-62.
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    Qu’est-ce qui est esthétique dans l’esthétique environnementale?Patricia Limido - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 2:75.
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  3. L'expérience esthétique, entre feinte intentionnelle et épreuve réelle.Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6:1-31.
    Cette étude est née de la remarque troublante d’un roman dans lequel un personnage relit Anna Karénine et se rend compte qu’il a tout oublié de sa première lecture : l’histoire, les émotions vécues alors, tout cela paraît n’avoir pas laissé de traces. Je me suis donc interrogée sur la nature de l’expérience esthétique et le type de souvenir qu’elle engendre. Une expé­rience peut-elle ne pas laisser de traces ? mais alors est-elle encore une expérience ? ou bien peut-on envisager (...)
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  4. Sens et limites de l'analyse ontologique dans l'esthétique de Roman Ingarden.Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2011 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    Il s’agira ici de préciser les enjeux, les résultats et les lignes de tension de l’analyse ontologique des œuvres d’art telle qu’elle est développée par Roman Ingarden. Si en effet le programme ontologique d’Ingarden se déploie de manière large et complexe entre ontologie formelle, matérielle et existentiale, il tend aussi à absorber la phénoménologie de la conscience pure en tant que celle-ci constitue une région ontologique spécifique. À partir de ce renversement des rapports entre ontologie et phénoménologie, Ingarden élabore une (...)
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    Pour une phenomenologie des paysages.Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:191-213.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that the notion of landscape is a phenomenological typical object and a perfect meeting point of different fields of study, and, in particular, a distinctive topic for a dialogue between phenomenology and human sciences. Starting from an analysis of a text of Erwin Straus, we attempt to support the view that into all kinds of landscape—sensory, perceptual, geographical, pictorial or built—we can read various ways of living, dwelling or being in the world, (...)
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    Les arts et l'expérience de l'espace.Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2015 - Rennes: Éditions Apogée.
    L'espace fait partie de ces réalités quotidiennes qui, selon Georges Pérec, loin d'être des évidences, sont en fait des opacités. Opacité au sens de ce qui est toujours déjà là mais sans être jamais interrogé, sans que sa réalité ni sa nature ne soient questionnées. Pourtant l'espace est à la fois notre matière et notre forme, ce dans quoi nous vivons et ce que nous créons, ce qui nous habite et ce que nous tissons. Pour tenter d'éclairer cette réalité énigmatique, (...)
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    L’acte de lecture, entre sens et vérité.Patricia Luce Limido - 2023 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 60:41-60.
    L’article se propose de présenter la conception de la lecture défendue par Roman Ingarden. Elle est comprise comme un processus complexe entre un lecteur et une œuvre littéraire, au cours duquel le lecteur porte la responsabilité de faire exister le sens du texte, soit d’en actualiser la vérité. Cette conception trouve des prolongements et des affinités aussi bien chez Jean-Paul Sartre que chez Hans-Georg Gadamer. Tous les trois s’accordent sur le fait qu’il y a une rectitude de la lecture qui (...)
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    La controverse idéalisme-réalisme.Roman Ingarden & Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2001 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique Vrin. Edited by Patricia Limido-Heulot.
    Le Polonais Roman Ingarden (1893-1970) est un phénoménologue disciple de Husserl à Göttingen. Leur dialogue continu représente le conflit classique entre idéalisme et réalisme, mais aussi la tension qu'est l'articulation entre la description eidétique de régions ontologiques et l'entreprise de constitution génétique du monde. Une première approche à travers quatre des textes d'Ingarden.
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  9. La controverse idéalisme-réalisme, coll. « Textes et commentaires ».Roman Ingarden & Patricia Limido-Heulot - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):382-383.
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    Husserl. La Controverse idéalisme-réalisme (1918–1969) Roman Ingarden Textes introduits, traduits et commentes par Patricia Limido-Heulot Collection «Textes Commentaires» Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2001, 266 p. [REVIEW]Guillaume Fréchette - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (1):196-.
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    From covariation to causation: A causal power theory.Patricia Cheng - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (2):367-405.
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  12. A perspective on mind-brain research.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (April):185-207.
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    (1 other version)Neural representation and neural computation.Patricia S. Churchland & Terrence J. Sejnowski - 1989 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Neural Connections, Mental Computations. MIT Press. pp. 343-382.
  14. The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy.Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This handbook brings together leading international scholars to study the diverse figures, movements, and approaches that constitute Presocratic philosophy. More than a survey of scholarship, this study presents new interpretations and evaluations of the Presocratics' accomplishments, from Thales to the sophists and from theology to science.
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    Word and world: practice and the foundations of language.Patricia Hanna - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Bernard Harrison.
    This important book proposes a new account of the nature of language, founded upon an original interpretation of Wittgenstein. The authors deny the existence of a direct referential relationship between words and things. Rather, the link between language and world is a two-stage one, in which meaning is used and in which a natural language should be understood as fundamentally a collection of socially devised and maintained practices. Arguing against the philosophical mainstream descending from Frege and Russell to Quine, Davidson, (...)
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    A Feminist Case for the Decolonial: Research and Teaching Notes.Patricia A. Schechter - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):646.
    Abstract:This essay suggests that the word decolonial offers analytic power for feminist historians of women. As a category, it creates interpretive space for female experience beyond the elite/subaltern binary, where arguably most women live and work in the modern period. As a reading practice, the decolonial fosters intellectual awareness of social and intellectual practices that neither address the state, as in “anti-imperialism,” nor proffer counter nationalism or counter racialization as responses to coloniality. Offering examples from the archive, the media, and (...)
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    Esclarecimento e dominação masculina.Patrícia da Silva Santos - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):313-334.
    Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é interpretar o livro Dialética do esclarecimento e seus principais argumentos, considerando a dominação masculina que perpassa a racionalidade moderna. Para isso, sugere-se uma interpretação acerca do entrelaçamento entre mito e esclarecimento, durante o processo de civilização ocidental, indicando que os argumentos de Adorno e Horkheimer tomam a modernidade como um projeto fundamentalmente masculino.This article aims to interpret the book Dialectic of Enlightenment and its main arguments considering the masculine domination which permeates the modern rationality. (...)
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    Restructuring versus automaticity: Alternative accounts of skill acquisition.Patricia W. Cheng - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (3):414-423.
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    Attachment Relationships as Semiotic Scaffolding Systems.Patricia M. Crittenden & Andrea Landini - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):257-273.
    This paper describes the semiotic process by which parents, as attachment figures, enable infants to learn to make meaning. It also applies these ideas to psychotherapy, with the therapist functioning as transitional attachment figures to patients where therapy attempts to change semiotic processes that have led to maladaptive behavior. Three types of semiotic processes are described in attachment terminology and these are offered as possible precursors of a neuro-behavioral nosology tying mental illness to adaptation. Non-conscious biosemiotic processes in infant-parent attachment (...)
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  20. The Metaphysics of Physics: Mixture and Separation in Empedocles and Anaxagoras.Patricia Curd - 2002 - In Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Victor Miles Caston & Daniel W. Graham (eds.), Presocratic philosophy: essays in honour of Alexander Mourelatos. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate. pp. 139--58.
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  21. Social Inequality, Power, and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue.Patricia Hill Collins - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):442-457.
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    Antiutopianism: An Introduction.Patricia McManus & Darko Suvin - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):289-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Antiutopianism: An IntroductionPatricia McManus (bio) and Darko Suvin (bio)Utopia is endangered today! Such a sentence seems redundant: utopia—the shape of the possibility that things could be better—is always in danger. But the present danger is something distinct from the dangers that historically have attended utopia. These have not gone away but, added to them, and largely superseding utopia’s other perils in our twenty-first century, is the disappearance of utopianism (...)
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  23. Transforming the inner circle: Dorothy Smith's challenge to sociological theory.Patricia Hill Collins - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (1):73-80.
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    Replies.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (3):893-904.
  25. As novas formas de narrativas encontradas no blog.Patrícia Margarida Farias Coelho & Marcos Rogério Martins Costa - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 93.
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    A Buddhist Response to Kwok-ying L au ’s Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding.Patricia Huntington - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (1):109-118.
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    Anaxagoras.Patricia Curd - 2007 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (a major Greek city of Ionian Asia Minor), a Greek philosopher of the 5th century B.C.E. (born ca. 500–480), was the first of the Presocratic philosophers to live in Athens. He propounded a physical theory of “everything-in-everything,” and claimed that nous (intellect or mind) was the motive cause of the cosmos. He was the first to give a correct explanation of eclipses, and was both famous and notorious for his scientific theories, including the claims that the sun (...)
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  28. Where are Love and Strife? Incorporeality in Empedocles.Patricia Curd - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn (eds.), Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. pp. 113-138.
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    Resenha.Patrícia da Silva Santos - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):227-230.
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    Acknowledgments.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press.
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    5. Apostrophe in the Westering Sublime: The Matrilineal Muse of Homer, Virgil, Dryden, Pope, and T. S. Eliot.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 71-88.
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    Contents.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press.
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    6. Counterperiodization and the Colloquial:Wordsworth and “the Days of Dryden and Pope”.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 89-109.
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    Index.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 291-293.
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  35. La doctrina tomista de la memoria espiritual: Un punto de equilibrio ante las anomalías de la psicologfa contemporánea.Patricia Schell - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (215):49-75.
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    Preface.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press.
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    8. Self-Endangerment and Obliviousness in “Personal Culture”: Goethe’s “Manifold” Tasso.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 140-160.
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    2. The Cultural Sublime: Descartes, Kant, and Rembrandt.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 25-40.
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    1. The Cultural Sublime: Descartes, Kant, and Rembrandt.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 1-24.
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    7. The Reinvention of Desire: Milton’s Sublime Melancholia.Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor - 2000 - In Patricia J. Scharlin & J. Gary Taylor (eds.), The Western Theory of Tradition: Terms and Paradigms of the Cultural Sublime. Yale University Press. pp. 110-139.
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    Deception and Belief in Parmenides' Doxa.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1992 - Apeiron 25 (2):109.
  42. The Nature of Consciousness Handout [11].Patricia Churchland & JeeLoo Liu - unknown
    *[Intertheoretic Reduction]: ___ When a new and very powerful theory turns out to entail a set of propositions and principles that mirror perfectly the propositions of some older theory or conceptual framework, we can conclude that the old terms and the new terms refer to the very same thing, or express the very same properties. (e.g. heat = high average molecular kinetic energy) The old theory is then said to be "reducible" to the new theory.
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    Realism without Empiricism.Patricia Hanna - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:65-73.
    In his later writings, Wittgenstein is generally taken as committed to anti-realism. In this paper, I argue that this is mistaken. Although he is committed to ontic anti-realism, this does not preclude his acceptance of epistemic realism. I argue that the possibility of using practices to fix meanings and to provide aframework for conceptual differentiation of our experiences rests upon a version of realism, which I call "praxial realism", which does not presuppose anything like a Kantian noumenal world.
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    Repertorio de prácticas escénicas de resistencia cultural: El pachallampe.Patricia Henríquez & Mauricio Ostria - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 41:191-205.
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    Science and Civilisation in China. Volume V: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part 9: Textile Technology: Spinning and ReelingJoseph Needham Dieter Kuhn.Patricia Hilts - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):744-745.
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    Globalizing Feminism: Taking Refuge in the Liberated Mind.Patricia Huntington - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (2):355-360.
    One of the most pressing and urgent academic tasks of the day is to dismantle the persistent Eurocentrism of philosophy. In the quest to remedy the white, middle-class, heteronormative, and European biases of philosophy's initial expressions, feminist theorizing has cultivated culturally and ethnically specific forms, intersectional analyses, and global articulations. Buddhism beyond Gender and Women and Buddhist Philosophy breathe new vitality into these pursuits. Both books underscore the immense potential of the core doctrines of Buddhist philosophy, such as the nonsubstantialist (...)
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    II. A Practical Philosophy of Religion: A Response to Terrence Tilley’s The Wisdom of Religious Commitment.Patricia A. Johnson - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (1):71-78.
    While sympathetic to Tilley’s call for a practical philosophy of religion, I raise three questions: Does Tilley think that one can do philosophy of religion from a position other than that of a committed believer? Does Tilley’s description of the ordinary believer disburden most people from doubt and answerability? Does Tilley’s description of the role of the theologian place too much trust in the theologian? I suggest that some insights from contemporary phenomenology and hermeneutics would lead to a clearer understanding (...)
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    Clayton Crockett, B. Keith Putt, and Jeffrey W. Robbins : The future of Continental philosophy of religion: Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2014, 292 pp, $40.00.Patricia Altenbernd Johnson - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (3):277-280.
    Edward Mooney describes Continental philosophy of religion as “marked by labor under the shadow of Nietzsche’s death of God, under the associated threats and realities of loss of unified authors, selves, texts, and ethics, and under the loss of confidence in epistemology, ontology, and representation” . The question this anthology of nineteen essays raises is what this labor may be after the deaths of Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, and Levinas. Is there a future for Continental philosophy of religion? What labor do (...)
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  49. Where are love and strife?: incorporeality in Empedocles.Patricia Curd - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn (eds.), Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. pp. 113-138.
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    Free Will Matters.Patricia Churchland - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (3):1-2.
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